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Chapter 2.

Dehumidification During Coating Operations
Art Pedroza, Jr., James D. Graham, and Richard W. Drisko

Introduction hours after completing the application to prevent

Dehumidification is the process of removing moisture from condensing on the incompletely cured
moisture from air in enclosed spaces to reduce its coating. The dew point can be easily reduced by
humidity, while depressing the dew point significantly dehumidification.
below the surface temperature. Thus, water will not
condense on surfaces or otherwise cause adverse Effects on the Curing of Coatings
effects during surface preparation and coating Dehumidification can control the following
operations. effects of moisture on coatings:
The technology of dehumidification and • Ethyl silicate inorganic zinc-rich coatings require
temperature control in enclosed spaces continues to moisture for curing, while high humidities may retard
change rapidly and be more commonly used during the curing of water-borne inorganic zinc-rich coatings.
coating/lining operations to enhance working condi- • Moisture-curing polyurethanes require a relative
tions and performance and to reduce costs. This humidity range of 30 to 75% for optimum curing.2
chapter describes how dehumidification can best be • High humidities may retard the curing of water-borne
utilized for this purpose. coatings.
• High humidities can cause amine blush or
Benefits of Dehumidifying Enclosed carbamation (clouding) of amine-cured epoxy coat-
Spaces ings.3 U.S. Navy specifications require a 50% mini-
Dehumidification of enclosed spaces may mum relative humidity during application and curing of
provide several benefits during surface preparation solvent-free epoxies.4
and coating operations, as described in the para-
graphs below. It may also improve productivity by Removing Excess Moisture from Concrete
increasing worker comfort and reducing fatigue. Excess moisture in cured concrete may cause
blistering of coatings.5 Dehumidification can remove
Controlling Rust Bloom this water effectively.
Reducing relative humidity below a critical
level can control rust bloom for several days to permit Definitions of Commonly Used Terms
an entire tank to be abrasive blast cleaned before Absorbant. A desiccant, such as lithium or sodium
priming. Typically, rust bloom will be prevented from chloride, that undergoes a reversible chemical or
forming on an abrasive blast cleaned steel surface physical change as it absorbs moisture.
with a dew point 15 to 20oF (9 to 12o C) below the Adsorbant. A desiccant, such as silica gel, that
prevailing surface temperature and a relative humidity reversibly absorbs moisture like a sponge without
not to exceed 55%.1 Surface contamination will lower physical or chemical change.
the critical relative humidity. Dehumidification. The removal of moisture from the
Preventing Moisture Condensation on Uncured Desiccant. A material used to absorb/adsorb moisture
Coatings from the air and later release it when heated.
Most coating specifications require that the Dew Point. The temperature at which air becomes
steel surface temperature be at least 5oF (3oC) above saturated with water (when the air is 100% relative
the dew point before abrasive blast cleaning or apply- humidity). Below this temperature, moisture condensa-
ing coating to prevent moisture condensation. The tion on surfaces will occur.
same criteria may be required for a period of several Flash Rusting. Steel rusting that occurs within
minutes to hours after surface cleaning. It is acceler- measuring moisture conditions in air. The accuracy,
ated by salt contamination and high humidities. reproducibility, and response time of these instruments
Relative Humidity. The ratio of actual pressure of vary widely, so that their readings may be no more
existing water vapor to the maximum possible (satura- accurate than good psychrometer measurements.
tion) pressure of water vapor in the atmosphere at the
same time, expressed in percentage. Surface Temperature Measurements
Rust Bloom. See Flash Rusting. Bimetallic magnetic surface-contact
thermometers are widely used during industrial
Measuring Environmental Conditions coatings operations. They are inexpensive instruments
There are several instruments available for that require calibration for accuracy.
measuring relative humidity, dew point, and tempera- Electronic surface-contact thermometers are
ture. Each instrument has different levels of accuracy. inexpensive and feature a faster response time than
the bimetallic magnetic surface-contact thermometers.
Psychrometers Neither these thermometers can be used to monitor
A psychrometer is an instrument used to surface temperatures as during coating.
determine relative humidity and dew point by measur- Infrared instruments for measuring surface
ing the difference (depression) in readings from dry to temperatures do not have to remain in contact with the
wet bulb thermometers. There are three basic types: surface during measurement and thus can be used
the sling psychrometer, the psychrometer with ther- during coating operations. They are more costly than
mometers and a battery or electrically powered fan, other thermometers but are much more convenient.
and the battery-powered, digital psychrometer. These
are described in ASTM E 337.
Today, the sling psychrometer is the most
common in industrial coating work.6 It utilizes a wet
bulb (in a clean cotton wick saturated with distilled
water) and a dry bulb thermometer that are spun
rapidly through the air until constant readings are
reached on each. Typically, the relative humidity and
the dew point calculated from their measurements will
vary about 5% from actual values.
Psychrometers with fans blowing air across
the wet and dry bulb thermometers require about two
minutes for stabilization. These instruments have
advantages over the sling psychrometer of (1) being
able to get closer to the surface being cleaned or
coated and (2) being easier to use in tight places.
The digital psychrometer operates much more
quickly than other psychrometers, requiring only 1 to 2
seconds for each measurement. It also does not Figure 1. Refrigerant dehumidifier.
require water for a wet thermometer bulb, and some
store measurements for later retrieval. Types of Dehumidification Equipment
Psychrometric charts must be used to relate The dehumidifiers currently used for industrial
thermometer readings to relative humidity, dew point, purposes are described below.
or absolute amount of moisture in the air. These charts
may appear to be complex but are really straight Direct-Expansion Refrigerant Dehumidification
forward to use. In the refrigerant method of dehumidification,
ambient air is circulated over refrigeration coils at a
Electronic Hygrometers significantly lower temperature. As the cooled air
Electronic hygrometers are also available for reaches its saturation point, the moisture is con-

densed, collected, and removed from the system. The react air is hot and wet—1200F and 90–100% relative
refrigerant method provides cooling as well as dehu- humidity. This react air must be discharged out of the
midification, and thus on hot days, is sometimes used enclosed space and away from the supply air intake.
with the desiccant system to reduce the temperature. Silica gel desiccant is preferred as there is no chance
This system is not recommended when outside of chlorides getting into the produced air stream. The
ambient air temperatures are below 65oF (18oC) and reaction of drying the silica gel typically raises the
the dew point difference between the surface tempera- temperature of the processed air stream by 10 to 15oF
ture and the ambient interior air is specified as 45oF (8 to 12oC). These units are effective for dew point
(27oC), because water may freeze on the coils. depression at all times of the year. Some cooling may
Typical refrigerant dehumidification equipment is be desirable in warm climates. The desiccant principle
shown in Figure 1. and typical desiccant dehumidification equipment are
shown in Figures 2a and 2b.
Desiccant Dehumidification
The desiccant dehumidification system utilizes
solid or liquid materials that have a high affinity for
water that they can adsorb from the air. The water can
later be removed by heating and the desiccant regen-
erated for reuse. For liquid desiccants, the air is
passed through the liquids; for solid desiccants,
granular beads or fixed desiccant structures are used
in automated machines. The most commonly used
desiccants are silica gel and lithium chloride, both
become hydrated while removing water.

Figure 2b. Typical desiccant dehumidification equip-

ment. Courtesy Munters MCS.

Combined Refrigerant and Desiccant Dehumidifier

By pre-cooling the air and condensing some of
the moisture before passing it through a desiccant,
maximum efficiency in dehumidification is often
achieved. It will also reduce the number of air changes
necessary to maintain a 15oF–200F (8–15oC) dew point
difference between the internal surfaces and the
internal ambient air temperature.

Figure 2a. Desiccant principle. Choosing the Best Type of Dehumidifier for a Job7
Some criteria for selecting the best type of
On large coating/drying projects, modern dehumidifica- dehumidifier for a particular job are:
tion equipment uses a special rotating wheel coated • Refrigerant dehumidifiers are more economical than
with the silica gel desiccant. As the moist air passes desiccant dehumidifiers at high air temperatures and
through the wheel it is adsorbed into the desiccant. As humidities. They are seldom used at dew points
the wheel rotates past a set of seals, hot air from the below 40oF (4oC) because condensed water freezes
reactivation heater is blown in the opposite direction, on the coils.
drying and reactivating the silica gel. The react air can • Refrigerant dehumidifiers are more efficient when
be heated in various ways: electric heaters, steam drying air to saturated conditions, and desiccant
coils, or natural or propane gas-fired heaters. The dehumidifiers are more efficient when drying air

to low humidities. the curing. Similarly, respirators or dust masks re-
• The refrigerant and desiccant dehumidifiers can be quired by the material safety data sheets of the
used together most economically by utilizing the abrasive and coating manufacturer should be used
advantages of each. The relative costs of electrical during abrasive blast cleaning and coating, whether or
power and thermal energy will often determine the not dehumidification is being conducted at the time.
most economical mix. The introduction of large volumes of dehumidi-
fied air into the work area may disturb blasting debris
and reduce visibility, even though dust collects or dust
socks are being used to remove these particulates.
Therefore, the dust collectors must be properly sized
to perform effectively with the dehumidifiers so that no
more outside air is introduced than can be handled by
the collectors. During inclement weather, the efficiency
of the dehumidifier can be increased by reducing the
air flow of the dust collector.

Sizing Dehumidification Equipment

Figure 3. Enviro-Air 1000 CFM DH unit. Courtesy Enviro- There are many factors involved in properly
Air Control Corp. sizing dehumidification equipment for a specific job. In
addition to the air flow rate through dust collectors,
Closed-Loop System other factors affecting the sizing include the season,
A closed-loop dehumidification system is the weather, the location, the volume of enclosed air,
one in which the exiting air is routed through an the number of enclosure openings, the distance from
appropriate filter media and used as feed air for the the dehumidification equipment, and the presence
dehumidifier. of other equipment (e.g., in-line electric heaters
During abrasive blast cleaning, the exiting air and chillers) being used in conjunction with the
contains particulate matter consisting of spent abra- dehumidifier.
sive, paint and rust particles, etc. This matter must be Typically, fewer changes of air are required for
filtered through a dust collector before the air is larger volume enclosures. Enclosed spaces that are
passed through the dehumidifier and recirculated or more air-tight require less dehumidification. A
exhausted. During coating application, solvent vapors dehumidifier’s ability to produce volumes of dehumidi-
will also enter the exiting air. These must be removed fied air in ft3/min. is specified on the equipment’s data
from air to be recirculated because the solvent fumes plate, as well as in the equipment data sheet.
may be unhealthy, combustible, retard curing, and
damage the desiccants. Equations for Calculating Dehumidifier Air Flow
Solvent fumes may be adsorbed on charcoal Capacity
filters that must be replaced periodically, as their The necessary air flow capacity of a dehumidi-
capacity is reduced. The increased use of high-solids fier for a specific number of air changes per hour can
(low-solvent) coatings may reduce this problem be calculated using equation (1):
(V1)(AC)/60 = X (1)
Dehumidification Limitations in Producing
Quality Air where:
While dehumidifiers may introduce copious V1 = the internal volume in cubic feet of the enclosed
quantities of fresh air into an enclosed space, the space minus the
quality of the resultant air does not eliminate any volume of all obstructions within the space
requirements for respirators associated with the AC = the specific number of air changes per hour
coatings being applied. Despite many changes of air, X = the air-flow capacity in cubic feet per hour that
residual solvent will remain in the working area during corresponds to the specified air change rate

If the metric system is used, the necessary losses of air pressure by friction or leaks in lengthy air
capacity of a dehumidifier for a specific number of air ducts. This is especially important when in-line heaters
changes can be calculated using equation (2): are used, because the heat can be readily lost over
long distances, even when insulated ducts are used.
(V1)(AC) = X (2) High-voltage electric heaters and those utilizing
indirect fired natural gas or propane inline heaters can
where: be dangerous to workers who are not fully trained or
V1 = the internal volume in cubic meters of the en- do not properly utilize their training. Indeed, local
closed space minus the government agencies may require operating permits
volume of all obstructions within the space for dehumidification equipment.
AC = the specific number of air changes per hour The air duct from the dehumidifier should be
X = the air flow capacity in cubic feet per hour that carefully placed in the enclosure for optimal air flow
corresponds to the specific air change within the space to assure removal of water from all
areas. Alignment of the duct along tank walls will
Example of Calculation of Dehumidifier Capacity cause the air to flow in a funnel pattern and permeate
Requirements all areas as it circulates around the enclosure. There
Calculate the required capacity of a dehumidi- must always be an exit point for air in the enclosed
fier to dehumidify a cylindrical tank 100 ft in diameter area in order to affect an air change.
(50 ft in radius) and 10 ft in height for 4 air changes
per hour.

Step 1. Volume of tank (V1) = πr2h

r = radius
h = height
Volume of tank (V1) = 3.14(50)(50)(10) = 78,500 ft3

Step 2. Using equation (1), dehumidifier capacity (X) =

78,500(4)/60 = 5,233 ft3/hr

Figure 5. Exactaire instrument for monitoring environ-

mental conditions in enclosure. Courtesy Munters MCS.

In addition to monitoring the relative humidity,
dew point, and temperature, as described earlier,
carefully monitor the equipment itself in the event that
unexpected shut-downs occur from mechanical
Figure 4. DH equipment installed beside shrouded tank. problems or fluctuations in the power source. Dehu-
Courtesy Enviro-Air Control Corp. midifiers have multiple banks of fuses that can shut
down the equipment when power fluctuations occur.
Installing Dehumidification Equipment Once a dehumidification unit shuts down,
Ideally, the dehumidifiers should be placed as the air conditions may change so as to permit rust
close to the enclosed area as possible to reduce blooming of uncoated steel or adverse effects

on uncured coatings. About the Authors
A new remote monitoring system currently
available can inform responsible individuals when Art Pedroza, Jr.
control of space conditions are lost, when equipment Art Pedroza currently works as a project manager for
fails, or when fuel is low. It can also stop and start the an industrial contractor that specializes in surface
D/H equipment, as the dew point spread indicates, to preparation and coating services for the southern
save fuel. California petrochemical industry. He was previously
employed by Munters MCS and Dehumidification
Tech., Inc. Mr. Pedroza is a board member of the
SSPC Southern California Chapter and the NACE L.A.
Section. He is also a member of the California-Nevada
Section of American Water Works Association, the L.A.
Society for Coatings Technology, and the Southern
California Chapter of the Western States Petroleum

James D. Graham
Jim Graham is the western area outside marketing
representative with Corrosion Control Products
Company, Gardena, CA. He is responsible for coating
Figure 6. DH unit with dust collector in place. Courtesy inspection, instrument sales, and training throughout
Enviro-Air Control Corp. the western U.S. and providing support for the
company’s other offices. Currently vice chair of the
References Southern California Chapter of SSPC and the AWWA
1. SSPC-TR 3/NACE 6A192. Dehumidification and CAL-NEV corrosion control committee, Mr. Graham
Temperature Control During Surface Preparation, has also served on the board of the Channel Islands
Application, and Curing of Coatings; SSPC: Pittsburgh, Section of NACE International since 1984 and is the
2001. former chair of the Western Area NACE Section. He is
2. Hare, Clive H. Protective Coatings: Fundamentals of an SSPC certified protective coatings specialist (PCS)
Chemistry and Composition; Technology Publishing and a NACE International certified coatings inspector.
Company: Pittsburgh, 1994, pp 252-254. He also authored a chapter on water and wastewater
3. Keehan, David; Wyatt, Charles H. Humidity—It treatment plants in SSPC’s The Inspection of Coatings
Affects More Than Just Surface Preparation. In and Linings.
Proceedings of SSPC ‘99, pp 323-334.
4. Dehumidification. In Procedure Handbook: Surface Richard W. Drisko
Preparation and Painting of Tanks and Closed Spaces; Dr. Richard W. Drisko has been the senior technical
SSPC: Pittsburgh, 1999, pp 41-58. advisor to SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings
5. Schnell, Don J. Utilizing Desiccant Dehumidification since January 1995. Prior to this, he was employed for
to Remove Excess Moisture from Concrete. In over 40 years at the Naval Civil Engineering Labora-
Proceedings of SSPC ‘00, pp 25-28. tory, Port Hueneme, California, where he conducted
6. The Inspection of Coatings and Linings; Bernard R. research, evaluation, and testing, and served as the
Appleman, ed.; SSPC: Pittsburgh, 1997, pp 365-366. Navy’s center of expertise on coatings for shore
7. The Dehumidification Hamdbook, 2nd Edition; Lewis structures. He is a professional corrosion engineer in
G. Harriman III, ed.; Munters Cargocaire: Amesbury, the state of California, an SSPC certified protective
MA, pp 3-21. coatings specialist (PCS), and a NACE International
certificated corrosion specialist. Dr. Drisko received his
Acknowledgements BS, MS, and PhD degrees from Stanford.
The authors and SSPC gratefully acknowledge
Charles Wyatt’s comprehensive peer review.


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