Sem 1, 2021/2022 Lab Report Contents (Eas3931) :: Warning

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Sem 1, 2021/2022


1. TITLE: write base on the lab manual title

2. INTRODUCTION (max 3 pages)
- Provide information or background related to the experiment.
- Briefly explain any relevant theories
- Describe the problem statement (reasons on conducting the experiment)
- Warning: do not copy and paste from articles or website
3. OBJECTIVES: write the objectives as show in the lab manual
4. HYPOTHESIS: expected outcome
- List all apparatus and materials use for the particular lab activities
- Write the reason on using each materials
- Write the procedure based on your labwork.
- You may describe by including a flow chart or epxerimental set up (add
images taken from camera during experimental work)
- Ensure that you write the procedure in past tense
- Outline any equations (if applicable)
7. RESULTS and DISCUSSION(graph/table/chart/images..etc)
- the results may be present using table or figures
- discussed on how the results were analysed
- provide justification on the trend
- support evidence with reference
- Summarises the finding related to the objectives or hypothesis
9. REFERENCES (use APA style)
i. Journals/Proceedings:
Steven, R. N. (2002). Wet gas metering with a horizontally mounted
Venturi meter. Flow measurement and Instrumentation, 12(5), 361-372.

Sun, Z. (2010). Mass flow measurement of gas–liquid bubble flow with

the combined use of a Venturi tube and a vortex flowmeter.
Measurement Science and Technology, 21(5), 055403.

ii. Website:
Flow measurement by orificemeter and venturimeter, (21 February
2017, 9.51am)

iii. Thesis:
Mottram R.C. (1971). The Behaviour of Orifice and Venturi-Nozzle
Meters in Pulsating Flow (Doctoral dissertation, University of Surrey).
- Answer the given questions
Writing format

- Font size: 12
- Font type: Arial or Times New Roman
- Page number (center: bottom of pages)
- Properly write figure/table number and captions

Lab report submission: Individual

Type of submission: Hardcopy (will be inform during the lab day. For late
submission, 30% of the marks will be deducted).

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