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Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (2005) 80: 33–42  Springer 2005

Development of a shoot regeneration protocol for genetic transformation in

Pelargonium zonale and Pelargonium peltatum hybrids

Traud Winkelmann*, Kamran Kaviani & Margrethe Serek

Institute of Floriculture, Tree Nursery Science and Plant Breeding, Section of Floriculture, University of
Hannover, Herrenhaeuser Strasse 2, D-30419 Hannover, Germany (*requests for offprints; Fax: +49-511-
762 2654; E-mail:

Received 23 February 2004; accepted in revised form 6 April 2004

Key words: Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer, breeding, geranium, in vitro culture,

Pelargonium · hortorum, regeneration ability


The attempts of this investigation were to develop a system for plant regeneration from explants of adult
plants and its use for genetic transformation of important commercial Pelargonium zonale hybrid and P.
peltatum hybrid cultivars. To this aim, leaf blade and petiole explants of eight cultivars were cultured on
modified MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) medium with two concentrations of TDZ, BA, and zeatin (5
and 20 lM). Petiole explants showed a higher regeneration response than leaf blade explants and TDZ was
the most effective cytokinin. Petioles of 16 cultivars were incubated on medium containing 5, 10, 15, and
20 lM TDZ, respectively, in order to identify the most effective TDZ concentration. For the majority of
genotypes 10 lM TDZ resulted in the best regeneration response. Cefotaxim at 500 mg l)1 had no effect on
shoot regeneration and did not show interaction with glufosinate. For selection of transgenic cells, a
concentration of 2.5 lM glufosinate was shown to be appropriate. LBA4404 and EHA101 Agrobacterium
strains carrying pIBGUS vector with pat gene as selectable marker gene and GUS gene as reporter gene
were compared in transformation studies. With regard to GUS expression in petiole explants 16 days after
coculture, better results were obtained with EHA 101 than with LBA 4404.

Abbreviations: BA – 6-benzylaminopurine; GUS – b-glucuronidase; TDZ (=thidiazuron) – N-1,2,3-(thi-

diazol-5-yl)urea; zeatin – 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)purine

Introduction marketing quality, and pest and disease resistance,

among others. Although breeding resulted in a
Pelargonium is a genus within the Geraniaceae out range of cultivars with excellent traits, some of
of which some species and interspecific hybrids are these aims have not yet been reached, and others,
horticulturally used as potted or bedding plants of such as resistance against viral or bacterial diseases
considerable economic importance. In the Euro- cannot be achieved by conventional cross-breeding
pean and North American markets the vegeta- strategies. Gene transfer using Agrobacterium
tively-propagated bedding plants from the two tumefaciens enables the introduction of genes from
groups Pelargonium zonale hybrids (syn. Pelargo- outside the related species and would be a helpful
nium · hortorum) and Pelargonium peltatum hy- tool in pelargonium breeding. A prerequisite for
brids are predominant. Breeding aims at applying genetic transformation via Agrobacte-
developing new flower colours and shapes, early rium is an in vitro regeneration system. For prac-
and continuous flowering, good postharvest and tical application, it is strongly recommended that

explants can be obtained from adult plants, be- scribed by Boase et al. (1996, 1998). Besides, few
cause the genotypes have to be tested for agro- other reports are available dealing with gene
nomic performance before using them for transfer to other pelargonium types, such as scented
transformation, and, moreover the vegetatively- pelargoniums (Pellegrineschi and Davolio-Mariani,
propagated pelargoniums are highly heterozygous 1996; KrishnaRaj et al., 1997; Bi et al., 1999).
resulting in variable offspring. For P. zonale as Objectives of this study were to develop and test an
well as P. peltatum hybrids, a number of reports in vitro regeneration system for a spectrum of dif-
has been published which dealt with in vitro ferent cultivars of P. zonale and P. peltatum hybrids
regeneration from explants taken from adult using explants from adult plants. Additionally, the
plants either using organogenesis (Cassells and regeneration system was used in transformation
Carney, 1987; Dunbar and Stephens, 1989; Boase experiments with two Agrobacterium tumefaciens
et al., 1996; Robichon et al., 1997; Agarwal and strains testing different co-culture durations.
Ranu, 2000; Mithila et al., 2001) or using somatic
embryogenesis (Cassells, 1979; Robichon et al.,
1997; Haensch, 1999; Mithila et al., 2001). In the
case of somatic embryogenesis, the most restricting Material and methods
problem is the applicability of the system, which
has been shown to work efficiently for a few model Plant material
genotypes (KrishnaRaj et al., 1997), but was not
transferable to a wider range of genotypes of ac- The 16 pelargonium cultivars collected from three
tual economic importance (Haensch, 1999). In German breeders used in this study are listed in
addition, recently it was questioned whether some Table 1. Nine cultivars belong to P. zonale hy-
of the reports on somatic embryogenesis were brids, seven to P. peltatum hybrids. They were
concerned with organogenesis rather than grown in the greenhouse at 18–22 C and explants
embryogenesis (Haensch, 2004). However, the re- were taken from healthy non-flowering plants.
ports on shoot regeneration in pelargonium also
stress the differences between genotypes (Robi- Surface sterilisation and growth conditions
chon et al., 1997; Mithila et al., 2001). Agrobac-
terium-mediated transformation of pelargonium Leaves and petioles were surface sterilised in
types which are in focus of this study was only de- 500 ml sodium hypochlorite solution with 1.5%

Table 1. Pelargonium cultivars used: some characteristics and breeders

Internal No. Cultivar name Pelargonium group Flower colour Breeder

P01 Sailing P. zonale hybrid White Selecta Klemm

P02 Caprivi P. zonale hybrid White Selecta Klemm
P03 Salmon Flash P. zonale hybrid Pink Selecta Klemm
P04 Katinka P. zonale hybrid Pink Selecta Klemm
P05 Arcona 2000 P. zonale hybrid Red Selecta Klemm
P06 Royal Pink P. peltatum hybrid Red Selecta Klemm
P07 Royal Blue P. peltatum hybrid Red Selecta Klemm
P08 Ville de Paris P. peltatum hybrid Red Selecta Klemm
P09 PAC Granatit, Penro P. peltatum hybrid Red Elsner PAC
P10 PAC Dresdner Rhodonit,P. peltatum hybrid Red Elsner PAC
P11 PAC Lauretta, Pacamla P. zonale hybrid Pink Elsner PAC
P12 PAC Juliane, Penjul P. zonale hybrid Red Elsner PAC
P13 Pelfi Rokoko P. zonale hybrid Pink Pelargonien Fischer
P14 Pelfi Grand Prix P. zonale hybrid Red Pelargonien Fischer
P15 Pelfi Beach 99 P. peltatum hybrid Red Pelargonien Fischer
P16 Pelfi Amethyst 96 P. peltatum hybrid Red Pelargonien Fischer

available chlorine containing one drop of Tween cytokinin-like effects and in this study will be
20 for 10 min, followed by three washing steps in nominated as cytokinin) were applied at 5 and
sterile water for 1, 2 and 5 min. Petioles were cut 20 lM, respectively. As explants, petiole segments
into segments of 4–6 mm length and leaf blade and pieces of the leaf blade were compared for
explants were 5 · 5 mm in size. While petiole pelargonium cultivars P01, P04, P06, P08, P10,
segments were placed horizontally on the medium, P11, P14, and P15 (Table 1).
leaf explants were incubated with the adaxial side
facing up in 6 cm plastic Petri dishes containing Effect of TDZ concentration on shoot regeneration
10 ml medium. The Petri dishes were sealed with from petiole explants
Parafilm and all cultures were kept at 23–25 C To limit the scope for the optimal TDZ concen-
under 16 h of light (20–40 lmol m)2 s)1). tration and to screen all sixteen cultivars, this
experiment was performed using petiole segments
as explants. TDZ was tested in concentrations of 5,
Culture media 10, 15, and 20 lM, respectively.

The basal medium composition contained micro-

nutrients according Murashige and Skoog (1962), Effect of glufosinate and cefotaxim on shoot
36.71 mg l)1 NaFeEDTA, 250 mg l)1 peptone, regeneration
100 mg l)1 myo-inositol, 2 mg l)1 glycine, In order to identify appropriate concentrations of
0.5 mg l)1 nicotinic acid, 0.5 mg l)1 pyridoxine glufosinate (synonym phosphinothricin) as selec-
HCl, 0.1 mg l)1 thiamine HCl, 30 g l)1 sucrose tive agent and to check the interaction with cefo-
and 8 g l)1 Agar (Serva Nr. 11396). The pH was taxim used for suppression of agrobacteria after
adjusted to 5.8 prior to autoclaving. According to co-culture, petiole explants of the four pelargo-
Reuther (1983) different macronutrients were used nium cultivars P01, P04, P07, and P09 were incu-
for P. zonale and P. peltatum hybrids: For P. zo- bated on basal media for P. zonale and P. peltatum
nale hybrids, macronutrients of full-strength MS hybrids with 10 lM TDZ. Because peptone could
medium were supplied, but with 2470 mg l)1 interfere with the selection procedure, its effect on
KNO3 and 255 mg l)1 KH2PO4. Media for P. shoot regeneration was tested. To media without
peltatum hybrids contained MS macronutrients at peptone, glufosinate was added at 2.5, 5, 10 and
half-strength, but with 1235 mg l)1 KNO3 and 25 lM as filter-sterilized stock solution after
127.5 mg l)1 KH2PO4. Cytokinin concentrations autoclaving. In a further experiment, the addi-
are given below; auxin content of all media was tional effect of 500 mg l)1 cefotaxim in media with
kept constant at 2.85 lM IAA for P. zonale hy- 2.5 and 5 lM glufosinate was investigated.
brids and 0.57 lM IAA for P. peltatum hybrids.
Transformation experiments

Regeneration experiments Two Agrobacterium strains EHA101 and

LBA4404 carrying the disarmed plasmid pIBGUS
For each treatment in all experiments, five Petri were used for transformation experiments. This
dishes with six explants each were prepared. All plasmid is derived from the binary vector pBIN19
experiments were repeated twice. After four weeks, (Bevan, 1984) and it harbours between its right
the number of explants with shoots and the number and left borders the T-DNA carrying the nptII
of shoots per explant were counted. Shoot regen- (neomycin phosphotransferase II) gene under nos
eration is given in percentage of explants (nopaline synthase) promoter, the pat (phosphi-
with shoots based on the total number of sterile nothricin acetyl transferase) gene under 35S pro-
explants. moter and the GUS INT (b-glucuronidase with
intron) gene under 35S promoter.
Effects of cytokinin type and explant type on shoot Twenty millilitres of LB medium (Maniatis
regeneration et al., 1982) containing 50 mg l)1 kanamycin were
The three cytokinins BA, zeatin and TDZ (which inoculated with 30 ll of frozen glycerine cultures
is not a cytokinin in a narrow sense, but provokes of Agrobacterium and incubated at 28 C in

darkness on a shaker at 250 rpm. After 24 h wide spectrum of genotypes. The surface sterilisa-
optical density was measured at 600 nm and bac- tion procedure was effective, as was concluded
teria were pelleted at 3000 rpm for 10 min, the from the low percentage of contaminated explants
supernatant was discarded and replaced by liquid in all experiments (1.7–7.5%).
hormone-free plant culture medium (1/2 MS) and
Acetosyringone (0.05 mM) in the manner of Regeneration experiments
adjusting OD600 to 0.2. The solution obtained was
used for explant inoculation. Effects of cytokinin type and explant type on shoot
Petiole explants of cultivars P01, P04, P07, and regeneration
P09 were incubated for 10 min in this solution, In the comparison of three different cytokinins
then blotted dry on sterile filter paper and placed regarding their efficiency in inducing shoot regen-
on basal medium containing 10 lM TDZ for co- eration, BA was least promotive. On BA-con-
culture. After 2 and 4 days of co-culture they were taining media, only two of the eight cultivars
transferred to medium of the same composition regenerated shoots (Table 2). The most potent
with additional 500 mg l)1 cefotaxim and 2.5 lM cytokinin was TDZ leading to shoot regeneration
glufosinate. in seven out of the eight cultivars. Of the two TDZ
Histochemical GUS assay according to Jeffer- concentrations tested (5 and 20 lM), neither was
son (1987) was done after 16 days with 12–19 ex- identified as superior for the majority of genotypes
plants per treatment and the number of blue spots and therefore an additional experiment was per-
was evaluated. formed to find out the most appropriate concen-
tration. Not only the number of explants with
Statistical analyses shoot regeneration, but also the number of shoots
per explant was greatest for TDZ-containing
Since the data showed neither normal distribution, media (data not shown). Zeatin induced shoot
nor homogeneity of variances, they were analysed formation in half of the genotypes tested and the
by SAS software using nonparametric Brunner shoots were of good quality. However, also the
procedure and Kruscal–Wallis test (Brunner, shoots from TDZ media were rooted on hormone-
2001). free medium.
Eight cultivars were included in this experi-
ment; in seven of them shoot regeneration was
Results obtained (Table 2), only for the P. zonale cultivar
P14 no shoots were induced, irrespective of the
The regeneration experiments were aimed at cytokinin. In general, cultivars of the P. peltatum
identifying conditions for shoot regeneration in a group expressed greater shoot regeneration ability

Table 2. Shoot regeneration rates [%] of seven Pelargonium cultivars (best medium for each genotype and kind of explant in bold)


5 lM BA 20 lM BA 5 lM TDZ 20 lM TDZ 5 lM zeatin 20 lM zeatin

Petiole Leaf Petiole Leaf Petiole Leaf Petiole Leaf Petiole Leaf Petiole Leaf

P. zonale hybrids
P01 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0
P04 0 0 0 0 47 60 45 13 23 27 7 27
P11 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 17 0 0 0 0

P. peltatum hybrids
P06 0 0 0 0 47 0 17 20 20 0 10 17
P08 0 0 0 0 50 17 37 23 17 0 46 0
P10 20 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0
P16 33 3 10 0 23 20 0 100 33 0 17 0

than P. zonale hybrids. For the majority of geno- opposed, in the latter group a smaller number of
types, petiole explants were superior compared to reacting cultivars (three of nine) was found, but
leaf blade explants, in shoot formation (Table 2). with higher percentages of regenerating explants
Therefore, for the subsequent experiments petiole (30–57%) and with higher numbers of shoots per
explants were used. explant (Figure 2). On the other hand, in the case
of P. peltatum hybrids, more regenerative cultivars
Effect of TDZ concentration on shoot regeneration were observed (five of seven). In an additional
from petiole explants experiment, explants taken from in vitro grown
All 16 genotypes were involved in testing the shoots, when tested under the same conditions,
concentrations of 5, 10, 15, and 20 lM TDZ for showed higher shoot regeneration rates of up to
shoot formation and significant differences were 83% (results not shown).
found between the cultivars as well as between
TDZ concentrations. Regarding the shoot regen- Effect of glufosinate and cefotaxim on shoot
eration rate for some genotypes (P01, P04, P09) regeneration
there was no difference between 5 and 10 lM TDZ With the aim of identifying a concentration of
(Figure 1), but a clear decrease at the higher con- glufosinate appropriate for the later selection of
centrations. For these genotypes the optimal TDZ transgenic shoots, petiole segments of four culti-
concentration is expected to lie between 5 and vars were incubated on six different media, with or
10 lM. On the other hand, for two genotypes with without peptone and with increasing concentra-
low regeneration rates, 10 lM TDZ was necessary tions of 2.5, 5, 10 and 25 lM glufosinate. The
for shoot formation (cultivar P07 presented in comparison of the two media lacking the selective
Figure 1 and P16). In addition, the number of agent revealed that peptone neither improved
shoots being formed per explant was higher in callus formation nor shoot regeneration (Fig-
some genotypes, if the medium contained 10 lM ure 3), and could therefore be omitted from the
TDZ as compared to 5 lM. Therefore, 10 lM medium. Glufosinate was a potent selective agent
TDZ were applied in the subsequent experiments. being efficient in the lowest concentration
The reaction of all genotypes on medium with (2.5 lM), at which only few explants formed callus
10 lM TDZ is presented in Figure 2. In eight of and no shoots were observed (Figure 3). At the
the sixteen cultivars, shoot regeneration was ob- higher concentrations no callus or shoot formation
served. If P. peltatum and P. zonale cultivars are occurred and the explants became necrotic within


Shoot regeneration [%]





5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
µM µM µM µM µM µM µM µM µM µM µM µM µM µM µM µM

P01 P04 P07 P09

P. zonale hybrids P. peltatum hybrids

Figure 1. Effect of TDZ on shoot regeneration of four pelargonium cultivars (TDZ concentrations are given in lM).

data above columns = mean standard deviation
number of shoots per shoot
70 forming explant

shoot regeneration [%]



1.5 1.5 1.5


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P11 P12 P13 P14 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P15 P16

P. zonale hybrids P. peltatum hybrids

Figure 2. Shoot regeneration of 16 Pelargonium cultivars after four weeks culture on medium containing 10 lM TDZ (means and
standard deviations of five Petri dishes).

three to four weeks. The statistical analysis re- both agrobacterium strains. The results of the
vealed significant differences between the media GUS assays for the four cultivars 16 days after co-
(p > 0.99), but the pair-wise comparison of media culture are given in Table 4. For strain LBA 4404
with or without peptone showed no significant the prolonged co-culture of 4 days revealed higher
differences regarding callus formation or shoot numbers of 26 explants showing GUS activity
regeneration. summed for the four cultivars as compared to 14
The addition of cefotaxim had no effect on callus for the 2-days co-culture variant. In addition, for
formation, while the shoot regeneration rate slightly each genotype the average number of blue spots
increased in cultivars P04 and P09 and decreased in per explant was increased by 4 days co-culture as
P01 and P07 (Table 3). In total, this effect of cefo- compared to 2 days (Table 4). For the more vir-
taxim was not statistically significant. The combi- ulent strain EHA 101, the four days co-culture
nation of 500 mg l)1 cefotaxim and 2.5 lM period led to very strong bacterial growth, which
glufosinate resulted in markedly decreased callus could not be suppressed by 500 mg l)1 cefotaxim,
formation and completely inhibited shoot formation so that all explants in this treatment were lost.
(Table 3) in the same way that was observed for After 2 days of co-culture with strain EHA 101, 31
glufosinate alone (Figure 3). At 5 lM glufosinate out of 44 explants were found to express GUS
and 500 mg l)1 cefotaxim neither callus nor shoot activity giving a percentage of 70%, which was
formation was observed (Table 3). From these re- about three times greater than for strain LBA 4404
sults it can be concluded that cefotaxim did not showing blue spots in 14 out of 60 explants (Ta-
interfere with the selective effect of glufosinate. For ble 4).
the subsequent transformation experiments, after In a second experiment, the higher virulence
co-culture, petiole explants were incubated on estimated by the GUS expression within explants
medium lacking peptone and containing 10 lM of strain EHA 101, compared to LBA 4404, was
TDZ, 2.5 lM glufosinate and 500 mg l)1 cefotaxim. confirmed (data not shown). However, in this
experiment the co-culture time was 2 versus
Transformation experiments 3 days, respectively. The longer co-culture time of
3 days had little positive effect on the number of
In the first transformation experiment, two co- explants with GUS activity, but increased the
culture times of 2 and 4 days were compared using average number of transformation events per ex-



70 P09
Callus formation [%]







C1 C2 AB C D
(a) Medium


35 P01

30 P07
Shoot regeneration [%]





C1 C2 AB C D
(b) Medium

Figure 3. Effect of peptone and glufosinate on callus formation (a) and shoot regeneration (b) of petiole explants of four Pelargonium
cultivars after four weeks, C1: with 250 mg l)1 peptone, C2: without peptone, A: C2 with 2.5 lM glufosinate, B: C2 with 5 lM
glufosinate, C: C2 with 10 lM glufosinate, D: C2 with 25 lM glufosinate (means and standard deviations of five Petri dishes).

plant, as evaluated by counting the number of blue types are the prerequisite for developing a trans-
spots per petiole. formation system for a plant species or genotype. In
pelargonium, many reports on shoot regeneration
and somatic embryogenesis are available, which
Discussion used seedlings or zygotic embryos as starting
material (e.g. Marsolais et al., 1991; Gill et al., 1994;
Regeneration experiments Hutchinson et al., 1996; Murthy et al., 1996; Wilson
et al., 1996; Croke and Cassells, 1997) and which
Efficient regeneration protocols that could be have been successfully applied in transformation
applicable to a broad spectrum of different geno- studies. But the two groups included in this study,

Table 3. Effect of cefotaxim (cef) alone and combined with glufosinate (glu) on callus formation and shoot regeneration of four
Pelargonium cultivars

Medium Parameter Cultivar

P01 P04 P07 P09

Control Callus formation [%] 100 100 100 100

Shoot regeneration [%] 20 27 20 10

500 mg l)1 cef Callus formation [%] 100 100 100 100
Shoot regeneration [%] 7 30 17 13

500 mg l)1 Callus formation [%] 13 3 17 13

cef + 2.5 lM glu
Shoot regeneration [%] 0 0 0 0

500 mg l)1 Callus formation [%] 0 0 0 0

cef + 5.0 lM glu
Shoot regeneration [%] 0 0 0 0

Table 4. Histochemical GUS assay in petiole explants of Pelargonium cultivars 16 days after co-culture with two Agrobacterium strains

Strain Cultivar Co-culture Number of Number of explants Average number

period (days) explants analysed with blue spots of blue spots
per explant

LBA 4404 P01 2 17 9 2

4 17 6 2.17
P04 2 12 4 1.75
4 12 2 7
P07 2 13 1 1
4 19 10 1.1
P09 2 18 0 0
4 18 8 2
EHA 101 P01 2 18 12 1.58
a a a
P04 2 2 1 16
a a a
P07 2 6 5 1.6
a a a
P09 2 18 13 2.15
a a a
Explants overgrown by Agrobacterium, not assayed.

P. zonale and P. peltatum hybrids, are propagated Boase et al., 1996). Exceptions are the studies of
vegetatively via cuttings and are highly heterozy- Robichon et al. (1997) who analysed seven P.
gous. Therefore our aim was to define conditions peltatum cultivars, of Agarwal and Ranu (2000)
suitable for regeneration from explants which can with three P. zonale cultivars and that of Haensch
be taken from adult plants. The publications deal- (1999) testing thirty-five cultivars from both P.
ing with shoot regeneration or somatic embryo- zonale and P. peltatum hybrids. In order to assess
genesis starting from adult plant parts are limited the general practicability of the regeneration system
and often restricted to one model genotype (e.g. for pelargonium breeding, we performed our study
‘Frensham’ KrishnaRaj et al., 1997 or ‘Dubonnet’ with sixteen cultivars of economic importance.

The 16 cultivars of the present study differed in the difference between both explant types was less
their regeneration ability as well as in the intensity pronounced when in vitro plantlets were the ex-
of regeneration. In total, in eight of them shoot plant source (data not shown), indicating that the
regeneration from petiole explants was obtained lesser response of the leaf blade explants could be
on medium containing 10 lM TDZ. These differ- due to greater sensitivity of this tissue to the sur-
ences in the in vitro response are often observed in face sterilisation procedure.
tissue culture studies and thought to be due to the Since cefotaxim did not have a significant
varying endogenous hormone contents or differing inhibitory effect on shoot regeneration at the
ability to respond to the growth regulators applied concentration of 500 mg l)1, it can be applied for
in the medium. In addition other factors like the suppression of agrobacteria after co-culture.
physiological status of the plant in the greenhouse Additionally it did not interact with glufosinate
could have an effect on the regeneration response. (Table 3).
When explants were taken from in vitro grown Glufosinate at the lowest concentration
shoots of 12 of the cultivars which were tested in (2.5 lM) reduced callus formation markedly and
the present study, shoot regeneration was observed inhibited shoot regeneration totally (Figure 3).
in two genotypes (P08 and P10), which did not Since the explants did not show strong necrotic
react in the present study using explants from reactions within the first days of culture on 2.5 lM
greenhouse grown plants. Assumed reasons for glufosinate and also callus formation occurred to a
this are physiological differences in plants grown low extent, this concentration seems to be appro-
under in vitro conditions or deleterious effects of priate for selection of transgenic cells. In other
the surface sterilization procedure. reports dealing with Agrobacterium mediated
Between the three cytokinins tested in the transformation of pelargonium, kanamycin was
present study, BA was found to be not suitable for used for selection (Boase et al., 1996, 1998;
induction of shoot regeneration (Table 2). TDZ KrishnaRaj et al., 1997; Bi et al., 1999).
was more efficient than zeatin, although the shoots
were larger and of good quality on zeatin-con-
taining media. The physiological action of TDZ Transformation experiments
was the subject of some studies with pelargonium
(Visser et al., 1992; Gill et al., 1994; Hutchinson The regeneration protocol developed in this study
et al., 1996). TDZ was shown to have, or induce, was applied in the first transformation experiments
cytokinin activity resulting in shoot formation in comparing two Agrobacterium strains and differ-
the present study as well as in previous reports on ent co-culture durations. Strain EHA 101 was
other genotypes of P. peltatum (Robichon et al., more virulent than strain LBA 4404 as could be
1997). On the other hand, Visser et al. (1992) re- seen from the GUS expression in petiole explants
ported that TDZ also meets the auxin requirement (Table 4). Also Meurer et al. (1998) reported
for inducing somatic embryogenesis on hypocotyl higher transformation frequencies in soybean
cultures. However, in the regeneration system used when using EHA 101 compared to LBA 4404. On
in the present study, the structures developing on the other hand, EHA 101 was more difficult to be
the callus only had shoot meristems and were suppressed after co-culture. Therefore, for this
connected to the callus. strain, the co-culture duration should be limited to
One aim of our study was to start from ex- three days, or other antibiotics or combinations of
plants which can be taken from adult plants. Both different antibiotics should be tested for suppres-
explant types derived from different parts of the sion of bacterial growth.
leaf gave rise to shoot regeneration in the GUS expression was most prominent in the
responding genotypes. For the majority of culti- outer cell layers of the petioles and it remains to be
vars tested, petioles gave better regeneration re- proven if GUS-expressing callus derived from
sults than leaf blade explants. These results are in these layers is stably transformed and if shoots can
agreement with the observations made by Robi- be regenerated from the transformed cells. Small
chon et al. (1997) who found higher shoot regen- plantlets were regenerated from the calluses and
eration rates for petioles as compared to leaf rooted on glufosinate-containing medium, some
blades in four P. peltatum cultivars. In our studies, of which showed GUS activity in their leaves.

The molecular analysis of these plants is in pro- sulated somatic embryos of geranium. J. Plant Physiol. 143:
gress. 408–413
Haensch KT (1999) Somatic embryogenesis in vitro from adult
plants of pelargonium: Influence of genotype and basal
medium. Gartenbauwissenschaft 64: 193–200
Acknowledgements Haensch KT (2004) Morpho-histological study of
somatic embryo-like structures in hypocotyls culture of
The authors are grateful to Prof. Hans-Jörg Jac- Pelargonium · hortorum Bailey. Plant Cell Rep. 22: 376–
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Hutchinson MJ, Murch SJ & Saxena PK (1996) Morphoreg-
with the Agrobacterium strains and the vector, ulatory role of thidiazuron: Evidence of the involvement of
which originally was kindly provided by Prof. Inge endogenous auxin in thidiazuron-induced somatic embryo-
Broer, and to the pelargonium breeders, Selecta genesis of geranium (Pelargonium · hortorum Bailey). J.
Klemm, Elsner PAC, and Pelargonien Fischer, for Plant Physiol. 149: 573–579
Jefferson RA (1987) Assaying chimeric genes in plants: the
supplying the plant materials. The scholarship of
GUS gene fusion system. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 5: 387–405
the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) KrishnaRaj S, Bi YM & Saxena PK (1997) Somatic embryo-
for Kamran Kaviani is gratefully appreciated. genesis and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system
for scented geraniums (Pelargonium sp. ‘Frensham’). Planta
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