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The Other Hollywood

Say the word 'Hollywood' and we think of the movies,

long limousines and famous people living in luxury on Beverly Hills.
But there's another Hollywood which we don't hear about,
it's the part of Hollywood where the homeless live.

Hollywood is America's unofficial A dream come true? Who is responsible?

homeless capital and between For many teenagers ~ o ~ l ~ w o o d Movies create the image of
4,000 and 10,000 homeless seems like an escape from their Hollywood which we all have.
teenagers sleep on Hollywood difficult home life. They arrive Are they responsible for what
Boulevard every night, that's with the dream that they will happens t o homeless teenagers
about one tenth of Los Angeles' become movie stars and lead on Hollywood Boulevard? Some
homeless population. the glamorous lifestyle that they campaigners for the homeless
see in the movies. However, the believe that they are and have
reality is that thieves steal their organised protests at Hollywood
Why are they on the streets? money in the first week, and studios. London's Big Issue
Over half of the people aged many soon become involved in magazine recently asked Steven
under 25 and living on the streets buying and selling drugs in Spielberg's office, Warner, and
leave their family homes because order to survive. Some teenagers Colombia Studios to comment
of abuse. They might feel become gang members and on the problem of homeless
frightened, or even think they are either end up in prison, or dead teenagers in Hollywood, but
responsible for it. Many teenagers because gang culture is very none of them believed that they
don't know where to look for violent in America. So the dream were responsible. Every day the
help, and the only way out of the that teenagers arrive with, and studios continue t o make movies

situation may seem to be t o run the reality they find, are very and teenagers keep coming to
away from it. different. Hollywood full of hope and dreams.


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