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30/03/2020 Unit 1 - Cities - Net Languages

Speak to your tutor

1. Speaking
he topic tutorial.
you wrote about in Tutorial 2.

You will use this script in your speaking tutorial:

Student's script

Hello, this is (__your name__). I am calling to do the tutorial with (__your tutor's name__).
Hello, (__your name__). This is (__your tutor's name__). How are you today?
Fine, thanks. And you?
I'm fine too.

About Unit 1
Choose the appropriate sentence for you.

I have completed Unit 1.

I haven't completed Unit 1.

The unit was OK for me.

The unit was easy for me.
The unit was difficult for me.

I liked the (Reading / Listening / Vocabulary / Grammar / ...) section.

I have a question for you.


Read these words to your tutor:

climate, weather, food, culture, population, people, restaurants, bars,

transport, traffic, coast, mountains, country, city, town, village,
exciting, interesting, boring, busy, noisy, stressful, polluted, expensive,
theatre, cinema, galleries, museums, buildings, parks, roads.

Comparing cities
Choose two cities/towns/villages and compare them. Here are some examples:

Sydney is similar to Madrid because they are both large cities.

Sydney is different from Madrid because Sydney is on the coast.
Sydney is more expensive than Madrid.
The restaurants in Madrid are better than in Sydney.

You can compare the weather, parks, cinemas, houses, etc.

Choose ONE of the alternatives below. Your tutor will ask you the questions.

Alternative 1 – About your city

What is your city like? Describe it.

Where in the city do you live?
Do you live in a house or a flat?
What do you like about your city?
What do you not like about your city?

Alternative 2 – Where you study or work

Do you study or work? 1/2
30/03/2020 Unit 1 - Cities - Net Languages

Describe the part of the city where you study or work.

What building do you work or study in?
What do you like or not like about this building?
How do you get to this place each day?

Now ask your tutor the same questions.

At the end of the tutorial

Well, thank you, (__your tutor's name__). It was nice speaking to you. Goodbye.

Now contact your tutor to arrange your speaking tutorial. 2/2

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