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Human Resource Planning: 1.

Human Resource Planning: The process of getting the right number of qualified people into the right job at the right time, so that an organization can meet its objective 2. HR forecasting : An attempt to predict an orgns future employement demands of employee 3. Staffing table : A chart showing future needs of each type of job 4. Skills inventories : Summaries of the skills and abilities of nonmanagerial employees used in forecasting supply 5. Replacement charts : A portrayal of who will replace whom in the event of a job opening. 6. Succession planning : An executive inventory report showing which individuals are ready to move into higher positions in the company. 7. HR inventory : Describes the shills that are available within the company 8. Outplacement : The process of helping unwanted present employees find new jobs with other firms 9. HR Audit : HR Audits summaries each employees skill, knowledge and ability. Audits of non-managers are called HR inventories; audits of managers are know as management inventories;

10. Job analysis : A systematic exploration of the activities surrounding and within a job 11. HRIS : A computerized system that helps in the processing of HRM information 12. Trend Analysis : Study of an orgn past employment needs over a period of years to predict future needs. Recruitment:13. Recruitment : The discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies 14. Transfer : A lateral movement within the same grade, from one job to another 15. Promotion : Movement of an employee from a lower level position to a higher position with increase in salary 16. Executive search : Hiring search firm/head-hunter to track candidates 17. Employee Referral : A recommendation from a current employee regarding a applicant 18. College placement : An external search process focusing recruiting efforts on a college campus 19. Campus recruiting : Visiting specific-skill institutes to hire graduates

20. Internal Advertising : Information employees of vacancies internally 21. Media advertising : Inviting applications by placing ads in media 22. Job analysis : A systematic investigation into the tasks, duties and responsibilities of a job 23. Inducements: Positive features and benefits offered by an organization to attract job applicants. 24. Yield ratio: Indicates the number of contacts requited to generate a given number of hires at a point of time 25. Employee leasing: Hiring permanent employees of another company on lease basis for a specific job 26. Temporary employees: Employees hired for a limited time to perform a specific job 27. Outsourcing : Letting outside vendors provide services
28. Selection

Reference Checks Medical Examination Selection Interview Selection Test Application Blank Screening Interview Reception

Step 7 Step 6 Step 5 Step 4 Step 3 Step 2 Step 1

1. Selection : The process of picking

individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization 2. Application blank : It is a printed form completed by job aspirants detailing their educational background, previous work history and certain personal data
3. Weighted application blank : It is a

printed form completed by candidates in which each item is weighted and scored based on its importance as a determinant of job success. 4. Test: A test is a standardized, objective measure of a sample of behavior 5. Reliability: The ability of a selection tool to measure an attribute constantly 6. Validity: The relationship between scores on a selection tool and relevant criterion such as a job performance

candidates unsuitable

: Picking up suitable by rejecting the

29. Job posting: It is a method of publishing job openings on bulletin boards, electronic media and similar outlets by a company. Selection : Hiring decision Step 8

7. Work sampling: A selective device that requires the job applicant to actually perform a small segment of the job
8. Assessment

several interviewers take turns in interviewing the candidates. Collective Bargaining 1. Collective bargaining : A procedure by which the term and conditions of employment of workers are governed by agreements between their bargaining agents and employers. 2. Negotiation : An interpersonal process used by two or more parties whereby both or all modify their demands to reach an agreement. 3. Conciliation : It is a method of setting industrial disputes with the help of an outsider 4. Arbitration : It is a way of settling industrial disputes between two or more parties by means of a decision of an impartial body in cases where efforts towards conciliation have failed 5. Labour contract : It is a formal agreement between union and management which specifies the conditions of employment and unionmanagement relationship over a mutually agreed upon period of time.
6. Strike : A cessation of work by a body

centre: It is a standardized form of employees appraisal that uses multiple assessment exercises such as in basket, games, role play, etc., and multiple raters. 9. Interview: examination employment
10. Realistic

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is the candidates

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job preview: It is a process of providing a job applicant with an accurate picture of the job. 11. Halo error: This error occurs when one aspect of the subordinates performance affects the raters evaluation of other performance dimensions. 12. Leniency: The tendency to rate every employee high or excellent on all criteria. 13. Stereotyping: Attributing characteristics to individuals based on their inclusion or membership in a particular group. 14. Structured Interview: Interview that uses a set of standardized questions that are clearly job related, asked of all job applicants 15. Panel Interview: An interview during the course of which

of persons employed in any industry acting in combination or a concerted refusal or a refusal under common understanding, of any number of persons who are or have been so employed to continue to work or to accept employment (ID Act)

7. Lock-out : the temporary closing of a place of employment or suspension of work, or refusal by employer to continue to employ any number of persons employed by him. (ID Act) 8. Representative Union : As per Bombay Industrial Relations Act, a union, which is able to muster 15 per cent of the total number of employees employed in one industry 9. Good faith bargaining: Both parties are making every reasonable effort to arrive at agreement; proposals are being matched with counter proposals 10. Bargaining Zone : Area within which the union and employer are willing to concede when bargaining. Participation and Empowerment 1. Participation : Sharing of decision making power with the lower ranks of the organization in an appropriate way. 2. Quality Circle : A small group of employees who meet periodically to identify, analyse and solve quality and other work-related problems in their area. 3. Empowerment : Giving employees the authority to make decisions and providing them with financial resources to implement these decisions 4. Quality of work life : It is the degree to which members of a work

organization are able to satisfy important personal needs through their experiences in the organization 5. Autonomy : The extent of individual freedom and discretion in the work and its scheduling 6. Ergonomics : The proper design of the work environment to address the physical demands experienced by people 7. Business process reengineering : The redesign of business processes to achieve improvements in such formulating important work decisions or in supervising all or part of their own work activities 8. Flex time : A plan whereby employees build their workday around a core of mid-day hours 9. Job sharing : A concept that permits two or more persons to share a single full time job. 10. The compressed work week: Under the compressed work week, the number of days in the work week is shortened by lengthening the number of hours worked per day 11. Telecommuting: It is the use of microcomputers, networks and other communications technology such as fax machines to do work in the home that is traditionally done in the workplace 12. Total Quality Management : A set of principles and practices

whose core ideas include: Understanding customer needs, doing things right the first time, and striving for continuous improvement

Placement, Induction

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