Sample Question Paper: 5. Preferably, Write The Answers in Sequential Orders

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Sample Question Paper

Course Name : Diploma in Electronics and Video Engineering Course Code : EV Semester : Fourth

Time: 3 Hrs.

Subject Title : Television Transmission Marks : 100

Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data if necessary.
5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential orders.

Q.1 A) Attempt any SIX of the following: a) Define aspect ratio and kell factor. b) List channel Allocation for band I.

12 Marks

c) What types of modulation techniques are used to transmit Audio and Video signal. d) Define grass mans Law. e) Draw and label composite video signal. f) What is V.S.B.? Why it is used for TV Signal Transmission? g) Define Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. h) List advantages of PAL TV system over other TV systems Q.1 B) Attempt any TWO of the following: a) Draw and label visible light spectrum. b) Draw response curve for vestigial sideband transmission for T.V. c) What is interlaced scanning? How it eliminates the Flicker? 08 Marks

Q.2 Attempt any FOUR of the following: a) Explain with waveform horizontal blanking pulses. b) Draw a labeled diagram and state function of color burst signal. c) State and explain the functions of equalizing pulses. d) Draw and label response of human eye to different color frequencies.

16 Marks

e) Describe different principles on which camera tube works. f) Give reason why color sub-carrier is suppressed before transmission.

Q.3 Attempt any FOUR of the following: a) Distinguish between additive color and subtractive color mixing. b) Explain hue and saturation. c) Explain by showing phasor diagram primary and secondary colors.

16 Marks

d) Explain the different factors which influence the choice of colour sub carrier in PAL TV system. e) Explain the working of Vidicon camera tube with diagram. f) Describe the function of front porch and back porch of horizontal blanking pulse.

Q.4 Attempt any TWO of the following: a) How differential phase error is eliminated in PAL system.

16 Marks

b) Draw only block diagram of PAL transmitter and state difference between monochrome and color transmitter. c) Why burst signal in PAL TV is called swinging color burst signal? Draw with specifications its phasor diagram.

Q.5 Attempt any FOUR of the following: a) State merits and demerits of negative modulation.

16 Marks

b) Draws block schematic of silicon diode array vidicon camera tube. State its operation. c) Draw only basic block diagram of monochrome T.V. transmitter. d) Compare positive and negative modulation used in T.V. transmission. e) Give the importance of D.C. level in C.V.S. f) Why vertical sync pulses are serrated in composite video signal?

Q.6 Attempt any FOUR of the following: a) Define the terms Contrast and Luminance.

16 Marks

b) List CCIR-B standards for color signal transmission and reception (any Eight). c) Explain with suitable sketch the need of frequency interleaving? d) Describe why the band width of color signal is less than the luminance signal?

Why are U and V signals used for transmission of color difference single.

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