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In case the job with the least processing time from the competing list and schedules, it is

called as
Ans- Shortest processing time

TRUE or FALSE- operations facilities very close to the market provides the advantage of
quicker response and better customer service
Ans- True
Q.3 satellite launch vehicle is an example of
Ans. High variety products.

Q.4 what are the benefits of 5S.

Ans. All
Q5 Manufacturing of Petrochemicals is an example of
Ans - High variety product
Q6 Which of the following is not a step of 5S ?
Ans - Sell
10) condition based maintaince is a type of
Corrective maintiance

9) indirect maintainice is using -not found

49. Time interval between ordering and receiving the order is called as
Ans. Lead time

31.flow balancing, maintenance, capacity utilization, debottlenecking, backward integration

is required in

32- true or false a standard process will have high degree of divergence
Ans : true
33. If the lot size is equal to the net requirement during every period in the planning
horizon, it is called as
Ans not found
34.If the maintenance is carried out in order to correct the fault in the equipment, it is called
Ans corrective measure
35. An assessment of the time taken to complete the operation is made and used for the
purpose of ....
Ans not found
36. To less inventory will result into?
Ans all of the above

37.Qulaity control circle was developed by?

Ans- willian edward deming
39.Control chart can be used to
Ans. Analysing problems and their root cause (not sure)
40.selection of process may result into
Ans. Not found

Q71. True or false - if total ordering costs increases cost of carrying inventory also increases
Q72- What are reasons of changing location of a factory - All of the Above
Q75. Which of the following tools can be used for generating and collecting a large number
of spontaneously generated ideas, in the shortest possible time

Answer - Brainstorming
76. Which of the following inventories are available for distribution

Ans. finished good inventory

Q77. Stock gets updated in system in which of the following steps of Procurement Process

Answer - Order Acceptance

78. which of the following is a disadvantage of product layout?
Ans: b) duplication of equipment leading to high cost
79. which of the following is not a waste identifies in lean
Ans: D. None of the above
Q80- which of the following are objectives of quality circle
Ans - All of the above

73.when takt time of the process is less than the cycle time then
Ans-Machine is out of control

74.mistake proofing is known by

Ans- poka yoke

21. Bill of materials (BOM) is

Ans. All of the above
22.customers are engaged in co-creating the service in case of
Ans. Not found
23. which of the following is a case of planned
Ans. When it is possible to control the machine
24. P-D-C-A cycles were developed by
Ans Willian Edward Deming
25 Which of the following is not an advantage of Group Technology Layout
Ans not found

26. Decision based on minimum distribution costs which is known

Ans: Center of gravity (or centroid) method

27. Operations Management is a systematic approach to address issues in the

transformation process that converts inputs
Ans. Both a & b
28. TRUE or FALSE- TOM doesn't require commitment from Top Management.
Ans. False

29 Which of the following doesn't Fall under Garvin's definition of Quality

Ans Price

30: If Irrespective the nature of demand, orders are always placed for a fixed order quantity,
it is called as

Ans: Fixed Order Quantity

91. Seasonal stock is used to

Ans hedge against uncertainty
92.negotiation with vendor happen in which if the following step of procurement process

93.manufacturing petroleum is an example of

Ans high variety product
94. poka yoke was coined by
Ans- shigeo shingo
96.which of the following are implications of quality
Ans- all the above
97) Goals of total productive maintenance are
All of the above
98) In case the job sequencing is done basis the due date of the job , it is called as
Earliest due date
99) Conformance to specification is said by
Philip B Crossby
100) Which of the following is not an alternative term for scheduling

81. Resources (both material and capacity) available to consume in the production process
is called as
Ans- operating inventory
83.Which of the following is an advantage of process layout ?
Ans Operational control is simpler
84.A well design operations process allow company to
Ans All of the above

31.flow balancing, maintenance, capacity utilization, debottlenecking, backward integration

is required in

32- true or false a standard process will have high degree of divergence
Ans : true
33. If the lot size is equal to the net requirement during every period in the planning
horizon, it is called as
Ans not found
34.If the maintenance is carried out in order to correct the fault in the equipment, it is called
Ans corrective measure
35. An assessment of the time taken to complete the operation is made and used for the
purpose of ....
Ans not found
36. To less inventory will result into?
Ans all of the above

37.Qulaity control circle was developed by?

Ans- willian edward deming
39.Control chart can be used to
Ans. Analysing problems and their root cause (not sure)
40.selection of process may result into
Ans. Not found

67. Cost to carry an item in inventory for a length of time, usually a year
Ans. Holding cost

66. Designing services system layout relates to which of the following aspects
Ans. Locations

61. Which of the following is not a step of 5S

Ans. Sell

74.mistake proofing is called as

Ans poka yoke
75. Which of the following tools can be used for generating and collecting a large number of
spontaneously generated
ideas, in the shortest possible time.
Ans – brainstorming

What are the reasons of changing location of a factory All

Which of the following influence the design of service process All
Time interval between ordering and receiving the order is called as Lead Time
Satellite Launch vehicle is an example of High Variety
Too Less inventory will result into Lost Sales
TRUE or FALSE- A standard process will have high degree of divergence
It is difficult to pursue high efficiency goal in case of- High degree
Poka Yoke was coined by Shigeo
Project management, scheduling are very critical in case of Jumbled flow

If the inventory classification is based on the cost (or value) of items consumed ABC
What are the reasons of changing location of a factory ALL
Cause and Effect (Fishbone diagram) can be used toAnalyzing problems and their root
Which of the following layouts helps planning methods for mid-volume, mid-variety product
Customization of a process is signified by
If An order is placed such that it covers the requirement of P periods, it is called as
Periodic Order Quantity
Responsiveness is Both a & b
Seasonal Stock is used to Manage seasonal variability
Quality control circles (QC) were developed by Karou Ishikawa
What are the benefits of 5S All of the above
Which of the following are objectives of Maintenance Management All of the above
Decision based on minimum distribution costs - which is known as Center of Gravity (or
Centroid) Method
A good TQM program consists of following elements Employee involvement for
continuous improvement
If the inventory classication is based on the cost (or value) of items consumed ABC
Conformance to Specification is said by Philip B crossby
Decision based on minimum distribution costs - which is on Centre of gravity
time interval between ordering and receiving the order Lead time
if the maintainance is carried in order to correct the fault in the equipment coreective
It is difficult to pursue high efficiency goal in case of- Low degree of customer contact
Too Less inventory will result into all
What are the critical parameters for Service Layouts Line of visibility
What are the reasons of changing location of a factory All
Which of the following influence the design of service process All
Time interval between ordering and receiving the order is called as Lead Time
Satellite Launch vehicle is an example of High Variety
Too Less inventory will result into Lost Sales
TRUE or FALSE- A standard process will have high degree of divergence
It is difficult to pursue high efficiency goal in case of- High degree
Poka Yoke was coined by Shigeo
Project management, scheduling are very critical in case of Jumbled flow

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