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TH10A16A SECTION – B (5 × 5 = 25 Marks)

P.S.G.R.KRISHNAMMAL COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Answer all the questions:

College with Potential for Excellence
(An autonomous, Re-Accredited, ISO Certified Institution affiliated to Bharathiar University) 9. a. Draw a multiple bar diagram for the following data :
Peelamedu* Coimbatore – 641004
Year Sales (000 `) Gross Profit (000 `) Net Profit (000 `)
B.Com Degree Examination, November 2013 2000 120 40 20
2001 135 45 30
Commerce with e-Commerce - Semester II
2002 140 55 35
Time: 3 Hours Maximum: 75 Marks
b. A bag contains 5 white and 3 black balls. Two balls are drawn at
SECTION – A (5 × 2 = 10 Marks)
random one after the other without replacement. Find the
Answer any Five questions:
probability that both balls drawn are black.
1. When do we say that two events are mutually exclusive? Give an
10.a. Compute the co-efficient of correlation between X – advertisement
2. From the following data of the wages of 7 workers compute the
expenditure and Y-sales.
median wage.
X : 10 12 18 8 13 20 22 15 5 17
Wages (in `) 1100 1150 1080 1120 1200 1160 1400
Y : 88 90 94 36 87 92 96 94 88 85
3. The difference between the two quartiles is 10. the sum of the two
quartiles is 20. their median is 13.5. Write about its nature of
b. Calculate Pearson’s coefficient of skewness.
x : 12.5 17.5 22.5 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5
4. If Q1 = 15, Q2 = 2Q1 & Q3 = 3Q1 calculate the Bowley’s Co-efficient f : 28 42 54 108 129 61 45 33
of skewness.
11.a. Sales and other income (% in `. Crores) of Larsen & Turbo limited
5. Define Ratio – to – trend method.
is given for the past 10 years. Fit the trend line by the method of
6. In a multiplicative model T = 600, S = 2.5, C = 3.1 & I = 0.6, Find Y. In
semi – averages and estimate the sales in 2009.
an additive model T = 300, S = 120, C = 20 & I = -40, Find Y.
7. What is an Index Number? List its uses. Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Y(in `
117 125 121 130 144 187 132 155 188 191
8. Define Ψ 2 - distribution. Give its limitations. crores)
1 2
(or) SECTION – C (5 × 8 = 40 Marks)
b. Calculate the trend values and short term fluctuations by 4 year
Answer all the questions:
moving average method
14.a. (i) Draw a pie diagram for the following data of the sixth five year
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
plan public sector outlays.
Production 614 615 652 678 681 655
Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Agricultural & Rural Development - 12.9%

Production 717 719 708 779 757 Irrigation - 12.5%

Energy - 27.2%
12.a. The values of X & Y are given below : Industry & Minerals - 15.4%
x : 5 6 9 11 Transport & Communication - 15.9%
y : 12 10 14 16 Social Services & Other - 16.1%
Find the value of Y when X = 10 by using Lagrange’s Method.
(or) (ii) (a) A student calculated the Arithmetic mean of 50 items as 69.
b. The annual sales of a company are given below. Estimate the sales
While checking his calculation he found out that he had
for 1995.
taken an item 30 as 50. Further the number of items was
Year 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Sales (` lakhs) 125 163 - 238 282 380 only 49. Find the correct Arithmetic mean.

(b) Write the uses of geometric mean and Harmonic mean

13.a. In a laboratory experiment, two random samples gave the
following results. (or)
b. A bag contains 30 balls numbered from 1 to 30. one ball is drawn
Sum of squares of
Sample Size Sample Mean
deviations from the mean at random. Find the probability that the number of the balls drawn
1 10 15 90
2 12 14 108 will be a multiple of (i) 5 or 7 (ii) 3 or 7 (iii) 4 and 6
Test the equality of sample variances at 5% level of significance.
b. Explain analysis of variance in a two-way classification model.
3 4
15.a. (i) Discuss the properties of correlation coefficient and interpret r. b. Calculate the seasonal variation indices by method of link relatives
(ii) Ten competitors in a beauty contest are ranked by three judges for the following figures :
in the following order. Years

Ist Judge : 1 6 5 10 3 2 4 9 7 8 Quarter Quarterly figures for 5 years

2nd Judge : 3 5 8 4 7 10 2 1 6 9 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
3 Judge : 6 4 9 8 1 2 3 10 5 7 I 45 48 49 52 60
II 54 56 63 65 70
Using rank correlation to determine which pair of judges has the III 72 63 70 75 84
nearest approach to common likings in beauty. IV 60 56 65 72 66
b. The following table shows the ages (X) and blood pressure (Y) of 17.a. (i) Explain Quantity index number, Value index numbers
8 persons :
(ii) Outline the problems in the construction of index numbers.
X : 52 63 45 36 72 65 47 25
Y : 62 53 51 25 79 43 60 33 (or)
Obtain the regression equation of Y on X and X on Y and find the b. Construct Fisher’s Ideal Index number for the following data and
expected blood pressure of a person who is 49 years old.
show how it satisfies the Time and Factor Reversal test.
16.a. Calculate Seasonal indices by the ratio to moving averages
2008 2009
method, from the following data : Commodity
Quantity Price Quantity Price

Year 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter M 20 12 30 14

2007 68 62 61 63 N 13 14 15 20

2008 65 58 66 61 O 12 10 20 15

2009 68 63 63 67 P 8 6 10 4

(or) Q 5 8 5 6

5 6
18.a. National Health Care company samples its hospital employees
attitude towards performance. Respondents are given a choice
between the present method of two reviews a year and a proposed
new method of quality reviews. The responses are :

North South East West

Method I 68 75 79 57
Method II 32 45 31 33

Test whether there is any significant difference in the attitude of

employees in different regions at 5% level of significance.
Explain the test you apply for the data.
b. To assess the significance of possible variation in performance in a
certain test between the grammar schools of a city make an analysis
of variance of the data given below.
8 12 18 13
10 11 12 9
12 9 16 12
8 14 6 16
7 4 8 15
Comment on the performance

7 8

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