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Evaluate the quality and quantity of contribution of a CG member to CG group work.

Be aware that it is unrealistic to assess all below listed aspects of collaborative work at the level of 4, since group work requires labor
division. Best practices in collaborative activities take advantage of individual’s strength and effectively combine individual contributions
to reach the set goal. On the other hand some members may take advantage of collaborative work of others and lack equal share.
Please answer the below statements fairly and appropriately. This in not an assessment that affects the grade of a student, rather this
evaluation represents a feedback to the instructors to modify the course guidelines to maximize student experiences.

Evaluator: Nicholas Johnbosco Group member evaluated: Evan Florey

Use the evaluation scale from 4 (best) to 1 (poor); NA = not applicable 4 3 2 1 NA

1. Present and on time for all laboratory sessions and recitations X
2. Only when it applies: If missing a session, actively asked for an update on the
progress of research done at his/her absence
3. Asked meaningful questions related to the research or experimentations X

4. Explained things to others X

5. Followed up on individual tasks and obtained results X

6. Contributed ideas to experimental design or troubleshooting X

7. Proposed further experimentation as it related to the research X

8. Contributed ideas from background literature to refine the experimental

9. Followed upon group experimentation and results and knew what should be
done in each laboratory session
10. Proposed new approaches X

11. Contributed significantly to data collections X

12. Contributed significantly to data analyses X

13. Contributed equally to data presentations (oral and written) X

14. Attentive to timely progress on research throughout the term X

15. Helped the group to stay on task X

16. Respected others in the group X

17. Was fully engaged in the project X

18. Assess the most prominent contribution of the member to the group work
using this scale: 4=”leader”; 3=“significant contributor”; 2=”weak X
contributor”; 1=”rider” – you can indicate more than one choice.
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