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This Guide is divided into two parts.

Part 1 is concerned with writing an Aim and, from that, deriving Objectives. It
considers this undertaking separately for relevant Activity, Assignment and
Dissertation submissions.

Part 2 provides guidance on how to utilise the Objectives derived from an

Aim to structure Activity, Assignment and Dissertation submissions.

MSc level study requires students to meet specific academic standards,

which can be challenging to achieve when set within the context of
operationally-based disciplines. This Guide should help students

1. to identify aspects of coursework to be addressed and, from that, to

construct a suitable Aim and set of Objectives, and

2. to utilise the Objectives to help structure suitable coursework


This Guide is not definitive, and students may wish to pursue alternative

If there are any questions or suggestions for improvement, please email Dr

John Morran at

Dr John Morran



This document is a guide to writing an Aim and, from that, deriving Objectives
for each of the following types of coursework.

1. A relevant Activity
2. An Assignment
3. A Dissertation
1. Some Initial Factors To Consider

a. The Research Question (RQ) or Aim/Objectives Approaches to Structuring an Activity,

Assignment or Dissertation Submission

• Critical Analysis: The fundamental requirement of MSc study is for the student to
show robust and in-depth critical analysis, which is considered the higher cognitive
skill expected at this educational level. In practice, what this means is that the
student must show they can

o analyse and evaluate research literature (citing appropriate papers);

o undertake methodologically sound research that facilitates the critical analysis of

a specific issue;

o construct and advance a clear, coherent and logical 'argument' that leads to
sound or cogent conclusions [in academia, an 'argument' is any work proffered
for assessment or critique, e.g., the whole Assignment or Dissertation]; and

o in SRM, apply the analysis in an occupational H&S context.

Students have a relatively short period and word count in which to address all the
aspects above. A significant problem is usually the need for in-depth critical
analysis; students try to cover many factors of potential relevance to their research,
which, given the word count constraints, can lead to a superficial analysis of the
more significant elements.

• Research Questions (RQs) give an idea of the problems a student might be thinking
of tackling in their Activity, Assignment or Dissertation (AAD). At the early stage of
researching an AAD, think of RQs as being relatively random questions that might
need further consideration; they might be amended, re-ordered and changed in the
future. The very fact that a student might think about many RQs can lead to a loss
of focus, resulting in an incoherent and illogical argument being proffered. An Aim
and Objectives approach to structuring submissions tries to avoid this common

• Social science research can utilise the RQ approach without explaining how the
questions fit into the ‘structure’ of the AAD submission. For the MSc in Safety and
Risk Management (SRM), the ‘structural’ approach to Assignment and Dissertation
work requires the inclusion of an Aim and Objectives (A/Os). Within this A/O-based
framework, Research Questions can often confuse students when seeking to
structure an AAD in a focussed and coherent academic manner; the difference
between an RQ and an Aim or Objective may not be apparent.

• Consequently, for SRM purposes, within the Aim and Objective approach, it is
considered that Research Questions are NOT required. Research Questions
represent issues upon which students might want to focus. This helps them ‘tighten’
the scope of the Aim or Objectives, and students are advised to utilise them in this
manner. How to do this will become apparent later (see Literature Mapping in Part
2, s.1).

• Thus, students are advised to concentrate on developing a suitable Aim. From

the Aim, a set of Objectives will then be derived as a framework for the
chronological development of the student’s ‘argument’ (submission) to meet
the AAD requirements.
• This Guide seeks to illuminate the A/O structural approach for the three main types
of submissions SRM students will encounter, i.e., relevant Activities, Assignments,
and the Dissertation (AAD).

2. What Do An Aim And Set Of Objectives Represent?

The section heading above is an important question, which students often find confusing.

• With respect to AADs, the Aim and Objectives seek to represent and address the
scope and requirements of the brief (AA) or the overall presentation of the
dissertation (i.e., the ‘argument’) and the research that entails (D).

• For Activities and Assignments (AA), an Aim and Objectives are not written to meet
any hypothetical scenario outlined in the brief. These scenarios are presented as a
vehicle for specific H&S issues to be considered, often to be submitted as
Management Reports. Here lies a potential cause of confusion. Naturally, a student
will consider the scenario in the brief as the subject of the Management Report,
which is indeed the case. However, whilst Conclusions and Recommendations will
relate to the scenario-based problems (Management Report), the Aim and
Objectives must relate to the Activity or Assignment brief as a whole; this is what is
being addressed by the student in the coursework presented. Sometimes, there is
little difference between the Objectives of an Activity or Assignment and a
hypothetical Management Report (i.e., essentially, the submission Objectives have
been specified in the brief). However, students must be aware that there is a
difference. These subtle differences will become clearer as the example in section 7
is presented and discussed.

• An Aim and Objectives for a Dissertation do not have the problem discussed above;
they are directly related to the research topic and encompass the whole

3. The Aim: What An Aim Should Encompass

The scope of an Aim is likely to be different for each submission type (i.e., AAD), and
students will need to judge accordingly.

• An Aim should encompass, in general terms, the scope and context of the issue
being researched, studied or considered. For Activities and Assignments, this will
encompass the scope of what the brief requires. For Dissertations, this will cover
the research topic.

• An Aim should start with the infinitive form of the verb, e.g., To investigate, To
describe, To explore, To define, To examine, To analyse, etc. The verbs used
should reflect an immediate and direct action.

• The verb ‘to understand’ should not be used as it is secondary to investigating,

exploring, examining, etc., i.e., a student must first investigate to then understand.

• The scope of the Aim should have context, i.e., what type of organisation(s) or
industry; how many businesses are considered; is the country contextually relevant
to the study? The context is more critical for the Dissertation and usually self-
evident in Activities and Assignments.

• Generally, there should be only one Aim per AAD.

4. Objectives: General Points About Objectives

Objectives are derived from the associated Aim; this can be referred to as ‘deconstructing’
the Aim into Objectives. Such ‘deconstruction’ is the fundamental means by which a
chronological ‘argument’ (submission) is structured.

• Objectives are more specific than the Aim but, paradoxically, can still be relatively
general in scope. However, note, Activity Objectives are likely to be very specific
as they will be based on particular requirements of the brief. Assignment
Objectives can be either specific or more general in scope (depending on the brief),
and Dissertation Objectives are usually general in scope.

• Objectives should be listed in an order that will facilitate a logical and coherent
development of the ‘argument’. In Activities, given the brief, a logical progression
might not always be apparent. Under such circumstances, the student should try to
order them coherently whilst addressing the brief's requirements. Assignment
Objectives will generally be amenable to logical ordering (depends on the brief), and
Dissertation Objectives should always be ordered logically.

• As for the Aim, Objectives start with the infinitive form of direct-acting verbs. The
verb ‘to understand’ should not be used.

• It is important to realise there is a dynamic relationship between A/Os and the

subject matter. Aims and Objectives can and usually change as the student
acquires more information pertinent to the research or submission. A/Os are not set
in stone and can be amended as necessary. However, in doing so, the student must
ensure the structure and information content of the submission reflects the changes
made and vice versa.

• Objectives should align directly to the submission structure, and this will be
discussed for each submission type in Part 2 below.

• Generally, 3 to 7 Objectives would be considered a reasonable framework for a

logical argument; it depends on the nature of the brief’s requirements.

o For Activities, the Objectives will all relate to the Aim and the requirements of
the brief (this also entails reading around the various topics identified in those
requirements - see examples later). Approximately 3-5 Objectives would
typically be suitable.

o For Assignments, the Objectives will relate to the Aim, the requirements of the
brief, and the Literature Review. Approximately 4-6 Objectives would generally
be suitable.

o For Dissertations, the Objectives will relate to the Aim, the Literature Review,
the Methodological approach proposed, and the anticipated outcome of the
research (i.e., to make specific recommendations). Approximately 4-7
Objectives would generally be suitable.
5. Issues To Consider When Drafting An Aim And Objectives For Activities And
Assignments (see section 8 for Dissertations)

Students could address all suitable Activities (scenario-based) and Assignments with an A/O
approach in the following manner.

a. Questions the student must address

• What does the brief require of me?

• What are the significant issues I need to review and address?
• How might I structure my response?
• How do I provide evidence to support various aspects of my responses?

To help with the questions above, a ‘Planning your writing’ proforma can be found via
the link below, and at the end of this Guide (Appendix 1, p. 22).

MSc Safety and Risk Management Programme (ALL

LEVELS) is found at -

See opposite for where to find the ‘Planning your writing’ document
on the site’s main page.

b. Steps to Take

• Underline the significant parts of the brief that need to be addressed (see those
underlined in the s. 6 & 7 examples below) and identify the broad issue into which
they all might fit (see highlighted text in the s. 6 & 7 examples below).

• The broad issue (highlighted) is the basis of the Aim. The other significant factors
(underlined) are likely to be the basis of Objectives.

• Draft an Aim
• The Aim will encompass the scope of the brief’s requirements.

• Draft Objectives
• When drafting Objectives, students need to consider how a reader will follow
the development of the argument, i.e., what does the student need to explain
and in what order for the ‘argument’ to be logical and coherent.

• Use the Objectives (suitably modified) as the section headings for the submission

• Look at the Objective-related section and sub-section headings and the associated
narratives and search for literature to support the points being made for each. It
might also be necessary to look for literature supporting specific and categorical
statements made within each section. In the first instance, look for recent
literature as they are likely to contain all the references you will need to
6. Activities: Aim And Objectives For Relevant Activities

Not all Activities will require an A/O approach; they may be statistical problems, seek
personal opinions, or ask a series of specific questions. However, students will benefit from
taking an A/O approach to the scenario-based Activities; this also serves as practice for
Assignments and, ultimately, the Dissertation.

a. Activity Example 1: Scenario & Research-based

“The statistics on fatal injuries in various sectors given above indicate that the highest
rate is in older agricultural workers. Why do you think this is? What motivation factors
may influence safety behaviours in this group of workers that aren’t present in other

The Irish Health & Safety Authority (HSA) has issued guidance specifically related to
this issue. Look at the guidance and discuss whether you think that it addresses the
psychological motivators you have identified.”

i. Drafting the Aim

• AIM: To explore motivational factors in older Agricultural workers as a

cause of increased accidents rates and compare this with guidance issued
by the Health and Safety Authority (HSA).

• In the above draft, the context reflects the requirements of the brief, i.e., a
review of motivational factors subsequently compared to HSA guidance.

ii. Drafting the Objectives

With reference to the draft Aim and the requirements of the brief, to facilitate a
coherent argument, it is reasonable to infer that some issues will initially need to
be explained to the reader. For example, students summarising what is meant by
motivation and any significant motivational factors relevant to the brief.

1. To define and describe motivation theory and its significant factors in the
context of the brief.
2. To investigate motivational factors as a cause of increased accident rates.
3. To explore motivational factors in older Agricultural workers as a cause of
increased accident rates and compare this with other employment sectors.
4. To investigate the specific HSA guidance and evaluate it in relation to the
motivational factors identified for older Agricultural workers.
5. To make recommendations on how motivational factors in older Agricultural
workers might be addressed and managed.

From the above, it can be seen that having A/Os for Activities will help frame and
structure the student’s submission. The Aim encompasses and ‘frames’ the
broad scope of the Activity, and the Objectives provide a structure for a logical
and coherent ‘argument’.

Each Objective would constitute a separate section heading in the Main Body of
the submission, e.g., Objective 1 could be headed ‘Motivational Theory and its
Significant Factors X’.

Simply by structuring the ‘argument’ logically and coherently, the student can
then focus on finding research that could support the specific points being made
in the narrative associated with each Objective. Supporting citation is an
essential element of critical analysis.
iii. Evidence required to support the ‘argument’

Look at each Objective and see if there is any literature related to the points
being made in the associated narrative. Let’s look at the Objectives (O) above.

• O1 - there is a plethora of literature on motivation - look for a recent review.

• O2 - there are papers that address this topic (search Google Scholar).
• O3 - there is ample literature that covers this topic.
• O4 - cite the HSA guide and relate it to and cite the relevant literature
previously identified under other Objectives.
• O5 - as described; the student’s recommendations are based on the
evidence presented.

b. Activity Example 2 - Scenario & Experience-based

Do you have an example, perhaps from your own experience, of a situation where by
trying to improve productivity, the end effect was the opposite? How did this situation
affect the people involved? Were some people affected in other ways to others, or less
affected? Why do you think this was? Was the situation improved? What did it take for
this to be changed?

i. Drafting the Aim

• AIM: To investigate the effects of decreased productivity as a consequence

of the introduction of productivity improvement measures [in a vehicle
manufacturing company based in X].

• In the above draft, a context for the Aim is provided in parenthesis.

ii. Drafting the Objectives

Again, it is reasonable to infer that some issues will initially need to be explained
to the reader, e.g., the need to define productivity measurement and describe
Company X. Remember, the reader must be able to follow a clear, coherent and
logical development of the ‘argument’.

1. To briefly describe company X and its operation.

2. To define the measurement of productivity.
3. To describe the productivity improvement measures undertaken and
explain the resultant decreased productivity.
4. To describe how people were affected by the decrease in productivity and
consider why such affects may have arisen.
5. To explain how productivity was recovered and the circumstances which
facilitated this improvement.
6. To describe what the recovery in O5 meant for people previously affected
by the decreased production.
7. To make recommendations as to how the company might manage the
implementation of new productivity improvement measures.

Each Objective would constitute a separate section heading in the Main Body of
the submission, e.g., Objective 1 could be a section headed ‘Company X and its
Operation’. This approach aligns the Objectives to the order of exposition in the
Main Body, which facilitates coherency of the ‘argument’. A final summative
paragraph in the submission would ensure the whole ‘argument’ presented by the
student was related to Company X’s specific circumstances.
iii. Evidence required to support the ‘argument’

Look at each Objective and see if there is any literature related to the points
being made in the associated narrative. Let’s look at the Objectives (O) above.

• O1 - the company brochure could be cited.

• O2 - there are likely to be papers that address this topic (search Google
Scholar), which can be compared to the definition used by Company X.
• O3 - again, there is likely to be research looking at this, and this can be
compared to what happened in Company X.
• O4 - this is an interesting topic where there may be relatable research to
compare with what happened in Company X. Such research does not need
to be in the vehicle industry (though beneficial if it is); it only needs to be
relatable to the specific issue.
• O5 - again, there is likely to be relatable research to compare with
Company X.
• O6 - as for O4, there is likely to be relatable research to compare with
Company X.
• O7 - as described; the student’s recommendations are based on the
evidence presented.

This Activity is relatively complicated, requiring quite a few Objectives to address the specific
requirements of the brief. Where possible, students should try to limit the number of
Objectives in Activities to between three and five (inclusive). Most scenario-based Activities
should facilitate this approach.

NOTE: A/Os for Activities only are not included in the word count.
7. Assignment: Aim And Objectives For An Assignment

Generally, all Assignments will require an A/O approach.

a. Assignment Example - Scenario-based

“You are the H&S Manager in a manufacturing company with 500 employees mainly
working in Production, Warehousing, Logistics and Sales. The company is owned and
run by two brothers; Jim runs the Finance and Sales side, and John runs the
Production, Warehousing and Logistics side. Jim is very focussed on generating more
customers and sales, and John is concerned about keeping up with ever-increasing
production plans that don’t seem to allow him to catch up with training, maintenance
and improvements.

John is worried that they may be complacent about safety. Although they have an
excellent safety record (only one lost-time accident in 12 months, and very few minor
injuries or near misses reported in the same period), he feels that they need to stop
increasing production and delivery rates as fast as they are doing. He is concerned that
they have delayed planned training and maintenance and have shelved planned
improvements to keep up with the large increase in orders that Jim has been
generating. The employees appear to be very happy with the increased availability of
overtime, especially the recent introduction of night shift and weekend working.
Although the production rates have increased significantly, there has been no increase
in the number of employees.

John has asked you to prepare a report for the brothers, explaining how their current
approach might affect the safety performance in the company. You will include a
general discussion on the effect of a “production is priority” focus on the safety culture
and attitudes of employees (approx. 1500 words), followed by a discussion on the
potential effects that Jim’s rapid expansion in sales could be having on safety within
John’s area - Production, Warehousing and Logistics.

You know that Jim needs to relate any argument to costs and financial benefits, and
that John likes to aim for full compliance with Regulations and Best Practice. Your
report has to be written so that both brothers will understand how their employees react
to their attitudes to sales and production schedules. The report needs to explain how a
poor approach to safety by them (even unintentionally) can result in accidents and lost
production, as well as how a good, proactive approach can improve production, reduce
costs and reduce accident rates. You also need to include some discussion on the
dangers of focussing on lagging safety performance indicators (lost time accidents,
minor injuries) and instead also look at leading indicators, such as adherence to
maintenance and training schedules.”

There are many disparate requirements stipulated in this Assignment. Within the word
count constraints, it is difficult to envisage how a student might structure a submission
to facilitate a coherent and suitably in-depth argument; it is not an easy task! The
fundamental issue appears to be ‘Production is Priority’, considering how various other
matters might relate to it and the organisation. Consequently, the Aim is likely to
encompass the ‘Production is Priority’ concept. The other underlined matters will likely
be reflected in the Objectives. However, because of the relatively disparate nature of
the matters to be addressed, a completely logical and coherent flow to the ‘argument’
may not be possible. Consequently, the student needs to structure the approach as
best they can, addressing all the issues to the depth required at this level.
The Assignment is effectively asking for a Management Report addressing the issues
presented in the brief. However, it should be recalled that this work is a submission for
an MSc course, and consequently, the A/Os will focus on this aspect. What does this
mean in practice?

• A student might look at the Assignment above and think that the Aim is to write a
Management Report for the Directors addressing the brief’s requirements - this
might be their stated Aim (and often has been). Whilst this is a reasonable
position to take, it is likely to miss the point of the exercise and thus fail to meet
the standard required for the submission. Additionally, consider this: if a Director
asked a H&S Practitioner to write a Management Report about ‘Production is
Priority’, it is unlikely that the H&S Practitioner would state the Aim of the Report
was to write a Management Report. Instead, the real Aim would be to explain
‘Production is Priority’ to the Director.

• A Management Report is the outcome of the Assignment. The real purpose of the
Assignment is for the student to present a logical, coherent argument that
addresses the brief, exhibiting in-depth critical analysis of the significant factors.
The A/Os seek to provide a framework for the development of such an argument.

• What is meant by ‘Management Report’ is that the submission should be easily

understood and actionable by Directors. Consequently, as appropriate, the
Executive Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations should be focussed
(very explicitly stated), logical, evidence-based and actionable within a
reasonable time frame. Directors should not have to spend excessive time
working out precisely what is expected of them and why.

i. Drafting the Aim

• AIM: To explore the concept of ‘Production is Priority’ in relation to safety

issues identified [within a large manufacturing business].

• In the above draft, the context is set in parenthesis.

ii. Drafting the Objectives

Again, to facilitate a coherent argument, it is reasonable to infer that some issues

will initially need to be explained to the reader (the theory). For example, students
summarising the ‘Production is Priority’ concept.

1. To explain the concept of Production as Priority (Production v Safety).

2. To discuss Production as Priority in relation to safety performance, safety
culture and employee attitudes.
3. To explain the possible effect rapid expansion in sales and orders might
have on the Production, Warehousing and Logistics department
4. To relate O2 and O3 to (a) costs and benefits, and (b) aiming for full
regulatory compliance.
5. To place O2 and O3 in the context of how an inadequate approach to
safety can lead to accidents, whilst a proactive approach can lead to
increased production, lower costs and fewer accidents.
6. To explore the need for leading indicators, in preference to a reliance on
lagging ones.
7. To make recommendations as to how the organisation might address the
Production as Priority issue without compromising H&S.
Splitting the Objectives into two groups, O1-3 (Theory) and O4-6 (Operational)
(forget O7 for the moment), highlights the difficulty in structuring a coherent
argument from the disparate requirements of the brief. Objectives 4-6 could
easily be considered constituents of the main body narratives associated with O2
and O3. How might this look in the submission? There are different ways to
address the layout of the submission; indeed, students may wish to retain the
structure as provided by the Objectives above. Consequently, it is up to the
student to determine which approach presents a readable, coherent argument.

Remember, structure and content are interrelated. It might be useful for students
to have someone read over their submission to see if the chosen structure
facilitates an easier appreciation of the content and vice versa.

iii. Evidence required to support the ‘argument’

• O1 - there is quite a bit of literature on Production versus Safety.

• O2 - there are papers that address these topics (search Google Scholar for
Production versus Safety about the topics).
• O3 - there is literature that covers some of these topics.
• O4 - there is quite a bit of literature on Production versus Safety.
• O5 - there is quite a bit of literature on Production versus Safety.
• O6 - there is extensive literature on this topic.
• O7 - as described; the student’s recommendations are based on the
evidence presented.
8. Dissertation: Aim and Objectives for a Dissertation

All Dissertations require an A/O approach.

The Aim of a Dissertation will provide the general scope and context of the research topic.
For example, a student is researching the relationship between safety culture and safety
performance in UK residential care homes. Before drafting the Aim, there are some factors to

• Does the student mean ALL residential care homes in the UK? This would be too wide
a scope for an MSc dissertation. Consequently, the context of the study requires more
• Do the residential care homes belong to the same company? Are they independent or
• Do the residential care homes care for the same type of people?
• Are the residential care homes located in the same area of the UK?

By addressing such questions, the student must seek to narrow the focus of the research so
that it can be studied within the relevant time scale, with as few unnecessary variables as
possible, and with a view to a suitable depth of critical analysis.

i. Drafting the Aim

To investigate the relationship between Safety Climate and Safety Performance

in four similar, organisationally separate, and independent residential care homes
in Glasgow.

ii. Drafting the Objectives (O)

Again, to facilitate a coherent argument, it is reasonable to infer that some issues

will initially need to be explained to the reader.

1. To define and describe Safety Climate.

2. To explain the parameters of Safety Performance used in the study.
3. To discuss the relationship between Safety Climate and Safety
Performance and relate that to the residential care home sector.
4. To investigate, employing quantitative survey and qualitative interviews, the
relationship of Safety Climate to Safety Performance in four independent
residential care homes.
5. To make recommendations for the improvement of Safety Performance
within the care homes studied.

The Objectives for a Dissertation will follow a general pattern.

• The first 3-5 Objectives will provide the section headings for the Literature
Review. In the example above, these are O1-3.

• The next Objective will indicate the Methodological approach addressed in

the Methodology chapter. In the example above, it is O4.

• The last Objective will indicate the outcome hoped for, usually expressed in
the form of ‘making Recommendations’. This is addressed in the
Recommendations chapter. In the example above, it is O5.

iii. Evidence required to support the ‘argument’

• O1 - there is a large body of literature on Safety Climate

• O2 - there is a large body of literature on Safety Performance
• O3 - there is a large body of literature that covers these topics
• O4 - a large body of literature covers the methodological approaches
undertaken by the student and, in this case, relevant literature on Safety
Climate measuring tools etc.
• O5 - as described; the student’s recommendations are based on the
evidence presented.



This document is a guide on how to use Objectives, derived from an Aim, to

help structure a submission for

1. a relevant Activity (scenario-based),

2. an Assignment, or
3. a Dissertation.

It also provides guidance about the order in which the structural elements of
these documents should be written.
1. Using The Aim And Objectives Approach To Structure An Activity, Assignment Or
Dissertation: The Creswell Literature Review Mapping Technique

Writing an Aim and Objectives is done in tandem with reading around the topic; it is a
dynamic relationship - as the student reads more about the subject, they may need to alter
the Aim or Objectives, or both.

Creswell's Literature Review Mapping technique can provide a framework for this
approach. It produces a hierarchical map starting with the stipulated Aim, from which relevant
Objectives to be researched (Topics) are derived. It is the Objectives that can help the
student structure a logical and coherent submission (argument).

The Objectives can be used to help structure relevant Activity, Assignment and Dissertation
submissions. Such structure provides a framework to facilitate a logical and coherent
submission (argument). However, note, the three types of coursework will have slightly
different types and numbers of Objectives associated with each; this is due to the nature of
the coursework brief and submission required.

• Activities: the Objectives are primarily focussed on addressing the brief’s

requirements with analyses of any associated literature. They will not include a
Methodology Objective but, depending on the brief, may include a
Recommendations Objective. There are likely to be 3-4 Objectives representing
specific section headings.

• Assignment: the Objectives are primarily focussed on addressing the brief’s

requirements with analyses of any associated literature. They will not include a
Methodology Objective but are likely to include a Recommendations Objective.
There are likely to be 4-6 Objectives representing specific section headings. There
is a reasonable possibility that the narrative will employ sub-sections.

• Dissertation: the Objectives are focussed on addressing the research topic (the
Literature Review). They will also include a Methodology Objective and a
Recommendations Objective. There are likely to be 4-7 Objectives. Three to five
Objectives are likely to be reflected as section headings in the Literature Review
(LR), and there will be associated sub-sections. The Methodology Chapter is likely
to have sections and sub-sections. The last Objective will relate to the
Recommendations Chapter.

The example on the next page sets out Creswell’s approach to Literature Review
mapping. It should be remembered that the student should already have a draft Aim and
set of Objectives from which to start to structure their submission.



that need to
be addressed.

They will
usually cover
all the
questions a
student might

These are
in the

Source: Creswell, J. W. (2014) Research

Design. Thousand Oaks: SAGE

• In the above - 'Procedural Justice in Organisations' represents the Aim and could be
written as follows -

o To explore Procedural Justice in Organisations [provide the context required]

• The three boxes connected to the Aim (situated below) represent Literature Review
Objectives (Formation, Effects, Change), which could be written thus:

o To investigate the formation of justice perceptions in an organisation

o To identify and discuss the justice effects on an organisation

o To examine justice in organisational change

These would become relevant headings in the Literature Review of a Dissertation or the
Main Body of an Assignment or Activity (see below).

o The formation of justice perceptions in an organisation = SECTION HEADING

▪ Motives ]
▪ Knowledge ]
▪ Climates ] = sub-section headings
▪ Organisational Structures ]
▪ Voice ]

o The justice effects on an organisation = SECTION HEADING

▪ Outcomes ] = sub-section heading
• Need to Study ] = sub-sub-section
▪ Trust ]
▪ Organisational Citizenship Behaviours ] = sub-section headings
▪ Organisational Support ]
▪ Unjust Treatment ]

o Justice in organisational change = SECTION HEADING

▪ Explanations ] = sub-section heading
• Pay Freeze ] = sub-sub-section
• Relocation ] = sub-sub-section
▪ Past History ]
▪ Leadership ] = sub-section headings
▪ Strategic Decision Making ]

In effect, the various Objectives (sections) and sub-sections will cover many, if not all, of the
research questions associated with the brief or research topic. Hence, in this approach,
Research Questions are not essential in an Activity, Assignment or Dissertation; their
purpose is simply to guide the student towards any issues they need or wish to address.
Consequently, a logical and coherent academic argument can be facilitated by having a clear
Aim from which relevant Objectives are derived.

• In a relevant Activity (normally scenario-based), the Objectives will map to the

requirements of, and literature research associated with, the brief. A final Objective
might be necessary to address some specific requirement of the brief, e.g., drawing
conclusions or making recommendations. In general, because of the word count
constraints, relevant Activities are unlikely to have sub-sections. There are likely to
be 3-5 Objectives in total, with no Methodology Objective.

• In an Assignment, the first 3-5 Objectives will map to the requirements of, and
literature research associated with, the brief. The last Objective will map to the
Recommendations. There are likely to be 4-6 Objectives in total, with no
Methodology Objective. Sub-sections are likely, and there is a distinct possibility of
the need for sub-sub-sections.

• In a Dissertation, the first 3-5 Objectives will map to the Literature Review. The
next Objective will map to the Methodology chapter, and the last Objective will map
to the Recommendations chapter. There are likely to be 4-7 Objectives in total. Sub-
sections will be essential, and it is highly likely that suitably headed sub-sub-
sections will be present.

See Part 2, sections 2 and 3 below, for a description of how to map Objectives to Main Body
section headings (Assignments and Activities) or relevant Chapter section headings (not the
main Chapter heading) in a Dissertation.
2. Using The Cresswell Literature Review Mapping Technique To Structure A

For a Dissertation, the following is a simple example of an Aim with Objectives derived

a. Aim - To investigate the relationship between Safety Climate and Safety Performance
in four similar, organisationally separate, and independent residential care homes in

b. Use the Mapping technique to layout the Objectives (deconstruct Objectives from the

O1 (LR) O2 (LR) O3 (LR) O4 (M) O5 (R)

To define & To explain the To discuss the relationship To investigate, by means of To make
describe parameters of Safety between Safety Climate quantitative survey and recommendations
Safety Performance used in and Safety Performance, qualitative interview, the for the
Climate the study. and to relate that to the relationship of Safety improvement of
residential care home Climate to Safety Safety
sector. Performance in four Performance
independent residential care within the care
homes. homes studied.

1. Heading = Chapter, e.g., Literature Review or Methodology. Section Heading = Objective, i.e., The
definition and description of Safety Climate, etc.; sub-section heading = important sub-factors
associated with the Section Heading.
2. The first 3 Objectives will be modified to become Section Headings in the Literature Review (LR), or
Main Body narrative if an Assignment.
3. For O1-4 sections above, the student is likely to identify sub-sections and sub-sub-sections.
4. There will be no Methodology Objective in an Activity or Assignment.
5. The sub-section and sub-sub-section headings will likely address the specific research questions a
student might have.
6. The student will identify relevant papers that address the various topics covered by all sections and
7. O4 is the Methodology-related Objective.
8. O5 is the Recommendation-related Objective.

• Boxes 1-5 represent the Objectives of the research, which are first presented in the
Introduction chapter. They encompass the whole research Dissertation.

• It can be seen how the academic argument flows logically from Box 1 through to Box 5
(these are Objectives that have been derived [deconstructed] from the Aim). Can it be
seen how this would provide a logical and coherent argument?

IMPORTANT: In the Literature Review chapter of a Dissertation, or the Main Body of an

Assignment or Activity, the relevant sections would be related to the specific Objective, e.g., with
respect to the example above -

Chapter 2 - Literature Review (or numbered sections in the Main Body of an Assignment/Activity)

2.1 The Definition and Description of Safety Climate) (see Ch. 1.2, Objective 1)

2.2 The Parameters of Safety Performance relevant to the study (see Ch. 1.2, Objective 2)

2.3 The Relationship between Safety Climate and Safety Performance (see Ch. 1.2, Objective 3)
2.3.1 Safety Climate and its effect on Safety Performance
2.3.2 Safety Climate and Safety Performance in the Care Home sector
3. How To Relate Objectives To Section Headings For Activities, Assignments and

• Activities: For scenario-based Activities, there is likely to be an Introductory paragraph in

which it is good practice to include A/Os (this will not be considered part of the Activity
word count).

• Assignments and Dissertations: A/Os are included in the Introduction section

(Assignment) or Chapter (Dissertation). However, the A/Os are drafted first (see Part 2, s.
4 below). A/Os ARE considered part of the word count for Assignments and Dissertations.

INTRODUCTION Paragraph (Activity), Section (Assignment) or Chapter


To investigate the relationship between Safety Climate and Safety
Performance in four similar, organisationally separate, and independent
residential care homes in Glasgow.

1. To define and describe Safety Climate.
2. To explain the parameters of Safety Performance used in the study.
3. To discuss the relationship between Safety Climate and Safety
Performance, and to relate that to the residential care home sector.
4. To investigate, by means of quantitative survey and qualitative
interview, the relationship of Safety Climate to Safety Performance
in four independent residential care homes.
5. To make recommendations for the improvement of Safety
Performance within the care homes studied.

MAIN BODY (Activities or Assignments) and LITERATURE REVIEW

(Dissertation - usually Ch.2)

Section Heading - The Definition and Description of Safety Climate) (see

Objective 1). Sub-section headings are likely to be present.

Section Heading - The Parameters of Safety Performance relevant to the study

(see Objective 2). Sub-section headings are likely to be present.

Section Heading - The Relationship between Safety Climate and Safety

Performance (see Objective 3)
o Sub-section Heading - Safety Climate and its effect on Safety Performance
o Sub-section Heading - Safety Climate and Safety Performance in the Care
Home sector. Sub-sub-section headings are likely to be present.

Methodology Chapter (Dissertation only - usually Ch. 3)

This will include relevant sub-sections aligned in a suitable manner with the
‘Research Onion’ (see G2 - A Guide to Writing a Research Dissertation).

Recommendations Section or Chapter (potentially all AADs, but usually

Assignments and Dissertation)
4. The Order In Which To Write The Aim & Objectives, And Sections And Chapters Of
Relevant Submissions

The relationship between the Aim and Objectives, chapters, sections and sub-sections is
dynamic; modifications are expected as the submission progresses. As a student reads
more around the topic, the Aim and Objectives (particularly the latter) may change to
accommodate new approaches or information, e.g., writing a literature review is likely to
influence the Aim and Objectives.

a. Activities (A/O approach normally for scenario-based Activities)

1. Aim and Objectives (within the Introductory paragraph but considered first)
2. Main Body (includes Introductory paragraph and Discussion/Conclusion - structure
based on Objectives with relevant section headings)
3. Recommendations (if required)

b. Assignments

1. Aim and Objectives (see point 5, Introduction, below)

2. Main Body (includes Discussion - structure based on Objectives with relevant
section and sub-section headings)
3. Conclusion
4. Recommendations (usually required)
5. Introduction (note, the A/Os are presented in the Introduction but considered first)
6. Executive Summary or Abstract (whatever is required)

c. Dissertation

1. Aim and Objectives (these will likely be subject to modification as the Dissertation
progresses - see G2, A Guide to Writing a Research Dissertation)
2. Literature Review
3. Methodology
4. Findings (Results)
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
7. Recommendations
8. Introduction (note, the A/Os are presented in the Introduction but written first)
9. Abstract

The rest of the Dissertation can be written as and when necessary.

The References may best be started at the literature review stage and supplemented
as the Dissertation progresses. When citing a paper, the student should automatically
list it as a reference.
Appendix 1 - Planning Your Writing
Use the following prompts to help you to think about your writing. If you can’t answer any of them
just now, think about what you will need to do to ensure that you can.

1. What format are you expected to use?

Activity Assignment Dissertation Short Answer Other

2. What is the question?

If there is enough space, write out the full question below.

3. What is the question looking for?

What does the brief require of me?

What are the significant issues I need to review and address? Highlight the broad theme, and
underline the specific requirements.

What is the instruction (action verb(s))? (analyse, discuss, resolve etc.)

4. What might the answer look like?

How might I structure my response? What might my Aim and Objectives be?

5. What are you going to read as your starting point?

How do I provide evidence to support various aspects of my response?





6. Arising from my reading of the topic and associated with my Aim and Objectives, are
there other issues to address in my answer, and how do I fit them into my response

When you have done some background reading, you will probably realise there are other issues
that need to be addressed. If you have any at the moment, jot them down here. It helps make the
reading more purposeful (and more interesting). Having a robust set of Objectives will also provide
a focus for your reading.
References and links

1. Cresswell, J. W. (2014) Research Design. Thousand Oaks; SAGE (Ch.2 and p.39)

2. See Horn, R. (2012) Researching and writing dissertations: a complete guide for
business and management students. 2nd ed. CPI Group (UK) Ltd: Croydon. - see
pages 49 & 50. This reference explains how to write an Aim and Objectives (forget
about Research Questions)

3. This reference also provides examples of writing an Aim and Objectives -

o Note, in this site, excluding 'Business dissertation aim' and 'Marketing dissertation
aim', the larger headings in blue font indicate the Aim for the particular research
project. The numbered lists immediately below these represent the Objectives
deconstructed from the relevant Aim.


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