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Septemeber - December 2021

Shazia Khawaja
Mehr un Nisa

F: kiirnpo T: @_kiir_

Human Rights Report


01 Introduction 05
02 Extra Judicial Killings 06
03 Torture 06
04 Illegal Detention 07
05 Digital Apartheid in IIOJK 08
06 Statistical Data 09
07 Graphical Illustration 11
08 Extra Judicial Killings Cases 13
09 Illegal Detention Cases 20
10 Torture Cases 31

Human Rights Report

In IIOJK over the

last 30 years alone,
Indian occupation
forces have killed
nearly 100,000
people, raped or
molested over
11,000 women,
dug over 6,500
unmarked graves
and created over
90,000 orphans.
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Human Rights Report

INTRODUCTION • Life in Kashmir has become

more challenging when India
unilaterally abrogated articles
Life in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir was never 370 and 35a which gave special
normal. People of Kashmir are struggling for their right to status to the state of Jammu &
self-determination for decades. This never-ending struggle Kashmir.
has cost them their precious lives. Kashmir is the most
militarized region and the Indian troops brutally keep killing,
• Indian authorities continued
detaining, and torturing the people of Kashmir. However,
the human rights violations
life in Kashmir has be-come more challenging when India
unilaterally abrogated articles 370 and 35a which gave spe- by using fake operations and
cial status to the state of Jammu & Kashmir. The Indian false laws like The Cordon and
government claimed to bring develop-mental changes and Search Operations (CASO),
peace in the region but the aims of the Indian government Public Safety Act (PSA),
were different. It’s been two years of ample turmoil in the Unlawful Activities Preven-
occupied valley, the people of Kashmir are facing extreme tion Act (UAPA), Armed Forces
violence and suffering. There is a rise in search operations,
Special Power Act (AFSPA) and
raids and fake encounters. Extra-judicial killings, Illegal
raids by the infamous National
detentions, torture, and different ways of violence of Human
rights by Indian armed forces has become a routine in Indian In-vestigation Agency (NIA) of
Illegally occupied Kashmir India.

Indian authorities continued the human rights violations • Indian troops, Paramilitary
by using fake operations and false laws like The Cordon forces, Special Forces groups
and Search Operations (CASO), Public Safety Act (PSA), conduct these operations for
Unlawful Activi-ties Prevention Act (UAPA), Armed Forces
extra-judicial killing, illegal
Special Power Act (AFSPA) and raids by the in-famous
detention, raiding homes,
National Investigation Agency (NIA) of India. Indian troops,
Paramilitary forces, Spe-cial Forces groups conduct these destroying homes by using
operations for extra-judicial killing, illegal detention, raiding chemical explosives of
homes, destroying homes by using chemical explosives of innocent Kashmiris. These
innocent Kashmiris. These opera-tions are nothing but the operations are nothing but the
updated ways of massacre of people of Kashmir especially updated ways of massacre of
Muslims. people of Kashmir especially
The Kashmir conflict is more than a territorial conflict, it
is simply a struggle for right to self-determination by the
• In recent years, human rights
people of Kashmir. Indian authorities are brazenly denying
the human rights, democratic rights, social rights, education, conditions further deteriorated
healthcare and access towards information in Indian Illegally as Indian occupation forces
occupied Kashmir.1 embarked on a catch and kill
campaign targeting Kashmiri

1 In Kashmir, military lockdown and pandemic combined are one giant deadly threat_by Ifat Gazia

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Human Rights Report

• There has been an immense

increase in the incidents of
EXTRA JUDICIAL KILLINGS state-sponsored violence.
Indian oppression in Kashmir has elevated since August 5,
2019. Indian troops and police are brutally targeting and • Killing of civilians in fake-
killing innocent Kashmiri Muslims. Indian extremist Modi’s encounters and summary
government has on the path to change the Muslim majority
executions of detainees by the
into minority in Indian occupied Kashmir. Indian troops are
killing Kashmiris especially the youth of Kashmir by using Indian “security forces” have
different draconian and false laws. become common.

According to news agency Kashmir Media Service (KMS), from • “In This New Kashmir The
1989 till November, 2021, Indian troops have killed around Ground Has Cracked Open. All
95,917 people in Kashmir while the number of custodial kill-
The Fear And Misery And Terror
ings is 7,215. Over seven decades, millions of Kashmiris have
been killed by Indian troops for demanding their right to self- Of Yesterday Is Channeled Into
determination. A report by KMS showed that 484 Kashmiris A New And Unknown Tragedy
were martyred by Indian troops since August 2019, most of That Is Exploding. It Feels Like
the people were killed during fake encounters while others
Massive Prison Gates Have
died in detention.2
Clamped Shut Around Our
A surge in violence is seen in Kashmir after September 2021, Kashmir, Our Neigh-borhood,
fake encounters and search op-erations are increasing day by And My Heart. We Can’t
day. The Cordon and Search operations (CASO) conducted Breathe.”
by Indian troops and paramilitary forces started in October,
(A Kashmiri Woman)
2021 which resulted in killing of doz-ens of innocent civilians.

• “Indian Government Claims

TORTURE That It Was Determined To
The Indian police and the security forces use metal pellets on Im-prove Kashmiri Lives
children, youth and women to stop and disperse people from Ring Hollow One Year After
protests. Use of metal pellet is against the humanitarian laws The Revocation Of Jammu
be-cause of its worst effects and injuries but Indian troops,
And Kashmir’s Constitutional
despite knowing the facts, are violating all the decrees and
continuing their acts of state terrorism. Indian police continued Status, The Authori-ties
to beat and torture innocent Kashmiris in custody by gaining Instead Have Maintained Sti-
power under some draconian laws like, PSA, UAPA, CASO’s fling Restraints On Kashmiris
etc. Miserably, the Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA)
has provided impunity to Indian armed forces and police. In Vi-olation Of Their Basic
Under the power of this law, they are continuously committing Rights.”
grave human rights exploitations in Jammu & Kashmir 3
Meenakshi Ganguly
(South Asia Director At Human
Rights Watch)

2 484 Kashmiris martyred by Indian troops since Aug 5, 2019.

3 India Events of 2020, Impunity of Security Forces.

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Human Rights Report

After scrapping the article 370, around 4000 civilians and 200
politicians were arrested and de-tained by Indian forces and
police to suppress the protests.4

Indian anti-terrorism agency, NIA (National Investigation

Agency) continued raiding the hous-es of prominent Kashmiri • Over 600 habeas corpus
leaders, activists, and journalists. Apart from the leaders and petitions are pending in
journal-ists, the youth of Kashmir is being illegally detained Indian courts. More than 150
on fake charges. Among the illegally de-tained people are;
magisterial inquiries into the
Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Mussarat Alam Butt, Muhammad
Yaseen Malik, Naeem Ahmed Khan, Asia Indrabi, Ayaz Akbar, disputed killings have been
Farooq Ahmad Dar, Peer Saifullah, Mehrajuddin Kalwal, dumped in Kashmir since
Mujahid Ashraf, Rashid Ashraf and Muhammad Altaf Khan. 1990, from January 2008 and
Salman Shah, Sohail Dar, Manan Dar and Khurrum Parvaiz
are among the 22 journalists who are de-tained by NIA. December 2018, 107 enquiries
were ordered by the Jammu
Human Rights Defender Khurrum Parvaiz was arrested on and Kashmir Government. The
November 22, 2021 under Unlaw-ful Activity Prevention Act
highest numbers of enquiries
and is still in detention at Rohini Jail Complex. UN experts has
urged Indian authorities to release the human rights defender were ordered in 2009. Despite
immediately. An expert stated that, “We are concerned that 107 inquiries, no one has
one month after Mr. Pervez’s arrest, he is still deprived of been prosecuted or held
liberty in what appears to be a new incident of retaliation
for his legitimate activities as a human rights defender and accountable.
because he has spoken out about violations.”5
• Reprisals against civilians and
The Public Safety Act is a prime example of the process being attacks on politicians, civil
the punishment. With no provision for appeal, the only respite
society activists, journalists
is a habeas corpus petition that can be filed only after the
order has been approved by the Board which takes around and human rights defenders
three months if the timeline stipulated in the Act is strictly have escalated dramatically
adhered to. The role of the detaining authority is pivotal in since 5th August 2019.
ensuring that there is fair and cautious use of preventive
detention. It is their duty to exercise application of mind and
examine all the material placed by the police. Preventive
detention aims to detain a person who is likely to commit a
crime. The purpose is to prevent a crime from happening as
opposed to ordinary criminal law which is punitive in nature
and triggered after commission of an offence.6

More than 150 magisterial inquiries into the disputed killings have been dumped in Kashmir since 1990.
A report compiled by International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) in collaboration with Jammu
Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS) shows that between January 2008 and December 2018, 107
enquiries were ordered by the Jammu and Kashmir Government. The highest numbers of enquiries were
ordered in 2009. Despite 107 inquiries, no one has been prosecuted or held accountable

4 Thousands detained in Indian Kashmir crackdown, official data reveals.

5 UN experts urge Indian authorities to stop targeting Kashmiri human rights defender Khurram Parvez and release him immediately.
6 Manisha Bhau, Kashmir’s ‘Lawless Law’ Awaits SC Decision, 20 Jun 2020

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Human Rights Report


• In IIOJK, the media has been under fire for the past several years.
In addition to the Indian government’s control of the communication
process, the unwanted and uncalled for curbs on media such as
More than surveillance, formal/informal investiga-tions, harassment, intimidation,
restrictions in all the processes of news-gathering have hugely

500,000 hampered the journalistic activities in the region besides undermining

the role of free media.

Kashmiri • The Indian state directly pressured local print and news media to
blackout sto-ries related to the police, army, and paramilitary’s use
of disproportionate force on protestors, and curbs on freedoms of
have lost expression and speech.

• The digital platforms have fallen short of their commitments in

their Jobs upholding and fulfilling their stated human rights obligations to people
living in the world’s most militarized region (Kashmir). An analysis of

because the patterns of content removal and restrictions on accounts, indicates

multiple layers of online censorship directly enabled by the platforms.

of Digital • A common method of censorship involves the platform directly

removing user content or restricting profiles at the behest of the Indian
government, or in response to reports from other users.
Apartheid • The digital companies have been monitoring political speech globally,

using a set of biased rules which favour governments and the far right.
The Facebook rules instruct moderators to censor content with the
phrase “Free Kashmir “and deem content that calls for an independent

post Kashmir illegal in India.

• Social media corporations’ censorship of Kashmiris in the digital space

Aug 5 at the behest of the Indian government is in violation of the UN Guiding

Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).

• The failure of social media companies to take steps to stop Islamophobic

and racist hate speech directed at Kashmiri Muslims also is in violation
of the UNGPs.

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Human Rights Report

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Human Rights Report

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Human Rights Report

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Human Rights Report

who are
(in IIOJK)
are mostly
House of Commons of the
United Kingdom
UK Parliament
Human Rights Report

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Human Rights Report

Victim Name: Meraj-ud-Din Mir S/O Mohammad Victim Name: Mohammad Shafi Shah s/o
Amin Mir (National Conference Panch) Mohammad Satar Shah Age: 40-year-old
Resident of: Sopore Village (North Kashmir) Resident of: Handwara
Place of incident: Ladoora Village Place of incident: Haryana
Date of incident: September 5, 2021 Date of incident: September 11, 2021
Agency involved: Indian Army Agency involved: Indian Army
Testimony: On September 5, 2021, the dead body Testimony: On Saturday, September 11, 2021,
of Meraj-ud-Din Mir, son of Mohammad Amin Mohammad Shafi Shah s/o Mohammad Satar
Mir, a member of the National Conference in Shah of Lillam in Ramhall Handwara, was found
Sopore Village of North Kashmir was recovered dead in Haryana (North Indian State). However,
from Ladoora Village by Indian Police. However, his family suspects that he was killed by Indian
his family suspects that he was killed by Indian Army. The deceased was 40 years old, a shawl
Army. 7 seller by profession, and was living at his rented
CASE#02 place Shalferi Golah district Kaithal near Dhaba.10
Victim Name: Danish Ahmad Ganie s/o CASE#05
Muhammad Yousuf Age: 15-year-old Victim Name: Umer Dev son of Abdul Ahad Dev
Resident of: Lalpora Place of incident: Lolab Age: 20 years old Resident of: Chewdara Beerwah,
Date of incident: September 12, 2021 Budgam Place of incident: RIMT University
Agency involved: Indian Army Ludhiana Road Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab
Testimony: On September 12, 2021, in a jungle Date of incident: September 13, 2021
of Lolab, a body of a 15 years old boy was found
Agency involved: Indian Army
hanging on a tree. According to the family, after
Testimony: On September 13, 2021, family
the boy left home in the afternoon they were not
members of Umer Dev S/O Abdul Ahad Dev from
able to talk to him as he didn’t answer their phone
Chewdara Beerwah, Budgam received the news of
calls. However, his family suspects that Danishthe death of their son. The 20 years old Umer Dev
was killed by Indian Army.8 was a student of BSc Radiology (3rd Semester)
CASE#03 at RIMT University Ludhiana Road Gobindgarh
Victim Name: Javaid Ahmad Age: 21-year-old Mandi Punjab. Family is still waiting for post
Resident of: Baramulla mortem reports and have appealed to investigate
Place of incident: Baramulla (North Kashmir) the case in-depth as they suspect that he was
Date of incident: September 11, 2021 killed by Indian Army. Since the Modi regime has
Agency involved: Indian Army person come into power, the killing of Kashmiri youth by
Testimony: On the morning of September 11, Hindu extremists inside India has become a new
2021, Javaid Ahmed, a 21-year-old student who norm.

belonged to the Baramulla district of Kashmir, CASE#06

was found dead near Ningli Nallah. The dubious Victim name: Mujeeb Lone son of Mohd. Amin Lone,
case was registered and investigation has been Resident of: Redwani Bala Kulgam
instigated under 174 CrPC.9 Place of incident: Rakhama area of Shopian

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Human Rights Report

Date of incident: October 01, 2021 CASE#09

Agency involved: Joint team of Indian Army, Victim name: Imtiyaz Ahmad
Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), and po-lice Place of incident: Shahgund, Bandipore district
personnel & Khagund, Islamabad district
Testimony: On October 01, 2021, the Indian Army, Date of incident: October 11, 2021
police personnel, and Central Reserve Police Agency involved: Indian Troops
Force 34RR and 178Bn CRPF launched a cordon Testimony: A Cordon and Search Operations was
and search operation (CASO) in Rakhama area of launched by Indian troops on October 11, 2021,
Shopian district. During the CASO, Mujeeb Lone, in which they killed two civilians. Imtiyaz Ahmad
a Kashmiri youth was martyred. Indian po-lice was killed in Shahgund, Bandipore while other
and troops practice the acts of state terrorism was killed in Khagund, Islamabad. five youth
and martyr innocent Kashmiris on daily basis were also arrested from these two areas.15
by launching fake search operations and putting CASE#10
false allegations.12 Victim name: Unidentified
CASE#07 Resident of: District Shopian
Victim name: Parvez Ahmad Khan Place of incident: Tulran, district Shopian
Resident of: Kiherbal, Islamabad district Date of incident: October 11, 2021
Place of incident: Monghal Bridge, Islamabad Agency involved: Army’s 34 RR and CRPF’s 178
Date of incident: October 08, 2021 battalions and Indian Police
Agency involved: 40 battalions of the Indian Testimony: On October 11, 2021, the Army’s 34
Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) RR and CRPF’s 178 battalions and a joint team of
Testimony: On October 8, 2021, Parvez Ahmad police launched a Cordon and Search Operation
was shot dead by Indian Central Reserve Police (CASO) in the Tulran area of the Shopian district.
Force (CRPF) at the checkpoint at Monghal During the operation, they killed three youth, and
Bridge, district Islamabad of Kashmir. He was the operation was continued.16
a daily wager and while crossing the Monghal CASE#11
Bridge Checkpoint, CRPF personnel killed him on Victim name: Unidentified
the spot. They even did not let his family perform Resident of: District Shopian
the last rites of the deceased.13 Place of incident: Feeripora, district Shopian
CASE#08 Date of incident: October 12, 2021
Victim name: Aqib Bashir Kumar Agency involved: Army’s 34 RR and CRPF’s 178
Place of incident: Natipora, Srinagar battalions and Indian Police
Date of incident: October 08, 2021 Testimony: In a Cordon and Search Operation
Agency involved: Indian police and Troops launched in the Shopian district of Kashmir, the
Testimony: On October 8, 2021, Indian Police and Indian troops killed two youth from Feeripora
Troops launched a cordon and search operation of the Shopian district on October 12, 2021.
in the Natipora area of Srinagar. The police shot According to Police, the CASO was launched by
dead a Kashmiri youth in the fake operation.14 Indian Troops, and it was still going on.17

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Human Rights Report

Victim name: Unidentified Victim Name: Shahid Aijaz
Resident of: Pulwama Age: 20 years old
Place of incident: Tral area of the district Pulwama
Resident of: Islamabad district of Kashmir
Date of incident: October 13, 2021 Place of incident: Zainapora, Shopian district
Agency involved: Indian troops Date of incident: October 24, 2021
Testimony: Indian troops launched Cordon and Agency involved: Indian paramilitary Central
Search Operation (CASO) in Tral area of Pulwama Reserve Police Force personnel
district on October 13, 2021 and martyred a Testimony: On October 23, 2021, Indian troops
youth there. While conducting the operation they martyred Shahid Aijaz who belonged to Islamabad
martyred another youth from Pulwama district.18 town near Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
CASE#13 camp in Babapora area of Zainapora hamlet in
Victim name: Unidentified the district. He was walking on foot when CRPF
Resident of: Srinagar and Pulwama personnel fired at him in Zainapora area of the
Place of incident: Bemina, Srinagar and Wahibug, district. There was no cross firing in the area. The
Pulwama troops are killing innocent people and brand-ing
Date of incident: October 15, 2021 them as militants. We want justice.”21
Agency involved: Indian troops CASE#16
Testimony: While conducting cordon and search Victim Name: Javed Ahmad
operation (CASO) in Bemina area of Srinagar Resident of: Kulgam district
Indian troops martyred a youth. And in similar Place of incident: Cherdari area of Kulgam
search operation, they martyred another youth in Date of incident: October 28, 2021
Wa-hibug area of Pulwama. These operations in Agency involved: Indian troops
Indian Illegally occupied Kashmir are nothing but Testimony: The Indian troops martyred a youth,
the acts of state terrorism. They are undertaking Javed Ahmad, resident of Kulgam district, during
mass murder of Kashmiri people especially youth a cordon and search operation in Cherdari area of
in the name of so called search operations.19 the district on October 28, 2021. 22
Victim Name: Unidentified Victim Name: Mohammad Ibrahim Khan
Place of incident: Devsar area of Kulgam district Resident of: Bandipora district
Date of incident: October 20, 2021 Place of incident: Srinagar
Agency involved: Indian Troops Date of incident: November, 08, 2020
Testimony: Indian troops martyred two Kashmiri Agency involved: Indian Army
youth. The troops martyred two youth during Testimony: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu
a cordon and search operation on evening of and Kashmir, a civilian was killed after Indian
October 20, 2021, in Devsar area of Kulgam Army fired upon him in Srinagar on Monday. The
district. Earlier in the morning, the troops man has been identified as Mohammad Ibrahim
martyred two youth in a military operation in Khan, a resident of Bandipora district. According
Draged area of the Shopian district.20 to police, Mohammad Ibrahim sustained critical

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Human Rights Report

inju-ries in the firing in Borikadal area and was Agency involved: Indian Army
taken to a hospital, where he died.23 Testimony: A 27-year-old man went missing for
CASE#18 four days, later was found dead at Chowkibal in
Victim Name: Unidentified Kup-wara, on November 16, 2021. Bilal Ahmad
Place of incident: Kulgam and Srinagar districts Payer was found along Nallah Kehmil near Dar
Date of incident: November 12, 2020 Mohalla Chowkibal. However, his family suspects
Agency involved: Indian troops that he was killed by Indian Army. The body was
Testimony: Indian troops martyred two Kashmiri displaced from the site and taken to the nearby
youth in Kulgam and Srinagar districts on Kralpora hospital for medico-legal procedures.

November 12, 2021. A youth was martyred by CASE# 21

the troops in morning during a cordon and search Victim name: Unidentified
operation (CASO) in Chawalgam area of Kulgam Resident of: Kulgam Place of incident: Pmbai
district. In Srinagar, the troops martyred a youth and Gopalpora, Kulgam district
in a fake encounter during a separate cordon and Date of incident: November 17, 2021
search operation in Bemina area of the city. Both Agency involved: Indian troops
the military operations were going on in Kulgam Testimony: On November 17, 2021, Indian troops
and Srinagar.24 martyred five more youth in Kulgam district. The
CASE#19 youth were killed by the troops during cordon and
Victim Name: Altaf Ahmad Butt, Dr. Mudassar search operations (CASO’s) in Pmbai and Gopal-
Place of incident: Hyderpora, Srinagar pora areas of the district.27
Date of incident: November 16, 2021
CASE# 22
Agency involved: Indian Troops
Victim name: Unidentified
Testimony: Indian troops inhumanly martyred
Place of incident: Ashmuji, Kulgam
three Kashmiri businessmen and a doctor in
Date of incident: November 20, 2021
Srinagar. The martyred were identified as a
Agency involved: Indian Troops
cement trader Altaf Ahmad Butt, a property
Testimony: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu
dealer, a tea stall owner and a doctor named
and Kashmir, Indian troops martyred one Kashmiri
Mudassar. Altaf was a cement trader but police
youth in Kulgam district. The troops martyred the
put fake allegations of militancy on him. These
youth during their so called cordon and search
brutal killings prompted protests in Burzulla area
opera-tion in Ashmuji area of the district.28
of the city and the families demanded for the
bodies of their martyred relatives.25 CASE# 23
Victim name: Mehran, Arfat Ahmad and Manzoor
Ahmad Resident of: Srinagar
Victim Name: Bilal Ahmad Payer
Place of incident: Rambagh, Srinagar
Age: 27-year-old
Date of incident: November 24, 2021
Resident of: Kupwara
Agency involved: Indian Troops
Place of incident: Chowkibal, Kupwara
Testimony: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu
Date of incident: November 16, 2021
and Kashmir, Indian troops in their fresh act of

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Human Rights Report

state terror-ism martyred three Kashmiri youth person was identified as Farhan Ahmad Kar son
in Srinagar. The troops shot dead the youth in of Nisar Ahmad Kar, a resident of Nayibasti Tral,
Rambagh area of Srinagar. Eyewitnesses told Pulwama. However, his family suspects that he
media that the victims were taken out from a car was killed by Indian Army.The body was taken into
and shot dead on the street by the troops.29 custody by police for medico-legal formalities.32
CASE# 24 CASE# 27
Victim name: Unidentified Victim name: Unidentified
Place of incident: Bhimber Gali, Poonch Place of incident: Jeel Bridge Singpora, Baramulla
Date of incident: November 26, 2021 Date of incident: December 07, 2021
Agency involved: Indian Troops Agency involved: Indian Army
Testimony: Indian troops martyred a youth Testimony: On December 07, 2021, a dead body
during a vicious military operation in Bhimber of an unknown male was found near Jeel Bridge,
Gali, area of the district Poonch. Indian military Sing-pora area of Baramulla district. The body
operations have been going on in Surnakote, was spotted by locals and they informed police
Mendhar, Thana-mandi and nearby areas of the about body. The soldiers of Indian troops are
Line of Control (LoC) for over one month.30 suspected of killing him.33
CASE# 25 CASE#28
Victim name: Unidentified Victim name: Unidentified
Place of incident: Pulwama district Place of incident: Check-e-Cholan area of
Date of incident: December 01, 2021 Shopian district Date of incident: December 8,
Agency involved: Indian troops, paramilitary 2021 Agency involved: Indian troops
forces and police personnel Testimony: On December 8, 2021, Indian troops
Testimony: Indian troops brutally martyred two martyred three Kashmiri youth in Check-e-
youth in Pulwama district. Indian troops along Cholan area of Shopian district. The troops
with para-military forces and police personnel martyred Kashmiri youth during their so called
conducted a cordon and search operation at Cordon and Search Operation. They destroyed
Qasbayar area of the Pulwama district and residential places by the use of chemicals and
martyred two youth. The killing of two youth was heavy armaments. No media person were allowed
also confirmed by a senior police officer.31 to enter the area and the internet services were
CASE# 26 suspended.34
Victim name: Farhan Ahmad Kar son of Nisar CASE# 29
Ahmad Kar Resident of: Nayibasti Tral Victim name: Unidentified
Place of incident: Bagwani Tral, Pulwama Place of incident: Baragam, Pulwama
Date of incident: December 02, 2021 Date of incident: December 12, 2021
Agency involved: Indian Army Agency involved: Indian Troops, Paramilitary
Testimony: A body of a 23 year old was found in forces and police personnel
fields of Bagwani Tral area of Pulwama. A bike Testimony: On December 12, 2021, Indian troops
was also found near the dead body. The dead along with paramilitary forces and policemen

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Human Rights Report

martyred one Kashmiri youth during their so points of the area while authorities suspended
called Cordon and Search Operations in Baragam internet services from the area where search
area of Pulwama district. operations were going on.
CASE# 30 CASE#33
Victim name: Unidentified Victim name: Unidentified
Resident of: Srinagar Place of incident: Rangret Resident of: Kulgam
area of the district Srinagar Place of incident: Redwani Bala, Kulgam
Date of incident: December 13, 2021 Date of incident: December 16, 2021
Agency involved: Indian troops Agency involved: Indian troops and paramilitary
Testimony: Indian troops and paramilitary forces forces
in their constant inhuman and fake encounters Testimony: On December 16, 2021, Indian troops
martyred two Kashmiri youth from Rangret area martyred two Kashmiri youth from Redwani Bala
of Srinagar city. The youth were martyred in fake area of Kulgam district during so called cordon
and inhuman encounters in Cordon and Search and search operation. The troops sealed the area
Operations. The residents of that area protested and internet services were also suspended.
against these fake encounters by chanting anti- CASE#34
India slogans. Victim name: Unidentified
CASE#31 Resident of: Srinagar Place of incident: Harwan,
Victim name: Unidentified Resident of: Poonch Srinagar Date of incident: December 19, 2021
district Place of incident: Surankote area of Agency involved: Indian Troops, Paramilitary
Poonch district Date of incident: Dec 14, 2021 forces and Special Operation Group forces
Agency involved: Indian Troops, Paramilitary Testimony: Indian troops along with the
Central Reserve Police Force and Special Oper- paramilitary forces martyred one youth from
ation Group Harwan, Srinagar on December 19, 2021. The
Testimony: On December 14, 2021, Indian troops police claimed that he was a militant and was
along with Paramilitary Central Reserve Police martyred during Cordon and Search Operation.
Force and Special Operation Group conducted The eyewitnesses said that the youth was
fake search operations and martyred one martyred in fake encounter and no search
Kashmiri youth from Surankote area of Poonch operation was conducted.
Victim name: Unidentified
Resident of: Pulwama
Place of incident: Rajpore area of Pulwama
Date of incident: December 15, 2021
Agency involved: Indian Troops
Testimony: Indian troops martyred one Kashmiri
youth in Rajpore area of Pulwama on December
15, 2021. The youth was martyred during the
Cordon and Search operations conducted by
Indian troops. The martyred remained Indian
Army because the troops sealed the entry and exit
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Human Rights Report

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Human Rights Report

Victim name: Showkat Ahmed Mota, Izhaar Victim name: Jahangir Ali, Basharat Khan and
Qadri, Shah Abbas and Hilal Mir Sheraz
Resident of: Srinagar Place of incident: Kochi city of Kerala state
Place of incident: Srinagar Date of incident: September 8, 2021
Date of incident: September 8, 2021 Agency involved: Indian Police
Agency involved: Indian Police Testimony: During a fake search operation,
Testimony: Indian police along with personnel Indian troops and police personnel arrested three
of CIK (Counter Intelligence Kashmir) raided the youth Jahangir Ali, Basharat Khan and Sheraz
houses of notable journalists, Showkat Ahmed in different areas of Poonch district. The Indian
Mota, Izhaar Qadri, Shah Abbas and Hilal Mir in police arrested 18 private security guards from
Srina-gar. The police arrested them during raids Kochi city of Kerala state. All the arrested youth
and lodged them at Kothi Bagh Police Station hailed from Rajouri district of Jammu.37
in Sri-nagar and also seized their laptops and CASE#4
mobile phones. Showkat Ahmed Mota is Chief Name: Nazir Ahmed s/o Noor Mohd Gorsi
Editor of Kashmir Narrator Magazine. Hilal Mir is Resident of: Budhar Bonjwah, Kishtawar
works for TRT World, a Turkish public broadcast- Place of incident: Kishtwar, Jammu
er news channel. Izhaar Qadri is working with Date of incident: September 15, 2021
many news channels. These raids are nothing Agency involved: Indian Police
but an act of aggravation and harassment Testimony: Indian police raided the area of
because Indian government wants to silence the Budhar Bonjwah on September 15, 2021, and
voic-es of people of Kashmir especially Kashmiri arrested Nazir Ahmed who is a resident of Budhar
journalists.35 Bonjwah, Kishtawar. Under the supervision of
CASE#2 Dy.SP Hqrs Devinder Singh Bandral, Moin Khan
Victim name: Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi led a special team of police to raid specific
Resident of: Darul Mustafa, Badgam locations. Nazir was booked under the case FIR
Place of incident: Darul Mustafa, Badgam No. 187/2009 U/Sec.307/ RPC 7/27 IA Act. The
Date of incident: September 8, 2021 ac-cused has been put forward in judicial custody
Agency involved: Indian Police on the orders of session court Kishtawar.38
Testimony:The authorities placed the senior CASE#5
APHC leader and the President of Jammu and Victim name: Nisar Ahmed Khan
Kashmir Anjuman Sharie Shian, Agha Syed Resident of: Rakhi-Brah area of South Kashmir
Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi, under house arrest. Place of incident: Ghagwal area of Samba district
Anjuman Sharie Shian spokesman said that on Date of incident: September 18, 2021
September 01, 2021 late evening, police officials Agency involved: Indian Police
arrived at Darul Mustafa, the residence of Agha Testimony: On September 18, 2021, a Muslim
Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi, and informed him that cattle trader, Nisar Ahmed Khan was arrested on
he has been detained and will not be allowed to false charges of cattle smuggling. The trader was
carry out his religious and social activities.36 transporting a herd of cattle towards Kashmir
Val-ley and was arrested from a checkpoint of

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Ghagwal area Samba district. The police not only CASE#8

arrested the innocent trader but also took away Victim name: Shamim Sofi
19 cattle from him and seized his conveyance. Place of incident: Nikloora, Pulwama district
The police of the Jammu region is dominated by Date of incident: October 1, 2021
Hindu extremists who arrest innocent Muslim Agency involved: Indian Police and Troops
traders and put fake charges of smuggling on Testimony: On October 1, 2021, Indian Police
them.39 and Armed forces launched CASO (cordon and
CASE#6 search op-eration) and arrested a youth; Shamim
Victim name: Asadullah Parray, Rafeeq, Hilal Sofi, from the Nikloora area of Pulwama, the
Ahmed Shah district of South Kashmir. The police put on him
Place of incident: Hajin area of Bandipora district the assertion of his association with the Mujahid
Date of incident: September 23, 2021 organization.42
Agency involved: Indian police CASE#9
Victim name: Mohammad Shaban Dar (Tehreek-
Testimony: Indian Police raided the Hajin area of
e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir leader and
Banipora district on September 23, 2021, claiming
former district President Kulgam)
that it arrested people who were associated with
Age: 65 years old
Jamaat-e-Islami. The people who got arrested
Place of incident: Kulgam, Kashmir
are Asadullah Parray, Rafeeq and Hilal Ahmed
Date of incident: October 6, 2021
Shah. According to Indian Police, Assadullah
Par-ray has associations with Masarrat AlamAgency involved: Indian Police & Troops
Butt who has dozens of PSAs against him andTestimony: The former district President Kulgam
has spent a decade in detention.40 and leader of Tehreek_e_Hurriyat Jammu &
CASE#7 Kashmir, Mohammad Shaban Dar (65 years old)
Victim name: Ubaid Mushtaq, Danish Rasool, was arrested by Indian police under UAPA Law
Aadil Jamal Butt on October 6, 2021. He was sent to Yaripora
Resident of: Dadsara, Tral area of Pulwama Police Station, Kulgam and later he was shifted
Place of incident: Qazigund area of Kulgam to district jail Kehribal Islamabad. Mohammad
district Shaban has recently spent 20 months under
Date of incident: October 1, 2021 illegal detention.43
Agency involved: Indian Police CASE#10
Testimony: Indian police arrested three youth; Victim name: Ameer Hamza (Chairman Tehreek-
Ubaid Mushtaq, Danish Rasool, and Aadil Jamal e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir)
Butt, the resident of Dadsara in the Tral area Place of incident: Bandipora
of Pulwama district on October 1, 2021. The Date of incident: October 7, 2021
three youth were arrested from Malpora Mir Agency involved: Indian Police & Troops
Bazar Crossing in Qazigund area of the Kulgam Testimony: The acting chairman of Tehreek-e-
district. Four youth were arrested from Kulgam Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir, Ameer Hamza was
and Shopian districts while another youth was re-arrested by Indian Police. He was taken to
arrested at Mujhmarg Junction area of Shopian.41 Bandipora Police Station. He was released just

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a month ago from illegal detention. During his works with BBC, was detained from his residence
detention, he was not allowed to attend the funeral at Dalgate Srinagar.46
of his wife. Tehreek_e_Hurriyat condemned the CASE#13
illegal detention of Ameer Hamza over the use Victim name: Tariq Ahmed Bafanda, Tariq Ahmed
of fake charges and false laws by affirming that Dar, Bilal Ahmed Mir, Waseem Ahmed Sofi
these atrocities by India can never suppress the Resident of: Srinagar
voices for freedom.44 Place of incident: Srinagar, Shopian, and
CASE#11 Pulwama
Victim name: Talib Hussain Date of incident: October 13, 2021
Resident of: Kokernag Agency involved: National Investigation Agency,
Place of incident: Islamabad district India (NIA)
Date of incident: October 7, 2021 Testimony: On October 13, 2021, Indian agency
Agency involved: Indian Police NIA conducted searches in 16 different locations
Testimony: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu of the district Srinagar, Shopian and Pulwama of
and Kashmir, human rights activist, Talib Hussain, IIOJK and arrested four Kashmiris.47
who was the key whistleblower in the horrific CASE#14
gang-rape of a minor girl in Kathua in 2018, has Victim name: Arif Farooq, Mohammad Hafeez,
been arrested by Indian police in south Kashmir’s Owais Ahmad, Mateen Ahmad, Muhammad
Islamabad district. He was arrested after he de- Haneef
manded justice for a tribal youth Parvez Ahmad, Place of incident: Srinagar, Budgam, Pulwama,
who was shot dead by Indian Central Reserve and Shopian
Police (CRPF) in the district, last month.45 Date of incident: October 14, 2021
CASE#12 Agency involved: National Investigation Agency
Victim name and Age: Suhail Dar (21), Salman (NIA)
Shah (30), Mukhtar Zahoor (27) Testimony: On October 14, 2021, NIA, India’s ill-
Resident of: Suhail Dar and Salman shah belong famed agency raided Srinagar, budgam. Pulwama
to Islamabad district while Mukhtar Zahoor and Shopian of Indian Illegally occupied Kashmir
belongs to Dalgate Srinagar and arrested nine persons. Arif Farooq, Mo-
Place of incident: Islamabad and Srinagar hammad Hafeez, Owais Ahmad, Mateen Ahmad,
Date of incident: October 12, 2021 Muhammad Haneef are the five out of those nine
Agency involved: Indian Armed personnel and persons who were arrested, their mobile phones
Police force and other electronic gadgets were seiged as
Testimony: In the evening of October 12, 2021, well.48
Indian armed personnel and police forces arrested CASE#15
three journalists from their residencies. Suhail Victim name: Gulzar Ahmed Malla
dar a freelance journalist and Salman Shah an Resident of: Baramulla district
editor of online free magazine, both journalists Place of incident: Kharchak Kreeri area of district
of district Islamabad were detained from their Baramulla
homes. A photojournalist, Mukhtar Zahoor who Date of incident: October 15, 2021

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Agency involved: Indian police CASE#18

Testimony: Indian police arrested a youth, Victim name: Sameer Ahmad Malla, Muzamil
Gulzar Ahmed Malla from Kharchak Kreekri Ahmad Dar, Muhammad Iqbal Ganaie, Sajad
area of Baramulla on October 15, 2021. The Ahmad Butt, Rouf Ahmad Butt, Junaid Haroon
police labelled him as the worker of a Mujahid Rashid, Waseem Ahmad Ganaie, Irfan Ahmad
organization.49 Kutay and Jahangir Ahmed Malik.
CASE#16 Place of incident: Shopian district
Victim name: Unidentified Date of incident: October 21, 2021
Place of incident: Mendhar in Poonch district Agency involved: Indian troops
Date of incident: October 17, 2021 Testimony: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu
Agency involved: Indian Police and Kashmir, nine persons from Shopian district
Testimony: Indian police arrested three persons have been arrested under draconian law, Public
at Mendhar in Poonch district. The youth have Safety Act (PSA) and shifted to district jails of
been arrest-ed during a week-long military Poonch, Rajouri and Kathua of Jammu region.
operation in the district. The detained persons Three persons, as Sameer Ahmad Malla, Muzamil
are being interro-gated. Indian forces have Ah-mad Dar and Muhammad Iqbal Ganaie, out of
started a massive crackdown in the region after nine have been shifted at District Jail, Rajouri.
the killing of two non-Kashmiris in Srinagar and Two persons, Sajad Ahmad Butt and Rouf Ahmad
Pulwama.50 Butt, were shifted to District Jail, Poonch, while
Junaid Haroon Rashid, Waseem Ahmad Ganaie,
Irfan Ahmad Kutay and Jahangir Ah-med Malik
Victim name: Junaid Shafiq Peer and Sulaiman
were booked under PSA, were sent to District
Resident of: Untoo Hamam area of Sopore town
Jail, Kathua.52
and Ganderbal
Place of incident: Sopore town and Ganderbal CASE#19
Date of incident: October 19, 2021 Victim name: Sohail Ahmed and others
Agency involved: Indian Police Resident of: Surenkote, Thanamundi and
Testimony: On October 19, 2021, Indian police Mandhar, Kishtawar
arrested two photojournalist in the occupied Place of incident: Poonch and Rajouri districts
Kashmir. A photojournalist, Junaid Shafiq Peer Date of incident: October 21, 2021
got arrested during a house raid in Untoo Hamam Agency involved: Indian troops
area of Sopore town. Another photojournalist, Testimony: On October 21, 2021, during the
Sulaiman Sath got arrested during night raid at ongoing search operations in Poonch and
his home in Ganderbal. Junaid Peer works as a Rajouri districts several people were arrested
photo-journalist with Urdu newspaper Tameel-i- including a woman. Residents of some areas
Irshad, while Sulaiman is associated with Urdu such as Surenkote, Thanamundi and Mandhar
newspaper Daily Gadyal as a freelancer. After are restricted to their houses. In the meantime,
August 5, 2019, as many as 50 journalists have the troops also arrest-ed a youth, Sohail Ahmed,
been detained, raided, banned from travelling during a raid Thathri area of Kishtwar district in
and cases were alsoregistered against them.51 Jammu region.53

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CASE#20 (BSF) personnel

Victim name: Aadil Ahmad War, Manan Gulzar Testimony: Indian forces arrested four Kashmiri
Dar, Hilal Ahmed Dar, Sobhia, Rauf Butt, Shaqib youth in Nepal and India. Three Kashmiri youth
Bashir, Zamin Aadil and Haris Nisar Langoo Moham-mad Noor, Mohammad Rashid and
Place of incident: Srinagar, Kulgam, Shopian, Yasar Arafat from Poonch district were arrested
Pulwama, Islamabad and Baramulla districts. at Kath-mandu in Nepal who were there to travel
Date of incident: October 22, 2021 to Saudi Arabia. Indian Border Security Force
Agency involved: National Investigation Agency (BSF) personnel arrested another Kashmiri youth
(NIA), Indian troops and other agencies Mohammad Sajjad in Bhuj area of Gujarat in
Testimony: National Investigation Agency (NIA) India.56
personnel raided several areas in the Kashmir CASE# 23
Valley and arrested eight persons, Aadil Ahmad Victim name: Manan Gulzar Dar and Hanan
War, Manan Gulzar Dar, Hilal Ahmed Dar, Sobhia, Gulzar Dar
Rauf Butt, Shaqib Bashir, Zamin Aadil and Haris Place of incident: Srinagar
Nisar Langoo, during raids. The NIA detectives Date of incident: October 28, 2021
along with Indian troops and other agencies raided Agency involved: National Investigations Agency
several houses in Srinagar, Kulgam, Shopian, (NIA)
Pulwama, Islamabad and Baramulla districts of Testimony: India’s infamous National
Kashmir Valley and arrested eight persons.54 Investigations Agency (NIA) arrested a young
CASE#21 freelance journalist, Manan Gulzar and his brother
Victim name: Farooq Ahmad Malik Hanan Gulzar Dar from Srinagar and shifted
Resident of: Kitchama village, Baramulla them to New Del-hi. The journalist, Manan Gulzar
Place of incident: Baramulla district Dar was called to the police station in Srinagar’s
Date of incident: October 23, 2021 Batamaloo locality on October 10 in association
Agency involved: Indian army, paramilitary with a false case.57
Central Reserve Police Force and police CASE#24
Testimony: Indian forces arrested a youth on Victim name: Arshad Yousuf, Inayat Altaf Sheikh
October 23, 2021. The Indian army, paramilitary and Showkat Ahmed
Central Re-serve Police Force and police in a joint Resident of: Budgam and Bandipora districts
operation arrested the youth in north Kashmir’s Place of incident: Agra, Uttar Pradesh
Kitcha-ma village, Baramulla district, identified Date of incident: October 28, 2021
as Farooq Ahmad Malik.55 Agency involved: Indian Police
CASE# 22 Testimony: Three Kashmiri students, Arshad
Victim name: Mohammad Noor, Mohammad Yousuf, Showkat Ahmed and Inayat Altaf Sheikh
Rashid, Yasar Arafat and Mohammad Sajjad from Bud-gam and Bandipora districts, were
Resident of: Poonch arrested by Indian police for posting on social
Place of incident: Nepal and India media in favor of Pakistan cricket team in the
Date of incident: October 26, 2021 T20 World Cup match. The Kashmiri students
Agency involved: Indian Border Security Force were studying in an engineering college in Agra.58

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CASE#25 after raiding his house in Takia Badarkote area

Victim name: Amir Ahmad Gojri, and Saddat of the district by labelling them as over-ground
Amin workers of a mujahid organization.61
Resident of: Srinagar, and Sopore CASE#28
Place of incident: Srinagar, Sopore and Baramulla Victim name: Asgar Majeed Lone, Asif Ganie,
districts Faizan Rasool Gojri and Sarwir Ahmed Mir
Date of incident: October 30, 2021 Place of incident: Baramulla and Pulwama
Agency involved: National Investigation Agency districts
(NIA) Date of incident: November 08, 2021
Testimony: India’s infamous probe agency, Agency involved: The Central Reserve Police
National Investigation Agency (NIA), conducted Force (CRPF), Indian Police & Troops
raids at eight locations in the Kashmir Valley and Testimony: Indian police arrested four youth in
arrested two persons. The NIA spokesperson in Baramulla and Pulwama districts on November
Srinagar said that the NIA conducted searches at 08, 2021 in Indian illegally occupied Jammu
eight locations in Srinagar, Sopore and Baramulla and Kashmir. A joint group of forces arrested
dis-trict. Two arrested persons were identified three youth identified as Asgar Majeed Lone of
as Amir Ahmad Gojri from Srinagar and Saddat Gulshanabad Azadgunj, Asif Ganie of Bagh-
Amin, from Sopore.59 e-Islam Baramulla and Faizan Rasool Gojri, a
CASE#26 resident of Syed Kareem, Baramulla.62
Victim name: Ishfaq Ahmed Wani and Umar Butt CASE#29
Resident of: Srinagar and Sopore Victim name: Sarwir Ahmad, Hafiz Ahmad and
Place of incident: Srinagar and Sopore Sahil Bashir Lone
Date of incident: October 31, 2021 Place of incident: Rajouri and Poonch districts
Agency involved: National Investigation Agency Date of incident: November 08, 2021
(NIA) Agency involved: Indian troops, Paramilitry
Testimony: The infamous agency NIA arrested forces and Defense Committees personnel
two persons who are Ishfaq Ahmed Wani, a Testimony: Indian troops during house raids
resident of Srinagar, and Umar Butt, resident arrested three youth identified as Sarwir Ahmad,
of Sopore. They were detained in a fake case Hafiz Ah-mad and injured Sahil Bashir Lone in
registered against them on October 10, 2021.60 Pulwama, Islamabad and Shopian districts. The
CASE# 27 military operations started in October and are
Victim name: Adil Hussain Shah still going on in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu
Resident of: Takia Badarkote, Kupwara & Kashmir, launched by Indian troops in Rajouri
Place of incident: Kupwara district and Poonch districts.63
Date of incident: November 02, 2021 CASE#30
Agency involved: Indian Police Victim name: Mohammad Rauf, Wazir, Khursheed,
Testimony: Indian police arrested a youth in Mohammad Latif, Asghar and Faizan
north Kashmir’s Kupwara district of IIOJK. The Place of incident: Baramulla, Islamabad,
police arrest-ed the youth, Adil Hussain Shah, Pulwama, Rajouri, Poonch and Jammu districts

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Date of incident: November 09, 2021 youth, Rashid Muzaffar Ganai and Nasir Mir, from
Agency involved: Indian troops along with Sopore town of Baramulla district. Indian police
paramilitary forces and police personnel arrested a youth named as Arshad Ahmad Mir
Testimony: Indian troops arrested several people form Sehpora area of Ganderbal district.66
during fake search operations in different areas CASE#33
of the ter-ritory among those arrested persons, Victim name: 11 Indian Armys
Mohammad Rauf, Wazir, Khursheed, Mohammad Place of incident: Gram Morh village, Reasi
Latif, Asghar and Faizan, on fake charges of blackdistrict
law named as Unlawful Activities Prevention Act Date of incident: November 14, 2021
(UAPA).64 Agency involved: Indian police
CASE#31 Testimony: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu
Victim name: Unidentified and Kashmir, police have arrested 11 people in
Place of incident: Doda and Bhaderwah district Reasi dis-trict of the territory. The people were
of Jammu region arrested in Gram Morh village of the district. The
Date of incident: November 11, 2021 officials claimed the arrested 11 persons were
Agency involved: Indian Troops indulged in ‘stone pelting’ and would be charged
Testimony: Indian troops arrested four youth in under relevant sections of the law.67
Doda district of Jammu region of Indian illegally CASE# 34
occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The troops Victim name: Asif Rasheed War & Altaf Hussain Najar
arrested the youth after raiding houses during Resident of: Sopore town of Baramulla district
a cordon and search operation in Bhaderwah Place of incident: Shalimar Colony in Sopore
area of the district. The troops also snatched Date of incident: November 16, 2021
their mobile phones and other documents. The Agency involved: Indian police
arrested people were handed over to police for Testimony: Indian police arrested two innocent
further interrogation.65 youth in Sopore town of North Kashmir’s
CASE#32 Baramulla dis-trict from a check post at
Victim name: Rashid Muzaffar Ganai, Nasir Mir, Shalimar Colony in Sopore on November 16,
and Arshad Ahmad 2021. The arrested youth was identified as Asif
Resident of: Sopore, Baramulla and Sehpora, Rasheed War and Altaf Hussain Najar. The police
Ganderbal characterized the arrested youth as the workers
Place of incident: Sopore, Baramulla and of a mujahid organization.68
Sehpora, Ganderbal CASE# 35
Date of incident: November 12, 2021 Victim name: Fayaz Ahmed, Umar Farooq,
Agency involved: Indian police and National Mohzam Parvez, Amir Bashir Dar and Mukhtar
Investigation Agency (NIA) Ahmad Butt
Testimony: Indian police along with the infamous Resident of: Kulgam, Pulwama and Matri Bugh
National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested Shopian
three Kashmiri youth in Baramulla and Ganderbal Place of incident: Kulgam, Pulwama and Matri
districts. The detectives of NIA also arrested two Bugh Shopian

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Date of incident: November 17, 2021 police arrested the youth during raids in Lelhar
Agency involved: Indian Police area of the district. The arrested persons have
Testimony: Indian police arrested five youth, been identified as Showket Islam Dar, Aijaz
three from Jammu and two from Pulwama. The Ahmad Lone, Aijaz Gulzar Lone, Manzoor Ahmad
youth de-tained from Jammu were identified as Butt and Nasser Ahmad Shah. The police claimed
Fayaz Ahmed from Kulgam, Umar Farooq and that the arrested youth were over ground Workers
Mohzam Parvez from Pulwama. Those who were of militant organizations.71
detained from Pulwama were identified as Amir CASE#38
Bashir Dar son of Bashir Ahmad Dar, from Sirnoo Victim name: Khurrum Parvaiz
Pulwama and Mukhtar Ahmad Butt son of Abdul Resident of: Srinagar
Jabar Butt from Matri Bugh Shopian.69 Place of incident: Srinagar
CASE# 36 Date of incident: November 22, 2021
Victim name: Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Agency Involved: National Investigation Agency
League (JKPL) Chairman, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza, (NIA)
Engineer Fayaz, Riyaz Ahmed, Rafiq Ahmed and Testimony: On November 22, 2021, a prominent
Sameer Ahmed. Kashmiri human rights activist, Khurrum Parvaiz
Resident of: Islamabad district was arrested by infamous agency NIA of India
Place of incident: Islamabad district in Srinagar. The detectives of NIA along with
Date of incident: November 19, 2021 Indi-an Paramilitary forces and police raided
Agency involved: Indian police the residence as well as office at Sonwar and
Testimony: Indian police have arrested the Jammu Amira Kadal, areas of Srinagar city for hours. The
and Kashmir Peoples League (JKPL) Chairman, activist was interrogated by NIA at their office at
Mukhtar Ahmad Waza, and other party leaders Church Lane in Srinagar and was arrested later.
on November 19, 2021. They were arrested by NIA sleuths also seized his mobile phone, lap-
the police from their houses in Islamabad district top and some books.72
to stop them from protesting against killing CASE#39
of civilians in the occupied territory. BesidesVictim name: Ajaz Ahmad, Naseer Ahmad and
Mukhtar Waza, the other party leaders who were Showkat Ahmad
ar-rested include Engineer Fayaz, Riyaz Ahmed, Place of incident: Bijbehra and Lelhar, Pulwama
Rafiq Ahmed and Sameer Ahmed.70 Date of incident: November 24, 2021
CASE# 37 Agency Involved: Indian Police
Victim name: Showket Islam Dar, Aijaz Ahmad Testimony: Indian police raided houses and
Lone, Aijaz Gulzar Lone, Manzoor Ahmad Butt arrested four youth in Pulwama district. Indian
and Nasser Ahmad Shah police during cordon and search operations
Place of incident: Pulwama district. arrested four youth including Ajaz Ahmad,
Date of incident: November 20, 2021 Naseer Ahmad and Showkat Ahmad in Lelhar in
Agency involved: Indian police Pulwama and Bijbehra areas.73
Testimony: On November 2o, 2021, Indian police CASE#40
arrested five youth from Pulwama district. The Victim name: Muzamil Ayoub Butt, Suhail

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Manzoor Mohand, Muhammad Asif Dar Central Kashmir’s Badgam district of Indian
Resident of: Shahabad Kharpora, Awantipora Illegally occupied Jammu & Kashmir on
and Hamdanpora December 4, 2021. The youth who got arrested
Place of incident: Awantipora area of the district were identified as Hamid Nath in Pushkar area of
Date of incident: November 27, 2021 the district. The police characterized the arrested
Agency Involved: Indian Police youth as member of a mujahid organization.76
Testimony: Indian police arrested two youth from CASE#43
Awantipora area of Pulwama district of Indian Victim Name: Shahid Ahmad Gaine and Kifayat
illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The youth Ayoub Ali
have been identified as Muzamil Ayoub Butt, resi- Place of incident: Shopian district
dent of Shahabad Kharpora, Awantipora, and Date of incident: December 05, 2021
Suhail Manzoor Mohand, resident of Shahabad Agency Involved: Indian police, Indian Army’s 44
Kharpora Bala Lalgam, Awantipora. Indian police Rashtriya Rifles and 14 battalion Central Reserve
also arrested a youth identified as Muham-mad Police Force
Asif Dar a resident of Hamdanpora, Redwani Testimony: On December 5, 2021, Indian
Bala, near bus stand Islamabad town.74 police arrested two Kashmiri youth named
CASE#41 Shahid Ahmad Gaine and Kifayat Ayoub Ali in
Victim Name: Asif Ahmad Reshi, Merajuddin Dar south Kashmir’s Shopian district. The police
and Faisal Habib Lone spokesperson claimed that the police along
Resident of: Gund Jehangir, Hajin, Bandipora with Indian Army’s 44 Rashtriya Rifles and 14
district battalion Central Reserve Police Force launched
Place of incident: Baramulla district a joint cordon and search operation in the area
Date of incident: December 02, 2021 on receiving information about the militant
Agency Involved: Indian Police activity.77
Testimony: On December 02, 2021, Indian police CASE#44
arrested three youth from Baramulla district of Victim Name: Towfeeq Kaboo and Bilal Ahmad
North Kashmir. The arrested youth were identified Kaloo
as Asif Ahmad Reshi, Merajuddin Dar and Faisal Place of incident: Ningli area of Sopore of the
Habib Lone, residents of Gund Jehangir, Hajin, district
Bandipora district, from Wussan Pattan area of Date of incident: December 06, 2021
the district. The police claimed that the arrested Agency Involved: Indian Forces
youth work for mujahid organizations.75 Testimony: On December 6, 2021, Indian forces
CASE#42 arrested two youth; Towfeeq Kaboo and Bilal
Victim Name: Hamid Nath Ahmad Ka-loo. The forces arrested the youth
Place of incident: Pushkar area of the district during a cordon and search operation (CASO)
Badgam in Ningli area of Sopore of the district. Indian
Date of incident: December 04, 2021 forces have claimed that one arrested youth
Agency Involved: Indian police was a working militant and the other was his
Testimony: Indian police arrested a youth in companion.78

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Victim name: Mushtaq-ul-Islam
Resident of: Batamaloo, Srinagar
Place of incident: Batamaloo, Srinagar
Date of incident: December 12, 2021
Agency involved: Indian Police
Testimony: On December 12, 2021, Indian Police
detained a struggling Kashmiri leader, Mushtaq-
ul-Islam from his residence in Batamaloo area of
Srinagar city. He has been detained in Batamaloo
police station.79
Victim name: Danish Ahmad
Age: 16 years-old
Resident of: Kareemabad, Pulwama
Place of incident: Kareemabad, Pulwama
Date of incident: December 14, 2021
Agency involved: Indian troops
Testimony: On December 14, 2021, Indian
troops raided house of Jammu and Kashmir
Mass Movement vice Chairman Abdul Majeed
Mir at Kareemabad, Pulwama; arrested his 16
years old nephew Danish Ahmed and took him to
Victim name: Afrooza and Aisha
Resident of: Rangreth, Srinagar
Place of incident: Rangreth, Srinagar
Date of incident: December 15, 2021
Agency involved: Indian Police
Testimony: On December 15, 2021, Indian police
arrested two women; a mother Afrooza and
her daughter Aisha from Rangreth, Srinagar.
The women were arrested on raising anti-India
slogans and staging protest on the fake encounter
and killing of two youth from Rangreth Srinagar.


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CASE#1 authorities terminated the service of Ferroz

Name: Dr. Nayeem Gilani (son of Syed Ali Gilani) Ahmad Lone, DSP Jails, and Javid Ahmad Shah,
& his wife Principal government higher secondary school
Resident of: Baramulla Bijbehara. Both have been terminated under
Place of incident: Hyderpora, Srinagar Article 311 of the Indian Constitution under
Date of incident: September 2, 2021 which no inquiry is led before dismissal.82
Agency involved: Indian Police CASE# 4
Testimony: On September 2, 2021, Dr. Nayeem Victim name: Bilal Ahmed, Shabbir Ahmed and
Gilani and his wife were tortured and injured Waseem Ahmed
by Indian Police because they refused to hand Resident of: Kashmir Valley
over the dead body of the Hurriyat leader, Syed Place of incident: Ranchi (India)
Ali Shah Gilani into their custody. They said that
Date of incident: November 12, 2021
the police were putting pressure on them to buryAgency involved: Hindu extremists
him at night. Nevertheless, the police took awayTestimony: Three Kashmiri youth; Bilal Ahmed,
the body for burial at the Hyderpora graveyard in
Shabbir Ahmed and Waseem Ahmed were beaten
Srinagar.80 up, forced to shout anti-Pakistan slogans at
CASE#2 gunpoint by Hindu extremists. The youth were
Victim name: Safiya work-ing in the city to earn their livelihood. Bilal
Resident of: Rajouri in an interview said, “Every winter, we come to
Place of incident: Government Medical College the city to earn our livelihood by selling woolen
Rajouri clothes. But for the last few days, the behavior
Date of incident: October, 28, 2021 of locals has brusquely changed. They have been
Agency involved: Indian Authorities continuously harassing us”.83
Testimony: Principal Government Medical CASE#5
College Rajouri of Indian illegally occupied Victim name: Mohammad Shafi Wani and his son
Jammu and Kash-mir, has dismissed services Rayees Wani, Bashir Ahmad Padder, Ghu-lam
of a female Operation Theatre Technician over Mohi-ud-din Wani, and Waseem Ahmad Dar
WhatsApp status about celebration of Pakistan Resident of: Srinagar, Kulgam, Baramulla, and
cricket team’s win over Indian team in Sunday’s Islamabad district
T20 World Cup match.81 Date of incident: September 21, 2021
CASE#3 Agency involved: The National Investigation
Victim name: Ferroz Ahmad Lone and Javid Agency (NIA)
Ahmad Shah Testimony: The National Investigation Agency
Date of incident: November 02 (NIA) raided the residences of people from the
Agency involved: Indian authorities north and south Kashmir districts. Mohammad
Testimony: Indian authorities terminated the Shafi Wani and his son Rayees Wani were raided
services of two employees including a deputy at their residence in Lasjan, Srinagar and their
superintendent of police for supporting the phones were snatched away and Shafi Wani
Kashmir freedom movement. The occupation was arrest-ed and taken to Panta-Chowk police


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Human Rights Report

station.84 hospital in a critical condition. A police officer

CASE#6 claimed that the injured youth was a militant.
Victim name: Junaid Firdous, Ghulam Qadir Wani CASE#9
and others. Victim name: Masooma Bano
Place of incident: Srinagar Age: 20 years-old
Date of incident: October 20, 2021 Resident of: Baramulla
Agency involved: Indian Police Place of Incident: Hathlanga village, Baramulla
Testimony: Indian police in Srinagar on October Date of Incident: December 22, 2021
20, 2021, snatched hundreds of bikes for Agency involved: Indian Armed Forces
undetermined reasons. People complained to Testimony: On December 22, 2021, a Kashmiri
media house that the police station Saheed Gunj girl, Masooma Bano (20 years-old), accidently
in the locality of the old secretariat had seized stepped on to landmine while grazing sheep herd
their bikes for “no reason”. They said that over near Hathlanga Village Uri area of Baramulla. The
100 bikes had been seized by the police station.85 girl lost her foot due to severe leg injury. Indian
CASE#7 forces have planted landmines in the residential
Victim name: Masood Ahmad areas of Kashmir putting lives of innocent
Age: 19 years-old Kashmiris on risk.87
Resident of: Doda district of Jammu region
Place of incident: (Jhelum Valley Medical
College) Bemina
Date of Incident: November 05, 2021
Agency Involved: Indian Troops
Testimony: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu
and Kashmir Masood Ahmad was injured after
Indian troops resorted to haphazard firing during
a fake cordon and search operation in Srinagar
on November 5, 2021, Masood received bullet in
right arm and an injury at back.86
Victim name: Shahid Bashir Lone
Place of incident: Hermain area of Shopian
Date of incident: November 07, 2021
Agency involved: Indian troops
Testimony: Indian troops shot and injured a
Kashmiri youth in Shopian district on November
7, 2021. The youth, identified as Shahid Bashir
Lone, was injured in Hermain area of Shopian
district. The injured youth was admitted to a local

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KILLINGS 100,000+


ARRESTED 161,797+


DESTROYED 110,000+

22,836+ WIDOWED


11,244+ MOLESTED

VICTIMS 15,000


ORPHANED 107,819
Human Rights Report

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