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Journal of Hazardous Materials 411 (2021) 125046

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Transforming wet blue leather and potato peel into an eco-friendly

bio-organic NPK fertilizer for intensifying crop productivity and retrieving
value-added recyclable chromium salts
Subhasish Majee a, Gopinath Halder a, Dalia Dasgupta Mandal b, O.N. Tiwari c, *,
Tamal Mandal a, *, 1
Centre for Technological Excellence in Water Purification, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India
Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India
Centre for Conservation and Utilisation of Blue Green Algae, Division of Microbiology, ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India


Editor: Dr. R. Teresa An attempt has been made to address two important issues, the solid waste management of leather industry and
soil fertility. The SEM images revealed altered surface-morphology.The EDS elemental analysis exhibited pres­
Keywords: ence of about 13.2% nitrogen (N), 50.56% carbon (C), 2.69% phosphorus (P) in the collagenous material of wet
Wet blue leather blue leather (WBL) after chromium removal. In potato peel biochar (PPB) prepared the EDS analysis corrobo­
Collagenous material
rated the presence of N P K in 5%, 1.4% and 21.64% respectively. In the formulated bio-organic NPK fertilizer,
Chromium precipitation
using chromium free WBL and PPB, the percentage of N, P, K, was in 13.10, 2.41, 20.20% respectively which was
Potato peel biochar
Bio-organic NPK fertilizer authenticated by EDS. Its effect on okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) plant showed higher growth (1.11 fold fruit size)
and total chlorophyll content (1.61 fold) than in untreated soil (control) but displayed similar result as in
presence of chemical fertilizer. The released free ammonia in soil with bio-organic NPK was more (37.02%) than
with chemical fertilizer (6.10%). DNA intercalation study showed the non-hazardous impact on soil. The FTIR,
XRD, SEM-EDS, AAS further specified the conversion of the WBL extracted acidic chromium-rich solution by
MgO into crystalline chromium for commercial use.

1. Introduction effective process for the formulation of an eco-friendly, low cost and
competent organic fertilizer is hence, in demand. Use of solid organic
Today, effective soil management strategies are one of the most waste (enriched with proper nutrients) for the preparation of
essential need for increasing soil fertility and crop production as the environment-friendly compost could be an effective alternative. A large
dependence on inorganic chemical-based fertilizers, cause a serious quantity of solid waste generated from leather industries is chromium
threat to human health and the environment. Intensive use of com­ (Cr) containing wet blue leather (WBL) which needs special attention for
mercial inorganic fertilizer decrease the organic matter content; decline management. Chromium has potential deleterious impacts on the
soil pH; essential nutrients; minerals; and finally deteriorate soil health environment as it is lethal to living cells and is carcinogenic (Tasca and
(Lin et al., 2019; Abera et al., 2018; Li et al., 2012). Moreover vegetables Puccini, 2019; Kolomaznik et al., 2008; Dhal et al., 2013), but it also has
and fruits grown on inorganically over-fertilized soil are prone to pests few important applications as in; Recently chromium-free specially
and diseases (Karungi et al., 2006; Parmar and Chakraborty, 2016). To synthesized tanning agents have been found which can be utilized in the
avoid this, bio based-fertilizer can be a choice for better crop production. tanning industry to solve the problem of chrome pollution and related
The studies have shown that organic fertilizer has higher total nitrogen issues (Qiang et al., 2016; Gao et al., 2019; Jia et al., 2019) but till date
(N2) and organic matter content, which can help to improve the soil’s most of the leather industries use chromium-bearing chemicals as a
physical, chemical, and biological property by increasing the population tanning agent to protect the leather from microbial-deterioration (Tariq
of useful microbes in the soil (Álvarez et al., 1988). The search of an et al., 2009). Utilization of this solid waste in an alternative manner may

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (O.N. Tiwari), (T. Mandal).
Orcid ID: 0000–0002-0493–747X.
Received 29 August 2020; Received in revised form 1 January 2021; Accepted 3 January 2021
Available online 7 January 2021
0304-3894/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Majee et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 411 (2021) 125046

benefit the industry for its management and economic aspects and will purchased from the authorized dealers of IFFCO (Indian Farmers Fer­
save the environment as well. Previous investigations have demon­ tiliser Cooperative Limited), Durgapur, India. The chemical constituents
strated several chromium removal techniques (Vibhatabandhu and Sri­ of NPK 10:26:26 fertilizer are 50.04% diammonium phosphate, 43.98%
thongouthai, 2018; Zhao et al., 2019) but acid treatment is the required muriate of potash, 1.5% urea, 3.6% silica and 0.88% moisture. This
one for chromium separation without destroying the protein part. It can composition with respect to elemental nitrogen, neutral ammonium
convert the WBL into a precious source for nitrogen-rich collagen and citrate soluble phosphate (as P2O5), and water soluble K2O is equivalent
valuable chromium (Poulopoulou et al., 1998). WBL could be an to 10%, 26%, and 26% respectively. The soil used in the pot experiment
ingredient of organic manure and soil conditioner, as the nitrogen was collected from Faridpur (adjacent to NIT Durgapur, WB, India). The
content of WBL is reported to contain about 140 g/kg of N (dry weight), nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) content in the soil was 0.045% and
and thus after chromium separation, it could be utilized as nitrogen rich 0.030% respectively, and the phosphorus content was negligible (not at
manure. It is known that nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium all three detectable level).
must be present in manure. Conventionally, farmers use inorganic
potassium-phosphorus-rich fertilizer for higher crop yield, which is
2.2. Preparation of bio-organic NPK fertilizer
expensive. To overcome this a cheap substitute is being searched. The
potato peel biochar (PPB) can be utilized as potassium-phosphorus
2.2.1. Processing of WBL: chromium extraction and nitrogenous collagen
source as it is reported to contain a large quantity of potassium and
phosphorus nutrients (Vaitkevičienė, 2019). Potato peel is an abun­
Chromium was extracted from WBL by a unique H3PO4 (1 N) acid
dantly available domestic solid waste and is eco-friendly because of it’s
treatment method (Lima de Oliveira et al., 2008). Treatment with acid
natural biodegradability (Wazir et al., 2018). Food and Agriculture
was done three times In brief, about 6 g WBL was allowed to react with
Organization of the United Nations (FAO) data reveals that there is a
300 mL H3PO4 (1 N) acid solution for 24 h at pH 3 and temperature of
significant rise in potato crop plantation over the last decades. If used
30 ◦ C. After filtration, washing was repeated twice with fresh 1 N H3PO4
properly it can act as a cost-curtailing resource of potassium and
acid. The treated WBL was properly washed with distilled water and
tested for residual chromium in both extracted solutions and WBL using
Both chromium-free wet blue leather waste, and potato peel biochar
atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) (Flame analysis method,
can act as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium source for an environ­
iCE 3000 Series/Thermo Scientific).
mentally benign bio-organic NPK fertilizer. Till now many different
types of formulations for organic manure have been reported using one
type of waste material as a nutrient source in combination with inor­ Optimization of MgO dosage for recovery of chromium from WBL
ganic chemical compounds (Majee et al., 2019; Nogueira et al., 2010). extract. The extracted and separated chromium fraction from WBL was
Gwenzi et al. (2017) developed a biochar based N–P–K fertilizer by treated with MgO at different dosages of 2–20 g/L for 12 h following a
impregnating ammonium nitrate, potassium dibasic phosphate, and standard protocol (Wang et al., 2016). Obtained precipitate (Green
single super phosphate solution into the biochar. Shi et al. (2020) pre­ color) was separated and supernatant was analyzed for chromium by
pared granular biochar mineral urea composite which is the combina­ AAS. Doses of MgO were optimized for chromium recovery. The sepa­
tion of blending urea with green waste biochar supplemented with clay rated chromium precipitated sample (S1) was dried in a hot air oven for
minerals of bentonite and sepiolite. Very few attempts have been made analysis by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive x-ray
for the formulation of NPK enriched organic fertilizer by combining two spectroscopy (EDS), and atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
natural organic solid waste as nutrient source.
In this present study, two organic ingredients, chromium-free Granular chromium recovery and characterization. The treat­
collagen of WBL waste as nitrogen source and potato peel biochar as ment time with MgO was extended from 24 h to15 days. The precipitate
potassium-phosphorus source was strategically used for the synthesis of was transformed into a new type of greenish colored irregular granular
NPK rich bio-organic manure. Proper measures were taken to remove shaped material (Fig. 1). It was dried in a hot air oven at 90 ◦ C tem­
chromium from WBL to get another valuable crystalline chromium oxide perature for 6 h. The transformed material (S2) was characterized by x-
for further commercial use. This is the first report where chromium re­ ray diffraction (XRD) (PAN analytical, B.V., PW3040/60, Netherlands)
covery in the form of crystalline chromium oxide from wet blue leather and Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) (SPECTRUM RX1,
waste was obtained and characterized. Both collagen fraction and potato
peel biochar were characterized using sophisticated analytical tools
SEM, FTIR, EDS along with the amalgamated NPK rich bio-organic
manure. The growth and other parameters of the okra (Abelmoschus
esculentus) plant was examined and simultaneously compared in differ­
ently treated soils. The eco-toxicity of this bio-organic fertilizer formu­
lation on soil was assessed by DNA interaction study using fluorescence

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Materials

The solid waste, wet blue leather as nitrogen source was supplied by
Leder Chemische Private Limited, Kolkata, India. The potato peel for
biochar was collected from a canteen ‘Wonder Café’ in NIT Campus,
Durgapur, West Bengal, India. All analytical grade chemicals such as
H3PO4, HCl, CuSO4, K2SO4, H2SO4, MgO, calf thymus DNA (ctDNA),
ethidium bromide (EtBr), acetone and methyl red indicator were pur­
chased from Sigma-Aldrich, Merck and HiMedia. The model plant okra
(Abelmoschus esculentus) seeds were procured from the local nursery of Fig. 1. Greenish granular chromium obtained by MgO treatment from extrac­
Durgapur, India. NPK 10:26:26 complex grade chemical fertilizer was ted solution of WBL.

S. Majee et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 411 (2021) 125046

Perkin Elmer). The pH of the supernatant was close to neutral pH 6.5 with 2 kg of soil and numbered as pot-I. The second set was with 4 g of
that might be due to the addition of a basic chemical agent (MgO). bio-organic NPK fertilizer marked as pot-II, and in the pot III only 2 kg of
natural soil (collected from agricultural field) was added for control. The
2.2.2. Preparation of potato peel biochar growth of the potted plants were monitored regularly up to 70 days.
For biochar, collected potato peels were properly washed with water Origin pro 8.5.0 software was used for statistical parametric analysis and
3–4 times to remove any residual dust particles and dried at 80 ◦ C in a Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) test to determine the signifi­
hot air oven for complete removal of moisture. After crushing in a cant difference in results of the plant growth.
mixture grinder it was carbonized in an electric furnace at 450 ◦ C for 1 h
(Ehraman, 1994). The temperature selected was based on the previous 2.4. Ammonia detection and DNA intercalation study
work by Novak et al. (2009) which showed that biochar produced at low
temperature contains several functional groups and is suitable for The detection of ammonia in soil was done on 45th day of pot
agricultural application, whereas biochar production at high tempera­ experiment. For this investigation, 5 g of soil at each experimental set
ture reduces its nutritional value and consumes extra energy (Novak was dissolved in 50 mL of deionized water (Nelissen et al., 2012; Abiven
et al., 2009; Sarfaraz et al., 2020). Using SEM, EDS the prepared biochar et al., 2005) and agitated for 96 h in the shaking incubator (LSI-3016R).
was characterized to detect phosphorus, potassium, and other nutrients Liberated ammonia in the aqueous soil extracts was detected using
in it. ammonia analyzer (Orion Dual star, Thermo Scientific) (Banwart et al.,
1972). For DNA intercalation study, from each set, collected 5 g of soil
2.2.3. Bio-organic NPK fertilizer preparation sample at specified time, dissolved in 50 mL deionized water, agitated
For preparing bio-organic NPK fertilizer, two organic components for 96 h and filtered with Whatman-40 filter paper. Supernatant was
such as the chromium separated collagenous ingredient of WBL (as a collected for ethedium bromide (EtBr) fluorescence quenching study by
nitrogen source) and potato peel biochar (as potassium and phosphorus intercalation of toxic compounds (released from fertilizer if any) with
source) was amalgamated in the ratio of 1:2.5. These ingredients were the calf thymus DNA (ctDNA). The effect on DNA was examined indi­
uniformly mixed in a plastic container and dried at ambient temperature rectly by fluorescence spectroscopy (G9800A, Cary eclipse, Agilent
at (30 ± 2 ◦ C) for 24 h (the maturation time). The hard manure was Technologies) (Shahabadi et al., 2009).
crushed to get the powder for easy distribution to the agricultural field.
2.5. Effect of different fertilizers on chlorophyll content of leaf sample
2.2.4. Estimation of total nitrogen present in the bio-organic NPK fertilizer
The total nitrogen content present in the formulated bio-organic NPK Chlorophyll content was detected in leaves of experimental plants
fertilizer was analyzed by following the Kjeldahl method (Bremner, treated with prepared bio-organic NPK fertilizer and compared with
1960). About 0.5 g of the air-dried bio-organic NPK fertilizer was dis­ their respective control using the standard protocol of Arnon (1949)
solved in 10 mL of 98% H2SO4 into the digestion flask and then added (Arnon, 1949). In brief 1 g of the finely cut leaf was crushed and ho­
1 g of digestion mixture (K2SO4: CuSO4 and SeO2 in the ratio of 10:4:1) mogenized in 20 mL of 80% acetone solution for 1 h. After centrifuga­
to it. The mixture was heated up at a low temperature until the color tion for 10 min at 5000 rpm the supernatant was collected. This step of
became yellowish-green. The digested liquid sample was cooled and extraction process was repeated until the residue became color less. The
diluted with distilled water to a final volume of 50 mL. Next, 10 mL of absorbance of the chlorophyll extract was measured by UV-Vis spec­
40% sodium hydroxide solution was added into 10 mL of the diluted trophotometer at 645 nm, and 663 nm against the 80% acetone solvent
sample, in a micro Kjeldahl apparatus for NH3 liberation. The tip of this as blank (Raut et al., 2017). The following formulae were applied for
apparatus was immersed in a boric acid solution to trap the produced quantification of chlorophyll A (chl A), chlorophyll B (chl B), and total
NH3. The ammoniacal solution was titrated against 0.01 N hydrochloric chlorophyll (total chl)
acids until the greenish-blue color turned into light pink. The total ni­
1.27(A663) − 2.69(A645) × V
trogen content of the bio-organic NPK fertilizer was calculated by Chlorophyll A(mg/gm tissue) =
1000 × W
following the Eq. (1) (Bhat et al., 2017)
(A − B) × N × 1.4 22.9(A645) − 4.68(A663) × V
Totalnitrogen = (1) Chlorophyll B(mg/gm tissue) =
1000 × W

Where, N = normality of hydrochloric acid used 1.4 multiplication Total chlorophyll(mg/gm tissue) =
20.2(A645) + 8.02(A663) × V
factor, S = weight of the sample (g), A = volume of titrant used for 1000 × W
sample (mL), B = volume of titrant used for blank (mL).
Where, A645 = absorbance at a wavelength of 645 nm, A663 = absor­
bance at a wavelength of 663 nm, V = final volume of chlorophyll
2.3. Pot experiment on okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) plant extract in 80% acetone, W = weight of leaf sample used for chlorophyll
The soil used in this study was collected from Faridpur area [adjacent
to NIT Durgapur, WB, India]. The soil was characterized and observed to 2.6. Seed germination test and vigor index
contain 0.045 nitrogen [N] and 0.030% potassium [K] with negligible
phosphorus content corroborating with the information available in the Germination test was conducted with chemical fertilizer, bio-organic
web site of the Government of India. To assess the efficacy of this bio- NPK fertilizer and control (no fertilizer) at 28 ± 2 ◦ C temperature in
organic NPK fertilizer as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium nutrients for triplicates. Percentage of germination was calculated by following the
promotion of plant growth, pot experiments were conducted on okra equation at the 7th day of seed sown (ISTA, 1999).
plant (Abelmoschus esculentus) in soil with and without addition of Numberofseedsgerminated
formulated bio-organic fertilizer and compared with chemical fertilizer Germination % =
× 100
containing soil. The plant growth study was accomplished following a
modified process of Lima et al. (2010). The overall growth regarding the Vigor index value was computed using the following formula of
stem size, leaf size, and fruit size was examined three times in triplicates. Abdul-Baki and Anderson (1973).
Three separate pots for each kind of experimental soil were kept and Vigorindex = Germination(%) × Meanofseedlinglength(root + shoot)
repeated three times. In the first set, 2 g of chemical fertilizer was added

S. Majee et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 411 (2021) 125046

3.2. Chromium separation from WBL and characterization

2.7. Statistical analysis
As mentioned in Section 2, after three consecutive phosphoric acid
Origin pro 8.5 software was used for the statistical analysis of the
treatment (wash) removal of 11750 (±124) mg chromium per kg of WBL
experimental data. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and least significance
was obtained. As represented in Table 1, about 90.38 ( ± 0.96) %
difference (LSD) tests were conducted to test the significant difference in
chromium was removed from WBL after three wash and it is observed
the variables at 5% level of significance.
that 100% removal can be possible if acid wash is done for five times.
The chromium content in the collagen (after 3rd wash) was 1238 mg/
3. Results and discussion
kg, as exhibited by AAS analysis. There was no significant difference of
chromium removal between three replicates at 5% level of significance
3.1. WBL waste characterization
(P-value> 0.05) as per ANOVA test.
Eq. (2) represents the schematic way of chromium extraction from
Atomic absorption spectrometric Flame analysis method (iCE 3000
wet blue leather by H3PO4 acid treatment (Lima de Oliveira et al., 2008).
series/Thermo Scientific) detected total chromium of about 13,000 mg
per kg of WBL. The morphology of WBL was investigated by SEM (EVO Wet blue leather-Cr + H3PO4 → Collagen + CrPO4 (2)
MA 15 / 18, CARL ZEISS) and represented in Fig. 2a. It showed the
presence of collagen fiber structure stuck to each other with limited The chromium present in the WBL combines with the phosphate
disorientation and looked like a thick bundle. This is probably due to group of the H3PO4 acid turned into CrPO4 accordingly the collagen
chrome tanning as reported (Abebaw and Abate, 2018). The fraction become freed from the bonding of chromium salt (Jiang et al.,
morphology of WBL obtained is quite similar to the reported work of 2016). Chromium free WBL was again analyzed using SEM and EDS for
Oliveira et al. (2008) with indication of presence of chromium into the its surface characterization and elemental analysis. In Fig. 2b, the SEM
collagen fiber of WBL waste (Nogueira et al., 2010; Oliveira et al., 2008). image of collagenous material showed the altered surface morphology
The elemental analysis using EDS (51N1000 – EDS System, Oxford In­ due to chromium elimination (Nogueira et al., 2010; Lima de Oliveira
struments Nano analysis) is shown in Fig. 2a, depicts the presence of et al., 2008). It was noticed that the thick collagen fiber bundle as in raw
chromium. In this study, as revealed by EDS, WBL contains 3.32% WBL was absent which may be resulted due to the chromium separation
chromium (Cr), along with 15.69% nitrogen (N), 3.75% sodium (Na), by phosphoric acid treatment. Besides the fibrous structure was
7.06% chlorine (Cl), 40.25% carbon (C), 0.08% potassium (K). collapsed and transformed into undifferentiated nature. In the EDS
spectra (Fig. 2b) related to raw WBL, a smaller peak (decreased by
0.19%) for chromium element was noticed in this case indicating
chromium elimination. EDS elemental analysis also verified the

Fig. 2. SEM and EDS for characterization of (a) WBL and (b) WBL after chromium separation.

S. Majee et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 411 (2021) 125046

Table 1
Chromium extraction from WBL by H3PO4 (1 N) acid treatment.
H3PO4 (1 N) acid Initial conc. of chromium Required chemicals Weight of WBL taken for chromium The amount of extracted Total percentage
treatment steps in WBL (mg/Kg) and time extraction experiments (mg) chromium from per kg WBL removal

1st step 13,000 300 mL H3PO4 (1 N) 6000 6250 ( ± 32) mg 48.07

for 24 hrs
2nd step 6750 300 mL H3PO4 (1 N) 5962.5 3250 ( ± 31) mg 73.07 (1st + 2nd)
for 24 hrs step
3rd step 3500 300 mL H3PO4 (1 N) 5943 2250 ( ± 62) mg 90.38 (1st + 2nd +
for 24 hrs 3rd) step
Total chromium removal 11750 ( ± 124) mg 90.38 ( ± 0.96)

*The chromium extraction process was performed in three replicates and statistical analysis was done at 0.05 level of significance. The ± values represent standard
error of the mean. The ± values represent standard error of the mean.

presence of other elements such as 13.2% nitrogen (N), 50.56% carbon 3.4. Characterization of bio-organic NPK fertilizer prepared
(C), and 2.69% phosphorus (P) in this Cr free collagenous material.
3.4.1. SEM and EDS analysis for characterization of bio-organic NPK
3.3. Characterization of potato peel biochar fertilizer
The Cr free WBL collagen fraction and biochar of potato peel was
Biochar of potato peel was prepared as mentioned in Section 2 and its mixed thoroughly in 1:2.5 ratio and characterized using the sophisti­
characterization was done to use it as K and P source. The surface cated analytical techniques such as SEM, EDS, FTIR, for its proper use in
morphology of the potato peel biochar (PPB) in the SEM image (Fig. 3) agricultural field. The SEM image revealed a new texture of the
exposed the multiple irregulars and rough surface structure of pyrolyzed formulated bio-organic manure (Fig. 4). The dense and sticky nature of
material. Non-spherical particles of various sizes along with small pores the collagen was converted into an unorganized thread-like structure
were also witnessed on the surface of the sample probably due to which may be due to the presence of potato peel biochar after proper
dehydration and volatilization at high temperature. Chemical constitu­ mixing. Additionally, it was noticed that the biochar particles were
ents of this was analyzed using energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy stacked over the thread-like structure of collagenous material. The EDS
(EDS). Fig. 3 established the occurrence of various macro and micro­ analysis (Fig. 4) clarifies the occupancy of a significant percentage of
nutrients such as nitrogen (N) 5%, 1.4% phosphorus (P), 21.64% po­ nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg), in
tassium (K), 1.24% magnesium (Mg), and 27.56% carbon (C). This 13.10%, 2.41%, 20.20% and 1.16% respectively. Also 33.74% carbon
finding is substantial for considering the prepared PPB as a nutrient-rich (C), 0.23% chromium (Cr) and other trace elements were displayed in
ingredient for bio-organic NPK fertilizer formulation. Biochars from the prepared bio-organic NPK fertilizer. This support that all major
plant and animal sources are well investigated and have been well- nutrients were present as required in any commercial fertilizer. More­
characterized. Studies recommended that the preparation of biochar at over, here addition of potato peel biochar (PPB) enriched the nutritional
450 ◦ C is relevant for its agricultural use (Sarfaraz et al., 2020). Our value of prepared fertilizer by providing high amount of nitrogen, po­
analysis correlates well with previous investigation which revealed that tassium, phosphorus, and trace amount of magnesium nutrient.
the structural components of different biochar consist of an assemblage Nogueira et al. (2010) showed similar nitrogen content (14% N that is
of inorganic elements e.g., Ca, Mg, P, K etc. in its ash fraction along with 1.12 g nitrogen in 8 g collagen) accompanied with phosphorus and
aromatic and non-aromatic organic compound. Consequently they are potassium which is very much effective for promising agronomic results.
acknowledged as viable soil amendment to increase C sequestration crop It is to be discerned that PPB has contributed largely in formulating this
yields and fertility characteristics (Domingues et al., 2017; Jindo et al., manure that would help to increase the retention of nutrients (P, K, Mg
2014). etc.) in the soil profile (Laird et al., 2010). According to Utomo et al.
(2011), the biochar ingredient has been reported to enhance N, P and K
nutrients uptake by the plant (Utomo et al., 2011). The presence of high
carbon content in this prepared fertilizer would improve the soil organic
carbon and soil fertility as well (Jatav et al., 2017). All the physico­
chemical properties of the bio-organic NPK fertilizer suggested that it

Fig. 3. SEM and EDS for potato peel biochar characterization.

S. Majee et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 411 (2021) 125046

Fig. 4. SEM and EDS for formulated bio-organic NPK fertilizer characterization.

can be used as a new auxiliary of chemical fertilizer for agricultural especially the carboxyl and phenol groups in ionized form will influence
application. the formation of soil charges and can contribute to soil fertility using this
prepared bio-organic fertilizer.
3.4.2. Fourier transform infrared spectrometry analysis
The FTIR spectrum in Fig. 5 depicted broad spectra around 3.4.3. Total nitrogen in formulated bio-organic NPK fertilizer for plant
3000 cm− 1 to 3800 cm− 1 for the amide A band of collagen, flanked by growth
N–H stretching vibrations from peptide linkages and O–H stretching Total nitrogen content present in the formulated bio-organic NPK
vibration of hydroxyl group (Rosu et al., 2018; Sionkowska, 2006). The fertilizer was about 130 g/Kg as quantified by micro Kjeldal method.
band at 1554 cm− 1 resembled with the N–H bending vibration of amide This amount is close to that found by Nogueira et al. (2010) i.e 140 g/Kg
II band as reported by Rosu et al. (2018) (Rosu et al., 2018). Besides of Nitrogen in their prepared bio-fertilizer using collagen. It hinted that
there are distinct peaks around 2960 cm− 1, 1640 cm− 1 for aliphatic C–H it might be used as a good nitrogenous fertilizer in order to minimize the
stretching (Tinti et al., 2015) and carbonyl stretching vibrations (C˭O) of excessive use of chemical fertilizers (Nogueira et al., 2010). In pot
amide I band respectively (Hedberg et al., 2014). The O–H stretching experiment to study the growth effect on okra the quantity of prepared
vibration of phenolic compounds present in PPB (Claoston et al., 2014) bio-organic NPK fertilizer used was 1.08 times more than that of used by
has been noticed at around 1400 cm− 1 along with the peak at Nogueira et al. (2010) in their study to get the similar nitrogen effect on
1240 cm− 1 C–O stretching of carboxylic acids or C–N stretching by plant growth.
amide II band similar to the band demonstrated by Smidt et al. (2002)
(Smidt et al., 2002). There was a very large peak at 1050 cm− 1 attrib­
3.5. Plant growth study
uted to C–O bond stretching frequency of polysaccharides (Lammers
et al., 2009). Due to presence of silica in PPB, small peaks at 776 cm− 1
The effect of indigenously prepared and characterized bio-fertilizer
and 690 cm− 1 was also observed corresponding to asymmetric bending
on the growth of okra plant was examined and compared with that of
vibrations of Si–O–Si. Additionally peaks at 560 cm− 1 and 464 cm− 1
chemical fertilizer treated and untreated soil (control). In Table 2,
showed symmetric stretching vibrations of Si–O minerals as obtained in
growth of the okra plant examined on the day 70 represented the plant
previous reports (Shi et al., 2020; Mohan et al., 2018). The FTIR data
height of 48.7( ± 0.73) cm, leaf size 13.4( ± 0.32) cm, diameter 4.2
presented here exposed characteristics groups contributed from both the
( ± 0.17) cm, and fruit size 10.5( ± 0.21) cm for bio-organic NPK fer­
ingredients in the bio-organic fertilizer as a mixture. A range of nutrients
tilizer treated soil whereas for control soil and chemical fertilizer used,
the effect on plant height, leaf,diameter and fruit size were 44.8
( ± 0.55) cm, 12.1( ± 0.43) cm, 3.4( ± 0.15) cm, 9.4( ± 0.20) cm and
49.2( ± 0.88) cm, 13.8( ± 0.20) cm, 4.4( ± 0.15) cm, 10.7( ± 0.26) cm
respectively. The effect of formulated NPK organic fertilizer and chem­
ical fertilizer found nearly similar however compared to control both
showed more plant growth. Compared to control, large leaf size, and
proliferation of fruit size are the two most significant outcome of these

Table 2
Effect of different fertilizers on plants.
Fertilizer Plant height Leaf size Diameter Fruit size
mean (±SE) mean (±SE) mean (±SE) mean (±SE)

Control 44.8 (±0.55) 12.1 (±0.43) 3.4 (±0.15) 9.4 (±0.20)

2 g bio- 46.5 (±0.37) 12.4 (±0.15) 3.7 (±0.11) 9.9 (±0.15)
4 g bio- 48.7 (±0.73) 13.4 (±0.32) 4.2 (±0.17) 10.5 (±0.20)
Chemical 49.2 (±0.88) 13.8 (±0.20) 4.4 (±0.15) 10.7 (±0.26)
LSD(0.05) 2.175 0.978 0.489 0.691

*The pot experiment was conducted in three replicates and statistical analysis
was done at 0.05 level of significance. The ± values represent standard error of
Fig. 5. FTIR analysis of prepared bio-organic NPK fertilizer. the mean.

S. Majee et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 411 (2021) 125046

two fertilizers. There was about 1.11(10.5 ± 0.21 cm) and 1.13 recommended by WHO (Pais and Jones, 1997). The chromium present
(10.7 ± 0.26 cm), fold boost in length of the fruits with bio-organic in formulated bio organic fertilizer (0.71 mg/kg) enhanced soil’s
fertilizer and chemical fertilizer respectively over the control fruit size maximum Cr content to 0.765 mg/kg when added but it appears
of 9.4 ( ± 0.20) cm. In the present study the N & K ratio of formulated non-hazardous to plant growth because it is within the limit of recom­
bio-organic fertilizer (13.10:20.20) (using 1:2.5 of WBL and potato peel) mendation by the regulatory authorities. The results also indicated that
and chemical fertilizer (10:26) were close. The change in growth at growth pattern edible plant okra was not negatively affected state
initial (seedling) and final stage (Fig. 6) indicated the valuable role of non-hazardous nature of this bio-organic fertilizers. Moreover it is
the prepared bio-organic fertilizer in this study. The organic manure already known that in plant tissues, the Cr (VI) is converted to Cr (III)
showed a better response on plant growth from 45 th day onwards that has the tendency to bind to the cell walls, which hinders the further
whereas commercial fertilizer caused rapid plant growth due to early transport of Cr within plant tissues. To avoid any deleterious effect of Cr
and fast release of nutrients (NPK) into the soil. Previous reports also to plant, 100% Cr free bio-organic fertilizer could have been produced
suggest that the initial slow growth in presence of organic manure due to by washing WBL with phosphoric acid five times instead of three times
controlled nutrient release may increase the water holding capacity of as presented in the Table 1. This two extra wash may enhance the cost of
the soil; as a result, the health of the plant remain worthy leading to this formulated fertilizer by 30% so in this study it was formulated with
better crop yield along with saving in cost of the labor (Sharma and three time acid wash WBL.
Mittra, 1991; Itelima et al., 2018). Fast and excessive amounts of The ANOVA test shows that there was significant difference of plant
ammonia liberation from chemical fertilizers can harm the seedling and growth (plant height, stem size and leaf size) between experimental
soil environment (Sharma and Mittra, 1991) which is not the case with plants at 5% level of significance. The LSD comparison at 5% level of
bio-organic NPK fertilizer. In the pot experiment a fixed amount of significance between experimental plants for plant growth revealed that
chemical fertilizer i.e 2 g was mixed 2 kg soil and compared with there was significance difference between control plant and organically
varying amount bio-organic fertilizer to study their efficacy in plant fertilized plant, control plant and chemically fertilized plant but there
growth. As observed the growth rate was higher in chemical fertilizer was no significance difference between organically and chemically
because of higher release rate of nutrients from chemical fertilizer fertilized plants Table 2.
(Nogueira et al., 2010) than bio-organic fertilizer. Conversely equivalent Further the DNA interaction study of aqueous fraction of soils
growth was observed in soil with 4 gm of bio-organic fertilizer i.e. revealed the non-toxic nature of the bio-organic fertilizer developed.
similar growth effect can be obtained by increasing bio-organic fertilizer
amount twice that of chemical fertilizer. As prepared bio organic fer­
3.6. Effect of prepared bio-organic fertilizer on chlorophyll
tilizer used collagenous fraction after Cr extraction. The role of chro­
mium is important in this study. The symptoms of Cr toxicity in plants
Fig. 7, showed the highest content of chlorophyll A 1.75 (±0.11),
comprise decrease of germination, reduction of growth inhibition of
chlorophyll B, 1.19 (±0.08) and total chlorophyll 2.94 (±0.19) (in mg/g
enzymatic activities, impairment of photosynthesis and oxidative im­
of leaf tissue) for chemical fertilizer compared to 1.03(±0.07), 0.71
balances. The effect of chromium was insignificant here. It is to be noted
(±0.04) and 1.74(±0.11)for control plant and 1.68 (±0.10), 1.13
that the soil used in the present study contained 0.055 mg Cr /Kg soil.
(±0.07), and 2.81 (±0.17) for bio-organic NPK fertilizer. The results
Studies showed that Cr level higher than 5.0 mg/kg in plant species are
found for bio-organic fertilizer can well compete with the amount of
toxic on a dry-weight basis (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 2001). More­
chlorophyll found in the plant fertilized by chemical fertilizer. Sen et al.
over the permissible limit of chromium for plants is 1.30 mg/kg as
(2016) reported that applying high nitrogen sources to the soil increases

Fig. 6. Plant growth for (1) control plant (2) plant fertilized by bio-organic NPK fertilizer (3) plant fertilized by chemical fertilizer.

S. Majee et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 411 (2021) 125046

Fig. 7. Chlorophyll content (mg/g) in the leaf sample of experimented plants.

the amount of chlorophyll in plant leaves (Sen et al., 2016). The studied 3.9. DNA intercalation study
okra plant showed a notable effect in chlorophyll content when grown in
soil treated with formulated bio-organic NPK fertilizer which might be The DNA intercalation study was performed by molecular fluores­
due to better supply of required nitrogen and other nutrients as cence technique using the ethidium bromide (EtBr) probe as depicted in
compared to normal soil in control (Attarde et al., 2012). Fig. 8. It revealed the changes in fluorescence emission spectra during
the interaction between ctDNA and toxic compounds of fertilizer in
sample (Yang et al., 2013). The spectra for chemical fertilizer showed a
3.7. Seed germination test and vigor index of okra seed significant reduction in emission intensity of the ctDNA–EtBr complex
without shifting the wavelength which indicated that the toxic com­
Okra seed grown in soil untreated, treated with chemical fertilizer, pounds may have competed with EtBr and intercalated with ctDNA
bio-organic NPK fertilizer showed percentage of germination about (Zhang et al., 2013). The intercalation of toxic elements such as sulfur,
86.6, 76.6, 83.3, and vigor index of 980.3 (±57.54), 696 (±26.40), zinc, lead, cadmium, chromium, arsenic, vanadium, molybdenum,
809.6 (±15.10) respectively. The results are presented in Table 3. mercury,nickel etc. released from chemical fertilizer have possibly
caused the quenching of the fluorescence intensity of the ctDNA–EtBr
complex (Gimeno-García et al., 1996; Savci, 2012). The bio-organic NPK
3.8. Ammonia detection study of aqueous soil extracts fertilizer showed less quenching and fluorescence intensity similar to
that of natural soil. Thus it can be inferred that less toxic compound
Liberated free ammonia in aqueous soil extracts was measured and released from bio-organic NPK fertilizer and it is less harmful to the soil
found 1.65 (±0.06) ppm, 2.46 (±0.10) ppm, 2.62 (±0.14) ppm for un­ microbial communities like natural soil. From the EDS study it reveals
treated, chemical fertilizer and bio-organic NPK fertilizer treated soil that, the elements present in the bio-organic fertilizer are nitrogen,
respectively. The soil fertilized by bio-organic NPK fertilizer had 37.02% potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium and silica. In chemical
more free ammonia than normal soil and 6.10% more than chemically fertilizer some other trace elements like cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb)
fertilized soil. It seems organic nitrogen in formulated fertilizer has
increased the ammonia concentration to the soil by the ammonification
process. Higher nitrification due to high ammonia content may get
converted into (NO–2), and nitrate (NO–3) significantly by soil microor­
ganisms (van Kessel et al., 2015). It is reported that nitrate is the
plant-available form of nitrogen taken up by plants for growth and
development (Amoo and Babalola, 2017) which may have contributed
for better and higher growth of model plant in case of bio-organic NPK
manure than control in this study.

Table 3
Percentage germination and vigor index.
Treatment % Mean value of seedling Vigor index
Germination length (cm) mean (±SE) mean (±SE)

Control 76.6 9.08 (±0.11) 696 (±26.40)

Bio-organic NPK 83.3 10.70 (±0.24) 809.6 (±15.10)
Chemical 86.6 11.30 (±0.38) 980.3 (±57.54)

*The vigor index experiment was carried out with three replicates and statistical
analysis was done at 0.05 level of significance. The ± values represent standard Fig. 8. Fluorescence emission spectra of EtBr − ctDNA with aqueous soil ex­
error of the mean. tracts without fertilizer and with fertilizer.

S. Majee et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 411 (2021) 125046

mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni) may have present in negligible amount other diffraction technique with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.15406 nm) at 40 kV.
than NPK. From the literature review it is clear that silica can bind single The XRD pattern of the material (Fig. 11) exhibited fine and intense
strand only and very little effect in double strand DNA. Chromium can peaks characteristic of well-crystallized material. The EDS spectra
bind to the double strand of DNA and break the strands in reducing showed multiple reflections indicating a multiphase instead of a pure
environment. The presence of chromium could be responsible for compound. Chromium oxide (Cr2O3) commonly known as green cin­
quenching in fluorescence intensity to some extent by soil treated nabar, chromium oxide (CrO3), phosphorus oxide (PO2), and magne­
bio-organic fertilizers which is about 0.76 mg/kg of soil. However it is sium (Mg) were identified as indicated in Fig. 11. Crystallite sizes of
within the limit of recommendation as the permissible limit of chro­ multiple compounds were calculated from the XRD data using Sheerer
mium for plants is 1.30 mg/kg as recommended by WHO. However, equation (Klug and Alexander, 1974) in X′ Pert High Score Plus soft­
effects on quenching in fluorescence intensity by chemical fertilizer was ware. Green cinnabar (Cr2O3) exhibiting a rhombohedral structure with
more due to presence of other trace elements as revealed from EDS an average crystal size of 24.3 nm, while chromium oxide (CrO3)
analysis. This clearly indicates that the use of bio-organic fertilizer will revealed an orthorhombic structure; the average crystal size was
not only be a better option to protect the soil microorganisms, but 35.3 nm. Likewise, there was a monoclinic structure for phosphorus
helpful for nitrogen and other minerals uptake in the plant; and also oxide (PO2) and the hexagonal structure of magnesium (Mg) with an
responsible for maintaining the good soil condition for better agricul­ average crystal size of 26.2 nm and 24.1 nm respectively. Peak position,
tural productivity. reference pattern code, and other information related to the crystalline
material were summarized in Table 4.
3.10. Chromium recovery Fourier transform infrared spectrometry analysis. The FTIR
3.10.1. Chromium recovery from phosphoric acid treated WBL extract and spectra was shown in Fig. 12. The broad spectra around 3400 cm− 1
characterization assigned to the OH− stretching of water molecules (Stefanescu et al.,
For the recovery of chromium from the acid precipitated material, 2011). The absorption band at 2380 cm− 1 corresponded to the carbon­
MgO treatment process was followed as stated in material and method ate group that probably included from the atmospheric carbon dioxide
section. Fig. 9 demonstrates the percentage removal of chromium from during the transformation of precipitate into crystalline material
extracted fraction by MgO at different dose. The results showed that (Anandhi et al., 2017). The wide band around 1645 cm− 1 might be
17 g/L of MgO dose is optimum for chromium precipitation with attributed to asymmetrical stretching of the chromium carboxylate of
maximum i.e. 99.85% efficacy. It diminished the chromium concentra­ Cr2O3 (Anandhi et al., 2017). FTIR spectra showed a small band vibra­
tion level in WBL from 107.64 ppm to 0.162 ppm, which is within the tion at 1160 cm− 1, which could be assigned to the P˭O stretching re­
permissible discharge limit (Altaf et al., 2008). The SEM image (Fig. 10) flected from phosphorus oxide of the transformed material (S2) (Trivedi
revealed a few numbers of irregular shaped particulate material scat­ et al., 2015). The peak at 900 cm− 1 in the material could be attributed to
tered throughout the sample. Most probably these particles were syn­ chromyl (Cr˭O) vibration of CrO3 and/or Cr2O3 also reported by Trivedi
thesized by the chromium precipitation process. Fig. 10 demonstrated et al. (2015) (Weckhuysen et al., 1996; Trivedi et al., 2015). The spectra
about 2.68% (weight percentage) of chromium precipitated from chro­ at 560 cm− 1 recognized to Cr–O stretching that was clear evidence for
mium extracted solution using MgO. Further AAS analysis verified about the presence of metal oxygen bond of Cr2O3 as per the studies by Hen­
6322 mg/kg chromium content in the MgO precipitate part. The Cr derson (2010).
extraction was carried out at pH 3 but the pH was found 6.5 after pre­
cipitation with MgO. The percentage of other chemical elements as in 4. Cost estimation of bio-organic NPK fertilizer production
Fig. 10 by EDS studies were: oxygen (O) 50.91%, 6.10% magnesium
(Mg), 11.91% phosphorus (P), 10.11% nitrogen (N), 18.28% carbon (C). Cost estimation of the bio-organic NPK fertilizer prepared from solid
waste materials is quite important to assess the application potential of
3.10.2. Characterization of the transformed material (S2) the same towards commercial exploitation. The total expenditure for
bio-organic NPK fertilizer production has been calculated considering X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) analysis of chromium fraction. several associated factors such as cost of waste materials, chromium
The transformed chromium laden material was characterized by X-ray extraction process, chemicals, electricity charges, overhead charges etc.

Fig. 9. Chromium recovery using MgO at different dose from acid extracted solution of WBL.

S. Majee et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 411 (2021) 125046

Fig. 10. Chromium salts extracted from WBL.

Fig. 11. XRD analysis of chromium salts extracted from WBL.

Table 4
X-ray diffraction analysis of extracted chromium salts.
Sl Compound name Chemical Crystal Average crystallite size Peak position (2θ degree) with corresponding Reference pattern
no. formula structure (nm) planes (hkl) code

1. Chromium Oxide (Green Cr2O3 Rhombohedral 24.3 41.5392 (113) 00–038–1479

cinnabar) 44.6548 (202)
54.9609 (116)
2. Chromium Oxide CrO3 Orthorhombic 35.3 26.1447 (111) 00–032–0285
52.4159 (311)
66.3145 (251)
3. Phosphorus Oxide PO2 Monoclinic 26.2 17.0613 (− 111) 00–050–1494
19.3411 (111)
29.7260 (221)
35.2232 (− 222)

About 286 g wet blue leather and 714 g potato peel biochar have been
CWM = (CWBL + CPP ) = $(0 + 0) = $0
used for making one kg of bio-organic NPK fertilizer and the total
expenditure of various measures for fertilizer preparation process was
calculated in USD ($) as follows: I. Cost of H3PO4 for chromium extraction of 286 g WBL (CCE) = $
I. Cost of waste materials (CWM): II. Cost for biochar preparation of dry potato peel (CBC) = CB = cost
of burning (heat) = hours × consumption of unit × per unit cost
• WBL is an industrial waste and is widely available in leather com­ = 1 × 2 × 0.065 = $ 0.13
panies. III. Cost for the preparation of distilled water (CDW):
Thus, cost of WBL waste (CWBL) = $ 0 To prepare 1 L of DW = (electric consumed by the distillation
• Potato peel is an easily available domestic waste. column in unit × cost for per unit) = 0.5 × 0.065 = $ 0.033
IV. Cost for crushing of prepared fertilizer (CFC) = (hours × electric
Therefore, cost of potato peel (CPP) = $ 0 consumption in unit × cost for per unit)
= 0.167 × 0.15 × 0.065 = $ 0.0016

S. Majee et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 411 (2021) 125046

pollution. The cost analysis revealed that the price of prepared bio-
organic NPK fertilizer is significantly lower than the commercially
available chemical fertilizer.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Subhasish Majee: Contributed in data generation, Set up experi­

ments, Data analysis, Drafting the manuscript and final revision. Gopi­
nath Halder: Contributed in interpretation, Supervised, Editing,
Revision. Dalia Dasgupta Mandal: Contributed in toxicological study
interpretation, Editing and Revising the article. O.N. Tiwari: Helped in
analytical part and Critical revision of the article, Designed part of
experimental work. Tamal Mandal: Conceptualized and designed the
work. Helped in analysis and Interpretation, Supervised, Critical revi­
sion of the article.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

Fig. 12. FTIR Spectrum of recovered granular chromium salt from acid interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
extracted WBL by MgO treatment.
the work reported in this paper.

Therefore, the total expenditure for bio-organic NPK fertilizer pro­ Acknowledgment
duction = (CWM + CCE + CBC + CDW + CFC) = $ 0.35
Overheadcosts = 10%oftotalexpenditure = (0.1 × 0.35) = $0.035 Authors would like to acknowledge Department of Science and
Technology, Government of India, project number DST/TM/WTI/WIC/
Netcostforproductionofthefertilizer = $(0.35 + 0.035) = $0.38 2K17/84(G) and SR/FST/ET1- 405/2015(C)/NITDURGAPUR for the
financial assistance and necessary instrumental facilities. Dr. Tiwari
The cost estimation suggests that the production of this fertilizer is a conveys his gratitude to HoD of Division of Microbiology, ICAR-IARI,
low-cost process. Net expenditure for production of bio-organic NPK New Delhi for her constant encouragement and help.
fertilizer is only $ 0.38 (In INR 28.21) per kg, The cost of reported bio-
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