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A 30-Day Devotional for Women

Table of Contents

Day 1 Jamie Black Day 16 Annette Smith

Day 2 Tiffany Flemming Day 17 Debbie Krempel

Day 3 Angie McClurg Day 18 Amie Johnson

Day 4 Patsy Hendricks Day 19 Darlene Neckers

Day 5 Michele Snyder Day 20 Brenda Biggs

Day 6 Deb Wick Day 21 Cheryl Degler

Day 7 Jenny Crabill Day 22 Deb Podgorny

Day 8 Janet Beal Day 23 Stephanie Foote

Day 9 Jennifer Meyer Day 24 Jill Sloffer

Day 10 Susan Chipps Day 25 Mary Henney

Day 11 Stephanie Lochmueller Day 26 Kayla Guerzini

Day 12 Jen Bartscht Day 27 Mandy Goldfuss

Day 13 Amy Hobbick Day 28 Rachel Mitchell

Day 14 Melissa Johnson Day 29 Ruth Bracht

Day 15 Malea Kruse Day 30 Stephanie Foote

Edited by Faith Van Gilder 

Day 1
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me
and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can
do nothing.

John 15:5

If you are around me long enough, you will discover I don’t

like being the center of attention. Public speaking class
was my most dreaded class in college. Even my wedding
day was stressful because I had to walk by all the guests
(who not only looked at me as I walked by but stood up)
and then I had to stand in front of everyone. I’m not exactly
sure what my issue is except the thought that someone is
going to judge me. Why be in front of people when I can
hide in the back? No one will think or say that I am too tall,
that I would look better if I lost a few pounds, or that I am
not smart enough to do a particular task.

What God has taught me over my years is that these

people are most likely not thinking or saying any of those
things, and it is the enemy putting thoughts and fears in my
head. The enemy is the one who says you’re not good
enough. I have had to lean on God to remind me that I am
His creation and it does not matter what others think, but
what He thinks of me. When I am obedient and listen to
God, He puts people and opportunities in my path to help
me see I am good enough. It is a daily struggle, but God
says, “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much
fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Prayer & Reflections

















Day 2
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up
in honor.
James 4:10 NLT
But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to
forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
1 John 1:9 NLT

One of the best wedding gifts I received was a wise

woman’s sage advice that one should never just apologize
to their spouse, but rather seek forgiveness. Wait, what?
Those first few times when I had to stand before my
husband and take responsibility for how I made him feel
were hard. When we ask for forgiveness, our pride can get
in the way, because forgiveness requires us to admit we’ve
actually done something wrong with a view to repent from
that act. Worldly wisdom had taught me that humbling
myself was a sign of weakness and dependence. When the
Holy Spirit would convict me, instead of obeying I would try
to rationalize away the need to take action. Saying “I’m
sorry” was just so much easier, and quicker. But the more I
practiced “Will you please forgive me for..?” I drew closer
to my spouse, and to God.

Much like asking for forgiveness, confronting our sin and

bringing it to God takes honesty, vulnerability and
empathy. But scripture gives us confidence to approach
God because of His promise of forgiveness and restoration
in Jesus. So may we find courage in God’s promise and
practice not to just apologize to people but to seek their
forgiveness. Take responsibility for what you’ve done, and
extend grace to them as many times as they ask. Humble
yourself, and God will lift you up. It’s how relationships heal
and strengthen. It’s how love grows. And that’s what we
should all be about.

Prayer & Reflections
















Day 3
The Lord said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people
and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I
will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will
make your name great, and you will be a blessing.’
Genesis 12:1-2

The beach has always been our go-to for vacations. I love
water -- ocean, lakes, streams -- It brings a sense of peace,
the beauty always makes me reflect on God as creator and I
find myself praising His works. I enjoy taking photos of
nature and find that many of them involve water. But for
this year’s spring break we made a different plan -- Arizona.
The desert. I quickly noticed the lack of water. Even where
there should have been rivers and streams, there was just
dry ground. However, as I took in the landscape, I had the
familiar feeling of awe at the beauty of what God created.
The mountains, plants, endless blue sky and canyons are all
a part of His handiwork, just one small part of this beautiful

I am glad we gave up our usual and did something

different, experienced something new and just as
rewarding. Our life can be like that. It’s easy to get into a
rut of the usual, and not even consider what else God
might have for us. It’s easy to continue doing what is
comfortable and not listen to God calling us to something
new. It can be scary or sad to take that step into something
different, but if God has brought you to it, you’ll find beauty
in it. I’ve seen that in my own life recently. Two years ago
when I was asked to lead a small group. my immediate
instinct was no. I liked the group I was in, the people and
our discussions, I didn’t want to leave that. But God was
calling me to something else, something that led me to
new friendships with wonderful ladies I wouldn’t have met
otherwise. When I felt a call to working with Student
Ministries I thought, not me; I don’t think I have the gifts for
this, I certainly don’t have the time! That “yes” and
stepping out into something new has given me the
privilege and joy of walking alongside our students as they
grow in relationship with Christ. So I encourage you to not
get too comfortable with your routine. Look for what God
has for you and be willing to say yes to something new.
Who knows what beauty and joy it could bring? 

Prayer & Reflections











Day 4
I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard
my cry.  He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and
mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to
stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to
our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their
trust in him.
Psalm 40:1-3

Depression is more than just sadness. It is a mental health

disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or
loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment
in daily life. Depression, even the most severe cases, can
be treated, and the earlier the better. God is not silent
when we suffer; he comes close to those who suffer, so
watch for him if you are suffering.

Too many, women especially, suffer from depression in

silence and feel all alone. Depression affects as much as
25% of the population, so you are not alone. God is with
you and he calls you to reach out to him. It is also helpful to
talk with someone who will listen, care and pray for you.
Too often, people are not willing to talk about it. As far as
we have come, stigma still exists when it comes to
depression. People grow to feel like they are alone, that no
one can understand them.

Depression is a humbling problem to admit – there is so

much stigma surrounding it. But that’s why we need to talk
about the mind, especially in the Church, because we
(God’s people) have the answer!

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Day 5
But he said to me, ‘My Grace is sufficient for you, for my
power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore, I will boast
all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of
Christ may rest upon me.

2 Corinthians 12:9

I remember the day that I read that preschool newsletter so

vividly. My sweet boy was enrolled in the twos class at what
is now Lifehouse Preschool. My firstborn was, and still is,
what I now know to be a very typical firstborn child. He is
crazy smart, very verbal, high achieving and nothing like I
ever imagined him to be. He was ridiculously strong-willed
and needed an outlet, and this momma needed a break.
So back to the newsletter; there was the tiniest blurb about
a MOPS group. After fighting with myself for days
(because, honestly, who wants to put themselves out there
to join a group of people you don’t know), I sent a message
to the MOPS Facebook page asking for more info. To my
surprise and relief, my now great friend, JS, replied with
excitement about having me come.

I went to my first meeting and held back tears of fear, tears
of comfort and tears of relief. I did not realize exactly how -
not alone- I was in this motherhood thing. I witnessed other
moms (new moms, seasoned moms, mentor moms) being
vulnerable and honest and raw. That year, my life was
literally changed. I gained a new perspective in this season
of life, and began to realize that I didn’t have to be perfect,
my expectations were often unrealistic and I was putting an
insane amount of pressure on myself, my husband and our
sweet baby. 

Now five years and another kid later, this verse comes in
and out of my life, literally weekly. It shows up in Bible
studies, Pinterest posts, apps and yes, even a recent
sermon series on being broken. I hear you, God! I’ve made
it my mission to intentionally show my weakness and
vulnerability to others, even those I don’t know well,
because those ladies in that MOPS group did that for me
when I needed it the most. It is relieving and powerful to
boast in my weaknesses. I know that His Grace is enough.

Prayer & Reflections













Day 6
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give
you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Sometimes in our busy lives we get so caught up in
everything we have to do and get done. It may be our jobs,
our family, our many outside activities, appointments or
anything else we could add to our already full plates, we
forget to make time and listen to our Almighty Father.

For me personally I have a given time where I was trying so

hard to forge ahead. I was trying to forget the emotional
pain I was in at that time and was taking a wrong path. I was
looking for better living conditions and was trying to buy a
house. I wanted something to make me feel better. I was
looking for something to give me hope and some sort of
future. I was going to make this happen on my own accord,
when I was stopped dead in my tracks. I was devastated. It
was then that God, our almighty protector, the One who
loves each one of us more than anything, took ahold of me.
It was in the quietness of an ordinary morning, going out to
my car to go to work that I heard the voice of God. It was
simple but profound. He told me “be still.” I had to listen
and quit with the craziness I had created. It was not instant
gratification. I had to wait another nine months, but God
delivered. His promise was more than I could have ever
imagined. Everything fell into place and He provided,
including the house of my dreams. You see, I finally
listened, but it took His voice and two firm words – “be
still.”I knew I must obey and be patient.

So in your busyness don’t forget to stop and let God guide

you. He knows your future, will protect and direct you, and
will give you hope in your despair. Listen and obey if you
hear His quiet but firm voice.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your guiding us in our

everyday lives and for Your protection. Speak to us firmly
when we go astray and allow us to really listen. Amen.

Prayer & Reflections












Day 7
You will do all right, if you obey the most important law in
the Scriptures. It is the law that commands us to love others
as much as we love ourselves. But if you treat some people
better than others, you have done wrong, and the Scriptures
teach that you have sinned.
James 2: 8-9

Our church family and community is amazing at coming

together to help those in need, whether it be through
fundraising, collecting donations, ministering to the food
bank clients, hosting a community fish fry, or simply by
praying and being present during difficult times. I
personally have been on the receiving end of this
generosity many times, but most recently when my mother
went home to be with Jesus in September of 2015 and
then again in September of 2016 when my youngest son,
David, was born.
These were difficult situations for different reasons, but I
needed to lean on my church family throughout both. The
prayers, phone calls, cards, hugs, delicious meals and
shared tears truly made me feel the tangible love of Jesus,
right here in Huntertown. Some of you reading this likely
were part of that, so I thank you, as it made more of an
impact than you’ll ever know.
I’m guessing most are like me and try to help people when
we can. I admit I currently give tangible items and prayers
more than donated time, as that’s at a premium with two
young boys at home. Opportunities to help are
everywhere if you look, from our church guides to the
nightly news to middle-of-the-night social media posts.
The potential problems arise when we see multiple
scenarios to make a positive difference and begin to
choose which we’d like to support or who we would like to
help. I don’t think we do this on purpose, but rather
because we are human and have preferences and opinions
that naturally impact every decision we make, whether we
like it or not.
The Scriptures make it clear that we need to love and treat
everyone as we would ourselves, and that to play favorites
among who we help is a sin. Until recently, I hadn’t thought
of it this way.
The next time you see a situation where you can show the
love of Jesus, remember that we are called to help
everyone, not just the people we love and identify with.
Keeping this at the forefront of our thoughts will
consciously help us to serve and love others on an equal
basis. Let’s work at this together until it becomes a
wonderful habit of serving and loving others in our

Prayer & Reflections





Day 8
Two are better off than one, because together they can work
more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can
help him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9

One of my favorite ways to get to know someone new is to

have the opportunity to work alongside them. By working
together at a common task there is often the time to share
and learn about each other. You can get the job done and
make a new friend at the same time!

When I first came to Huntertown I didn’t know a single

person. I hesitantly put myself out there and began to get
involved in the United Methodist Women’s Ministry. I had
the privilege and honor to work with some amazing
women. I learned so much from them but I also learned a
lot about myself. Their acceptance of me made me realize
that God loves me just the same as he does everyone else.
You would have thought I would have picked up on that
somewhere during the first 22 years of my life but evidently
I hadn’t. I always thought I was less than everyone else.

I grew up very (and I mean VERY) shy and insecure. By

watching, working with and listening to wise women I
began to feel more confident. They supported me without
even knowing it. Many of them became silent mentors to
me. I watched and learned.

I now have the awesome privilege of working with our food

bank. We have a great group of volunteers who work
together to make even the biggest jobs a joy. We work
together to get things done but we also deeply care for
each other. If one is hurting or going through a difficult
time, we do all that we can to support that person.

It’s also amazing to see how much better we can serve God
as a team. When there seems to be an impasse on a
decision or the best way to get something done, we
brainstorm and someone always comes up with a great

I am so thankful for all the people God has put in my life. I

would not be half the person I am today if it weren’t for
others. We are all going in the same direction in our own
God-gifted ways.

Prayer & Reflections










Day 9
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by
prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends
all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in
Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

WORRY…This is such a big word to me. It is a constant sin

for me. When I was younger I continually struggled with
worry and anxious thoughts. I would worry about starting a
new year of school, my homework, conversations with
friends, speaking in front of others, and so many more
worries. Now as a mother I worry if I’m good enough as a
mother, if I am doing enough, whether my kids are safe, will
my kids get hurt, about my family, finances and so many
other worries that pop into my mind.

Philippians 4:6-7 states, “Do not be anxious about

anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with
thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace
of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

This is my favorite verse. I had this verse taped to my wall

in my bedroom growing up and now have it stuck to my
computer screen at work as a constant reminder to give all
my worries to God. As my kids have gotten older and have
tried new activities where they are by themselves, I find my
mind thinking of all the worst-case scenarios. Such as: Will
they get hurt? What happens if they are in an accident?
Will they make the right choices? and so many more. Each
time when I remember to talk to God during these times of
worry I feel comforted and I’m able to not dwell on my
worries and enjoy life.

Another verse that helps me during these times of worry is

Matthew 6:34. It states, “Therefore do not worry about
tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day
has enough trouble of its own.” This verse reminds me to
focus on the blessings of today. When I put my focus on
God and bring my worries to him in prayer, I receive peace
in return.

My prayer: Dear Lord, please take the worries on my mind.

You know what they are.

Prayer & Reflections









Day 10
Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and
in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served
beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if it
is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom
you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the
region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in
whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will
serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:14-15

There are so many choices to make throughout our lives.

Do you want your coffee hot or cold? Do you want to go on
vacation or just stay home and relax? Do you go to church
today or do you play hooky? Do you want your
relationships to thrive or just survive? Some choices do not
have a lasting effect on your life and some can be life-
changing. There have been many times in my life I have not
given a thought to the choices I have made, but on one
specific occasion, the decision I made changed my life. I
was at a crossroad called a "crisis of belief." 

Marriage can be difficult and the world has made it too
convenient to walk away. Joshua 24: 14-15 challenges us to
choose to serve the Lord, not only yourself but your
household. I will never forget sitting on the bed ready to
leave my marriage. I felt God ask me to choose to be
obedient and serve him and to pursue a marriage that will
thrive. I could have chosen to ignore the calling of God in
my life. Instead, during my "crisis of belief," I trusted that
God would be faithful and keep His promises to me.
What a blessing it has been to choose that day whom I
would serve. God has rewarded us more abundantly than I
could even imagine. A thriving marriage has been a
miraculous example of God's goodness. The next time you
have a "crisis of belief," remind yourself that God is faithful
and will carry you through to completion of His plan for
your life.

Prayer & Reflections













Day 11
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the
conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1

There is uncertainty around who wrote the book of

Hebrews, but the theme of the book is clear: the
perseverance of faith. Hebrews 11:1 gives us a definition of
faith: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the
conviction of things not seen.” (ESV) The CSB translates it
this way: “Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the
proof of what is not seen.” I like the use of the word reality
here. It takes the idea of faith, which conceptually can feel
sort of mystical and detached, and it grounds it. Reality is
made up of the things of daily life (laundry, groceries,
meetings, car trouble), but as this verse states, it is also
made up of our faith in the unseen.

2 Kings 6:11-17 is my favorite story in the Bible. The king of

Syria is at war with Israel, and every attack he plans on
Israel is foiled. The Lord is telling Syria’s plans to the
prophet Elisha so that he can advise the King of Israel how
to avoid the attacks. The king of Syria gets tired of this and
sends a great army in the night to surround the city in
which Elisha lives. Elisha’s servant wakes up, sees the army
and panics. He says “Alas, my master! What shall we
do?” (Side note: Alas is a great word…perfectly dramatic.)
Elisha prays, asking the Lord to open his eyes. The Lord
opens the servant’s eyes, and he sees that the mountain is
full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding the army that
is surrounding Elisha.
I love this story because it perfectly illustrates that what we
can see on this earth is not the extent of our reality. Even as
we go about our day, Jesus the author and perfecter of our
faith not only died once for our sins but continues to act on
our behalf. We face our own armies of one form or another
that come against us, but just like Elisha, our faith assures
us that Jesus has overcome the world. As we go
throughout our daily lives, let us ask the Lord to open our
eyes in faith to see beyond the reality of this world to the
things he is working for the good of those who love him.

Prayer & Reflections











Day 12
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD,
plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a
hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me,
and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you
seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:11-13

Trusting. Trusting in His plan, that it is the perfect plan.

Trusting in His timing, that it is the perfect timing. Trusting
is hard for me. At times in my life, I have struggled with
trusting. For a lot of us, it does not come easily.

Life can be hard and people can hurt you. In those raw
moments of life, my heart tells me to hold onto my trust
tightly and not let go. Physically, I’m putting my hands on
my chest to protect my heart. Visually, I think of the trust
fall. Standing up straight, arms crossed on your chest, eyes
closed, falling back into trusting arms. Most of us probably
have memories of doing this at a summer camp or with our
friends. As we close our eyes before we fall back, we want
to feel safe. We want to make sure we can trust the person
before we start falling. We all want to feel protected, and
we think that if we don’t put our trust in another’s hands
then we won’t get hurt. We won’t get hurt because we will
remain in control.

Faith. When I started placing my trust in God, that is when,

and only when, I could fully trust. Our God is so worthy of
our trust and love. He shows us His character time and
time again. Just like the trust fall from your childhood,
God’s goodness and love is there to catch us. Our
beautiful Savior pursues and loves each one of us; all we
have to do is trust Him. Trust that His plan for you is the
perfect plan, and that perfect plan will happen at the
perfect time. By trusting in His plan, we can encounter the
comfort of depending on God, who leads us to everlasting

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Day 13
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all
circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

What is joy? The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Be

joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all
circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

When you ask Google what is joy (because we all ask

Google when we don’t know the answer) it says it is the
emotion evoked by well-being, success or good fortune or
by the prospect of possessing what one desires. When you
ask Google what joy means in the Bible, it says Christian joy
is a good feeling in the soul, produced by the Holy Spirit,
as He causes us to see the beauty of Christ in the word and
in the world. I don’t know about you, but I want to feel
Christian joy always. That is real joy. But we don’t always
feel joy. We feel sadness, disappointment, fear, anxiety,
etc... and we aren’t very thankful for feeling that way.

So how do I have Christian joy in all circumstances? There

have been times in my life when I felt so much sadness and
it didn’t go away. Through reading devotions and my Bible
I came upon this verse in Thessalonians. I saw the light bulb
come on and could feel the weight lifting from me.
Understanding this verse was giving me peace...peace
deep in my soul. I realized that He wants me to pray
continuously, meaning all the time, for everything, big and
small, good and bad.

By turning to Him in every situation or circumstance, He

takes my sadness and turns it into joy....Christian joy. I can
start seeing beauty through the saddest moments and am
thankful. It doesn’t seem possible, but it is possible
because God can do anything. Just surrender it ALL to Him.
Cry out and ask Him to carry you through it. When we do
this, He replaces sadness with joy in our hearts through the
Holy Spirit. We become closer to Him. We can feel His love,
His grace, His mercy and His peace. He gives us real joy
and thankfulness in everything! And this, my friends, is
God’s will for us in Christ Jesus.

Prayer & Reflections













Day 14
Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying
heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Put on my yoke, and
learn from me. I’m gentle and humble. And you will find rest
for yourselves. My yoke is easy to bear, and my burden is
Matthew 11:28-30

I’ve read and heard this scripture many times growing up in

the church, but the first time I really “heard” this scripture
was when I heard it in a song in middle school. When I first
heard this song, “Come to Me,” by Jennifer Knapp, it was
like Jesus was hugging me. I remember feeling myself just
breathe and let go. The way I read this scripture was forever

Since then, this scripture has always been a lifeline to me.

It’s where I go when I’m needing peace and comfort. My
burdens may come in many different forms; whether it be
in the form of depression, insecurity or simply just being
overwhelmed by a busy and chaotic schedule. Often, it is I
who allows myself to become so burdened with these
“heavy loads” because I try to do everything on my own. I
try to please others and be who I think they want me to be,
instead of allowing myself to just rest in who God created
me to be. When life gets crazy, again I allow myself to take
on more and more, until I feel like I’m drowning in my own
misery. When I am unable to live up to the exceptions I
have for myself or that I believe others have of me,
depression and insecurity come roaring back. And again, I
find myself believing the lies that Satan plants in my mind.
But it’s when I come to Jesus and allow myself to rest in
Him, that I can be refreshed and my soul renewed.

When those times come, when life just feels too hard and I
feel that I can’t go on, I remember this passage. And I can
often hear Jesus calling me, “Come to me! Come to me! I
will give you rest! My burden is light!” It’s then that I allow
myself to melt into his arms and hand over my burdens to
him. I’m then reminded that I don’t have to carry these
“heavy loads.” What burdens are you carrying today? Hand
them over to Jesus. He wants you to find rest in Him.


Father, help me always to remember to find rest in your son,

Jesus Christ. Help me to remember not to allow myself to
be burdened with the lies of the world, but to stay focused
on you. Amen.

Prayer & Reflections









Day 15
This then is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily
bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our
debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from the evil one.
Matthew 6:9-13

As we walk the path of life we encounter many events and

circumstances along the way. Some are happy, joyous
times, while others prove challenging. We tend to forget
many of these as the years quickly go by. Recently I was
reminded of one of these “tough” times when my 35-year-
old son asked me about an extremely difficult family
situation we went through when he was 6 years old. As we
discussed this event, he was perplexed as to how I was
able to maneuver him and his sister through all that was
happening. While talking with him, my mind was flooded
with memories that I had not thought of in years!

I realized there were three reasons we survived that tough

time: a very supportive and loving family, a multitude of
friends who were always there to help and most
important ,my faith in God. When I didn’t know what or
how to pray for what we needed, I always went to Matthew
6: 9-13, The Lord’s Prayer. Verse 10, “Your kingdom come,
your will be done” helped me to accept God’s will as the
controlling factor in our life. Our path of life was much
easier when I didn’t try to control it. God knew exactly who
and what we needed and provided that to us and so much
How lucky we are to have God there for us in every life
situation we face. The happy times are happier with God in
control and the tough times are easier to traverse. We just
need to remember that God’s will is EXACTLY what we
need. Have you thanked God today for taking care of your
family’s needs?

Prayer & Reflections














Day 16
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves
those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

Loss of a loved one is painful and overwhelming. Losing my

mother was one of the most difficult experiences in my life.
Prior to experiencing the illness and loss of my mom, my
relationship with God was mainly through church activities
involving small group Bible study and service projects. I
was a Martha, a doer! When my mom became seriously ill, I
had to lean on God to get through the journey of her
illness, death and grief. Mom was in the hospital for two
months. With the support of my husband, daughter and
coworkers, I was able to spend as much time as I could with
her. This was the last gift I could give, and I will always
treasure this time with her. When the doctors told us there
wasn’t anything else they could do, we took her home with
the help of hospice. She was only home for five days
before she passed. I was blessed with family and friends
reaching out through their phone calls, sitting with me and
providing meals. During the times I was alone with mom, I
could feel God’s presence providing me with strength and
peace to get through the days of caring for her. I knew
what I was to do to give her comfort during her last days.

The awareness of God’s presence and wisdom changed

me in my faith. This experience made me realize real
comfort comes only from God. He does not want us to hurt
but to look to Him, lean on Him and on those He has
placed in our life. I prayed for God to deliver mom from her
illness, and although I did not receive the answer I was
hoping for, God was faithful by walking with me, giving me
strength and wisdom. God promises to be “close to the
brokenhearted” to be a source of power, courage and
wisdom, helping us in our grief, loss and sorrow.

Prayer & Reflections















Day 17
If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all
his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set
you high above all the nations on earth. 2 All these blessings
will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord.
Deuteronomy 28:1-2

Moses said to the people that if they would hear God’s

voice and listen to His Commandments, their blessings
would overtake them. They were commanded to
remember four things: God’s faithfulness, holiness,
blessings and warnings.

My grandmother was faithful and wrote her daily

experiences in a diary, which became an autobiography of
her life, published for her children and grandchildren to
read. I admire her for her obedience to the Lord in spite of
her life’s hardships. My grandparents were vegetable
farmers on Smith Road in Fort Wayne. As I am the oldest
grandchild, I often testify to others of their lives and how
they impacted others. They were very good money
managers and were obedient in giving large percentages
to their church, as well as to Africa and India.

I struggle with giving at times and being obedient when

times are tight. When Jeff had his stroke, it really hit us
hard financially. He was out of work for three months and
the medical bills were unbelievable. We were blessed by
our family and friends who helped and prayed for us.
Thanks to God’s blessings, Jeff is back to good health,
playing the bass and working full time. This was the
moment when Jeff and I made a pledge to give regularly
each Sunday at church. It is amazing to me how blessings
started flowing in our home after this decision. We were
able to yell “We are debt free!” after paying off a large
charge card that year. Two years ago we doubled our
pledge to our church.

If my grandparents were alive today, this is the challenge

they’d have for you. Can you hear God’s voice and obey
without questioning Him? Your blessings are tied to your

Praise God From Whom all Blessings Flow. Amen

Prayer & Reflections












Day 18
The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by
his Spirit and set me down in the middle of the valley; it was
full of bones. He led me all around them. There were a great
many of them on the surface of the valley, and they were
very dry. Then he said to me, ‘Son of man, can these bones
live?’… So I prophesied as he commanded me; the breath
entered them, and they came to life and stood on their feet,
a vast army.”
Ezekiel 37:1-3, 10

Sometimes it can be easy to feel very far away from God, so

far as to feel like a pile of old bones. That may be a bit of an
exaggeration, but my very raw truth is that I often feel far
from God. Connecting with the Lord can be difficult for me.
After all, what is a man I’ve never met face to face
supposed to do with some useless bones? But then I
remember this isn’t just some man; this is my Heavenly
Father, Lord of all. These aren’t just some bones; this is my
body and my spirit. Most important, our God can turn the
most desolate of nothings into the most beautiful

Maybe I draw away because I don’t feel worthy or

significant enough when compared to the multitude of
issues going on in the world. Whatever the reason, it’s no
match for the care and concern God has for me. If he is my
Father, then I am his child. Like any father, he wants the best
for me. More important, he wants a relationship with me.
God desires to draw me in.

In this story in Ezekiel, God takes a vast pile of bones and

brings them back to life. That’s right; he takes what seems
to be gone and gives it new flesh and a beating heart. No
matter how lost I feel, I can never be so far away from God
that he can’t bring me back. I just need to put a little effort
in on my end and God will do the rest. He has the power to
make my heart beat again. It is one of my greatest desires
that my heart beats alongside God’s. So in my quest to
fulfill this, and never feel far from God, I will take the
initiative to spend time with him and listen to his words on
my heart.

Prayer & Reflections













Day 19
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive
us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
I John 1:9

Forgiveness ~ We receive forgiveness at the point of

salvation, but we still need to confess the sins we commit
as we daily live our lives. That small word, IF, has a big
meaning. It means “on condition that.” It is up to us to
confess. God already knows our sins. It is therapeutic to
admit out loud to Him. When we actually hear ourselves
speak the words and discover that God does not condemn
us, we receive freedom. We are set free from the bondage
of our secret. God’s healing has begun! His compassions
fail not!

Proverbs 28:13 tells us “He who conceals his transgressions

will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them
will find compassion.” Psalm 3:5 says, “Then I let it all out; I
said, “I will make a clean breast of my failures to God.”
Suddenly the pressure was gone - my guilt dissolved, my
sin disappeared.” (The Message)

In his book “Grace,” Max Lucado tells us to trust God’s

ability to receive your confession more than your ability to
make it. If it depends on us, we are lost. Through Jesus, we
can confess and receive forgiveness and healing. Not
because of how good we are; because of how great He is!

It is important that we believe in forgiveness Because Satan

will take advantage of any unbelief. Freedom means
liberation from the power of another. Our belief and
confidence in what God says is true can release us from any
bondage of our sin and help us when we are again
tempted. Hallelujah!

Another aspect of our freedom is the power given to us by

the Holy Spirit to forgive others. “And be kind to one
another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God
in Christ also has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32 (NAS)

Be encouraged! The Truth sets us free!

Prayer & Reflections












Day 20
Let your light shine before others so that they may see your
good works and give Glory to your Father who is in Heaven.
Matthew 5:16

Have you ever thought, I don’t have any special talents to

Glorify God, or I can’t make a difference to impact God’s
Kingdom? If only I could sing. If only I could play an
instrument. If only I had seminary training. If only, if
only . . .

For years I convinced myself I wasn’t talented or equipped

enough to make a difference for God. I was a “bench
sitter” and was comfortable doing so.

One day while on a missions trip, God nudged me and

said, “Get going, girl; you are something-something years
old; get off that bench!” Time is passing by. I looked
around and saw people living in severe poverty, sharing
what little they had, encouraging one another, making a
difference. Whoa, yes it is time.

If we make no effort to affect the world around us, we are

worthless. Don’t ignore your light. Be a blessing to others.
Start simple. Smile and say “thank you” to the cashier.
Hold the door open for a stranger. Lend a listening ear. Be
intentional in your surroundings. These small gestures
make a difference and will lead to greater things in
glorifying God. God created us and wants to use our gifts,
experiences and brokenness to glorify him.

What simple steps can you take to be God’s beacon of

light? How can we be compassionate and not judgmental?
Be bold. Be bright. Let your brokenness shine through.
Get off the bench and make a difference. You’ve got this;
God is on your side.

Prayer & Reflections
















Day 21
You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your
presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.
Psalm 16:11

Four years ago I decided to write a letter to my “future self.”

I was prompted to write it because as we get older we
change, sometimes for the better and sometimes not. So I
sat down one day and wrote a letter telling myself what I
thought I wanted my “future self” to be like and
challenging myself what not to be like. I just knew I wanted
to be my best self in the future for my family and friends,
but more importantly, I wanted to continue to grow

Well, I read the letter to my future self today, and for the
most part I have continued to live out those goals. Some of
the things I told myself were:
• Make sure you’re still reading your Bible daily
• Tell your kids what they are doing right, not what
they did wrong
• Be kind
• Travel a few times a year
• Love, love and love
This letter helped me to see how far I’ve come in four years
and where I need to improve.

I want to challenge you to write a letter to your future self.

It’s worth looking into your life right now and seeing where
you will be a year or two from now. If you’re struggling,
maybe when you read this letter in the future, you’ll look
back and laugh at yourself at how silly you were to have
worried so much. Maybe it will help you rely less on
yourself and more on God.
Or maybe you’re in pain right now and you overcome it.
Then you’ll be able to draw strength from where you are
now and how strong you have become.
My first letter to myself was not structured, so here are
some questions that will help you be more detailed in your
• What are your priorities right now?
• What are your fears and hopes?
• What do you hope to have stopped, or started,
• And most important, where do you want to be
There will always be distractions that keep you from
focusing on what’s important. But know that God is always
with you, during the highs and lows of your everyday life.
And when you yearn for God and seek Him
wholeheartedly, you will find He is always there and will
provide guidance and answers to your problems. He will
give you the peace you need if you just trust Him.

There is a website you can send your letter to, and if your
email stays the same it will be emailed to you in whatever
time increment you choose. The website is https:// or, you can just put it away for a few
years and hope you don’t lose it.
Day 22
But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are
holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will
forgive your sins, too.
Mark 11:25

Wait! What?! Jesus said, when we pray, we must first

forgive anyone we are holding a grudge against. First? I
don't know about you, but for me that's never the first
priority of my prayers. Then Jesus goes on to say we need
to forgive first SO THAT our Father in heaven will forgive
our sins too. SO THAT requires an action which in turn will
produce a result. We must forgive in order to be forgiven.
What happens when we find it difficult to forgive? What
happens when it seems as though we just can't?

There have been times when I have struggled with

forgiveness. I can think about/meditate on Jesus dying on
the cross for my sins. He, who did nothing wrong, died a
horrible death SO THAT my sins would be forgiven. How
can I justify my actions when I know what Jesus did for me?
I believe the struggle isn't in the forgiving; it's in the
forgetting. We keep the offense alive by not forgiving. In
turn, by keeping the offense alive we are unable to forget.
So the vicious cycle continues and stays alive in our
thoughts. What if, when we pray, we first pray to forgive SO
THAT our hearts and minds are opened to the Holy Spirit?
We forgive SO THAT our sins are forgiven. What if we
forgive SO THAT our hearts and minds are open to love like
Jesus loves? What if we love SO THAT we may forget?
“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love
(and forgive) one another.” 1 John 4:11.

Prayer & Reflections

















Day 23
Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some
of those who are commending themselves.  But when they
measure themselves by one another and compare
themselves with one another, they are without
2 Corinthians 10:12

Comparison is my biggest sin, and at times it is all-

consuming.  While I know logically that we are all fearfully
and wonderfully made in the eyes of God, my heart tells
me often that he must have gotten it wrong with me.  I can
remember the first time I compared myself to someone
else. It was third grade. I had just moved to a new school,
and it became painfully clear that I just didn’t measure up.
 The veil had been lifted, and instead of comparing myself
against God’s standard, I began to compare myself to the
world’s standard. My focus stopped being about who I am
internally and became about what others thought of me.
 Comparison brought worry. Am I wearing the right
clothes? Do I eat the right food? Am I too tall? That self-
doubt carried on into my adult life. Do my children
behave? Am I a good wife? Is my house decorated

I have spent a lot of time comparing myself to the world’s

opinion of me instead of sitting in the truth of what God
has told me.  God made me just the way I am and has put
me exactly where I am supposed to be. 2 Corinthians 10:12
says, “Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves
with some of those who are commending themselves.  But
when they measure themselves by one another and
compare themselves with one another, they are without
understanding.” When I read that I am convicted. Will I
spend my life comparing myself to people who do not
have understanding?  People who spend their time
praising themselves instead of God? When I find myself
stuck in the depths of comparison I ask two questions: How
does my life measure up to the life God wants for me, and
how am I representing Jesus? When we compare ourselves
to others, we are missing the point that God has made us
all with unique abilities and gifts.

Prayer & Reflections












Day 24
And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s
people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how
deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ,
though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be
made complete with all the fullness of life and power that
comes from God.
Ephesians 3:18-19

Facebook can be a jerk, am I right? It’s all funny memes and

crazy cat videos, and in an instant one post can ruin your
perfectly good evening. Like one January night, while I was
mindlessly scrolling my feed, I saw a friend’s photos of her
ski trip earlier that day with her kids. As I continued to
thumb my way down the screen, I saw that another friend
also had photos of a ski trip with her kids. Curiously, I
clicked and sure enough, about five photos into the album,
there was a group shot of a bunch of my friends and their
kids at the foot of the ski hill.

Hot tears of rejection and hurt welled up in my eyes. I put

my phone down and walked away. I wasn’t going to cry
over this. “I’m not in middle school anymore,” I told myself,
“I’m a grown-up!” No matter how hard I tried to fight it,
sitting on the edge of my bathtub, I sobbed and tried to
make sense of it all. Why didn’t they ask me to come? Am I
annoying? Do they have more fun when I’m not there? One
of my friends had been strangely vague about her plans
that day, but now it was clear. They had planned a ski trip
and kept it a secret from me because they didn’t want me
to come with them.
I walked back into the bedroom and my husband inquired
about my tear-stained cheeks. As I told him what I had
discovered, he sympathetically pulled me in for a hug and
gently reminded me, “But you hate skiing. Maybe they
thought you wouldn’t want to go.” That was true and
possible. But still. It’s nice to be invited, isn’t it?

We’ve all been hurt and, no doubt, we’ve all hurt a friend.
They’re human. We’re human. None of us are perfect. And
after numerous and slightly different variations of stories of
rejection and hurt throughout my life, I’m slowly learning
why it is essential that I find my value and self-worth in the
One who IS perfect. God will never let me down. He will
always love me. He will always have a place for me.

Do you feel lonely sometimes? Rejected? Like you don’t fit

in or maybe that people just don’t get you? I encourage
you to pray against the lie that these hurts are because you
aren’t wanted or needed. You are worthy of love and
acceptance. You were created to be uniquely you by a
Creator who loves you so much He sent His Son to die in
your place. Take a moment today and ask God to show you
how much He loves you. He hears you and He sees you.
You are valued and worthy, and in His Spirit you are made

Prayer & Reflections



Day 25
Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I
will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

One evening during my recovery after a bad fall, after I had

returned home, I needed to find a way to be close to the
Lord. A way to raise my spirits and closeness to God. I
asked myself: I want to feel closer to worshipping and
know the Lord is there with me. What if I die during the
night? I am here alone and no one would find me maybe
for days. I should leave a way to let someone know I’m
feeling low. I prayed what if I call and leave a late message
on the phone to call me and check. But no one has a key
right now they couldn’t do anything anyway if I didn’t
answer. I prayed and prayed.

Then I felt like I had been touched to continue praying and

reading my book. My pains went away and I felt renewed. I
finished my book and then watched the ball game. Indiana
won. It was 10 o’clock and I always went to bed at 8o’clock.
I was smiling and felt at ease, thanking the Lord for hearing

A good night’s sleep and plans to tell others on how to

check on me. Thank you, Lord. Don’t give up when you
need answers to your prayers. They are being heard. I
actually felt that night that the Lord told me He was in
charge, to go to bed and sleep. And I did.

Prayer & Reflections

















Day 26
So Martha came to him and said, “Lord, don’t you care that
my sister has left me to prepare the table all by myself? Tell
her to help me.” The Lord answered, “Martha, Martha, you
are worried and distracted by many things. One thing is
necessary. Mary has chosen the better part. It won’t be
taken away from her.”
Luke 10:40-42

Do you take time each day to just simply sit and be? This is
an incredibly hard task for me. Even when I manage to find
the time to sit and be, my mind races through the never-
ending to-do list in my head. Maybe you can relate. A
while back as I scrolled through Pinterest (if you aren’t
familiar it’s like an online magazine), I came across an
article on mindfulness. This wasn’t a particularly new idea
to me, but it took on a new meaning. Instead of simply
going through the motions of my day, it was encouraging
me to be mindful. Mindful in all aspects of my life, from
eating and physical health, to spirituality and my
relationships. I began to really think about the impact this
could have on my life, and I think Jesus calls us to be more
mindful as well.

There are many themes and lessons that can be taken from
the story of Jesus’s visit with Mary and Martha in Luke 10,
but I want you to focus on Jesus’ response to Martha. He
tells her that the distractions she is choosing to focus on
aren’t as important as choosing to be with Him. Jesus wants
us to have intentional time to sit and be with Him. He calls
us to be mindful. When was the last time you set aside
intentional moments with God? Time to just be in his
presence and listen.

Perhaps you aren’t sure where to start. Here is a simple

breath prayer that you can memorize and repeat to help
center yourself, shut off your mind and just be with God.
As you breathe say these words or any words that help you
focus on listening and being with God:

Inhale: “Be still” Exhale: “And know”

Prayer: Father God, forgive us as we often rush through our

day and fail to be mindful to you. Help us to prioritize our
tasks so that we spend intentional time with you each day.
Lord, you have called us to sit at your feet and listen. As we
set aside time this day, speak to us. Share with us as you will
so that we may set out to fulfill it. You are gracious and
loving, Lord, and for that we are thankful. Amen

Prayer & Reflections








Day 27
By his divine power the Lord has given us everything we
need for life and godliness through the knowledge of the
one who called us by his own honor and glory.
2 Peter 1:3
You are enough. A quick Pinterest search reveals dozens of
graphics proclaiming that “you are enough” in brush
lettering and watercolor backgrounds. It’s become a
popular phrase, and it’s a good reminder. So often we
strive to do more, to be more, to prove ourselves worthy.
We try to live up to our own unrealistic expectations,
instead of resting in the knowledge that we are already

As a high school senior contemplating my future, I listened

to a certain Amy Grant song on repeat (in 1997, this meant
I rewound the cassette tape over and over again). Her
words were a comfort to my overwhelmed soul:

When the weight of all my dreams 

Is resting heavy on my head 

And the thoughtful words of help and hope 

Have all been nicely said 

But I'm still hurting, wondering if I'll ever be the one 

I think I am.

Then you gently re-remind me

That You've made me from the first …

And all I ever have to be is what 

You've made me 

Any more or less would be a step out of Your plan 

As you daily recreate me help me always keep in mind 

That I only have to do what I can find 

All I ever have to be is what You've made me
I am enough because I am exactly who God made me to
be. You are enough because God created you. You are
enough and you have been given enough.

I love The Living Bible translation of 1 Peter 1:3: For as you

know him better, he will give you, through his great power,
everything you need for living a truly good life: he even
shares his own glory and goodness with us! Everything you
need. God hasn’t shortchanged you or withheld anything
from you. He hasn’t given you just enough to get by, but
rather all that you need for really good living. He even
shares His glory and His goodness with you! I’d say that’s
more than enough. And the only condition is that you get
to know Him better.

So next time you’re struggling to feel your worth, skip

Pinterest and do some searching in the heart of God.
Open His Word, sit with Him in a quiet place, and recognize
that He is enough for you, that you are enough because of

Prayer & Reflections







Day 28
But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true
worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the
Father is seeking such people to worship Him. God is spirit,
and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
John 4:23-24

“You see man made the cars

To take us over the road
Man made the train
To carry the heavy load
Mad made the electric light
To take us out of the dark
Man mad the boat for the water
Like Noah made the ark

This is a man’s world

This is a man’s world
But it wouldn’t be nothing
Nothing without a woman or a girl” -James Brown/Betty
Jean Newsome-1966

You may be wondering why someone would be starting a

devotional with a famous 1960s pop song, but I hope you’ll
keep reading. Take a moment and consider the lyrics and
culture of that era and what it meant to be a woman during
that time. Now consider what it means to be a woman now.
Is it the same? Is it different? What kind of unique
experiences have you faced being a woman? Are there
good experiences? Some challenging ones? Now hold
onto those thoughts, experiences and feelings while you
read John 4:1-26 and then verses 39-42.
While we may have a lively debate on if we agree or
disagree with whether the above song lyrics still hold true
today, in Jesus’ day and age it was most definitely a man’s
world. It was a time when gender roles were clearly distinct
and there was not much socializing between the sexes
(there are still parts of the world where this is the norm).
But Jesus went against the status quo and spoke to not
only a woman, but a Samaritan woman who was living in
“sin” and preached the “good news” to her. It was as if he
was saying, forget about all the superficial stuff that is
meant to separate and exclude, my message and love is for
you. I see you. You are loved.

This passage of scripture has been one of the most healing

for me. It touches the depths of my heart and affirms my
identity as a woman, that God sees me, just like Jesus saw
this Samaritan woman. Where some may try to exclude you
or me for various reasons, whether that be gender, socio-
economic class or previous shortcomings, God is always
there, offering His love and grace. You are valued. You are
loved. You belong. I hope you feel that today.

Prayer & Reflections






Day 29
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with
praises; give thanks to Him and praise His name.
Psalm 100:4

I have my day all planned but things begin to unravel.

• I get a late start to work.

• I get blamed for something that is not my


• I held someone accountable and he did not

like it.

• I missed a deadline.

• I forgot to pick up groceries on the way home.

• I begin to complain, whine, wallow in


And then I remember… I have so much to be thankful for. I

start making a list, my gratitude list. I’ll reserve a page or
two just for that in my journal. Maybe I’ll start a prayer
journal. My perspective begins to shift. (Notice the list
above, each sentence begins with I.) I have moved from
self-pity to a place of a thankful heart. You are invited to
join me….

Prayer & Reflections

















Day 30
He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you
will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and
Psalm 91:4

Change, it can creep in slowly or hit you all at once. A few

years ago, I was grieving over the loss of three significant
people in my life, and in the midst of that, when I felt as
though I could just barely see the shoreline, a sudden and
unexpected event shifted how we operated with our
extended family. The details don’t really matter, but the
deep confusion and anger do. You see, I didn’t really
understand why what happened, happened. While
logically I knew God’s heart was breaking too, I just
couldn’t help but be angry with him. I was consumed with
sadness, anger and guilt. I felt guilty about being angry,
about the situation and about everything really. I waded
through on my own for a while, wrestling back and forth
with God and myself. Then I made a really important
decision to go talk to someone about it. As I began to
work with her, she asked me to write a letter to God. I will
share that with you now.

Dear Lord, somewhere along the way I have come to

believe we aren’t supposed to be angry with you, and if we
are we should suppress it. Because it’s not right to be angry
with you. How sinful to be upset with the Lord. But frankly, I
am. I am angry and hurt and I don’t understand why bad
things happen to some and not others. I want to let it go
and believe that all things work for good. But my heart is
hurting and heavy. It aches. So I am crying out to you!
Help me! Heal my heart and my misbeliefs. Bring
redemption to our hurt. Bring redemption to those who are
a part of this story. Help my heart to heal. Help me to find
peace and clarity. Help me to remember that you are a
good, good Father. Help the seed of grace, forgiveness
and acceptance grow in place of fear and anger. Amen.

Putting everything out there was hard. Laying it all at God’s

fee was not easy and healing didn’t happen quickly, but
slowly I began to see the joy in life again. I think we have
this misconception that we should never be angry at God,
and that’s just not true. He knows our hearts and he has
big shoulders. Nothing about what I walked through was
easy, and there are still days when old thoughts and
feelings creep back in. Relationships aren’t healed, and I
still ache for those I lost. But I know I can give it all to God
and he can handle it. He can take my anger and bring
peace and healing. It might not be how I think it should
look, but it is perfect in His way. Hold fast to His truth! Find
shelter in the Lord! He has you even when you might not

Prayer & Reflections






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