Let S Start 2015 01

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ELD A magazine for your English Re °° °° MELE Let's Start! 2 (Ciosead H [NC H Ex Dan's Recipes aa ara " nia is) oN i are ‘ 5 ner ristod New York Vis Fi . The date is 16 October. at do we talk about on this day? A very serious problem: world hunger. ‘The World Food Programme (WFP) brings food to places where there is none. Often there is no food because of war, because a hurricane has destroyed everything, or because the country is very poor. Around the world, approximately 900 million people live in hunger ~ every year the World Food © Programme is able to bring food to ‘only’ 90 million people. This means that one person in nine lives in hunger. don’t waste food = organise food collections support charities The answers are on page 14 Why? Discuss with your classmates. 1 your opinion, what can be done to help people wo are starving? grow genetically modified organisms (GMO) Contents | Hi everyone, See ed |) tr Semana. teach England werk as wren Cinema ioe wrt sores for Lets Start nding ual oe Samantha + nsodacin a exesns af tine + nsoducin tov porers + nsecnta nd onan The Fantat Engi, Doyo joy kaming Engin econ os ' wehave seme ely lrg ses, reyouread? aSSrOOMS arollr Let's get started! Happy reading, and have fun! is Gt yee. L seul ‘What de you feel like cating? m Grammy Saat ans Clot cin Saat © © tate a cerca «ceded 2 tetnentifom This month. 16 Me ‘New York City’s Village: ‘School Gardens Halloween Parade inNew York ‘nuaio ‘Access code 0009 2000 0016 | | “+ the present simple | | aches eter ES ‘Stale tt od beth et hen acho ‘sore esos gsr etn es Monweseactte west sremceliagatnencom cre est et Eres aCe Putasice erate reece ase tesa Pt ecm asc Mores ices Stetsreecre acre erseces coreat PCN So a aces ee world from Dr. Doom, an old friend SEC e enc ne PURO e Cate tatty CRO a CLC eR cae Dee Ce Ue ee] ake a Dc | Gorter Ce cocetacec ce Having super powers isn’t easy! The lives of these STU uu Ra DOE Cee aac Une Tae ema Re CES everyone. In the words of the director, Josh Trank: So ao ac who changes, like us.” One of the actors, Miles Teller, says: “Among the actors, like between the Fantastic 4, nobody says’, and instead everyone En Rec produce a good film." Sa COnO Match the correct super power to each member of the Fantastic 4. 1 2 3 4 Sue Storm Reed Richards Jahany Storm Ben Grimm A becomes fire B becomes very strong © becomes invisible D becomes elastic And you? What's your super power? Imagination Virtue Theablty to work with others, ee Classrooms around the world Hii everyone, my name is LCUe WUT Re lo CUT) Lar CUE CUS aCe LL} it. This month, our teacher, DoT UL OT cee ee os oe eee eed [ed food in the world. You use this to eat You make this with milk You find these in the sea Chickens produce these sere ‘on page four eos6 ed Pou PCN Crs Cd 13 Ce UC Eee eed Here are 6 important guidelines for eating well. Put them in order of importance - in your opinion! (CO Have 5 meals a day: breakfast - morning tea — lunch ~ afternoon tea ~ dinner. Eat little and often! (1 At lunchtime and dinner always eat some vegetables and fruit. (CO Eat fish, meat and eggs once a week. Are you a vegetarian? Then eat legumes, such as beans and chick peas, or tofu and quinoa. © Always drink lots of water! Soft drinks? Better to avoid them completely, or have them infrequently. Cakes and fried foods? Eat these rarely! Learn to cook! Prepare your own food, so that you know what's in it, and you will learn to make good choices! oo = True or False? 11 Have'5 meals day ~ its good for you Don't eat meat and eggs! 3 Dont drink soft drink often 4 Eatlots of cakes and ied foods. 5 Leamto cook-i's useful 6 Throw away lats of leftovers. oOo00o004 oo0000% “The answors aro on page 14, Don’t waste food ‘According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), we throw away 1.3 billion tonnes of leftovers every year across the world! That's more than enough to feed the 900 million people who live in hunger. Throwing away food is also throwing away money (680 billion dollars) and it pollutes the planet. According to Nobel Prize for Peace winner, Riccardo Valentin the way we eat generates 27% of the dangerous gases released into the environment. "7 Let's Start! New york City’s Village This parade is one-of-a-kind — and New York is the perfect place for it! Every year, there are hundreds of puppets, over fifty bands playing different kinds of music, dancers and artists. Everything — all the puppets and papier-maché creations is handmade. Established in 1974, the spectacle goes for one mile. This is the largest public participatory event in the USA, with between 50,000-60,000 participants. Every year, the Village Halloween Parade has a different theme. Everyone's costume reflects the theme, making each year unique. There is a prize for the best costume! This parade is famous for its giant puppets. These are enormous — last year there was a giant spider and a huge squid! Artists and technicians work on these puppets over the summer and autumn, | Around 600 volunteers from the local community help build, assemble and operate the puppets and costumes. ; The Village Halloween Parade A Saturday 31 October - starts at Jpm! A > 6th Averue, Manhattan, New York Visit the parade’s website to find out more! | CO@GDE® wetcrtre wars trom te story (-6) with ther detntons (F) 110 costume A. unique » 20 parade B a mmaterial that is made of paper mixed with water and glue one-of-a-kind clothes you wear to celebrate a special occasion 4 C1 puppet D apublic procession, especially one celebrating 5 [1 papier-maché special day or event D giant © very big " model ofa person or animal thal you can move SE ey Cee Meroe eee ene Pee cr ery ere rena ee tele ay 5 make these decorations you cut out the Dre eS eed ee een res Roce ect po a See ey ee ee ears x eR ae are love your when you are at home, watching TV, you have. a Z asmall dessert > O alittle rut c Oi abetbaltea what can’t you refuse? a D1 atich coke > C1 adelicous pizza ¢ OF anything when are you most aD athinchtime > C1 Inthe aftemoon © OF Inthe morning vou eat fruit and vegetables. a O erly » DO often cD everyday your favourite pizza has.. a C1 lotsofcheese > CZ latsoftomato © C1 Iotsof vegetables when you are thirsty, you prefer to drink. a CO soft rink » OF initjuice ¢ Oi water 6600003098 Dan's Recipes hocolate 7 truffles Hi guys, My name is Dan and | love to cook! Each month, |'ll show you a new recipe that's delicious and simple. Let's begin with chocolate truffles! Chop up the chocolate. Pour the cream into a saucepan and bring it to the boil. When it boils, add the chopped chocolate. Leave it to cool and then put the saucepan in the fridge. B Soy 2» Ingredients for 20 truffles + 150 grams of dark chocolate + 100 grams of milk chocolate ‘+ 150 grams of fresh cream. For the decoration * Bitter cocoa * Icing sugar Roll the mixture into balls and then coat in cocoa or icing sugar. You've made chocolate truffles! ask your friends if they want one! eleven Scere Start) cee SCR aay world’s most exciting cities. RUB aac haar CEE Paar Ora eso ETS ee ete RUC aAma scan ee ee en eee SS ere This large open space is called ‘The Crossroads of the World’. It is famous for its massive digital billboards, and is particularly beautiful at night! Times Square is pedestrianised, so it's a great place to people-watch, go shopping, buy art and jewellery from street vendors, or get something to eat. Here, you'll also find Broadway — so you can go and see a musical! Central Park ) ppd New York has many tall buildings and skyscrapers — but the Empire State Building is special. It isin the heart of New York. You can visit the building's open-air observatory and get an incredible view over New York's world-famous skyline. The Empire State Building has an interesting history - take an audio tour and you learn all about it! You can also visit the open-air observatory at night. >> €OD298 A. | This is where you can get an amazing view. This is a famous New York landmark ~ but you need to take a boat to visit it. This historic monument is made of copper. The people of France gifted it to the United States in 1886. The Statue of Liberty isa symbol of freedom, and of the USA. It was a welcoming sight to immigrants arriving in America 2 This place symbolises freedom 3 You can go ice-skating in winter here. 4. This is where you can see digital billboards. 5. You can go to the theatre here. 6 You must take a boat to visit this place. Inset the corect ver into the sentences to the theatre. to Staten Island by boat 1 a yellow taxi. 2 a ‘hot dog’. 3. the subway. 4 Chinatown. 6 Have you read ‘Let's Start’? >a play with us! 1 2 3 The World's Biggest Hamburger! Its three metres high and contains 30 kilos of bacon, 25 kilos of onions, 25 kilos of salad, 25 kilos of gherkins and 20 kilos of cheese. Where was it ‘made? Look for fifteen words, related to food, and find out! PRARZHR DO H .— @0O ‘The mid-afternoon meal ets startt 14. cCAKEARE a Ae Nee (Cee bie per BREADONS MRS ALAD H NoOoFRUITP ETCOCOAE AUCEPAWNA Hee he See ESO}! TRAWEGGE TRUFFLES Cc True or False? t 1. New Yorks Halloween Parades ‘on | November. go 2 Theparade takes placein Manhattan. C] C] 3 Theparade began in 1974, oo 4+ Theparade doesn’thave giant puppets. J : © 0 ‘The evening meal 44 Themoring meal The mid-morning meal 5 The midday meal ‘The answors are below. i students 1 a lot of organic fruit and vegetables in the school’s garden, including strawberries, tomatoes, pears, lavender and herbs. The garden is very important because students 2 how to grow food, and how to create a healthy meal. They also 3 chickens. They collect the eggs and cook them! Every week, they + a small market, where they 5 their fresh fruit and vegetables to the public! Joanna a student in Brooklyn, New York. She helps grow fut and vegetables in the school garden - and she lites to eat them! Can you guess her favourites? 1 These are small, red and sweet fruit - delicious with cream! These are very small, green vegetables. You boil them! Pp 4 These are red, yellow or green fruit good in a pie! The answers 2 A ac w

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