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(dành cho người lớn)
(Được trích từ Tài liệu Hướng dẫn áp dụng Định dạng đề thi đánh giá năng lực sử
dụng tiếng Anh bậc 2 theo Khung năng lực ngoại ngữ 6 bậc dùng cho Việt Nam (dành
cho người lớn) trong việc xây dựng đề thi và chấm thi, phê duyệt kèm theo Quyết định
số 1482/QĐ-BGDĐT ngày 10 tháng 5 năm 2016 của Bộ trưởng Bộ GD&ĐT)

Time allowance: About 25 minutes
Directions: In this part, you will hear five short announcements or instructions. You will hear each
announcement or instruction twice. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, or C. Then,
on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the
letter of the answer you have chosen.

Now, let’s listen to an example. On the recording, you hear:

Woman: In order to make a salad, you need to pick up fresh fruit from the farmer’s market or your
local grocery store. You should choose nice, ripe fruit, and they should be ready to be
made into a salad. For this simple fruit salad, you’ll need red apples, peaches and kiwi

Now listen again

On the test book, you read:

What kinds of fruit are needed to make the salad?

A. Any fresh fruit
B. Apples, peaches and kiwi fruit
C. Pineapples and kiwi fruit
The correct answer is B. Now, look at question 1.
Question 1. Where is the flight going to?
A. Pasadena
B. Hanoi
C. London
Question 2. Where can Mr. Baker find the report?
A. On the table
B. On the files
C. On the shelf
Question 3. How can the man get to the bus stop?
A. Go straight and turn right
B. Go straight and turn left
C. Turn right at the library
Question 4. When will the train arrive in Hue?
A. In 5 minutes
B. In 15 minutes
C. In 50 minutes
Question 5. How can the woman join the yoga class?
A. Just go to the class
B. Join the company
C. Fill in a form

Directions: In this part, you will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation
twice. There is one question for each conversation. For each question, write down the correct answer
in the space corresponding to the number of the question on the answer sheet.

Question 6. Where would they go for a coffee?

A. Cộng Café
B. Highlands Coffee
C. Neither of them

Question 7. What time should they be at the cinema?

A. 5:00
B. 7:30
C. 8:00

Question 8. What’s the weather like tomorrow?

A. Sunny and bright
B. Rainy and wet
C. Rainy and breezy
Question 9. What is the man’s dream job?
A. Software developer
B. Project manager
C. Football player
Question 10. What does the man want to buy?
A. A bright T-shirt
B. A dark T-shirt
C. A bright dress
Directions: In this part, you will hear a longer conversation. You will hear the conversation twice.
Fill in the form with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS and/or a NUMBER. Write down the correct
answers on the corresponding place in the answer sheet. Before you listen, you have 15 second to
look at the questions.


Course name Business English

Time On Tuesdays and (11)…………………………………….

From (12)…………………… to 8 p.m.

Things to bring (13)………………………………

A pen


Tuition fee (15)………………………………………

Directions: In this part, you will hear a longer conversation and answer questions 16 to 20. You will
hear the conversation twice. Write down the correct answer to each question in the space
corresponding to the number of the question in the answer sheet. Before you listen, you have 15
seconds to look at the questions.

Question 16. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At the show
B. At the cinema
C. At the student club

Question 17. How many tickets does the man want to buy?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
Question 18. Which show does the man want to see?
A. 8:00
B. 8:30
C. 8:45

Question 19. Which show does the man actually buy tickets for?
A. 5:30
B. 6:30
C. 7:00
Question 20. How much is each ticket?
A. VND 60,000
B. VND 80,000
C. VND 160,000

Directions: In this part, you will hear a short talk and answer questions 21 to 25. You will hear the
talk twice. Fill in the form with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS and/or a NUMBER. Write down the
correct answer to each question in the space corresponding to the number of the question in the
answer sheet. Before you listen, you have 15 seconds to look at the questions.


Location Type of goods Notes/Comments

Left-hand side Fruit, Put in plastic bag to weigh


(22)………………………………. Household equipment; Free packing and

kitchen ware (23)……………………………

In the middle Candies, May stay here for cakes and

(24)………………………, drinks
beverages, canned food and
Bakery: cakes and
Time allowance: 40 minutes

Part 1: Reading a letter from Francis. Choose the best word for each space.

For questions 1-8, write the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.

Example: Susan is (0)… TV now

0. A. watching B. looking C. seeing
Answer sheet: 0. A

Hi Minh,
Sorry, I haven’t written till now. Since I got here I’ve been really busy with the course and (1)….
new friends. I’m speaking English all the time and going out in the evenings with my classmates.
We’re a real (2)…. of nationalities: Chinese, Russian, Thai, Italian, Vietnamese, Brazilian… We all
talk in English but I’m learning lots about other languages, too.
My host family are really nice. The parents, Susan and Paul, are very friendly and kind. The children are
(3)…. Lewis and Amy. They’re both in primary school and are very sweet, but they can be a bit
(4)…. too. If I have to watch the film Frozen with them one more time, I’m going to go crazy! I
know all the songs by heart now. Ahhhhhh!
We live quite near the school so I (5)…. there every day. It’s only a short bus ride from the city
centre and there are lots of shops and cafés there. There’s an ancient castle too, and we’re going
there on a school trip next week. Bellcity is a really interesting place to be and there’s a festival on at
the moment. It’s amazing but a bit (6)…. for us students, so we’ve been hanging out in the streets
watching the free street performances by artists and musicians. Yesterday I saw a magician doing
card tricks – it was so much (7)….!

I’ll send some photos of the castle next time. (8)…. care and let me know how you are doing.
1. A. doing B. making C. having
2. A. group B. lot C. mix
3. A. given B. called C. told
4. A. interesting B. patient C. annoying
5. A. stay B. walk C. drive
6. A. expensive B. boring C. serious
7. A. noise B. fun C. trouble
8. A. Take B. Make C. Be
Part 2: Which notice (A-K) says this (9-16)?
For questions 9-16, write the correct letter on your answer sheet.
0. It is open from 10am-10pm.
Visit Bellcity Museum
Answer sheet: 0. G Free entry at weekends
Open daily 10 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
9. If you buy enough of these, you will get
one free.
Last collection time Monday to Friday 5.30 p.m.A
10. It is not closed until midnight. later collection is made just after 6.30 p.m. from the
11. You will not have it free next week. Postbox at Royal mail.
12. You must not eat there. C
13. You might not be able to drive there. Free DVD player with every
14. It is open on weekends only. new television
Special offer – this week only.
15. It doesn’t work after 6.30 p.m. on weekdays
or weekends. D
16. If you are interested in this, phone a SCI-FI FESTIVALSat 28 July
person in the afternoon.
10 a.m. – 12 a.m. at the Phoenix Art Centre

Lunch staff needed on weekend.
Come in (8 a.m. – 12 p.m.) or call Mai 38642185
(after 12 p.m.)



NEW Department store! Open July 22nd

Opening times: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Free parking for customers only!

Buy 3 get the 4th free (on ALL sale items)




Your fully green grocery store open Saturday and
Part 3: Read the notice and the email below. Fill in Linh’s note with the correct information

For questions 17-23, write the information on your answer sheet. The information should be

The Organizational Culture workshop will be held as follows:

In English:
Venue: Conference Room, A1 Building
Date: Saturday, 25th July
Time: 8.00 a.m. – 11.15a.m.
In Vietnamese:
Venue: Multi-Purpose Hall, C2 Building
Date: Saturday, 1st August
Time: 8.00 a.m. – 11.45 a.m.
Please register with the Student Office (R101) before 10th July.
The American studies class will be moved to R505 B2 Building on
those days.

Hi Linh,

I won’t be able to join you at the workshop because I have an

American studies class at the same time. You and David will go to
the English session, and then we all can meet for lunch after that.
We must try our school café. I heard it is not bad at all. Can you
come to my class after you finish on that day, by the way? I’ll finish
at around 11.45 a.m. and it will take us only 10mn to walk there.


17. What to join:……………………………………….………………..….workshop

18. Date:…………………………………………………………………………..……
19. Last day of registration: ……………………………………………………………
20. Lunch with: …………………………………………………………………..……
21. Where to eat: ………………………………………………………………………
22. Time to get there: …………………………………………….……………………
23. Wait for Pang at: …………………………….………………………….…………
Part 4: Read a study about wolves.

For questions 24 – 30, write A, B or C on your answer sheet.

Wild dogs rely on hunting to survive and they may sleep or rest as much as, or even more than, pet
dogs that live on foods given by their owners. Domestic dogs show a great variety of sleep patterns,
often including short periods of deep sleep for several hours.

A half-century-long study of wolves on Isle Royale, a remote island in Lake Superior, found that in
the winter, the wolves would eat for hours from their hunted animal, and then rest or sleep in the
snow about 30 percent of the time.

“Wolves have plenty of reasons to rest,” the study’s researchers wrote. “When wolves are active,
they are really active. On a daily basis, wolves burn about 70 percent more calories compared to
animals of similar size.” The researchers note that while hunting, wolves may burn 10 to 20 times
more calories than they do while resting.

“When food is plentiful, wolves spend a large amount of time resting, because they can,” the study said.
“When food resources are limited, wolves spend much time resting because they need to.”

Similarly, African wild dogs typically spend the whole daytime sleeping with their pack, usually in
the shade or near water, and are more active in darker hours.

24. According to the text, pet dogs A. rarely hunt for food
B. have the same sleeping habits
C. always sleep deeply for hours
25. According to the text, the study of wolves A. started 50 years ago
B. was conducted on a lake
C. was conducted in winter
26. According to the study, in winter, wolves rest A. before a hunt
B. because it is snowy
C. almost one third of the time
27. According to the text, wolves burn calories A. more than other animals
B. a lot less while they are resting
C. a lot more when food is available

28. Compared to domestic dogs of their size, wolves A. sleep less

B. eat more while food is plentiful
C. burn more calories
29. According to the text, African wild dogs usually A. in the sun
sleep B. during the day
C. during the darker hours
30. At night, African wild dogs most likely A. sleep
B. rest
C. hunt
Time allowance: 35 minutes
Use the following words to make complete sentences. You can make necessary changes to the
words, but DO NOT change their order.
1. At the moment/ we/ prepare/ birthday party/ for/ our/ friend/ son.
2. If/ you/ go/ fishing/ the early morning/ you/ catch/ a lot/ fish.
3. Those/ pizza/ I/ eat/ yesterday/ be/ really/ good.
4. My job/ is/ interest/ but/ sometimes/ I/ have/ work/ weekend.
5. They/ take/ longest holiday/ their life/ next/ week.


You must leave your office for a few hours.
Write a short note to your secretary to tell her where you are going to, what you want her to do,
and when you will be back.
Write at least 35 words.


You are spending your holiday in Da Nang city. Write a postcard to one of your friends.
Write at least 40 words.
Time allowance: 8 minutes
Part 1: Greetings (½’)

- Good morning/afternoon/Hi/Hello. Please sit down. My name is …

- What’s your name? Thank you.
- How are you today?

Part 2: Social Interaction (1 ½’)

Now let’s talk about your hobbies.

- What do you often do in your free time?
- Do you listen to the radio?
- What is your favourite (radio) programme?
- What do you often do on Saturday and Sunday?
OK. I see.

Part 3: Description (3’) (1’ for preparation)

Please describe your experience of learning English.

- When did you first study English?

- Why did you want to learn English?
- Who was your first English teacher?

Follow-up questions:
- Do you find it easy or difficult to learn English?
- What do you find most difficult in learning English?

Part 4: Discussion (3’) (1’ for preparation)

School children should not use mobile phones. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Follow-up questions:
- My children want to use mobile phones when they are at school. What should I do?
- On what occasions should children use mobile phones?

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