Barangay Assistance Fund - Ord 56-1983

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Republika ng Pilipinas Lungsod ng Baguio SANGGUNZANS "BaNGLUNSOD REGULAR MUBTING HELD ON DECIMBER. 15, 1983 Antonio S. Romero, Vice Mayor and Presiding Officers Jaime R. Bugnosen, tember; Gaudencio N. Ploresca, Menber; Sofia Vs Reyes, Member, Bdilberto B. Tenefrancia, Nembers Richard S, Valdez, Member; é Delfin V. Dalajadias Members Rosemary R, ‘Tabora, Member; and Clemente S. Catpotura, Menber. Doniel M. Milo, Member. ORDINANCE Numbered 56=83/ Borenhedk et. 26-91 Ore 9-7, borin ood — 18 AN ORDINANCE RSTABLISHING A BAKANGAY ASSISTANCE FUND AND PROVIDING Gog Ge FOR ODIR PURPOSES, Birrsndtid. bay Bok O16 -F . Explanatory Note Tt is undenighte that Barangay Tanodé; Fire Brigades and members of the Lupong Tagapayapa have. inneasurably contributed to the stabitity’ and existence of our government and society because of their voluntary and une solicited service to our conmmity, They in the process have expoged then= selves, including thet of thair families, £0 co much danger that may result to either death, injury of illness. Despite all of tie-fureioing, they have not benefitted from any ze~ compense, financial ox otherwise, usually granted ‘to persons who tender public Service, Tt is therefore necessary and imperative for the Ciity Govern= ment of Daguio to grant financial aid to the members of ‘the Barangay Tonods, Fire Ltigades and Lupong Tagapayapa who aze injured or. become ill, or to their heits in case of their death. & ; HRN EK EX Upon reconiendation of the Honorable Vice Mayor and Presiding Officer, and on motion of lon. Clemente $. Caipotura,. ton, Gaudencio N, Floresca and Won, Edilberto B.' Tenefrancia, duly seconded, be it ENACEAD BY. THE SANGGUNIANG PANGLUNSOD NG BAGUIO, IN SNSSTON ASSHABLED, ‘TaAT: SECTION 1, -There is hereby established 2 special fund to be known as Darangey Assistance Fund (BA) and for vhieh purpose the initial anount of ¥150,000,00 is hereby appropriated fron the unappropriated balance of the General Fund and, every year thereafter, the additional anount of P$0,000.00 shalt be provided in the annual budget to augment the said fund; Provided, that if a bigger amount is needed to fund the purpose Rereinbelow mentioned, additional funds shall be appropriated during any year so long as the need for the Barangay Assistance Fund subsists. SEC, 2:' The hereiii amount appropriated and all amounts to be approe priated hereafter for the Fund shall be deposited with the Philippine National Dank, Baguio City brafichs one helf of which to be under time. deposit and’ the other half under. savings deposit,’ and atl interests accruing shall form. perk of the Barangay Assistance Fund, . SEC, 3. Any and all.anounts that shall be adjudicated in favor of any beneficiary of this Ordinance shallbe draun agains}.thix Barangay acststance Ord. Nos 56983 (con*t.),, Page 2, Fund; Provided, However, that if the savings deposit portion of this Fund is exhausted and the tine deposit has not yet matured, the amount so ade Judicated. shall be advanced by the City Treasurer fron any available fund. in the city treasury to be reimbursed from the said Barangay Assistance Fund upon maturity. of the time deposit, or from the’ interests earned when sufficient, S%. 4, A€xsong entitled to financial assistance from’ the Batanga agsistauce Fund. A duly appointed menber Of the Matangay TMancds TaPanpny Fire Brigade or the Barangay Lapong Tagapayapa or,’ in cade of their death, their ‘respective heirs, are entitied to financial assistance. iid the bene= fits from this Fund, SNC. 5, Amount of financial assis a) ‘he amount of #5,000.00, in case of death, complete toss of one or doth hands, one or both feet, of one or both eyes} : b) 23,000.00 for loss of one or both ears, one 01 more fingers or toes, or deformation of the face or asm by reason of any: injury; ) Reinbursement of hospitalization and/or medical, expénsésy Provided, that’ the duration of confinement preferably in.a goverrinent hospite’, shall exceed ‘three (3) days. For purposes of the first day of. confinenent when there vacancy in a government. hospital, the same shall-be.duly certi~ fied to quality. for the benefits of this.ordinances and Péovided, Further, that the “total ‘amount of hospital and medical.expenses to be refurided ‘shall not exceed #5,000;003 and 4) An additional anount of 2,000.00, in case the beneficiary shal1 have undergone ‘a major opexation requiting, confinement, for more than fifteen Gey days in. the hospitat,-ane that’ the emount of ¥5,000.00 provided in Section 5(¢) hereof has been exheusted.for the beneficiaty*s continued hospitalization and medical expenses. SHC..6, Members of the Barangay Brigades herein mentioned shall be entitied to financial. assistance in the avounts provided in Section 5 hereof, if they meet death, or suffer injury, or contract illness, ‘or that their illness or injury was aggravated, by eason of, ot on the occasion of the performance of their resyective dutiess of when such death, injury or ill~ ness is directly of indirectiy connected. with the performance of their assigned duties; Provided, that the Barangay Brigade. member to be entitled to the benefits provided herein, sliail have been’ duly appointed by the cor Fesponding Barangay Captain in accordance with existing rules and teguiations, and such other rules and regulations that tay hereafter be promilgated by City Ordinance, by law, or: by any cohpetent government official, and such appointment: is duly noted -by the City Nayor and filed with the Sangguniang Panglunsody that he has not resigned, was not dismissed, of’ was not on leave ox under suspension on: the. day of death, injury or illness Provided, Fur= thar, that ‘the point-of coverage shall start from the moment the appointment ds noted in the Office“of the City Mayor. SEC, 7, ‘There is hereby created a Claims Committee, whose decision is final to be composed of a xepxesentative each of the City Mayor and the Sangguniang Panglunsod; the City Teeasurec, the City Auditor, the City Health Officer and the President of the Association of Barangay, Couneils in Baguio City to pass upon oli claims for financial assistance or benefits under this Ordinance. SEC, 8% In cage there are no claims filed under. this Ordinance and a ‘big balance remains of the Barangay Assistance Fund at the end of any given Grd. Mo. 56-83 (con't.), Page 3. yeux; any portion of the fund deemed not needed for the purposes of this Oxdimines shali ba reverted und reuppropriated as a direct Financial aid to the barangays in Paguio City, SiG, 8, Lf any portion hereof shall be declared invalid or unlawful ty any competent court, the other parts of this.Ordinance shal remain valid and effective. S8&, 10, This Ordinance shall take effect upon its approval, snaninously approved, ANTYNEO S.. HORERO. vice Rayor and Presiding OfFicer atesona arseoveal, yp ERNESTO: H, BUEN | Brig. Gon, AFP (Hot) 4 Caty payor

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