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C Review C Test C Class: TOTAL: / 85

1  ► 03  Listen to the recording. Then
write T if Teresa says the sentence or 3 Complete the relationship verbs.
B if Ben says the sentence. You will
hear the recording twice.
1 You need to have some fun!   B  
2 Tony used to be my sister Maria’s
3 I’ve already told Tony that I’ll go.    
4 I used to like him, but I haven’t seen him 1 m ake  u p  w ith  s omeone 
for a long time.    
5 He’s posted a lot of pictures online.    
6 Yes, I guess it might be fun.    

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 

2  ► 03  Listen again. Then complete 2 a    s    o   

the sentences with the missing
information. You will hear the
recording twice.

1 Teresa has felt  miserable  for some time.

2 Ben is going to Tony’s beach party next
3 Charlie has been in Mexico on 3 f    i    l   
a    .
4 Charlie spent    
weeks with a family in Puebla.
5 Charlie wrote a
    while he was
4 b    a    t   
6 Charlie says his
    has gotten

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 

5 m    s   

Metro Level 3 Review C Test C 1 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

C Review C Test C

6 Complete the words for sleep.

1 y a w n 
2 l        aw   k   
3 h       e dr           s
4 w   k    u   
6 b    u    w   
5 fa   l    s   e   p
6 f   e    s   e   py
7    ie in    ed
8    n   re
9 h       e a n       htm   r   

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 8 

7 h    a    a   

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 6 

7 Complete the message with just,
already, or yet.
4 Match 1–5 with a–e to make phrases
for expressing emotions. Hey, Ellen! How are things? I’m in New
York City on vacation. I’ve 1 just  arrived
1 stare  c  a when you’re sad back at our hotel. We haven’t been to the
2 cry     b a friend Statue of Liberty 2   , but we’ve
    been to Central Park. We
3 laugh     c at someone went on our first day. It was great. We
haven’t been to the Hard Rock Café
4 hug     d when you’re in a bad mood 4
   . We’re going tomorrow! I’ve
5 sulk     e when you’re happy been in New York City for three days and I
haven’t eaten a real American burger
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 4     ! I know you’ve
    been to New York City
a few times, but I thought you’d like to see
5 Complete the chart. some pictures. I’ve 7    posted
a picture right now of me on the lake in
Central Park. 
disgusting feel hard look shiny
smell sweet taste

Adjective Verb 1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 6 

  disgusting 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7 

Metro Level 3 Review C Test C 2 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

C Review C Test C

8 Order the words to write present 9 Write complete sentences or

perfect questions. Then write short questions with the correct form of
answers. used to.

1 song / you / yet / heard / Bruno Mars’s / 1 we / not have / a dog

have / latest / ?  We didn’t use to have a dog.
Have you heard Bruno Mars’s latest song 2 my mom / have / long, black hair
No, I haven’t.
2 yet / concert / the / rock / started /
3 what songs / you / sing /
has / ? 
when you were young / ?

4 I / love / riding / my bike

3 gone / on / have / vacation /
Tom and Victor / already / ? 

5 my cousins / play jokes / on / me

4 just / has / studying / finished / Dan / ? 

6 we / not get / much homework

7 you / have / a favorite candy / ?

1 point for each correct question and 1 point for each correct
answer. Total points   / 6 

8 your brother / be / frightened of /

the dark / ?

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7 

Metro Level 3 Review C Test C 3 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

C Review C Test C

10 Choose the correct words. 11 Write questions with How long for
the sentences and questions in
1 We’ve lived in Boston for / since a long
exercise 10.
1 How long have you lived in Boston?
2 Lance has worked at the bank for / since
2016. 2
3 Have you been at this school for / since
4 We’ve lived in this apartment for / since
a long time.
5 Marcos has studied computer science 4
for / since twelfth grade.
6 Has your dad played baseball for / since
he was at school? 5

7 We’ve known Tim for / since three years.

8 Rosa has been on vacation for / since 6
two weeks.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7 


1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7 

Metro Level 3 Review C Test C 4 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

C Review C Test C

12 Complete the sentences with the

simple past or present perfect form of Reading
the verbs.
Blind man uses sound and
be buy never eat not get run swim
super-sense to “see” the world

not visit win Brian Borowski has loved cycling since he

was a little boy. He used to spend hours
cycling around his farm in Ontario, Canada.
1 Frida  swam  50 lengths in the pool this That isn’t unusual, of course – most little
boys love cycling. What’s unusual is that
Brian is blind: he can’t see. He has never
2 Tina     the been able to see, but that hasn’t stopped
him from doing anything.
school writing prize twice already!
Brian and his younger brother, David, were
3 We     Rio de both born blind. When they were children,
Janeiro, but we’d love to go one day. they taught themselves to use
“echolocation.” Some animals use
4 There     echolocation to know where things are
a school trip to Japan last year. when they cannot see well, for example,
animals that fly at night or animals that
5 I    chocolate swim for long distances underwater. The
with chili. I’d like to try it one day. animals make a sound and then listen to
the sound as it hits a nearby object. They
6 I was late this morning. I wait to hear the sound as it come back to
    to school until them; this is called an “echo.” The echo
tells them where the object is. Echolocation
9:15! helps them to move safely and find food.
7 Juan     a new Brian makes a loud noise with his tongue
phone last week. or his fingers as he walks around, and then
listens for the echo. Echolocation helps him
8 Peter     several “hear” a tree or an object in front of him. He
half marathons. knows if an object is large or small and
where that object is, but he doesn’t always
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7  know what it is. He uses the same method
when he’s cycling.
Some experts want to start teaching
echolocation in schools for blind students.
But that hasn’t happened yet. Right now,
World Access for the Blind in California is
the only group that teaches echolocation.

Metro Level 3 Review C Test C 5 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

C Review C Test C

13 Read the text. Then choose

T (True), F (False), or DS (Doesn’t Say.
1 Brian Borowski has loved cycling since he
was 20 years old.
T / F / DS
2 Brian grew up on a farm in the U.S.
T / F / DS
3 Brian’s parents taught him to use
T / F / DS
4 Brian makes a noise with his tongue or
fingers and he listens for the echo.
T / F / DS
5 Brian thinks that all blind people should
learn echolocation.
T / F / DS
6 World Access for the Blind in California
teaches echolocation to blind students.
T / F / DS

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 

14 Read the text again. Then choose the

correct words.
1 Brian used to spend hours cycling /
running when he was a little boy.
2 Brian has been blind since he was
six years old / born.
3 Brian’s older / younger brother was
born blind.
4 Some animals use echolocation when
they want to find food / sleep.
5 Echolocation helps Brian see an object /
know where an object is.
6 Brian doesn’t always know /
always knows what an object is.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 

Metro Level 3 Review C Test C 6 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

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