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Voit == # Review of Basic Conceph in Starctural Aralysis Engineer structures are designed %e carry load with small cleformation , erg: Buildings, toxidges, clams, offshore 0}! platfeens, Water 4 gas tanks, PIPINS Sysiern, nuclear 4 chemical veactys Vessels, ships, air plane, buses 4 othe, transportertion systeme. From engineeriry point of vied the overall analysis and design §s cared ent io Fe\tocoing ea * ® [Froming of struchive dssembly OF members. inter conneateal by 0186s Type:- building , bridge, Shells, domes, damt et, @ (Steennai Sdeali sation, an analyti ce abet Medel of actu es mathe EETY! Blade stements sad te model Structy Sih as Slabs & shell J of whiel| Toe dimensions are, much greoker than Chive) : Grek element Used ts model stiches such 8 “thrals slabs and machine components ihere the structural action ig truly [three dimensional), © [PReea tater) wn determination of reccetton s, membey forces, Iefermatin Of the structure acd deflectton of the joints due €e applied loads and enviconmental effect Osa FAH] Usually consis of Preliminaxy design and checking oy analysis, redesign with suitable medi casttons Which F< eotio a number oF ames sail Final design 73 obtained), At Anis stage, alt the design constraints are TulFilied, hak is strtsses And detections art SHBN Permissible Kimits and cots wually MU NimMUm, % Classificatvon of Stwuctures.2- — ————$¥<== ® Classificocttton based on Dimensions e © 1D- Trusses, beams, Frames, oid, arch aio ANd coble stoucnire. @® ape Slab, deep beam, shell or walls GW) 2D, solid stoudne - Feunclatien, retaining wall, gravity dam, © Classification loased on the way they cary load. (Beams cary their loads by developing bending Moments and shear frrces ot different sectons e @ Veussea comny lood by developiry arias force in bays , @) Frames comsy load Ly aro) farce bending mo ment and shear () Perches camry (ead) by Compression and bending @ Cable: carry lad by developi arta) tension @ Two way geids ore cubjected ty bath bending and ~tWistin AD Thin Plat» are sulgjected bo both bending 4 a wisting \ Thin shells tounemit Fercos mainly byin plang AY OF Membrane shesces Material Charcecterist ct Structures ave Usually made of different materials WE wod, Cnerete or Skeet, Their Stress SPAIN Curves ore aM clifferent as chown jn tt | ¢ 6 | - } f ;\— / | 4 / | | a Weed © Conerete © steel © Open seme level of load, stress is Proportional. to SHOin and & the slope of the stress sain are G@ostant ancl hence stress Strain cuvve is linear - “mother characteastic of Memes tr ity elasticity - Veco Woloading, a mateod may Come back t& ito ONginal position, then it vail! be called elastic - When lees not come bak ty its ovginal position itis yermed inelastic, hence Conerdering i) linearly iiJelartee Ty combinoLtens of curves are possible. SR 6 6 fs x v J Gi) Uneay Elastic W)Unear inelastic T WD Non Lineay inelagce 6, — Steel upto propertimal A Wimit is linear 4 elastic, fe beymd ib yield point is nonhineaw~ an inelostic . > D — Pshober is nsnlineay W)Nontineae and elostyo elastic Axper position The deformations of structures are generally ermal: Tin most Cages the geomety of the struct re Ssersibly unaffected by degemetion, In sach a CASE, he condition of euilibsum and Cond tons of Compatibility can ke written down Fr the Unckstuvlbed stevchne uaithok lose of accu racy, “Whe prinupie of Sapte position states that: iS cause A produce Effeat A and Cause B product elfear B vrhen cause At+Caute @ produco Effect At eff s Three caktgones caill be consiclerecd 1) Super position of force sysrem, Fer Stateally detaminats striduxs the P¥ndele of super positron is valid with only yesti chen that distertion of struchve & smal). nis means intanal Arcee and momen canbe added sogether For iso di Ffaanr load “s systems. Under Such Usnditions superposition of furces is valid For Starically inceter min ote axccuchixs Glbo Usd additional yess ch on That the materi of the stmuchvre obeys Hooley lard becaure Hrrintand ers clepend on tre deformation of -the member. ii) Superposition of displaument iS Votrd bolt for Sterrolly detaminate and Indetaminots strrcho< Prvides deflection of the Strichire FS nok Gms it) near tastic Struchne:- Hore the principle of omtion Stotu that the chan in -the dekeeon and the inteanod forces of Imeqy elastye structure duu to applied loading, temperate. charge, Maver ent of suppae cold alt be superpord © # General Criteria for determining stability, determinaul and indeterminacy of a structural Member ; Some examples of Stable, unstable And incleleyminos strudure . @ Deleminate bur © Incerermmote 4 Unstable Unstable, - ‘ 4g > a am © Determinate € and Suppat Condition Toine - A structure fs an assemblage of a number of clement - Joints a Connection between there elements. Toint, oy be © Rigid or Pianed ies Behoviour of Rigid Soints Font wOtoty as aAwhole | BYE ~~~~C val BO" wigid joint behwearhB& BC Under load, Soing reyotes GU __ asshole. angle between the contre \ine of members Framing ina the joint: 4B vigid joint ill carey any | moment ascigned +0 iE and the joint wil) votakk cu whole Gnd there will be no Change in the angle between the members. Behaviour of Pinned Joints . pissed) 120" pinned joint berween 4 we “andl BC. Angle berwenn Aa! aed @c doe ao} yemain eo" | ne arene Gn 7 ~ see D i Angle between A@Band @c does not remain go° under load —This join’ allow the Members joining it independent rotation | — Hence angle etd] the member Changes — Since jointic pinned "© Cannot restr ang | Moment Supports - as loads aopliedl to astmcture must be the ee the ground by “he See ees ef ece et | oe OF the loads The type % number of may loe ae o0 the support conditions aa Shows acku , oe one eed Bg pee au. a supper, how it is syrnolicalty is en! and forces ancl moments abrch act on supper - @ Practveal Supper Symbolic cee Representation = Moment ating a a Clascamedc Foandolioen one reason nome te pad Kitine ae &B eB.)

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