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The International Boundary between ‘United States of America’ and ‘Canada’ is often
referred to as- 49th Parallel

Ɲ152. who is called the father of ’M1CRO FINANCING, and was also awarded Nobel Peace
Prize for the same? - Md Yunus

Ɲ153. The present-day currency of the Republic of Philippines is- Philippine Peso

Ɲ154. which of the following is an objective of Monetary Policy?- Accelerate economic growth,
obtain price stability and stabilise exchange rates

1) Regulate capital markets 2) Regulate ‘insurance trade

3) Regulate commodity markets 4) Other than those given as options

5) Accelerate economic growth, obtain price stability and stabilise exchange rates

Ɲ155. Who amongst the following is an opposite activity of SPECULATION’? - Hedging

1) Hedging 2)Arbitrage 3) Long 4) Short 5)Spread

Ɲ156. Kudankulam project is located in which state?- Tamil Nadu

Ɲ157. ‘Ajinkya Rahane’ is aseciated with the game of_____- ’Cricket’

Ɲ158. The trading of a company’s stock or other securities by individuals with access to non-
public information about the company with an objective of making illegal gains is known as -
Insider Trading

Ɲ159. As per the RBI guidelines the White Label ATM operators are required to maintain at all
times minimum net worth of..- Rs 100 crore

Ɲ160. The first bullet train is to be run between which cities?- Mumbai-Abmedabad.

Ɲ161. National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated every year on - 14th December

Ɲ162. The abbreviation ‘NAV’ stands for- Net Asset Value

Ɲ163. The Mahatma Gandhi Setu also called Gandhi Seth or Ganga Setu is a bridge over the
river Ganges connecting- Patna and Hajipur

Ɲ164. In the absence of comprehensive database of tea gardens and socio-economic

condition of workers UNICEF has decided to prepare a Tea Atlas’ in the Indian State of - Assam

Ɲ165. The population of India in 2011 has been estimated to be 1.21 billion, comprising 624
million male and___ - 587 million females
Ɲ166. Which is a tool for temporary cash man agreement used by the Central/State
governments to tide over temporary mismatches?- Ways and Means Advances (WMA)

Ɲ167. ‘Vienna’ is the capital and largest city of___- Republic of Austria

Ɲ168. The Index ‘CNX Nifty’ also called ‘Nifty 50’ is a benchmark stock market index for -
Indian equity maket

Ɲ169. The abbreviation ‘PlO’ stands for ___- Person of Indian Origin

Ɲ170. Under a contractionary money policy the RBI raises the interest rates to __________-
Control Inflation

Ɲ171. Which organisation issues the RuPay card?- NPCI

Ɲ172. Boundary Line between Pakistan and Afghanistan is known as - Durand Line

Ɲ173. The Government of India has launched ‘Mission Indra Dhanush’ that aims to immunize
all children by the year 2020, against- Eight vaccine preventable diseases

Ɲ174. The chief regulator of the ‘commodity futures’ market in India is ----- Forward Markets
Commission (FMC)

Ɲ175. The ‘Emmy Awards’ recognize excellence in - The Television Industry

Ɲ176. BCSBI is an autonomous and independent body set up by the - The Reserve Bank of
India (RBI)

Ɲ177. The International Court of Justice, commonly referred to as the World Court or 1CJ, is
the primary judicial branch of the United Nations. It is based in - The Hague Netherlands

Ɲ178. Shree Singaji Thermal Power Project is a coal-based plant in the Indian state of- Madhya

Ɲ179. A general or life insurance policy with a sum assured of Rs 50,000 or less is known as a-
Micro Insurance Policy

Ɲ180. Which is a mode of creating charge on immovable property? – Mortgae

Ɲ181. A Global Depository Receipt (GDR) is also knows as - lnternational Depository


Ɲ182. Wings of Fire is the autobiography of - APJ Abdul kalam

Ɲ183. The currency of the Czech Republic is- Czech Koruna

Ɲ184. The ‘Kirmerasani Wildlife sanctuary’ is located Indian state of - Telangana

Ɲ185. As per Census 2011, the state having the highest urban population of 50.8 million is-

Ɲ186. ‘Dispur’ is the capital of the Indian state of-Assam

Ɲ187. An act by which the policyholder authorizes another person to receive the policy money
is known as- Nomination

Ɲ188. Situation when the insurance company passes some part of or all risks to another:-

Ɲ189. The regulator of the insurance business in India is- IRDA

Ɲ190. The annual investment limit under the Public Provident Fund (PPF) scheme is — Rs

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