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EXERCISE 5.5.1A Inside – Out .

Name: Domingo, Frances Mae P. Section: BSCPE-B17

Instructions: This exercise is designed to help you become aware of how emotions are dealt with, on a personal level.
For each emotion, write what you do when you experience the emotion listed. Include both productive and destructive
behavior. Write as many as you can. You may use a separate sheet.

Emotion Productive Behavior/s Destructive Behavior/s

When I am happy, I can also share and

make the people around me to feel also
Happy happiness especially when I am with my
friends, I make them laugh with my not I can’t help to think that thought of me being a little
so corny jokes. too happy always have something in return.

I do everything with passion. Task might

be exhausting, but at the end of the day,
there is a reward, I’m still smiling, happy
and I’m looking forward to accomplish my

I'm too unstable to function. I'd rather sleep all

day than be very emotional, yet my mind was
I became vocal about my thoughts and rushing and spinning.
Sad feelings towards a person or a situation.
I am It felt like I was wandering away from the
reality that makes me unfocused and unable to
think straight.

Excited The sense of anticipation and having The euphoria that I feel makes me forget all the
something to look forward to motivates consequences of my actions.
me to complete my to-do lists, resulting
in more work completed. It has an impact on how I accomplish things in the
way that I desire.
Things get done faster but not with enough effort -
pass outputs merely to pass outputs.

Afraid The rush of adrenaline allows me to When I am afraid, anxiety and overthinking
perform things I never thought possible. dominate over, making me distracted and
unwilling to accomplish anything.

Inspired When I am inspired, I am too able to I became too ambitious in a way that it is not
produce good work outputs. It awakens realistic.
me to have more possibilities in
performing my capabilities.
Angry When I am angry, I tend to shut up I am unproductive when I am upset and make fast
instead of blaming others even if they actions that I will soon come to regret.
are wrong or something happen. I just
ignore and continue what I supposed to I suddenly got quiet to save myself from saying
accomplish. something I didn't intend out of rage.
EXERCISE 5.5.1B Inside – Out .
Name: Domingo, Frances Mae P. Section: BSCPE-B17

Instructions: After writing down your answers for exercise 5.1.1 A, answer the following questions:

1. Among the behaviors you listed, did you write down more productive behaviors or destructive behaviors?

After listing my behaviors, I realized that they had a significant impact on my productivity and
motivation. I could notice the pandemic's beneficial and bad impacts on me, notably my conduct and mindset,
since it began. It offered me the opportunity to get to know myself better throughout these times. However,
being an extroverted person, it had a significant impact on my feelings. Isolation prevents me from being as
happy and thrilled as I was before the outbreak. My harmful behaviors overwhelm me, and I'm learning to deal,
but I know I'll get there soon.

2. Identify the emotion where you had more productive behaviors. Which emotion did you have more
destructive behaviors?

When I feel motivated, I am more productive. My ambitions and dreams motivate my drive to finish
things. It inspires me to have confidence in my talents and think that I can achieve anything my heart desires.
Being motivated forces me to embrace my setbacks and mistakes as a natural part of the process.

On the other hand, when I am sad and angry, I exhibit the most destructive behavior. I can't control my
thoughts, words, or actions while these emotions are at their highest. Nonetheless, everyone has ups and
downs. What matters most is that you can still regulate your emotions, because everything that is "too much"
is harmful.

3. Are you more likely to have positive emotions or negative emotions? Explain you answer.

Knowing myself, I am more inclined to have happy emotions. I am an optimist, and I tried my hardest to
see the bright side of life I have. However, because we are all human, I experience sadness and depression at
times, but I always force myself not to concentrate on those feelings because I know they will overwhelm me.

4. How do your emotions influence your sense of self?

These emotions help me get to know myself better. It has an impact on my attitude, behavior, and how I
manage circumstances in both positive and negative ways. These feelings allow me to grow and progress with
time. I learnt that it's normal to be sad from time to time since that's how life goes, but we shouldn't linger on
the unpleasant things of life. Thus, by accepting these feelings, we learn acceptance and how to manage with
the challenges that we will face throughout our lives.
Emotional Regulation

EXERCISE 5.2.1A Situations, Reactions, Consequences, and peers .

Name: Domingo, Frances Mae P. Section: BSCPE-B17

Instructions: In this activity, write your reactions on the second column. Leave the consequences blank and have your
groupmates (GM) write on the consequences column. Pass this sheet around to them.

Situation Reaction Consequences 1 Consequences 2

Someone criticized My immediate reaction would I would use the I couldn't figure out their
your Facebook be shocked because I have no unfavorable reaction as a point of view, no matter
Status by placing a intention of offending learning experience and how hard I tried.
negative Comment. anyone. However, I am well incentive to do better the As a result, I overthink my
aware that everyone of us has a next time. behaviors and how those
unique perspective and set of around me perceive and
beliefs. interpret those actions.

Someone played a
I would be quite upset because I'd like to stand for being I want to do the same to
prank on you in
they embarrassed me in front of the person on whom you others as well.
class and all your
classmates are the entire class. can play practical jokes and
laughing. then be outraged about it.

One of your closest I will be upset because I trusted I will never trust anybody I would understand my
friends divulged someone, which is difficult for again. limits in terms of how much
your secret to me to do, but I did. I open myself to individuals I
another person hardly know, and I'd be able
to trust someone again

You told your friend

about an honest I would explain to my friend that She will see me We shall be closer than we
I just want the best for her and I differently now, and have ever been because we
opinion about her
that was hurtful, am still her friend no matter she'd no longer trust me have unlocked a degree of
and she cried. what happen. as she used to. connectedness with one

You were the only

student in class that I will be happy and proud for my I will think highly of myself. I will serve as an inspiration
got a perfect score achievement. The feeling of to others that they too can
in a very difficult achieving the best for me is do achieve it as well.
exam, and everyone worth it.
was congratulating

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