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•Introdução a Pronúncia

•Ganho de vocabulário e Expressões

•Velocidade da Fala

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

1 -Ok Derek here is the ball.

-No, Derek you can’t pick it up, you have to kick it.
-Look, put it on the ground. That’s it.
-Now kick the … Derek where are you going?
-Derek! Come back here or you’ll never play for Rovers.
-Ok now, put the ball on the ground.
-Derek put the ball down. That’s it. Now kick it Derek.
-No Derek, not me, the ball, kick the ball.
-Oh I give up!

-Mark do you know anything about computers?

-A bit, yes. 2
-Can you help me? I can’t get this on to work.
-Ok, turn it on.
-Now wait a second, and now type in Cn enter
-Ok, now you have your menu.
-Yes, but what can I do with it?
-Ok, go to the directory you want to see.
-Ok, English five.
-Now press enter.
-Enter, OH good, thanks Mark.
-Don’t mention it!
-Emmm Mark?
-Yes Dam.
-How do you turn it off?

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

3 Describe how you set a digital watch.

First you have to press the top button on the right. Now go to the
button under that and press that until you have the correct hour.
OK, now press the first button again. Then press the second
button until you have the correct minute. Finally press the first
button again and your watch is set.

OK now. First you have to put on your seat belt.

Good. Now check the car is in neutral.
Listen to the instructions of the driving instructor. Pay attention to
the words he uses for parts of the car. You will need them later in
this lesson.

Good. Now turn on the engine. Don’t be nervous. OK, very good.
Now, the pedal on your left is called the clutch. Push it down.
OK, good. Now look behind to see if there are any other cars
coming, good.
Now the pedal on the right is called the accelerator.
Now take off the handbrake, push the accelerator down slowly
and let your foot of the clutch.
Now we’re moving.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

5 Can you pass me the salt please?

Certainly, here you are.
Thank you. Oh, and could you pass me the pepper please?
Of course.
Do you like the wine?
Yes it’s delicious. Could you pass me the bottle?
Certainly, here you are.
What would you like for dessert?
Oh, I don’t really know. Could you recommend anything?
Well I would recommend the lemon meringue but you could try the Ice
The meringue sounds nice. I think I’ll try that.

Mark, could you pass me the pot please.

Here you are. What are you making?
I’m making an Irish stew.
Is it difficult to do?
Not really. Here you make it and I’ll tell you what to do.
OK then, what’s first?
Well first take the meat and chop it up into big pieces.
Now do the same with some potatoes.
OK, now put in some vegetables, like celery, onions and carrots.
Next add some water, boil it and leave it on a low heat for an hour.
Wow, that was easy.
Good, now you will be able to cook your own dinner.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

7 Can you pass me the pot? Yes, here you are.

Can you pass me a frying pan? Yes, here you are.
I need a knife and fork.
I need a spoon. Do you need a dessert spoon or a tea spoon?
How many plates do you want? Two, please.
You’ll find the cups on the shelf.
There are knives in the drawer.
Where are the forks? They’re in the sink they’re dirty.
We need glasses for the wine.
Are you ready to eat?

What are you doing?

I’m washing the dishes.
What are you washing?
Some cups.
And now?
Some plates.
And what are they?
Wine glasses.
Wine glasses?
Yes, and now a big pot and a small pot and a frying pan.
Anything else?
Oh only two knives, two forks, two tea spoons and two
dessert spoons.
Did you have dinner alone last night?

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

9 There is a pot on the cooker.

There is a frying pan beside the cooker.
There are some knives and some forks in the sink and
beside the sink there are some cups and plates.

Hi Jane.
Hi Tom.
Hey, guess who I’ve just met.
I don’t know. Who?
Laura Parr.
Laura! I haven’t seen her for two years.
Well I just saw her a minute ago.
How does she look?
Very well. She doesn’t wear her glasses anymore.
Did you ask her for her phone number?
Well we know where she lives. We can call in to her and
invite her to come out.

11 Well Mr Jones, what experience do you have?

Well I’ve been working for a company called Lulat
for the past three years.
OK and have you been to university?
Yes I’ve studied at the University of Bristol.
And what have you studied there?
I’ve studied computer science.
Have you been in Glasgow for long?
No, I’ve only been here for two days.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

12 Jim where were you? We were waiting to go to the cinema.

I’m sorry but I’ve just got off the bus.
But that bus was due fifteen minutes ago.
Yes but just before the driver came to my stop he got a
Well come on, we can make it to the cinema if we hurry. We
have enough time.
What are we going to see?
The clock stops.

But I’ve seen that already.

Why was Jim late?

Because the bus had a puncture.

When was the bus due?

Fifteen minutes ago.

Where were they waiting to go to?

To the cinema.

Why can’t they go to see the clock stops?

Because Jim has seen that already.

Do they have enough time to get to the cinema?

Yes they do.

14 Have you ever done any of these things?

Have you ever climbed a mountain?
Have you ever sailed a boat?
Have you been to university?
Have you visited Great Britain?
Have you seen Jaws?
How long have you studied English?

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

Talking about time with the present perfect (for or


Hi Tony, how are you?

Fine thanks Patricia and you?
Great. Have you been here for long?
No, only for about ten minutes.
Hey guess who I’ve just met?
I don’t know. Who?
Francis Pitt.
Francis, I haven’t seen him since 1992.

No, it’s been two years since I saw him last.

“For” is used when we talk about an amount of time.

E.g. I have been here for a year.
“Since” is used when we talk about a point in time
.E.g. I have been here since two o clock.
No, it’s been two years since I saw him last.

17 Put in for or since.

Ian has been in the army [for] two years.

Mary has worked here [for] seven years.
They have been here [for] ten minutes.
He hasn’t been here [since] Tuesday.
I have been on holidays [for] the last two
You haven’t called me [for] two days.
He has been studying English [since] 1993.
I have only had my camera [since] two o
I’ve had this car [for] three years now.
I’ve lived in Lisbon [since] 1994.
I’ve lived in Paris [for] one year.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

18 Sue, how are you?

Laura I’m fine thanks. And you?
Fine, I haven’t seen you since Paula’s party.
Yes, and that was four months ago.
Are you still working with Interplant?
No, I haven’t worked there for two months.
Oh, and where are you working now?
I have been working for J.B. Smith Ltd, since December.
And how did you get that job?
Oh, they asked for someone with experience and I had
worked with Interplant for seven years.

Have you ever been to New York?

Have you ever been to Australia?
Have you ever been on a holiday?
Have you got a car?
Have you ever travelled by Concorde?
Have you ever studid French?

20 I play football on Saturday afternoons.

My wife likes going out with friends.
And so does mine.
But my wife doesn’t like me to play football.
No, neither does mine.
She wants me to stay at home on Saturday afternoons.
Yes and so does mine.
Our wives don’t want us to do the things we like.
But we have to do the things that they like.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

21 When the second man uses “so do I” or “so does mine”

he is/expressing agreement. E.g. I study English. So
do I. (I study English too.) When the second man uses
“neither do I” or “neither does mine” he is expressing
agreement in the negative. E.g. I don’t study English.
Neither do I. (I don’t study English either.)

What do you want for Christmas?

I want a bike.
Yes, so do I but I don’t want a mountain bike.
No, neither do I, and I don’t want a B.M.X.
No me neither. I want a racing bike.
So do I. With eighteen gears.
And a water bottle.

23 Look, our husbands like doing certain things.

My husband likes to play football every Saturday
So does mine.
But he doesn’t like to go out on Saturday night.
Neither does mine.
Mine likes watching the football on TV.
So does mine.
But he doesn’t like going to the cinema to see a film.
No, neither does mine.
I don’t know why we married them.
Neither do I.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

24 I have a computer. [So do I]

I don’t have a silver Rolls Royce. [Neither do I]
I’m learning English. [So am I]
I’m less than one hundred years old. [So am I]
I can speak English. [So can I]
I’m not an electrician. [Neither am I]
I haven’t got any clothes to wear. [Neither have I]
My brother plays ice hockey. [So does mine]
My father doesn’t like Rock and Roll. [Neither does mine]

I’ve bought a new house. It has solar electricity. This is

electricity generated from the sun. It is the cheapest form of
electricity there is. There is no problem when the sun isn’t
out because there are batteries to store the power. My last
house used electricity generated from water. This was much
more expensive than solar power. This type of electricity is
called “Hydroelectricity”. My shower uses a gas heater and I
have a coal fire. The coal fire isn’t very economical but I love
to just sit in front of it in the winter while I sip wine and listen
to music. I feel much happier in my house.

26 Ruth has bought a new house. It uses solar electricity.

This is electricity generated from the sun. It is the
cheapest way of generating electricity. Her last house
used electricity generated from water.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

27 Welcome to nature world. Today we are going to look at

different types of trees and where they grow. We will also
look at some flowers and some that we can find in parks.
We will look at the oak tree and the beech tree. Then we
will look at the rose and the daffodil. And finally we will look
at the animals that rely on them for food or shelter. The
birds we will look at today are parrots and we will also look
at goldfish.

you name a fruit that is also a colour? Orange.

A rose is a flower. Rose is also a name and a colour. Can

A shark is a fish. Sharks are predators. They are the fiercest

fish in the sea. A shark is also someone who cheats at
what? Cards.
A cat is an animal. Some cats can be domesticated. This
means they can be pets. What is the biggest cat there is?
The lion.
An elephant is an animal. It is the largest land mammal on
earth. What is the largest mammal of all? The whale.
An orchid is a flower. It is very colourful and has a strong
fragrance. The colours and perfume are to attract what?
A salmon is a fish. It is very strong because in the breeding

season it has to swim upriver. What is the plural of salmon?

I’ve studied nuclear physics at university and now I work

in a nuclear power station. I think that nuclear energy is
the energy of the future. Many people say that nuclear
energy is dangerous, but we have strict controls to make
sure there are no escapes of radiation. We have seen
many advances in energy this century and I am sure
that in the future our children will use a safer form of
nuclear energy.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

If I win the lottery I will sail around the world.

Oh not me. If I win I will buy a new house.
And what will our wives do if they win?
They’ll go on holidays.
No, not my wife. If she wins she’ll put it all in the
No my wife won’t put the money in the bank. She’ll
go somewhere exotic.

I hope we win the lottery tonight.

Me too. What will you do if you win?
You and I will go to the Bahamas for a good holiday.
And if I win we will go to the Seychelles.
Knowing our luck one of our husbands will win the
If my husband wins, he says he’ll sail around the
Will we take our husbands with us if we win?
Of course not, but we will take them if they win the


Well sir where would you like to go?

I don’t know. What do you think?
Well if you want to ski you should go to the Swiss Alps.
No, too cold.
Well if you want to sunbathe you should go to Spain.
Hmm, that sounds good but if I go to Spain will I have
good fun?
Oh yes sir Spain is full of night clubs, bars and discos.
And if I go to a disco will it be expensive?
Oh no sir Spain is very cheap.
OK I’ll go to Spain. Would it be OK if I pay now?
Of course, sir.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

33 OK folks, here is the draw for the CD Lottery. And

remember folks if you have all six numbers you will win
six million pounds. OK now here’s the first number. It’s
a three. If you have a three on your card you could be
about to win the money. OK now for the second. It’s
a fourteen. OK three and fourteen. If those numbers
are on your card then stay tuned to this station. The
next number is a twelve. Three, fourteen and twelve
for six million pounds. What’s the fourth number? It’s
thirty one. And the fifth number is one. And now for
the last number. If your card has a three, a fourteen,
a twelve, a thirty one and a one then you could win
six million pounds. But only if your last number is a
number twenty.

then this is the right form.

Good. If I get a pen will you help me?
Excuse me? Can you help me? I can’t understand this form.
Well sir. This form is for your passport. If you want a passport

Of course. Now if I’m going to help you I’ll need to know your
Of course I’m Bill Comerford.
OK Bill. Now if you are Australian you must fill in this column,
but if you aren’t Australian then you need to fill in this column.
Well I am Australian.
OK then this column here. Now if you have children then you
have to put their names in here. If you have a wife her name
goes in here.
My children here, my wife here.
And finally if you want the passport posted to you just put a
cross in there.
OK, thank you very much.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

35 Complete the sentences using the endings below.

If you play with fire

If you don’t slow down
If you don’t study
If you eat too quickly
If you read in the dark
[you’ll get burned]
[you’ll crash]
[you won’t learn]
[you’ll get indigestion]
[you’ll ruin your eyes]

If you try hard [you’ll succeed]

BIOGRAPHY. Clive Barker. Author.

Clive Barker was born in Liverpool in 1952 but he now lives in

Los Angeles. He has written many best-selling books including.
Weaveworld, The Books of Blood, The Great and Secret Show
and The Thief of Always. He has also written, directed and
produced films like Hellraiser, Nightbreed and Candyman. He
also paints and has illustrated his book The Thief of Always.

37 Lennon was born in Liverpool in 1940. He learned to play

the guitar, and with his friends formed a group called The
Quarrymen. This group later became The Beatles. John with
Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star wrote and
performed some of the most famous songs ever and started
a new wave of music. After John and his first wife Cynthia
were divorced he met and married Yoko Ono. At around the
same time The Beatles were splitting up. John went on with
his career but this time he was alone. During this time he
wrote ballads and promoted peace and love. He and his wife
even staged a protest by lying in bed with TV cameras. One
autumn morning in 1980 as he was leaving his house in New
York John Lennon was shot six times and died. But his music
is still popular today.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

38 Where was John Lennon born?

In Liverpool.

What was the name of the group before it was called

The Beatles?
The Quarrymen.

What were the Christian names of the Beatles?

John, Paul, George and Ringo.

What was John’s first wife’s name?


What was John’s second wife’s name?

Yoko Ono.

This is Martin. He is American. He is on holidays. He
is in Madrid. He likes taking photographs. His hobby is
photography and he also likes using his video camera.
He is staying at a hotel near the centre of Madrid. It’s
not a very expensive hotel but it is very comfortable
and he knows all of the staff from his previous visits.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

What is his name?

His name is Martin.

Where is he from?
He is from America.

Where is he?
He is in Madrid

What is he doing there?

He is on holidays.

What does he like doing?

He likes taking photographs.

Has he been to Madrid before?
Yes he has.

This is Mary. She is going shopping. She is walking to the

shop. Now she is looking at a dress that she likes. She is
trying to find the correct size. Now Mary is trying on the dress
to see if it fits. Mary is looking in a mirror now to see what the
dress looks like when she is wearing it. Now she is buying the


Hi Laura. Sorry I’m late. I missed the bus.

Don’t worry David, I was late as well. I only arrived a
minute ago.
Did you order anything to drink?
No, I wanted to wait until you got here.
So what did you do today?
Oh I just worked. What about you?
I was off work today so I visited my Mother and Father.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

43 Hello and here is the weather. Today will be warm

in Wales and Scotland with some light showers.
England will be dry and cloudy. Ireland will be warm
but there will be some wind on the coast. France will
have rain in the midlands but bright sunshine over
the rest of the country. Well that’s the weather for
now but I’ll be back in an hour for an update.

Hi I’m Charles. I’m a student. I’ve been living in Lisbon for ten
months. I’ve been studying commerce at Lisbon University.
I’ve worked very hard and I expect to pass my exams. I have
been very happy here, Lisbon is beautiful and the Portuguese
are very hospitable. I have met a girl here and I think I will stay
for some time more.


Edinburgh. 535 4331-fax 535 7000
Tryptec LTD. 25 Boer road. Maidston. Kent. 16-10-95

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

46 Dear Sir-Madam. I am writing to inform you of the results of

the survey you requested on 12th August 1995. The survey
has been completed and is ready for your inspection, at
a time that suits you. I look forward to hearing from you
in the near future, when we can discuss the results of the
survey in full.
Yours Faithfully,
Paul Burke.


Edinburgh. Scotland. tel. 535 4431-fax 535-7000
Pullins and Co. 144 Mill road. Belfast. Northern Ireland.

48 Dear Paul. I’m writing to let you know that we have

completed the survey you requested on the 12th August.
If you would like to see the results you can make an
appointment when it suits you. I look forward to hearing
from you soon.
Yours sincerely.
Dorothy Plumber.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

49 Diane, can you take a letter for me.

Yes Mr. Smith. Who’s it to?
Oh it’s to Stephen Carter in Forlake LTD.
Oh Mr. Carter has been a customer for many years.
Yes so I don’t want to make the letter too formal. Will you help me?
Of course.
OK so to start “Dear sir”.
Oh no that’s too formal. Mr. Carter has been a client here for ten
You’re right, how about “Dear Stephen”.
Alright, “Dear Stephen”.
“I’m writing to you to inform you”.
I think that could be a little too formal. Why not say “I’m writing to tell
Yes that’s better. “to tell you that we haven’t got any of the Random
diskettes you ordered “. OK.
“We have similar ones. But these are made by CORLY LTD”. Is that
too formal?
No it’s fine.
“If you would like to order these, or would prefer to wait for the
Random diskettes. Please ring me and let me know”.
How will I finish the letter?
“Yours sincerely” I think.

“Yours sincerely”.
Can you send it for me?
Yes, sir.

Dear Frank. Well I’ve been here for six months now and I’m
really enjoying it. The French people are very nice and I’m
starting to speak good French and not the type we learned
at school. My studies are going well and I’ve found a part
time job in a restaurant. The night life over here is great.
The discos, clubs and bars are much better than at home.
People always tell you that Paris is a very expensive city
but if you look around you can find cheap places. Well, I’ll
be home soon. Looking forward to seeing you and all the
Lots of love.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

51 What time is it?

Its half past four.
Oh, I have to go to work.
But it’s Saturday. Why are you going to work?
Oh, I had too much work to do yesterday, so I am going to
finish it today.
When do you have to start?
At five o clock.
How much do you have to do?
Not a lot.
OK later we will go to the cinema.
OK when do you want to go?
Seven o’clock at the cinema.
OK I’ll be there.

Go straight on then take the second turn left it’s on your
right beside the bank.
Go to the first set of traffic lights and turn right, then take
the third turn on your right.
It’s a big grey building.
Go straight on and take the fourth turn right.
The first turn right is Hoe road and the second is Hoe
Take the left at the fifth set of traffic lights.

EAC Personnalité - Tópico 03

53 This is milk. It is an uncountable noun. This means we can’t

say “a milk” or “two milks”. We must say “some milk” or “a pint
of milk”.

This is a dog. Dog is a countable noun. This means we can

say “a dog” or “two dogs”. We can also say “some dogs”.

This is money. Money is an uncountable noun. This means

we can’t say “a money” or “two moneys”. We have to say
“some money”.

This is a car. Car is a countable noun. This means we can

say “a car” or “two cars”. We can also say “some cars”

The Eiffel Tower is the tallest building in Paris.
The woman in red is taller than the woman in white,
but the woman in blue is the tallest.
The cheetah is the fastest animal on Earth.
The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land.
Silver is an expensive metal but Gold is the most
expensive metal in the world.
Mrs. Green is a careful driver but Mrs. Brown is more


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