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Generating Cuts

and Calculating Reserves

with Reserve
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Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve. V3. November 4, 2015

2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 by Mintec Inc. and Leica Geosystems AG. All rights reserved. No part of this document shall be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written
permission from Mintec Inc. All terms mentioned in this document that are known to be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respec-
tive companies have been appropriately identified. MineSight is R a registered trademark of Leica Geosystems AG. This material is subject
to the terms in the Hexagon Mining Terms and Conditions (available at
Generating Cuts
Calculating Reserves
with Reserve
MineSight: Exploration to Production
MineSight software is a comprehensive mine planning platform offering integrated solutions for
exploration, modeling, design, scheduling and production. It uses raw data — from drillholes,
blastholes, underground samples and other sources — to derive 2D and 3D models essential to
mine design and planning. Below the ground or at the surface, from precious metals to base
metals, for coal, oil sands and industrial minerals, MineSight software tackles geomodeling mining
applications to improve productivity at every stage of a mine’s life.

Use digitized data to define geologic information in section or plan; define topography contours;
and define structural information, such as mine designs, important in the evaluation of an ore
body. Virtually every phase of a project, from drillholes to production scheduling, either uses or
derives geometric data. MineSight software lets you create, manipulate, triangulate and view
any geometric data as 2D or 3D elements.
Manage drillhole, blasthole and other
sample data in a Microsoft SQL Server
database. The data can be validated,
manipulated and reported; and it is
fully integrated with other MineSight
products for coding, spearing, com-
positing, interpolation, statistics and
display. Some of the types of data
you can store are drillhole collar infor-
mation (location, length and more),
down-hole survey data (orientation),
assays, lithology, geology, geotechni-
cal data and quality parameters for

Calculate composites by several methods, including bench, fixed length, honoring geology and
economic factors. These composites are fully integrated with other MineSight products for statistics
and geostatistics, interpolation and display.
c 2015 Mintec Inc. and Leica Geosystems AG


Used to model base metal deposits such as por- Used to model layered deposits, such as coal and
phyry copper, non-layered deposits, and most oil sands. Although they are normally oriented hor-
complex coal and oil sands projects. izontally, they can be oriented vertically for steeply
dipping ore bodies.

Vertical dimensions are typically a function of the Vertical dimensions are a function of the seam
mining bench height. (or other layered structures) and interburden thick-

Contains grade items, geological codes and a to- Contains elevations and thickness of seams (or
pography percent among other qualities and mea- other layered structures), as well as grade items, ge-
surements. ological codes, a topography percent, and other
qualities and measurements.

Build and manage 3D block, stratigraphic and surface models to define your deposit. Populate
your models through: geometries (polygons, solids or surfaces) coded into the model; calculations
on model items; text files loaded into the model; and interpolation through techniques such as in-
verse distance weighting, kriging or polygonal assignment. As you design and evaluate your mine
project, you can update your model, summarize resources and reserves, calculate and report
statistics, display in plots or view in 2D and 3D.


Generate pit shells to reflect economic designs. Using floating cone or Lerchs-Grossmann tech-
niques, work on whole blocks from the 3D block model to find economic pit limits for economic
assumptions such as costs, net value, cutoff grades and pit wall slope. Economic material is usually
one grade or an equivalent grade item. You can view the results in 2D or 3D, use the results to
guide your phase design, plot your design in plan or section, calculate reserves and run simple
production scheduling on your reserves.

Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve


Accurately design detailed open pit geometry, in- Support & Services
cluding ramps and pushbacks with variable wall
Client service and satisfaction is our
slopes, and display your pit designs in plan or section, first priority. Boasting a multilingual
clipped against topography or in 3D. You can eval- group of geologists and engineers
uate reserves for pit designs based on a partial block stationed worldwide, the MineSight
basis and calculate production schedules from the re- team has years of hands-on, real-world
serves. Create and manipulate underground design experience.
through CAD functions and from survey information.

No matter your location or the time of

day, MineSight Technical Support is at
Generate schedules for long term planning based on your service. The company’s offices
pushback designs, or phases, and reserves computed in the United States, Canada, Mexico,
by the mine-planning programs. The basic input pa- Peru, Chile, Brazil, South Africa, Australia
rameters for each production period include mill ca- and the United Kingdom all offer techni-
pacity, mine capacity and cutoff grades. cal support via phone and email.


SHORT TERM PLANNING MineSight software is always improving

in response to our clients’ needs. It
Generate schedules for short term planning based on
doesn’t take long to fall behind. That’s
cuts or solids in interactive planning modules. A large why we’re committed to helping you
selection of parameters and flexible configurations let get the most from MineSight software.
you control daily, weekly or monthly production. Take advantage of our regularly sched-
uled training courses or create a cus-
tomized curriculum that best suits your


MineSight Consulting Services offers

mine planning studies, mineral resource
studies and project assistance to help
you get the most from your mine and
from MineSight. From scoping studies to
final feasibility studies, depend on our
multilingual MineSight specialists.


The Solutions Group specializes in cus-

tom software development, operations
management, and system configura-
tion of MineSight to help you manage
workflow and streamline the mining op-
eration. No matter the challenge, you’ll
find the Solutions Group well equipped
to resolve the issues unique to your mine.

Short Term Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Bench Polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Mining Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Validating Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Reporting Model Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Reserves for GSF Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Reserves for Multi-Ore Percent Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Displaying Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Publish a Reserve Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Conclusion & Future Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

Short Term Plans

A short term plan breaks down a long term plan
into smaller units to better guide mining. Using LEARNING OBJECTIVE
phase solids derived from the long term planning
process, the planning engineer generates sched- Understand the MineSight workflow for
ules spanning varying time periods — for example, creating a short term mine plan.
a quarter, a month or a week. Plans dealing with
daily or shift level detail are known as “production
A short term mining schedule can be created manually in MineSight Planner or automatically in
MineSight Schedule Optimizer (MSSO); the latter optimizes a schedule based on user-defined con-
straints. The goal is to design and schedule mining cuts to meet specific objectives — commonly
maximizing Net Value (NV), meeting production targets, or aligning short term and long term plans
– and use the mining cuts to calculate reserve tonnage and immediate truck/shovel requirements.
Finally, the engineer implements the schedule by designing blast patterns and end-of-period maps
for each period.


Short Term Plans | 1

c 2015 Mintec Inc. and Leica Geosystems AG


2 | Short Term Plans

Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

Bench Polygons
Short term planning starts with slicing each phase
solid into mid-bench polygons or bench solids, and LEARNING OBJECTIVE
then dividing those into more detailed cuts by tar-
geting on criteria such as tonnage, grade or mate- Create bench polygons or solids.
rial type. Bench polygons are 2D cuts representing
an entire bench. They can serve as templates later
on to delineate the limits of the pit when you design mining cuts.

Bench polygons for phases 1, 2 and 3.

EXERCISE: Create Bench Polygons

Make a plan grid set offset to mid-bench and attach it to the viewer. Create bench polygons for each of the
phase solids with the Slice View function. Store the polygons in separate geometry objects.

Bench Polygons right-click on folder in Data Manager → Slice View → Slice with Grid Set →
select the mid-bench grid set → OK


Due to how reserves are computed in MineSight Interactive Planner (MSIP), it is best to create
bench polygons at mid bench to get the most accurate results.

A cut at the bench toe (left) will be extruded vertically to the crest. Reserves will be under
reported; area B will be ignored. A cut at mid bench (right) will be vertically extruded in both
directions. Tonnage will be computed for A1 and A2 on either side of the cut. The area denoted
by B1 will be excluded from the total, but this will be compensated by including area B2 (which
has no material).

Bench Polygons | 3
c 2015 Mintec Inc. and Leica Geosystems AG


4 | Bench Polygons
Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

Mining Cuts
It is important to understand how much detail is
necessary in a schedule when designing your min- LEARNING OBJECTIVE
ing cuts. Cuts in longer-period schedules tend to
be larger and more consistent in shape, but less Create mining cuts using automatic,
detailed; conversely, cuts in shorter-period sched- semi-automatic and manual methods.
ules are more variable in both shape and size. The
type of schedule dictates the method and tools
you will use. Some tools in MineSight allow automatic and semi-automatic cut generation, which
is ideal for longer-period schedules. Other tools/methods are completely manual, giving you full
control — these are best for shorter-period schedules requiring more detailed cuts.

Auto Cut Generation

Auto Cut Generation is the most efficient method
by which to create mining cuts in MineSight. If your
mine plan does not require detailed cuts, the Auto-
Cut Generation Tool is ideal as it automatically cre-
ates cuts from solids or polygons, and slices them
into consistent sizes and shapes.
Defining mining cut dimensions and quantities is
simple; and the definitions can be applied to all
benches or individual benches. Additional control
is available to determine if remnants (left-overs) can
be merged to neighboring cuts or eliminated. Autonaming options make it easy to name all your
cuts with a unique name.

Use the $polyElev wildcard so that you can adjust the elevation in the cut name from mid-bench back
to toe (ex. adjust $polyElev (m) to -7.5).

EXERCISE: Make Cuts with Auto Cut Generation

Although this exercise focuses on polygonal cuts, the steps can also be applied to solid cut generation. With
all mid-bench polygons selected, configure mining cuts dimensions to 100m x 100m for all benches. Set the
Minimum Merge Size to 25% and the Minimu Remove Size to 0%. Name each cut using the format “phase-
bench-count” (ex. Phase 1 - $polyElev - $count).

Create Cuts MS3D Desktop Menu → Utilities → Auto Cut Generation → Options tab → use
the polyline selector to select all bench polygons → enter size of cut in X
Width and Y Width → enter the number of cuts in NX and NY → enter values
for Minimum Merge Size and Minimum Remove Size → Naming tab → enter
a name using the wildcards

Mining Cuts | 5
c 2015 Mintec Inc. and Leica Geosystems AG

Cut Generation Tool

The Cut Generation tool is similar to the Auto Cut Generation tool in that it creates polygonal cuts
of uniform size and shape on a level-by-level basis. Unlike the Auto Cut Generation Tool, it can also
create cuts that run parallel to an existing polyline. This feature has many applications, such as
setting a fixed mining width on a bench that then can be subdivided into cuts or setting trim shots
when designing blast patterns.

Quickly and easily create cuts of similar size and shape with the Cut Generation Tool.

EXERCISE: Create Polygonal Cuts

Use the Auto Polygons option to create 100m x 100m cuts within the Phase 2 polygon. Use the auto-naming
options to give each cut a name (Phase2-1515-$count)

Then create cuts using the Cuts Along Polyline Option. First, digitize a 2D polyline along the pit wall of the
Phase 2 polygon. Use the Cuts Along Polyline option and select the polyline and the Phase 2 polygon.
Configure a cut width of 100m and create a cut. Use the available wildcards to name the polygons (e.g.,

Make Cuts Polyline → Cut Generation Tool → Options → Auto Polygons → click on the point
selection icon and then the Viewer to set an origin point, or enter values for
East, North and Elevation → enter an angle → enter cut size for X and Y →
enter number of cuts in direction X and Y → check Clip Along Polygonal
Boundary box → use the polyline selector to select boundary polygon

Cuts Along Polyline Polyline → Cut Generation Tool → Options → Cuts Along Polyline → click on
the polyline icon and select the polyline along which the cuts will be made
→ define cut width → enter number of cuts → select the pit midline as the
polygonal boundary

After creating the polygon, you can use the Polygon Intersect Tool (Polyline → Polygon Intersect Tool)
to automatically create the second polygon. The tool subtracts the digitized polygon from the main
polygon, yielding the remaining polygon.

6 | Mining Cuts
Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

Shovel Polygons
Another way to define a mining width is to simply digitize
the polygon with a specific width. Once these polygons,
referred to as “shovel polygons,” are digitized, they are
made into cuts using manual methods or the Autoslicer.

EXERCISE: Create Shovel Polygons

First configure a cursor with a radius of 100m; call it “R100.” Use the Polyline Snap function to digitize a poly-
gon that measure 100m and transverses the entire bench. Use Polyline Snap to trace the midline polygon
boundary and digitize a polygon with a width of 100m. Repeat for the remaining portion of the bench or use
the Polygon Intersection Tool.

Digitize Polygons open midline polygon element → Snap → Polyline Snap → Polyline → Create
→ Polyline → turn on cursor → digitize a polygon measuring the minimum

Intersect Polygons Polyline → Intersect Polygon Tool → define Group A (main polygon) and right-
click → define Group B (digitized polygon) and right-click → select result icon
→ Preview → Apply

Subtract the digitized polygon from the original bench polygon using the Intersect Polygon Tool.
Then use the AutoSlicer to make cuts. The AutoSlicer offers multiple ways to generate mining cuts
and name them.

Mining Cuts | 7
c 2015 Mintec Inc. and Leica Geosystems AG

The AutoSlicer creates quick cuts based on distance, area/volume, coordinates, node points or
grids. The user selects either polygons or solids, specifies the direction of the cuts and names each
cut. AutoSlicer offers three options that impact the resulting cuts.
Along Ray (left)
This method will create cuts perpendicular to the displayed arrow in the viewer. The orientation of
the arrow can be modified by setting the Ray Azimuth and Dip.
Along Polyline (center)
This method requires that an existing polyline be used to define the direction of the cuts. Both
Along Ray and Along Polyline are best straight or slightly curved benches.
Along Polyline Tube (right)
This method is similar to the Along Polyline method, but is applied in 3D, i.e. it requires a radius to
be defined. This is ideal for solid cuts or when dealing with a really curved bench. The cuts are
kept within the polyline tube boundary.

Along Ray Along Polyline Along Polyline Tube

EXERCISE: Create Cuts with AutoSlicer

Open the bench polygons and use the AutoSlicer to make cuts of 20,000 m2. Use a polyline tube to define
the curvature of the bench.

Creating Cuts Main tab → select the polygon or solid to slice → check Slice All box, or enter
the number of cuts → check Save “Leftover” Solid When Finished → Target
tab → select the target type → enter a Target Value → Direction tab → se-
lect and configure method of direction → Naming tab → configure naming
scheme and assign materials → Apply

8 | Mining Cuts
Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

Manual Cuts
As a short term plan approaches the production stage, the plan may require more detailed cuts;
the cuts will become smaller and more irregularly shaped to meet specific production require-
ments. No tool will automatically create these types of cuts; they need to be created manually.
Each cut is designed to target on specific factors, such as tonnage, grade, material type or to-
pography. Typically, cuts are digitized with reference to a model view in section (i.e. 2D plan).
Using the wireframe of a model view allows you to display additional information, such as color
cutoffs for an item, grade values and topography contour lines. Engineer use this information to
design the mining cuts. Additionally, MineSight provides tools including snapping options, visibility
and selectability toggles, cut auto-naming features and Area/Tonnage feedback to help in the
digitizing effort.

Manual cuts can be easily made using a wire frame model view
to display additional information for reference.

Use features such as the As Snapping options, visibility and selectability toggles, cut autonaming features
and area/tonnage feedback to help in the digitizing effort.

Mining Cuts | 9
c 2015 Mintec Inc. and Leica Geosystems AG

EXERCISE: Create Manual Cuts

Put the model view in 2D and find plane 1515. Manually create some cuts, making sure that you do not
exceed the bench polygon.

Display Wire Frame Model View Editor → Display tab → select a Primary Display Item → check
Display in Sectional Views → Style = Filled Polygon → Edit the Cutoff Table
icon → select all of the cutoff table value intervals → Properties → General
tab → click Show Surfaces As box → click Wireframe Only radio button → OK

Display Tonnage File → Project Setting → Status Bar → click Tonnage box → set Thickness Value
to bench height → set SG value → OK

Auto Name Cut Element → Prompt for Attribute on Create

Create Cut open a bench polygon to use as a boundary → Polyline → Create → Polygon →
configure Attribute on Create dialog with a wildcard to automatically name
created cuts → digitize the cut → check tonnage value on Status Bar →
adjust cut by pushing on the back space key and re-digitizing → right-click
to end → > Save cut

10 | Mining Cuts
Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

Validating Cuts
You can avoid tonnage discrepancies by validat-
ing your polygonal cuts before importing them into LEARNING OBJECTIVE
MineSight Interactive Planner for reserve calcula-
tions. It’s always a good idea to double check Check your bench polygons for duplica-
your cuts, especially if you didn’t design them your- tions, overlaps and openings. Make sure
self. A quick method for validation is running the all your cuts were made in 2D.
poly2dRpt.pyz script, which summarizes of all your
2D cuts. Things to check for include duplicated and overlapping cuts, opened polygons, and 2D

The poly2dRpt.pyz script gives summary information of the mining cut geometries. Information
such as if the cut is 2D, Area, if it’s an opened cut and if there are self-intersections.

EXERCISE: Validate Polygonal Cuts

Working with Validate_polygons.msr, execute the poly2Rpt.pyz script and fix any irregularities reported. Aside
from using the poly2dRpt.pyz script, you can also check for closed polygons by using the Size Parameters
option. Use the Global Join option to fix any open polygons.

poly2dRpt.dpyz File → Scripts → Run Script → C:\ MineSight\ scripts → poly2dRpt.pyz → Open
→ Input Object → browse to *.msr file → select all the items to include in the
report → Go

Delete Duplicates place all your cuts in Selection Mode → Element → Delete Duplicates

Size Parameters Polyline → Size Parameters → Reselect → click and drag a box around the cuts
→ opened cuts will be reported as polylines

Close Cuts put cut in Selection Mode → Polyline menu → Global Join → set a join tolerance
→ Apply

Validating Cuts | 11
c 2015 Mintec Inc. and Leica Geosystems AG


12 | Validating Cuts
Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

Reporting Model Resources

MineSight Reserve is a calculation tool that uses a
specified MineSight block model to generate re- LEARNING OBJECTIVE
serve reports from solids or polygons, between GSF
surfaces (file 13) or from a range of coordinates. It Produce resource reports in Reserve to
utilizes Advanced Reporting and Charting (ARC) gain insight into the deposit.
options that allow quick and simple creation of
charts, graphs and reports in multiple formats.
Reserve can be executed in stand-alone mode from the MineSight menu in MineSight 3D (MS3D)or
directly from the MS3D Model menu. Which version you use depends on the source data being
considered for the calculation. If using objects directly from the viewer or selected using the Object
Contents Browser (OCB), then use the version available from the Model menu; if dealing with
anything else — such as cuts stored in an MSPD, cuts stored in different file types (shl, vxl, etc) or
surfaces in a File 13 — use the stand-alone version.
The tool uses the following assumptions for calculating reserves:
• A thickness item is used to calculate the block volume in conjunction with the X and Y cell
dimensions of the block. If this item is not specified, then the bench height of the block model
is used.
• Volume Type allows you to choose between mined out and topo logic. The associated model
item represents a percent of the block present (Topo) or missing (Mined-out). This item is used
to represent the boundary between air and rock.

A single bench of the block model, with the copper values displayed inside the clipped pit solid.

Pitres.dat, accessed through MineSight Compass and the Calculate Reserves Tool in MS3D, formed the
traditional method of reserve reporting. It has now made way for Reserve.

Reporting Model Resources | 13

c 2015 Mintec Inc. and Leica Geosystems AG

Reserves Logic
The first step in reporting reserves is creating the logic file. A reserves logic is essentially a set
of options to use for a specific reserve or resource report based on a selected 3D block model
(3DBM). It controls which block model will be used and how materials in partials, topography and
material percents will be treated. Whether using Reserve as a stand-alone program or using it
within MS3D, you will need to set up a reserves logic.
When creating a new reserves logic file, you will see a dialog in which you can define the MineSight
Project Files (PCF and model file), the plan name and fundamental options, such as the treatment
of topography versus partial percentages. At this stage, you can select whether you’re using a
single or multiple ore percent model. Once this definition is accepted, a new dialog provides
more detailed configuration options.

You can create and store multiple reserve logics as *.resx files, which are viewable in Reserve and trans-
ferable between projects.

EXERCISE: Configure a New Reserves Logic

Create a new plan called “single” using the stand-alone version of Reserve. Select pitn10.dat and pitn15.dat,
change the Topo/Partial to true and use the TOPO item.

Reserves Logic Setup Model menu → MSReserve → File → New Reserves Logic → PCF → Model File
→ name the plan → define the Options and Volume section appropriate to
your situation → OK → Save

Open Reserves Logic Model menu → Reserves setup → File → Open → browse to *.resx file

Calculating Reserves
Once you’ve defined the reserves logic, you will need to configure the Plan and Material Set
panels. You will start with a basic plan and then add complexity with each successive run.

EXERCISE: Report “All” Material

Open the Reserves Setup from the Model menu. In the Material Set panel, type “ALL” under the Zone column.
Save the setup and close Reserve. Use the Quick Reserves from Viewer option (under Model) and select the
Phase 2 (04_BENCH SOLIDS folder). Use the ARC_Template_1 in the ARC Templates folder (project directory)
to display results.

EXERCISE: Report “Waste” Material

In the previous example, all the material is considered “waste” because the “default material” is lumped
with the “ALL” material bin. Add an additional row under ZONE. Call it “waste” and check THE “default” and
“waste basket” iconst. Anything that doesn’t meet the set criteria will be categorized as waste. Recalculate
reserves for the Phase 2 solid and use ARC_Template_1.arcp to view results.

14 | Reporting Model Resources

Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

After creating the plan, you can add grade items and discrete items for reporting, and define
calculated items for the reserve report. To add a new grade item to the reserve logic setup, click
the Add Grade button, and enter the name of the grade item and the treatment (accumulated,
mass-weighted average, item-weighted or volume-weighted average).
Calculated fields can also be added on the fly for reserves calculations and reporting. To create
a new calculated field, click the New Field button and select the type of calculated field, which
could be a grade field (e.g. EQCU), a grade by zone field (e.g. dilution item), or a zone field (e.g.
material classification field).
If your 3DBM is subblocked you can specify to use only non-subblocked model items in the reserves
logic by defining False in the Subblock Mode Plan Option. If you set this mode to True, the option
to Use In-Out Partials when calculating reserves for the individual subblocks becomes available.

EXERCISE: Add Zone and Grade items, SG and Cutoffs

In this exercise, you will divide the cut material by CLASS (Zone) codes and material cutoffs (0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6,
and 0.8). You will also read the SG value stored to each block; blocks missing SG values will use a default
value of 2.7. You will also track the average grades for each category reported. Once again use the Phase
2 solid and ARC_Template_1.arcp.

Reserves Setup Model → Reserves Setup → Plan → set ZONE to CLASS → check Track Grades?
→ select SG item → click Grade button → type Copper → MWA → OK →
Save → Close → map CUI to Copper → Open

Material Set Material Set → Auto → New Zone → type “waste”> set waste as Default and
Waste → enter cutoffs → Save → Close

Calculate Reserves Model → Quick Reserves from Viewer → click on solid or polygon

Different grade treatment options may be used during grade tracking — MSW: weighted by tonnage;
Accumulted: summed up and prorated by parital and volume reduction item; VWA: weighted by vol-
ume; Item Weighted: weighted by a whole block model item (calculated grade or a model item, based
ot eh whole block value).

EXERCISE: Add Discrete, Grade and Other Model Items

Mining cut material can be further classified by using discrete items. Each discrete item must be named
and correctly mapped to its corresponding block model item. In this example you will further divide the cut
material using the item MNRL.

Create a new Discrete item, name it “mineralogy” and map it to the MNRL item. Assign a report label to
each code stored in the MNRL item, either manually or automatically (AUTO). Use ARC_Template_2.arcp to
view results.

Reserves Setup Model → Reserves Setup → Plan → Discrete → type ‘mineralogy’ → OK → map
to MNRL → click on Mineralogy → edit Value Labels → click AUTO → click
New Value → enter “waste” → OK → Save → close → map CUI to Copper
field → open Material Set → click Auto → click New Zone → name new zone
field “waste” → set waste to Default and waste → enter cutoffs → Save →

Reporting Model Resources | 15

c 2015 Mintec Inc. and Leica Geosystems AG

EXERCISE: Add Calculated Fields

Create a calculated field for EQCu and define EQCu = CUI + (MOI *99.23/19.73). Add MOI and EQCu to the
Reserve plan. Use ARC_Template_3.arcp to view results.

Reserves Setup Model → Reserves Setup → Plan → Calculated Fields → New Field → type
“EQCu” → Grade Field → OK → click (. . . ) → type CUI + (MOI *99.23/19.73) →
OK → click Edit Model Items → Grade → type “Equivalent Copper” → MWA
→ OK → map EQCu → Grade → type “Molybdenum” → MWA → OK → map
to MOI → Save → Close

16 | Reporting Model Resources

Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

Reserves for GSF Surfaces

In this section, you will use the stand-alone Re-
serve to calculate reserves. Recall that this version LEARNING OBJECTIVE
of Reserve works with cuts stored in a MineSight
Planning Database (MSPD), in different file types Calculate reserves between GSF sur-
(*.vbm, *.shl, *.srv, etc.), between selected surfaces faces.
in a Gridded Surface File (GSF, File 13) and from a
range of model coordinates.

EXERCISE: Calculate Reserves using GSF Surfaces

Close Reserve and re-open the stand-alone version from the MineSight menu. Open the reserve logic defined
in the previous section (single.resx). Calculate the reserves for cuts found in pitn-stp MSPD in the msip-Quarter
1 plan.

Then, load geometry from an SRV file. The file named PH1–1395.srv is in the “Exported Cuts” folder in the
project directory. By default, reserve calculations are done on a bench-by-bench basis; but for this exercise,
calculate reserves for a double bench (range: 1395–1425).

Finally, calculate reserves from between two GSF surfaces (pit00 and pit01) and using a coordinate range.
The GSF file is called pit13.opt.

Be sure to unload cuts in between exercises.

Load Cuts from MSPD Cuts → MSPD → choose MSPD (pitn-stp) → ip object (msip—Quarter 1) → OK
→ Select None → select cuts to use (Include in Reserves? tick boxes) →
Calculate Reserves

Unload Cuts click Unload All

Load Cuts from SRV Cuts → File → folder (Exported Cuts) → file (PH1–1395.srv) → Open → Select
None → select cuts to use (Include in Reserves? tick boxes) → set From. . . To
→ Calculate Reserves

Between GSFs Surfaces → Open GSF → select Model File (pit13.opt) → OK → Select None
→ check Include in Report? tick boxes (ex. Pit00 and Pit01) → Calculate

Coordinate Range Range → set Easting, Northing and Northing ranges → Calculate Reserves

To modify the Plan and Material Set panel click on the Edit icon.

Reserves for GSF Surfaces | 17

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18 | Reserves for GSF Surfaces

Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

Reserves for Multi-Ore Percent Plans

Multiple ore percent models enable the classifica-
tion of ore type and percentage on a block basis. LEARNING OBJECTIVE
It’s critical to have the reserves logic set up cor-
rectly to accurately report material amounts. Set up a multi-ore percent plan.

EXERCISE: Set up a Multiple Ore% Reserve Plan

Open the stand-alone version of MineSight Reserve and
create a new reserves logic based on pitn10.dat and
pitn15.eng. Set the following to true: Multiple Ore Percent, Treat Missing Values as Zero, Ore Is Clipped at
Topo, and Use Topo/Partial Min and Percentage. Save the reserves call it “multi.”

In a new plan, set up two zone fields and map ORE1 and ORE2 to each. Repeat this for ORE%, SG and CUI.
Map the correct number for each zone, i.e., ORE1%, ORE2%, etc.

Plan Plan → Zone → map Percent Item → map Density Item → map Grade Items

Material Set Material Set → Auto → New Zone → set as Default

Reserves for Multi-Ore Percent Plans | 19

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20 | Reserves for Multi-Ore Percent Plans

Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

Displaying Results
Once the reserve logic is defined and saved,
there are two options for defining a reserve vol- LEARNING OBJECTIVE
ume within MineSight 3D (MS3D). From the Model
menu, choose Quick Reserves from OCB to select Use Advanced Reporting & Charting
a geometry element through the Object Contents (ARC) features to customize how reserves
Browser. Alternatively, use Quick Reserves from are displayed.
Viewer to select geometry directly from the Viewer.
In the stand-alone version of MineSight Reserve, under the Geometry link, it’s possible to calculate
reserves based on cuts, surfaces or a coordinate range. Cuts can be imported directly from an
MineSight Planning Database (MSPD).
Once you have selected one of the above options, the MineSight Reserve Reporting dialog will
open. This window provides the familiar Advanced Reporting and Charting options (ARC), includ-
ing the drag-and-drop Pivot Grid options. In this section you will learn how to use ARC features to
customize how the results are displayed — making data analysis easy and efficient.

Analysis report showing pivot grid and paired chart below.

Results are displayed in a PivotGrid and chart combination called a PivotChart — which is fully
customizable. In the pivot table, item fields may be added or removed, sorted, filtered and re-
ordered. The accompanying chart automatically updates whenever pivot table fields are high-
lighted. Once a PivotChart has been customized the setup can be stored as an ARC template
(*.arcp); can be accessed in the future or transferred between projects.

Displaying Results | 21
c 2015 Mintec Inc. and Leica Geosystems AG

EXERCISE: Set up a PivotGrid and Chart

After you calculate reserves, open the Field List and click, drag and drop items into the PivotGrid area win-
dows. Configure the PivotGrid as follows: Column Area = Type; under Row Area= bench and Material; and
Data Area=Tonnes, Volume, Copper. Use the “Type” filter to display only information for “ORE.”

Add a custom field to the pivot table using the New Field option. Create a new field called KTonnes and
define it as KTonnes =Tonnes/1000 in the Expression Editor. Save the PivotGrid and chart configuration as a
template for future use. Call the template “Material Tonnage.”

Set Up PivotGrid Field List → drag and drop items into different area windows → close → click on
the Field Header labels to sort data → reorganize field items (click and drag)
→ filter data

Update Chart highlight any fields and the chart will instantaneously update

Custom Field New Field → enter Field name → click on the ellipsis (. . . ) → used the necessary
Functions, Operators, Fields or Constants to define the new field → OK → Add

Save Template configure PivotGrid → Template → select Save As. . . → browse to a storage
destination → name template → OK

The Filter icon (ex. “Type”) is found on items that define the column or row of the pivot table. First click
on the item label, and then click on the filter icon, which is in the top right hand corner of the label.

Chart Wizard
The Chart Wizard offers simple and complex charting options, such as creating new chart axes,
creating new data series and customizing the appearance of charts. By default, an ARC chart will
display whatever you have highlighted in the Pivot Grid. In most cases, this is more than adequate.
For more complex charting options, however, you may also want to use different axes for different
series, for example, tonnes and grade on individual Y-axes as their data ranges are very different.

EXERCISE: Create a New Data Series

Open the Chart Wizard by right-clicking the chart in the ARC Analysis area, and go to the Series tab. By
default, there will already be an Auto created series here that shows all of the data that is highlighted on the
Pivot Grid. However, we want to set up an independent data series that does not contain all of the data
sharing the same axis and legend properties. To do this you must create a new series by clicking the Add

22 | Displaying Results
Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

The Data menu is where Pivot Grid data can be linked to the chart’s data series. On the Series
Binding tab, there are three properties: Argument, Value and Series. The three properties are used
to filter data from the data source and bind it into the series.
• Argument: The fields that are the Pivot Grid’s rows and the X axes of the chart e.g. Bench.
• Values: The actual data values displayed in the Pivot Grid’s cells.
• Series: The grouping of data and thus what you are seeing on the legend. Usually the Pivot
Grid’s columns and the Y-Axis of the chart e.g. Cu, Mo, Tonnes.
In the example below, Measured Tonne’ has been created to have its own series, axis and chart
style. Once selected in the Series Binding tab, Argument, Values and Series can be defined. The
Argument and Values are simple to define, but the series filter’s value must be entered exactly
how the data is arranged. The simplest way to do this is to highlight the data that you wish to use
in the PivotGrid and then copy the legend from the default chart (part of the Auto Series) that is

Highlight the field you wish to filter as a series and copy its legend name
to the data filter collection editor.

The Diagram menu is where additional X and Y-axis can be created. New chart panes can be
made here too, allowing you to display multiple charts in one area/page e.g. a Bench vs Grade
chart and a separate Bench vs Tonnes chart. The Axes menu can be used to give the new axes a
name e.g. copper.
The Series Views menu is where you can link the data series to an axis. For instance a Measured
Cu data series can be linked to the new Copper Y-axes. Making new data series and linking them
to new axes in ARC results in a more manageable, less cluttered chart that is quicker to interpret.

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24 | Displaying Results
Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

Publish a Reserve Report

Reports created with the Analysis feature in Mi-
nesight Reserve always consist of a PivotGrid and LEARNING OBJECTIVE
chart — known as a PivotChart). Although both
are customizable, the report format remains fixed. Control the characteristics of the “paper
If you want more control over the “paper space,” space” in a reserve report.
then use the Publish feature, which lets you add
different data display types (in any order) includ-
ing pivot tables, detailed data reports, charts and pivot charts.

EXERCISE: Use the Publish option to Create a Report

Create a report that includes one of each of the data display types. Practice modifying each type.

Publish New (blank page icon) → click on the type of report component that needs
to be added → Edit button → make edits to the data display type

EXERCISE: Export and Save Results in Different Formats

Once the data is displayed as needed, you can export it into different formats, including PDF, CSV and HTML.

Export Data Export drop down menu → select the Format to export to → browse to storage
destination → Save

Save as CSV or SCD Calculate Reserves → Save icon → select the Format (CSV or SCD) → select
index (Bench or Elevation) → select Delimited (Space or Comma) → Save

Publish a Reserve Report | 25

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26 | Publish a Reserve Report

Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve


Publish a Reserve Report | 27

c 2015 Mintec Inc. and Leica Geosystems AG

Conclusion & Future Training

We hope you will be able to use the tools covered during this MineSight software training course
to improve productivity at your mine. As you apply the concepts you have learned, please phone
or email us with questions. Our contact information is listed on the inside cover of this book and
on our website, The website also gives you access to our download/upload
page, the latest updates to our software, news, seminar papers and newsletter articles about our

Future Training
Whether it takes a few hours or a few days, training with MineSight’s newest tools can pay instant
dividends. Designed to fit your schedule, our mix-and-match formats support your learning needs
no matter what your expertise with MineSight software.
Spend some time using our software in day-to-day applications. When you are comfortable with
working in MineSight, contact us at or visit to set up your
next training.

Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve. V3. November 4, 2015

2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 by Mintec, Inc. and Leica Geosystems AG. All rights reserved. No part of this document shall be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written
permission from Mintec, Inc. All terms mentioned in this document that are known to be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies have been appropriately identified. MineSight is R a registered trademark of Leica Geosystems. This material is
subject to all the terms in the MineSight End User License Agreement (EULA).

28 | Conclusion & Future Training

Designing Cuts and Calculating Reserves with Reserve

Conclusion & Future Training | 29

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