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December 10, 2019 DIGITAL TASK

What is the most important thing we should teach young girls/boys today?

Living in the world full of criticism, judgement, discrimination and racism were very tiring

because of the negativity people bring to each one of us. We should teach the young children the

good behavior and characteristics they have as an individual. As they grow, We, the society,

should show the children a good example and role model to them. Not just show, but teach them

that respect was always present in every individual in the society. As a youth today, let us teach

these children to be sensitive enough in every word we are dropping and saying because words

can kill someone’s life emotionally and spiritually. It may result to something we will regret

forever. Moreover, if we teach these children today, they will do the same thing as they grow

older. We are the starting point and they will be the progress in the goal we want to achieve.

Every life, people, race and gender orientation are beautiful and we should stop putting each

other down, instead we should be the one helping each other to move forward so that we can

proceed in our life. Everyone’s success will also be our success and vice versa. Children is the key

to our future and we should start building this key by doing our best to teach the things that will

help them grow mature and sensitive. It will stay in their mind all the lessons and teachings we

taught to them. Having these lesson will make them respect every individual in the country.

However, we shouldn’t let others bring us down. Life is beautiful and so are the people living in

the universe. Everyone of us is unique in every way because we are made to make the world

better and peaceful.

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