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Society for Music Theory

A Musical and Mathematical Context for CBS 1766

Author(s): Leon Crickmore
Source: Music Theory Spectrum , Vol. 30, No. 2 (Fall 2008), pp. 327-338
Published by: Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Music Theory
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and names the heptachords resulting from such a tuning pro-

cedure. In the original, columns (E)–(H) are empty, except
for the first row. The numbers in these columns are extrapo-
Research Notes: lations from Waerzeggers and Siebes’s reading of line one.
In CBS 10996, the numbers in Example 1 appear in
A Musical and Mathematical Context for CBS 1766 pairs, as seven of fourteen dichords given in Example 2.
Kilmer (1997) interprets these seven dichords as signifying
leon crickmore the basic tuning of the musical intervals of the perfect fifth
and fourth (including the tritone, or “unclear” interval).
Keywords: CBS 1766, cuneiform tablet, Babylonian musical Thus—this example is mine—if, using modern letter-nota-
scales, Babylonian heptachordal scales, sexagesimal arith- tion, we assign D to 1, and use the diatonic scale of the white
metic reciprocals, Just tuning keys only, column (A) of Example 1 would produce the
pitches: E, B, F, C, G, D, A.1 Re-arranged in string and scale
order, the series becomes: E, F, G, A, B, C, D, which is
Kilmer’s heptachord išartum (“normal”). Assuming that the
introduction numbered points of the star correspond to the strings on the
instrument, then the sequence of chords indicated by the lines
CBS 1766 was published by Horowitz (2006). This 2-6, 3-7, 4-1, and 1-5, represent the tuning of the išartum
cuneiform tablet, dating from about 1500 BC, shows a seven- heptachord visually. Similarly, column (B) produces the hep-
pointed star within two concentric circles, below which are tachord kitmum; (C) tunes nı̄s GABA.RI; (D) pı̄tum; (E)
columns of seven integers between one and seven. Horowitz qablı̄tum; (F) nı̄d qablim; (G) embūbum; and (H) išartum again.
reads the figures horizontally, in pairs, and suggests a mathe- The complete tuning procedure is implicit in Example 3. To
matical explanation. Waerzeggers and Siebes (2007) propose generate any of the scales associated with columns (A)–(H) in
an alternative musical interpretation, reading the figures in Example 1, the first string (qudmū) is tuned to the notional
pairs, by column. Thereby, they relate the numbers to the pitch of the first number in the relevant column. This could be
seven-pointed star, which they understand as a visual tuning done by pitch pipe (embūbum) or from aural memory. The re-
chart for seven heptachords on a seven-stringed instrument, maining strings are then tuned through the resonance of fifths
supplementing the numerical and verbal instructions con- and fourths, according to the dichordal pattern of the appro-
tained in CBS 10996. Finkel and Dumbrill at the British priate column, as illustrated in the seven pointed star. The
Museum support their view from both a philological and mu- Appendix provides a more practical method of tuning.
sical standpoint. Dumbrill cites CBS 1766 as evidence that But CBS 10996 also includes a second series of seven di-
the Babylonian scales were heptachords. chords, making fourteen in all (see Example 2). Smith and
Kilmer (2000) interpret this second series of dichords as
commentary “fine-tuning” of the thirds and sixths in the scales, usually
through the adjustment of the common string, underlined in
If the musical interpretation is correct—and as a musicol-
ogist I believe it to be so—then Example 1 indicates how the 1 These pitches are, of course, approximate, since a modern keyboard
original tablet might have been intended to be understood, will be tuned to equal temperament.

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328 music theory spectrum 30 (2008)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) Basic Tuning Fine-Tuning Heptachordal Name
2 6 1 7 5 4 3 2 1-5 7-5 (nı̄s GABA.RI)
6 3 5 4 2 1 7 6 2-6 1-6 išartum
3 7 2 1 6 5 4 3 3-7 2-7 embūbum
7 4 6 5 3 2 1 7 4-1 1-3 (nı̄d qablim)
4 1 3 2 7 6 5 4 5-2 2-4 (qablı̄tum)
1 5 7 6 4 3 2 1 6-3 3-5 (kitmum)
5 2 4 3 1 7 6 5 7-4 4-6 (pı̄tum)

Key example 2. The dichordal tuning numbers in CBS 10996

(A) išartum (6 emended to 5)
(B) kitmum
a problem
(C) nı̄s GABA.RI (5 emended to 4)
(D) pı̄tum However, Kilmer’s interpretation of the heptachords as
(E) qablı̄tum rising scales has been challenged. In 1982, the musicologist
(F) nı̄d qablim Vitale concluded that the textual descriptions “thin” and
(G) embūbum (7 emended to 3) “small” in UET VII 126 must refer to higher pitched
(H) Return to išartum
strings and in consequence that the Babylonian scales, like
those of ancient Greece, must be descending. Then in 1990,
the Assyriologist Krispijn proposed an improved reading of
example 1. A reconstruction of CBS 1766 the damaged twelfth line of UET VII 74. The relevant
Example 2. They see the most likely function of this process portion of the line originally read NU SU, “no more,” that
as making the interval sound ‘sweeter’. In terms of acoustics, is “end of sequence.” Krispijn considered that the damaged
this would mean that the “rough” tuning of the thirds and sign was compatible with the infinitive of the verb
sixths, arising from the tuning of the fifths and fourths by nasahum, “to tighten,” a reading which supported Vitale’s
resonance to the harmonic series—3:2 and 4:3—would be musical interpretation. Gurney (1994) therefore revised his
refined to approximate more closely to pure thirds—5:4 and original transliteration (1968), and the new version has
6:5—and pure sixths—3:5 and 5:8. Thus the intonation now become the accepted view of both textual scholars and
would tend to be Just rather than Pythagorean. Such a musicologists. UET VII 74 describes a cyclic method of
process of fine-tuning can also be represented visually by the tuning and re-tuning and a nine-stringed instrument
seven-pointed star. Example 4 shows a seven-pointed star, through all seven heptachords, by tightening or loosening
with the basic tuning for the seven Babylonian heptachords one of the strings forming the tritone present in each of the
indicated in bold, and the corresponding fine-tuning.2 scales, that is, by sharpening or flattening the pitch of the
note to be sounded. Dumbrill (2000, 40–43) has elucidated
2 The modal names above the dotted lines in Example 4 have other the text succinctly. A detailed diagram of the process ap-
descriptions in CBS 10996, (e.g. 7-5 = Šěru) pears as Figure 7 in my article “A New Hypothesis for the

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 String Numbers
D E F G A B C Hypothetical pitches, based on the heptachord embu- bum (reed pipe).

example 3. The process of basic tuning

7 2-7 embūbum 2

īs GA

1-5 n
7- 2-6


7-5 nī




6-3 kitmum

6 3

4-1 nī

d qabl
qa 2

2-4 qa

um t

ki tmu blītum

5 4

Bold Initial tuning CBS 1766 and CBS 10996

Fine tuning CBS 10996
Seven-pointed star CBS 1766

example 4. A seven-pointed star as a visual aid to tuning

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330 music theory spectrum 30 (2008)

Vitale Kilmer lyre, instituted the attunement of the octave.”3 The pioneering
išartum nı̄d qablim musicologists were not comparing like with like, but rather
embūbum embūbum
seven-note scales (heptachords) with eight-note scales (octa-
chords). Expressed as tones (t) and semitones (s), the hepta-
nı̄d qablim išartum
chord išartum rising would be: stttst, corresponding to the
qablı̄tum nı̄s GABA.RI first seven tones of the rising Dorian octave species. A seven-
kitmum pı̄tum note falling Dorian scale, however, starting from the same
pı̄tum kitmum note or its octave above, would display a different pattern:
nı̄s GABA.RI qablı̄tum ttsttt—the pattern, in fact, of the heptachord with the alter-
native name in Example 5, namely nı̄d qablim, correspond-
ing to the Lydian octave species and our modern major scale,
example 5. Apparent discrepancies in the nomenclature
when rising. Each of the heptachords forming a pair in
of the heptachords
Example 5 is the mirror-image of the other. The reason why
embūbum is the only scale with the same name in both
columns of Example 5 is that the pattern of tones and semi-
Construction and Tuning of Babylonian Musical Scales.” tones of the octachord to which it belongs (the Phrygian) is
The consensus that the heptachords described in UET VII palindromic: tstttst. So if one were to quantify these scales
74 represent falling scales, however, leaves us with a prob- mathematically by tone-numbers representing ratios of
lem, or, in the words of Smith and Kilmer (2000, 138): “on string-length, then the scales with the same name in both
the horns of a dilemma.” For although the tuning procedures columns would be the inverse or reciprocal scales of each
derived from CBS 10996 can be applied in either an upward other. In other words, each of the Babylonian scale-names
or a downward direction, the change of direction results in may be taken to stand for a specific modal pattern of tones
different names for the scales. The only scale which has the and semitones, identical whether the heptachord is rising or
same name rising and falling is the heptachord embūbum. falling. This is illustrated in Example 6.
Example 5 shows the apparent anomalies in nomenclature. In contrast, the Greek octave species and our modern
scales consist of ladders of musical pitches. It is these
a likely solution pitches, rather than the pattern of tones and semitones,
which remain unchanged when the direction of the scale is
In the paper already mentioned I have suggested a possible reversed. If such a solution to the problem of nomenclature
way out of this dilemma. The musicologists who pioneered is correct, it seems likely that a remnant of the Mesopotamian
the recovery of the Mesopotamian tuning system were eager system still survives in our modern melodic minor scales.
to relate its scales to the ancient Greek octave species. But as The upper tetrachord of melodic minor scales rises and falls
Kilmer (2000) has noted, no-one has yet identified a in an identical pattern of tones and semitones: tts. But while
Sumerian or Akkadian word for “octave” (114). Plutarch the pitches of the notes change when the direction of the
(Inst.Lac.238c) records that as late as the seventh century scale is reversed, the name by which the scale is known re-
BCE, Terpander was condemned by the ephors of Sparta for mains the same.
adding an eighth string to his lyre. Nicomachus devotes
Chapter 5 of his Manual of Harmonics to the thesis that
“Pythagoras, by adding the eighth string to the seven-stringed 3 Levin (1994) provides the full text along with commentary (73–79).

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String Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name Modal Pattern (string intervals)
išartum s t t t s t
embūbum t s t t t s
nı̄d qablim t t s t t t
qabl ı̄tum s t t s t t
kitmum t s t t s t
pı̄tum t t s t t s
nı̄s GABA.RI t t t s t t

example 6. Modal patterns of the heptachords by name

quantification mathematics—for instance, Friberg (2007)—are sufficient

grounds for treating it as credible.4
Is there any evidence that the theoretical musicians of the There exist numerous examples of Mesopotamian
temples of ancient Mesopotamia quantified their musical mathematical cuneiform tablets from the scribal schools of
scales? Crocker (1997, 197) suggested that the “Babylonians nineteenth and eighteenth century Larsa, Ur and Nippur
could have determined quantification; they certainly had the which contain thirty standard pairs of numbers with their
mathematical capacity—indeed the needed numbers are reciprocals, encompassing all the sexagesimally regular in-
there in the mathematical texts.” But Gurney and West tegers from 2 to 81. These numbers, all in the form 2p3q5r,
(1998, 225) retorted: “Since there is no evidence that the
Babylonians had any notion of this, there is little point in
speculating that they might have done, or that such evidence 4 The concept of “reciprocals” is central to the arithmetic of harmonics.
might yet turn up.” Nevertheless, there are hints in the Any musical interval (up or down) defined by a ratio can be defined in
evidence-bases of several disparate disciplines which suggest the opposite direction by its reciprocal. Friberg (28) notes that l/n = (28), and that the Old Babylonian term igi pu-tù-ur means to
that each of the four ancient literate civilizations (South
“compute the reciprocal” (442). He also provides examples of “igi-
Asia, Middle East, East Asia and Europe) developed, and” problems, involving pairs of reciprocals (MS 3971, 3; Plimpton
possibly shared, systems of mathematical and music theory 322 and A0 6484). Commenting on Exercise 7a in the Seleucid text
with extra-musical associations. If we seriously wish to pur- AO 6484, he writes: “In this exercise, the terms ‘igi’ and ‘’ denote
sue this developing area of research, we may need to coin a ‘reciprocal pair’ of sexagesimal numbers, by which is meant any pair
some new term, such as “Harmonic Mythology” to describe of (positive) sexagesimal numbers such that their product is equal to ‘1’
it. Elsewhere (Crickmore 2003), I have revaluated the cul- (any power of 60)” (67). Ancient mathematicians knew no zero. From
unity (1 = 60ο), they had an arithmetical progression upwards (1, 2, 3,
tural significance of this ancient science of harmonics.
4 . . .) and a corresponding harmonic progression downwards (1, 1/2,
Although the significance of the evidence I am about to pre- 1/3, 1/4 . . . ), with unity functioning as the geometrical mean between
sent remains largely circumstantial and dependent on inter- the respective pairs (for instance, 3/1 × 1/3 = 1 = 12 = 600). In this con-
pretation, I would claim that its mathematical consistency nection, notice that the tone-numbers in Example 7, 40 × 90 and 45 ×
and compatibility with what we now know about Babylonian 80 are igi– reciprocal pairs, whose product is 3600 (602).

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332 music theory spectrum 30 (2008)

are ideally suited for defining musical scales in what we now differs from that indicated on the seven-pointed star, the first
call Just tuning. For example, the numbers 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, string of which, representing D, with a tone-number of 27, is
48, 54, which appear in all the standard lists (for instance, the starting note for the embūbum heptachord. The range
MLC 1670 [Robson 2002, 114]), if interpreted as tone- 27–48 is of particular interest because Plato uses it, multi-
numbers, would define Kilmer’s rising išartum heptachord in plied by one hundred, to define his “two harmonies”
ratios of inferred vibration—or, as we would now describe it (Republic, 545a–546d). In my commentary on this passage of
“frequency.” Again, interpreted as tone-numbers, the corre- Plato (Crickmore 2006, Figure 10), I demonstrated how the
sponding reciprocals from the tables would sound the inverse range 2700–4800 can also accommodate all seven Babylonian
or reciprocal scale: the išartum of UET VII 74, as interpreted heptachords. Since CBS1766 belongs to the late Babylonian
by Vitale and emended by Krispijn. To express its tone-num- period, it would arguably be preferable to notate the modes
bers as integers, however, the reciprocals, in the octave- represented by the seven pointed star as falling scales.
double 1/30 to 1/60, have first to be expressed as sexagesimal However, the present state of debate about the Mesopotamian
fractions (60/30 to 60/60), and then have to be proportionally tonal system calls for a different priority: to escape the
increased by multiplication by 72. The falling scale of išar- dilemma about nomenclature into which Kilmer’s pioneering
tum is then defined in the octave 144–72 by the following work has taken us. The starting point of my model in
tone-numbers: 144, 135, 120, 108, 96, 90, 80. Of course, we Example 7, therefore, is the heptachord išartum (“normal”),
now know that frequency varies in inverse proportion to with pitches derived from Kilmer’s transcription of that scale
string-length, so the tone numbers of the rising scale, when on the evidence of CBS 10996. In this context, the D (string
interpreted as ratios of frequency, can also define the falling 1 on the star) may be considered an “added note,” analogous
scale when they are interpreted as ratios of string-length. It to the proslambanomenos of the ancient Greek Perfect System.
remains unclear how early this was realised. To notate by And like that system, it would require a fifteen-stringed in-
modern letter-names in dynamic notation, and to quantify in strument for realization in the dynamic form of Example 7.
regular numbers from the Babylonian tables of reciprocals all Example 7 suggests a probable quantification of the hepta-
seven heptachords requires at least a thirteen-stringed in- chords in their rising and falling forms, and expressed in the
strument. 5 Following the hint about palindromic number- smallest possible integers. Two of the tone-numbers (90 and
ing in UET VII 126, I have numbered these strings: 1, 2, 3, 96) fall outside the limits of the standard tables, but both are
4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. I appreciate that this numbering doubles (that is, an octave above) numbers in the table.
Notice that from the central seventh string (D4 = 54), the
embūbum heptachord (tsttts) rises to the right, and falls to the
Friberg provides the solutions to this exercise (68): igi = 81/80 and left, in a manner which matches a clockwise and anticlock- = 80:81. Musically, these are the values of the syntonic comma, in wise rotation of the seven pointed star in CBS 1766. Thus
an upward and a downward direction, respectively—that is, the differ- Example 7 summarizes my hypothetical reconstruction of the
ence between the diatonic third of Pythagorean tuning (9:8)2 and a entire Babylonian tonal system.
pure Just-tuned third (5:4).
For their reconstruction, Smith and Kilmer use thetic
5 Nicomachus (Levin 1994, 154) and the Byzantine theorist, Pachymeres
(Harm.11), make a curious reference to a thirteen-stringed system.
notation—that is they place all seven heptachords within a
Could they have had in mind a Babylonian rather than a Greek system? single octave. To quantify such a transcription of the hepta-
The Queen’s Harp (ca. 2600 BCE) in the British Museum clearly has chords requires even larger tone numbers in the octave 360–720.
13 strings. The higher tone-numbers are needed to accommodate as

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String number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Pitch E3 F3 G3 A3 B3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C4
Tone number 30 32 36 40 45 48 54 60 64 72 80 90 96
Ratios 16:15 9:8 10:9 9:8 16:15 9:8 10:9 16:15 9:8 10:9 9:8 16:15
Ratios 15:16 8:9 9:10 8:9 15:16 8:9 9:10 15:16 8:9 9:10 8:9 15:16
Interval s t t t s t t s t t t s
išartum (A)
nīs GABA.RI (C)
pītum (D)
kitmum (B)
qablītum (E)
nīd quablim (F)
embūbum (G)

example 7. Hypothetical reconstruction of the Babylonian tonal system

integers the chromatic notes which occur when the scales are E4, A4, D4 G4, C5 returning, if the F4 is also included, to išar-
transcribed within a single octave. The operation of the cyclic tum, this time a semitone lower. When the strings are thus
tuning system described in UET VII 74 can also best be loosened, the heptachords appear in the reverse order: išartum,
demonstrated using falling scales in thetic notation. kitmum embūbum, pı̄tum, nı̄d qablim, nı̄s GABA.RI, qablı̄tum.
In practice, however, it seems likely that a seven-stringed The tuning procedures of UET VII 74 (but not the text) can
instrument would have been tuned to the scale išartum (“nor- also be applied to the rising (solid line) išartum heptachord in
mal”), as in column A of CBS 1766, and then re-tuned cycli- Example 7, by reversing the direction of the instruction to
cally as indicated in UET VII 74. I demonstrate this procedure sharpen or flatten.
in the Appendix, in a manner which matches Example 7. The overall point that I am seeking to make by including
Starting with the falling (dotted line) išartum heptachord in so many technical details, is that the hypothetical model of
Example 7 (C5-D4: 96–54), and following the instructions in the Babylonian tonal system presented in Example 7 is con-
the first chapter of the text, F4 of the tritone (strings 5-2) is sistent with the evidence of CBS 1766, CBS 10996, UET
sharpened to produce the heptachord qablı̄tum. Subsequently, VII 126 and UET VII 74.
C5, G4, D4, A4 and E4 are similarly sharpened. A series of hep-
tachords then emerge in the following sequence: išartum; just tuning
qablı̄tum; nı̄s GABA.RI; nı̄d qablim; pı̄tum; embūbum; kitmum;
and finally, if the remaining B4 is sharpened, išartum again, a A remarkable piece of archaeological evidence has
semitone higher. In chapter two of the text, it is the B4 of the emerged from China, where, in ancient times, there were
išartum tritone that is to be flattened, followed in turn by the also seven heptachords similar to those in Mesopotamia

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334 music theory spectrum 30 (2008)

(Nakaseko 1957). A well-tuned carillon of sixty-five bronze that calculations of tone-numbers in ratios of string-length
bells has been recovered from a tomb in the Hubei Province could have become the norm during the Old Babylonian
dated from about 433BC. McClain (1985) has concluded period, and remained so at least until the age of Classical
from their tuning that “the tonal cosmology of ancient Greece. As I suggested earlier, a tradition of seven-note
China now appears to have been based on a ‘Just’ tuning sys- scales for seven-stringed instruments, tuned to Just rather
tem in the theoretical octave 720–360.” than Pythagorean tuning, might have persisted until
Further indirect evidence for the arithmetic of Just tuning Pythagoras “instituted the attunement of the octave.”
occurs in the cuneiform tablet BM K170 and RM520
(Livingstone 1986, 30–33). The tablets list numbers associ- discussion
ated with the names of Babylonian gods: Anu (60), Enlil
(50), Ea (40),6 and Sin (30), numbers which can also gener- One final point remains to be discussed: the two concen-
ate not only the octave (60:30), the perfect fifth (60:40), and tric circles surrounding the seven-pointed star. It is possible
the perfect fourth (40:30), but also the major and minor that these carry some geometrical and associative meaning.
thirds (50:40 and 60:50), the major sixth (50:30) and. allow- But until precise measurements are available, it would be un-
ing for octave equivalence, the minor sixth (80:50). These wise to comment further. Nevertheless, the circles do raise
latter ratios are the acoustical foundation for the “fine tun- an important question for musicologists. Traditionally, the
ing” described in CBS 10996. right angled triangle and its theorem have been attributed to
Dumbrill has drawn attention to a cylinder seal in the Pythagoras. We now know, however, that exercises involv-
British Museum (BM 308035) which depicts a female mu- ing “Pythagorean” triangles and triples were common in the
sician with a lute. The seal has been identified as belonging scribal schools of Mesopotamia. Traditionally, the earliest
to the Uruk period—that is, some eight hundred years ear- reference to Just tuning of the diatonic scale is to be found in
lier than any previously known representation of the instru- the Harmonics of Ptolemy (Solomon 2000, 102). But we now
ment. Dumbrill hypothesizes that the fretting of lutes have evidence that the arithmetic of Just tuning was known
might have been the origin of the use by musicians of ratios and presumably used earlier, in China and Mesopotamia.
and proportional arithmetic to define musical tuning. Since The Harmonics also contains the earliest known reference to
fretting involves the proportional shortening of the acti- a “tone-circle” (Solomon 2000, 153–54), when Ptolemy
vated length of string, we may take it that the earliest calcu- bends round the two-octave scale of the Greek Greater
lations of the ratios between tone-numbers would have Perfect System into a circle to match the ecliptic. Could
represented “inferred vibration.” Scales defined in ratios of CBS 1766, then, with its circled star, the seven points of
inferred vibration would be rising scales, as Kilmer sup- which may be construed as the musical pitches D, E, F, G,
posed. But by the time of UET VII 74, both mathematics A, B, C, be about to substantiate a claim to be the earliest
and the theory and practice of musical tuning would have known musical tone-circle?
become more sophisticated. It seems possible, therefore, Example 8 shows CBS 1766 interpreted as a tone-circle.
In this diagram I present the heptachords as falling, since
this has now been established by UET VII 74.
6 In UET VII 126, a string listed as “fourth, small string” in Sumerian, is Mathematicians, however, tend to be sceptical about the va-
called “Ea-created” in Akkadian. In Figure 7, the tone number of the lidity of ancient tone circles because the ancients did not
fourth string is 40. know logarithms. In Ptolemy’s tone-zodiac, the circle is

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les in Fa
g sca s 1 or r lling sca
Risin ocal ratio atios les i
recip ng length 7, 7, leng of string n
ri t h -
of st (d3) d4

1, 6,
10:9 t
6, 1, e3 9:8 27
t 9:10 m
nīd 8:9 (or 54) rtu m c
išar qablim 1 iša abli 4
tum nīd (Vitale)

7 16:15 s

(Kilmer) 2
16:15s 15:16
15:16 nīs GABA.RI 2, 5,

qablītum 6 qablītum
f3 3 b3

5, 2, B A .R I
nīs G A
9:8 t
9:8 t 8:9
8:9 5 4

10:9 t

pīt m
pītu um




g3 a3
3, 4,
4, 3,

Notes and Key

The tritonic tuning procedures of UET 74 can be applied to the falling scales.

t tone
s semitone
initial tuning (4ths and 5ths)
fine tuning (thirds and sixths)
dichords in CBS 10996

Figures in underline indicate reciprocal (inverse) scales.

example 8. CBS 1766 as a “tone circle”

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336 music theory spectrum 30 (2008)

divided into twelve equal parts, as can be done with com- been meant to be construed as precisely accurate with re-
passes. Solomon (2000, 74n7) points out that geometrically gard to particular measurements, but rather as approxima-
at least this correlates with the whole-tone scale in equal tions of the kind later known as Diophantine. These are
temperament. Nevertheless, from its author’s point of view, quite adequate for the purposes of analogical philosophy
the image is intended to match the ancient Greek two-octave and primitive cosmological thinking. Indeed, it is worth re-
Greater Perfect System. flecting that although modern science achieves greater ac-
In CBS 1766, the circle is divided into seven approxi- curacy by measuring musical intervals in cents and the
mately equal segments, which do not represent equal mea- geometry of ancient temples and mediaeval cathedrals in
sures of distance: heptachordal scales comprise two sizes of metres, the proportional integer ratios essential to the
tones and one of a semitone. I contend, therefore, that structures of both musical scales and sacred buildings are
many of the diagrams of symbolic geometry may not have thereby concealed.


Application of the tuning procedures of UET VII 74 to Example 7 (the text applies to falling sales only).
I. Tightening
String Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tritone Re-tuning
išartum C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 5–2 Sharpen String 5 for qablı̄tum
s t t t s t
qablı̄tum C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 1–5 Sharpen String1 (and 8) for nı̄s GABA.RI
s t t s t t
nı̄s GABA.RI C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 4–1 Sharpen String 4 for nı̄d qablim
t t t s t t
nı̄d qablim C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 7–4 Sharpen String 7 for pı̄tum
t t s t t t
pı̄tum C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 3–7 Sharpen String 3 for embūbum
t t s t t s
embū¯ bum C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 6–3 Sharpen String 6 for kitmum
t s t t t s
kitmum C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 2–6 Sharpen String 2 (and 9) for išartum (raised by a semitone)
t s t t s t

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reviews 337

II. Loosening
String Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tritone Re-tuning
išartum C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 5-2 flatten string 2 (and 9) for kitmum
s t t t s t
kitmum C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 2-6 flatten string 6 for embūbum
t s t t s t
embı̄bum C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 6-3 flatten string 3 for pı̄tum
t s t t t s
pı̄tum C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 3-7 flatten string 7 for nı̄d qablim
t t s t t s
nı̄d qablim C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 7-4 flatten string 4 for nı̄s GABA.RI
t t s t t t
nı̄s GABA.RI C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 4-1 flatten string 1 (and 8) for qablı̄tum
t t t s t t
qablūtum C5 B4 A4 G4 F4 E4 D4 1-5 flatten string 5 for išartum (lowered by a semitone)
s t t s t t

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