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Abstract: The manual system of attendance was vague and many times it
takes a lot of time for updating the attendance. It was a time consuming job for
both the administration and teachers to do the manual entry of attendance data.
This led to the more safe, secure, fast and automatic attendance system named
as “Attendance Management System”.

It allows the teachers to directly update the attendance in the software which will
be safe and secure for a prolong time until mishandled. It also allows
administrator to directly import a bulk data of students, teachers and subjects
from CSV(comma separated value) file directly.

This system helps teacher to track the attendance records of student. The teacher

will be able to find the students easily who are not attending classes. Students will
be able to view their attendance data though their section and they will never
confuse about their attendance of any classes. Teacher will be able to give the
attendance of their respective subjects only. Teachers will be able to generate the
report in pdf and excel format. Admin will be able to generate the report of any
class in pdf format. So this system will be very useful for educational institute.

For securing password Storage “Hashing” is used. Here we transform password

into data that cannot be converted back to the original password.

Group Number-12

Group Members Registration number

Mrinmoy Adhikary 171220110094 of 2017-2018

Manjesh Kumar Singh 171220110087 of 2017-2018

Aman Kumar 171220110068 of 2017-2018

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