Barangay Assistance Fund - Ord 16-1999

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Repuiblic of the Philippines City of Baguio SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD: (CITY COUNCIL) CERTIFICATION ‘TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : This certifies that City Ordinance No. 016, Series of 1999, entitled, “AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NUMBERED 56-83, ENTITLED, “AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A BARANGAY ASSISTANCE FUND AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER PURPOSES” which was passed by the Sangguniang Panlungsod ng Baguio on 28 June 1999, and approved by the City Mayor on 9 July 1999 was duly posted in the bulletin boards at the Baguio City Hall, at the Baguio City Market and at the Baguio Health Department for at least ten (10) days starting from 13 Suly 1999. ‘That the text of the said ordinance was duly published on 18 July 1999 issue of the Baguio Midland Courier. Baguio City, 29 July 1999. LLl “LOURDES A. RIVERA (Acting Assistant City Secretary) Officer-in-Charge Offfice of the City Secretary LAR/rca, Tel. No. 442-5498 Republic of the Philippines City of Baguio SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD (CITY COUNCIL) REGULAR SESSION HELD ON 28 JUNE 1999 PRESEN Dn. Daniel T, Farias, ice Mayor and Presiding Off fon, Danie as, Vice Mayor and Presiding Officer; _Hon: Betty Lourdes F'Tebanda tember, “Hon. Robie "Sree, Member ‘Hon, Federico J: Mandapat, Jr., Member, Hon: Reinaldo A, Bautista, It, Member. Hon: Nicasio 8, Palaganas: Member, Hon, Lila, Yaranon, ldember: Hon: Elmo ML Nevade: Member: Hon. Richard A Caz. Member, His. Belin V ealjaia, Member, “Hon. Bdeardo #, Bilos, Member, Hon fosus ©. Tagpre Member’ on. Jesus G, Tabora, Member Hon. Leandro B, Yangot, Jr., Member; and Vion, Jonathan B. Taniool, ember, ABSENT: ‘None. Introduced by Hon. Leandro B. Yangot, Jr ORDINANCE Numbered 016 (Geries of 1999) AMENDING SECTION 1, OF ORDINANCE NUMBERED 56-83, ENTITLED, “AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A BARANGAY ASSISTANCE FUND AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER PURPOSES.” EXPLANATORY NOTE City Ordinance Numbered 56-83, entitled “in Ordinance Establishing a Barangay Assistance Fund and Providing for Other Purposes.” was passed for the purpose of granting financial aid to the members ‘of the Barangay Tanods, the Fire Brigades, and the Zupong Tagapamayapa, of to theit heirs, in cases of physical injuries, sickness or death, During these economic crises, the amount of P150,000.00 earmarked for the, Barang. Assistance Fund under, City Ordinance Numbered 56-83 is insufficient to efficiently anc aflecivey full ths objective so that itis imperative tat the same amount be instead increased Jn fact this deficiency was duly supported by Claims Committee Resolution No, 1 series of 1000, ‘eautled “Supporting the Proposed Amendatory Ordinanes, Amending Section of Ordinarice Numbered’36-83, entitled ‘An Ordinance Establishing a Barangay Assistance Fund ‘nd Providing for Other Purposes” and by the, undated letter to the Honorable, Members of the Sengguniang, Paniungsod (City Couneil) of Honorable, Ciy, Mayor Mauricio G., omogan requesting for ihe appropriation of the amount of PI00,00000 to augment ihe current ‘appropriations earmarted for Harangay Assistance in our Anmual Budget in the, amount 730,000.00 and informing the Honorable Members that the current appropriation has alrec been exhausted due to the numerous claims for medical reimbursement of Barangay Officials and thal pending claims cannot be proceed without additonal funding, attacking thereto, the Geruticaton dated 26 May 1099 by the Local Finanee Committe certying tha! the amount of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P100,000.00) from the Unappropriated Surplus of the General Fund is free from any obliganons and ts avcilable for appropriation, 1 ahyzment the ‘current appropriation ‘earmarked for Barangay Assistance Furtd in the amount of P50,000.00. ‘NOW THEREFORE, upon recommendation of the Honorable Vice Mayor and Presiding, Officer and on motion of Hor. Yangot and Hon Tambol, seconded by Hon, Tabanda, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD (CITY COUNCIL) IN SESSION ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 56-83, entitled “An Ordinance Establishing a Barangay dasistance Fund and Providing for Other Purposes.” is hereby amended to read 3s follows: “SECTION 1, It is hereby declared a policy of the City Government of Baguio to grant financial assistance to the members of the Barangay Tanods, the Fire Brigadet, and the Lupong Tagapamayapa, oF to their het, in case o physical injuries, sickness, or death. ‘Ordinance Numbered 016, series of 1999, page 2. For this purpose, the amount of P300,000.00 shall be yearly appropriated in the Ci Bede oe Beeangay dffats Fund (BAD): Proidade tak ee ieee Eingunt is needed fo. find the puapose herein below mentioned, hdditional shall be spriated during any year so long as the need for the Barangay Assistance Fund subsists." SECTION 2. This ordi shall take effect rdance with the provisions of the Local Government Code of 1991. ree i : Unanimously passed, CERTIFIED CORRECT: SEL Tass Peover and residing Officer Attested: ' : LOURDES A. RIVERA Acting Asisiant Ciy Secretary GEILE ee of the Ci Secreta eee aed ‘APPROVED: — Mayor JUL 1999

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