MLA Citation Assignment

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Name: __________________________ MLA Citation Assignment English 10

Your task is to create a sample works cited page in MLA format. This is the same
format that you will use in your research assignments. Because the sources used in
research assignments can come from various sources, your works cited page should
contain one reference from each of the following forms of media:

 One book
 One scholarly article
 One news article
 One other source of your own choosing that we covered in class (Ex: Film,
magazine, photograph, etc)

Note: For this assignment, your chosen sources do not have to be related.

You should ensure that your references are formatted correctly, based upon what
you have learned in class. If you need assistance with regards to formatting or
finding sources, please come see me in advance. Your citations should be typed,
double-spaced, with a hanging indent on each subsequent line, and each
citation should be listed in alphabetical order. Your page should start with
“Works Cited” centered at the top of the page.

A sample MLA-style Works Cited page can be found at:

(Do not copy any of the resources on this page. This is just a guideline.)
Name: __________________________ MLA Citation Assignment English 10

Works Cited

Karr, Judith M. “The Pleas in Titus Andronicus,” Shakespeare Quarterly, vol. 14, no.

3, 1963, pp. 278-279, Accessed 5 March


Overly Sarcastic Productions. “Shakespeare Summarized: Titus Andronicus.”

YouTube. YouTube, 7 October 2016. Web. 7 March, 2017

Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. Penguin, 1993.

Yard, Bridget. “Indigenous man wins human rights settlement after jail denied

request to practice spirituality.” CBC News New Brunswick,

indigenous-jail-inmates-1.4029245. Accessed 20 March 2017

Note: This is an example of a well-done MLA Works Cited page. There are minimal, if
any errors. The student followed the formatting instructions correctly and has four
examples of different sources. This would be an assignment marked at top level.
Name: __________________________ MLA Citation Assignment English 10

Works Cited

Harper Lee. To Kill A Mockingbird. Grand Central Publishing, 1982.

James Black. “The Visual Artistry of Romeo and Juliet”. Studies in English Literature,

1500-1900. 1975. March 2017.

Thomas Piller. “UNB Varsity Reds defend University Cup title against Saskatchewan

Huskies 5-3.” Global News New Brunswick. March 19th, 2017 “Introducing U Sports.” YouTube. March 10 th, 2017.

Note: This is an example of a moderate/middle range Works Cited page. There are
mild errors in formatting and some missing information in some citations that
would complete the full citation. This is a solid attempt, but it is clear that the
student did not fully follow the guidelines that would have been presented in class.
Name: __________________________ MLA Citation Assignment English 10

Works Cited

“The Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown.

“All’s Well That Ends Well” – Wikipedia.

“A Sunny Start to Spring in New Brunswick.” – Vanessa Blanch, CBC News.

“New Brunswick Tourism” – FrontierTravel on Youtube.

Note: This is an example of a lower/poor range Works Cited page. There are many
formatting errors and missing information in each citation, and it is clear that no
effort has gone into ensuring that each citation is correctly formatted. The student
did include links to two out of three online resources, but did not follow instructions
as per what would have been taught in class. The student would need to redo this
assignment in order to achieve a better grade.

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