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Assignment 5. Answer the questions below (make sure to cite all of your sources.

Do not use
Wikipedia as a source).
1. Identify the purpose and aspects of 14 CFR Part 139

According to the FAA The purpose of 14 CFR Part 139 is to issue airport operating
certificates to airports that serve scheduled and unscheduled air carrier aircraft with more
than 30 seats Serve scheduled air carrier operations in aircraft with more than 9 seats but
less than 31 seats. This type of certificate is not for airports that are used as an alternate

2. Identify why airports are certificated and what's required for an airport to be certificated.

On the FAA website we can find that airport Operating Certificates serve to ensure
safety in air transportation. To obtain a certificate, an airport must agree to certain
operational and safety standards and provide for such things as firefighting and rescue
equipment. These requirements vary depending on the size of the airport and the type of
flights available.

3. Detail the need for airport self-inspections.

The need for the airport to self-inspect is that the airport will always comply with the
FAR’s, and they will make sure that airport is safe for everyone not only for the
inspection by the FAA.
4. What are the basic phases of a 139 inspection?

 Pre-inspection review of office airport files and airport certification manual.

 In-briefing with airport management. 

 Administrative inspection of airport files, paperwork, etc. .

 Movement area inspection. 

 Aircraft rescue and fire fighting inspection. 

 Fueling facilities inspection. 

 Night inspection. 

 Post inspection briefing with airport management. .

5. What happens if an airport does not meet its obligations under Part 139? 6. What is the
purpose of the Airport Certification Manual?
If the FAA does an inspection and finds that the airport does not comply with the FAR
139, they will impose administrative action, and will impose a financial penalty for each
day the airport continues to violate the Far. In extreme case the certificate can be

6. Identify Advisory Circulars related to 14 CFR Part 139 and their purpose. (FAA website)

 AC 150/5000-9B - Guidelines for Sound Insulation of Structures Exposed to Aircraft Noise

 AC 150/5200-28G - Notice to Air Missions (NOTAMs) for Airport Operators
 AC 150/5300-13B - Airport Design
 AC 150/5345-26E - FAA Specification for L-823 Plug and Receptacle, Cable Connectors

Identify and describe why airports are certified and what's required for an airport to be

certified (100 words minimum)

Airports that are inspected by the FAA under the 14 CFR Part 139 are airports that serve

scheduled and unscheduled air carrier aircraft with more than 30 seats Serve scheduled

air carrier operations in aircraft with more than 9 seats but less than 31 seats. The reason

why these airports are inspected is to ensure the safety of both aircraft and passengers.
These inspections make sure that everything is in order with the regulation. And for this

they use the following steps according to the FAA website:

• Pre-inspection review of office airport files and airport certification manual.

• Briefing with airport management.

• Administrative inspection of airport files, paperwork, etc. .

• Movement area inspection.

• Aircraft rescue and fire fighting inspection.

• Fueling facilities inspection.

• Night inspection.

• Post inspection briefing with airport management. .

If an airport does not comply with the regulation, it will face sanctions to the point that it

could lose its certificate, which would have catastrophic consequences.

What is part 139? – part 139 airport certification. (2022, January 25). Retrieved July 2,
2022, from

Advisory circulars. (2021, September 22). Retrieved July 2, 2022, from

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