Manu L For Ggression Sca e (A - S) : Agra P Ychological Research C LL

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Manu al

Aggression Sca le (A•S ca le

Km. Roma Pal
Mrs. Tasneem Naqvi

~ APR( '. : l 0SG

/ '11 /1/i, l1,·tl I< \' :

Agra Ps yc ho lo gi ca l Res
earch Cell
Ti wari Kothi , Belanganj,
Agra-282 004


lN nu)l)l l('TlON
Tlw (t' l'l \\ 'ng}!l'l'S~ion' is a mode of Frustrati on (Chau} r- · l
:ind \ 1'i\\':1ri. I'.)'i ll. is a ~tate of affairs aga~
. ·\ tlw l'tkd,r.rl mrln 1dnal s energi es are more of less
\\ l \H. ' · 1 l
: . \\ <ll)·,·\·1·~Ni \.VhH' 1 1e seel( S to clim.inate, or, 1'f poSShlle 'L
~ll\Hl~ 1\ t ._ . . .
. · ·. t '\\'')ld if happmess may fa1tly be said to represent
,nt1rt'1, ,o •

oal of all hum~ endeavour, frustration as its

l ' '

t .)' to
~ g · · . to Krech and
tlw . u t.nm, , . , .~l ;l\fowse . 1938). Accordmg
Hnb~t1ws,~-_J ,n • · ·
•igG2). ~, rustr. a 1011 1s the mot1vat10nal and
.· , , ,~
d · t en t of b.lock age of
Crutchfiel ,}· · results from pers1s
emot10na state \\ nc . d' 'd l h
· . .. d b h ,. r · It may lead~ th~ m 1v1 ua c ange in
o·oal-dtrecte e avIOU ; · h
ti • • l d ptive behaviour. Aggress1011 as been
co2"mt10n to ma a a . 1p
b •d d d fense mechanism m Abnorma sycho logy
cons1 ere as a e bh · ·
· l aggression is a normal . e av10ur and in
whereas m genera
·1 .· 1·t~ .' ;N an see the aggression behav1our of all type of
da1 , 1 e. " 'f!:2 f .
indi~•·iduaiJ~ud emp~asises_ the study o aggress10n . to
understanl human behav10ur disorders. For Freud, aggression
is one of the consequences of frustration. This suggestion of
Freud is widely accepted by Dollard, Miller, J)oob, Mo\~rer and
Sears (Called as Yale group) who formulated a wellkn:own
theory of Aggression, in which they stated that' frustratio1i
results in aggression (We1ler and Suleman, 1968). Ag~ 1j
has been defined as "an act whose goal responses is injury a"',
organism or organism-surrogate" (Dollard et. al., 1_939l)
"Aggression may be defined operatio,nally ,in terms of made
answering to enders, frequent quarrelings, broken engageme11t
impulses of take revange and ractionary attitudes to tradi tions
and beliefs". (Chauhan and Tiwari, 1972). By Aggression ........
mean violent attacking" (Hilgard 1962), Yale group hypotheses
of 'Frustration' 'Aggression' formally advanced by Mjllar a
Dollard (1941) and they defined aggressive behaviour is a
logical and expected consequence of frustration. They state that
when our efferets relate to the goal directed behaviour sutters
interference our first reaction i.s often one if attacking and
attempting to remove the obstacle. So aggression in behaYiour
n ~s
('ollcnvs agg-ress1011. Res ,~ar che s of Pos tnt r 1952 ) and Laz a
"th at thi_s is part'icul:-.r'ly lik ely t,o be
rJ966J has .s how n , d
obs tacl e 1s vi e wed as a rbit ra rily imp ose
11 _

rrac tion wh en the

Acco rding to Fill er ( 1952) the yal e group theo ry of frus trat
ass erts the occurrence of aggress ion alw
s load s to some
presupposes the existance of frus trat ion al way
ression in a very
forms of aggression. "Yale group tak es agg
er on, in a n~search
f - broad sense which is difficult to hold.d Lat position by saying,
~ _paper, Doob and Sea rs (1939) modifie this
overt aggression is
"all fru stra ting situ atio ns do not produce
d the modification
immediately evident" In 1411 Mil lar accepte
8) and gives his
made by Doob and Sea rs (1939). and Sea rs (194
ions to a number
explanation as, "Fr ustr atio n produces, instigat
is an instigations to
of diff eren t typ es of response, one of which
trat ion aggression
some form of aggression". The followers of frus
ur instigated by
hyp oth ese s do not acc ept tha t the behavio
aviour elicited by
frus trat ion as diff eren t in kin d from beh
ur are means to
motivation. The y believe both typ es of behavio
hod for inhibiting
an end and pun ish me nt is reg ard ed as a met
both typ es of beh avio urs.
ship between
Hov lan g and Sea rs (1940) stud ied the relation
economic activity
total lun chi ng (aggression) and index of
(Fr ustr atio n) and sup por ted the the ory of frus
hyp oth esis .
suggest tha t
The find ing s of Ho11and and Spe rry (19512
ive. Whiting (1944)
highly fru stra ted chi ldre n are mo re aggress
of f!woma and f~und
(-~ . . co ndu cted an anth rop olig ical stud y
t10n to frustratwn.
; tha t the agg ress ion is the only typ e of reac
modificati_on . i~
Por tag e ( 1952) pro pos es an imp orta nt 1
gre ssio n theo ry. The pro pos es a resp ons e-mh1b -
frus trat ion -ag
han s and Worcha:
tion hyp oth ese s which was con firm ed by Rat
(1960). Por are • fou nd sign ific antl y gre ater numb~r tho
• b. ry (Wlreasonable) than m e1
es 1n the ar itra d W h
aggressive resp ons · t' Kro garn 1an an ere a
b] ) 100 8· h ffi ts of
Non -Ar bitr ary (rea son a e situ a e ~:· of
(1961) stu die s to ver ify this hyp oth esis and notes t eess1 0
. bl . ' .. . rease thed expr
ss -1nc to exp ress
expectat10n and rea son a ene th te~) e_n7roduces two
agg ress ion tow ard s the self and red uce e
or. Cohen (195 t1:n aggress ion
agg ress ion tow ard s the frus trat J tra
t t the frus 1 (Arbitrariness-
i .

mor e var iab ]es whi ch are ..rebleve n oIde al actu a .
two var ia es are ·
hyp oth esis . The se

t c.:.UH~ k f> 1 .u1., , oliffieultv th an he rnu st remove

.. . , 'l'l iL\ str rn dn. rd rn
. .· all th r qt
t I , t e" "' J •• •

te111 es
"\t • ,
l . . \ .. ,, . st ru rtw n s Rl L - . of
ns ti
1. "~ (Hl l l~ Ql ln ' oii....s n.~ ton owith th er e alt er na tiv
· . t,. e •a rlS \Ve i·c,
,,i\ 'en in nr xt pages. ·,:i
, ·1 rl.
t- ·> ') ,~,J ea ch question care
:..,, 0
1\,\ nU fully also r ea d th e ac
. .... ....11s" 'er s att
entively. l\tlaKe yo ur ch .
, ~, .
p::l l\\' }ll v ,,
mc corn.
veral alternat1Ve an sw er e for th e be··+
V\ • '-'

answert,s ou t of the ,se

· •

. s and pu t , ...),,
mark' in brackets (v). a tick
3. Before pu tti ng th e tick m ar k: pl ea se re ad the ~
qu e t· .
sw er s very ca re fu 11y.
and the accompanying an S 1Q.l1
4. There is no time lim it
for yo ur an sw er s bu t try
whole te st as early as
5. You are to make a tick
possible. Pl ea se do no
to finish
t leave any I
for only one :e pl y an d yo
to select only one respon u have
se for one queS t10 n ou
alternative answers. t of several •
6. Your answers will be
ke pt confidential so you
to give your answers in are free
your own way.
7. Now please sta rt your wo _
rk an d finish th e work as
as possible. early
Reliability qf the Scale :
For getting the reliabilit
y co-efficient, th e scale
administered to 300 subjets was
both male an d fe m al es be
rural as well as urban lo longing to
calities of Agra (Age ra ng
yrs.). The split-half relia e- 14 to 24
bility ha s be en ca lc ul at ed
method. The correlation by odd-even
coefficient wa s · Si which
scale is highly reliable. sh,ow t~
The test-retest reliability -~ ~
of th is sc al e ha s also
calculated by administratio been
n twicely of th is sc ale
of 200_ subjects (not inchtd on a sample
coefficient was . 78. ed in ab ov e sa m pl e) . Th e reliability
The Validity of the Scale :
The validity of th e scale \I
methods· For the ha s be en ca lc ul at ed by
, co t t I'd ' t1vvo
1 n an , va 1 1ty be ca us e · th e ite
sc,a -~ ~a s _been Coflacted m s of th ·e
th ro ug h th e ex pe rt' s op
a\a1 a e So, we in io ns and '
ca n\. sa y th e te st is va
measurement of aggressio lid for the ·1
n of 14, to 24 yr s of ag
e group'.
ad .Th. e v~ I'd '
I ity of th is scale ·
m1mstrat10n of both, pr es ag ai n ch ec ke d th ro ug h
en t scale an d Ch au ha n the
an d Tiwari's \


H H ('( 1r, •~ f/~ ;i i; ('idl' 1Jl :11!·tl •1,1fh ~,,.

v,·11 HLrnfior1 / 01il y IIJ{J~r,· H~ io1J
·111 -. fl'Jt , lfld •uJ1d 111
of rn cl u v H 1,,, !I H/ll llpl , , ,,r 1()() 1' ill(l

i1d( IJ' \// "

c.: ic:nl, wr1 H , /.i wh wh ~, h,, ,: th,-
nl ,ov<· ,"I n 111p l<!J. l'ho wtl idity cr,e ffi

1,., pr rn; <:t1 f, ,i.,c HI C i H VHlid

for I.hf' m<:a.'rn rr·rnl'n l, r,r' ,,;ggr1• -s~ 1<>11
Hindi r¾nd r, n~li ih TfJ
'l'ho pn ~8e nf. sc;tl c i.~ ~v1-1il Ahl,! in
c c k th e bot h form reli ab ility , both vr:r f½ inn <,f th<: S<: r.f l" ,. ~ ,
'11i h th~
d ents wh o knc,w bt,t
udrnini ste red to a group of 100 stu
.I l:1ngmag1cs (i. e. liind·i and Eng
li sh J. Th r va Iid i t,y c:or:ffici,:r1t r)f
Hindi a H wf: II i:3 3 En gli sh
the both test wa s ·7H which .'ihow thc:

as ure aggn~ss i<,n .

version of th e sc::ile is va lid for me
a,,, Norm An alysis and Inte
y in hetwe en O t<, 150.
.The obtained scores of this scale ver
l1a Categories of scores can be-

Range of Score s

ittil Category .
1. The ·sa tur ate d 107 and abo\·e
90 -10 6
2. The High 1

3. The Average 61 -89

4. Th e Low 46---60 .
!arlr . 45 and below.
5. The Cl,~an
scale for prepa ri ng the
It is advised to the user of this
e been pre par ed on the
local norms. However Narms hav
ferent grades, sex , age and
sample of 700 Ss belonging to dif
~ lo ing tables-
J ti culture which are giv en in the follow
= 250)
Ta ble-1 : Grade-wise Pe rce nti le Norms (N

erm edi ate Gr adu ate Pos t- gTa du ate , p

~ High School Int I

129 121
137 139 134 129 138 127 124 119 I 90
1~/1 129 130 121 130 126
120 120 113 80

lI,·ir 124 126 120 119 I

112 113 98 70
117 106 119 104 1.17
92 98 97 100 · 94 eo -
103 87 100 86 50
83 . ~94 84 - 94
96 I
79 98. .!Q
83 74 88 74
65 6Q 67 71 f•) 30
6"2 H4 76 66 78 )__,
60 52 57 20-, .
47 54 52 G4
52 32 49 38 10
30 ~10 36 49
48 27 8G '3,.. 25 5
17 3:2 20 3:J 29 I • I
- 30
I t:l
- t'
er I •
(_J (1 , ''
I • ' / I
-r ',
r t

(/ I ,,,
r; I ., ,,
o, ' (.., .,.
0 0 • I
1- I - 1- 1('j r:,:i
0-- I -

,- ,,.,
0, rr-,
0 (/J 1 -
• I
,:- t 0 ,,,....1

1/ J

~ r.' I
...... r • ,- O"J
rn I -

I rfJ 0


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t'IJ I ·-
I (;)

a; O"J I ••
u r:---1 -t1
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I ·- 1- :i I-
"i'! "1' 17' I

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Ci; f/ J rl 0 Gi
:;:: rl

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~ 1r.:,
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er., ('/ ) I ~- I -
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- J
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;: ~ .--1
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-1'4 0 1-
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(~ ,-
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I - I - rO
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M ~
'. J

'l'ahl<'~:l ~ Cultu rc-w--isl' (HuraJ -Urlrnn J}jfff, f P fH'(' '- I P ,:·r •

centi lc Norms ,/\" = mo

---- -
Bu ral
-- -
n- __, fl
100 1
~I )

102 99 .l 120 124 80

98 9i•"' 116 118 70
90 85 98 104 60
82 80 90 92 50
76 70 82 74 40
72 69 78 62 30
-- 52
~f26 10
Chau han, N. S. and Tiwari, G. P., Guide to using .Vairs h \'G
Maapa, Agra Psycho[. Res. Cell_. Agra, 1972. ·
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Doob and Gross, Liter ature on Frust rat;on record ed bv
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R. R. Frust ration and Aggression. Yale Universitv Press. 1939.
Efeanor, H. and l\·f argar et, S. Some antec edent s or' aggre-
ssion and effects of frustr ation in Dull Play, Persona lity. 1951.
Ferguson, R. G. Some developmental factors in childh ood
aggression. J,: Educ. Res., 1954.
Loe,~·, C. A. Acquisition of a hostile and its relatio nshi p to
aggressi,·e behaYiour. J,: of Pers. and So c. Psy._. 1967
Monroe, \V. S. Encyclopedia of Educational Resea rch. N P \\
York : The Macmillan Co .• 1950.
Sarge nt, S. S. R~act~o,n of Frust ratio n-A Critiqttt) ~,n_d
Hypotheses . Surve y of objective studi es of Psyc hoana lyt h '
rnn c:epts . Social Sci. Res. Counc el, 1943.
Stagner, Ross. Psychology of PPrso1rn li ty N. Y Jfr <;1Yn ·
Hill., 1961
.SymoncJs, P. M. Dynamics of' hunurn :u~just nu'n t. U. I
App ll-- ton -Cent ury Company, Inc., New York .. lD -lb . .
1'·iwari G. P. and Sharm n , K st m0cLd 1t., · ;1::; :i
fu nc tion of AggTe ss ion and Sf~x. Psyclwlo~irn! Rcseor~·h,•.~· .. Ul 70
._ j
Tiwa r·i. G. P. and Sharm n, K. Valtws HS a tu1:e t1 on of
Aggress ion · and sPx. PsychoLngicol Rcsca rclws .. ~1_971 1o 1 ·ud :ht.lTT·r -
Vv'illi ams, J . F. et. u I.. Pee r-ra t e d a ggn':-:; ~ . r '. ~ ~ ~~
ssive respo nse s cliciLe <l in n11 expPr irnenL:1 1 ~, Ch ild
Druc/o pm ent., HlG7. ■

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