PGT English 2021series B Paper

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A mes adda2yi we Out the pant (Q.No. 116 1. 4, of ee of we wing ser in the follow undorlined ‘0 3) He al always respects his eldors, (A) Verb (B) Advert (C) Adjective (0) Conjunction He is like my father, (A) Adjective (8) Preposition (C) Noun (D) Adverb Each of the questions carries one mark, (A) Noun (B) Adjective... .... (C) Adverb (D) Pronoun Which of the’ following dramas does Not belong to the last phase of *. Shakespeare's literary career ? (A) The Tempest (8) cymbeline (C) Winter's Tale (D) Ag You Like It PG-07/8 sith ENGLISH Ay adda2ut 5. A shat Novel of Dickons 4 ractors — Grandgrind, Sissy Jupo appoar? (A) Litto Dorrit (B) Groat Expectations (C) Hard Times (D) Our Mutual Friend why Bours 8. “One of four children born atthe same time to the same mother’ is called (A) quaft (B) quadruple (C) quadruplet: {D) quadriliion 7. Arabella Donn is a character in (A) Return of the Native (8) The Well Beloved (C) Jude the Obscure (D) The Trumpet Major 8. Which of the following works i written by Robert Frost ? (A) Two Tramps in Mud Time (B) The Death of The Hired M (C) The Hill Wife (D) Green Hills of Africa « Scanned with CamScanner 9. For which work did E.M, Forstor remark whilo criticising Mulk Ra} Anand : “Avoiding tho rhetoric and circumlocution, it has gone stralght to the heart of its subject and purifiod it’, (A) Two Leaves and a Bud (B) The Sword and the Sickle (C) Coolie (D) Untouchable Thomas Sutpan, the Progenitor of “Sutpan's Hundred” appears in (A) Absalom, Absalom (B) Light in August (C) A Moveable Feast (0) Men Without Women Among these following pairs find Out incorrect pair of Shakespeare's comedy and their characters (A) Loves abour Lost — Biron and Rosaline (8) A Midsummer Night's Dream Benedick and Beatrice * (C) TheMerchant of Venice-Bassanio — Portia (D) As You Like it - Orlando ang Rosalind OO “Tho tights bagin to Ww rocks "hig trorn the Tho jong day wang 8 ntoy limba: tho donp Mow moon Moans round with many “oleas" The above Montlonog NO” Appear in (A) ‘Stopping by Wocads én a Sromy Evening! (8) ‘Crossing tho Bar (C) ‘Ulysses! (D) ‘The Road not Taken’ Memogranda During the Waris written by (A) Ernest Hemingway. (B) Walt Whitman (C) William Faulkner (D) Robert Frost Which of the following is the correct definition of alliteration ? (A) Itis the use of a vague or equivocal expression. (B) a contrast or opposition in meaning. (C) Itis the repetition of speech sounds In @ sequence of nearby words, - (0) It is the use of Words and expressions that have become obsolete in common speech. PG-07/3 Scanned with CamScanner Which of the titerary petlods doos the MOSt prolific novelist Chatlos 1) belong to > (A) Neo-cla (8) Romantic Period Porlod (C) Victorian Period ¢ (0) Early Twentieth Century ‘Thyrsis' was written to commemorate (A) Thomas Amold (8) Keats {C) Tennyson (0) Arthur Hugh Clough In which of the following poems do we get the references of ‘Dryad’, ‘Flora’ and ‘Ruth’ ? (A) ‘Ode to the West Wind’ {B) ‘True Love’ (C) ‘Ode On A Grecian Urn’ (0) ‘Ode to A Nightingale’ “Thou lovest; but n’ er knew ~ Love's sad satiety" The above line is taken from (A) The Lost Love (B) La Belle Dame Sans Merci (C) Ode on A Grecian Urn+ (D) To A Skylark PG-07/B 19 20. at Falher natirsettho philstinadecoptions OF {ho tootlons soullemor who seized Woalth and powor in the Chaotic chal war Potlod can bo rolerrod as (A) Yoknapatacopha (B) Snopos (C) Shopesism (D) Global South “Ihad soon birth and death, But had thought they were different; thoir birth was Hard and bitter agony for us, ke death, our death’. The above mentioned lines are taken from (A) ‘The Love Song of J. Allred Prupock’ (B)_‘The Hollow Men’ (Cy Yourney of the Magi’ (D) The Waste Land “What is the course of the life of mortal men of the earth Nothing; and then they die - Parish; and no one asks.” The above cited lines appear in (A) Crossing tho Bar (B) Ode to a Nightingala- (C) Rugby Chapel (0) Mending Wall Scanned with CamScanner 6 —— LULlrlrl— Ny Directions (a. 22 to 26) : 3, passage caretly and anew given below it, To many peo ple, Switzerland j y zorlandig the Alps, though not all of " isthe county Northern Sw; Is Mountains: rerland, like regions of Eastern Fr chee Neighbouring ANCE And South-West Germany, is a land : also of cities and ood and woods bul famous for pharmaceuticals ne Se its suburbs for electrical enna and machinery. It is non-Alpine paineering and produces the cheese, the choos ra blocks and the watches for which tes, the ¢ s for which th r is renowned. we country Doantys Trey torn tomannesewes antry. 7 0 main east-west chains, divided by the straight line of the upper valleys of the Rhone and Rhine, The northern chain wholly in Switzerland contains Eiger and Jungfran peaks. The Alps also influences swiss lives through their impact on its climate. They divide the mediterranean world from the central European. There are many regional variations in climate. But generally the mountain air is clear and clean —a factor that has resulted in Switzerland attracting the ailing from all over the world to its hospitals and clinics. mate which attracts cover the world can 7) Rea tha foi ANSWor the quostion® 22, Switzerland's cli the ailing from all be described as (A) Salacious (B) Salubrious ’ (C) Felicitous (D) Boisterous 23. Roplaco 24, 25. in the no word, “impaet nid Passage without changing the me gomence Using one of the ol tho following: (A) chang? (B) Altoration (C) Influence? (D) Evolution According to the passage which region has a major share cof mountains to the exclusion of other land forms ? (A) Souther Switzerland (8) Eastem France (©) South-West Germany (D) Northern Switzerland - Inthe first sentence the word “it” in the phrase “not all of it is mountainous” refers to (A) Mountains (8) Neighbouring countries (C) Switzerland- (D) Alps PR.077g, Scanned with CamScanner rr lock: IB soos chocolates: “OCKS etc, are produced (&) Allover Switzerland (8) Only in two cities iN Switzerland (C) In the mountainous regions of Switzerland (©) In the non-mountainous regions of Switzerland - 27. Which form of comedy deals with the relations and intrigues of gentlemen and ladies living in a polished society ? (A) Romantic comedy (8) Comedy of humours (C) Comedy of manners (D) Satiric comedy 28. Which of the following works does not belong to Romantic poetry ? (A) Hyperion (B) Lyrical Ballads (C) Christabel (D) The wasteland ° PG-07/B. 29. 30. 31. According to Wordsworth Peaking to endowed with more _ Poetis a ‘man, —— ‘man, itis true, More lively an —_and tenderness’, mI the blanks with suit ' fanks with suitable y ohn a uitable words (A) Nature, Imagination, truthtullness (8) Men, sensibility, enthusiasm « (C) Society, capacity, softness (D) State, responsibilty, efficiency About whom did Arnold write in his poem, ‘Memorial Verses’ — ‘He laid us as we lay at birth/on the cool flowery lap of birth... (A) William Wordsworth (8) William Shakespeare - (C) Tennyson (D) John Keats The knock about scenes in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew and The Merry Wives of Windsor are the examples of (A) Vulgar comedy (B) Comedy of humours (C) Farce (0) Tho science of buffoonery A Scanned with CamScanner 32, Jako Bamos is tho (A) InOurtimes (8) Men Without Wo (©) AMoveabe Fan (0) The Sun Also Sim Narratg, iy 33. Which OF the following stato not correct about the Poot Menta is Frost ? 'Y Of Robort (A) Following his stay in g between 1912 ang een poetry acquired influences “~ British Georgian schoo} of ; poetry (B) Frost's poetry has often been described as an intersection of self and place (C) Across the River and into the Trees offers a true representation of Frost as an Emersonian poet ~ (D) Frost's relationship with nature is characterized by his notion of “emblemism” 34, “Marriage by its best tit is amonopoly, and not of the least invidious sor” The above mentioned statement appears in : (A) ‘True Love’ (B) Culture and Anarchy. (C) Tess of the D' Urbarvilles (0) ‘A Bachelor's Complaint of tho Behaviour of Married People” 36 37. Wordaworth’s frat Pom, An Eygnind Walk! showathe influence of poota-Roasot, FOUCHOT aNd Dajjo oF hie (A) Natlan (B) Franch (C) Grook (0) Roman Which poem of Tennyson does start with the heroic line, "Courage ! he said and pointed towards the land” ? (A) Morte D’Arthur (B) Ulysses - (C) Break, Break, Break (D).The Lotus Eaters Which of the following is not held to be one of the four primary fluids to determine a person's physical condition and type of character (Ref. comedy of humours) (A) Blood - (B) Sanguis (C) Choler (Yellow bile) (D) Melancholy (black bile) PG07/ Scanned with CamScanner 38. “Of life immense in passion, pulse and “bower cheerful, for freest action form'd under the laws divine The modem man | sing” The above mentioned lines appear in (A) When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd « (B) One's self! sing (C) | saw in Louisiana a Live Oak Growing (D) Mending Wall 39. The references of “Hinkseys, Sibylla and IIsley Downs” appear in (A) ‘Crossing the Bar’ - (B) ‘Dover Beach’ (C) ‘Ulysses’ (D) ‘Thyrsis’ In which of the following poems, do we get the reference of Proteus and Old Triton 40. (A) Ode to The West Wind (B) Ode to A Nightingale (C) The World is Too Much with Us - (D) Ode on a Grecian Um PG-07/B 10 41. . hes twtohave at leaeg anges doors tomes insmall change 7 appeng (A) The Freaks: 8 (®) My Grandmother's House (©) A Hot Noon in Malabar (0) The Invitation 42. From which of the following poems the given lines are taken ? “Here we go round the prickly pear Prickly pear prickly pear Here we go round the prickly pear.” (A) The Solitary Reaper (B) Dover Beach (C) Thyrsis (D) The Hollow Men Note.;,Narration of the sentences has to be changed in the following questions. Choose the correct option from the choices given below the sentence. (Q. No. 43 to 45) 43. ‘Will you stop talking”, he said. (A) He asked them why didn’t they stop talking. (8) He told them to stop talking. (C) He asked them not to talk. (D) He advised them not to talk. Scanned with CamScanner bs 44. “ask the teacher’, my t suggested. Y Father A) My father suggoste, should ask the teachor hat W? (8) My father suggested teacher. (C) My father suggeste teacher be asked, to ank tho 4 that jot the (0) My father suggoste teacher be asked, d that the He said, “You needn't wait", (A) He told that you should not wait. (8) He advised me not to wait, (C) He told that I should not wait, (D) He said that | needn't wait. Which of the following statements is not true about a soliloquy ? (A) A soliloquy is a speech in which’ a character, alone on the stage, expresses his thoughts and feelings. (B) It enables a dramatist to convey directly to an audience important information about a particular audience. (C) In a soliloquy, one imaginary speaker addresses an imaginary audience. (0) Soliloquy was extensively used by the playwrights of the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods. 47. Shakoapeare's sonnots haye th? following features. Find out ott Statemoants. 1. Shakespeare ‘Sonnets, nition 154° Sonnats from 1 to 126 af? addronsed to Dark Lady, 2 . Ho dodicated his some sonnets his Patron Earl of Southampton: * = Tho rhyme scheme of his sonnets are generally ab ab, cd cd, ef ef, gg. (A) 1, 2,3, and 4 (B) Both 1 and 4 (C)1,3.and4 (0) Only 4 48. Fill inthe blanks with correct articles Given'below in the line. | therefore welcome this publication which is humble tribute to his memory by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of Government of India. (A) an, the, the (8) a, the, the (C) the, the, the (0) aa, the PG07/5, 4 Scanned with CamScanner Which poom of Joh Keats given hotow is based on Burton's ‘ThE Anatomy of Melancholy’? (A) Ode to Autumn (B) Hyperion (C) Lamia (0) The Eve of St. Agnos Which kind of plays Were dramatized 50. allegories of the life of man, his temptation and sinning and his quest for salvation ? (A) Morality plays (B) Thesis plays (C) Miracle plays (0) Interludes 51. Charles Dickens’ Little Dorrit is an attack upon (A) The economic education in Universities (B) The social practices and their effects (C) The school system (D) Marshalsea the debtor's prison and the system that Is responsible for its existence + PG-07/8 52. 54. 55. ; which of the following Novels, 4 ¥ Ciistmas attempts to recoyp OFlgins of his mulatto identity 2M (4) Absalom, Absalom | (8) Lightin August {C) Tho Sound and the Eury (0) Go Down Moses Pooms on Various Subjects is writer, by (A) Robert Frost (B) Matthew Arnold (C) Charles Lamb (D) Kamala Das Who has said that, “Poetry should Please by a fine excess.” 7 (A) Matthew Arnold (B) John Keats (C) P.B. Shelley (D) Alfred Lord Tennyson Choose the option having correct form of tense. (A) He has come back last night (B) He came back last night (C) He is coming back last night (0) He was coming back last night A Scanned with CamScanner ES a DAML omarion st B (8) Theatre of the abs, (C) Probiem plays (2) Expressionist drama The term ‘Utopi sn pia’ desi Of fictional writings thay nthe class (A) Represent th, - elit highly educated society ane (B) Show the intelli ent Way of life Gent and rational (C) Represent anideal but nonexistent Political and social way of life (D) Is full of ideal and imaginative romanticism Read the passage given below and choose correct answers to the questions. (Q. No. 58 to 60). The function of discovery is sometimes attributed to imagination. Through the exercise of imagination we hit upon hypotheses which help us to combine’ the discrete data into synthetic wholes. Hypothesis ig the principle of growth in knowledge. In framing a hypothesis we seam to contemplate a situation which does not necessarily exist. We contemplate the non-existent and review a number of alternatives. Such an attitude of mind a the activity of assertion is suspende od possible alternative situations are supp seems to be obviously one 0 A 13 1 vo activity fesponsinle ( Croce identities MO imagination, But an ypothosts with aan ee pot the work Tumninating hypo ination Imagwnatio” more uncantentied I aqination winch 1S on unviitiod by inte ieee or ques work: day dr the truth except will not holpy as by accident, There ming, faney to tight Upon a difference between 4 Fore quoss which is ne OPK of imagination and integral knowing OF intution. nose so aiuto he a te anal : aE imtet ut tne appreciative part of OM mind. i fhe i ropriate to attribute t 58. I isnot apprortnesis to a mere uncontrolled imagination because (A) Imagination does not light upon the truth (B), Hypothesis is a mere guess work (C) ‘Fhaginationis only a day dreaming ora fancy (D) Imagination supported by intuition can be helpful in framing of hypothesis 59. In what manner do hypotheses help in the function of discovery ? (A) They help us to combine discrete data into synthetic wholes (B) Weare able to contemplate a existent situation Ron: (C) We are able to review a of alternatives Number (D) Hypothesis induces imagination PC-07/3 Scanned with CamScanner 60. Note : Read the passat the closest meaning 0! What according 19 th@ author, is the Tole of imagination (A) Imagination ' the source of discovery (B) Imagination !® the hypothesis (C) Imagination plays role incombining discrete dala (D) None of the above source of ge above and choose f the words from the choices given, (Q. No. 61 !0 65) 61. 62. 63, Hypothesis (A) a well-established fact (B) an idea whichis yet not proved to be true (C) a popular belief (D) ascientific discovery Reverie (A) guesswork (B) day dream (C) imagination (D) whim Discrete (A) Careful in speech (B) Individually separate (C) Extremely vital (D) Indispensable PG-07/B 14 6A, 65. 66. 67. tuition A ) hate of Applying wisrdeen (B) apy ®) ability t teen” know through ee, (C) abit methi (Cc) ability to do sorne! IG iy Bhilty (0) commonsense Integral (A) having all the essential pans (8) important (C) that which cannot be dispenses with (D) that which cannot be ignored What among the following may be the most appropriate title of the above passage ? (A) Artistic imagination (8) Growth of knowledge (C) Intuition and discovery (D) Role of fancy Complete the sentence below after a careful reading of the passage- we contemplate the non-existent in order to (A) enrich our ima (B) frame @ hypothesis () imagine something unrealistic (0) puild up an argument ination Scanned with CamScanner following questioy te: In the 9 nS f Note anings are given for the igi? Options pnrases aiven i? Ihe beginning Ms and fe option that GIVES Correg,™: hoose ‘Q. No. 68 to 70) @ Paning pull strings (A) use one’s influence to, done (8) abort one's plans (C) reprimand f9F Poor pettotmancn (0) discourage oe 68. Stsomorning drop in (A) withdraw (8) disappear (C) pay a short unannounced visit (D) enter into an agreement break into (A) terminate (B) enter by force (C) collapse (D) detach 71. Ina tragedy, the term ‘catharsis’ can be broadly interpreted as (A) error of judgment in the character of a hero which leads him from happiness to misery. (B) purgation of excessive emotion of pity and fear, (C) acatastrophe in which there occurs a sudden reversal of hero's fortune from happiness to disaster. (D) anactof revenge acted joutonsi9° to satisfy the audience's appa!" 15 72. 73. 74, a NOOR9 the incorrect use Par of words Nom with (9) Kashmir is rack and ein op India. (8) My mothor loves hor kith, aun, (C) Hitler carried fire ang wird Wherever he went (D) Lotus work heart and sou, Who has spoken following lines in Shakespeare's ‘Macbeth’ : Me-thought, | heard a voice cry, “sleep NO more |. Macbeth does murther sleep," ~the innocent sleep; (A) Lady Macbeth (B)-Banquo (C) Macduff (D) Macbeth Equivoque is (A) A form of metaphor (B) A form of metonymy (C) A special type of pun (D) An alliteration PG-07/5, Scanned with CamScanner Directions (Q, 75 to 79) : !" the questions beloW the given sentences have been transformed as per directions given in the brackets. Choose the correc! option, 75. Pay that bill at once: (Passive) (A) You should pay that bill at once (B) That bill should be paid at once (C) Let that bill be paid at once. (D) You are advised to pay that bill at once Hard-working students always get success. (Complex) 76. (A) The students who get success are hard-working ia (B) The students who get success always work hard (C) The students who work hard always get success (D) The students who donot work hard do not get success 77. Does anyone like paying taxes ? (Assertive) (A) Alllike paying taxes (B) Nobody likes paying taxes ° (C) Anyone can Pay taxes (0) Everyone does not like paying taxes PG-07/B 78. 79. 80. § No sooner did the sun rise than th dew disappeared. (Affirmative) (A) As the sun TOSe, the qe disappeared 4 (B) As soon as the sun 1082, the de, \ en disappeared (C) Hardly had the sun risen than the dew disappeared (D) As soon as the sun had risen, the dew had disappeared She is not taller than | am. (Without a negative) (A) lam taller than her (B) Sheis as tall as |am (€) 1am as tall as she is (D) None of the above The meaning of the idiom, “to cool one’s heels’ is (A) to be kept waiting for sometime (B) to rest for sometime (C) to remain ina comfortable position (0) togiveno importance to someone A Scanned with CamScanner 81 82. 83, . “Thunder crashes fro ry m To rock, the cataract; a achaeh Sr Lightnings dazzle our omy , Raring torrents have breaeh The above Mentioned line: * from Sate takon (A) ‘The Love So) Prupock’ M9 OY. Alfteg (B) ‘The Hollow Men’ (C) ‘Rugby Chaper’ (D) ‘Ulysses’ In which of the following poems, does the poet express “What'er the theme ?.... song could have no ending ?” (A) Ode to the West Wind (B) To A Skylark (C) The Solitary Reaper (D) Ode to A Nightingale Which of the following works is inspired by Shelley's disgust at the so-called ‘Peterloo’ massacre ? (A) The Revolt of Islam (B) The Mask of Anarchy (C) Ode to the West Wind (D) Prometheus Unbound 7 84 85. Inn q Slorence with Hardy's lite and pis teat Some statements ara given Nd tho incorrect option 1. Thomas Hardy was born in 1842, 2. He is known for his regional Novels, . The character Gabriel Oak appears in his novel — Far From Madding Crowd 4. Tess of the D'Urbervilles was Published in 1880 and regarded as his masterpiece. (A) 1 and 4 (B) Only 1 (C) 2,3and4 (0). Only 4 “She is more sinned against than sinning’ is a remark made in favour of one of the famous heroines of Thomas Hardy. Which of the following novels she belongs to ? (A) Tess of the D'Urbervilles (B) Return of the Native (C) Jude the Obscure (D) Mayor of Casterbridge PG-07/3 Scanned with CamScanner 86. 87. 88. 89, Which is not true St@teMent for Sholay’ works ? eye (A) Shelle has been (B) Adonais is well-known elo the death of William Go egy on (C) Hellas is alyric drama inspire the possibilities of Greek reek (0) Shelley's The Trhumph of ite is a dream poem and unfinished work. tg Ode 10 th y's Ode 10 the West wi written in terza tina Whitman's poem ‘Children of Adam’ has the theme (A) Love as an animal passion (B) Democracy (C) Mystery of life (D) Natural beauty Which of the following is not written by Robert Frost ? (A) A Moveable Feast (B) Home Burial (C) Stopping by the Woods ona Snowy Evening (D) A Boy's Will Gabriel Oak is a character in (A) A Pair of Blue Eyes (B) Return of the Native (C) Life's Little Ironies (0) Far from the Madding Crowd PG-07/B 18 OF 90, Wy i i, 0f the following worksisa product © lator phase of Wordsworth's Catoor 7 (A) The Bordorors {8) Tho Descriptive Sketches (C) An Evening Walk (0) The Thorn The burly landlord in “The Barbers Trade Union” is named (A) Bijay Chandrika Bahadur 91, (B) Param Chand (C) Poorna Chand (D) Bijay Chand 92. Inwhich ofthe following poetic dramas, the petty delusions and ambitions of human kind are watched over by choric forces who, from their extended perspectives undercut any assumption of heroic action ? (A) Murder in the Cathedral (B) The Dynasts (C) The Cocktail Party (0) The Confidential Clerk Scanned with CamScanner ao Note wil have air of works of John Keats * Find out odd Ps tion year. and thelr publica’ n— 1818 (A) Endymior - 1820 (B) The Pot of Basil (c) The Eve of St. Agnes ~ 1820 (0) Queen Mab ~ 1813 the following set of questions you to complete sentences by filling the In correct prepositions from the choices given. (Q.No. 9410 97) 94, ° a 96. We were time for the train. (A) on (8) at (C) in (D) during Itis not wise to have a meal and bathe immediately (A) after (B) afterwards (C) since (0) during He has done nothing arrived, (A) for (8) since (C) from (D) after he 97. 98. 99. Me wag iy “a, that week ‘he a ater (A) for, during (B) for, in Mook anc "thing, (C) from, i (0) sinco, tor Who among the following has defined tragedy as “an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a Certain magnitude ...” 7 (A) Plato (B) Aristotle (C) Homer (D) Sir Philip Sidney P.B. Shelley, has been labelled as “an ineffectual angel beating in void his luminous wings in vain". Who, among the following, made such a remark ? (A) TS. Eliot (B) Matthew Amold (Cc) FR. Leavis (D) LA: Richards pG-07/B Scanned with CamScanner 100. There are some statements given below in reference with the term ‘prosody’. Find out incorrect statements. 1. Itis systematic study of versification in poetry. 2. It deals with principles and practice of meter, rhyme and stanza forms. 3. It also studies figure of speech. 4. Itdoes notinclude study of speech sound pattems and effects. (A) 1 and2 (B) 2and3 (C) 3and4 (D) Only 4 Among the following which work has not been written by Charles Lamb:? (A) Essays of Elia (B) Last Essays of Elia (C) Tales from Shakespeare (D) The Great Adventures of Ulysses 102. Which of the following figures of speech involves a play upon words ? (A) Antithesis (B) Alliteration (C) Pun (D) Zeugma PG-07/B 20 103. 104, 105. In whi mann Of the following Dlays, th . ‘ ta Class Provincial tite has been ePicted, by Shakespeare ? ” (A) Timon of Athens (8) The Merry Wives (C) Coriolanus (0) The Winter's Tale Catherine Barkley is a character in (A) A Farewell to Arms (B) Men without Women (C) The Sun Also Rises (D) Absalom, Absalom ! From which of the following poems the given lines have been taken ? “Tears, idle tears, | know not what they mean, Tears from the depth of some divine despair Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes.” (A) The Princess (B) When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd (C) Thyrsis (D) Dover Beach Scanned with CamScanner 406. Which of the following 4, ‘ext 107. 108. 109. a en in the rao iv poices SY Sc four ene word Is spelt corre? imaginative versio ts Ig "a rarely Out of Boccaccio" ? "Of a tale from | question’ only ° re ally spel word is 9 (A) Prometheus Unb, The meaning of o, 110 t0 113) (6) ‘Trus Lovet ound in the beginning: ** (C) ‘Isabella’ one (D) The Borderers 110. intended to cheat some! 1s (A) Fraudulent Which of the followi (8) Fradulant originally titled as, “Laon otk was (©) Fraedulant (A) Ode to the West Wing Snes? (0) Fraudulant (8) The Mask of Anarchy 411. Asstaughter nous® . Aslaughter hou: (C) Prometheus Unbound (a) Abbatoir (D) The Revolt of | Ram (8) Abetoir ve (C) Abatteur ‘oung Nick Adams is a Hemingway's novel character of (D) Abattoir (A) A Farwell to Arms 412) The scientific stud ’ (B) In Our Times ene ic study of the earth's (C) The Sun Also Rises (A) Meterology (D) To Have or Have Not (B) Meteorology (C) Metrology The famous characters ~ Grace (D) Matrology Melbury and Giles Winterbourne appear in Hardy's novel 413. Extremely unpleasant (A) The Return of the Native (A) Abnoxious (p) The Woodlanders (B) Obnoxous (C) Obnoxious (C) Jude the obscure . wood ree (D) Obnaxious (D) Under the Gree" ” Pg, 07 Scanned with CamScanner nn ———————s 114.” Wri qunich ofthe following ages witnessed | 117: Whoregarded Shakespeare's greatest Pic form of poetry at its peak ? Plays ‘as books to be read rather than as J? (A) Classical age Plays to be acte 6 (A) William Wordsworth ) Renaissance period (8) TS. Eliot (C) Neoclassical age (C) Matthew Arnold (D) Modern age (D) Charles Lamb 115. Which of the following fi 118. Which of the following works by William \ \g figures of speech % is used in the sentence : “I have read Shakespeare is @ pastoral romance ? all of Milton". (A) As You Like It (A) Metaphor (B) Twelfth Night (B) Allegory (C) The Tempest (C) Personification (0) Othello (D) Metonymy 119. Humbug Casby in Little Dorrit is 416. Change the sentence from direct (A) a funny character narration to indirect narration correctly, 5 i hér of oriental though Ram told Shyam, "Please take your (B) a philosopher of oriental thoughis seat. | am very glad to see you. Where (C) a police officer from Tudor stock had you been so long ?” . (D) an officer in British Navy (A) Ram requested Shyam to take his seat. He told him that he was glad to see him and asked him where | 120. In The Sun Also Rises, having fittered he had been so long. _ through several sexual liaisons, Lady (B) Ram told Shyam he should take ; his seat and he was glad to see Brett Ashley, finally chooses him. He asked him where he had (A) Romeo, a young Spanish ao Matador (Cc) Ram requested Shyam to take his a. seat, glad to see him and where (8) Clemenzo, a Parisian Chel he was so long. (C) Nick Adams (D) None of these (D) Lieutenant Frederic Henry A PG-07/B 2 Scanned with CamScanner 121. 123. whieh of the following pg writton he N08 48 given by Sts has low : Blow bugle, blow, sot the yj wild ®choes flyings “Blow, bugle; answer, &chog, dying, dying.” (A) John Keats (B) P.B. Shelley (C) Allred Lord Tennyson (D) Robert Frost 8, dying, which of the following wo, ks i written by Charles Lamb 2 * Is not (A) The Old Familiar Faces (B) John Woodvil (C) ‘An Essay on the Principles.of Human Action’ (D) Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, who lived about the time of Shakespeare “Portrait of a Lady” is a dramatic monologue written by (A) P.B. Shelley (B) Tennyson (C) TS. Eliot (D) None of them 124, 125. Ni "Tong the given below pairs in resp 1 Faulnor's novats which is °°" i; *Orteet pair? (A) Mosquitoes - a satiric novel on New Orleans (8) Tho Soundand the Fury -the st Of decline of the compson family (©) The Hamlet — the story of Kind Hamlet and his son (0) AFable—an allegory about man’s search for peace “No nightingale did ever chant More welcome notes to weary bands of:travellers in some shady haunt, ‘Among Arabian sands ...” Which of the following poems by William Wordsworth contain the above mentioned lines ? (A) Tintern Abbey (8) Daffodils (C) Solitary Reaper (D) Three years she crew in sun shower ard —_— PQ07/q Scanned with CamScanner

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