A Novel Pathway For Rapid Shoot Regeneration From The Proximal Zone of The Hypocotyl of Melon (Cucumis Melo L.)

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In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.—Plant 38:260–267, May– June 2002 DOI: 10.

q 2002 Society for In Vitro Biology
1054-5476/02 $10.00+0.00



Departments of 1Virology, 2Citriculture and 3Food Science, ARO Volcani Center, POB 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel, 4Laboratory of Plant
Biotechnology, University of Cukorova, Adana, Turkey, 5Mid-Florida Research & Education Center, IFAS, University of Florida, 2725 Binion
Road, Apopka, FL 32703-8504

(Received 9 February 2001; accepted 12 October 2001; editor A. Pretová)

Hypocotyl explants of melon (Cucumis melo L.) are capable of regenerating multiple shoots on Murashige and Skoog
(1962) medium, augmented with 4.4 mM benzyladenine. Regeneration from the hypocotyl is much more rapid than the more
commonly reported regeneration from cotyledonary explants, producing shoots within 2 wk compared to more than a month
required for cotyledon explants. The rapid regeneration response depends on the presence of a fragment of the cotyledon
remaining attached to the hypocotyl. Controls were performed to ensure that the regeneration was not due to the presence of
the shoot apical bud of the melon seedling after explant production. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that
microsurgery to remove the apical bud left no excess bud material. Regeneration from the proximal part of the hypocotyl was
due to production of a new shoot apical meristem, observed by histology. The apical meristem can be produced before leaf
primordia in regeneration from the hypocotyl, in contrast to the regeneration process from the melon cotyledon.
Key words: organogenesis; bud regeneration; shoot apex; cotyledon; cucurbits.

Introduction Molina and Nuez, 1995) and hypocotyls (Kathal et al., 1986; Molina
and Nuez, 1995). Embryogenesis in melon directly from
The Cucurbitaceae is an economically important family, including cotyledonary explants (Oridate et al., 1992; Gray et al., 1993), or
species such as melon, cucumber, watermelon and squash. Recently, from callus (Oridate and Oosawa, 1986), has also been reported.
genetic engineering has enabled improvement of this plant family by Shoot multiplication from apical (Adelberg et al., 1993) or lateral
introducing new genes for virus resistance to squash (Cucurbita (Ohki et al., 1991) buds of melon was reported as forms of axillary
pepo ) (Tricoli et al., 1995) and melon (Cucumis melo L.) (Fuchs et al., multiplication. Regeneration responses are genotype dependent
1997). Regeneration of adventitious shoots in vitro is a critical stage within this species (Orts et al., 1987; Oridate et al., 1992; Gray et al.,
of genetic engineering. Organogenesis is the process by which new 1993). Genotype can have profound effects on processes dependent
shoots are created in vitro, by cell division and differentiation, on regeneration, such as micropropagation (George, 1993) and plant
eventually leading to a new shoot apical meristem and subsequent genetic transformation, as is already known in melon (see Gaba et al.,
shoot elongation. Plant transformation processes often depend on the 1996a) and many other species. For this reason it is important to
pathway of regeneration of various tissues, whether the regeneration have information on a variety of different regeneration pathways to
route goes through a callus phase, or is ‘direct’ regeneration from the enable manipulation of plant tissues to obtain the desired response
explanted tissue, or is a type of axillary regeneration (see Draper in vitro.
et al., 1988; Mukhopadhyay et al., 1992; George, 1993; Gaba et al., We report here a novel direct shoot regeneration response in
1996a). melon (Cucumis melo L.). Regeneration occurs from the proximal
Melon has been a popular cucurbit species for studies of in vitro zone of the hypocotyl, in the absence of the shoot apex, with a
regeneration and genetic transformation. Buds and shoots have been fragment of the cotyledon attached. Morphological and anatomical
obtained in vitro directly from melon cotyledons (Dirks and van characteristics of the rapid regeneration response from the hypocotyl
Buggenum, 1989; Niedz et al., 1989) and leaves (Kathal et al., 1988; are presented. To our knowledge this is the first report of direct in
Yadav et al., 1996), and indirectly from callus derived from vitro regeneration from the hypocotyl of Cucumis species.
cotyledons (Moreno et al., 1985; Orts et al., 1987; Chee, 1991;
Materials and Methods
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: Email vpgaba@
volcani.agri.gov.il Plant material and culture. Seeds of the Israeli melon (Cucumis melo L.)
†Current address: University of Mustafa Kemal, Faculty of Agriculture, cv. Revigal had the seed coats removed, were surface-sterilized for 20 min in
Department of Horticulture, 31034 Antakya-HATAY, Turkey. a solution of 1% sodium hypochlorite (with two drops of Tween 20 per 100 ml
‡Current address: Sabanci University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural solution), and washed four times with sterile distilled water. Seeds were
Sciences, 81474 Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey. germinated in disposable 15 £ 90 mm diameter Petri dishes, on 25 ml MS


(Murashige and Skoog, 1962) medium with 3% sucrose, MS vitamins and small multiple shoots and their leaves cover the area between the
5 g l21 Micro agar (Duchefa) or 8 g l21 TC Agar (JRH Biochemicals, Lenexa, hypocotyl and the cotyledon (Fig. 1g). Callus becomes visible at both
KS), at 25 ^ 18C; 16-h photoperiod, 30–40 mmol m22 s21 cool white
fluorescent light. ends of the explant (Fig. 1g). Transfer of areas with small multiple
After 4 d explants were prepared. The hypocotyl was excised 0.25–1 mm shoots to elongation medium produces a group of multiple shoots
from the cotyledon, then the cotyledons were cut perpendicular to the main after another 4 wk (Fig. 1h). Shoots excised from the group of
axis and the distal parts discarded. The proximal part of the cotyledons was multiple shoots and placed on rooting medium grow and produce
stood on its hypocotyl stub, and a scalpel blade forced flat between the
proximal cotyledon remnants, separating them. The apical bud of the seedling roots after 4 wk (Fig. 1i ), and are transferred to the greenhouse for
was removed using a stereomicroscope (‘de-budding’). This method produces hardening.
hypocotyl explants (Figs. 1a and 5c) consisting of 0.25–1 mm of hypocotyl Kinetics of regeneration from hypocotyl compared to cotyledon
cut longitudinally with a fragment of the cotyledon, but no shoot apex. explants. Regeneration from melon hypocotyl explants is more
Explants were incubated on 15 £ 90 mm Petri dishes with 25 ml of MS rapid than from proximal cotyledon explants (Gaba et al., 1999). The
medium with 3% sucrose, MS vitamins and 8 g l21 TC agar (JRH
Biochemicals or Sigma A1296), with 4.4 mM benzyladenine (BA) (MSBA1 appearances of both protuberances and leaves are more rapid on the
medium), under the incubation conditions described above. hypocotyl explants. After 15 d, 96% of hypocotyl explants
Experiments with cotyledon explants use only explants derived from the regenerated a leaf or shoot, and 46% regenerated a shoot; whereas
part of the cotyledon proximal to the apex of the seedling. Cotyledon explants at this time no regeneration of leaves or shoots occurred from
were cut as described in Gaba et al. (1996b) and incubated abaxial side down
on MSBA1 medium as above.
cotyledon explants (Fig. 2). After 21 d most hypocotyl explants
Explants were observed daily by stereomicroscope, and samples taken produced multiple shoots or at least a single shoot (87% together);
every 2– 3 d for morphological observations. Results were consistent, and the but no visible shoot regeneration was evident from proximal sections
developmental sequence was always similar, but the timing of the responses, of the cotyledon, and only 12.5% regenerated visible leaves from
even within an experiment, was variable.
protuberances at this stage (Fig. 2).
After 3–4 wk in culture the regenerating area was excised from primary
explants and transferred to 150 £ 25 mm tubes containing 10 ml elongation The rapidity of the shoot regeneration response of hypocotyl
medium, consisting of MS medium with 3% sucrose, MS vitamins and 8 g l21 explants is surprising. The speed of response may be due to the
agar (Sigma A1296), with 0.44 mM BA and 2.89 mM gibberellic acid (GA3) ability of young undifferentiated cells in the proximal zone of the
for another 3–4 wk. Shoots of $15 mm were excised and rooted in MS hypocotyl exposed by explant preparation to redirect their
medium with 3% sucrose, MS vitamins and 8 g l21 agar (Sigma A1296),
without growth regulators for about 4 wk. developmental program, and thereby produce new shoot apical
Histology. Explants were fixed in formalin–acetic acid–alcohol (FAA), meristems. In a closely related melon cultivar, buds are only
dehydrated in tertiary butyl alcohol, embedded in Paraplast, and stained with observed by histology developing on cotyledon explants in culture
iron haematoxylin (Sass, 1958). Sections (8 mm) were cut by rotary after 15 d (Gaba et al., 1999). It takes 6– 8 wk to regenerate shoots
microtome, and observed using a light microscope (Gaba et al., 1999). visible to the naked eye from cotyledons of cv. Revigal and related
Scanning electron microscope. Explants were fixed in a buffered 4%
glutaraldehyde solution (0.1 M, pH 7, sodium cacodylate trihydrate), cultivars (this work; Gaba et al., 1999), and then only following
dehydrated in 100% ethanol, critical point dried, and stuck onto metal subculture. Shoot regeneration requires 4 – 6 wk from watermelon
plates prior to sputter coating with gold to 20 nm thickness (Balzers Union). cotyledons (Compton and Gray, 1993), 3 – 4 wk (Yahav et al., 1996)
Explants were viewed using a Jeol model JSM-T330A scanning electron or 7 wk (Kathal et al., 1988) from melon leaf explants. However, the
microscope at 50–500 £ magnification.
Statistical analysis. Statistical analysis was accomplished by transform- most proximal part of the cotyledon gave rapid regeneration in
ations of the percentage values according to Bartlett (1947). Means were cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), with multiple shoots regenerated
separated from each other by Tukey’s honestly significant difference (HSD) after 15 d in culture, although microscopic in size (Gambley and
test (Compton, 1994). Dodd, 1990). Rapid differentiation of shoot meristems has also been
noted on the most proximal end of Brassica cotyledons (Sharma and
Results and Discussion Bhojwani, 1990).
Development of explants that were not de-budded. The apex and
Morphology of regeneration from the hypocotyl. Initial explants joint between the hypocotyl and the cotyledon are clearly visible
were prepared from 4-d-old germinating seedlings from which the under low magnification on explants that have not been de-budded
shoot apex and associated leaves of the original explant were (Fig. 3a). The shoot apex (apical bud with surrounding leaves) is
removed (Fig. 1a). This type of explant now proceeds through a visible by SEM (Fig. 5a). The partner explant prepared from the
defined developmental series. The stub of the hypocotyl grows other cotyledon of the same seed does not have a shoot apex, but has
longer, thicker and deeper with the sides of the hypocotyl stump an indentation from the apex (visible in the SEM, Fig. 5b). Within 3 d
enlarging 6-fold within the first 2 – 5 d (Fig. 1b). The area of a leaf is visible on 30% of the explants that have not been de-budded
regeneration is not visibly differentiated at this stage. A swelling (Fig. 3b), when no leaves are visible on de-budded explants. Two
develops on the upper part of the hypocotyl (seen here with a single days later the apical bud with a leaf on either side is visible (Fig. 3c).
early protuberance) (Fig. 1c). Swelling is visible on 20% of explants The hypocotyl stub has enlarged massively, and the space in the
after 3 d, and develops in 45% of explants after 6 d in culture. middle has not yet been filled by the development of the swelling
Protuberances then develop on the bulge, starting at the distal end of seen later in the de-budded samples (compare to Fig. 1c). After 8 d
the bulge (Fig. 1c). The protuberances are visible on 10% of explants individual shoots are visible in 42% of explants that have not been
after 3 d, 40% after 6 d, and 80% after 8 d on MSBA1 medium. A de-budded, and not at all on de-budded explants. Later, early
shoot apex is occasionally observed amongst the protuberances multiple shoots are observed (12 d; Fig. 3d). Development of
(Fig. 1d). After 10 d in culture about 30% of explants have leaves, explants that were not de-budded was therefore more rapid than from
rising to 67% with leaves after 13 d (Fig. 1e), mixed with buds. Such de-budded explants, showing the effect of a pre-existing shoot apex.
buds may develop into early multiple shoots (Fig. 1f ). Axillary buds Often a single shoot with a large leaf is found, surrounded by
become visible at the base of the larger buds (Fig. 1f ). After 30 d subsidiary buds (16 d; Fig. 3e), or occasionally a short compact shoot

FIG . 1. Regeneration from de-budded hypocotyl explants. All samples have the adaxial surface upwards, with the distal part of the
explant towards the top of the page. a, Initial explant from the cotyledon of a 4-d-old germinated melon cv. Revigal seedling. The shoot apex
and associated leaves have been removed. The white arrow ‘H’ marks the part of the hypocotyl remaining after explant preparation. The
cotyledon remnant is labeled ‘C’. The black arrow indicates the semicircular joint between the hypocotyl and the cotyledon ðbar ¼ 1 mmÞ. b,
Explant after 5 d in culture. Asterisks label the sides of the hypocotyl stump, and the now empty space between the sides is marked with an
arrow. Regeneration will occur slightly above the point indicated by the arrow ðbar ¼ 0:5 mmÞ. c, Explant after 10 d in culture. Swelling on
the hypocotyl is marked with a three-headed arrow. A regenerating protuberance is marked with an arrow. Regeneration occurs in the area
marked between the two arrows ðbar ¼ 2 mmÞ: d, A shoot apex (marked ‘S’) on an explant cut from a 7–10-d-old seedling. Explants from
this age of seedling regenerate callus (visible in the foreground) rapidly ðbar ¼ 0:15 mmÞ: e, Explant after 14 d in culture with buds (arrows)
and leaves ðbar ¼ 2:5 mmÞ: f, Close-up of an explant after 12 d in culture with several buds close together (buds marked by arrows). Further
small axillary buds formed at the base of the large buds are visible ðbar ¼ 1 mmÞ: g, Explant after 32 d in culture. Small multiple shoots and
leaves cover the area between the hypocotyl (H) and the cotyledon (C) ðbar ¼ 4 mmÞ: h, Multiple shoots regenerating from an explant 4 wk
after transfer to elongation medium ðbar ¼ 6 mmÞ: Shoots are marked with white arrows. The original explant, now greatly swollen, is
marked with a black arrow. i, A regenerated plant of cv. Revigal from a hypocotyl explant, rooting in vitro ðbar ¼ 10 mmÞ:

with a swollen base (Fig. 3f ) with buds visible around the base. In most proximal part of the cotyledon. The cotyledon fragment
later stages of development the appearances of de-budded explants regenerates (Fig. 4a), resembling the regeneration of protuberances
and those that have not been de-budded are similar. found after a similar period (16 d) with proximal cotyledon explants
Dissections of the basal fragment of the cotyledon from the (Gaba et al., 1999). After 16 d in culture the separated hypocotyl
hypocotyl. The hypocotyl part can be surgically separated from the fragment has enlarged as if it were still attached to the rest of the

explant (Fig. 4b); the sides have also risen up, leaving a space in the
center. Swelling develops rapidly on the excised hypocotyl section,
and 50% of the explants showed swelling after 6 d. Swelling did not
develop as much as with the intact explants, and a knob emerged at
the point where there is normally regeneration of buds and shoots
(Fig. 4b). After 15 d in culture no leaves regenerated from either
cotyledon or hypocotyl fragments (Fig. 2); but 29% of the cotyledon
fragments regenerated leaves after 21 d (Fig. 2), and the excised
hypocotyl produced protuberances (probably leaf primordia; Gaba
et al., 1999) in 60% of explants, along with a low level of leaf
production (Fig. 2), after which development did not continue.
The requirement for attachment of a fragment of the cotyledon to
the hypocotyl for regeneration from the hypocotyl could be due to two
factors. Firstly, the damage due to the separation of the organs may
FIG . 2. Kinetics of regeneration responses of a variety of explants of prevent regeneration. Alternatively, factors (possibly growth
melon. Regeneration of a shoot, or leaf or shoot, was recorded after 15 d and substances) may be transmitted from the cotyledons to the hypocotyl
21 d on MSBA1 medium of hypocotyl explant (de-budded), cotyledon, enabling regeneration. For example, cotyledon-produced factors are
hypocotyl fragment excised from the hypocotyl explant, cotyledon fragment involved in the photo-control of elongation of the cucumber
excised from the hypocotyl explant. Regeneration of the hypocotyl explant
was significantly different from that of the other explants for each response, hypocotyl (Black and Shuttleworth, 1974). Regeneration from Vigna
for each time reported, by Tukey’s HSD test ðP , 0:05Þ. There was no cotyledonary nodes can to some extent depend on attachment of part
significant difference between the regeneration of the explants except for the of the cotyledon (Sen and Guha-Mukherjee, 1998).
hypocotyl, by the HSD test ðP , 0:05Þ. Minimum significant difference Histology of regeneration from the hypocotyl. Histological
values according to the HSD test at P , 0:05 were 13.56 (for regeneration of
a shoot after 15 d), 12.53 (leaf or shoot after 15 d), 13.79 (shoot after 21 d), examination of regeneration from the hypocotyl was undertaken.
36.66 (leaf or shoot after 21 d). Sections were made from melon hypocotyl samples in which no ‘bud’

FIG . 3. Regeneration from hypocotyl explants that have not been de-budded. a, b, d, are presented adaxial surface upwards, with the
distal part of the explant towards the top of the page. a, An explant prepared from a 4-d-old seedling. The apex of the seedling is labeled.
The joint between the hypocotyl and the cotyledon is marked with two arrows. The cotyledon fragment (C) and the hypocotyl stump (H) are
labeled ðbar ¼ 1 mmÞ: b, Explant after 3 d in culture. The leaf covering the apical bud is marked with an arrow. Asterisks mark the sides of
the hypocotyl stump. The cotyledon fragment (C) and the hypocotyl stump (H) are labeled. The ‘H’ is on the hollow part of the stump
ðbar ¼ 1 mmÞ: c, Explant after 5 d in culture, viewed from the cut hypocotyl side. The apical bud with a leaf on either side is marked with an
arrow. Asterisks mark the sides of the hypocotyl stump (H). The ‘H’ is on the hollow part of the stump where swelling will develop
ðbar ¼ 1 mmÞ: d, Explant after 12 d in culture. Arrows indicate shoots. The cotyledon fragment (C) and the hypocotyl stump (H) are labeled
ðbar ¼ 2 mmÞ: e, Explant after 16 d in culture, viewed laterally. A short stem is shown, accompanied by leaves. A subsidiary bud is marked
with an arrow. The cotyledon fragment (C) and the hypocotyl stump (H) are labeled ðbar ¼ 3 mmÞ: f, A short compact shoot with massively
swollen base, marked by a white arrow, regenerated after 30 d in culture, viewed laterally. A bud at the base of the swollen shoot is marked
with a black arrow ðbar ¼ 3 mmÞ:

FIG . 4. Regeneration from dissected explants. a, A surgically removed cotyledon fragment after 16 d in culture. The explant is shown
adaxial surface up, with the most proximal side towards the bottom of the page. Regenerating leaves and protuberances are on the most
proximal edge (arrow) ðbar ¼ 1 mmÞ: b, A hypocotyl section surgically removed from a de-budded hypocotyl explant (as in a ), after 16 d in
culture. The sides have grown (marked with asterisks), leaving a space in the center (black arrow). A regenerated knob has emerged at the
proximal end of the hypocotyl (white arrow) ðbar ¼ 1 mmÞ: c, Transverse section of a de-budded hypocotyl explant after 11 d in culture in
which no development was visible externally by stereomicroscope. A small, meristematic bulge (m) on the adaxial side (at the top) is
opposite the vascular bundle (vb) of the midrib. Parenchymatic cells (p) are between the meristem and the vascular bundle ðbar ¼ 100 mmÞ:
d, The meristem from 3c viewed in close up. The meristem (m) and a parenchyma cell (p) are indicated ðbar ¼ 10 mmÞ: e, Transverse section
of hypocotyl explant after 11 d in culture on which there was a visible knob, showing a young bud structure on a promontory composed
mainly of parenchyma (p), developing in the same position on the explant as in c and d. The shoot apical meristem (m) is visible, amongst
several leaf primordia (arrows) ðbar ¼ 50 mmÞ: f, Close up of e, showing the densely staining cells of the shoot apical meristem (sam) and the
nearest leaf primordium (lp) ðbar ¼ 10 mmÞ:

FIG . 5. SEM observations of the preparation of explants. All scanning electron microscope photographs are located with the hypocotyl
stub to the top of the page, adaxial surface up. The hypocotyl fragment is labeled ‘H’, and the cotyledon is marked ‘C’. a, An explant (similar
to that of 3a ) that has not been de-budded, immediately after preparation. The shoot apex (apical bud with surrounding leaves) is labeled ‘A’
ðbar ¼ 500 mmÞ: b, An explant from the cotyledon that did not have the apical bud after cutting. A small amount of material from the shoot
apex remains (A), as well as a negative impression of the shoot apex (NI) ðbar ¼ 500 mmÞ: c, An explant following removal of the apical bud
and associated material. A small scar remains on the de-budded sample (arrow) ðbar ¼ 500 mmÞ: d, Higher magnification of the removal
scar from c. The arrow indicates the scar ðbar ¼ 100 mmÞ: e, An explant following removal of the apical bud and associated material. A
wrinkle of material from the shoot apex remains (arrow) ðbar ¼ 100 mmÞ:

development was visible externally by binocular microscope, after shoot apical meristem, similar to the mass production of
several days on MSBA1 medium. The structure observed in Fig. 4c is protuberances on melon cotyledons in culture (Gaba et al., 1999).
a cross-section of a hypocotyl explant with swelling, very different in The shoot apical meristem and the adjacent leaf primordium stained
appearance from regenerating cotyledon sections (Gaba et al., 1999). densely with meristematic activity (Fig. 4f ).
There is a single small, meristematic bulge on the adaxial side (at the The development of a new shoot apical meristem was observed by
top of the picture) (Fig. 4c), opposite the vasculature. Hairs are histology, and therefore does not occur from a pre-existing apical
visible on the epidermis near the meristem. There is parenchyma meristem. The apical meristem may be visible on the melon
between the meristem and the vascular bundle, the parenchyma hypocotyl before leaf primordia obscure it (Figs. 1d and 4c), in
constituting most of the swelling observed in Fig. 1c. When viewed contrast to the regeneration process from cotyledons (Gaba et al.,
in close up, the deeply stained meristem (Fig. 4d) has the 1999) where mass production of protuberances (leaf primordia)
appearance of an early apical meristem. A bud is observed in occurs prior to the appearance of a shoot apical meristem.
another sample with an externally obvious knob (Fig. 4e), developing Examination of the cutting procedure by scanning electron
in the same position on the explant as in Fig. 4c, d. The bud is on a microscope (SEM). Prior to removal, the shoot apex is conspicuous
promontory composed mainly of parenchyma, of which only the axial on one explant of each pair prepared (Figs. 3a and 5a). The explant
part is shown (Fig. 4e). Several leaf primordia are visible near the from the cotyledon which did not have the apex after cutting always

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