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#Break-up of KMT controlled China

country_event = {
id = 1512000
title = "Unrest in $COUNTRY$"
desc = EVTDESC1512000
picture = "kmt_federation"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = CHI

#1975 onwards
has_country_flag = chiang_kai_shek_has_died

government = populist_dictatorship
war = no
is_vassal = no

#KMT is in charge
ruling_party_ideology = conservative

OR = {
is_possible_vassal = FUJ
is_possible_vassal = MCK
is_possible_vassal = KWA
is_possible_vassal = YNN
is_possible_vassal = GGX
is_possible_vassal = TIB
is_possible_vassal = ETS
is_possible_vassal = IMN
is_possible_vassal = TAI

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "Grant the regions autonomy"
prestige = 50

#KMT supporters are not happy

any_pop = { scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology =
conservative } }

CHI_1552 = { add_core = MCK }

RUS_2589 = { add_core = MCK }
CHI_1479 = { add_core = MCK }
RUS_1072 = { add_core = MCK }

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = FUJ } } owner

= { release_vassal = FUJ diplomatic_influence = { who = FUJ value = 200 } FUJ =
{ government = sar_government country_event = 800054 ruling_party_ideology =
conservative } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = MCK } } owner
= { release_vassal = MCK diplomatic_influence = { who = MCK value = 200 } MCK =
{ government = sar_government country_event = 800054 ruling_party_ideology =
conservative } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = KWA } } owner
= { release_vassal = KWA diplomatic_influence = { who = KWA value = 200 } KWA =
{ government = sar_government country_event = 800054 ruling_party_ideology =
conservative } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = YNN } } owner
= { release_vassal = YNN diplomatic_influence = { who = YNN value = 200 } YNN =
{ government = sar_government country_event = 800054 ruling_party_ideology =
conservative } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = GGX } } owner
= { release_vassal = GGX diplomatic_influence = { who = GGX value = 200 } GGX =
{ government = sar_government country_event = 800054 ruling_party_ideology =
conservative } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = TIB } } owner
= { release_vassal = TIB diplomatic_influence = { who = TIB value = 200 } TIB =
{ government = sar_government country_event = 800054 ruling_party_ideology =
conservative } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = ETS } } owner
= { release_vassal = ETS diplomatic_influence = { who = ETS value = 200 } ETS =
{ government = sar_government country_event = 800054 ruling_party_ideology =
conservative } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = IMN } } owner
= { release_vassal = IMN diplomatic_influence = { who = IMN value = 200 } IMN =
{ government = sar_government country_event = 800054 ruling_party_ideology =
conservative } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = TAI } } owner
= { release_vassal = TAI diplomatic_influence = { who = TAI value = 200 } TAI =
{ government = sar_government country_event = 800054 ruling_party_ideology =
conservative } } }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }


option = {
name = "Transition towards democratic rule!"
prestige = 100
government = democracy
country_event = 800054

add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 7300 }

CHI_1552 = { add_core = MCK }

RUS_2589 = { add_core = MCK }
CHI_1479 = { add_core = MCK }
RUS_1072 = { add_core = MCK }

#Nationalist support rises

any_owned = {
limit = {
OR = {
is_core = FUJ
is_core = MCK
is_core = KWA
is_core = YNN
is_core = GGX
is_core = TIB
is_core = ETS
is_core = IMN
is_core = TAI
add_province_modifier = { name = nationalist_agitation duration =
3650 }
any_pop = { militancy = 10 ideology = { factor = 0.25 value =
nationalist } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.6 }

option = {
name = "Stick to the status quo!"

CHI_1552 = { add_core = MCK }

RUS_2589 = { add_core = MCK }
CHI_1479 = { add_core = MCK }
RUS_1072 = { add_core = MCK }

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = FUJ } } owner

= { release = FUJ FUJ = { government = presidential_dictatorship country_event =
800050 ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } CHI = { war = { target = FUJ
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country } defender_goal = { casus_belli
= status_quo } call_ally = no } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = MCK } } owner
= { release = MCK MCK = { government = presidential_dictatorship country_event =
800050 ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } CHI = { war = { target = MCK
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country } defender_goal = { casus_belli
= status_quo } call_ally = no } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = KWA } } owner
= { release = KWA KWA = { government = presidential_dictatorship country_event =
800050 ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } CHI = { war = { target = KWA
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country } defender_goal = { casus_belli
= status_quo } call_ally = no } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = YNN } } owner
= { release = YNN YNN = { government = presidential_dictatorship country_event =
800050 ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } CHI = { war = { target = YNN
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country } defender_goal = { casus_belli
= status_quo } call_ally = no } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = GGX } } owner
= { release = GGX GGX = { government = presidential_dictatorship country_event =
800050 ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } CHI = { war = { target = GGX
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country } defender_goal = { casus_belli
= status_quo } call_ally = no } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = TIB } } owner
= { release = TIB TIB = { government = presidential_dictatorship country_event =
800050 ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } CHI = { war = { target = TIB
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country } defender_goal = { casus_belli
= status_quo } call_ally = no } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = ETS } } owner
= { release = ETS ETS = { government = presidential_dictatorship country_event =
800050 ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } CHI = { war = { target = ETS
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country } defender_goal = { casus_belli
= status_quo } call_ally = no } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = IMN } } owner
= { release = IMN IMN = { government = presidential_dictatorship country_event =
800050 ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } CHI = { war = { target = IMN
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country } defender_goal = { casus_belli
= status_quo } call_ally = no } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = TAI } } owner
= { release = TAI TAI = { government = presidential_dictatorship country_event =
800050 ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } CHI = { war = { target = TAI
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country } defender_goal = { casus_belli
= status_quo } call_ally = no } } } }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }


#Arab Federation
country_event = {
id = 1512001
title = "Unitary Arab Federation"
desc = EVTDESC1512001
picture = "arab_federation"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Arabs of the world unite!"
prestige = 50
inherit = JOR
change_tag = ARF
any_owned = { limit = { OR = { is_core = IRQ is_core = JOR } } add_core = ARF }

#Kurdistan Autonomy
country_event = {
id = 1512002
title = "Kurdistan Regional Government"
desc = EVTDESC1512002
picture = "kurdisatn_sar"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = IRQ
year = 1992
war = no
KUR = { exists = yes }
KUR = { is_vassal = no }
exists = KUW
NOT = { government = democracy }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "Grant Autonomy"
prestige = 25
badboy = -5
create_vassal = KUR
KUR = { government = sar_government country_event = 800054 }
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = KUR } secede_province = KUR }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Crush the Kurdistani rebels"
prestige = -50
badboy = 5
release = KUR
war = {
target = KUR
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = status_quo }
call_ally = no
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Oman independence
country_event = {
id = 1512004
title = "Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation"
desc = EVTDESC1512004
picture = "oma_independence"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ENG
year = 1951
NOT = { year = 1990 }
government = hms_government
is_our_vassal = OMA
exists = HND

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "Grant Oman independence"
prestige = 25
release_vassal = OMA
diplomatic_influence = { who = OMA value = 25 }
OMA = { government = absolute_monarchy country_event = 800050
ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Keep the protectorate"
prestige = -50
diplomatic_influence = { who = OMA value = -200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#UAE Union
country_event = {
id = 1512005
title = "United Arab Emirates"
desc = EVTDESC1512005
picture = "uae_union"

trigger = {
NOT = { year = 1991 }
NOT = { has_country_flag = uae_union }
UAE = { is_vassal = no }
UAE = { exists = yes }
OR = { tag = QAT tag = BHR }
is_vassal = no
OR = { government = hms_government1 government = hms_government government =
absolute_monarchy }

UAE = { OR = { government = hms_government1 government = hms_government government

= absolute_monarchy } }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Remain independent"
prestige = 25
set_country_flag = uae_union
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Join a federal system"
prestige = -25
UAE = { create_vassal = THIS }
set_country_flag = uae_union
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "Unite our Sheikhdoms"
UAE = { inherit = THIS }
set_country_flag = uae_union
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Asian Financial Crisis - originator

country_event = {
id = 1512006
title = "Tom Yum Goong Crisis"
desc = EVTDESC1512006
picture = "asian_financial_crisis_thi"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = THI
year = 1997
NOT = { year = 2000 }

capitalism = 1
is_greater_power = no
is_vassal = no

#Significant intervention in the economy

OR = {
economic_policy = planned_economy1
economic_policy = state_capitalism
economic_policy = interventionism

#Usual GPs
USA = { is_greater_power = yes }
JAP = { is_greater_power = yes }
CHI = { is_greater_power = yes }

#Post Cold War

NOT = { has_global_flag = blocsenabled }

#No stagflation modifier

NOT = { has_country_modifier = stagflation }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Raise interest rates to prevent the Thai Baht from imploding!"
prestige = 50
country_event = 1512007

set_global_flag = asian_financial_crisis_flag

any_country = {

limit = {
NOT = {
OR = {
government = proletarian_dictatorship
government = proletarian_dictatorship1
OR = { tag = IDO tag = PHI tag = SKO tag = MSY }
exists = yes

country_event = 1512007

THI = { clr_country_flag = sea_economy_slow }
PHI = { clr_country_flag = sea_economy_slow }
BUR = { clr_country_flag = sea_economy_slow }
IDO = { clr_country_flag = sea_economy_slow }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }


option = {
name = "Drop the fixed exchange rate and pump in stimulus"

add_country_modifier = { name = stagflation duration = 3650 }

THI = { clr_country_flag = sea_economy_slow }

PHI = { clr_country_flag = sea_economy_slow }
BUR = { clr_country_flag = sea_economy_slow }
IDO = { clr_country_flag = sea_economy_slow }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }


#Asian Financial Crisis - reciepeints

country_event = {
id = 1512007
title = "Asian Financial Crisis of $YEAR$"
desc = EVTDESC1512007
picture = "asian_financial_crisis"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Seek IMF assistance!"
prestige_factor = -0.1
any_pop = { money = -100 }

add_country_modifier = { name = stockcrash duration = 730 }

add_country_modifier = { name = stock_market_crash duration = 960 }

add_country_modifier = { name = imf_loan duration = 1200 }

add_country_modifier = { name = recession duration = 1000 }

add_country_modifier = { name = economic_malaise duration = 1825 }

#Trigger the end of the New Order for Indonesia

random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = { tag = IDO }
owner = { set_country_flag = ido_thaw_trigger }

ai_chance = {
factor = 0.9

modifier = { factor = 0 has_country_flag = MSY_mahathir_1981_flag

option = {
name = "Unleash a massive economic stimulus program!"
prestige = 50
money = -1000000
add_country_modifier = { name = stagflation duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Economic tuning - IDO, PHI, BUR, THI, ETH economies

country_event = {
id = 1512008
title = "Economic tuning"
desc = "Slow down craftsmen promotion"
picture = "asian_financial_crisis"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
OR = { tag = THI tag = IDO tag = PHI tag = BUR }
ai = yes
exists = THI
exists = IDO
exists = PHI
exists = BUR

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Yes"
THI = { set_country_flag = sea_economy_slow }
PHI = { set_country_flag = sea_economy_slow }
BUR = { set_country_flag = sea_economy_slow }
IDO = { set_country_flag = sea_economy_slow }
ETH = { set_country_flag = economic_malaise set_country_flag = sea_economy_slow }

#Federation of Arab Republics - start TRI

country_event = {
id = 1512009
title = "Federation of Arab Republics"
desc = EVTDESC1512009
picture = "far_union_start"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = TRI
year = 1971
NOT = { year = 1991 }

OR = { government = nationalist_dictatorship government =

populist_dictatorship government = presidential_dictatorship }
war = no
is_vassal = no

OR = {
EGY = { exists = yes war = no is_vassal = no OR = { government =
nationalist_dictatorship government = populist_dictatorship government =
presidential_dictatorship } }

SUD = { exists = yes war = no is_vassal = no OR = { government =

nationalist_dictatorship government = populist_dictatorship government =
presidential_dictatorship } }

SYR = { exists = yes war = no is_vassal = no OR = { government =

nationalist_dictatorship government = populist_dictatorship government =
presidential_dictatorship } }

IRQ = { exists = yes war = no is_vassal = no OR = { government =

nationalist_dictatorship government = populist_dictatorship government =
presidential_dictatorship } }

UAR = { exists = no }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 12

option = {
name = "Propose the Union"

any_country = {
limit = {
OR = { tag = EGY tag = SUD tag = SYR tag = IRQ }
exists = yes
war = no
is_vassal = no
OR = { government = nationalist_dictatorship government =
populist_dictatorship government = presidential_dictatorship }
country_event = 1512010

set_country_flag = far_union_flag
ai_chance = { factor = 0.5 }

option = {
name = "Preserve the uniqueness of Libya"
prestige = 50
ai_chance = { factor = 0.5 }

#Federation of Arab Republics - Receiver

country_event = {
id = 1512010
title = "Federation of Arab Republics?"
desc = EVTDESC1512009
picture = "far_union_start"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Join the union fully"

all_core = { add_core = UAR }

FROM = {
set_country_flag = far_formed_flag
inherit = THIS

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }


option = {
name = "Reject the union"
prestige = 100
relation = { who = FROM value = -50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

#Federation of Arab Republics - Successful

country_event = {
id = 151201000
title = "Foundation of the FAR"
desc = EVTDESC1512009
picture = "far_union_start"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = TRI
has_country_flag = far_formed_flag
UAR = { exists = no }

option = {
name = "This is a great day for the Arab World!"
change_tag = UAR
prestige = 500

#Chinese democracy
country_event = {
id = 1512011
title = "Three Principles of the People"
desc = EVTDESC1512011
picture = "chinese_democracy"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = CHI
government = proletarian_dictatorship
has_country_flag = chinese_democracy
NOT = { has_country_modifier = chinese_democracy }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "Transition to a full democracy"
prestige = 200
government = democracy
country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = liberal

random_country = { limit = { tag = HKG is_our_vassal = THIS government =

sar_government } CHI = { inherit = HKG } }

random_country = { limit = { tag = MCA is_our_vassal = THIS government =

sar_government } CHI = { inherit = MCA } }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }


option = {
name = "Establish a Socialist Democracy instead"
prestige = 100
government = socialist_democracy
country_event = 800054

ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }


option = {
name = "Renegade on our promises!"
prestige_factor = -0.25

add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }

any_owned = {
limit = { OR = {
is_core = FUJ
is_core = MCK
is_core = KWA
is_core = YNN
is_core = GGX
is_core = TIB
is_core = ETS
is_core = IMN
} }
add_province_modifier = { name = nationalist_agitation duration = 10000 } }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }


#Russian Financial Crisis

country_event = {
id = 1512012
title = "Russian Financial Crisis of $YEAR$"
desc = EVTDESC1512012
picture = "rus_financial_1998"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = RUS
NOT = { government = proletarian_dictatorship }
NOT = { government = socialist_democracy }
IDO = { has_country_flag = ido_thaw_trigger }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 12

option = {
name = "Seek IMF assistance!"

any_pop = { money = -100 }

add_country_modifier = { name = stockcrash duration = 730 }

add_country_modifier = { name = stock_market_crash duration = 960 }

add_country_modifier = { name = imf_loan duration = 1200 }

add_country_modifier = { name = recession duration = 1000 }

add_country_modifier = { name = economic_malaise duration = 1825 }

set_country_flag = sea_economy_slow
set_country_flag = economic_malaise

set_country_flag = oligarchs_constrained

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "We will solve the problem the Russian way!"
prestige = 50
money = -2000000
add_tax_relative_income = -1000
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Comoros autonomous dependency

country_event = {
id = 1512013
title = "State of Comoros"
desc = EVTDESC1512013
picture = "state_of_comoros"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1961
NOT = { year = 1990 }
tag = FRA
government = democracy
COM = { exists = no }
owns = 2123

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4

option = {
name = "Grant self-autonomy"
release_vassal = COM
diplomatic_influence = { who = COM value = 200 }
COM = { government = colonial_government
country_event = 800054 ruling_party_ideology = conservative
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.9
value = conservative
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Keep Comoros as an Overseas Territory"
prestige = -50
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Independence of Comoros
country_event = {
id = 1512014
title = "Independence of Comoros"
desc = EVTDESC1512014
picture = "independence_of_comoros"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1975
NOT = { year = 1990 }
tag = FRA
government = democracy
is_our_vassal = COM

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "Grant independence"
release_vassal = COM
diplomatic_influence = { who = COM value = 200 }
COM = { government = democracy
ruling_party_ideology = socialist
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.9
value = socialist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Keep Comoros as an Autonomous Overseas Territory"
prestige = -50

COM = {
ruling_party_ideology = nationalist
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.9
value = nationalist

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }


#Constitutional Referendum on the $COUNTRY_ADJ$ monarchy

country_event = {
id = 1512015
title = "Referendum on the $COUNTRY_ADJ$ Monarchy"
desc = EVTDESC1512015
picture = "king_poll"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Lets see the result"
random_list = {
90 = { government = democracy }

10 = { }


#Independence of New Hebrides

country_event = {
id = 1512016
title = "Independence of New Hebrides"
desc = EVTDESC1512016
picture = "independence_of_vanatau"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1980
NOT = { year = 1990 }
OR = { tag = FRA tag = ENG }
OR = { government = hms_government government = democracy }
is_our_vassal = VAN

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "Grant independence"
prestige = 25
release_vassal = VAN
VAN = { government = democracy country_event = 800054 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = VAN value = 200 }
FRA = { diplomatic_influence = { who = VAN value = -110 } }
random_country = { limit = { is_our_vassal = VAN OR = { tag = FRA tag = ENG } }
relation = { who = THIS value = -25 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Maintain the Condominium"
prestige = -100
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Start of the ICJ process

country_event = {
id = 1512017
title = "$FROMCOUNTRY_ADJ$-$COUNTRY_ADJ$ Territorial Dispute"
desc = EVTDESC1512017
picture = "icj_territorial_dispute"

is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = "Send a strongly worded complaint to the $FROMCOUNTRY_ADJ$ Embassy!"
prestige = 25
relation = { who = FROM value = -50 }
set_country_flag = icj_marker
ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 relation = { who = FROM value = 0 } }

option = {
name = "Release a statement agreeing to cooperate with the ICJ"
prestige = -25
relation = { who = FROM value = 50 }
set_country_flag = icj_marker
ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 NOT = { relation = { who = FROM value = 0 } } }

#ICJ result
country_event = {
id = 1512018
title = "$COUNTRY_ADJ$ Territorial Dispute Result"
desc = EVTDESC1512018
picture = "icj_territorial_dispute"

trigger = {
NOT = { all_core = { owned_by = THIS } }
NOT = { badboy = 0.8 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = icj_in_process }
has_country_flag = icj_in_process

option = {
name = "The Judges of the ICJ have spoken"
clr_country_flag = icj_in_process
add_country_modifier = { name = icj_timer_land duration = 3650 }
random_list = {
50 = { THIS = { country_event = 1512019 } }
50 = { THIS = { country_event = 1512020 } }

#Starter Won
country_event = {
id = 1512019
title = "International Court of Justice rules in our favour"
desc = EVTDESC1512019
picture = "icj_territorial_dispute"

is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = "Let's celebrate!"
prestige = 100

random_country = {

limit = {
has_country_flag = international_court_of_justice
has_country_flag = icj_marker
is_vassal = no
war = no

any_owned_province = { is_capital = no is_core = THIS }

NOT = { any_owned_province = { is_capital = yes is_core = THIS } }

neighbour = THIS

clr_country_flag = icj_marker

country_event = { id = 1512021 days = 10 }


#Starter Loss
country_event = {
id = 1512020
title = "International Court of Justice rules against us"
desc = EVTDESC1512020
picture = "icj_territorial_dispute"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "A disaster!"
prestige_factor = -0.1

any_pop = { militancy = 1 }

random_country = {

limit = {
has_country_flag = international_court_of_justice
has_country_flag = icj_marker
is_vassal = no
war = no

any_owned_province = { is_capital = no is_core = THIS }

NOT = { any_owned_province = { is_capital = yes is_core = THIS } }

neighbour = THIS
clr_country_flag = icj_marker

#What to do if win
country_event = {
id = 1512021
title = "International Court of Justice rules against us"
desc = EVTDESC1512021
picture = "icj_territorial_dispute"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Accept the ruling"
prestige_factor = 0.05
badboy = -10
FROM = { relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } }
clr_country_flag = icj_marker
any_owned = { limit = { is_capital = no is_core = FROM } remove_core = THIS
secede_province = FROM }

ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 NOT = { OR = { ruling_party_ideology = liberal
ruling_party_ideology = progressive } } }

option = {
name = "Ignore the ruling!"
prestige_factor = -0.05
badboy = 15
FROM = { relation = { who = THIS value = -100 } country_event = { id = 1512022 days
= 10 } }

any_owned = { limit = { is_core = FROM } add_province_modifier = { name =

nationalist_agitation duration = 3650 } }
clr_country_flag = icj_marker
ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 OR = { ruling_party_ideology = liberal
ruling_party_ideology = progressive } }

#Starter end
country_event = {
id = 1512022
title = "$FROMCOUNTRY$ refuses to comply with the ICJ ruling"
desc = EVTDESC1512022
picture = "icj_territorial_dispute"
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Outrageous!"
prestige_factor = -0.1

any_pop = {

limit = { OR = { is_primary_culture = yes is_accepted_culture = yes } }

ideology = {
factor = 0.25
value = nationalist

ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 war_policy = jingoism }

option = {
name = "The $COUNTRY_ADJ$ people have enough of useless diplomacy!"

war = {
target = FROM
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = dismantle_cb }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = territorial_dispute }
call_ally = yes

ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 NOT = { war_policy = jingoism } }

#1959 Tibetan uprising

country_event = {
id = 1512023
title = "$YEAR$ Tibetan uprising"
desc = EVTDESC1512023
picture = "tib_sar_chance"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = CHI
year = 1959
NOT = { year = 1990 }

government = proletarian_dictatorship
is_vassal = no
is_possible_vassal = TIB

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Give in to the demand for self-autonomy in Tibet"
release_vassal = TIB
diplomatic_influence = { who = TIB value = 200 }
TIB = {
government = sar_government
country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = communist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

option = {
name = "Crush the rebellion!"
prestige = -50

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ai = no } }
owner = {
release = TIB
TIB = { government = absolute_monarchy
ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist country_event = 800050 }
CHI = {
war = {
target = TIB
attacker_goal = { casus_belli =
annex_core_country }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = status_quo }
call_ally = no

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ai = yes } }
owner = {
any_owned = {
limit = { is_core = TIB is_state_capital = no }
change_controller = REB
add_province_modifier = { name =
nationalist_agitation duration = 1825 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


#Cook Dominionship
country_event = {
id = 1512024
title = "Self-Autonomy for the Cook Islands"
desc = EVTDESC1512024
picture = "cook_sar_chance"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1965
NOT = { year = 1990 }
tag = NZL
government = hms_government
COI = { exists = no }
owns = 2545

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 8

option = {
name = "Grant self autonomy"
prestige = 50
release_vassal = COI
sphere_owner = { diplomatic_influence = { who = COI value = 200 } }
COI = { government = colonial_government country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = conservative }
relation = { who = AST value = 50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Refuse!"
prestige = -50
relation = { who = AST value = -50 }
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = COI } add_province_modifier = { name =
nationalist_agitation duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Niue Dominionship
country_event = {
id = 1512025
title = "Self-Autonomy for Niue"
desc = EVTDESC1512025
picture = "niu_sar_chance"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1974
NOT = { year = 1990 }
tag = NZL
government = hms_government
NIU = { exists = no }
owns = 2548

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Grant self autonomy"
prestige = 50
release_vassal = NIU
sphere_owner = { diplomatic_influence = { who = NIU value = 200 } }
NIU = { government = colonial_government country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = conservative }
relation = { who = AST value = 50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Refuse!"
prestige = -50
relation = { who = AST value = -50 }
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = NIU } add_province_modifier = { name =
nationalist_agitation duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Return of Hong Kong choices - FROM is ENG or FBU

country_event = {
id = 1512026
title = "The Return of Hong Kong"
desc = EVTDESC1512026
picture = "CHI_HKG_choices"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Propose the One Country, Two Systems plan"
prestige_factor = 0.2
1496 = { remove_core = XEU }
1496 = { remove_core = ENG remove_core = FBU }
1496 = { add_core = CHI }
FROM = { country_event = 1002801 }
FROM = { remove_accepted_culture = chinese_cantonese }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Agree to the British plan to retain administration rights"
prestige_factor = -0.1
relation = { who = FROM value = 50 }
1496 = { remove_core = XEU }
1496 = { remove_core = ENG remove_core = FBU }
1496 = { add_core = CHI }
FROM = {
remove_accepted_culture = chinese_cantonese
inherit = HKG
release_vassal = HKG
HKG = { government = sar_government country_event = 800054 }

diplomatic_influence = { who = HKG value = 200 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }


option = {
name = "Grant the British an indefinite lease over the New Territories"
prestige_factor = -0.2
1496 = { add_core = CHI }
any_greater_power = { relation = { who = THIS value = 200 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Ifni War
country_event = {
id = 1512027
title = "The Ifni War"
desc = EVTDESC1512027
picture = "ifni_war"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1957
NOT = { year = 1990 }
tag = MOR
is_vassal = no
SPA = { owns = 1695 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Fight the Spanish"
prestige = 50

set_global_flag = spanish_decolonisation_mor

war = {
target = SPA
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = territorial_dispute }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = territorial_dispute }
call_ally = no

relation = { who = FRA value = -100 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Let bygones be bygones"
prestige_factor = -0.25
relation = { who = SPA value = 100 }
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 1825 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Ifni War
country_event = {
id = 1512028
title = "Treaty of Angra de Cintra"
desc = EVTDESC1512028
picture = "ifni_war_1"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1957
NOT = { year = 1990 }
tag = SPA
is_vassal = no
owns = 1695
NOT = { war_with = MOR }
has_global_flag = spanish_decolonisation_mor

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Sign the Treaty"
prestige = 50
badboy = -5
relation = { who = MOR value = 100 }

#1687 = { secede_province = MOR }

#1688 = { secede_province = MOR }

1695 = { secede_province = MOR }

1696 = { secede_province = MOR }

relation = { who = FRA value = 50 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.95 }

option = {
name = "Refuse"
prestige_factor = -0.1
badboy = 10

MOR = { create_alliance = FRA }

war = {
target = MOR
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = territorial_dispute }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = dismantle_cb }
call_ally = no

ai_chance = { factor = 0.05 }


#UN Peace Making - UNSC members vote

country_event = {
id = 1512029
title = "UN Resolution to restore order in $FROMCOUNTRY$"
desc = EVTDESC1512029
picture = "un_peace_making_unsc"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Vote for a Peace Mission to $FROMCOUNTRY$"
prestige = 25
relation = { who = FROM value = 50 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = FROM value = 10 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Abstain from voting"
prestige = 50
any_country = { limit = { has_country_modifier = united_nations_ga_member }
relation = { who = THIS value = 25 } }
relation = { who = FROM value = -25 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "Vote against any form of intervention"
prestige = -25
relation = { who = FROM value = -50 }
any_greater_power = { limit = { has_country_modifier = united_nations_ga_member }
relation = { who = THIS value = 50 } }
FROM = { add_country_modifier = { name = peace_making_veoted duration = 1900 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#UN Peace Making - UNSC passes resolution

country_event = {
id = 1512030
title = "UN sends a Peacekeeping Mission to $COUNTRY$"
desc = EVTDESC1512030
picture = "un_peace_making_troops"

trigger = {
has_country_flag = un_peace_making_marker
NOT = { has_country_modifier = peace_making_veoted }
has_country_modifier = requested_un_peacemaking
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 2

modifier = { factor = 0.5 has_global_flag = UNSG_aggressive }

modifier = { factor = 0.75 has_global_flag = UNSG_normal }

option = {
name = "We are saved!"
prestige = 25

money = 10000

add_country_modifier = { name = un_peace_making_aid duration = 1825 }

clr_country_flag = un_peace_making_marker

any_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = unsc_permanent_member }
country_event = 1512032

any_neighbor_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = united_nations_ga_member }
country_event = 1512032

#UN Peace Making - UNSC resolution fails

country_event = {
id = 1512031
title = "UN Security Council vetoes Peace Mission to $COUNTRY$"
desc = EVTDESC1512031
picture = "un_peace_making_unsc_fail"

trigger = {
has_country_flag = un_peace_making_marker
has_country_modifier = peace_making_veoted
has_country_modifier = requested_un_peacemaking

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

modifier = { factor = 0.5 has_global_flag = UNSG_aggressive }

modifier = { factor = 0.75 has_global_flag = UNSG_normal }

option = {
name = "The UN is truly useless!"
prestige = -50

clr_country_flag = un_peace_making_marker
any_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = united_nations_ga_member }
relation = { who = THIS value = -25 }
prestige = -25

add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 1825 }


#UN Peace Making - Invite countries into the Peace Mission

country_event = {
id = 1512032
title = "UN Peace Mission to restore order in $FROMCOUNTRY$"
desc = EVTDESC1512032
picture = "un_peace_making_unsc_invite"

trigger = {
has_country_flag = un_peace_making_marker
has_country_modifier = peace_making_veoted
has_country_modifier = requested_un_peacemaking

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

modifier = { factor = 0.5 has_global_flag = UNSG_aggressive }

modifier = { factor = 0.75 has_global_flag = UNSG_normal }

option = {
name = "Join the mission!"

clr_country_flag = un_peace_making_marker

prestige = 25
relation = { who = FROM value = 200 }
create_alliance = FROM
military_access = FROM
FROM = { military_access = THIS }

ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 NOT = { relation = { who = FROM value = 0 } } }
modifier = { factor = 0 war_policy = pacifism }

option = {
name = "Don't interfere in $FROMCOUNTRY_ADJ$ politics!"

clr_country_flag = un_peace_making_marker

prestige = -25
relation = { who = FROM value = -25 }
ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 relation = { who = FROM value = 0 } }
modifier = { factor = 0 NOT = { war_policy = pacifism } }

#Catalan independence movement

country_event = {
id = 1512033
title = "Catalan Independence Movement"
desc = EVTDESC1512033
picture = "cat_indy_move"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = SPA
war = no
election = no
OR = { government = hms_government government = hms_government1 government =
democracy government = democracy1 }
is_vassal = no
is_greater_power = no
age_of_protests = 1
OR = { has_country_modifier = recession has_country_modifier = great_recession }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Give independence to Catalonia"
prestige = 100
badboy = -5
release = CAT
relation = { who = CAT value = 200 }
create_alliance = CAT
FRA = { relation = { who = CAT value = 200 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

option = {
name = "Grant greater self-autonomy"
prestige = 50
badboy = -2.5

release_vassal = CAT

CAT = { government = sar_government country_event = 800054 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }


option = {
name = "The Spanish state is indivisible"
prestige_factor = -0.1
badboy = 5

any_owned = { limit = { is_core = CAT } add_province_modifier = { name =

nationalist_agitation duration = 3650 } }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }


#The Senegambia Confederation

country_event = {
id = 1512034
title = "The Senegambia Confederation"
desc = EVTDESC1512034
picture = "sen_gam_union"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = SEN
election = no
war = no
is_vassal = no
GAM = { exists = yes is_vassal = no ai = yes }
year = 1982
NOT = { year = 1991 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 2

option = {
name = "Form a full union!"
prestige = 100
inherit = GAM
any_owned = { add_province_modifier = { name = nationalist_agitation duration =
3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "Adopt a confederation structure"
prestige = 50
create_vassal = GAM
create_alliance = GAM
GAM = { ruling_party_ideology = conservative }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "We want no Gambians in our glorious nation"
prestige_factor = 0.25
prestige = 25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#The Senegambia Confederation end

country_event = {
id = 1512035
title = "Dissolution of the Senegambia Confederation"
desc = EVTDESC1512035
picture = "sen_gam_union_end"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = SEN
election = no
is_vassal = no
is_our_vassal = GAM
GAM = { exists = yes }
year = 1989
NOT = { year = 1991 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 9

option = {
name = "End the confederation!"
prestige = 100
release_vassal = GAM
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Cling on Gambia!"
prestige = -50
badboy = 5
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
release_vassal = GAM

war = {
target = GAM
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = make_puppet }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = become_independent }
call_ally = no

ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }


#African Dictatorship Chance

country_event = {
id = 1512036
title = "Coup d'etat in $COUNTRY$"
desc = EVTDESC1512036
picture = "africa_dictatorship"

trigger = {
capital_scope = { continent = africa }

government = democracy

election = no

is_vassal = no

war = no

OR = { has_recently_lost_war = yes average_militancy = 2 }

NOT = { neoliberalism = 1 }

NOT = { OR = { has_country_modifier = spy_medium has_country_modifier = spy_high_gp

} }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 36

modifier = { factor = 4 part_of_sphere = yes }

modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 3 }

modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 4 }

modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 5 }

modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 6 }

modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 7 }

option = {
name = "Allow it to proceed unopposed!"

#Socialist Group
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
OR = { pop_majority_ideology = socialist pop_majority_ideology = communist
pop_majority_ideology = communist_social }
owner = { random_list = {
40 = { country_event = 141208 }
10 = { country_event = 141509 }
50 = { country_event = 141512 }
} }

#Populist Group
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
OR = { pop_majority_ideology = populist pop_majority_ideology = nationalist }
owner = { random_list = {
70 = { country_event = 141208 }
20 = { country_event = 141510 }
10 = { country_event = 141509 }
} }

#Conservative Group
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
OR = { pop_majority_ideology = conservative pop_majority_ideology = big_tent }
owner = { random_list = {
80 = { country_event = 141208 }
20 = { country_event = 141510 }
} }

#Traditionalist Group
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
OR = { pop_majority_ideology = traditionalist }
owner = { random_list = {
10 = { country_event = 141509 }
90 = { country_event = 141511 }
} }

#Liberal Group
random_owned = {
limit = {
owner = {
OR = { pop_majority_ideology = liberal pop_majority_ideology = progressive }

owner = { country_event = 141513 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "Resist the rebels!"

any_owned = { limit = { is_capital = no average_militancy = 3 } change_controller =


prestige = -50
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Genocide options
country_event = {
id = 1512037
title = "Ethnic Cleansing in $COUNTRY$"
desc = EVTDESC1512037
picture = "genocide_options"

trigger = {

OR = { has_country_flag = ethnic_cleansed has_country_modifier = ethnic_cleansing }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4
modifier = { factor = 0 NOT = { has_country_flag = genocide_101 } }

option = {
name = "Spare no one (Target States and Colonial Provinces)"

set_country_flag = genocide_101

#Randomised Killing rates

random_list = {
15 = { any_pop = { limit = { AND = { is_primary_culture = no
is_accepted_culture = no } } reduce_pop = 0.90 } }
15 = { any_pop = { limit = { AND = { is_primary_culture = no
is_accepted_culture = no } } reduce_pop = 0.925 } }
20 = { any_pop = { limit = { AND = { is_primary_culture = no
is_accepted_culture = no } } reduce_pop = 0.95 } }
50 = { any_pop = { limit = { AND = { is_primary_culture = no
is_accepted_culture = no } } reduce_pop = 0.975 } }

#Discovery Chance
random = {
chance = 30
prestige_factor = -0.05
badboy = 5
set_country_flag = discovered_genocide

#Event to notify everyone if discovered

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { has_country_flag = discovered_genocide NOT = {
has_country_flag = discovered_genocide1 } } } owner = { set_country_flag =
discovered_genocide1 country_event = 1410080 } }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.6 }


option = {
name = "Spare some people (Target Colonial Provinces only)"
set_country_flag = genocide_101

#Randomised Killing rates

random_list = {
15 = { any_pop = { limit = { location = { is_colonial = yes } AND =
{ is_primary_culture = no is_accepted_culture = no } } reduce_pop = 0.90 } }
15 = { any_pop = { limit = { location = { is_colonial = yes } AND =
{ is_primary_culture = no is_accepted_culture = no } } reduce_pop = 0.925 } }
20 = { any_pop = { limit = { location = { is_colonial = yes } AND =
{ is_primary_culture = no is_accepted_culture = no } } reduce_pop = 0.95 } }
50 = { any_pop = { limit = { location = { is_colonial = yes } AND =
{ is_primary_culture = no is_accepted_culture = no } } reduce_pop = 0.975 } }

#Discovery Chance
random = {
chance = 10
prestige_factor = -0.05
badboy = 5
set_country_flag = discovered_genocide

#Event to notify everyone if discovered

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { has_country_flag = discovered_genocide NOT = {
has_country_flag = discovered_genocide1 } } } owner = { set_country_flag =
discovered_genocide1 country_event = 1410080 } }

ai_chance = {
factor = 0.4
modifier = { factor = 0
NOT = { any_owned_province = { is_colonial = yes } } }

#Get fellow puppets to aid in rebellions

country_event = {
id = 1512038
title = "Crisis in $COUNTRY$"
desc = "With rebels swarming our nation, our overlord will come to our aid to
crush the rebels."
picture = "rebel_aid_mech"

trigger = {
is_vassal = yes
overlord = { NOT = { military_access = THIS } }
revolt_percentage = 0.1

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "We thank our overlords!"
overlord = { military_access = THIS }

#Brunei monarchy clean up

country_event = {
id = 1512039
title = "Sultan of Brunei"
desc = EVTDESC1512039
picture = "sultan_brunei"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
is_vassal = no
tag = BRU
NOT = { OR = { government = hms_government government = hms_government1 government
= absolute_monarchy } }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "We wish to keep the Sultan"
government = absolute_monarchy
country_event = 800050
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "We don't need him anymore"
prestige = 25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Weaken South Vietnam

country_event = {
id = 1512040
title = "Chaos in South Vietnam"
desc = EVTDESC1512040
picture = "viet_south"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1975
tag = SVI
war_with = DAI
DAI = { exists = yes }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 2

option = {
name = "The $COUNTRY_ADJ$ people grow weary of war"
add_country_modifier = { name = high_command_chaos duration = 1825 }
war_exhaustion = 25
any_pop = { militancy = 2 }

#China joins the Vietnam War

country_event = {
id = 1512041
title = "Chinese involvement in the Vietnam War"
desc = EVTDESC1512041
picture = "viet_china"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1974
tag = CHI
SVI = { NOT = { in_sphere = USA alliance_with = USA } }
government = proletarian_dictatorship
DAI = { ruling_party_ideology = communist }
SVI = { war_with = DAI }
DAI = { exists = yes }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 9

option = {
name = "We will liberate the Vietnamese proletariat!"
relation = { who = DAI value = 200 }

RUS = { diplomatic_influence = { who = SVI value = -200 } leave_alliance = SVI }

war = {
target = SVI
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = cut_down_to_size }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = humiliate }
call_ally = no
CHI = { military_access = DAI }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.75 }

option = {
name = "The Vietcong can fend for themselves!"
relation = { who = DAI value = -50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.25 }

#Viet Cong
country_event = {
id = 1512042
title = "The Viet Cong"
desc = EVTDESC1512042
picture = "viet_cong_1"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = SVI
year = 1960

war_with = DAI
DAI = { exists = yes }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "We must do something about this!"
add_country_modifier = { name = viet_cong duration = 1825 }
war_exhaustion = 10
any_pop = { militancy = 2 }

#Civil Defence high

country_event = {
id = 1512043
title = "Civil Defence Shelters"
desc = "In response to the strategic bombing campaign wrought upon us by our
enemies, we have activated our civil defence bomb shelters to protect our
picture = "air_raid_shelter"

trigger = {
has_country_modifier = cdhigh
has_country_flag = is_disabled_for_now
any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = aerial_bombed NOT =
{ has_province_modifier = air_raid_high } }

option = {
name = "Citizens, Protect and Survive!"

any_owned = { remove_province_modifier = air_raid_medium }

any_owned = { remove_province_modifier = air_raid_low }

any_owned = { limit = { has_province_modifier = aerial_bombed }

add_province_modifier = { name = air_raid_high duration = -1 } }

war_exhaustion = -15

#Civil Defence medium

country_event = {
id = 1512044
title = "Civil Defence shelters activated"
desc = "In response to the strategic bombing campaign wrought upon us by our
enemies, we have activated our civil defence bomb shelters to protect our
picture = "air_raid_shelter"

trigger = {
has_country_modifier = cdmedium
has_country_flag = is_disabled_for_now
any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = aerial_bombed NOT =
{ has_province_modifier = air_raid_medium } }

option = {
name = "Citizens, Protect and Survive!"

any_owned = { remove_province_modifier = air_raid_high }

any_owned = { remove_province_modifier = air_raid_low }

any_owned = { limit = { has_province_modifier = aerial_bombed }

add_province_modifier = { name = air_raid_medium duration = -1 } }

war_exhaustion = -10

#Civil Defence low

country_event = {
id = 1512045
title = "Civil Defence shelters activated"
desc = "In response to the strategic bombing campaign wrought upon us by our
enemies, we have activated our civil defence bomb shelters to protect our
picture = "air_raid_shelter"

trigger = {
has_country_modifier = cdlow
has_country_flag = is_disabled_for_now
any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = aerial_bombed NOT =
{ has_province_modifier = air_raid_low } }

option = {
name = "Citizens, Protect and Survive!"

any_owned = { remove_province_modifier = air_raid_high }

any_owned = { remove_province_modifier = air_raid_medium }

any_owned = { limit = { has_province_modifier = aerial_bombed }

add_province_modifier = { name = air_raid_low duration = -1 } }

war_exhaustion = -5

#Civil Defence cleanup

country_event = {
id = 1512046
title = "Civil Defence shelters deactivated"
desc = "As the damage from the bombing raids have been fixed, our citizen no
longer have to rely on our air raid measures anymore."
picture = "air_raid_shelter"

trigger = {
has_country_flag = is_disabled_for_now
any_owned_province = { NOT = { has_province_modifier = aerial_bombed } OR =
{ has_province_modifier = air_raid_low has_province_modifier = air_raid_medium
has_province_modifier = air_raid_high } }

option = {
name = "Citizens, you have survived the worst!"

any_owned = {

limit = { NOT = { has_province_modifier = aerial_bombed } }

remove_province_modifier = air_raid_high
remove_province_modifier = air_raid_medium
remove_province_modifier = air_raid_low

war_exhaustion = -5

#South Vietnam is not socialist

country_event = {
id = 1512047
title = "Anti-communist Purge in $COUNTRY$"
desc = EVTDESC1512047
picture = "south_viet_soc"

trigger = {
tag = SVI

OR = { government = democracy government = democracy1 }

is_vassal = no

OR = {
ruling_party_ideology = socialist
ruling_party_ideology = communist
ruling_party_ideology = communist_social

DAI = {
exists = yes
ruling_party_ideology = communist

NOT = { has_country_flag = south_viet_soc }


mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Purge the socialists and communists!"
badboy = 5

government = presidential_dictatorship
country_event = 800050
ruling_party_ideology = conservative

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "Embrace socialism"
prestige = 25
set_country_flag = south_viet_soc
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Taiwan SAR
country_event = {
id = 1512048
title = "Taiwan Special Administrative Region"
desc = EVTDESC1512048
picture = "taiwan_sar"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

tag = KMT

is_vassal = no

CHI = { government = proletarian_dictatorship ruling_party_ideology =

communist_social exists = yes }

CHI = { is_greater_power = yes }

KMT = { is_greater_power = no }

KMT = { is_greater_power = no government = democracy OR = { ruling_party_ideology =

communist_social ruling_party_ideology = communist } exists = yes }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1
option = {
name = "Unify with the mainland!"
prestige = 100

any_owned = { limit = { is_core = CHI } remove_core = CHI }

any_owned = { limit = { is_core = KMT } remove_core = KMT }

any_owned = { limit = { OR = { province_id = 1485 province_id = 2562 } } add_core =


primary_culture = taiwanese

change_tag = TAI
CHI = { create_vassal = TAI }
government = sar_government
CHI = { diplomatic_influence = { who = TAI value = 200 } }

all_core = { limit = { NOT = { OR = { province_id = 1485 province_id = 2562 } } }

remove_core = TAI }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }


option = {
name = "Remain independent!"
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Tension rises in country - transferred to decisions

country_event = {
id = 1512049
title = "Crisis in $COUNTRY$"
desc = EVTDESC1512049
picture = "tension_rises"

trigger = {

has_country_flag = disabled_for_now

is_vassal = no

NOT = { has_country_modifier = unsc_vote_crisis }

any_owned_province = { state_scope = { flashpoint_tension = 75 has_flashpoint = yes

} }

option = {
name = "Seek crisis resolution"

any_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = unsc_permanent_member }
country_event = 1512050
add_country_modifier = { name = unsc_vote_crisis duration = 365 }

country_event = { id = 1512051 days = 5 }

#Tension rises in country - UNSC

country_event = {
id = 1512050
title = "Geopolitical Crisis in $FROMCOUNTRY$"
desc = "$FROMCOUNTRY$ has filed a request to the United Nation to seek a
Peace Mission to reduce their flashpoint tension before it escalates into a full
blown international crisis."
picture = "tension_rises"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Support the UN Resolution"
badboy = -1
ai_chance = { factor = 0.90 }

option = {
name = "Veto the UN Resolution"
badboy = 1
FROM = { set_country_flag = unsc_veto_crisis }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.10 }

#Tension rises in country - Originator

country_event = {
id = 1512051
title = "UN Resolution on the $COUNTRY_ADJ$ Crisis"
desc = "The United Nations Security Council is gathering to vote on a
resolution authorising a Peace Mission to $COUNTRY$ to reduce flashpoint tension."
picture = "tension_rises"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Let's find out the result"

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { has_country_flag = unsc_veto_crisis } }

owner = { country_event = 1512053 }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { NOT = { has_country_flag = unsc_veto_crisis } } }

owner = { country_event = 1512052 }


#Tension rises in country - Originator success

country_event = {
id = 1512052
title = "UN Peace Mission to $COUNTRY$ approved"
desc = "The United Nations Security Council has voted on a resolution
authorising a Peace Mission to $COUNTRY$ to reduce flashpoint tension."
picture = "tension_rises"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "We thank the United Nations!"
prestige = 10

clr_country_flag = unsc_veto_crisis

any_state = { flashpoint_tension = -90 }


#Tension rises in country - Originator fail

country_event = {
id = 1512053
title = "UN Resolution vetoed by UNSC"
desc = "The United Nations Security Council has a veoted a resolution
authorising a Peace Mission to $COUNTRY$ to reduce flashpoint tension."
picture = "tension_rises"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "A disaster!"

clr_country_flag = unsc_veto_crisis

prestige = -10
any_state = { flashpoint_tension = 10 }

#British Republic 1
country_event = {
id = 1512054
title = "Death of Diana, Princess of Wales"
desc = EVTDESC1512054
picture = "death_diana"

fire_only_once = yes
trigger = {

tag = ENG

government = hms_government

year = 1997

FRA = { exists = yes }

NOT = { war_with = FRA }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 9

option = {
name = "She was the People's Princess!"
prestige = 25
any_pop = { militancy = -5 }
country_event = { id = 1512055 days = 10 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Keep it low key"
prestige = -200
any_pop = { militancy = 2 }
country_event = { id = 1512056 days = 30 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#British Republic 2
country_event = {
id = 1512055
title = "Criticism of the Monarchy Growing"
desc = EVTDESC1512055
picture = "queen_reaction"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "The Queen address the British Public"
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.25
value = conservative
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Stick to the Royal precedents!"
country_event = { id = 1512056 days = 30 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#British Republic 3
country_event = {
id = 1512056
title = "British Republicanism Rises"
desc = EVTDESC1512056
picture = "british_republic"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Force the Queen to abdicate!"
government = democracy
prestige = -50
ai_chance = { factor = 0.5 }

option = {
name = "Stick to the monarchy!"
prestige = 10
ai_chance = { factor = 0.5 }

#Tokyo War Trials

country_event = {
id = 1512057
title = "International Military Tribunal for the Far East"
desc = EVTDESC1512057
picture = "twt"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = JAP
year = 1946
NOT = { has_global_flag = 1950_start_date_flag }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

government = hms_government

war = no
vassal_of = USA

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "Exclude the Imperial Family from the Trials"
any_pop = { militancy = -5 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }
option = {
name = "Indict the Emperor for War Crimes!"
prestige = 50
government = democracy
any_pop = { militancy = 9 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Collectivisation - start
country_event = {
id = 1512058
title = "Collectivisation in $COUNTRY$"
desc = EVTDESC1512058
picture = "collectivisation"

trigger = {

has_country_flag = collectivise_farms

any_owned_province = {
OR = {
trade_goods = fruit
trade_goods = grain

trade_goods = oil_seeds
trade_goods = sugar
trade_goods = tea
trade_goods = tobacco
trade_goods = coffee
trade_goods = cotton

NOT = { has_province_modifier = collectivisation }

option = {
name = "This will increase crop yield!"

any_owned = {

limit = {
OR = {
trade_goods = fruit
trade_goods = grain

trade_goods = oil_seeds
trade_goods = sugar
trade_goods = tea
trade_goods = tobacco
trade_goods = coffee
trade_goods = cotton
NOT = { has_province_modifier = collectivisation }

add_province_modifier = { name = collectivisation duration = -1 }

#Trade Union conspiracy

country_event = {
id = 1512059
title = "Threat of a General Strike"
desc = EVTDESC1512059
picture = "trade_union_action"

trigger = {

NOT = { has_country_modifier = trade_union_action }

OR = { government = socialist_democracy government = democracy

government = democracy1 government = hms_government government = hms_government1 }

OR = { pop_majority_ideology = socialist pop_majority_ideology =

communist pop_majority_ideology = communist_social }

average_militancy = 2

NOT = { union_rights = no_trade_unions }

NOT = { union_rights = state_controlled_unions }

OR = {
NOT = { wage_and_work_hours = six_hours }
NOT = { safety_regulations = rigid_regulations }
NOT = { unemployment_subsidies = citizen_salary }
NOT = { pensions = good_pensions }
NOT = { social_service_reform = the_safety_grid }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 120

modifier = { factor = 0.50 pop_majority_ideology = communist }

modifier = { factor = 0.75 pop_majority_ideology = communist_social }

option = {
name = "Give in to the Trade Unions"

#Right wing groups are angry

any_pop = {
scaled_militancy = {
factor = 5
ideology = conservative
scaled_militancy = {
factor = 10
ideology = traditionalist

#Wage and Work

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { wage_and_work_hours = paid_sick_leave_hours }
owner = { social_reform = six_hours }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { wage_and_work_hours = paid_vacation_hours } }
owner = { social_reform = paid_sick_leave_hours } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { wage_and_work_hours = eight_work_hours } }
owner = { social_reform = paid_vacation_hours } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { wage_and_work_hours = unregulated_hours } }
owner = { social_reform = eight_work_hours } }

#Safety Regulations

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { safety_regulations = strict_regulations } }
owner = { social_reform = rigid_regulations } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { safety_regulations = restrictive_regulations } }
owner = { social_reform = strict_regulations } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { safety_regulations = balanced_regulations } }
owner = { social_reform = restrictive_regulations } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { safety_regulations = some_regulations } }
owner = { social_reform = balanced_regulations } }

#Unemployment Subsidies

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { unemployment_subsidies = generous_subsidies } }
owner = { social_reform = citizen_salary } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { unemployment_subsidies = ghent_system } }
owner = { social_reform = generous_subsidies } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { unemployment_subsidies = minimal_subsidies } }
owner = { social_reform = ghent_system } }
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { unemployment_subsidies = no_subsidies } }
owner = { social_reform = minimal_subsidies } }


random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { pensions = acceptable_pensions } }
owner = { social_reform = good_pensions } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { pensions = low_pensions } }
owner = { social_reform = acceptable_pensions } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { pensions = trinket_pensions } }
owner = { social_reform = low_pensions } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { pensions = no_pensions } }
owner = { social_reform = trinket_pensions } }

#Social Service

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { social_service_reform = anti_terror_surveillance } }
owner = { social_reform = the_safety_grid } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { social_service_reform = social_abuse_protection } }
owner = { social_reform = anti_terror_surveillance } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { social_service_reform = social_services } }
owner = { social_reform = social_abuse_protection } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { social_service_reform = no_social_service } }
owner = { social_reform = social_services } }

ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
NOT = { OR = { ruling_party_ideology = socialist
ruling_party_ideology = communist ruling_party_ideology = communist_social } }

option = {
name = "Defy the Trade Unions!"

prestige_factor = -0.025

add_country_modifier = { name = trade_union_action duration = 365 }

#Left wing groups are angry
any_pop = {
scaled_militancy = {
factor = 5
ideology = socialist
scaled_militancy = {
factor = 7.5
ideology = communist_social
scaled_militancy = {
factor = 10
ideology = communist

ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = { ruling_party_ideology = socialist
ruling_party_ideology = communist ruling_party_ideology = communist_social }

#Trade Union Question

country_event = {
id = 1512060
title = "Trade Unions in $COUNTRY$?"
desc = EVTDESC1512060
picture = "trade_unions"

trigger = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = banned_trade_uninos }

OR = { union_rights = no_trade_unions AND = { union_rights =

state_controlled_unions ai = yes } }

OR = { government = democracy government = democracy1 government = hms_government

government = hms_government1 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "Allow Trade Unions to be formed"
political_reform = restricted_unions
ai_chance = { factor = 1 }

option = {
name = "Continue to ban Trade Unions"
prestige_factor = -0.15
any_pop = { militancy = 3 }
set_country_flag = banned_trade_uninos
ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#Notify Nation of Warship comission

country_event = {
id = 1512061
title = "$FROMCOUNTRY$ accepts our Warship Commission"
desc = "Leading naval engineers from $FROMCOUNTRY$ have approached our
nation's diplomats offering to build our new aircraft carrier. They promise that it
will be worthy to be the pride of our fleet."
picture = "warship_men"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "I can't wait!"

#Provid 3281 Clean up - PAK cedes to HND

country_event = {
id = 1512062
title = "Aksai Chin falls to Indian Forces!"
desc = "As the province of Aksai Chin is surrounded by hostile provinces, we
were unable to defend our claim over it so it was invaded by India and seized."
picture = "aksai_chin_war"

trigger = {
tag = PAK
exists = HND
owns = 3281
HND = { owns = 1226 owns = 1224 }
war = no

option = {
name = "Lodge a strong complaint to the UN"
prestige = -25
3281 = { secede_province = HND }

#Provid 3281 Clean up - HND cedes to PAK

country_event = {
id = 1512063
title = "Aksai Chin falls to Pakistani Forces!"
desc = "As the province of Aksai Chin is surrounded by hostile provinces, we
were unable to defend our claim over it so it was invaded by Pakistan and seized."
picture = "aksai_chin_war"

trigger = {
tag = HND
exists = PAK
owns = 3281
PAK = { owns = 1226 owns = 1224 }
war = no

option = {
name = "Lodge a strong complaint to the UN"
prestige = -25
3281 = { secede_province = PAK }

#RAJ allows self autonomy for the Princely States

country_event = {
id = 1512064
title = "Princely State of $COUNTRY$ under India"
desc = EVTDESC1412198
picture = "union_of_india"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "This limited freedom must be cherished"
overlord = { release_vassal = THIS }
FROM = { create_vassal = THIS }

#Terror support - receiver start

country_event = {
id = 1512065
title = "Terror Groups Supported by Foreign Nation"
desc = "A foreign nation has decided to sponsor terrorist organisations
within our nation. This will cause our nation's poor people to rise in
traditionalist support."
picture = "terrorism_rise_support"

trigger = {
is_greater_power = no
is_secondary_power = no
any_neighbor_country = { has_country_modifier = promoting_terrorists }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = terror_groups_in }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = spy_low }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = spy_high_gp }

option = {
name = "The only way to stop this is through regime change!"
add_country_modifier = { name = terror_groups_in duration = -1 }
set_country_flag = terror_groups_in

#Terror support - receiver end

country_event = {
id = 1512066
title = "Terror Groups' Foreign Support Ends"
desc = "A foreign nation has decided to stop sponsoring terrorist
organisations within our nation. This will cause our nation's poor people to
decrease in traditionalist support."
picture = "terrorism_fall_support"

trigger = {

OR = { has_country_modifier = terror_groups_in has_country_flag =

terror_groups_in }

OR = {
is_greater_power = yes
is_secondary_power = yes
has_country_modifier = spy_low
has_country_modifier = spy_high_gp

NOT = { any_neighbor_country = { has_country_modifier = promoting_terrorists } }


option = {
name = "This is good news"
remove_country_modifier = terror_groups_in
clr_country_flag = terror_groups_in

#Baghdad Pact
country_event = {
id = 1512067
title = "Middle East Treaty Organisation"
desc = EVTDESC1512067
picture = "baghdad_pact"

trigger = {
year = 1955
war = no
is_vassal = no
NOT = { year = 1990 }
OR = { tag = ENG tag = PAK tag = PER tag = IRQ tag = TUR }
NOT = { OR = { government = proletarian_dictatorship government =
proletarian_dictatorship1 government = theocracy } }
NOT = { has_country_flag = meto_flag }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 2

option = {
name = "Join the alliance!"
prestige = 25
set_country_flag = meto_accept
set_country_flag = meto_flag
set_global_flag = cento_start
add_country_modifier = { name = cento_member duration = 1825 }

any_country = { limit = { has_country_flag = meto_accept } relation = { who = THIS

value = 300 } create_alliance = THIS }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "Decline the invitation"
set_country_flag = meto_flag
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Annex independent International Settlements

country_event = {
id = 1512068
title = "End of the $COUNTRY$"
desc = "With the end of the status of $COUNTRY$ as an autonomous dependency
under the mandatory framework, we are now free to reunite with our cultural
picture = "mandate_annex"

trigger = {
is_vassal = no
OR = { CHI = { exists = no } KMT = { exists = no } }
NOT = { AND = { CHI = { exists = no } KMT = { exists = no } } }
government = mandate_government
OR = { tag = WEI tag = QGD tag = SHG }
NOT = { has_country_flag = mandate_stays_independent }

option = {
name = "Unite with our cultural comrades!"
random_country = { limit = { exists = yes OR = { tag = CHI tag = KMT } } inherit =
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Stay independent"
set_country_flag = mandate_stays_independent
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#The Malagasy Uprising

country_event = {
id = 1512069
title = "The Malagasy Uprising of $YEAR$"
desc = EVTDESC1512069
picture = "mad_rebllion"

fire_only_once = yes
trigger = {
tag = FRA
year = 1947
NOT = { has_global_flag = 1950_start_date_flag }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

is_vassal = no
war = no

is_possible_vassal = MAD

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Crush the rebellion!"
prestige = -25
badboy = 2
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = MAD NOT = { province_id = 2115 } }
change_controller = REB any_pop = { militancy = 10 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Let Madagascar be free"
release = MAD
MAD = { government = democracy country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = nationalist }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#European Defence Community

country_event = {
id = 1512070
title = "The European Defence Community"
desc = EVTDESC1512070
picture = "edc_proposal"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1952
war = no
NOT = { year = 1990 }
tag = FRA
is_greater_power = yes
GER = { exists = yes }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "Propose the EDC Treaty"
prestige = 25
relation = { who = USA value = -200 }
any_country = { limit = { exists = yes OR = { tag = GER tag = ITA tag = NET tag =
BEL tag = LUX } } country_event = 1512071 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

option = {
name = "Leave defence to NATO"
prestige = -25
relation = { who = USA value = 200 }
relation = { who = ENG value = 200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

#European Defence Community - receiver

country_event = {
id = 1512071
title = "The European Defence Community"
desc = EVTDESC1512070
picture = "edc_proposal"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Ratify the EDC Treaty"
create_alliance = FROM
relation = { who = FROM value = 200 }
FROM = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 300 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Leave defence to NATO"
prestige = 25
relation = { who = USA value = 200 }
USA = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 50 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Madagascar End of Communism

country_event = {
id = 1512072
title = "Third Republic of Madagascar"
desc = EVTDESC1512072
picture = "MAD_democracy"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = MAD
is_vassal = no
government = proletarian_dictatorship
war = no
NOT = { has_global_flag = blocsenabled }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 9

option = {
name = "Adopt the new democractic constitution"
prestige = 25
government = democracy
country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = liberal
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Reorganise into a socialist democracy"
prestige = -25
government = socialist_democracy
country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = communist_social
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 1825 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "Stay on the path of Communism!"
prestige = -50
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Mugabe Dictatorship 1987

country_event = {
id = 1512073
title = "President Robert Mugabe"
desc = EVTDESC1512073
picture = "ZIM_pres_dic"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ZIM
year = 1987
NOT = { year = 1991 }
government = democracy
war = no
election = no
is_vassal = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 7

option = {
name = "Declare his victory"
government = presidential_dictatorship
country_event = 800050
ruling_party_ideology = socialist
remove_accepted_culture = british
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Call another election!"
prestige = -50
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Zaire democracy
country_event = {
id = 1512074
title = "Democratic Republic of the Congo"
desc = EVTDESC1512074
picture = "CNG_democracy"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = CNG
NOT = { OR = { government = democracy government = socialist_democracy government =
democracy1 government = hms_government government = hms_government1 } }
OR = { war = yes has_recently_lost_war = yes }
is_vassal = no
year = 1997

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Adopt the new democractic constitution"
prestige = 25
government = democracy
country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = conservative
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Stay on the path of Mobutism!"
prestige = -50
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

country_event = {
id = 1512075
title = "$YEAR$ Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting"
desc = EVTDESC1512075
picture = "chogm"

trigger = {
year = 1967
NOT = { has_country_modifier = commonwealthmembereng }
has_country_modifier = commonwealthmember
any_greater_power = { has_country_modifier = commonwealthmembereng }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = relations_timer }
is_vassal = no
war = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60

option = {
name = "Curry favour with the organisation's leader"
prestige = 5
remove_country_modifier = assimilation_boost
add_country_modifier = { name = relations_timer duration = 365 }
random_country = { limit = { has_country_modifier = commonwealthmembereng }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 20 } relation = { who = THIS value = 25
} }

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.1
value = liberal

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.1
value = big_tent

ai_chance = { factor = 0.4 }


option = {
name = "Express solidarity with fellow Commonwealth nations"
remove_country_modifier = assimilation_boost
add_country_modifier = { name = relations_timer duration = 365 }
prestige = 10
any_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = commonwealthmember }
relation = { who = THIS value = 25 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.3 }

option = {
name = "Re-affirm the ideals of the Commonwealth"
prestige = 20
add_country_modifier = { name = relations_timer duration = 365 }
add_country_modifier = { name = assimilation_boost duration = 1825 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.3 }

country_event = {
id = 1512076
title = "$YEAR$ La Francophonie Summit"
desc = EVTDESC1512075
picture = "francophonegm"

trigger = {
year = 1981
NOT = { has_country_modifier = francophonemembereng }
has_country_modifier = francophonemember
any_greater_power = { has_country_modifier = francophonemembereng }
is_vassal = no
war = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60

option = {
name = "Curry favour with the organisation's leader"
prestige = 5
remove_country_modifier = assimilation_boost
add_country_modifier = { name = relations_timer duration = 365 }
random_country = { limit = { has_country_modifier = francophonemembereng }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 20 } relation = { who = THIS value = 25
} }

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.1
value = liberal

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.1
value = big_tent

ai_chance = { factor = 0.4 }


option = {
name = "Express solidarity with the La Francophonie"
remove_country_modifier = assimilation_boost
add_country_modifier = { name = relations_timer duration = 365 }
prestige = 10
any_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = francophonemember }
relation = { who = THIS value = 25 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.3 }

option = {
name = "Re-affirm the ideals of La Francophonie"
prestige = 20
add_country_modifier = { name = relations_timer duration = 365 }
add_country_modifier = { name = assimilation_boost duration = 1825 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.3 }

#Commonwealth of Independent States

country_event = {
id = 1512077
title = "$YEAR$ Interparliamentary Assembly Plenary Meeting"
desc = EVTDESC1512077
picture = "cisgm"

trigger = {
year = 1991
NOT = { has_country_modifier = cismembereng }
has_country_modifier = cismember
any_greater_power = { has_country_modifier = cismembereng }
is_vassal = no
war = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60

option = {
name = "Curry favour with the organisation's leader"
prestige = 5
remove_country_modifier = assimilation_boost
add_country_modifier = { name = relations_timer duration = 365 }
random_country = { limit = { has_country_modifier = cismembereng }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 20 } relation = { who = THIS value = 25
} }

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.1
value = populist

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.1
value = nationalist

ai_chance = { factor = 0.4 }


option = {
name = "Express solidarity with the CIS nations"
remove_country_modifier = assimilation_boost
add_country_modifier = { name = relations_timer duration = 365 }
prestige = 10
any_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = cismember }
relation = { who = THIS value = 25 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.3 }

option = {
name = "Re-affirm the ideals of the CIS"
prestige = 20
add_country_modifier = { name = relations_timer duration = 365 }
add_country_modifier = { name = assimilation_boost duration = 1825 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.3 }

#Remove Neutrality from vassals

country_event = {
id = 1512078
title = "End of $COUNTRY_ADJ$ Neutrality"
desc = "$COUNTRY$ has become a protectorate of a greater power so we have
lost our right to remain a neutral nation."
picture = "lose_neutrality"

trigger = {
has_country_flag = neutrality
is_vassal = yes

option = {
name = "We are no longer enjoying the splendid isolation"
prestige = -50
remove_country_modifier = declared_neutrality
clr_country_flag = renounced_war_rights
clr_country_flag = neutrality

country_event = {
id = 1512079
title = "Afrikaner Nationalism"
desc = EVTDESC1512079
picture = "volkstaat"

fire_only_once = yes
trigger = {
tag = SAF
NOT = { OR = { primary_culture = afrikaaner primary_culture = british } }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "Afrikaners are South Africans"
prestige = 25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Grant them self-rule"
prestige = -25
release_vassal = VLS
VLS = { government = sar_government country_event = 800054 ruling_party_ideology =
conservative }
sphere_owner = { diplomatic_influence = { who = VLS value = 200 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Costs of War Level 1

country_event = {
id = 1512080
title = "Economy Strained by Total War"
desc = EVTDESC1512080
picture = "costs_of_war"

trigger = {
war = yes
OR = { is_mobilised = yes national_provinces_occupied = 0.10 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_1 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_2 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_3 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_4 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 18

option = {
name = "$COUNTRY_ADJ$ industry must push on!"
add_country_modifier = { name = costs_of_war_1 duration = -1 }

#Costs of War Level 2

country_event = {
id = 1512081
title = "Economy Further Strained by Total War"
desc = EVTDESC1512080
picture = "costs_of_war"

trigger = {
war = yes
OR = { is_mobilised = yes national_provinces_occupied = 0.20 }
has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_1
NOT = { has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_2 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_3 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_4 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 18

option = {
name = "$COUNTRY_ADJ$ industry must push on!"
remove_country_modifier = costs_of_war_1
add_country_modifier = { name = costs_of_war_2 duration = -1 }

#Costs of War Level 3

country_event = {
id = 1512082
title = "Economy Further Strained by Total War"
desc = EVTDESC1512080
picture = "costs_of_war"

trigger = {
war = yes
OR = { is_mobilised = yes national_provinces_occupied = 0.30 }
has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_2
NOT = { has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_3 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_4 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 18

option = {
name = "$COUNTRY_ADJ$ industry must push on!"
remove_country_modifier = costs_of_war_2
add_country_modifier = { name = costs_of_war_3 duration = -1 }

#Costs of War Level 4

country_event = {
id = 1512083
title = "Economy Further Strained by Total War"
desc = EVTDESC1512080
picture = "costs_of_war"

trigger = {
war = yes
OR = { is_mobilised = yes national_provinces_occupied = 0.40 }
has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_3
NOT = { has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_4 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 18

option = {
name = "$COUNTRY_ADJ$ industry must push on!"
remove_country_modifier = costs_of_war_3
add_country_modifier = { name = costs_of_war_4 duration = -1 }

#Costs of War - Demobilisation

country_event = {
id = 1512084
title = "Demobilisation of $COUNTRY$"
desc = EVTDESC1512084
picture = "demobilisation_effect"

trigger = {
war = no
is_mobilised = no

OR = {
has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_1
has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_2
has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_3
has_country_modifier = costs_of_war_4

option = {
name = "The $COUNTRY_ADJ$ people have suffered enough"

remove_country_modifier = costs_of_war_1
remove_country_modifier = costs_of_war_2
remove_country_modifier = costs_of_war_3
remove_country_modifier = costs_of_war_4

add_country_modifier = { name = costs_of_war_demob duration = 1825 }


#Belize Self-government
country_event = {
id = 1512085
title = "Self-Rule in British Honduras?"
desc = EVTDESC1512085
picture = "british_honduras_dominion"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1964
NOT = { year = 1990 }
tag = ENG
government = hms_government
war = no
owns = 2190
BLZ = { exists = no }
GUA = { exists = yes }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "We shall guide them to independence"

prestige = 10

release_vassal = BLZ

diplomatic_influence = { who = BLZ value = 200 }

BLZ = {
government = colonial_government
country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = conservative

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.9
value = conservative

ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Cede the territory to Guatemala"
prestige = -10
relation = { who = USA value = 50 }
relation = { who = GUA value = 200 }
2190 = { secede_province = GUA }
2190 = { add_province_modifier = { name = nationalist_agitation duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

option = {
name = "Hold on to the lands!"
prestige = -25
badboy = 5
relation = { who = GUA value = -200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Indepedence of the Bahamas
country_event = {
id = 1512086
title = "Commonwealth of the Bahamas"
desc = EVTDESC1512086
picture = "bahamas_indy"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1973
NOT = { year = 1990 }
tag = ENG
government = hms_government
war = no
owns = 2219
BAH = { exists = no }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 7

option = {
name = "Grant them independence within the Commonwealth"

prestige = 10

release = BAH

diplomatic_influence = { who = BAH value = 200 }

BAH = {
government = hms_government1
country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = conservative

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.9
value = conservative

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Refuse independence"
prestige = -50
badboy = 2.5
2219 = { add_province_modifier = { name = nationalist_agitation duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Socialist Democracy only has socialist parties

country_event = {
id = 1512087
title = "$COUNTRY$ is Socialist!"
desc = "As we are a Socialist Democracy, only Socialists, Progressives,
Communists and Market Communists are allowed in the Government. This event will
remove the traitorous scum from our government."
picture = "socialist_demo_restrictions"

trigger = {
government = socialist_democracy
election = no
NOT = { OR = { ruling_party_ideology = socialist ruling_party_ideology
= progressive ruling_party_ideology = communist ruling_party_ideology =
communist_social } }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = revolution_chaos }

option = {
name = "Workers of the world unite!"

#Revert back to socialism

ruling_party_ideology = socialist

#Non-socialists are angry

any_pop = {
scaled_consciousness = { factor = 10 ideology = traditionalist }
scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = traditionalist }
any_pop = {
scaled_consciousness = { factor = 10 ideology = conservative }
scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = conservative }
any_pop = {
scaled_consciousness = { factor = 10 ideology = liberal }
scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = liberal }
any_pop = {
scaled_consciousness = { factor = 10 ideology = big_tent }
scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = big_tent }
any_pop = {
scaled_consciousness = { factor = 10 ideology = nationalist }
scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = nationalist }
any_pop = {
scaled_consciousness = { factor = 10 ideology = populist }
scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = populist }

ai_chance = {
factor = 0.99

modifier = {
factor = 0
tag = RUS

option = {
name = "Let the will of the people speak!"
prestige_factor = -0.1

#Add revolution modifier

remove_country_modifier = revolution_chaos
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }

#Socialists side is angry

any_pop = {
scaled_consciousness = { factor = 10 ideology = socialist }
scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = socialist }
any_pop = {
scaled_consciousness = { factor = 5 ideology = progressive }
scaled_militancy = { factor = 5 ideology = progressive }
any_pop = {
scaled_consciousness = { factor = 10 ideology = communist }
scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = communist }
any_pop = {
scaled_consciousness = { factor = 10 ideology =
communist_social }
scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = communist_social }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.01 }


#Belize Name Change

country_event = {
id = 1512088
title = "Road to Belizean Independence"
desc = EVTDESC1512088
picture = "british_belize_indy"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = BLZ
year = 1973
NOT = { year = 1990 }

government = colonial_government
is_vassal = yes

GUA = { exists = yes }


mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "Push for independence!"
prestige = 10
government = hms_government
set_global_flag = blz_indy_enable
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Join Guatemala as an associated state"
prestige = -50
overlord = { release_vassal = THIS }
all_core = { remove_core = GUA }
GUA = { create_vassal = THIS }
government = sar_government
any_pop = { militancy = 3 }
all_core = { add_core = GUA }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

option = {
name = "Stay British to protect Belize from Guatemala"
prestige = -25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Republic of Mauritius
country_event = {
id = 1512089
title = "Republic of Mauritius"
desc = EVTDESC1512089
picture = "mrt_republic"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = MRT
year = 1992
government = hms_government1
is_vassal = no
election = no
war = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Adopt the new constitution!"
prestige = 10
government = democracy
country_event = 800054
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Stay a Commonwealth Realm"
prestige = -25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Federal Republic of Nigeria

country_event = {
id = 1512090
title = "Federal Republic of Nigeria"
desc = EVTDESC1512090
picture = "nge_republic"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1963
NOT = { year = 1990 }
tag = NGE
government = hms_government1
is_vassal = no
war = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Adopt the new constitution!"
prestige = 25
government = democracy
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 1825 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Stay a Commonwealth Realm"
prestige = -50
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Independence of Fiji
country_event = {
id = 1512091
title = "Independence of Fiji"
desc = EVTDESC1512091
picture = "fij_indy"

fire_only_once = yes
trigger = {
tag = ENG
government = hms_government
year = 1970
NOT = { year = 1990 }
FIJ = { exists = no }
owns = 2454
war = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Set Fiji free!"
prestige = 25
release = FIJ
diplomatic_influence = { who = FIJ value = 200 }
FIJ = { government = hms_government1 }

#FIJ = { set_country_flag = former_colonial_nation }

FIJ = { ruling_party_ideology = conservative }

FIJ = { add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 } }
badboy = -1
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Deny self-determination"
prestige = -50
badboy = 2
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Sale of Christmas Island

country_event = {
id = 1512092
title = "Sale of Christmas Island"
desc = EVTDESC1512092
picture = "christmas_island"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ENG
government = hms_government
year = 1958
NOT = { year = 1990 }
is_our_vassal = SNG
owns = 2244
war = no
AST = { exists = yes }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Sell the island to Australia"
relation = { who = AST value = 50 }
2244 = { remove_core = ENG }
2244 = { add_core = AST }
2244 = { secede_province = AST }
money = 200000
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Leave the island tied to the Singapore Government"
2244 = { remove_core = ENG }
2244 = { add_core = SNG }
2244 = { secede_province = SNG }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "The island is ours!"
prestige = -25
2244 = { add_core = AST }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Sale of Cocos (Keeling) Islands

country_event = {
id = 1512093
title = "Sale of Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
desc = EVTDESC1512093
picture = "cocos_island"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ENG
government = hms_government
year = 1955
NOT = { year = 1990 }
SNG = { exists = no }
owns = 2406
war = no
AST = { exists = yes }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 11

option = {
name = "Sell the island to Australia"
relation = { who = AST value = 50 }
2406 = { remove_core = ENG }
2406 = { add_core = AST }
2406 = { secede_province = AST }
money = 100000
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Leave the island tied to the Colony of Singapore"
2406 = { remove_core = ENG }
2406 = { add_core = SNG }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "The island is ours!"
prestige = -25
2406 = { add_core = AST }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Post Colonial Political fragmentation

country_event = {
id = 1512094
title = "Post Colonial Politics"
desc = EVTDESC1512094
picture = "post_colonial_politics"

trigger = {
is_vassal = no
war = no
pop_majority_ideology = nationalist
has_country_flag = former_colonial_nation
has_country_modifier = newly_independent_country
NOT = { has_country_flag = post_colonial_politics }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "The political scene of $COUNTRY$ will diversify"

election = yes

set_country_flag = post_colonial_politics

add_country_modifier = { name = post_colonial_chaos duration = 1825 }

any_pop = {

limit = { OR = { is_accepted_culture = yes is_primary_culture = yes } }

ideology = {
factor = -0.75
value = nationalist

#The Last Emperor

country_event = {
id = 1512095
title = "Repatriation of Puyi to China"
desc = EVTDESC1512095
picture = "puyi_china"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = RUS
year = 1950
NOT = { year = 1990 }
CHI = { government = proletarian_dictatorship }
CHI = { exists = yes war = no }
has_global_flag = puyi_china

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 8

option = {
name = "Banish him to Communist China for a life of hard labour"
relation = { who = CHI value = 100 }
CHI = { country_event = 1512097 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Grant him asylum in the Soviet Union"
relation = { who = CHI value = -50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "Let him leave for asylum in Japan"
prestige = -25
relation = { who = JAP value = 50 }
relation = { who = USA value = 50 }
relation = { who = CHI value = -100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#The Last Emperor 2

country_event = {
id = 1512096
title = "The Trial of Puyi"
desc = EVTDESC1512096
picture = "puyi_trial"

fire_only_once = yes
trigger = {
tag = USA
year = 1946
NOT = { has_global_flag = 1950_start_date_flag }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4

option = {
name = "Do not indict him for War Crimes"
set_global_flag = puyi_china
relation = { who = CHI value = -50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Indict him for War Crimes"
prestige = -25
relation = { who = CHI value = 50 }
relation = { who = KMT value = 50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#The Last Emperor 3

country_event = {
id = 1512097
title = "The Last Emperor of China"
desc = EVTDESC1512095
picture = "puyi_china"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Re-educate him in Marxism"
prestige = 25
any_pop = { consciousness = 2 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Execute him for treason to the Chinese people"
any_pop = { militancy = -3 consciousness = -5 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Sale of Greenland to the USA - USA

country_event = {
id = 1512098
title = "The Sale of Greenland"
desc = EVTDESC1512098
picture = "sale_of_greenland"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = USA
year = 1946
DEN = { owns = 251 }
GRN = { exists = no }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 12

option = {
name = "Propose the sale"
DEN = { country_event = 1512099 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Pass on the offer"
DEN = { add_country_modifier = { name = economic_boom duration = 1825 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Sale of Greenland to the USA - DEN

country_event = {
id = 1512099
title = "The Sale of Greenland"
desc = EVTDESC1512098
picture = "sale_of_greenland"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Agree to the sale"
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = GRN } secede_province = USA }
money = 2000000
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

option = {
name = "Grant military basing rights to the USA"
relation = { who = USA value = 100 }
create_alliance = USA
USA = { diplomatic_influence = { who = DEN value = 50 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Refuse"
relation = { who = USA value = -50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Operation Blue Star

country_event = {
id = 1512100
title = "Operation Blue Star"
desc = EVTDESC1512100
picture = "blue_star"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = HND
year = 1984
owns = 1233
PNJ = { exists = no }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "Resist the Sikh militants!"
prestige = -100
any_pop = { limit = { is_accepted_culture = no is_primary_culture = no } militancy
= 5 }
all_core = { limit = { is_core = PNJ } add_province_modifier = { name =
nationalist_agitation duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Grant the Sikhs self-rule"
release_vassal = PNJ
PNJ = { government = sar_government country_event = 800054 set_country_flag =
former_devolved_nation }
diplomatic_influence = { who = PNJ value = 200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Francoist Stability
country_event = {
id = 1512101
title = "Liberalisation of the Spanish Media"
desc = EVTDESC1512101
picture = "franco_stability"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = SPA
government = populist_dictatorship
OR = { average_militancy = 8 badboy = 0.9 }
NOT = { year = 1990 }
war = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Relax our grip over the media to relieve the unrest"
prestige = -50
badboy = -10
political_reform = firewall_publishing
any_pop = { militancy = -5 }
all_core = { limit = { is_core = SPA } add_province_modifier = { name =
support_the_government duration = 1825 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "No compromise with the opposition"
any_pop = { militancy = 2 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Beria outcome
country_event = {
id = 1512102
title = "Greater Autonomy for the SSRs"
desc = EVTDESC1512102
picture = "ussr_fragmentation"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Embrace the new reality"
prestige_factor = 0.05
badboy = -5

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = AZB } } owner

= { AZB = { country_event = 1512103 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = UKR } } owner
= { UKR = { country_event = 1512103 set_country_flag =
UKR_CRI_1991_claim_flag } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = BYE } } owner
= { BYE = { country_event = 1512103 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = GEO } } owner
= { GEO = { country_event = 1512103 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = ARM } } owner
= { ARM = { country_event = 1512103 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = TKR } } owner
= { TKR = { country_event = 1512103 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = MOL } } owner
= { MOL = { country_event = 1512103 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = UZB } } owner
= { UZB = { country_event = 1512103 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = KYR } } owner
= { KYR = { country_event = 1512103 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = TAJ } } owner
= { TAJ = { country_event = 1512103 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = KAZ } } owner
= { KAZ = { country_event = 1512103 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = LAT } } owner
= { LAT = { country_event = 1512103 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = LIT } } owner
= { LIT = { country_event = 1512103 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_possible_vassal = EST } } owner
= { EST = { country_event = 1512103 } } }

#Beria outcome - SSRs

country_event = {
id = 1512103
title = "Greater Autonomy to the SSRs"
desc = EVTDESC1512102
picture = "ussr_fragmentation"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Embrace the new reality"
FROM = {
release_vassal = THIS
relation = { who = THIS value = 200 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 200 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 200 }
government = proletarian_dictatorship1
ruling_party_ideology = communist
country_event = 800052

add_country_modifier = { name = prince_of_terror duration = 3650 }

#Increase nationalism
any_pop = {
limit = { strata = middle }
ideology = { factor = 0.20 value = nationalist }
militancy = -2.5
consciousness = 2.5
any_pop = {
limit = { strata = poor }
ideology = { factor = 0.10 value = nationalist }
militancy = -5
consciousness = 5

#Tiger Cub Economies

country_event = {
id = 1512104
title = "The Tiger Cub Economies"
desc = EVTDESC1512104
picture = "tiger_cub_eco"

trigger = {
year = 1975
OR = { tag = MSY tag = THI tag = PHI tag = IDO }
economic_policy = state_capitalism
flexible_exchange_rates = 1
OR = { government = democracy government = presidential_dictatorship government =
democracy1 government = hms_government government = hms_government1 }
NOT = { year = 1990 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = economic_boom }
NOT = { has_country_flag = tiger_cub_eco }
war = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 25

option = {
name = "The economic development begins!"
set_country_flag = tiger_cub_eco
prestige = 25
money = -500000
add_country_modifier = { name = economic_boom duration = 5475 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Give this a pass"
money = 100000
set_country_flag = tiger_cub_eco
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Union of Djibouti and Somalia

country_event = {
id = 1512105
title = "Union of Djibouti and Somalia"
desc = EVTDESC1512105
picture = "dji_som"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = DJI
exists = SOM
is_vassal = no
war = no
SOM = { is_vassal = no war = no }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Remain independent"
prestige = 25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Join a Somalian Confederation"
SOM = { create_vassal = DJI }
government = sar_government
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "Unite fully with Somalia"
SOM = { inherit = DJI }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Republic of South Maluku

country_event = {
id = 1512106
title = "South Moluccan Insurgency"
desc = EVTDESC1512106
picture = "smu_ido"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = IDO
SMU = { exists = no }
is_vassal = no
owns = 1449
has_country_flag = ido_united
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4

option = {
name = "Crush the insurgency"
badboy = 10
release = SMU

war = {
target = SMU
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = status_quo }
call_ally = no

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "Grant South Maluku independence"
prestige = -50
release = SMU
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#1971 JVP insurrection

country_event = {
id = 1512109
title = "$YEAR$ JVP insurrection"
desc = EVTDESC1512109
picture = "sri_comm"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = SRL
NOT = { ruling_party_ideology = communist }
NOT = { ruling_party_ideology = communist_social }
NOT = { ruling_party_ideology = socialist }
is_vassal = no
year = 1971
war = no
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4

option = {
name = "Crush the communists!"
prestige = 25
money = -250000
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 365 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Embrace communism!"
government = proletarian_dictatorship
country_event = 800052
sphere_owner = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -200 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Issue of South West Africa

country_event = {
id = 1512110
title = "End of the South West Africa Mandate"
desc = EVTDESC1512110
picture = "swaf_issue"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = SAF
year = 1966
NAM = { exists = no }
owns = 2078
war = no
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4

option = {
name = "Cling on to South West Africa!"
prestige = -100
badboy = 10
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = NAM } add_province_modifier = { name =
nationalist_agitation duration = 18250 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Give in to the UN and prepare Namibia for independence"
release_vassal = NAM
NAM = { government = mandate_government country_event = 800054 }
sphere_owner = { diplomatic_influence = { who = NAM value = 200 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Move Capital Back to Paris in event of UGR defeat

country_event = {
id = 1512112
title = "13 May Military Junta Wins"
desc = "The coup plotters have successfully won the civil war. Charles de
Gaulle has fled the country into exile. The army is now supreme in the French
picture = "1958_coup_win"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = FRA
NOT = { capital = 425 }
war = no
UGR = { exists = no }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

option = {
name = "It's the end of unstable democracy in France"
capital = 425
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }

#Choice for Brunei to join Malaysia

country_event = {
id = 1512113
title = "Brunei in Malaysia?"
desc = EVTDESC1512113
picture = "bru_msy_fed"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Refuse, Brunei shall not be subject to Malaysia"
prestige = 25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Join the federation"
all_core = { add_core = MSY }
MSY = { inherit = BRU }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Australian Republican Referendum 1999

country_event = {
id = 1512114
title = "Australian Republic Referendum, $YEAR$"
desc = EVTDESC1512114
picture = "ast_republic"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = AST
election = no
is_vassal = no
war = no
year = 1999
OR = { government = hms_government government = hms_government1 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 11

option = {
name = "Keep the Australian Monarchy"
prestige = 25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Become a republic!"
government = democracy
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Siamese coup d'état of 1947

country_event = {
id = 1512115
title = "Siamese coup d'état of $YEAR$"
desc = EVTDESC1512115
picture = "thi_1947_coup"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = THI
election = no
is_vassal = no
war = no
year = 1947
NOT = { year = 1990 }
OR = { government = hms_government government = hms_government1 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 11

option = {
name = "The Coup Group succeeds"
government = absolute_monarchy
country_event = 800050
ruling_party_ideology = nationalist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "The coup shall fail"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#1973 Thai popular uprising

country_event = {
id = 1512116
title = "$YEAR$ Thai Popular Uprising"
desc = EVTDESC1512116
picture = "thi_1973_demo"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = THI
election = no
is_vassal = no
war = no
year = 1973
NOT = { year = 1990 }
government = absolute_monarchy

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Long live democracy!"
government = hms_government
country_event = 800054
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Crush the students!"
badboy = 15
prestige = -50
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#2014 Thai coup d'état

country_event = {
id = 1512117
title = "$YEAR$ Thai coup d'état"
desc = EVTDESC1512117
picture = "thi_2014_coup"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = THI
election = no
is_vassal = no
war = no
year = 2014
OR = { government = hms_government government = hms_government1 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "Suspend the constitution"
government = absolute_monarchy
country_event = 800050
ruling_party_ideology = nationalist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Hold back and let the coup fail"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Grenada communist
country_event = {
id = 1512118
title = "People's Revolutionary Government"
desc = EVTDESC1512118
picture = "grd_coup"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = GRD
election = no
is_vassal = no
war = no
year = 1979
NOT = { year = 1990 }
OR = { government = democracy government = democracy1 government = hms_government
government = hms_government1 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "Suspend the constitution"
government = proletarian_dictatorship
country_event = 800052
ruling_party_ideology = communist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Hold back and let the coup fail"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Grenada communist - USA

country_event = {
id = 1512119
title = "Operation Urgent Fury"
desc = EVTDESC1512119
picture = "grd_coup_usa"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = USA
election = no
is_vassal = no
war = no
year = 1983
NOT = { year = 1990 }
government = democracy
GRD = { government = proletarian_dictatorship war = no is_vassal = no }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Declare war on Grenada!"
badboy = 5
set_global_flag = urgent_fury_fired
war = {
target = GRD
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = install_democracy }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = humiliate }
call_ally = yes
relation = { who = ENG value = -100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Respect their Sovereignty"
prestige_factor = -0.1
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Grenada communist - End - HM or Democracy

country_event = {
id = 1512120
title = "New Constitution for Grenada"
desc = EVTDESC1512120
picture = "grd_coup_usa"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = GRD
has_global_flag = urgent_fury_fired
election = no
is_vassal = no
war = no
has_recently_lost_war = yes
NOT = { year = 1990 }
OR = { government = democracy government = democracy1 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Restore the previous Constitution"
government = hms_government
relation = { who = ENG value = 100 }
country_event = 800054
diplomatic_influence = { who = ENG value = 200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Become a Republic"
government = democracy
prestige = 10
country_event = 800054
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Remove Ports and Forts in UNT territories

country_event = {
id = 1512122
title = "Disarmament"
desc = "The UN will remove all ports in its occupied territories."
picture = "un_trust_territory"

trigger = {
tag = UNT
any_owned_province = { OR = { has_building = fort has_building = naval_base } }

option = {
name = "Disarm"
any_owned = { limit = { has_building = fort } fort = -10 }
any_owned = { limit = { has_building = naval_base } naval_base = -10 }

#State Union between Russia and Belarus

country_event = {
id = 1512123
title = "The Union State of Russia and Belarus"
desc = EVTDESC1512123
picture = "rus_bye_union_treaty"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = BYE
year = 1997

government = populist_dictatorship
is_vassal = no
war = no

accepted_culture = russian

#Russia situation
NOT = { truce_with = RUS }
RUS = { exists = yes is_greater_power = yes war = no }

#Post Cold War

NOT = { has_global_flag = blocsenabled }
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4

option = {
name = "Sign the Treaty but on a confederation status"
prestige = 50

#Russia gains influence in Belarus

RUS = {
relation = { who = THIS value = 200 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 200 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }


option = {
name = "Sign the Treaty on a federation status"
prestige = 100

#Belarus becomes a vassal of Russia

RUS = {
create_vassal = BYE
any_owned = {
limit = { is_core = BYE }
secede_province = BYE

#BYE becomes an SAR government

government = sar_government

#Russia gains influence in Belarus

RUS = {
relation = { who = THIS value = 200 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 200 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }


option = {
name = "Propose a full union! (90% chance)"

#Choice for Russia to accept

RUS = { country_event = 15121231 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }


option = {
name = "Reject the treaty"

#Russia loses influence in Belarus

RUS = {
relation = { who = THIS value = -50 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -100 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }


#State Union between Russia and Belarus - Full Union

country_event = {
id = 15121231
title = "The Union State of Russia and Belarus"
desc = EVTDESC1512123
picture = "rus_bye_union_treaty"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Accept the offer!"

#Become the Union of Russia and Belarus

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { BYE = { ai = yes } RUS = { ai = no } } }
owner = {
RUS = {
prestige = 100
inherit = BYE
change_tag = RBU
RBU = { capital = 1008 } # Moscow
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { BYE = { ai = no } RUS = { ai = yes } } }
owner = {
BYE = {
prestige = 100
inherit = RUS
change_tag = RBU
RBU = { capital = 1008 } # Moscow

RBU = {
primary_culture = russian
add_accepted_culture = byelorussian

government = democracy

clr_country_flag = presidential_system_republic
clr_country_flag = semi_presidential_system_republic
clr_country_flag = parliamentary_system_republic
set_country_flag = semi_presidential_system_republic

add_country_modifier = { name = changecentral duration = 1825 }

political_reform = regulated_opinion
political_reform = registered_voting
political_reform = parties_only_nominated
political_reform = jefferson_method
political_reform = state_controlled_unions
political_reform = minorities_oppression
political_reform = lgbt_equal_rights #Conscription
political_reform = limited_meetings
political_reform = elitist_service
political_reform = firewall_publishing

#Russian nationalism rises

any_pop = {
limit = { is_primary_culture = yes }
militancy = 5
consciousness = 5
ideology = { factor = 0.10 value = nationalist }
#Regional nationalism rises
any_pop = {
limit = { is_primary_culture = no is_accepted_culture =
no }
militancy = 10
consciousness = 10
ideology = { factor = 0.20 value = nationalist }

BYE = { primary_culture = byelorussian }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "Reject the offer!"

#Russia loses influence in Belarus

relation = { who = BYE value = -100 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = BYE value = -100 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }


#Albanian People's Republic

country_event = {
id = 1512126
title = "People's Socialist Republic of Albania"
desc = EVTDESC1512126
picture = "alb_comm_start"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ALB
OR = { government = democracy government = democracy1 government = hms_government
government = hms_government1 }
is_vassal = no
war = no
year = 1946
NOT = { year = 1990 }
ruling_party_ideology = communist
has_global_flag = blocsenabled

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Join the Eastern Bloc"
RUS = { create_vassal = ALB }
government = proletarian_dictatorship
country_event = 800052
relation = { who = RUS value = 200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.95 }

option = {
name = "Resist the Sovietisation of Albania"
war = {
target = RUS
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = become_independent }
call_ally = no
ai_chance = { factor = 0.05 }

#Independence of Grenada
country_event = {
id = 1512128
title = "Independence of Grenada"
desc = EVTDESC1512128
picture = "grd_indy"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ENG
is_our_vassal = GRD
year = 1974
NOT = { year = 1990 }
war = no
is_vassal = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 2

option = {
name = "Let them go their own ways"
release_vassal = GRD
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Refuse independence"
prestige = -50
badboy = 10
relation = { who = GRD value = -200 }
GRD = { add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Vietnam Socialist Democracy

country_event = {
id = 1512130
title = "Calls for Democratic Socialism"
desc = EVTDESC1512130
picture = "dai_soc_dem"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = DAI
government = proletarian_dictatorship
war = no
is_vassal = no
ruling_party_ideology = communist_social
NOT = { has_global_flag = blocsenabled }
average_militancy = 5

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Relinquish the Communist Party's monopoly on power"
any_pop = { militancy = -5 }
government = socialist_democracy
country_event = 800054
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Refuse further reforms"
prestige = -50
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Zamboanga City crisis

country_event = {
id = 1512131
title = "Zamboanga City Crisis"
desc = EVTDESC1512131
picture = "min_civil_war"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = PHI
year = 2013
is_vassal = no
war = no
is_possible_vassal = MIN

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 8

option = {
name = "Crush the insurgency!"
release = MIN
war = {
target = MIN
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = civil_war }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = become_independent }
call_ally = no
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Grant independence to the Moro people"
prestige = -50
release = MIN
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles

country_event = {
id = 1512132
title = "Dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles"
desc = EVTDESC1512132
picture = "dutch_antilles_break"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = NET
government = hms_government
year = 2010
is_vassal = no
war = no
CUR = { exists = yes vassal_of = NET government = colonial_government }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Dissolve the Netherlands Antilles!"
inherit = CUR
release_vassal = SMA
release_vassal = CUR
release_vassal = ARU
CUR = { government = sar_government country_event = 800054 primary_culture =
pardo_portuguese set_country_flag = former_devolved_nation }
SMA = { government = sar_government country_event = 800054 primary_culture =
pardo_portuguese set_country_flag = former_devolved_nation }
ARU = { government = sar_government country_event = 800054 primary_culture =
pardo_portuguese set_country_flag = former_devolved_nation }
diplomatic_influence = { who = CUR value = 200 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = SMA value = 200 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = ARU value = 200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Keep the union"
prestige = -50
badboy = 2
CUR = {

any_owned = {
limit = { NOT = { is_core = CUR } }
add_province_modifier = { name = nationalist_agitation duration = 3650 }

add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Belgian monarchy referendum, 1950

country_event = {
id = 1512133
title = "Belgian Monarchy Referendum"
desc = EVTDESC1512133
picture = "bel_king_vote"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = BEL
year = 1950
NOT = { year = 1990 }
is_vassal = no
war = no
government = hms_government

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Keep the monarchy!"
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Become a republic"
government = democracy
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#EEC countries join the French Sphere during the cold war
country_event = {
id = 1512134
title = "The European Economic Community"
desc = EVTDESC1512134
picture = "eec_join"

trigger = {
OR = { government = democracy government = democracy1 government = hms_government
government = hms_government1 }
NOT = { has_country_flag = eec_choice_made }
capital_scope = { continent = europe }
is_greater_power = no
year = 1958
part_of_sphere = no
is_vassal = no
war = no
has_global_flag = european_coal_and_steel_community
has_global_flag = blocsenabled
GER = { exists = yes government = democracy tech_school = XEU_tech_school }
FRA = { exists = yes government = democracy is_greater_power = yes tech_school =
XEU_tech_school }
tech_school = XEU_tech_school

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Join the EEC fully!"
prestige = 50
FRA = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 200 } prestige = 50 }
set_country_flag = eec_choice_made
ai_chance = { factor = 1 }

option = {
name = "Delay integration"
prestige = -50
set_country_flag = eec_choice_made
ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#Iranian Claims over Bahrain

country_event = {
id = 1512135
title = "Iran's Claim Over Bahrain"
desc = EVTDESC1512135
picture = "1604"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = PER
BHR = { exists = yes is_vassal = no }

OR = { government = hms_government government = hms_government1

government = absolute_monarchy }
is_vassal = no
war = no

1162 = { is_core = PER }


option = {
name = "Give up the claims!"
prestige = 50
1162 = { remove_core = PER }
relation = { who = BHR value = 100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "We cannot abandon our 14th province"
badboy = 10
prestige = -50
relation = { who = BHR value = -100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#End of the Warsaw Pact

country_event = {
id = 1512136
title = "Dissolution of the USSR"
desc = EVT_8014249_DESC
picture = "rus_form_pic"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Declare $COUNTRY_ADJ$ sovereignty!"
prestige = 50
overlord = { release_vassal = THIS }
RUS = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -100 } }
relation = { who = RUS value = -200 }
country_event = { id = 1512137 days = 2 }
ai_chance = { factor = 1 }

option = {
name = "Remain in the Russian sphere"
prestige = -50
ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#End of the Warsaw Pact - choose Gov type
country_event = {
id = 1512137
title = "Constitutional Conference of $YEAR$"
desc = EVTDESC1512137
picture = "warsaw_pact_end_gov"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Embrace democracy!"
government = democracy
country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = liberal
any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.25 value = liberal } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Maintain the status quo"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.25 value = communist } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Communist Nations ally with the Soviet Bloc

country_event = {
id = 1512138
title = "$COUNTRY_ADJ$-Soviet Treaty of Friendship"
desc = EVTDESC1512138
picture = "treaty_of_friendship_ussr_comm"

trigger = {
NOT = { tag = RUS }
has_global_flag = blocsenabled
is_vassal = no
war = no
exists = RUS
OR = { government = proletarian_dictatorship government = proletarian_dictatorship1
NOT = { alliance_with = RUS }
NOT = { AND = { tag = GRD ai = yes } }
NOT = { has_country_flag = treaty_of_friendship_ussr_comm }
wars_of_national_liberation = 1

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Yes!"
RUS = { country_event = 19801 }

relation = { who = RUS value = 200 }

create_alliance = RUS
any_country = {
limit = {
OR = { has_country_modifier = democratic_bloc_leader has_country_modifier =
democratic_bloc }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -100 }
leave_alliance = THIS

set_country_flag = treaty_of_friendship_ussr_comm
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "We will go the third way"
prestige = 50
relation = { who = RUS value = -100 }
random_country = { limit = { NOT = { tag = RUS } is_greater_power = yes OR =
{ government = proletarian_dictatorship government = proletarian_dictatorship1 } }
relation = { who = THIS value = 100 } diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value =
100 } }
set_country_flag = treaty_of_friendship_ussr_comm

any_country = {
limit = {
OR = { has_country_modifier = democratic_bloc_leader has_country_modifier =
democratic_bloc }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -100 }
leave_alliance = THIS

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }


#British Guiana
country_event = {
id = 1512139
title = "Self-Rule in British Guiana"
desc = EVTDESC1512139
picture = "british_guinana_self_rule"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ENG
year = 1961
NOT = { year = 1990 }
is_vassal = no
war = no
government = hms_government
is_possible_vassal = GUY

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 8
option = {
name = "Release British Guiana as a dominion"
release_vassal = GUY
diplomatic_influence = { who = GUY value = 200 }
GUY = { government = colonial_government country_event = 1512094 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Deny Self-Government"
prestige = -25
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = GUY } add_province_modifier = { name =
nationalist_agitation duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Gas Field
country_event = {
id = 1512140
title = "Ashkelon Natural Gas Field"
desc = EVTDESC1512140
picture = "isr_919_gas_field"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
owns = 919
year = 2004
919 = { NOT = { trade_goods = natural_gas } }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 8

option = {
name = "Begin extraction straightaway!"
919 = { trade_goods = natural_gas }

#Plaza Accord - USA

country_event = {
id = 1512141
title = "The Plaza Accord"
desc = EVTDESC1512141
picture = "plaza_accord"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = USA
NOT = { has_global_flag = 1992_start_date_flag }
rank = 2
government = democracy
capitalism = 1
JAP = { exists = yes is_greater_power = yes war = no OR = { government
= hms_government government = hms_government1 government = democracy } }
GER = { exists = yes is_greater_power = yes war = no OR = { government
= hms_government government = hms_government1 government = democracy } }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 9

option = {
name = "Propose it to Germany and Japan"
JAP = { country_event = 1512142 }
GER = { country_event = 1512143 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Let the USD continue to devaluate"
prestige_factor = -0.1
add_country_modifier = { name = thirdworldnation duration = 3650 }
add_country_modifier = { name = financial_crisis duration = 1825 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Plaza Accord - JAP

country_event = {
id = 1512142
title = "The Plaza Accord"
desc = EVTDESC1512141
picture = "plaza_accord"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Appreciate the Yen"
prestige = 2000
relation = { who = USA value = 50 }
USA = { add_country_modifier = { name = economic_boom duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Continue to depreciate the Yen against the Dollar"
prestige_factor = -0.1
USA = { add_country_modifier = { name = financial_crisis duration =
3650 } }
relation = { who = USA value = -50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Plaza Accord - GER

country_event = {
id = 1512143
title = "The Plaza Accord"
desc = EVTDESC1512141
picture = "plaza_accord"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Appreciate the Deutschemark"
prestige = 2000
relation = { who = USA value = 50 }
USA = { add_country_modifier = { name = economic_boom duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Continue to depreciate the Deutschemark against the Dollar"
prestige_factor = -0.1
USA = { add_country_modifier = { name = thirdworldnation duration =
3650 } }
relation = { who = USA value = -50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Return of the Kuwaiti Monarchy

country_event = {
id = 1512144
title = "Return of the Kuwaiti Monarchy"
desc = EVTDESC1512144
picture = "kuw_king"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = KUW
is_vassal = no
war = no
OR = { government = democracy government = democracy1 }
IRQ = { has_recently_lost_war = yes OR = { truce_with = USA truce_with = SAA } }
has_global_flag = 1990_gulf_war_fired_flag
has_global_flag = 1990_gulf_war_kuw_annexed

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Let the King return!"
government = hms_government
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Remain a republic instead"
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#July 1966 Burundian coup d'état

country_event = {
id = 1512145
title = "$YEAR$ Burundian coup d'état"
desc = EVTDESC1512145
picture = "brun_coup_1966"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = BRN
is_vassal = no
war = no
year = 1966
NOT = { year = 1990 }
OR = { government = hms_government government = hms_government1 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 11

option = {
name = "Expel the King!"
government = nationalist_dictatorship
country_event = 800050
remove_accepted_culture = hutu
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Remain a monarchy"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Yugoslavia Release BUL, ai only

country_event = {
id = 1512146
title = "Associated State"
desc = EVTDESC1512141
picture = "plaza_accord"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Appreciate the Deutschemark"
FROM = { release_vassal = THIS }
FROM = { sphere_owner = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 200 } } }

#French Population boom

country_event = {
id = 1512147
title = "French Population Boom"
desc = EVTDESC1512147
picture = "germanpopulationboom"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = FRA
year = 1946
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 2

option = {
name = "Rejoice!"
set_country_flag = demographic_transition_stage_2_flag
add_country_modifier = { name = industrial_pop_boom duration = 5475 }

#Italian Population boom

country_event = {
id = 1512148
title = "Italian Population Boom"
desc = EVTDESC1512148
picture = "germanpopulationboom"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ITA
year = 1946
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 2

option = {
name = "Rejoice!"
set_country_flag = demographic_transition_stage_2_flag
add_country_modifier = { name = industrial_pop_boom duration = 5475 }

#German Welfare State

country_event = {
id = 1512149
title = "The Welfare State"
desc = EVTDESC1512149
picture = "german_welfare_state"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = GER
year = 1960
ruling_party_ideology = socialist
NOT = { year = 1990 }
government = democracy

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 2

option = {
name = "Yes!"
social_reform = the_safety_grid
social_reform = unlimited_education
social_reform = low_health_care
social_reform = low_pensions
social_reform = preemptive_security_actions
social_reform = paid_vacation_hours
social_reform = generous_subsidies
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "No need"
prestige = -25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Chinese Reunification - Communist PRC

country_event = {
id = 1512151
title = "Chinese Reunification"
desc = EVTDESC1512151
picture = "chinese_reunification"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

tag = KMT

is_vassal = no

CHI = { government = proletarian_dictatorship ruling_party_ideology = communist

exists = yes }

KMT = { government = proletarian_dictatorship ruling_party_ideology = communist

exists = yes }

option = {
name = "Unify with the mainland!"
CHI = { prestige = 1000 }

all_core = { limit = { is_core = KMT } remove_core = KMT }

any_owned = { limit = { OR = { province_id = 1485 province_id = 2562 } } add_core =


CHI = { inherit = KMT }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }


option = {
name = "Stick to the status quo"
relation = { who = CHI value = -100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "Embrace Taiwanese independence!"
any_owned = { limit = { OR = { province_id = 1485 province_id = 2562 } } add_core =
change_tag = TAI
prestige = 100
relation = { who = CHI value = -200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Non-AI KMT player in the Chinese Civil War

country_event = {
id = 1512152
title = "The Chinese Civil War"
desc = EVTDESC1512152
picture = "chinese_civil_war_ai_no"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

tag = KMT

war_with = CHI

ai = no

NOT = { year = 1990 }

option = {
name = "The Generalissimo will prevail!"
activate_technology = cold_war_doctrine
activate_technology = proxy_war
activate_technology = guerrilla
activate_technology = heavy_tanks
activate_technology = post_war_radar
activate_technology = infantry

#End Vassal Tribute System

country_event = {
id = 1512153
title = "End of the $COUNTRY_ADJ$ Tribute System"
desc = "Our vassal tribute system has ended as we no longer have any puppets
under our nation."
picture = "vassal_tribute_system_end"

trigger = {
OR = {
has_country_modifier = vtshigh
has_country_modifier = vtsmedium
has_country_modifier = vtslow

NOT = { num_of_vassals = 1 }

option = {
name = "That's it"
remove_country_modifier = vtshigh
remove_country_modifier = vtsmedium
remove_country_modifier = vtslow
clr_country_flag = vtshigh
clr_country_flag = vtsmedium
clr_country_flag = vtslow

#Charlie Hebdo Incident

country_event = {
id = 1512154
title = "Charlie Hebdo Shooting"
desc = EVTDESC1512154
picture = "charlie_hebdo"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = FRA
year = 2015
government = democracy

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "We pray for the victims"

any_pop = {
limit = { OR = { is_primary_culture = yes is_accepted_culture = yes } }
ideology = {
factor = 0.5
value = conservative

ai_chance = { factor = 0.6 }


option = {
name = "Seek vengence!"

any_pop = {
limit = { is_primary_culture = no is_accepted_culture = no }
ideology = {
factor = 0.25
value = traditionalist

ai_chance = { factor = 0.4 }


#Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

country_event = {
id = 1512155
title = "Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster"
desc = EVTDESC1512155
picture = "fukushima_nuke_disaster"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = JAP
year = 2011
NOT = { year = 2013 }
has_country_flag = nuclear_power_ge
OR = { safety_regulations = some_regulations safety_regulations =
balanced_regulations safety_regulations = restrictive_regulations }
owns = 1669
has_country_flag = 2011_japan_earthquake

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Do all we can to contain the fallout"
add_country_modifier = { name = stock_market_crash duration = 365 }
1669 = { add_province_modifier = { name = nuke_accident duration = 1825
} }
social_reform = rigid_regulations
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }
option = {
name = "Cover up the incident"
prestige = -100
1669 = { add_province_modifier = { name = nuke_accident duration = 1825
} }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Wang Lijun incident

country_event = {
id = 1512156
title = "Wang Lijun incident"
desc = EVTDESC1512156
picture = "bo_xilai"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = CHI
year = 2012
government = proletarian_dictatorship
ruling_party_ideology = communist_social

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 2

option = {
name = "Arrest Bo Xilai and his cadres"
prestige_factor = -0.05
badboy = 2

any_pop = {
limit = { OR = { is_primary_culture = yes is_accepted_culture = yes } }
ideology = {
factor = 0.5
value = communist_social

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "Overlook Bo Xilai's crimes and elevate him to the Politburo"
add_country_modifier = { name = corruption duration = 1825 }
social_reform = paid_sick_leave_hours
social_reform = strict_regulations
social_reform = generous_subsidies
social_reform = parental_leave_child_care
social_reform = acceptable_pensions
social_reform = acceptable_health_care
social_reform = public_higher_education
social_reform = the_safety_grid
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Union of Sovereign States coring event

country_event = {
id = 1512157
title = "New Soviet Identity"
desc = EVTDESC1512157
picture = "uss_identity"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = RUS
government = socialist_democracy

is_vassal = no
war = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Rejoice!"

any_country = {
limit = { is_vassal = no neighbour = RUS exists = yes OR = { tag
= EST tag = LIT tag = LAT } OR = { ruling_party_ideology = communist
ruling_party_ideology = communist_social } }
country_event = 1512158

any_owned = {
limit = {
OR = {
is_core = BYE
is_core = GEO
is_core = AZB
is_core = ARM
is_core = TKR
is_core = MOL
is_core = UZB
is_core = KYR
is_core = TAJ
is_core = KAZ
is_core = LIT
is_core = LAT
is_core = EST
is_core = UKR
add_core = RUS

any_pop = {
limit = { OR = { is_primary_culture = yes is_accepted_culture =
yes } }
ideology = {
factor = 0.5
value = communist_social

#Offer to join the USS

country_event = {
id = 1512158
title = "The Union of Sovereign States"
desc = EVTDESC1512158
picture = "uss_identity"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Join the Union fully"
all_core = { add_core = RUS }
RUS = { inherit = THIS }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.5 }

option = {
name = "Join as an autonomous dependency"
RUS = {
create_vassal = THIS
any_owned = {
limit = { is_core = THIS }
secede_province = THIS
all_core = { add_core = RUS }

government = socialist_democracy
country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = communist_social

ai_chance = { factor = 0.4 }


option = {
name = "Remain independent"
prestige = 25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Our capital falls!

country_event = {
id = 1512160
title = "The Fall of $CAPITAL$"
desc = "Despite the valiant efforts of our army, our capital, $CAPITAL$, has
fallen to enemy forces. As a result of this, our people are starting to question if
the war should go on."
picture = "capital_lost"

trigger = {
war = yes
capital_scope = { NOT = { controlled_by = THIS } }
NOT = { has_country_flag = capital_lost }

option = {
name = "Defeatism grows amongst our people!"
prestige = -100
war_exhaustion = 25
set_country_flag = capital_lost
any_pop = {
dominant_issue = {
value = pacifism
factor = 0.5

#Our capital falls!

country_event = {
id = 1512161
title = "End of a Bitter War"
desc = "We have been through a bitter war and our people are not willing to
go through another. Pacifism has taken hold over certain sections of our population
who wish for a permanent peace."
picture = "end_of_the_war"

trigger = {
war = no
has_country_flag = capital_lost

option = {
name = "The $COUNTRY_ADJ$ people heave a sigh of relief"
any_pop = {
dominant_issue = {
value = pacifism
factor = 0.25
war_exhaustion = 10
clr_country_flag = capital_lost

#Narita Airport
country_event = {
id = 1512162
title = "Narita Airport"
desc = EVTDESC1512162
picture = "narita_airport"

fire_only_once = yes
trigger = {
tag = JAP
government = hms_government
owns = 1650
year = 1966
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 2

option = {
name = "Begin acquiring land for the new airport!"
money = -100000
set_country_flag = narita_airport
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Leave it as it is"
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Narita Airport - Sanrizuka

country_event = {
id = 1512163
title = "Narita Airport Sanrizuka Protests"
desc = EVTDESC1512163
picture = "narita_airport_protests"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = JAP
government = hms_government
has_country_flag = narita_airport
owns = 1650
year = 1967
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 12

option = {
name = "Push on with the construction!"
money = -200000
set_country_flag = narita_airport_continue
any_pop = {
militancy = 2
ideology = {
factor = 0.05
value = communist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Abandon the project"
prestige = -50
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Narita Airport - End

country_event = {
id = 1512164
title = "Narita Airport Opens"
desc = EVTDESC1512164
picture = "narita_airport_opening"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = JAP
government = hms_government
has_country_flag = narita_airport
has_country_flag = narita_airport_continue
owns = 1650
year = 1978
NOT = { has_country_modifier = economic_boom }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "We have suceeded against all odds!"
prestige = 50
add_country_modifier = { name = economic_boom duration = 1825 }
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.05
value = communist

#Death of Hirohito
country_event = {
id = 1512165
title = "Death of Emperor Hirohito"
desc = EVTDESC1512165
picture = "hirohito_death"

fire_only_once = yes
trigger = {
tag = JAP
OR = { government = absolute_monarchy government = hms_government government =
hms_government1 }
year = 1989
NOT = { year = 1992 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "It is the end of an era"
any_pop = { militancy = -2 consciousness = 2 }

#Polish Plane Crash 2010

country_event = {
id = 1512166
title = "Polish Air Force Tu-154 Crash"
desc = EVTDESC1512166
picture = "polish_2010_crash"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = POL
government = democracy
year = 2010
is_vassal = no
NOT = { has_global_flag = blocsenabled }
exists = RUS
NOT = { war_with = RUS }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4

option = {
name = "A tragedy!"
prestige = -25
any_pop = { militancy = -2 consciousness = 2 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

option = {
name = "Blame the Russians"
relation = { who = RUS value = -100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Korean Air Lines Flight 902

country_event = {
id = 1512167
title = "Korean Air Lines Flight 902"
desc = EVTDESC1512167
picture = "KOR_902"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = SKO
OR = { government = democracy government = presidential_dictatorship }
year = 1978
NOT = { year = 1990 }
is_vassal = no
has_global_flag = blocsenabled
war = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4

option = {
name = "A tragedy!"
relation = { who = RUS value = -200 }
USA = { country_event = 1512168 }
RUS = { country_event = 1512169 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Let bygones be bygones"
prestige = -50
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Korean Air Lines Flight 902 - USA

country_event = {
id = 1512168
title = "Korean Air Lines Flight 902"
desc = EVTDESC1512167
picture = "KOR_902"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Criticise the Soviets!"
relation = { who = RUS value = -100 }
relation = { who = SKO value = 100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Let bygones be bygones"
prestige = -100
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Korean Air Lines Flight 902 - RUS

country_event = {
id = 1512169
title = "Korean Air Lines Flight 902"
desc = EVTDESC1512167
picture = "KOR_902"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Block the investigation into the incident"
relation = { who = USA value = -50 }
relation = { who = SKO value = -100 }
badboy = 2.5
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Accept full responsibility"
prestige = -100
set_global_flag = no_007_event
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Korean Air Lines Flight 007

country_event = {
id = 1512170
title = "Korean Air Lines Flight 007"
desc = EVTDESC1512170
picture = "KOR_007"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = SKO
OR = { government = democracy government = presidential_dictatorship }
year = 1983
NOT = { year = 1990 }
is_vassal = no
NOT = { has_global_flag = no_007_event }
has_global_flag = blocsenabled
war = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 9

option = {
name = "Another tragedy!"
relation = { who = RUS value = -200 }
USA = { country_event = 1512171 }
RUS = { country_event = 1512172 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }
option = {
name = "Let bygones be bygones"
prestige = -50
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Korean Air Lines Flight 007 - USA

country_event = {
id = 1512171
title = "Korean Air Lines Flight 007"
desc = EVTDESC1512170
picture = "KOR_007"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "The Soviet Union is an evil empire!"
relation = { who = RUS value = -100 }
relation = { who = SKO value = 100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Let bygones be bygones"
prestige = -100
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Korean Air Lines Flight 007 - RUS

country_event = {
id = 1512172
title = "Korean Air Lines Flight 007"
desc = EVTDESC1512170
picture = "KOR_007"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Deny the incident"
relation = { who = USA value = -100 }
relation = { who = SKO value = -100 }
badboy = 2.5
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Admit that it was our mistake"
prestige = -100
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Malaysia Airlines Flight 17

country_event = {
id = 1512173
title = "Malaysia Airlines Flight 17"
desc = EVTDESC1512173
picture = "MH_17"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = MSY
year = 2014
is_vassal = no
NOT = { has_global_flag = blocsenabled }
war = no
exists = RUS
exists = UKR
exists = NRO

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 7

option = {
name = "Lodge a complaint to the UN"
relation = { who = RUS value = -100 }

any_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = unsc_permanent_member
NOT = { tag = RUS } }
country_event = 1512174

RUS = { country_event = 1512175 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Let bygones be bygones"
prestige = -50
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 - UNSC

country_event = {
id = 1512174
title = "Malaysia Airlines Flight 17"
desc = EVTDESC1512173
picture = "MH_17"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Condemn Russia for this heinous crime"
relation = { who = RUS value = -200 }
relation = { who = MSY value = 100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Let bygones be bygones"
prestige = -100
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 - RUS

country_event = {
id = 1512175
title = "Malaysia Airlines Flight 17"
desc = EVTDESC1512173
picture = "MH_17"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Blame the Ukraninian Army for the incident"
relation = { who = UKR value = -200 }
relation = { who = MSY value = -100 }
relation = { who = NRO value = 200 }
badboy = 5
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Admit responsibility for the crash"
prestige_factor = -0.1
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Annan Plan for Cyprus

country_event = {
id = 1512176
title = "Annan Plan for Cyprus"
desc = EVTDESC1512176
picture = "annan_cyp"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = CYP
government = democracy
year = 2004
is_vassal = no
NOT = { has_global_flag = blocsenabled }
war = no
TUR = { war = no exists = yes }
NCY = { vassal_of = TUR }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4
option = {
name = "We can try our luck (30% chance)"
any_pop = { limit = { culture = greek } militancy = 3 }
TUR = { country_event = 1512177 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Stick to the status quo"
prestige = 25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Annan Plan for Cyprus - Turkey

country_event = {
id = 1512177
title = "Annan Plan for Cyprus"
desc = EVTDESC1512176
picture = "annan_cyp"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Agree to the full reunification of Cyprus"
CYP = { add_accepted_culture = turkish inherit = NCY prestige = 100 government =
democracy1 }
relation = { who = CYP value = 100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.3 }

option = {
name = "Reject the proposal"
prestige = 25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

#North Cyprus Republic

country_event = {
id = 1512178
title = "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus"
desc = EVTDESC1512178
picture = "ncp_republic"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = TUR
NCY = {
OR = { government = presidential_dictatorship government = nationalist_dictatorship
government = populist_dictatorship }
year = 1983
NOT = { year = 1990 }
war = no
is_vassal = no
is_our_vassal = NCY
exists = CYP

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 11

option = {
name = "Support their declaration of independence!"
prestige = 25
badboy = 5
NCY = { government = democracy country_event = 800054 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Abandon the Turkish Cypriots"
release_vassal = NCY
leave_alliance = NCY
relation = { who = NCY value = -200 }
relation = { who = CYP value = 100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#UN Special Committe on Decolonisation

country_event = {
id = 1512179
title = "UN Special Committee on Decolonisation"
desc = EVTDESC1512179
picture = "dominiontorepublic"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1961
ai = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "The era of Colonialism is over"
set_global_flag = un_committe_on_decolonisation

#1964 Constitution of Afghanistan

country_event = {
id = 1512180
title = "$YEAR$ Constitution of Afghanistan"
desc = EVTDESC1512180
picture = "1964_afghan_constitution"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = AFG
year = 1964
NOT = { year = 1990 }

government = absolute_monarchy
is_vassal = no
war = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Enact the reforms."
prestige = 10

government = hms_government

political_reform = universal_weighted_voting
political_reform = regulated_opinion
political_reform = limited_meetings
political_reform = elitist_service
political_reform = firewall_publishing
political_reform = parties_only_nominated

add_country_modifier = { name = political_strife duration = 3650 }

any_pop = {
ideology = { factor = 0.02 value = communist }
consciousness = 2
any_pop = {
ideology = { factor = 0.02 value = nationalist }
consciousness = 2
any_pop = {
ideology = { factor = 0.02 value = progressive }
consciousness = 2
any_pop = {
ideology = { factor = 0.02 value = traditionalist }
consciousness = 7

ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }


option = {
name = "Preserve the power of the King."
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
prestige = -50
any_pop = {
limit = { strata = poor }
ideology = { factor = 0.10 value = communist }
militancy = 10
consciousness = 10
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Bandung Conference, 1955

country_event = {
id = 1512181
title = "Bandung Conference"
desc = EVTDESC1512181
picture = "bandung_conference"

#fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1955
NOT = { year = 1956 }
is_vassal = no
capital_scope = { OR = { continent = africa continent = mena continent = asia } }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = democratic_bloc }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = communist_bloc }
NOT = { has_country_flag = bandung_conference }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4

option = {
name = "Attend the conference"
prestige = 10
any_country = {

limit = { is_vassal = no NOT = { has_country_modifier = democratic_bloc } NOT =

{ has_country_modifier = communist_bloc } }

relation = { who = THIS value = 50 }

set_country_flag = bandung_conference
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Stay out of it"

set_country_flag = bandung_conference

any_country = {

limit = {
is_vassal = no
OR = { has_country_modifier = democratic_bloc has_country_modifier = communist_bloc
relation = { who = THIS value = 50 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#1947 Paris Peace Treaties - initiate

country_event = {
id = 1512182
title = "Paris Peace Treaties, 1947"
desc = EVTDESC1512182
picture = "1947_paris_peace_treaties"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1947
NOT = { year = 1990 }
NOT = { has_global_flag = 1950_start_date_flag }
tag = USA
war = no
has_global_flag = blocsenabled

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 2

option = {
name = "May we have lasting peace in Europe"

ENG = { country_event = 1512183 }
FRA = { country_event = 1512183 }
RUS = { country_event = 1512183 }
YUG = { country_event = 1512183 }
GRE = { country_event = 1512183 }

BEL = { country_event = 1512183 }

NET = { country_event = 1512183 }

ITA = { country_event = 1512184 }

add_country_modifier = { name = war_rep_income duration = 3650 }


#1947 Paris Peace Treaties - benefactors

country_event = {
id = 1512183
title = "Paris Peace Treaties, 1947"
desc = EVTDESC1512182
picture = "1947_paris_peace_treaties"

is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = "May we have lasting peace in Europe"
add_country_modifier = { name = war_rep_income duration = 3650 }

#1947 Paris Peace Treaties - reparations

country_event = {
id = 1512184
title = "Paris Peace Treaties, 1947"
desc = EVTDESC1512182
picture = "1947_paris_peace_treaties"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "May we have lasting peace in Europe"
add_country_modifier = { name = ger_war_rep duration = 3650 }
770 = { remove_core = ITA }
769 = { remove_core = ITA }
846 = { remove_core = ITA }
set_global_flag = paris_peace_treaty_1947

#Anglo-Thai Peace Treaty

country_event = {
id = 1512185
title = "Anglo-Thai Peace Treaty"
desc = EVTDESC1512185
picture = "1946_anglo_thai_treaty"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = THI
year = 1946
NOT = { has_global_flag = 1950_start_date_flag }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

is_vassal = no
war = no

ENG = {
is_vassal = no
is_our_vassal = FMS

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Renounce our claims over the Shan and Malay states"
relation = { who = ENG value = 50 }
money = -10000
FMS = { money = 10000 }
1391 = { remove_core = THI }
1389 = { remove_core = THI }
1340 = { remove_core = THI }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Refuse to cooperate with the treaty terms"
badboy = 20
prestige = -50
relation = { who = ENG value = -50 }
relation = { who = USA value = -50 }
money = -5000
FMS = { money = 5000 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Financial Centres
country_event = {
id = 1512186
title = "$COUNTRY_ADJ$ Financial Centres"
desc = EVTDESC1512186
picture = "financial_centres"

trigger = {

NOT = { OR = { government = proletarian_dictatorship government =

proletarian_dictatorship1 government = socialist_democracy government = theocracy }

digitaleconomics_theory = 1

any_owned_province = { is_state_capital = yes trade_goods = credit total_pops =

1500000 NOT = { has_province_modifier = financial_centre } }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60

option = {
name = "Will a golden age of capitalism dawn in $CAPITAL$?"
any_owned = { limit = { is_state_capital = yes trade_goods = credit total_pops =
1500000 NOT = { has_province_modifier = financial_centre } } add_province_modifier
= { name = financial_centre duration = -1 } }

#Financial Centres
country_event = {
id = 1512187
title = "Closure of the $COUNTRY_ADJ$ Financial Centres"
desc = EVTDESC1512186
picture = "financial_centres_close"
trigger = {

OR = { government = proletarian_dictatorship government = proletarian_dictatorship1

government = socialist_democracy government = theocracy }

any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = financial_centre }


option = {
name = "It's the end of unfettered capitalism in $COUNTRY$"
any_owned = { remove_province_modifier = financial_centre }

#Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations

country_event = {
id = 1512188
title = "US-Thai Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations"
desc = EVTDESC1512188
picture = "thai_us_sphere"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

tag = THI

war = no

is_vassal = no

year = 1966

NOT = { year = 1990 }

USA = { is_greater_power = yes government = democracy }

NOT = { OR = { ruling_party_ideology = communist ruling_party_ideology =

communist_social ruling_party_ideology = socialist } }

has_global_flag = blocsenabled

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "Sign the treaty"
prestige = 50
relation = { who = USA value = 200 }
USA = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THI value = 200 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "There is no need for this"
relation = { who = RUS value = 50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Treaty of Peace with France

country_event = {
id = 1512189
title = "Thai Treaty of Peace with France"
desc = EVTDESC1512189
picture = "1946_anglo_thai_treaty"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = THI
year = 1946
NOT = { has_global_flag = 1950_start_date_flag }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

is_vassal = no
war = no

FRA = { exists = yes is_vassal = no }

LUA = { exists = yes vassal_of = FRA }
CAM = { exists = yes vassal_of = FRA }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Sign the treaty"
1360 = { secede_province = LUA }
1366 = { secede_province = CAM }
1363 = { secede_province = LUA }
remove_core = 1360
remove_core = 1366
remove_core = 1363
money = 60000
relation = { who = USA value = 100 }
relation = { who = FRA value = 50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Insist on our claims over French Indochina"
prestige = -50
badboy = 10
add_country_modifier = { name = ger_war_rep duration = 3650 }
relation = { who = FRA value = -100 }
relation = { who = USA value = -100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#events 1512190 to 1512193 is found in the Peru.txt file

#European Exchange Rate Mechanism

country_event = {
id = 1512195
title = "European Exchange Rate Mechanism"
desc = EVTDESC1512195
picture = "erm_eec"

trigger = {

NOT = { has_country_flag = erm_flag }

has_country_flag = xeu_ambition

war = no

is_vassal = no

year = 1979

NOT = { modern_stock_exchange = 1 }

money = 100000

NOT = { has_country_flag = left_erm }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Join the system"
money = -100000
add_country_modifier = { name = economic_boom duration = 1825 }
set_country_flag = erm_flag
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Maintain our monetary independence!"
prestige = 50
set_country_flag = left_erm
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Black Wednesday
country_event = {
id = 1512196
title = "Black Wednesday"
desc = EVTDESC1512196
picture = "black_wednesday"

fire_only_once = yes
trigger = {

tag = ENG

has_country_flag = erm_flag

has_country_flag = xeu_ambition

war = no

is_greater_power = yes

year = 1992

NOT = { year = 1999 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 9

option = {
name = "Leave the European Exchange Rate Mechanism"
prestige = -100
clr_country_flag = erm_flag
set_country_flag = left_erm
add_country_modifier = { name = stock_market_crash duration = 365 }
add_country_modifier = { name = recession duration = 1825 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Try to prop up the value of the Pound Sterling"
money = -2000000
add_country_modifier = { name = economic_malaise duration = 730 }
random_pop = { limit = { location = { is_capital = yes } type = capitalists } money
= -1000000 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#French Union
country_event = {
id = 1512197
title = "The French Union"
desc = EVTDESC1512197
picture = "french_union"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

tag = FRA

is_greater_power = yes
government = democracy

year = 1946

NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Change the constitution!"
prestige = 50
add_country_modifier = { name = french_union duration = -1 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Keep the status quo"
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Vassals with overlords at peace ends their war

country_event = {
id = 1512198
title = "Peace has returned to $COUNTRY$"
desc = "Our overlord has secured peace for their empire which includes us."
picture = "clear_non_existent"

trigger = {

war = yes

is_vassal = yes

overlord = { war = no }

option = {
name = "Peace has returned!"
any_country = { limit = { war_with = THIS } country_event = 1412204 }

#Japanese constitution choices, 1947

country_event = {
id = 1512199
title = "New Japanese Constitution"
desc = EVTDESC1512199
picture = "1947_constitution_japan_choice"

is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = "Radically alter the constitution along western lines"

JAP = {
political_reform = free_opinion
political_reform = minorities_affirmative_action
political_reform = professional_service
political_reform = parties_allowed
political_reform = lgbt_outlawed
political_reform = unregulated_publishing
political_reform = free_trade_unions
political_reform = proportional_representation
political_reform = universal_voting
political_reform = free_meetings

social_reform = trinket_health_care
social_reform = public_education

ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }


option = {
name = "Preserve some of the Meiji era provisions"

JAP = {
political_reform = open_opinion
political_reform = minorities_equal_rights
political_reform = elitist_service
political_reform = parties_promote_democratic
political_reform = lgbt_outlawed
political_reform = firewall_publishing
political_reform = restricted_unions
political_reform = jefferson_method
political_reform = promoted_voting
political_reform = limited_meetings

ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }


option = {
name = "Change it minimally"

JAP = {
political_reform = first_past_the_post
political_reform = universal_weighted_voting
political_reform = limited_meetings

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }


#Unification of Mongolia and the USSR

country_event = {
id = 1512200
title = "Unification with the USSR?"
desc = EVTDESC1512200
picture = "mgl_ussr"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

tag = MGL

year = 1952

NOT = { year = 1990 }

#vassal_of = RUS #Shouldn't be a requirement anymore with the new way

the system works

has_global_flag = blocsenabled

has_country_flag = mgl_tsedenbal

government = proletarian_dictatorship
war = no

CHI = { government = proletarian_dictatorship exists = yes

is_greater_power = yes }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Propose a unification!"
RUS = { country_event = 1512201 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Keep the status quo"
prestige = 25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.3 }

#Unification of Mongolia and the USSR - Receiver

country_event = {
id = 1512201
title = "Integration of Mongolia into the USSR?"
desc = EVTDESC1512200
picture = "mgl_ussr"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Accept the unification!"
inherit = MGL
relation = { who = CHI value = -400 }
CHI = { country_event = 1512202 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

option = {
name = "Keep the status quo"
prestige = 25
relation = { who = CHI value = 50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

#Unification of Mongolia and the USSR - China's response

country_event = {
id = 1512202
title = "War with the USSR?"
desc = EVTDESC1512200
picture = "mgl_ussr"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Resist the soviet annexation of Mongolia!"
war = {
target = RUS
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = liberate_country country = MGL }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = cut_down_to_size }
call_ally = yes
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Leave it be"
prestige = -50
relation = { who = RUS value = 50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.3 }

#Sudan-South Sudan War

country_event = {
id = 1512203
title = "South Sudanese Independence Referendum"
desc = EVTDESC1512203
picture = "ssu_indy"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

war = no

minorities_reform = minorities_oppression

tag = SUD
is_vassal = no

SSU = { exists = no }

any_owned_province = { is_core = SSU }

year = 2011

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 7

option = {
name = "Accept the results"
release = SSU
SSU = { government = democracy country_event = 800054 }
SSU = { country_event = 1512094 }
SSU = { add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Crush their bid for independence!"
prestige = -25
release = SSU
SSU = { government = democracy country_event = 800054 }

war = {
target = SSU
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = conquest }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = become_independent }
call_ally = no

ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }


#Keflavik Agreement
country_event = {
id = 1512204
title = "Keflavik Agreement"
desc = EVTDESC1512204
picture = "icl_indy"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

war = no

tag = USA

is_our_vassal = ICL

year = 1946
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 9

option = {
name = "Withdraw from Iceland"
release_vassal = ICL
ICL = { add_country_modifier = { name = economic_boom duration = 3650 } }
money = -25000
ICL = { money = 25000 }
relation = { who = ICL value = 200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Continue the occupation using the Cold War as an excuse"
prestige = -100
badboy = 10
diplomatic_influence = { who = ICL value = 50 }
ICL = { add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Independence of Equatorial Guinea

country_event = {
id = 1512205
title = "Independence of Equatorial Guinea"
desc = EVTDESC1512205
picture = "ecq_indy"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

war = no

tag = SPA

EQG = { exists = no }

any_owned_province = { is_core = EQG }

year = 1968

NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10
option = {
name = "Withdraw from Equatorial Guinea"
release = EQG
EQG = { government = presidential_dictatorship country_event = 800050
ruling_party_ideology = socialist }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Prepare for eventual independence"
prestige = -25
badboy = 5
release_vassal = EQG
diplomatic_influence = { who = EQG value = 200 }
EQG = { add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 } }
EQG = { government = colonial_government country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = conservative }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "Refuse independence!"
prestige = -50
badboy = 10
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = EQG } add_province_modifier = { name =
nationalist_agitation duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Remove Nuke Clouds

country_event = {
id = 1512209
title = "Fallout has Subsided"
desc = "The level of radioactive fallout has subsided to pre-war levels in
some of our provinces"
picture = "no_more_fallout"

trigger = {

has_country_flag = has_nuke_clouds

NOT = { any_owned_province = {
OR = { has_province_modifier = nuke_high has_province_modifier = nuke_medium
has_province_modifier = nuke_low has_province_modifier = tactical_nuked }
} }

option = {
name = "We can begin rebuilding our civilisation"
clr_country_flag = has_nuke_clouds
any_owned = {
limit = { NOT = { OR = { has_province_modifier = nuke_high has_province_modifier =
nuke_medium has_province_modifier = nuke_low } } }
clr_province_flag = disease

#Remove Chemical Clouds

country_event = {
id = 1512210
title = "Toxic Chemical Clouds have Subsided"
desc = "The level of Toxic Chemical Clouds has subsided to pre-war levels in
some of our provinces"
picture = "no_more_fallout"

trigger = {

has_country_flag = has_chemical_clouds

NOT = { any_owned_province = {
OR = { has_province_modifier = chemical_high has_province_modifier =
chemical_medium has_province_modifier = chemical_low }
} }

option = {
name = "We can begin rebuilding our civilisation"
clr_country_flag = has_chemical_clouds
any_owned = {
limit = { NOT = { OR = { has_province_modifier = chemical_high
has_province_modifier = chemical_medium has_province_modifier = chemical_low } } }
clr_province_flag = disease1

#Independence of Sudan
country_event = {
id = 1512211
title = "Independence of Sudan"
desc = EVTDESC1512211
picture = "sud_indy"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

war = no

tag = ENG

is_vassal = no

government = hms_government

is_our_vassal = SUD

SUD = { government = colonial_government }

year = 1960
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Withdraw from Sudan"
release_vassal = SUD
SUD = { government = democracy country_event = 800054 ruling_party_ideology =
big_tent }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Refuse independence!"
prestige = -50
badboy = 5
SUD = { ruling_party_ideology = nationalist add_country_modifier = { name =
revolution_chaos duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Civil War Mechanism Indy route

country_event = {
id = 1512212
title = "$FROMCOUNTRY$ Falls to Rebels"
desc = EVTDESC1512212
picture = "generic_indy"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Withdraw from $FROMCOUNTRY$"
prestige = -50
relation = { who = FROM value = 50 }
FROM = { set_country_flag = former_colonial_nation }
ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 NOT = { war_policy = pacifism } }
modifier = { factor = 0 NOT = { badboy = 0.7 } }

option = {
name = "Restore order to $COUNTRY_ADJ$!"
badboy = 5

war = {
target = FROM
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = make_puppet }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = become_independent }
call_ally = no
ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 war_policy = pacifism }
modifier = { factor = 0 badboy = 0.7 }

#Hong Kong 1967 Leftist Riots

country_event = {
id = 1512213
title = "Hong Kong $YEAR$ Leftist Riots"
desc = EVTDESC1512213
picture = "hkg_riots"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

war = no

tag = ENG

is_vassal = no

government = hms_government

owns = 1496

CHI = { exists = yes government = proletarian_dictatorship }

year = 1967

NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "Crush the uprising!"
badboy = 1
1496 = { add_province_modifier = { name = instigating_rebels duration = 1825 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 1 }

option = {
name = "Let the Leftists win!"
prestige = -50
1496 = { secede_province = CHI }
relation = { who = CHI value = 100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#12-3 incident Macau
country_event = {
id = 1512214
title = "12-3 Incident in Macau"
desc = EVTDESC1512214
picture = "mca_riots"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

tag = POR

is_vassal = no

owns = 1498

CHI = { exists = yes government = proletarian_dictatorship }

year = 1966

NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 11

option = {
name = "Crush the uprising!"
badboy = 5
1498 = { add_province_modifier = { name = instigating_rebels duration = 3650 } }
relation = { who = CHI value = -200 }
1498 = { add_core = CHI }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "Give up sovereignty over Macau!"
prestige = 25
relation = { who = CHI value = 100 }
1498 = { add_core = CHI remove_core = POR }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

#Kicked out of the Bretton Woods System

country_event = {
id = 1512215
title = "Kicked out of the Bretton Woods System"
desc = "We have been removed from the Bretton Woods System because our
government type or ideology does not fit with the goals of the institution."
picture = "bretton_woods_system_gold"

trigger = {

has_country_modifier = bretton_system
OR = { ruling_party_ideology = communist ruling_party_ideology = communist_social
government = theocracy }

option = {
name = "We don't need it anyway!"
prestige = -50
remove_country_modifier = bretton_system
any_owned = { limit = { has_province_modifier = bretton_woods_effect }
remove_province_modifier = bretton_woods_effect }

#China Land Reform, 1950

country_event = {
id = 1512216
title = "Chinese Land Reform of 1950"
desc = EVTDESC1512216
picture = "1950_chi_land_reform"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

tag = CHI

war = no

owns = 2221 #Owns Nanjing, won Chinese Civil War

government = proletarian_dictatorship

year = 1950

NOT = { year = 1974 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "Redistribute land to the peasants!"

any_pop = { limit = { OR = { type = artisans type = capitalists } } pop_type =

clerks }

any_pop = { limit = { type = aristocrats } pop_type = bureaucrats }

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.2
value = communist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Wait until the time is ripe"
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = -0.25
value = communist
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#The Great Leap Forward

country_event = {
id = 1512217
title = "The Great Leap Forward"
desc = EVTDESC1512217
picture = "great_leap_forward_evt"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

tag = CHI

war = no

owns = 2221 #Owns Nanjing, won Chinese Civil War

government = proletarian_dictatorship

year = 1958

NOT = { year = 1974 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "Light the backyard furnaces!"

set_country_flag = great_leap_forward_flag

add_country_modifier = { name = yugoslaveia_economic_boom duration = 1825 }

any_pop = { limit = { OR = { type = artisans type = capitalists } } pop_type =

clerks }

any_pop = { limit = { type = aristocrats pop_majority_ideology = communist }

pop_type = bureaucrats }
any_pop = { limit = { type = aristocrats NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
communist } } pop_type = craftsmen }

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = -0.1
value = communist

clr_country_flag = economic_malaise

country_event = { id = 8002816 days = 365 }

any_owned = {
any_pop = {
limit = { type = craftsmen }
reduce_pop = 1.25

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "I don't want to cause the next Great Famine"
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.1
value = communist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#The Cultural Revolution

country_event = {
id = 1512218
title = "The Cultural Revolution"
desc = EVTDESC1512218
picture = "cultural_revolution_evt"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {

tag = CHI

war = no

owns = 2221 #Owns Nanjing, won Chinese Civil War

government = proletarian_dictatorship

has_country_flag = great_leap_forward_flag

year = 1966
NOT = { year = 1974 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "Purge the Revisionists!"

set_country_flag = cultural_revolution_flag

any_pop = { literacy = -0.1 }

any_pop = { limit = { OR = { type = clergymen political_movement = yes } } pop_type

= slaves }

any_pop = { limit = { OR = { type = capitalists type = artisans } } pop_type =

craftsmen }

any_pop = { limit = { type = aristocrats } pop_type = officers }

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.25
value = communist

add_country_modifier = { name = soviet_stability duration = 1825 }

add_country_modifier = { name = economic_malaise duration = 3650 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "I don't want to kill more than necessary"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#The One Child Policy

country_event = {
id = 1512219
title = "The One-Child policy"
desc = EVTDESC1512219
picture = "one_child_policy_evt"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = CHI
year = 1979
NOT = { year = 1990 }
government = proletarian_dictatorship
war = no

owns = 2221 #Owns Nanjing, won Chinese Civil War

#Low development on average across the country

NOT = { literacy = 0.05 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "We need to prevent overpopulation"

add_country_modifier = { name = one_child_policy_mod duration = 14600 }

#Increase literacy and militancy

any_owned = {
limit = {
is_core = CHI
is_state_capital = no
any_pop = { literacy = 0.02 militancy = 2 }
any_owned = {
limit = {
is_core = CHI
is_state_capital = yes
any_pop = { literacy = 0.05 militancy = 3 }

#Remove high pop growth modifiers

any_owned = {
remove_province_modifier = iliterate_nation1_modifier
remove_province_modifier = iliterate_nation2_modifier
remove_province_modifier = iliterate_nation3_modifier

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "A few million more Chinese wouldn't hurt"
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Generic FBU formation

country_event = {
id = 1512221
title = "Union of Britain and France?"
desc = EVTDESC1512221
picture = "FBU_union_generic"
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Join the union!"

ENG = {
prestige = 500
add_accepted_culture = french

add_accepted_culture = breton

change_tag = FBU

any_country = { limit = { vassal_of = FRA } country_event = 1410122 }

any_country = { limit = { in_sphere = FRA } country_event = 1410123 }

any_country = { limit = { in_sphere = FBU } country_event = 1410123 }

inherit = FRA
ai_chance = { factor = 1 }

option = {
name = "France will never be British!"
prestige = 50
set_global_flag = rejected_FBU_union_flag
ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#North Korea Sphere

country_event = {
id = 1512222
title = "Relations with China and the USSR"
desc = EVTDESC1512222
picture = "north_korea_visit"

trigger = {

part_of_sphere = no

tag = NKO

war = no

government = proletarian_dictatorship

is_vassal = no

NOT = { has_country_flag = nko_no_sphere }

has_global_flag = blocsenabled

RUS = { is_greater_power = yes government = proletarian_dictatorship }

CHI = { is_greater_power = yes government = proletarian_dictatorship }


mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Join the Chinese Sphere"
RUS = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -100 } }
CHI = { create_alliance = NKO relation = { who = THIS value = 200 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 200 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Join the Soviet Sphere"
CHI = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -100 } }
RUS = { create_alliance = NKO relation = { who = THIS value = 200 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 200 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "We will go our own ways!"
set_country_flag = nko_no_sphere
prestige = 25
RUS = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -100 } }
CHI = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -100 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Forex options
country_event = {
id = 1512223
title = "Foreign Reserve Assets"
desc = EVTDESC1512223
picture = "forex"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Begin buying Foreign Reserve Assets"
clr_country_flag = forex_options
add_country_modifier = { name = buy_forex duration = 1825 }
remove_country_modifier = sell_forex
ai_chance = {
factor = 1

modifier = { factor = 0 AND = { is_greater_power = yes NOT = { money = 10000000 } }


modifier = { factor = 0 AND = { is_secondary_power = yes NOT = { money =

5000000 } } }

modifier = { factor = 0 AND = { is_greater_power = no is_secondary_power = no NOT =

{ money = 500000 } } }

option = {
name = "Start selling Foreign Reserve Assets"
clr_country_flag = forex_options
add_country_modifier = { name = sell_forex duration = 1825 }
remove_country_modifier = buy_forex
ai_chance = {
factor = 1

modifier = { factor = 0 AND = { is_greater_power = yes money = 10000000 } }

modifier = { factor = 0 AND = { is_secondary_power = yes money = 5000000 } }

modifier = { factor = 0 AND = { is_greater_power = no is_secondary_power = no money

= 500000 } }


option = {
name = "Maintain our current Forex portfolio levels"
clr_country_flag = forex_options
remove_country_modifier = buy_forex
remove_country_modifier = sell_forex
ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#Independence of Cambodia
country_event = {
id = 1512225
title = "Independence of Cambodia"
desc = EVTDESC1512225
picture = "cambodia_independence"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = FRA
is_our_vassal = CAM
exists = DAI
year = 1953
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 11

option = {
name = "Recognise Cambodian independence"
release_vassal = CAM
relation = { who = CAM value = 100 }
CAM = { government = hms_government country_event = 800054 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Deny their self-determination!"
prestige = -50
badboy = 5
CAM = { add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Independence of Laos
country_event = {
id = 1512226
title = "Independence of Laos"
desc = EVTDESC1512226
picture = "laos_independence"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = FRA
is_our_vassal = LUA
exists = DAI
year = 1953
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Recognise Laotian independence"
release_vassal = LUA
relation = { who = LUA value = 100 }
LUA = { government = hms_government country_event = 800054 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Deny their self-determination!"
prestige = -50
badboy = 5
LUA = { add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Socialist Democracy Danzig

country_event = {
id = 1512227
title = "Union with Poland?"
desc = EVTDESC1412197
picture = "fcod"

fire_only_once = yes
trigger = {
tag = DZG
is_vassal = no
has_global_flag = dzg_puppet
exists = POL
POL = { government = proletarian_dictatorship }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

option = {
name = "Unite with Poland!"
690 = { add_core = POL }
POL = { inherit = THIS }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.5 }

option = {
name = "Stick to our limited autonomy!"
POL = { create_vassal = DZG }
government = socialist_democracy
RUS = { diplomatic_influence = { who = DZG value = 200 } }
690 = { add_core = POL }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.4 }

option = {
name = "Declare independence!"
prestige = 50
690 = { add_core = POL }
relation = { who = POL value = -200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#First Indochina War - Start

country_event = {
id = 1512228
title = "Fontainebleau Agreements"
desc = EVTDESC1512228
picture = "french_vietnam"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = FRA
year = 1946
NOT = { year = 1950 }

exists = DAI
NOT = { exists = SVI }

is_vassal = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3
option = {
name = "Resist Vietnamese self-determination!"

war = {
target = DAI
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = colonial_war }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = territorial_dispute_internal }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = acquire_core_state
state_province_id = 1380 }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = acquire_core_state
state_province_id = 1375 }
call_ally = no

RUS = { diplomatic_influence = { who = DAI value = 200 } }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Free the Vietnamese people"
prestige = -50
relation = { who = DAI value = 100 }
RUS = { diplomatic_influence = { who = DAI value = 200 } }
diplomatic_influence = { who = DAI value = 100 }
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = DAI } secede_province = DAI }
DAI = { government = socialist_democracy country_event = 800054 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#European Central Bank

country_event = {
id = 1512229
title = "European Central Bank"
desc = EVTDESC1512229
picture = "ecb_interest_rates"

trigger = {
OR = {
any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = currency_union }
any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = currency_union_province }
has_country_flag = xeu_ambition
NOT = { has_country_flag = superstate_central_bank }

option = {
name = "We can no longer control our interest rates!"
set_country_flag = superstate_central_bank
remove_country_modifier = cbihigh
remove_country_modifier = cbimedium
remove_country_modifier = cbilow

#Superstate Central Bank

country_event = {
id = 1512230
title = "Supranational Central Bank"
desc = EVTDESC1512230
picture = "ecb_interest_rates"

trigger = {

NOT = {
OR = {
tag = XGC
tag = XEF
tag = XEU
tag = XCC
tag = XAU
tag = XEW
tag = XEC
tag = XSA
tag = XSU
tag = XMS
tag = XAC
tag = XAL
tag = XMU
tag = XAN
tag = XCI
tag = XNA
tag = XPI
tag = XEA
tag = XTC
tag = XUM
tag = XIO
tag = UAR
tag = XME

OR = {
any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = currency_union }
any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = currency_union_province }
NOT = { has_country_flag = xeu_ambition }
NOT = { has_country_flag = superstate_central_bank }

option = {
name = "We can no longer control our interest rates!"
set_country_flag = superstate_central_bank
remove_country_modifier = cbihigh
remove_country_modifier = cbimedium
remove_country_modifier = cbilow

#European Central Bank - Step 1

country_event = {
id = 1512231
title = "European Central Bank Adjusts Interest Rates"
desc = EVTDESC1512231
picture = "ecb_interest_rates"

trigger = {
OR = {
any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = currency_union }
any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = currency_union_province }
has_country_flag = xeu_ambition
has_country_flag = superstate_central_bank
NOT = { has_country_modifier = cbitimer }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 36

option = {
name = "This is their decision"
add_country_modifier = { name = cbitimer duration = 365 }
remove_country_modifier = cbihigh
remove_country_modifier = cbimedium
remove_country_modifier = cbilow
random_list = {
33 = {
add_country_modifier = { name = cbihigh duration = -1 }
34 = {
add_country_modifier = { name = cbimedium duration = -1 }
33 = {
add_country_modifier = { name = cbilow duration = -1 }

#Superstate Central Bank - Step 1

country_event = {
id = 1512232
title = "Supranational Central Bank Adjusts Interest Rates"
desc = EVTDESC1512232
picture = "ecb_interest_rates"

trigger = {
OR = {
any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = currency_union }
any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = currency_union_province }
has_country_flag = superstate_central_bank
NOT = { has_country_flag = xeu_ambition }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = cbitimer }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 36

option = {
name = "This is their decision"
add_country_modifier = { name = cbitimer duration = 365 }
remove_country_modifier = cbihigh
remove_country_modifier = cbimedium
remove_country_modifier = cbilow
random_list = {
33 = { add_country_modifier = { name = cbihigh duration = -1 } }
34 = { add_country_modifier = { name = cbimedium duration = -1 } }
33 = { add_country_modifier = { name = cbilow duration = -1 } }

#1987 Fiji Coup

country_event = {
id = 1512233
title = "1987 Fijian coups d'état"
desc = EVTDESC1512233
picture = "1987_fij_coup"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = FIJ
government = hms_government
ruling_party_ideology = conservative
is_vassal = no
year = 1987
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 9

option = {
name = "Declare a republic!"
government = presidential_dictatorship
country_event = 800050
ruling_party_ideology = socialist
sphere_owner = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -200 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Launch a counter coup!"
ruling_party_ideology = conservative
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#2014 Umbrella Movement

country_event = {
id = 1512234
title = "The Umbrella Movement"
desc = EVTDESC1512234
picture = "umbrella_movement"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = CHI
government = proletarian_dictatorship
is_vassal = no
year = 2014
is_our_vassal = HKG
HKG = { government = sar_government }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 9

option = {
name = "Send in the police!"
badboy = 5
HKG = { add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 1825 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Accede to their demands"
prestige = -100
HKG = { country_event = 800054 }
HKG = { set_country_flag = former_devolved_nation }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Cominform - Start
country_event = {
id = 1512235
title = "Cominform"
desc = EVTDESC1512235
picture = "Cominform_start"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = RUS
government = proletarian_dictatorship
year = 1947
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Form the Cominform!"
money = -100000
prestige = 100
badboy = 2
set_global_flag = cominform_flag
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "I don't want to antagonise the west"
relation = { who = USA value = 50 }
relation = { who = ENG value = 50 }
relation = { who = FRA value = 50 }
relation = { who = ITA value = 50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Cominform - end
country_event = {
id = 1512236
title = "End of the Cominform"
desc = EVTDESC1512236
picture = "Cominform_end"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = RUS
government = proletarian_dictatorship
has_country_flag = nikita_khrushchev
has_global_flag = cominform_flag
year = 1956
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4

option = {
name = "The Cominform no longer serves it purpose!"
relation = { who = USA value = 50 }
relation = { who = ENG value = 50 }
relation = { who = FRA value = 50 }
relation = { who = ITA value = 50 }
badboy = -5
clr_global_flag = cominform_flag

#France adjusts CFA interest rate

country_event = {
id = 1512237
title = "Change in CFA Interest Rates"
desc = EVTDESC1512237
picture = "CFA_change"

trigger = {
has_country_flag = join_the_cfa
NOT = { tag = FRA }
AND = {
FRA = { has_country_modifier = cbihigh }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = cbihigh }

AND = {
FRA = { has_country_modifier = cbimedium }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = cbimedium }

AND = {
FRA = { has_country_modifier = cbilow }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = cbilow }

option = {
name = "France has decided!"
remove_country_modifier = cbihigh
remove_country_modifier = cbimedium
remove_country_modifier = cbilow

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { FRA = { has_country_modifier = cbihigh } } }
owner = { add_country_modifier = { name = cbihigh duration = -1 } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { FRA = { has_country_modifier = cbimedium } } }
owner = { add_country_modifier = { name = cbimedium duration = -1 } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { FRA = { has_country_modifier = cbilow } } }
owner = { add_country_modifier = { name = cbilow duration = -1 } }

#Ouster of Morsi - Egpyt

country_event = {
id = 1512238
title = "Islamist Constitution of Egypt"
desc = EVTDESC1512238
picture = "morsi_coup"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = EGY
government = democracy
ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist
election = no
year = 2013
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 7

option = {
name = "Purge the Muslim Brotherhood!"
country_event = 800050
government = presidential_dictatorship
ruling_party_ideology = conservative
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = -0.25
value = traditionalist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Leave it be"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Rose Revolution - Georgia

country_event = {
id = 1512239
title = "The Revolution of Roses"
desc = EVTDESC1512239
picture = "rose_revolution"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = GEO
government = democracy
in_sphere = RUS
election = no
year = 2003

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 11

option = {
name = "Pivot to the West!"
prestige = 50
RUS = { diplomatic_influence = { who = GEO value = -200 } }
ruling_party_ideology = liberal
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.5
value = liberal
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Declare martial law!"
country_event = 800050
government = presidential_dictatorship
ruling_party_ideology = socialist
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Former States of the USSR

country_event = {
id = 1512240
title = "Dissolution of the USSR"
desc = EVTDESC1512240
picture = "rose_revolution"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Embrace democracy!"
RUS = { release = THIS }
prestige = 50
RUS = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 200 } }
government = democracy
country_event = 800054
country_event = { id = 1512137 days = 2 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Remain Communist!"
RUS = { release = THIS }
country_event = 800050
government = proletarian_dictatorship
ruling_party_ideology = communist_social
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.3 value = communist } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Transnistria War 1990

country_event = {
id = 1512241
title = "Transnistria War"
desc = EVTDESC1512241
picture = "transnistria_war"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = MOL
TRD = { exists = no }
any_owned_province = { is_core = TRD }
year = 1990

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Restore order to the renegade province!"
release = TRD
RUS = { diplomatic_influence = { who = TRD value = 200 } }
TRD = { create_alliance = UKR create_alliance = RUS }
war = {
target = TRD
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = status_quo }
call_ally = no
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Recognise Transnistrian independence"
prestige = -50
release = TRD
TRD = { government = democracy country_event = 800054 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#1947 Spanish law of succession referendum

country_event = {
id = 1512242
title = "1947 Law of Succession Referendum"
desc = EVTDESC1512242
picture = "king_franco"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = SPA
government = populist_dictatorship
year = 1947
NOT = { year = 1990 }
NOT = { has_global_flag = 1950_start_date_flag }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Appoint a King once the time comes!"
prestige = 10
set_country_flag = juan_carlos
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }
option = {
name = "I can't wait to be King"
government = absolute_monarchy
ruling_party_ideology = nationalist
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "Monachism is evil!"
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Academic Crisis - Portugal

country_event = {
id = 1512243
title = "The Academic Crisis"
desc = EVTDESC1512243
picture = "academic_crisis"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = POR
is_vassal = no
government = populist_dictatorship
year = 1962
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Crush the student protests!"
prestige = -25
badboy = 1
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Give in to the students"
government = democracy
country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = big_tent
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.5
value = communist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Rhodesian Republic
country_event = {
id = 1512244
title = "Republic of Rhodesia"
desc = EVTDESC1512244
picture = "rep_of_rho"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = RHO
is_vassal = no
war = no
government = hms_government
year = 1970
NOT = { year = 1990 }
ENG = { government = hms_government }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Become a Republic!"
prestige = 50
government = democracy
relation = { who = ENG value = -200 }
ENG = { diplomatic_influence = { who = RHO value = -200 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Stay as the Autonomous Realm of Rhodesia"
badboy = -2
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
government = hms_government1
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Turn into East Austria

country_event = {
id = 1512245
title = "East Austria"
desc = "Austria has been divided up by the Soviet Union and the United States
into two separate entities thus we will now be called East Austria."
picture = "east_austria"

trigger = {
tag = AUS
ROA = { exists = yes }
government = proletarian_dictatorship

option = {
name = "We hope that Austria will be re-united oneday!"
government = proletarian_dictatorship1

#Turn into Austria

country_event = {
id = 1512246
title = "Unification of Austria"
desc = "Austria's two separate entities have now been finally unified thus we
will now be called Austria."
picture = "east_austria"

trigger = {
tag = AUS
ROA = { exists = no }
government = proletarian_dictatorship1

option = {
name = "This is a great day!"
government = proletarian_dictatorship

#Al-Wathbah Uprising 1948

country_event = {
id = 1512248
title = "Al-Wathbah Uprising"
desc = EVTDESC1512248
picture = "iraq_1948_riot"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = IRQ
year = 1948
is_vassal = no
government = hms_government
in_sphere = ENG
ENG = { government = hms_government }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Push through the revised Anglo-Iraqi Treaty!"
money = 200000
create_alliance = ENG
relation = { who = ENG value = 200 }
ENG = { diplomatic_influence = { who = IRQ value = 50 } }
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 1825 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }
option = {
name = "Sever all relations with the British"
leave_alliance = ENG
relation = { who = ENG value = -200 }
relation = { who = ENG value = -200 }
ENG = { diplomatic_influence = { who = IRQ value = -200 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "Revert to British Dominionship for stability"
prestige = -100
money = 400000
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ENG = { create_vassal = IRQ }
government = colonial_government
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Kingdom of Sarawak
country_event = {
id = 1512249
title = "Annexation of the Kingdom of Sarawak"
desc = EVTDESC1512249
picture = "annex_swk_kingdom"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ENG
year = 1946
NOT = { has_global_flag = 1950_start_date_flag }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

government = hms_government
is_vassal = no

#ENG owns SWK

is_possible_vassal = SWK

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4

option = {
name = "Incorporate Sarawak as a Crown Colony"
prestige = -25
any_owned = {
limit = { is_core = SWK }
add_province_modifier = { name = nationalist_agitation value =
3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }
option = {
name = "Restore the rule of the White Rajahs"
release_vassal = SWK
SWK = {
government = hms_government1
country_event = 800054
primary_culture = english
add_accepted_culture = malay
ruling_party_ideology = conservative
diplomatic_influence = { who = SWK value = 200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Kingdom of Sarawak
country_event = {
id = 1512250
title = "End of the White Rajah Dynasty"
desc = EVTDESC1512250
picture = "white_rajahs"

trigger = {
tag = SWK
NOT = { OR = { government = absolute_monarchy government =
hms_government government = hms_government1 government = colonial_government } }
primary_culture = english

option = {
name = "Malay rule returns!"
prestige = 50
primary_culture = malay

#Post War French Communism

country_event = {
id = 1512254
title = "$YEAR$ French Legislative Election"
desc = EVTDESC1512254
picture = "1946_FRA_election"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = FRA
year = 1946
NOT = { has_global_flag = 1950_start_date_flag }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

government = democracy

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 4 }

option = {
name = "Exclude the Communists!"
election = yes
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.15
value = communist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Leave the communists be"
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.30
value = communist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.3 }

#16th State of the USSR

country_event = {
id = 1512256
title = "16th State of the USSR"
desc = EVTDESC1512256
picture = "ussr_bulgaria"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
year = 1963
NOT = { year = 1990 }
vassal_of = RUS
has_global_flag = blocsenabled
tag = BUL
government = proletarian_dictatorship

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 12 }

option = {
name = "Propose the Union!"
RUS = { country_event = 1512257 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

option = {
name = "Preserve our independence"
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

#16th State of the USSR

country_event = {
id = 1512257
title = "16th State of the USSR"
desc = EVTDESC1512256
picture = "ussr_bulgaria"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Incorporate Bulgaria!"
prestige = 50
inherit = BUL
ai_chance = { factor = 0.5 }

option = {
name = "No thanks"
ai_chance = { factor = 0.5 }

#UN Peace Treaty - Receiver

country_event = {
id = 1512258
title = "$FROMCOUNTRY$ Returns Occupied Territories"
desc = EVTDESC1512252
picture = "treaty"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "This is a windfall!"
prestige = 50
badboy = -5

FROM = { any_owned = { limit = { is_core = THIS has_province_modifier =

occupied_province } secede_province = THIS } }

relation = { who = FROM value = 100 }

remove_country_modifier = un_armistice_stall
remove_country_modifier = un_armistice
clr_country_flag = un_armistice

FROM = {
remove_country_modifier = un_armistice_stall
remove_country_modifier = un_armistice
clr_country_flag = un_armistice

#Announce Neutrality
country_event = {
id = 1512259
title = "$COUNTRY$ is Neutral"
desc = "$COUNTRY$ has decided to go down the path of diplomatic neutrality
which means that any attack on $COUNTRY$ will lead to a UN coalition against the
picture = "treaty"

is_triggered_only = yes

major = yes

option = {
name = "We enjoy international protection!"
prestige = 50

#Renounce Neutrality
country_event = {
id = 1512260
title = "$COUNTRY$ Renounces Neutrality"
desc = "$COUNTRY$ has decided to go down the path of diplomatic neutrality
which means that any attack on $COUNTRY$ will lead to a UN coalition against the
picture = "treaty"

is_triggered_only = yes

major = yes

option = {
name = "We no longer enjoy international protection!"

#Announce UNSC membership

country_event = {
id = 1512261
title = "$COUNTRY$ joins the UNSC"
desc = "$COUNTRY$ has joined the United Nations Security Council as a
Permanent Member which means that they can veto Pacekeeping and other UN
picture = "treaty"

is_triggered_only = yes

major = yes

option = {
name = "Great!"

#North Vietnam Reunification

country_event = {
id = 1512262
title = "The Reunification of Vietnam"
desc = EVTDESC14121033
picture = "vietnam_dai_reunion"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = DAI

is_vassal = no
war = no

#South Vietnam does not exist

SVI = { exists = no }

#Owns North and South Vietnam

owns = 1369
owns = 1380

option = {
name = "Let's celebrate!"
prestige = 50

#Rename North Vietnam to Vietnam

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { government = proletarian_dictatorship1 } }
owner = { government = proletarian_dictatorship }

#Remove SVI cores and replace with DAI cores

SVI = { all_core = { add_core = DAI remove_core = SVI } }

#Bavaria Joins Germany

country_event = {
id = 1512263
title = "Founding Treaty of the FRG"
desc = EVTDESC1512263
picture = "founding_treaty"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = BAV
GER = { OR = { government = democracy government = hms_government } exists = yes
war = no }
NOT = { year = 1990 }
war = no
is_vassal = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Join the Federal Republic of Germany"
GER = { prestige = 25 inherit = BAV }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Remain independent!"
prestige = 25
relation = { who = GER value = -200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Communist Burkina Faso

country_event = {
id = 1512264
title = "$COUNTRY_ADJ$ Coup of $YEAR$"
desc = EVTDESC1512264
picture = "sankara_coup"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = BUF
NOT = { government = proletarian_dictatorship }
NOT = { government = socialist_democracy }
year = 1983
NOT = { year = 1990 }
war = no
is_vassal = no
election = no
has_global_flag = blocsenabled

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 8

option = {
name = "Embrace the Proletarian Revolution!"
government = proletarian_dictatorship
country_event = 800052
ruling_party_ideology = communist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Stick to the bourgeois way!"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Bizerte Crisis
country_event = {
id = 1512265
title = "Bizerte Crisis"
desc = EVTDESC1512265
picture = "bizerte_crisis"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = FRA
year = 1961
NOT = { year = 1990 }
war = no
is_vassal = no
owns = 1726 #Bizerte
TUN = { exists = yes war = no is_vassal = no }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 7

option = {
name = "Fight to maintain control!"
badboy = 10
set_country_flag = bizerte_crisis
diplomatic_influence = { who = TUN value = -200 }

war = {
target = TUN
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = territorial_dispute }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = acquire_core_state state_province_id
= 1726 }
call_ally = no

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "Surrender the town to Tunisia!"
prestige = -200
1726 = { secede_province = TUN }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Return of Bizerte
country_event = {
id = 1512266
title = "Return of Bizerte"
desc = EVTDESC1512266
picture = "bizerte_evacuation"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = FRA
year = 1963
NOT = { year = 1990 }
war = no
is_vassal = no
owns = 1726 #Bizerte
TUN = { exists = yes war = no is_vassal = no }
has_country_flag = bizerte_crisis

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 10

option = {
name = "Give the town back to Tunisia"
1726 = { secede_province = TUN }
diplomatic_influence = { who = TUN value = 200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Refuse!"
badboy = 10
prestige = -100
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#May 1968 events France

country_event = {
id = 1512267
title = "May $YEAR$ Events"
desc = EVTDESC1512267
picture = "fra_may_1968"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = FRA
year = 1968
NOT = { year = 1990 }
war = no
is_vassal = no
government = democracy

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "Attempt to quell the unrest"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 365 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.6 }

option = {
name = "The government resigns"
election = yes
prestige = -50
ai_chance = { factor = 0.4 }

#Merger of South and North Germany

country_event = {
id = 1512268
title = "West Germany"
desc = EVTDESC1512268
picture = "founding_treaty"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = USA
year = 1950
NGF = { exists = yes }
any_owned_province = { is_core = GER }
has_country_flag = policy_on_germany

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "Unite Germany"
relation = { who = NGF value = 100 }
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = GER } secede_province = NGF }
NGF = { change_tag = GER }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Form a rival South German state instead"
prestige = -50

564 = { secede_province = NGF }

565 = { secede_province = NGF }
566 = { secede_province = NGF }
567 = { secede_province = NGF }
568 = { secede_province = NGF }
2560 = { secede_province = NGF }

release_vassal = ICB

ICB = { government = sar_government country_event = 800054 }

539 = { secede_province = NGF }

any_owned = { limit = { is_core = GER } add_core = SGF secede_province = SGF }

SGF = { civilized = yes government = democracy country_event = 800054 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = SGF value = 200 }

diplomatic_influence = { who = ICB value = 200 }

SGF = { capital = 595 }

586 = { add_core = SGF }

587 = { add_core = SGF }
588 = { add_core = SGF }
591 = { add_core = SGF }
594 = { add_core = SGF }
593 = { add_core = SGF }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }


#Return of the Hohenzollern monarchy in Germany

country_event = {
id = 1512269
title = "Return of the Hohenzollerns in Germany?"
desc = EVTDESC1512269
picture = "kaiser_returns"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ENG
year = 1946
NOT = { year = 1990 }
government = hms_government
has_country_flag = policy_on_germany
NGF = { exists = yes }
is_sphere_leader_of = NGF
is_vassal = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 5

option = {
name = "We will keep Germany a republic"
prestige = 25
ai_chance = { factor = 0.6 }

option = {
name = "A German monarchy with British ties can be a stabiliser"
NGF = { government = hms_government add_country_modifier = { name =
revolution_chaos duration = 1825 } }
badboy = 5
relation = { who = FRA value = -50 }
relation = { who = USA value = -100 }
relation = { who = RUS value = -100 }
relation = { who = POL value = -50 }
relation = { who = BEL value = -50 }
relation = { who = NET value = -50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.4 }

#Dutch annexation of German lands

country_event = {
id = 1512270
title = "Bakker-Schut Plan"
desc = EVTDESC1512270
picture = "kaiser_returns"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = NET
year = 1947
NOT = { has_global_flag = 1950_start_date_flag }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

is_vassal = no

NGF = { exists = no }
GER = { exists = no }

ENG = {
is_vassal = no
owns = 575
owns = 576
owns = 577
owns = 581
owns = 542
owns = 543

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Request for German lands as reparations"
prestige = 25
badboy = 5
ENG = { country_event = 1512271 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Keep Germany's territorial borders"
money = 500000
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Dutch annexation of German lands - ENG

country_event = {
id = 1512271
title = "Bakker-Schut Plan"
desc = EVTDESC1512270
picture = "dutch_annexation_ger"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Reject their attempts at land grab!"
prestige = 25
relation = { who = NET value = -50 }
relation = { who = USA value = 50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Accept the Dutch request"

#Get a bribe
money = 500000

relation = { who = NET value = 200 }

#Cede German lands

575 = { secede_province = NET }
576 = { secede_province = NET }
577 = { secede_province = NET }
581 = { secede_province = NET }
542 = { secede_province = NET }
543 = { secede_province = NET }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#New Economic Mechanism - Hungary

country_event = {
id = 1512272
title = "New Economic Mechanism"
desc = EVTDESC1512272
picture = "nem_bul"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = HUN
year = 1968
NOT = { year = 1990 }

OR = { government = proletarian_dictatorship government =

proletarian_dictatorship1 }
war = no

ruling_party_ideology = communist

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Embrace some capitalism in our socialist paradise"
ruling_party_ideology = communist_social

add_country_modifier = { name = politicial_strife duration = 1650 }

any_country = {
limit = { exists = yes ruling_party_ideology = communist }
relation = { who = THIS value = -50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "No to market forces in our economy"
prestige = 100
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Germany seeks return of Heligoland

country_event = {
id = 1512273
title = "Return of Heligoland"
desc = EVTDESC1512273
picture = "heligoland_1952"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
OR = { tag = GER tag = NGF }
war = no
year = 1952
NOT = { owns = 533 }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Demand the return of the island"
random_country = {
limit = { owns = 533 }
country_event = 1512274
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Abandon our claims"
prestige = -25
badboy = -5
random_country = {
limit = { owns = 533 }
relation = { who = THIS value = 100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Germany seeks return of Heligoland - receiver

country_event = {
id = 1512274
title = "Return of Heligoland to $FROMCOUNTRY$"
desc = EVTDESC1512273
picture = "heligoland_1952"
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Return the tiny island"
FROM = { prestige = 50 }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { exists = NGF } } owner = { 533 = { add_core =
NGF } } }
533 = { remove_core = THIS add_core = GER secede_province = FROM }
relation = { who = THIS value = 50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Hold onto it"
badboy = 2.5
relation = { who = FROM value = -100 }
533 = { add_core = GER }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.3 }

#Change leader of NATO

country_event = {
id = 1512275
title = "New Leader of NATO"
desc = "As we are no longer a powerful nation, the leadership of NATO will be
transferred to another stronger nation. Our ability to influence NATO policy will
be lost."
picture = "nato_leader"

trigger = {
has_country_modifier = nato_leader
has_country_flag = nato_leader
NOT = { rank = 3 }
any_greater_power = { rank = 3 OR = { government = democracy government =
democracy1 government = hms_government government = hms_government1 }
has_country_modifier = alliance_nato }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "A big loss to our prestige!"
prestige = -500
remove_country_modifier = nato_leader
remove_country_flag = nato_leader

remove_country_modifier = natohigh_gp
remove_country_modifier = natomedium_gp
remove_country_modifier = natolow_gp

random_country = { limit = { is_greater_power = yes rank = 3 OR = { government =

democracy government = democracy1 government = hms_government government =
hms_government1 } has_country_modifier = alliance_nato } country_event = 1512276 }

#Select new leader of NATO

country_event = {
id = 1512276
title = "New Leader of NATO"
desc = "As $FROMCOUNTRY$ is no longer a powerful nation, the leadership of
NATO will be transferred the stronger nation, $COUNTRY$. We will gain the ability
to influence NATO policy."
picture = "nato_leader"

major = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Great power comes with great responsibility"
prestige = 500
add_country_modifier = { name = nato_leader duration = -1 }
set_country_flag = nato_leader

#Form NATO
country_event = {
id = 1512277
title = "Foundation of NATO"
desc = EVTDESC1512277
picture = "nato_foundation"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = USA
government = democracy
rank = 2
NOT = { has_global_flag = form_nato }
year = 1949

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4
modifier = { factor = 0 year = 1990 }

option = {
name = "This is great!"

prestige = 100

relation = { who = RUS value = -100 }

add_country_modifier = { name = nato_leader duration = -1 }

set_country_flag = nato_leader

set_global_flag = form_nato

set_country_flag = nato_flag_member
random_country = {
limit = {
tag = THIS
NOT = { tag = USA }
create_alliance = USA
any_country = {
limit = {
has_country_modifier = alliance_nato
relation = { who = THIS value = 200 }
create_alliance = THIS
add_country_modifier = {
name = alliance_nato
duration = 1825

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "I don't think its a good idea to divide the world"
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1
modifier = { factor = 0 year = 1990 } }

#Soviet Stagnation Levels - Add

country_event = {
id = 1512278
title = "Economic Stagnation in $COUNTRY$"
desc = EVTDESC1512278
picture = "soviet_stagnation"

trigger = {
#Socialist regime
OR = {
government = proletarian_dictatorship
government = proletarian_dictatorship1
government = socialist_democracy

#Starting from 1965

year = 1965

#Planned economy
OR = {
economic_policy = planned_economy
economic_policy = planned_economy1

#Not has OGAS

NOT = { has_country_modifier = ogas }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = cybersin }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = partial_automation_ogas }
#Not already max stagnation
NOT = { has_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_4 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60
modifier = { factor = 1.25 crime_fighting = 0.5 }
modifier = { factor = 1.25 crime_fighting = 0.6 }
modifier = { factor = 1.5 crime_fighting = 0.7 }
modifier = { factor = 1.5 crime_fighting = 0.8 }
modifier = { factor = 1.5 crime_fighting = 0.9 }
modifier = { factor = 1.5 crime_fighting = 1.0 }

option = {
name = "We have to find a way to stop the rot"

#Add stagnation modifiers - Level 4

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { has_country_modifier =
soviet_stagnation_3 } } owner = { remove_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_3
add_country_modifier = { name = soviet_stagnation_4 duration = -1 } } }

#Add stagnation modifiers - Level 3

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { has_country_modifier =
soviet_stagnation_2 } } owner = { remove_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_2
add_country_modifier = { name = soviet_stagnation_3 duration = -1 } } }

#Add stagnation modifiers - Level 2

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { has_country_modifier =
soviet_stagnation_1 } } owner = { remove_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_1
add_country_modifier = { name = soviet_stagnation_2 duration = -1 } } }

#Add stagnation modifiers - Level 1

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { OR =
{ has_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_1 has_country_modifier =
soviet_stagnation_2 has_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_3 has_country_modifier
= soviet_stagnation_4 } } } } owner = { add_country_modifier = { name =
soviet_stagnation_1 duration = -1 } } }


#Soviet Stagnation Levels - Remove

country_event = {
id = 1512279
title = "$COUNTRY_ADJ$ Economic Recovery"
desc = "Years of communist planned economy has wrought much economic
destruction to our industries. With the end of the planned economy, our nation's
markets have been able to grow through market forces and is on the track to a
healthy recovery."
picture = "soviet_stagnation_end"

trigger = {

OR = {
has_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_1
has_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_2
has_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_3
has_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_4

OR = {
#OGAS removes stagnation
has_country_modifier = ogas
has_country_modifier = cybersin

#Not planned economy

NOT = {
OR = {
economic_policy = planned_economy
economic_policy = planned_economy1

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 120
modifier = { factor = 0.75 crime_fighting = 0.5 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 crime_fighting = 0.6 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 crime_fighting = 0.7 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 crime_fighting = 0.8 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 crime_fighting = 0.9 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 crime_fighting = 1.0 }

option = {
name = "We have found a way to stop the rot"
remove_country_modifier = cybersin
remove_country_modifier = ogas
remove_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_1
remove_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_2
remove_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_3
remove_country_modifier = soviet_stagnation_4

#Fallen Government
country_event = {
id = 1512281
title = "$COUNTRY_ADJ$ Parliament Collapses"
desc = EVTDESC1512281
picture = "government_collapses"

trigger = {

OR = {
government = colonial_government
government = mandate_government
government = hms_government
government = hms_government1
government = sar_government
AND = {
OR = { government = democracy government = democracy1
government = socialist_democracy }
OR = { has_country_flag = parliamentary_system_republic
has_country_flag = semi_presidential_system_republic }

war = no
election = no
NOT = { num_of_revolts = 1 }

OR = {
average_militancy = 6
AND = { has_country_modifier = martial_law NOT =
{ average_militancy = 3 } }

NOT = { has_country_flag = leadership_election }

#Is a minority government

OR = {

AND = {
NOT = { OR = { pop_majority_ideology = traditionalist
pop_majority_ideology = conservative } }
OR = { ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist
ruling_party_ideology = conservative }

AND = {
NOT = { pop_majority_ideology = big_tent }
ruling_party_ideology = big_tent

AND = {
NOT = { OR = { pop_majority_ideology = socialist
pop_majority_ideology = communist pop_majority_ideology = communist_social } }
OR = { ruling_party_ideology = socialist
ruling_party_ideology = communist ruling_party_ideology = communist_social }

AND = {
NOT = { OR = { pop_majority_ideology = liberal
pop_majority_ideology = progressive } }
OR = { ruling_party_ideology = liberal
ruling_party_ideology = progressive }

AND = {
NOT = { OR = { pop_majority_ideology = nationalist
pop_majority_ideology = populist } }
OR = { ruling_party_ideology = nationalist
ruling_party_ideology = populist }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 12
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 6 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 7 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 8 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 9 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 10 }

option = {
name = "An election must now be held!"

prestige = -25

#Supporters of the ruling party gain militancy and consciousness

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology =
traditionalist } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 3
ideology = traditionalist } scaled_militancy = { factor = 3 ideology =
traditionalist } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology =
conservative } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 3 ideology
= conservative } scaled_militancy = { factor = 3 ideology = conservative } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology =
liberal } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 3 ideology =
liberal } scaled_militancy = { factor = 3 ideology = liberal } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = big_tent }
} owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 3 ideology = big_tent }
scaled_militancy = { factor = 3 ideology = big_tent } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology =
progressive } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 3 ideology
= progressive } scaled_militancy = { factor = 3 ideology = progressive } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology =
socialist } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 3 ideology =
socialist } scaled_militancy = { factor = 3 ideology = socialist } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology =
communist } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 3 ideology =
communist } scaled_militancy = { factor = 3 ideology = communist } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology =
communist_social } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 3
ideology = communist_social } scaled_militancy = { factor = 3 ideology =
communist_social } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology =
nationalist } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 3 ideology
= nationalist } scaled_militancy = { factor = 3 ideology = nationalist } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = populist }
} owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 3 ideology = populist }
scaled_militancy = { factor = 3 ideology = populist } } } }

#Hold election
election = yes

#End state of emergency

clr_country_flag = prolonged_state_of_emergency

#What meeting laws to revert back to

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { has_country_flag =
return_to_free_meetings } }
owner = { political_reform = free_meetings clr_country_flag =
return_to_free_meetings }
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { has_country_flag = return_to_limited_meetings
} }
owner = { political_reform = limited_meetings clr_country_flag =
return_to_limited_meetings }

#What press laws to revert back to

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { has_country_flag =
return_to_responsible_publishing } }
owner = { political_reform = responsible_publishing
clr_country_flag = return_to_responsible_publishing }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { has_country_flag =
return_to_unregulated_publishing} }
owner = { political_reform = unregulated_publishing
clr_country_flag = return_to_unregulated_publishing }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { has_country_flag =
return_to_firewall_publishing } }
owner = { political_reform = firewall_publishing clr_country_flag
= return_to_firewall_publishing }

remove_country_modifier = martial_law

#Formation of Bizonia - USA proposes

country_event = {
id = 1512282
title = "Formation of Bizonia"
desc = EVTDESC1512282
picture = "bizonia"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = USA
GER = { exists = no }
any_owned_province = { is_core = GER }
ENG = { any_owned_province = { is_core = GER } }
has_country_flag = no_partition_of_west_germany
ENG = { has_country_flag = no_partition_of_west_germany }
OR = { exists = OG1 RUS = { has_country_flag = policy_on_germany } }
NOT = { year = 1990 }
NOT = { has_country_flag = form_bizonia }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1
option = {
name = "Propose the Bizone to the British (80% chance of success)"
prestige = 50
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = GER NOT = { is_core = AUS } NOT = { is_core = ROA
} } secede_province = OG4 }
create_vassal = OG4
OG4 = { civilized = yes government = mandate_government country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = big_tent }
diplomatic_influence = { who = OG4 value = 200 }
OG4 = { primary_culture = german }
ENG = { country_event = 1512283 }
set_country_flag = form_bizonia
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "We'll create our own occupation zone"
set_country_flag = occupation_zone_potential
ENG = { set_country_flag = occupation_zone_potential }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Formation of Bizonia - ENG acceptance

country_event = {
id = 1512283
title = "Formation of Bizonia"
desc = EVTDESC1512282
picture = "bizonia"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Merge the two zones into an autonomous unit"

prestige = 100

relation = { who = USA value = 50 }

any_owned = { limit = { is_core = GER NOT = { is_core = AUS } NOT = { is_core = ROA
} } secede_province = OG4 }

diplomatic_influence = { who = OG4 value = 100 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "We will focus on our own zone"
set_country_flag = occupation_zone_potential
USA = { set_country_flag = occupation_zone_potential }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Formation of Trizonia - USA proposes

country_event = {
id = 1512284
title = "Formation of Trizonia"
desc = EVTDESC1512284
picture = "bizonia"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = USA
year = 1949
GER = { exists = no }
OG4 = { exists = yes }
FRA = { any_owned_province = { is_core = GER } }
FRA = { has_country_flag = policy_on_germany }
has_country_flag = no_partition_of_west_germany
FRA = { NOT = { has_country_flag = rhineland_option } }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 3

option = {
name = "Propose the Trizone to the French (80% chance of success)"
FRA = { country_event = 1512285 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Exclude the French Zone"
prestige = -50
relation = { who = FRA value = 50 }
FRA = { set_country_flag = occupation_zone_potential }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Formation of Trizonia - FRA acceptance

country_event = {
id = 1512285
title = "Formation of Trizonia"
desc = EVTDESC1512284
picture = "bizonia"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Merge the French zone into one autonomous unit"
prestige = 50
diplomatic_influence = { who = OG4 value = 100 }
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = GER NOT = { is_core = SAL } NOT = { is_core = AUS
} NOT = { is_core = ROA } } secede_province = OG4 }
USA = { set_country_flag = trizone_formed }
OG4 = { add_country_modifier = { name = independence_timer duration = 180 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "We'll focus on our own zone"
set_country_flag = occupation_zone_potential
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#End of the Occupation Zones via independence

country_event = {
id = 1512286
title = "Return of German Sovereignty"
desc = "As the occupation zone has become an independent nation, we will
switch back into Germany"
picture = "founding_treaty"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
OR = { tag = OG1 tag = OG2 tag = OG3 tag = OG4 }
is_vassal = no
war = no

option = {
name = "Great!"

any_owned = { remove_province_modifier = province_morgenthau_plan

remove_province_modifier = province_monnet_plan }

primary_culture = german

#If there is no Germany

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { GER = { exists = no } } } owner = { any_owned
= { limit = { is_core = BAV } secede_province = BAV } change_tag = GER government =
democracy country_event = 800054 prestige = 50 } }

#If there is a Germany

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { GER = { exists = yes } } } owner = { GER =
{ prestige = 50 } any_owned = { limit = { is_core = BAV } secede_province = BAV }
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = GER } secede_province = GER } } }

#Apply Morgenthau/Monnet plan modifiers to Occupation Zone

country_event = {
id = 1512287
title = "Occupation Policy in Germany"
desc = "The occupying power decides what kind of economic policy the
occupation zone adopts."
picture = "nwo2_allied_occupation_of_germany"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
OR = { tag = OG1 tag = OG2 tag = OG3 tag = OG4 }
is_vassal = yes
any_owned_province = { NOT = { OR = { has_province_modifier =
province_morgenthau_plan has_province_modifier = province_monnet_plan } } }

option = {
name = "We need to seek independence!"

primary_culture = german

#If occupying power chose morgenthau plan

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { overlord = { has_country_flag =
decide_german_economy_morgenthau } } } owner = { any_owned =
{ add_province_modifier = { name = province_morgenthau_plan duration = -1 } } } }

#If occupying power chose monnet plan

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { overlord = { has_country_flag =
decide_german_economy_monnet } } } owner = { any_owned = { add_province_modifier =
{ name = province_monnet_plan duration = -1 } } } }

#Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany

country_event = {
id = 1512288
title = "Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany"
desc = EVTDESC1512287
picture = "final_settlement_ger"

trigger = {
#Cold War is over and USA won
year = 1950
NOT = { has_global_flag = blocsenabled }

#USA victory
has_global_flag = cold_warusa

OR = {
AND = { tag = USA is_vassal = no }
AND = { tag = FRA is_vassal = no }
AND = { tag = ENG is_vassal = no }
AND = { tag = RUS is_vassal = no }
AND = { tag = DDR is_vassal = no }

#Independent Germany exists

GER = { exists = yes is_vassal = no }

#THIS owns an occupation zone

OR = {
is_our_vassal = OG1
is_our_vassal = OG2
is_our_vassal = OG3
is_our_vassal = OG4
is_our_vassal = DDR

#Event has not already fired for THIS

NOT = { has_country_flag = final_settlement_ger }
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "Sign the treaty"
set_country_flag = final_settlement_ger

relation = { who = GER value = 100 }

GER = { prestige = 100 }

#Return occupied Germany to Germany

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_our_vassal = OG1 } } owner =
{ GER = { inherit = OG1 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_our_vassal = OG2 } } owner =
{ GER = { inherit = OG2 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_our_vassal = OG3 } } owner =
{ GER = { inherit = OG3 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_our_vassal = OG4 } } owner =
{ GER = { inherit = OG4 } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { is_our_vassal = DDR } } owner =
{ GER = { inherit = DDR } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { tag = DDR } } owner = { GER =
{ inherit = DDR } } }

ai_chance = { factor = 1 }

option = {
name = "Maintain our claims over Germany"
set_country_flag = final_settlement_ger

prestige_factor = -0.10
badboy = 20
relation = { who = GER value = -200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#Soviet puppet liberalises

country_event = {
id = 1512289
title = "$FROMCOUNTRY_ADJ$ Spring"
desc = EVTDESC1512289
picture = "soviet_spring"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Crush any attempts to liberalise!"
release_vassal = FROM
war = {
target = FROM
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = make_puppet }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = humiliate }
call_ally = no
ai_chance = { factor = 1 modifier = { factor = 0 OR = { government =
socialist_democracy ruling_party_ideology = socialist ruling_party_ideology =
communist_social } } }

option = {
name = "Permit $FROMCOUNTRY$ to depart from Marxist-Leninism"
prestige = -100
ai_chance = { factor = 1 modifier = { factor = 0 NOT = { OR = { government =
socialist_democracy ruling_party_ideology = socialist ruling_party_ideology =
communist_social } } } }

#Jeju uprising
country_event = {
id = 1512290
title = "Jeju Uprising"
desc = EVTDESC1512290
picture = "jeju_uprising"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
OR = { tag = KOR tag = SKO }
exists = NKO
year = 1948
NOT = { year = 1990 }
election = no
OR = { government = democracy government = presidential_dictatorship }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 4 }

option = {
name = "The gloves come off"
prestige = -50
badboy = 5
1637 = { any_pop = { reduce_pop = 0.95 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Apply only light suppression"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.2
value = communist
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#King of Egypt and Sudan

country_event = {
id = 1512291
title = "King of Egypt and Sudan"
desc = EVTDESC1512291
picture = "egy_sud_claims"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = EGY
year = 1951
NOT = { year = 1990 }
OR = { government = hms_government government = absolute_monarchy }
SUD = { exists = no }
1827 = { owned_by = ENG }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 10 }

option = {
name = "Claim the Sudan"
prestige = 50
badboy = 5

relation = { who = ENG value = -50 }

SUD = { all_core = { add_core = EGY } }

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.2
value = nationalist

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }


option = {
name = "Keep to the title of King of Egypt"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 1825 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Anglophone Crisis
country_event = {
id = 1512292
title = "Anglophone Crisis, $YEAR$"
desc = EVTDESC1512292
picture = "abz_indy"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = CMR
war = no
is_vassal = no
year = 2017
ABZ = { exists = no }
any_owned_province = { is_core = ABZ }
average_militancy = 3
mean_time_to_happen = { months = 9 }

option = {
name = "Restore order to the South Cameroons"
release = ABZ
ABZ = { government = democracy country_event = 800054 }
war = {
target = ABZ
defender_goal = {
casus_belli = become_independent
attacker_goal = {
casus_belli = civil_war
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Recognise their self-determination"
release = ABZ
relation = { who = ABZ value = 100 }
prestige = -50
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Federal Republic of Cameroon - self-rule of ABZ

country_event = {
id = 1512293
title = "Federal Republic of Cameroon"
desc = EVTDESC1512293
picture = "cmr_indy"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = CMR
war = no
is_vassal = no
NOT = { year = 1990 }
ABZ = { exists = no }
any_owned_province = { is_core = ABZ }
OR = { government = democracy government = democracy1 }

option = {
name = "Honour the agreement to grant Ambazonia autonomy"
release_vassal = ABZ
ABZ = { government = sar_government country_event = 800054 }
sphere_owner = { diplomatic_influence = { who = ABZ value =200 } }
government = democracy1
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Become a unitary state instead"
prestige = -50
badboy = 5
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = ABZ } add_province_modifier = { name =
nationalist_agitation duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#United Republic of Cameroon - annexation of ABZ

country_event = {
id = 1512294
title = "United Republic of Cameroon"
desc = EVTDESC1512294
picture = "cmr_union"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = CMR
war = no
year = 1972
NOT = { year = 1990 }
is_our_vassal = ABZ
OR = { government = democracy government = democracy1 government =
presidential_dictatorship government = populist_dictatorship government =
nationalist_dictatorship }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 5 }

option = {
name = "End the federal style of government"
inherit = ABZ
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = ABZ } add_province_modifier = { name =
nationalist_agitation duration = 3650 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Leave it as it is"
prestige = -50
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Kingdom of Egypt demands the Sudan

country_event = {
id = 1512295
title = "Abrogation of the Sudan Condominium"
desc = EVTDESC1512295
picture = "egy_sud_claims"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Refuse to end the occupation"
relation = { who = EGY value = -100 }
badboy = 5
ai_chance = { factor = 0.5 }

option = {
name = "Let the Sudanese decide"
release = SUD
SUD = { government = democracy }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.4 }

option = {
name = "Surrender the Sudan to Egypt"
prestige = -50
badboy = -5
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = SUD } secede_province = EGY }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#North Korea Juche

country_event = {
id = 1512296
title = "Juche"
desc = EVTDESC1512296
picture = "juche"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = NKO
war = no
ruling_party_ideology = communist
year = 1955

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 5 }

option = {
name = "Only by relying on ourselves can we be stronger"
prestige = 50
add_country_modifier = { name = juche duration = -1 }

#People's Socialist Republic of Albania

country_event = {
id = 1512297
title = "People's Socialist Republic of Albania"
desc = EVTDESC1512297
picture = "ALB_SOV_puppet"
fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ALB
government = hms_government
war = no
is_vassal = no
ruling_party_ideology = communist
year = 1946
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 }

option = {
name = "Abolish the monarchy and form a socialist state"
prestige = 50
government = proletarian_dictatorship
country_event = 800052
RUS = { country_event = 120003 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.95 }

option = {
name = "Invite the king to return"
prestige = -50
relation = { who = RUS value = -100 }
RUS = { country_event = 120002 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.05 }

#Druze and Alawite State unites with Syria after independence

country_event = {
id = 1512298
title = "Union with Syria?"
desc = EVTDESC1400027
picture = "syrindy"

trigger = {
OR = { tag = DRZ tag = ALW }
war = no
SYR = { is_vassal = no }
OR = { is_vassal = no vassal_of = SYR }
NOT = { has_country_flag = decide_DRZ_and_ALW }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 }

option = {
name = "Unite with Syria!"
set_country_flag = decide_DRZ_and_ALW
SYR = { prestige = 50 }
SYR = { inherit = THIS }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Remain independent"
prestige = 50
relation = { who = SYR value = -100 }
set_country_flag = decide_DRZ_and_ALW
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#1969 Sino-Soviet Border Conflict
country_event = {
id = 1512299
title = "$YEAR$ Sino-Soviet Border Conflict"
desc = EVTDESC1512299
picture = "RUS_CHI_border_war"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = RUS
has_global_flag = blocsenabled
year = 1969
NOT = { year = 1990 }
NOT = { relation = { who = CHI value = 0 } }
RUS = { war = no ruling_party_ideology = communist
is_greater_power = yes }
CHI = { war = no ruling_party_ideology = communist
is_greater_power = yes }
has_global_flag = sino_soviet_split

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 3 }

option = {
name = "Contest the Chinese Borders!"
war = {
target = CHI
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = territorial_dispute }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = territorial_dispute }
call_ally = no
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Leave China alone"
prestige_factor = -0.1
relation = { who = CHI value = 100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#1997 Albanian monarchy referendum

country_event = {
id = 1512300
title = "$YEAR$ Albanian Monarchy Referendum"
desc = EVTDESC1512300
picture = "ALB_King_ZOG"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ALB
is_vassal = no
war = no
government = democracy
NOT = { has_global_flag = blocsenabled }
NOT = { ruling_party_ideology = communist }
NOT = { ruling_party_ideology = communist_social }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 24 }

option = {
name = "We are a republic!"
prestige = 50
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 365 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Restore the House of Zog!"
government = hms_government
ai_chance = { factor = 0.3 }

#Taiwan is kicked out of the UNSC

country_event = {
id = 1512301
title = "Loss of United Nations Recognition"
desc = EVTDESC1512301
picture = "nwo2_communist_china_in_unsc"

trigger = {
tag = KMT
CHI = { exists = yes }
has_country_flag = not_participating_UNSC
OR = {
has_country_modifier = united_nations_ga_member has_country_modifier =
unsc_permanent_member has_country_modifier = united_nations
has_country_modifier = united_nations_observer_member

option = {
name = "This is a disaster!"
prestige_factor = -0.25
remove_country_modifier = united_nations_ga_member
remove_country_modifier = unsc_permanent_member
remove_country_modifier = united_nations
remove_country_modifier = united_nations_observer_member

#Occupied Provinces on Dutch Indonesia in the event of stalemate

country_event = {
id = 1512303
title = "UN Condemns our Occupation of Indonesia"
desc = EVTDESC1512303
picture = "nwo2_communist_china_not_in_unsc"

fire_only_once = yes
trigger = {
tag = NET
is_greater_power = no
is_vassal = no
war = no
exists = IDO
any_owned_province = { is_core = IDO NOT = { is_core = WPA } }
IDO = { is_vassal = no war = no }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 }

option = {
name = "Ignore the United Nations!"
badboy = 5
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = IDO NOT = { is_core = WPA } }
add_province_modifier = { name = occupied_province duration = -1 } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Transfer the lands to Indonesia"
badboy = -5
prestige = -50
any_owned = { limit = { is_core = IDO } secede_province = IDO }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Vassals join the Overlord's Bloc - Communist

country_event = {
id = 1512304
title = "$COUNTRY$ Joins the Communist Bloc"
desc = EVTDESC1512304
picture = "communist_bloc_vassal"

trigger = {
has_global_flag = blocsenabled
is_vassal = yes
overlord = { OR = { has_country_modifier = communist_bloc_leader
has_country_modifier = communist_bloc } }
NOT = { OR = { has_country_modifier = communist_bloc_leader
has_country_modifier = communist_bloc } }

option = {
name = "We will destroy capitalism together!"

#Leave democratic bloc

clr_country_flag = joindemo
remove_country_modifier = democratic_bloc
remove_country_modifier = demohigh
remove_country_modifier = demomedium
remove_country_modifier = demolow
random_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = democratic_bloc_leader }
relation = { who = THIS value = -100 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -50 }

#Join the communist bloc

set_country_flag = joincomm
add_country_modifier = { name = communist_bloc duration = -1 }
random_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = communist_bloc_leader }
relation = { who = THIS value = 50 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 25 }

#Leave the NAM

clr_country_flag = joinnam
remove_country_modifier = independent_bloc
any_country = {
limit = { exists = yes has_country_flag = joinnam }
relation = { who = THIS value = -50 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -25 }

#Vassals join the Overlord's Bloc - Democractic

country_event = {
id = 1512305
title = "$COUNTRY$ Joins the Democratic Bloc"
desc = EVTDESC1512305
picture = "democractic_bloc_vassal"

trigger = {
has_global_flag = blocsenabled
is_vassal = yes
overlord = { OR = { has_country_modifier = democratic_bloc_leader
has_country_modifier = democratic_bloc } }
NOT = { OR = { has_country_modifier = democratic_bloc_leader
has_country_modifier = democratic_bloc } }

option = {
name = "We will destroy communism together!"

#Leave the Communist bloc

clr_country_flag = joincomm
remove_country_modifier = communist_bloc
remove_country_modifier = commhigh
remove_country_modifier = commmedium
remove_country_modifier = commlow
random_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = communist_bloc_leader }
relation = { who = THIS value = -100 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -50 }

#Join the democratic bloc

set_country_flag = joindemo
add_country_modifier = { name = democratic_bloc duration = -1 }
random_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = democratic_bloc_leader }
relation = { who = THIS value = 50 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 25 }

#Leave the NAM bloc

clr_country_flag = joinnam
remove_country_modifier = independent_bloc
any_country = {
limit = { exists = yes has_country_flag = joinnam }
relation = { who = THIS value = -50 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -25 }

#Vassals join the Overlord's Bloc - Non-Aligned Movement

country_event = {
id = 1512306
title = "$COUNTRY$ Joins the Non-Aligned Movement"
desc = EVTDESC1512306
picture = "nam_bloc_vassal"

trigger = {
has_global_flag = blocsenabled
is_vassal = yes
overlord = { has_country_flag = joinnam }
NOT = { has_country_flag = joinnam }

option = {
name = "We don't want to destroy each other!"

#Leave the Communist bloc

clr_country_flag = joincomm
remove_country_modifier = communist_bloc
remove_country_modifier = commhigh
remove_country_modifier = commmedium
remove_country_modifier = commlow
random_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = communist_bloc_leader }
relation = { who = THIS value = -100 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -50 }

#Leave the Democratic bloc

clr_country_flag = joindemo
remove_country_modifier = democratic_bloc
remove_country_modifier = demohigh
remove_country_modifier = demomedium
remove_country_modifier = demolow
random_country = {
limit = { has_country_modifier = democratic_bloc_leader }
relation = { who = THIS value = -100 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = -50 }
#Join the NAM Bloc
set_country_flag = joinnam
remove_country_modifier = independent_bloc
any_country = {
limit = { exists = yes has_country_flag = joinnam }
relation = { who = THIS value = 50 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 25 }

#North Macedonia Name

country_event = {
id = 1512307
title = "$YEAR$ Macedonian Referendum"
desc = EVTDESC1512307
picture = "2018_north_macedonia"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = MAC
year = 2018
exists = GRE
is_vassal = no
war = no
election = no
government = democracy
NOT = { ruling_party_ideology = nationalist }
NOT = { ruling_party_ideology = populist }
NOT = { ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 9 }

option = {
name = "Become North Macedonia!"
badboy = -5
government = democracy1
relation = { who = GRE value = 100 }
GRE = { any_owned = { limit = { is_core = MAC }
remove_core = MAC } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "We don't want to diminish our territorial claims"
prestige = 100
relation = { who = GRE value = -50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Independence event for UNT puppets

country_event = {
id = 1512308
title = "Independence of $COUNTRY$"
desc = "As part of the Peace Treaty, the United Nations is committed to grant us
independence in 5 years, the time has finally come to embrace our new found
picture = "colonial_dissent"

trigger = {
vassal_of = UNT
war = no
is_vassal = yes

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 60 }

option = {
name = "The United Nations grants us independence!"
overlord = { release_vassal = THIS }
government = democracy
country_event = 800054

#1986 People Power Revolution

country_event = {
id = 1512310
title = "$YEAR$ People Power Revolution"
desc = EVTDESC1512310
picture = "1986_phi_democracy"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = PHI
war = no
is_vassal = no
year = 1986
NOT = { year = 1990 }
government = presidential_dictatorship

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 2 }

option = {
name = "Remove Marcos and install Aquino as President!"
election = yes
government = democracy
country_event = 800054
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Stick to the status quo!"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#1975 Australian constitutional crisis
country_event = {
id = 1512312
title = "$YEAR$ Australian Constitutional Crisis"
desc = EVTDESC1512312
picture = "1975_AST_crisis"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = AST
war = no
year = 1975
NOT = { year = 1990 }
ruling_party_ideology = socialist
NOT = { pop_majority_ideology = socialist }
government = hms_government

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 }

option = {
name = "Dismiss the Labour government"
ruling_party_ideology = liberal
election = yes
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.4
value = liberal
} }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.6 }

option = {
name = "Let the minority government stay"
prestige = -25
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 365 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.4 }

#West Austria becomes Austria

country_event = {
id = 1512313
title = "$YEAR$ Austrian State Treaty"
desc = EVT_8203010_DESC
picture = "nwo2_austrian_state_treaty"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ROA
war = no
AUS = { exists = no }
owns = 619

option = {
name = "Begin our path as an independent nation"
all_core = { remove_core = ROA remove_core = GER add_core = AUS }
change_tag = AUS
primary_culture = austrian_german
all_core = { assimilate = yes }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Express our desire to reunite with Germany someday"
all_core = { remove_core = ROA add_core = AUS add_core = GER }
change_tag = AUS
badboy = 10
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Foundation of the UAR, 1958

country_event = {
id = 1512314
title = "United Arab Republic"
desc = EVTDESC1512314
picture = "uar_foundation_event"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = EGY
war = no
is_vassal = no
year = 1958
NOT = { year = 1990 }
ruling_party_ideology = socialist
primary_culture = arab
OR = { government = presidential_dictatorship government = populist_dictatorship
government = nationalist_dictatorship }

UAR = { exists = no }

SYR = { exists = yes }

SYR = {
war = no
OR = { vassal_of = EGY
AND = { is_vassal = no in_sphere = EGY }
AND = { is_vassal = no ruling_party_ideology = socialist } }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 2 }

option = {
name = "Realise the Pan-Arab dream!"
prestige = 200
SYR = { all_core = { add_core = UAR } }
change_tag = UAR
SYR = { country_event = 11101 }
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.2
value = socialist
} }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Maybe later"
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#1954 Syrian coup d'état

country_event = {
id = 1512315
title = "$YEAR$ Syrian coup d'état"
desc = EVTDESC1512315
picture = "1954_syr_coup"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = SYR
war = no
is_vassal = no
election = no
year = 1954
NOT = { year = 1990 }
ruling_party_ideology = conservative
government = presidential_dictatorship

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 2 }

option = {
name = "The coup suceedes!"
ruling_party_ideology = socialist
any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = 0.25
value = socialist
} }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Crush the attempt"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 3650 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Surplus WW2 Equipment

country_event = {
id = 1512316
title = "Surplus WW2 Armaments"
desc = EVTDESC1512316
picture = "ww2_surplus_arms"

trigger = {
OR = {
#Big four
tag = USA tag = RUS tag = ENG tag = KMT

tag = FRA tag = ITA tag = RAJ tag = AST tag = CAN
tag = NZL tag = NET tag = BEL tag = SAF tag = JAP

year = 1946
NOT = { year = 1990 }
NOT = { has_country_flag = ww2_surplus_arms_flag }

option = {
name = "It may be useful in the future"
set_country_flag = ww2_surplus_arms_flag
small_arms = 2000
weaponry = 2000
ships = 2000
aeroplanes = 2000
ai_chance = { factor = 1 }

option = {
name = "Sell it off!"
set_country_flag = ww2_surplus_arms_flag
money = 250000
ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#Latin American debt crisis

country_event = {
id = 1512317
title = "$YEAR$ Latin American Debt Crisis"
desc = EVTDESC1512317
picture = "latin_debt_crisis"

trigger = {
OR = { tag = MEX capital_scope = { continent = south_america } }
war = no
is_vassal = no

year = 1977
NOT = { year = 1992 }

NOT = { government = proletarian_dictatorship }

NOT = { government = proletarian_dictatorship1 }

NOT = { has_country_flag = latin_debt_crisis }

NOT = { has_country_modifier = financial_crisis }

OR = { has_country_flag = south_american_isi has_country_flag =
importfocus }

immediate = { remove_country_modifier = economic_boom }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60
modifier = {
factor = 0.1
any_neighbor_country = { has_country_modifier =
financial_crisis }

option = {
name = "Look to the IMF"
prestige_factor = -0.025
set_country_flag = latin_debt_crisis
money = -500000
ruling_party_ideology = big_tent

set_country_flag = imf_option_latin_america

add_country_modifier = { name = imf_loan duration = 3650 }

add_country_modifier = { name = financial_crisis duration = 3650 }

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = -0.25
value = socialist

ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }


option = {
name = "Unleash a bailout"
set_country_flag = latin_debt_crisis
set_country_flag = latin_debt_crisis_no_imf_option
add_tax_relative_income = -100
money = -2000000
add_country_modifier = { name = liquidity_trap duration = 1825 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

option = {
name = "Let the market self correct"
set_country_flag = latin_debt_crisis
prestige_factor = -0.05
add_country_modifier = { name = financial_crisis duration = 7300 }

any_pop = {
ideology = {
factor = -0.5
value = socialist

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }


#East Indonesia joins Indonesia

country_event = {
id = 1512318
title = "Integration of East Indonesia"
desc = EVTDESC1512318
picture = "rusi_independece"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = IDO
exists = EID
EID = { is_vassal = no war = no }
war = no
is_vassal = no

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 }

option = {
name = "Unite Indonesia!"
EID = { country_event = 11101 }
ai_chance = { factor = 1 }

option = {
name = "It's not necessary"
relation = { who = NET value = 100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#Return colonial cores - receiver

country_event = {
id = 1512319
title = "$FROMCOUNTRY$ Demands Decolonisation!"
desc = EVTDESC1512319
picture = "demand_decolonisation"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Return the colonies to $FROMCOUNTRY$"

relation = { who = FROM value = 100 }

FROM = { country_event = 1512320 } #Acceptance

any_owned = { limit = { is_core = FROM is_colonial = yes } remove_core

= THIS secede_province = FROM }

ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 NOT = { badboy = 0.6 } }

option = {
name = "It's an integral part of $COUNTRY$!"
prestige_factor = -0.02
badboy = 2.5
relation = { who = FROM value = -100 }
FROM = { country_event = 1512321 } #Rejection

ai_chance = { factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 badboy = 0.6 }

#Return colonial cores - originator, accept

country_event = {
id = 1512320
title = "$FROMCOUNTRY$ Returns $COUNTRY_ADJ$ Lands!"
desc = EVTDESC1512320
picture = "demand_decolonisation_win"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "A momentous day in $COUNTRY_ADJ$ history!"
prestige = 100

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = conservative } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.25 value = conservative } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = big_tent } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.25 value = big_tent } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = socialist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.25 value = socialist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.25 value = traditionalist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = populist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.25 value = populist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.25 value = nationalist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = progressive } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.25 value = progressive } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = liberal } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.25 value = liberal } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = communist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.25 value = communist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = communist_social } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.25 value = communist_social } } }

#Return colonial cores - originator, reject

country_event = {
id = 1512321
title = "$FROMCOUNTRY$ Refuses $COUNTRY_ADJ$ Demand!"
desc = EVTDESC1512321
picture = "demand_decolonisation_refuse"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "History will be against them!"
prestige = -10

#War reparations from Germany

country_event = {
id = 1512322
title = "War Reparations from Germany"
desc = EVTDESC1512322
picture = "war_reparation_delivery"

trigger = {
NOT = { year = 1980 }
OR = { tag = USA tag = RUS tag = ENG tag = FRA }

OR = {
AND = { any_owned_province = { is_core = GER }
GER = { exists = no } NGF = { exists = no }
SGF = { exists = no } HAN = { exists = no } }
GER = { vassal_of = THIS }
OG1 = { vassal_of = THIS }
OG2 = { vassal_of = THIS }
OG3 = { vassal_of = THIS }
OG4 = { vassal_of = THIS }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 12 }

option = {
name = "This is right and just!"
money = 100000
small_arms = 250
weaponry = 250
ships = 250
aeroplanes = 250
gold_silver = 100
cement = 100
machine_parts = 100
fuel = 100

#Anti-Corruption Drive Backlash

country_event = {
id = 1512323
title = "Anti-Corruption Drive Backlash"
desc = EVTDESC1512323
picture = "anti_corruption_drive"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "We will drain the swamp!"
any_pop = { limit = { OR = { type = aristocrats type = officers type =
bureaucrats } } militancy = 10 }
country_event = 100100

#London Agreement on German External Debts

country_event = {
id = 1512324
title = "London Agreement on German External Debts"
desc = EVTDESC1512324
picture = "ger_debt_relief"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = GER
government = democracy
year = 1953
exists = DDR
NOT = { year = 1990 }
NOT = { badboy = 0.5 }
war = no
is_vassal = no
has_global_flag = blocsenabled

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 9 }

option = {
name = "Great!"
prestige = 50
add_country_modifier = { name = tax_boost_modifier duration = 3650 }

#Death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand

country_event = {
id = 1512325
title = "Death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej"
desc = EVTDESC1512325
picture = "bhumibol_adulyadej_death"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = THI
OR = { government = absolute_monarchy government = hms_government government =
hms_government1 }
year = 2016

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 10 }

option = {
name = "The nation is in mourning!"
any_pop = { militancy = -10 }

#Select new party - Constitutional Monarchies

country_event = {
id = 1512326
title = "$COUNTRY_ADJ$ Government Dismissed"
desc = EVTDESC1512326
picture = "select_new_ruling_party_decision"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Appoint a Conservative Party"
ruling_party_ideology = conservative
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology = conservative }
} } owner = { country_event = 6016818 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Socialist Party"
ruling_party_ideology = socialist
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
socialist } } } owner = { country_event = 6016818 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Liberal Party"
ruling_party_ideology = liberal
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology = liberal } } }
owner = { country_event = 6016818 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Populist Party"
ruling_party_ideology = populist
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology = populist } } }
owner = { country_event = 6016818 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Progressive Party"
ruling_party_ideology = progressive
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
progressive } } } owner = { country_event = 6016818 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Traditionalist Party"
ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology = traditionalist
} } } owner = { country_event = 6016818 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Communist Party"
ruling_party_ideology = communist
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
communist } } } owner = { country_event = 6016818 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Market Socialist Party"
ruling_party_ideology = communist_social
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
communist_social } } } owner = { country_event = 6016818 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Nationalist Party"
ruling_party_ideology = nationalist
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
nationalist } } } owner = { country_event = 6016818 } }

#Select new party - Parliamentary Republics

country_event = {
id = 15123261
title = "$COUNTRY_ADJ$ Government Dismissed"
desc = EVTDESC15123261
picture = "select_new_ruling_party_decision"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Appoint a Conservative Party"
ruling_party_ideology = conservative
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
conservative } } } owner = { country_event = 6016819 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Socialist Party"
ruling_party_ideology = socialist
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
socialist } } } owner = { country_event = 6016819 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Liberal Party"
ruling_party_ideology = liberal
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
liberal } } } owner = { country_event = 6016819 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Populist Party"
ruling_party_ideology = populist
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
populist } } } owner = { country_event = 6016819 } }
option = {
name = "Appoint a Progressive Party"
ruling_party_ideology = progressive
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
progressive } } } owner = { country_event = 6016819 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Traditionalist Party"
ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
traditionalist } } } owner = { country_event = 6016819 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Communist Party"
ruling_party_ideology = communist
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
communist } } } owner = { country_event = 6016819 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Market Socialist Party"
ruling_party_ideology = communist_social
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
communist_social } } } owner = { country_event = 6016819 } }

option = {
name = "Appoint a Nationalist Party"
ruling_party_ideology = nationalist
clr_country_flag = appoint_ruling_party
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { pop_majority_ideology =
nationalist } } } owner = { country_event = 6016819 } }

#United Nations Trusteeship proposal after dismemberment

country_event = {
id = 1512327
title = "UN Trusteeship over $FROMCOUNTRY$?"
desc = EVTDESC1512327
picture = "united_nations_trust_territories"

is_triggered_only = yes

allow_multiple_instances = yes

option = {
name = "Accept the mandate"
prestige = 100
money = -500000
create_vassal = FROM
FROM = { government = mandate_government country_event = 800054 money = 500000
add_country_modifier = { name = tax_boost_modifier duration = 3650 }
add_country_modifier = { name = economic_boom duration = 3650 } set_country_flag =
great_war_mandate_un }
diplomatic_influence = { who = FROM value = 200 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = FROM value = 200 }
relation = { who = FROM value = 200 }
ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 NOT = { money = 500000 } }

option = {
name = "The $FROMCOUNTRY_ADJ$ people can rule themselves"
relation = { who = FROM value = 50 }
ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 money = 500000 }

#Trigger UN mandate independence

country_event = {
id = 1512328
title = "Independence of $COUNTRY$"
desc = EVT_fullindependence_DESC
picture = "un_mandate_end"

trigger = {

government = mandate_government

has_country_flag = great_war_mandate_un

election = no

is_vassal = yes

war = no

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60

option = {
name = EVT_fullindependence_A
prestige = 50
clr_country_flag = great_war_mandate_un
overlord = { country_event = 15406 }
ai_chance = { factor = 1 }
option = {
name = "Remain as a protectorate"
prestige = -50
FROM = {

#Constitutional Monarchy
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { overlord = { OR = { government =
hms_government government = hms_government1 government = absolute_monarchy } } } }
owner = { government = hms_government1 } }

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { overlord = { OR = { government = democracy
government = democracy } } } } owner = { government = democracy } }

#Socialist Democracy
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { overlord = { government =
socialist_democracy } } } owner = { government = socialist_democracy
ruling_party_ideology = socialist } }

#Communist Dictatorships
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { overlord = { OR = { government =
proletarian_dictatorship government = proletarian_dictatorship1 } } } } owner =
{ government = proletarian_dictatorship ruling_party_ideology = communist
country_event = 800052 } }

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { overlord = { government = theocracy } } }
owner = { government = theocracy country_event = 800050 ruling_party_ideology =
traditionalist } }

#Presidential Dictatorship
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { overlord = { government =
presidential_dictatorship } } } owner = { government = presidential_dictatorship
country_event = 800050 } }

#Nationalist Dictatorship
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { overlord = { government =
populist_dictatorship } } } owner = { government = populist_dictatorship
country_event = 800050 ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } }

#Sectarian Dictatorship
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { overlord = { government =
nationalist_dictatorship } } } owner = { government = nationalist_dictatorship
country_event = 800050 } }

clr_country_flag = great_war_mandate_un
ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#Malayan Emergency, Baling Talks

country_event = {
id = 1512329
title = "Baling Talks"
desc = EVTDESC1512329
picture = "baling_talks"

fire_only_once = yes
trigger = {
OR = { tag = MSY tag = FMS }
NOT = { government = proletarian_dictatorship }
NOT = { ruling_party_ideology = socialist }
NOT = { ruling_party_ideology = communist }
NOT = { ruling_party_ideology = communist_social }
has_country_modifier = malayan_emergency
year = 1956
war = no
election = no
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 2 }

option = {
name = "Withdraw the amnesty offer to the MCP"
any_pop = {
limit = { culture = malay }
ideology = { factor = 0.1 value = socialist }
any_pop = {
limit = { culture = chinese }
ideology = { factor = 0.25 value = socialist }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Accept the MCP's demand for political recognition"
prestige = -100
add_accepted_culture = chinese
any_pop = {
limit = { culture = malay }
ideology = { factor = 0.25 value = communist }
any_pop = {
limit = { culture = chinese }
ideology = { factor = 0.50 value = communist }
set_country_flag = malaya_baling_talks
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Calls to abolish the $COUNTRY_ADJ$ Monarchy

country_event = {
id = 1512330
title = "Call to Abolish the $COUNTRY_ADJ$ Monarchy"
desc = EVTDESC1512330
picture = "protests_to_abolish_monarchy"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Force the Monarch to abdicate!"
prestige_factor = -0.05
government = democracy
country_event = 800054

any_pop = { limit = { OR = { pop_majority_ideology = traditionalist

pop_majority_ideology = conservative } } militancy = 6 }

any_pop = { limit = { OR = { pop_majority_ideology = socialist

pop_majority_ideology = communist pop_majority_ideology = communist_social
pop_majority_ideology = liberal pop_majority_ideology = progressive } } militancy =
-6 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

option = {
name = "The people are misguided"

add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 1825 }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = conservative } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value = conservative } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = big_tent } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value = big_tent } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = socialist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value = socialist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value = traditionalist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = populist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value = populist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value = nationalist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = progressive } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value = progressive } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = liberal } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value = liberal } } }
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = communist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value = communist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = communist_social } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value = communist_social } } }

any_pop = { limit = { OR = { pop_majority_ideology = socialist

pop_majority_ideology = communist pop_majority_ideology = communist_social
pop_majority_ideology = liberal pop_majority_ideology = progressive } } militancy =
6 }

ai_chance = { factor = 1 }

#Chinese Reunification decision - KMT

country_event = {
id = 1512331
title = "Reunification of China"
desc = EVTDESC1512331
picture = "chinese_reunification_decision"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Become one united China!"
clr_global_flag = one_china_policy
remove_country_modifier = one_china_policy
FROM = { remove_country_modifier = one_china_policy }
FROM = { inherit = THIS }
ai_chance = { factor = 1 }

option = {
name = "Maintain our independence!"
prestige = 100

random_owned = {

limit = {
owner = { NOT = { any_owned_province = { NOT = { is_core = TAI } } } }

owner = { change_tag = TAI primary_culture = taiwanese } }

relation = { who = FROM value = -100 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#Absolute Monarchies
country_event = {
id = 1512332
title = "The $COUNTRY_ADJ$ Aristocrats' Demands"
desc = EVTDESC1512332
picture = "royal_court"

trigger = {
war = no
OR = {
average_militancy = 5

any_owned_province = {
is_core = THIS
any_pop = { type = aristocrats militancy = 9 }

political_opinions = ruling_party_opinion
government = absolute_monarchy
NOT = { has_country_modifier = revolution_chaos }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 6 }

option = {
name = "Accept the demands of the aristocrats"
prestige_factor = -0.05
political_reform = regulated_opinion
any_pop = { limit = { type = aristocrats } militancy = -6 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.75 }

option = {
name = "Tell them who's King!"
add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 365 }
any_pop = {
dominant_issue = {
value = regulated_opinion
factor = 0.25
any_pop = { limit = { type = aristocrats } militancy = 6 }
any_pop = { limit = { type = officers } militancy = 3 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.25 }

#2003–04 Indonesian offensive in Aceh

country_event = {
id = 1512333
title = "Free Aceh Movement"
desc = EVTDESC1512333
picture = "aceh_2003"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = IDO
ATJ = { exists = no }
any_owned_province = { is_core = ATJ }
year = 2003
war = no
is_vassal = no
OR = { average_militancy = 3 ai = yes }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 5 }

option = {
name = "Crush the separatist movement!"
badboy = 10
release = ATJ
war = {
target = ATJ
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = status_quo }
call_ally = no
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Grant Aceh autonomy"
prestige = -50
release_vassal = ATJ
sphere_owner = { diplomatic_influence = { who = ATJ value = 200 } }
diplomatic_influence = { who = ATJ value = 200 }
ATJ = { government = sar_government country_event = 800054 set_country_flag =
former_devolved_nation }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Dayak joins Indonesia

country_event = {
id = 1512334
title = "Integration of Dayak"
desc = EVTDESC1512334
picture = "rusi_independece"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = IDO
exists = DYA
DYA = { is_vassal = no war = no }
war = no
is_vassal = no

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 }

option = {
name = "Unite Indonesia!"
DYA = { country_event = 11101 }
ai_chance = { factor = 1 }
option = {
name = "It's not necessary"
relation = { who = NET value = 100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#East Sumatra joins Indonesia

country_event = {
id = 1512335
title = "Integration of East Sumatra"
desc = EVTDESC1512335
picture = "rusi_independece"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = IDO
exists = ESM
ESM = { is_vassal = no war = no }
war = no
is_vassal = no

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1 }

option = {
name = "Unite Indonesia!"
ESM = { country_event = 11101 }
ai_chance = { factor = 1 }

option = {
name = "It's not necessary"
relation = { who = NET value = 100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0 }

#Absolute Monarchy - Aristocrat's plot

country_event = {
id = 1512336
title = "Aristocrat's Plot"
desc = EVTDESC1512336
picture = "aristocrats_plot"

trigger = {
government = absolute_monarchy

NOT = { OR = { ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist ruling_party_ideology =

conservative ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } }

any_owned_province = {
is_core = THIS
any_pop = { OR = { pop_majority_ideology = traditionalist pop_majority_ideology =
conservative } type = aristocrats militancy = 6 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = revolution_chaos }

war = no
is_vassal = no

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 6 }

option = {
name = "Restore the monarchy to the glory days!"
ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist

any_pop = { limit = { type = aristocrats } militancy = -10 }

any_pop = {
limit = { NOT = { type = aristocrats } OR = { is_primary_culture = yes
is_accepted_culture = yes } }

scaled_militancy = {
factor = 5
ideology = socialist

scaled_militancy = {
factor = 7
ideology = communist

scaled_militancy = {
factor = 6
ideology = communist_social

scaled_militancy = {
factor = 4
ideology = big_tent

scaled_militancy = {
factor = 5
ideology = populist

scaled_militancy = {
factor = 10
ideology = liberal

scaled_militancy = {
factor = 10
ideology = progressive

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "The King decides, not some petty nobles"

add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 1825 }

upper_house = { ideology = traditionalist value = 0.8 }

any_pop = { limit = { type = officers } militancy = 5 }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = conservative } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.05 value = conservative } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = big_tent } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.05 value = big_tent } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = socialist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.05 value = socialist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.05 value = traditionalist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = populist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.05 value = populist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.05 value = nationalist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = progressive } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.05 value = progressive } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = liberal } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.05 value = liberal } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = communist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.05 value = communist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = communist_social } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.05 value = communist_social } } }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Superstate Tariffs - Change levels

country_event = {
id = 1512337
title = "Change in the Common Market's Tariffs"
desc = EVTDESC1512337
picture = "common_tarif_start"

trigger = {
any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = single_market }
has_country_flag = superstate_common_tariffs
NOT = { has_country_modifier = cmttimer }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 36

option = {
name = "This is their decision"
add_country_modifier = { name = cmttimer duration = 365 }
remove_country_modifier = cmthigh
remove_country_modifier = cmtmedium
remove_country_modifier = cmtlow
random_list = {
33 = { add_country_modifier = { name = cmthigh duration = -1 } }
34 = { add_country_modifier = { name = cmtmedium duration = -1 } }
33 = { add_country_modifier = { name = cmtlow duration = -1 } }

#Superstate Tariffs - Start

country_event = {
id = 1512338
title = "Tariffs Controlled by Customs Union"
desc = EVTDESC1512338
picture = "common_tarif"

trigger = {

NOT = {
OR = {
tag = XGC
tag = XEF
tag = XEU
tag = XCC
tag = XAU
tag = XEW
tag = XEC
tag = XSA
tag = XSU
tag = XMS
tag = XAC
tag = XAL
tag = XMU
tag = XAN
tag = XCI
tag = XNA
tag = XPI
tag = XEA
tag = XTC
tag = XUM
tag = XIO
tag = UAR
tag = XME

any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = single_market }

NOT = { has_country_flag = superstate_common_tariffs }

option = {
name = "It is a price to pay for a common market"
set_country_flag = superstate_common_tariffs
country_event = 1512337

#Superstate Tariffs - End

country_event = {
id = 1512339
title = "Left the Customs Union"
desc = EVTDESC1512337
picture = "common_tarif"

trigger = {

OR = {
tag = XGC
tag = XEF
tag = XEU
tag = XCC
tag = XAU
tag = XEW
tag = XEC
tag = XSA
tag = XSU
tag = XMS
tag = XAC
tag = XAL
tag = XMU
tag = XAN
tag = XCI
tag = XNA
tag = XPI
tag = XEA
tag = XTC
tag = XUM
tag = XIO
tag = UAR
tag = XME

NOT = { any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = single_market } }


has_country_flag = superstate_common_tariffs

option = {
name = "Today is $COUNTRY$'s economic independence day!"
clr_country_flag = superstate_common_tariffs
remove_country_modifier = cmthigh
remove_country_modifier = cmtmedium
remove_country_modifier = cmtlow

#Nationalist Germany - Add Austrian Culture for anschluss

country_event = {
id = 1512340
title = "Return of German Nationalism"
desc = EVTDESC1512340
picture = "nazi_return"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = GER
is_vassal = no
election = no
ruling_party_ideology = nationalist

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 6 }

option = {
name = "We shall unite all Germans under one flag!"
any_country = { limit = { OR = { tag = USA tag = FRA tag = NET tag = BEL tag = LUX
tag = RUS tag = ENG tag = POL tag = CZH tag = BOH } } relation = { who = THIS value
= -100 } }
add_accepted_culture = austrian_german

#The Kaliningrad Question

country_event = {
id = 1512341
title = "The Kaliningrad Question"
desc = EVTDESC1512341
picture = "PRU_question"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = RUS
NOT = { has_global_flag = blocsenabled }
is_vassal = no
war = no
owns = 695
AND = { exists = LIT NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS } }
AND = { exists = GER NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS } }
PRU = { exists = no }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 6 }

option = {
name = "Keep the Kaliningrad Oblast"
695 = { add_core = PRU }
697 = { add_core = PRU }
PRU = { civilized = yes }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 }

option = {
name = "Cede Kaliningrad to Lithuania"
695 = { add_core = LIT remove_core = RUS }
697 = { add_core = LIT remove_core = RUS }
695 = { secede_province = LIT }
697 = { secede_province = LIT }
relation = { who = LIT value = 200 }
badboy = -5
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

option = {
name = "Return Kaliningrad to Germany"
695 = { add_core = GER remove_core = RUS }
697 = { add_core = GER remove_core = RUS }
695 = { secede_province = GER }
697 = { secede_province = GER }
relation = { who = GER value = 200 }
badboy = -5
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

option = {
name = "Grant Kaliningrad independence"
badboy = -5
695 = { add_core = PRU remove_core = RUS }
697 = { add_core = PRU remove_core = RUS }
PRU = { civilized = yes }
release = PRU
PRU = { government = democracy country_event = 800054 ruling_party_ideology =
conservative }
diplomatic_influence = { who = PRU value = 200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#1946 Greek Monarchy Referendum

country_event = {
id = 1512342
title = "1946 Greek Monarchy Referendum"
desc = EVTDESC1512342
picture = "greek_king_question"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = GRE
year = 1946
NOT = { has_global_flag = 1950_start_date_flag }
NOT = { year = 1990 }

government = hms_government
is_vassal = no

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 9 }

option = {
name = "The monarchists are victorious"
prestige = 10
relation = { who = ENG value = 50 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "The King is no more!"
government = democracy
relation = { who = ENG value = -50 }
any_pop = {
limit = { is_primary_culture = yes }
militancy = -10
ideology = { factor = 0.10 value = communist }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Soviet Occupation of Bornholm

country_event = {
id = 1512343
title = "Soviet Occupation of Bornholm"
desc = EVTDESC1512343
picture = "bornholm_occupation"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = RUS
is_vassal = no
war = no
year = 1946
owns = 374
NOT = { year = 1990 }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 4 }

option = {
name = "Return the island to Denmark"
badboy = -10
relation = { who = DEN value = 50 }
374 = { secede_province = DEN }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Continue the illegal occupation!"
prestige = -100
374 = { add_province_modifier = { name = occupied_province duration = -1 } }
relation = { who = DEN value = -100 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Trade War Ended

country_event = {
id = 1512344
title = "$FROMCOUNTRY$ Removes Trade Tariffs"
desc = EVTDESC1512344
picture = "end_trade_war"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Rejoice!"

relation = { who = FROM value = 50 }

remove_country_modifier = trade_war_tariffs

#If resisted demands of Trade Instigator

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { has_country_modifier =
conceded_trade_war } } } owner = { prestige_factor = 0.1 } }

#Trade War Started

country_event = {
id = 1512345
title = "$FROMCOUNTRY$ Starts a Trade War"
desc = EVTDESC1512345
picture = "start_trade_war"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Impose retaliatory tariffs on $FROMCOUNTRY_ADJ$ exports!"
relation = { who = FROM value = -50 }
add_country_modifier = { name = trade_war_tariffs duration = -1 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 modifier = { factor = 0 war_policy = pacifism } }


option = {
name = "Accede to $FROMCOUNTRY_ADJ$ demands"
prestige_factor = -0.2

add_country_modifier = { name = conceded_trade_war duration = 3650 }

relation = { who = FROM value = 200 }

#If accepted demands of Trade Instigator

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { has_country_modifier = conceded_trade_war } }
owner = { prestige_factor = -0.2 } }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }


#Increase Trade War Levels

country_event = {
id = 1512346
title = "Change in Trade War Levels"
desc = EVTDESC1512346
picture = "trade_war_levels"

trigger = {
has_global_flag = trade_war
NOT = { has_country_modifier = trade_war_4 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = conceded_trade_war }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = juche }

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 12 }

option = {
name = "We need to look at this strongly!"

#Add Trade War 4

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { has_country_modifier = trade_war_3 } }
owner = {
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_1
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_2
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_3
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_4
add_country_modifier = { name = trade_war_4 duration = -1 } }

#Add Trade War 3

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { has_country_modifier = trade_war_2 } }
owner = {
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_1
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_2
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_3
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_4
add_country_modifier = { name = trade_war_3 duration = -1 } }

#Add Trade War 2

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { has_country_modifier = trade_war_1 } }
owner = {
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_1
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_2
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_3
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_4
add_country_modifier = { name = trade_war_2 duration = -1 } }

#Add Trade War 1

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = {
NOT = { has_country_modifier = trade_war_1 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = trade_war_2 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = trade_war_3 }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = trade_war_4 }
} }
owner = {
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_1
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_2
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_3
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_4
add_country_modifier = { name = trade_war_1 duration = -1 } }

#Fully end Trade War

country_event = {
id = 1512347
title = "Effects of the Trade War Wanes"
desc = EVTDESC1512347
picture = "end_trade_war_levels"

trigger = {
OR = { NOT = { has_global_flag = trade_war }
has_country_modifier = conceded_trade_war has_country_modifier = juche }
has_country_modifier = trade_war_1

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 6 }

option = {
name = "We have weathered the worst"
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_1
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_2
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_3
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_4

add_country_modifier = { name = economic_boom duration = 1825 }


#Decrease Trade War Levels

country_event = {
id = 1512348
title = "Decrease in Trade War Levels"
desc = EVTDESC1512346
picture = "trade_war_levels"

trigger = {
OR = { NOT = { has_global_flag = trade_war } has_country_modifier =
conceded_trade_war has_country_modifier = juche }
OR = {
has_country_modifier = trade_war_2
has_country_modifier = trade_war_3
has_country_modifier = trade_war_4

mean_time_to_happen = { months = 6 }

option = {
name = "The economy is recovering!"

#Remove Trade War 2

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { NOT = { has_global_flag = trade_war } has_country_modifier =
trade_war_2 } }
owner = {
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_1
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_2
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_3
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_4
add_country_modifier = { name = trade_war_1 duration = -1 } }

#Remove Trade War 3

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { NOT = { has_global_flag = trade_war } has_country_modifier =
trade_war_3 } }
owner = {
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_1
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_2
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_3
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_4
add_country_modifier = { name = trade_war_2 duration = -1 } }

#Remove Trade War 4

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { NOT = { has_global_flag = trade_war } has_country_modifier =
trade_war_4 } }
owner = {
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_1
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_2
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_3
remove_country_modifier = trade_war_4
add_country_modifier = { name = trade_war_3 duration = -1 } }

#Anger against Conscription
country_event = {
id = 1512349
title = "Controversy over Conscription"
desc = EVTDESC1512349
picture = "conscription_controversy"

trigger = {

OR = {
lgbt_rights = lgbt_promoted
lgbt_rights = lgbt_allowed
lgbt_rights = lgbt_equal_rights

war = no
has_recently_lost_war = no

average_militancy = 2

OR = { government = democracy government = democracy1 government =

socialist_democracy government = hms_government government = hms_government1 }

OR = {
pop_majority_ideology = liberal
pop_majority_ideology = progressive
has_country_modifier = massive_government_corruption
has_country_modifier = large_government_corruption
has_country_modifier = medium_government_corruption

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 2 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 3 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 4 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 5 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 6 }

option = {
name = "Maintain our current conscription laws"

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = conservative } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.01 value =
conservative } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = big_tent } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.01 value =
big_tent } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = socialist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.01 value =
socialist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.01 value =
traditionalist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = populist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.01 value =
populist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.01 value =
nationalist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = progressive } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.01 value =
progressive } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = liberal } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.01 value = liberal
} } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = communist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.01 value =
communist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = communist_social } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.01 value =
communist_social } } }

#Increase militancy and consciousness

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { ruling_party_ideology =
traditionalist } } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 2
ideology = traditionalist } scaled_militancy = { factor = 2 ideology =
traditionalist } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { ruling_party_ideology =
conservative } } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 2
ideology = conservative } scaled_militancy = { factor = 2 ideology = conservative }
} } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { ruling_party_ideology =
liberal } } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 2 ideology =
liberal } scaled_militancy = { factor = 2 ideology = liberal } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { ruling_party_ideology =
big_tent } } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 2 ideology =
big_tent } scaled_militancy = { factor = 2 ideology = big_tent } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { ruling_party_ideology =
progressive } } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 2
ideology = progressive } scaled_militancy = { factor = 2 ideology = progressive } }
} }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { ruling_party_ideology =
socialist } } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 2 ideology
= socialist } scaled_militancy = { factor = 2 ideology = socialist } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { ruling_party_ideology =
communist } } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 2 ideology
= communist } scaled_militancy = { factor = 2 ideology = communist } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { ruling_party_ideology =
communist_social } } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 2
ideology = communist_social } scaled_militancy = { factor = 2 ideology =
communist_social } } } }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { ruling_party_ideology =
nationalist } } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 2
ideology = nationalist } scaled_militancy = { factor = 2 ideology = nationalist } }
} }
random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { ruling_party_ideology =
populist } } } owner = { any_pop = { scaled_consciousness = { factor = 2 ideology =
populist } scaled_militancy = { factor = 2 ideology = populist } } } }

ai_chance = {
factor = 0.9
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = { ruling_party_ideology = liberal
ruling_party_ideology = progressive }

option = {
name = "Loosen our conscription laws"

#Officers get angry

any_pop = {
limit = { type = officers }
scaled_militancy = {
factor = 10
ideology = nationalist
scaled_militancy = {
factor = 5
ideology = populist

#two_year_draft to one_year_draft
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { lgbt_rights = lgbt_equal_rights } }
owner = { political_reform = gender_neutrallity }

#three_year_draft to two_year_draft
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { lgbt_rights = lgbt_allowed } }
owner = { political_reform = lgbt_equal_rights }

#mandatory_service to three_year_draft
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { lgbt_rights = lgbt_promoted } }
owner = { political_reform = lgbt_allowed }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Anger against Conscription

country_event = {
id = 1512350
title = "Calls to Abolish Conscription"
desc = EVTDESC1512349
picture = "conscription_controversy"

trigger = {

lgbt_rights = gender_neutrallity

war = no
has_recently_lost_war = no

NOT = { any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier =

unstable_region } }

OR = { government = democracy government = democracy1 government =

socialist_democracy government = hms_government government = hms_government1 }

OR = {
pop_majority_ideology = liberal
pop_majority_ideology = progressive
has_country_modifier = massive_government_corruption
has_country_modifier = large_government_corruption
has_country_modifier = medium_government_corruption

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 2 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 3 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 4 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 5 }
modifier = { factor = 0.75 average_militancy = 6 }

option = {
name = "Maintain our current conscription laws"

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = conservative } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value =
conservative } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = big_tent } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value =
big_tent } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = socialist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value =
socialist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = traditionalist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value =
traditionalist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = populist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value =
populist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = nationalist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value =
nationalist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = progressive } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value =
progressive } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = liberal } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value = liberal
} } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = communist } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value =
communist } } }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { ruling_party_ideology = communist_social } }
owner = { any_pop = { ideology = { factor = -0.05 value =
communist_social } } }
ai_chance = {
factor = 0.9
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = { ruling_party_ideology = liberal
ruling_party_ideology = progressive }

option = {
name = "End conscription in $COUNTRY$"

#Officers get angry

any_pop = {
limit = { type = officers }
scaled_militancy = {
factor = 10
ideology = nationalist
scaled_militancy = {
factor = 5
ideology = populist

political_reform = lgbt_outlawed

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

#Decrease Crisis Tension

country_event = {
id = 1512351
title = "United Nations Crisis Summit"
desc = EVTDESC1512351
picture = "un_tension_reduction_summit"

trigger = {
crisis_exist = yes
involved_in_crisis = yes
crisis_temperature = 50

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4
modifier = { factor = 2 is_mobilised = yes }
modifier = { factor = 0.5 has_global_flag = UNSG_aggressive }
modifier = { factor = 2 has_global_flag = UNSG_passive }
modifier = { factor = 0.5 crisis_temperature = 90 }

option = {
name = "Participate in the Summit"
random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { NOT = { crisis_temperature = 60 } } }
owner = { add_crisis_temperature = -5 }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { crisis_temperature = 60 NOT = { crisis_temperature = 70 } } }
owner = { add_crisis_temperature = -10 }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { crisis_temperature = 70 NOT = { crisis_temperature = 80 } } }
owner = { add_crisis_temperature = -20 }

random_owned = {
limit = { owner = { crisis_temperature = 80 NOT = { crisis_temperature = 90 } } }
owner = { add_crisis_temperature = -40 }

ai_chance = {
factor = 0.5
modifier = { factor = 2 war_policy = pacifism }
modifier = { factor = 0.5 war_policy = jingoism }

option = {
name = "Boycott the event"
ai_chance = { factor = 0.5 }

#Puppets join the sphere of the overlord

country_event = {
id = 1512352
title = "Shift in Geopolitics"
desc = "Our overlord's sphere has changed and so we have to follow the change
because we are their puppet."
picture = "un_tension_reduction_summit"

trigger = {
is_vassal = yes

NOT = { AND = { tag = VAN vassal_of = ENG in_sphere = FRA } }

NOT = { government = sar_government government = mandate_government }

OR = {
overlord = {
is_greater_power = no part_of_sphere = yes
sphere_owner = { NOT = { is_sphere_leader_of = THIS } }

overlord = {
is_greater_power = yes
NOT = { is_sphere_leader_of = THIS }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1

option = {
name = "This is the new reality"

any_greater_power = { limit = { is_our_vassal = THIS } diplomatic_influence = { who

= THIS value = 200 } }

overlord = { sphere_owner = { diplomatic_influence = { who = THIS value = 200 } } }


#War of Somaliland Independence

country_event = {
id = 1512353
title = "Somali Civil War"
desc = EVTDESC1512353
picture = "sml_independence"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = SOM
year = 1990
war = no
is_vassal = no
SML = { exists = no }
is_possible_vassal = SML
OR = { government = proletarian_dictatorship government = presidential_dictatorship
government = populist_dictatorship government = nationalist_dictatorship }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

option = {
name = "Resist Somaliland Independence"
badboy = 5
release = SML
war = {
target = SML
attacker_goal = { casus_belli = annex_core_country }
defender_goal = { casus_belli = become_independent }
call_ally = no
ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 }

option = {
name = "Recognise Somaliland"
release = SML
relation = { who = SML value = 100 }
prestige = -50
SML = { government = democracy country_event = 800054 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 }

#Denuclearisation Demanded - target

country_event = {
id = 1512354
title = "$FROMCOUNTRY$ Demands Denuclearisation"
desc = EVTDESC1512354
picture = "nuclear_disarmament_un"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Push ahead in our nuclear development!"
relation = { who = FROM value = -100 }

any_country = { limit = { OR = { is_greater_power = yes has_country_modifier =

unsc_permanent_member } } country_event = 1512355 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 modifier = { factor = 0 badboy = 1 } }


option = {
name = "Accept the $FROMCOUNTRY_ADJ$ demand"
badboy = -25
prestige_factor = -0.25
remove_country_modifier = hydrogen_nation
remove_country_modifier = atomic_nation
remove_country_modifier = develop_atomic_bomb
remove_country_modifier = develop_hydrogen_bomb
remove_country_modifier = nuclear_cap_high
remove_country_modifier = nuclear_cap_medium
remove_country_modifier = nuclear_cap_low
clr_country_flag = atomic_bomb_developed
clr_country_flag = hydrogen_bomb_developed
clr_country_flag = icbm_bomb
clr_country_flag = sub_bomb
clr_country_flag = air_bomb

remove_country_modifier = nuke_sanctions

add_country_modifier = { name = non_proliferation_treaty duration = 7300 }

clr_country_flag = demanded_denuclearisation

ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }


#Denuclearisation Demanded - GPs and UNSC members

country_event = {
id = 1512355
title = "Denuclearisation of $FROMCOUNTRY$?"
desc = EVTDESC1512355
picture = "nuclear_disarmament_un"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Support the motion in the UN General Assembly!"
relation = { who = FROM value = -100 }
FROM = { badboy = 2 add_country_modifier = { name = nuke_sanctions duration = -
1 } }
ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 NOT = { relation = { who = FROM value = 100 } } }

option = {
name = "Abstain from the motion"
prestige = -10
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Vote against the motion"
relation = { who = FROM value = 100 }
FROM = { badboy = -2 }
ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = { factor = 0 relation = { who = FROM value = -50 } }

#Denuclearisation Demanded - Summit

country_event = {
id = 1512356
title = "Summit on De-nuclearisation"
desc = EVTDESC1512356
picture = "nuclear_disarmament_summit"

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "Slow down the $FROMCOUNTRY_ADJ$ nuclear program (5 years)!"

any_country = {
limit = { is_vassal = no neighbour = FROM
NOT = { relation = { who = FROM value = 0 } } }
relation = { who = THIS value = -50 }

FROM = { country_event = 1512357 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.5 }

option = {
name = "No sanctions relief until total de-nuclearisation"
any_country = {
limit = { is_vassal = no relation = { who = FROM value = 100 } }
relation = { who = THIS value = -50 }

FROM = { country_event = 1512358 }

ai_chance = { factor = 0.5 }

#Denuclearisation Demanded - Summit success

country_event = {
id = 1512357
title = "$CAPITAL$ Summit Succeeds"
desc = EVTDESC1512357
picture = "nuclear_disarmament_summit"

is_triggered_only = yes

major = yes

option = {
name = "Great!"

prestige = 50

relation = { who = THIS value = 50 }

badboy = -10

add_country_modifier = { name = nuke_sanctions_relief duration = 1825 }

clr_country_flag = nuclear_blackmail_flag

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { has_country_modifier = develop_atomic_bomb } }

owner = { remove_country_modifier = develop_atomic_bomb add_country_modifier =
{ name = develop_atomic_bomb duration = 3650 } } }

random_owned = { limit = { owner = { has_country_modifier = develop_hydrogen_bomb }

} owner = { remove_country_modifier = develop_hydrogen_bomb add_country_modifier =
{ name = develop_hydrogen_bomb duration = 3650 } } }

#Denuclearisation Demanded - Summit failure

country_event = {
id = 1512358
title = "$CAPITAL$ Summit Fails"
desc = EVTDESC1512358
picture = "nuclear_disarmament_summit"

is_triggered_only = yes

major = yes
option = {
name = "Disaster!"

prestige = -25

relation = { who = THIS value = -100 }

badboy = 3

clr_country_flag = nuclear_blackmail_flag

#Scottish Independence Referendum, 2014

country_event = {
id = 1512359
title = "$YEAR$ Scottish Independence Referendum"
desc = EVTDESC1512359
picture = "sco_indy"

fire_only_once = yes

trigger = {
tag = ENG
year = 2014

government = hms_government
war = no
is_vassal = no

is_possible_vassal = SCO

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 9

option = {
name = "Let the people decide!"
random_list = {
80 = { prestige = 100 }
20 = {
release = SCO
SCO = { government = hms_government country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = nationalist }
relation = { who = SCO value = 200 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = SCO value = 200 }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 }

option = {
name = "Grant full devolution"
release_vassal = SCO
relation = { who = SCO value = 200 }
diplomatic_influence = { who = SCO value = 200 }
SCO = { government = sar_government country_event = 800054
ruling_party_ideology = nationalist }
ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 }

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