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Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

aisle n
army-navy store n
army surplus store n
assistant n
auction n
auction v
auctioneer n
auction house n
auction of promises n
baker n
bakery n
bargain basement n
bargain bin n
barker n
barrow n
barrow boy n
barter v
barter n
bazaar n
bid v (OFFER)
bid n (OFFER)
bidder n
bidding n (OFFER)
bidding war n
black market n
bodega n
bookseller n
bookshop n
bookstall n
booth n
boutique n
brand loyalty n
bring-and-buy sale n
bucket shop n
bulk-buy v
bundling n, at bundle v (PUSH)
bundle v (SELL TOGETHER)
business n (SELLING)
butcher n (SHOP)
buy v (PAY FOR)
buyer n
car boot sale n
cash-and-carry n
cash desk n
cashier n
cash register n
chain store n
chandler n
charge account n
charity shop n
checkout n
chemist n (MEDICINE)
chippy n
chip shop n
clearance n (CHEAP SALE)
clerk n
client n (CUSTOMER)
coffee shop n
cold-calling n
come-on n
commissary n
concession n (RIGHT)
concessionaire n

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Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

confectioner n
consumer n
consumerism n
consumer society n
convenience store n
corner shop n
counter n (SURFACE)
craft fair n
craft shop n
credit account n
cubicle n
custom n (TRADE)
customer n
customer base n
customer-facing adj
dealer n
dealership n
deli n
delicatessen n
department store n
discount store n
discount warehouse n
distributor n (GOODS)
divest v
draper n
dress v (SHOP WINDOW)
druggist n
drugstore n
dummy n (MODEL)
duty-free n
eBay n
emporium n
end-of-season adj
end user n
estate agent n
export v
exporter n
extravagance n
factory shop n
fair n
farmers' market n
first refusal n
fishmonger n
fitting room n
flea market n
flog v (SELL)
florist n
franchise v
franchisee n
garage n (CARS)
garage sale n
garden centre n
general store n
gift shop n
go v (BE SOLD)
greengrocer n
the grey market n
grocer's n
grocery n (SHOP)
haberdashery n (MEN'S CLOTHES)
handle v (SELL)
hard sell n
hawk v
hawker n
heel bar n

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Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

high-pressure adj (SELLING)

hock v
home shopping n
hypermarket n
import v
import n (BRINGING IN)
importer n
impulse buy n
indent v (REQUEST)
indent n (REQUEST)
in-store adj
inventory n
ironmonger n
jumble sale n
junk shop n
kiosk n
label n (COMPANY)
launderette n
Laundromat n
laundry n
lay-by n (PAYMENT)
light pen n
liquor store n
loading bay n
mail order n
mall n
mannequin n
market n (PLACE)
market n (SHOP)
marketeer n
marketplace n (PLACE)
market share n
mart n
megastore n
menswear n
merchant n
milk bar n
move v (SELL)
mystery shopper n
newsagent n
newsstand n
newsvendor n
offie n
off-licence n
opportunity shop n
op-shop n
order n (REQUEST)
order v (REQUEST)
order form n
outbid v
outfitters n
outlet n (SHOP)
outlet mall n
outsell v
oversell v
overstock v
over the counter adv, at over-the-counter adj (SHARES)
package store n
panic buying n
panic selling n
paper shop n
parade n (ROAD)

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Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

parallel imports n
parlour n (SHOP)
patisserie n
patron n (CUSTOMER)
patronage n (CUSTOMERS)
patronize v (BE CUSTOMER)
pawn v
pawnshop n
pay v (BUY)
peddle v
peddler n
pedestrian precinct n
pedlar n
personal shopper n
pester power n
pharmacy n
ply v (WORK)
precinct n (SHOPPING AREA)
price tag n
privatize v
procurement n
punter n (CUSTOMER)
purchase v
purchase n (BUYING)
purchaser n
purchasing power n
purvey v
purveyor n
pusher n
rag-and-bone man n
rain check n
real estate agent n
real estate broker n
realizable adj (MONEY)
realization n (MONEY)
realize v (MONEY)
realtor n
record label n
register n (MONEY)
reject shop n
remainder v
rep n (BUSINESS)
resell v
retail n
retail v
retailer n
retail park n
retail therapy n
rotisserie n
rummage sale n
run n (BUY)
run n (SELL)
salable adj
sale n (SELL)
sale n (CHEAP PRICE)
saleable adj
sales assistant n
salesclerk n
sales drive n
sales force n
salesman n
salesmanship n
salesperson n
sales pitch n
sales rep n
sales talk n

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Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

saleswoman n
salon n (SHOP)
sanctions-busting n
sandwich bar n
scalper n
scrap dealer n
secret shopper n
self-service adj
sell v (MONEY)
sell-by date n
seller n
sellout n (ALL SOLD)
sex shop n
shift v (GET RID OF)
shop n (BUSINESS)
shop v (BUY THINGS)
shop assistant n
shopfront n
shopkeeper n
shopper n
shopping n
shopping basket n
shopping centre n
shopping mall n
showroom n
snack bar n
sniper n (BUYER)
soft sell n
sold v
souk n
speculator n
stall n (SHOP)
stallholder n
stand n (SHOP)
stationer n
stickiness n (BUSINESS)
sting v (CHARGE)
stock v
stock control n
stockist n
stocktaking n
store n (SHOP)
store detective n
storefront n
storekeeper n
subscribe v
subscriber n
supermarket n
supersize v
superstore n
supplier n
swap meet n
sweet shop n
telesales n
tender n (OFFER)
thrift shop n
till n
till roll n
tobacconist n
tout v (MAKE KNOWN)
tout n
trade v (BUY AND SELL)

© Cambridge University Press 2013

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

trade fair n
trade-in n
trader n
trade route n
tradesman n
tradespeople n
trading n
trading post n
transaction n
transfer-list v
travelling salesman n
treat v (PAY FOR)
truck stop n
undercharge v
undercut v (CHARGE LESS THAN)
undersell v (SELL CHEAPLY)
unsold adj
variety store n
vending n
vendor n
wholesale adj, adv (SELLING)
wholesaler n
window n (GLASS)
window dressing n (SHOPS)
womenswear n
baker's, at baker n
bookstore, at bookshop n
butcher's, at butcher n (SHOP)
chemist's, at chemist n (MEDICINE)
deli, at delicatessen n
greengrocer's, at greengrocer n
grocery shop, at grocery n (SHOP)
importation, at import n (BRINGING IN)
laundrette, at launderette n
shopping mall, at mall n
newsagent's, at newsagent n
parlor, at parlour n (SHOP)
patronise, at patronize v (BE CUSTOMER)
pawnbroker's, at pawnshop n
pedlar, at peddler n
privatise, at privatize v
drug pusher, at pusher n
realisable, at realizable adj (MONEY)
realisation, at realization n (MONEY)
realise, at realize v (MONEY)
salable, at saleable adj
store, at shop n (PLACE TO BUY THINGS)
storefront, at shopfront n
storekeeper, at shopkeeper n
suq, at souk n
shopfront, at storefront n
telemarketing, at telesales n
register, at till n
scalper, at tout n
on approval
open the bidding
a good/bad buy
the high street
in hock
be on order
in pawn
ply for business, trade, etc.
realize assets
retail at/for sth

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Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

get rid of sth

for sale
off the shelf
be in the shops
my, your, etc. treat
go on the block idiom
the bottom drops/falls out of the market idiom
under the counter idiom
the customer is always right idiom
come/go under the hammer idiom
kick the tires idiom
pile it high and sell it cheap idiom
price yourself out of the market idiom
on the slate idiom
supply and demand idiom

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