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The Sudbury Igneous Complex: Viscous emulsion differentiation of a

superheated impact melt sheet

Michael J. Zieg†
Bruce D. Marsh‡
M.K. Blaustein Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA

ABSTRACT temperatures, whereupon convection ceased. in a matter of minutes during impact of a mas-
The pattern of convection was pinned in place sive (~12 km) meteorite into heterogeneous
The Sudbury Igneous Complex of Ontario, by the embayment topography of the crater continental crust, producing roughly 30,000 km3
Canada, is the remnant of a voluminous melt floor, which in turn played a pivotal role in of superheated magma and voluminous breccia.
sheet produced in a few minutes by impact directing sulfide deposition into the embay- The resulting igneous sheet is compositionally
of a massive meteorite into continental crust ments. All further cooling was by conduction bimodal, consisting of a layer of norite (~56%
1.85 Ga ago. The transient cavity and melting of heat through the upper and lower bound- SiO2) overlain by a layer of granophyre (~70%
zone reached the Moho and instantly (~2 min) aries during which time solidification fronts SiO2), separated by a thin Transition Zone con-
relaxed to form a more familiar large, shallow were established and propagated inward sisting of quartz gabbro. Despite striking geo-
crater holding a thick, superheated (~1700 °C) from the upper and lower margins. There is chemical and mineralogical differences between
melt sheet covered by ~2 km of breccia. There clear evidence of solidification from the floor the norite and granophyre, each unit is broadly
is little about the resulting bimodal igne- upward and the roof downward. Minimal dif- homogeneous over stratigraphic distances of
ous complex that resembles crystallization ferentiation and compositional modification several hundreds of meters, and their isotopic
of well-known sheet-like bodies of similar took place throughout cooling and solidifica- and trace element compositions indicate that
composition. Yet, the norite and granophyre tion. Nevertheless, during the solidification they have an intimate association.
exhibit a remarkable similarity in isotopic stage, granitic rock fragments on the crater Two thick, relatively homogeneous layers,
and trace element compositions, suggesting floor and rafts of fallback breccia from the calamitously generated from heterogeneous
an intimate common parentage from the thick overlying Onaping Formation became continental crust and enveloped by voluminous
surrounding crust. This petrogenetic enigma unstable and entered the melt sheet, and heterogeneous breccias, imply a distinct mag-
is explained here as a natural, unavoidable the partially melted remnants collected at matic process for generating compositional and
consequence of the impact process in the the interface between the norite and grano- stratigraphic order from chaos. This process,
rapid formation of a superheated magmatic phyre. Some interstitial melt from the norite which we refer to as viscous emulsion differen-
emulsion, which we take as the high-tempera- also percolated upward, and, altogether, the tiation, involves the rapid gravitational separa-
ture equivalent of breccia. A wide spectrum blocks and melt produced the distinctive tion of a grossly homogeneous mechanical mix-
of viscously discrete, interdispersed parcels chemical and physical characteristics of the ture of discrete heterogeneous magma parcels
of mafic and felsic liquids, reflecting the com- unusual Transition Zone. prior to crystallization. This process operates
positional heterogeneity of the target crustal The Sudbury melt sheet is, in essence, a full- strictly in the liquid state and produces layering
materials, formed the emulsion. Within days scale magmatic experiment. The conditions of unrelated to crystal fractionation. Rather, the
to months, the emulsion components sepa- formation, relative to any other large terres- bimodal nature of the Sudbury Igneous Com-
rated according to their relative densities into trial magma, are “precisely” known. Thus the plex is a reflection of the roughly bimodal char-
a bimodal norite-granophyre assemblage that clear lack of any significant modal layering, acter of the original continental crust in the Sud-
formed the basic structure of the present the overall homogeneous nature of each unit, bury region at the time of impact. Through this
Sudbury Igneous Complex. There is clear and the lack of any significant chemical dif- process, which is capable of producing strong
evidence of this emulsion in the earliest dikes ferentiation through crystal fractionation compositional order, massive impacts may have
(i.e., offsets), which likely give the earliest establish Sudbury as a valuable example of been instrumental in creating the fundamental
state of the nascent melt sheet. Immediately what does not happen under the initial condi- structure of Earth’s early continental crust.
following emulsion separation, the strongly tions long assumed to prevail at the formation
superheated bimodal melt sheet underwent of most large magma chambers. The Sudbury Igneous Enigma
vigorous thermal convection in each layer.
These convective motions homogenized and Keywords: magma, viscous emulsion, Sud- In part because of the rich and enormous
rapidly cooled the magma to the liquidus bury, melt sheet, impact melt, differentiation. volume of Ni-Cu sulfide ores (>1.5 billion
metric tons) near its base, the Sudbury Igneous

Present address: Department of Geography, Ge- INTRODUCTION Complex (Fig. 1) has long fascinated petrolo-
ology, and the Environment, Slippery Rock Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania
gists. Yet certain unusual systematic field rela-
16057, USA. The Sudbury Igneous Complex of Ontario, tions thwarted conventional explanations. N.L.

Corresponding author e-mail: Canada, is a magmatic sheet that was generated Bowen (1915, p. 49), e.g., noted the similarities

GSA Bulletin; November/December 2005; v. 117; no. 11/12; p. 1427–1450; doi: 10.1130/B25579.1; 14 figures; 1 table.

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© 2005 Geological Society of America 1427
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between the Sudbury Igneous Complex and Igneous Complex (i.e., ~64 wt% SiO2), for 1984), but these variations are much smaller and
smaller diabase sills where small amounts of example, at the very least there should be upper much less distinctive than would be expected for
granophyric material commonly occur near and lower chilled margins of this composition progressive fractional crystallization of a thick,
the roof: “The great sheet-like mass at Sudbury grading inward (perhaps) to more siliceous initially homogeneous layer of magma.
with granite in the upper part and norite in the compositions (e.g., Marsh, 1996). An obvious way around many of these prob-
lower shows the same type [i.e., crystal settling] In considering the differentiation of large lems is to assume emplacement of two separate
of crystallization differentiation controlled by magmatic bodies, H.H. Hess (1960, p. 173) magmas, one noritic and the other granitic, that
gravity.” In this classical model of the crystal- noted, “The mafic portion of this intrusive crystallized separately (Phemister, 1926, 1937).
lization of a sill, the norite is interpreted as an shows surprisingly little differentiation in spite This is a more complex physical scenario,
accumulation of settled plagioclase and ortho- of its size and hence long time available for requiring the nearly contemporaneous indepen-
pyroxene produced during the crystallization differentiation. . . . Apparently no crystal sort- dent generation of large felsic and mafic magma
of a single homogeneous magma body (see ing has occurred.” Wager and Brown (1968, p. bodies in close proximity to one another, but it
also Naldrett et al., 1970). But the unusually 522) also puzzled over the general uniformity avoids the difficult task of explaining the volu-
large amount of silicic relative to mafic rock, of the Sudbury Igneous Complex in their global metric dominance of evolved melt (granophyre)
the complete lack of conspicuous upper and survey of large layered intrusions: “The general over mafic cumulates (norite) and the lack of
lower compositionally similar chilled margins, impression gained from the descriptions of the significant geochemical gradients within the
the absence of any conspicuous modal layer- norite intrusion and examination of the rock norite and granophyre, which would be expected
ing anywhere, the absence of strong systematic types is that it is a relatively uniform norite if the Sudbury Igneous Complex evolved by
chemical gradients within either unit, a thick with little conspicuous layering.” Although they fractional crystallization (Chai and Eckstrand,
sandwich zone of unusual mafic material, the did not believe that the norite and granophyre 1994). Nevertheless, this presents other difficult
monotonously uniform noritic textures over were produced by differentiation of a single problems. There is a remarkable similarity in
distances of ~1 km, the complete absence of parental magma, they concluded that if cryptic trace elements and isotopes in the two main
granitic textures in a massive granitic intrusion, variations in mineral compositions were found igneous units that is much too close to ascribe to
and a remarkable lateral spatial stratigraphic in the norite, it might be evidence of fractional pure chance. For example, although individual
continuity have always been problematical. For crystallization processes. Some cryptic variation abundances vary, the values of La/Sm, Gd/Yb,
sill-like crystallization of a sheet of magma hav- is found in plagioclase and orthopyroxene com- and Th/Nb are almost identical in the grano-
ing an initial composition of the bulk Sudbury positions (Hewins, 1971; Naldrett and Hewins, phyre and norite (Lightfoot et al., 1997c), and

Figure 1. Geology of the Sudbury Structure. Simplified geological map and stratigraphic column, showing distribution of lithological units
within the Sudbury Structure. Adapted from Naldrett and Kullerud (1967); Stöffler et al. (1994); Dressler et al. (1996). The various limbs
or margins of the present basin are generally referred to as North, South, and East Ranges. SIC—Sudbury Igneous Complex.

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initial 87Sr/86Sr signatures are uniform across the sector variations in Sudbury Igneous Complex and a velocity of ~25 km/s. An impactor of this
Sudbury Igneous Complex (Dickin et al., 1999). composition, are the result of physical processes magnitude produced a transient crater with a
This would seem to require simultaneous gen- that occurred after the formation of an initially diameter of ~100 km and a depth of 30 km.
eration of two separate magmatic layers through bimodal melt sheet. This unusual initial condi- Within 2 or 3 min of impact, the transient crater
a single magmatic process. tion set the basic framework for the evolution collapsed to form a large shallow crater ~200 km
With the overwhelming evidence of a mas- of the complex. in diameter (Grieve, 1994; Fig. 2). Although
sive impact having created the Sudbury Struc- To appreciate the distinctiveness of the field local structural adjustments on variable length
ture came the realization that this complex must relations, the incredibly rapid time scales asso- scales continued for millions of years, the major
represent the impact melt sheet, which had to ciated with an impact event of this magnitude, structure, which contains the ~2.5 km thick pla-
have come mainly from melting of crustal target and the obstacles involved in gauging the ear- nar sheet of impact melt, formed in a time scale
rocks. Evidence for this comes from εNd and liest magma dynamics of the melt sheet, it is on the order of 5 min. All of the main structural
εSr values (at 1.85 Ga) that match those of the essential to have a basic understanding of the relations, the basic initial magmatic conditions
basement rocks (Deutsch, 1994), initial osmium impact event itself. Here, we draw heavily on (e.g., temperature, composition, and geometry),
isotopic ratios for the ores that are in the range the impact cratering dynamics of Melosh (1989) and the overall style of the setting thus were
of local crustal rocks (Dickin et al., 1999), and and on descriptions of the Sudbury event in established geologically in an instant. This can-
rare earth element patterns for the complex that Grieve (1994) and Stöffler et al. (1994). A valu- not be emphasized too strongly.
match those of the average Canadian Shield able overview of impact processes and shock Even allowing for uncertainty in the thick-
(e.g., Grieve, 1994). There has been continual metamorphism is given by French (1998). ness and diameter of the melt sheet and the
debate, however, over whether the entire com- exact geometry of the crater itself (e.g., multi-
plex is impact melt (e.g., Therriault et al., 2002) THE SUDBURY IMPACT EVENT ring, central uplift, etc.), the melt sheet aspect
or whether the granophyre alone is impact melt ratio was from the start on the order of 50:1 (i.e.,
and the norite is mantle-derived basaltic melt The Sudbury impact structure was formed the approximate aspect ratio of a compact disc).
contaminated with crustal material (e.g., Nal- 1850 Ma (Krogh et al., 1984) as a result of the The melt sheet is thus more like a very thick sill
drett, 1999). One of the major difficulties with impact of a meteorite with a diameter of ~12 km than the commonly depicted bowl or funnel-
accepting the entire complex as impact melt,
however, is the sharp geochemical contrast
between the granophyre and the norite (e.g.,
Chai and Eckstrand, 1993). Impact Event
In the model developed here, the unique geo-
chemistry, mineralogy, textures, and volumes
of norite and granophyre arise as the natural
result of the generation of a voluminous melt
sheet by massive impact. The association of
norite and granophyre in the Sudbury Igneous
Complex reflects the broadly bimodal nature of
the local continental crust rather than extremely
efficient and unusual igneous fractionation pro-
cesses. Wholesale melting of target rocks during
impact generated a superheated melt sheet of a
bulk chemical composition roughly identical to Aftermath
that of the local crust, but in a physical state of
interdispersed viscous parcels of mafic and fel-
sic melt (i.e., a viscous emulsion). The viscous
emulsion can be envisioned as the high-tem-
perature equivalent of breccia. The rapidity and
size of the cratering event prevented the melt
sheet from homogenizing into a single uniform
magma, leaving the two primary components
(mafic and felsic liquids) to separate into a
bimodal melt sheet. The melt sheet thus was
compositionally stratified well before crystal-
lization began, and yet the two units also show
common chemical traits that were developed
during the emulsion stage. Apparent geochemi-
cal fractionation trends are primarily those that Figure 2. Schematic history of the Sudbury impact process (after Stöffler et al., 1994).
existed prior to the impact, which are found (A) Scale of the Sudbury impact event. Impact of ~10–15-km-diameter meteorite produced
among all groups of contiguous continental transient crater ~100 km in diameter by ~30 km deep and generated ~1–3 × 104 km3 of melt.
rocks regardless of exact parentage. Distinctive Notice that the melting aureole is wide and transects the entire continental crust. (B) Final
secondary features, such as the mafic sublayer, geometry of Sudbury Structure. Melt sheet is a thin and wide sheet rather than a bowl. Ver-
the quartz gabbro in the Transition Zone, and tical exaggeration to show detail.

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like feature. Moreover, because the boundaries unusual series of features called offset dikes. Igneous Complex, (3) the Onaping Formation,
between the igneous units of the Sudbury Igne- The strongly superheated (~2000 °C) and dehy- and (4) the Onwatin and Chelmsford Forma-
ous Complex generally parallel the footwall, drated impact melt now filled a shallow crater tions. A brief introduction to the geology of each
or lower contact, the present melt sheet is a and associated fractures in the country rock. of these units is included here; for more detailed
fragment of an original intrabasin area of the This melt sheet was unevenly floored by breccia descriptions, see Pye et al. (1984) and Stöffler et
original crater. If the walls, or lateral limits, of that was not excavated during crater formation al. (1994) and abundant references therein.
the complex were exposed, the quartz gabbro and was roofed with breccia cascading in from
and granophyre would be observed to come into the crater rim and falling from the atmosphere. Shocked and Brecciated Country Rocks
contact with the country rocks. Because of the very short time scales involved Shock metamorphic features such as shatter
Temperatures during the impact event reached in the cratering event and in producing the melt cones (Dietz, 1964; Dietz and Butler, 1964;
~4000 °C, vaporizing the meteorite and adjacent sheet, the field relations are extremely complex. Guy-Bray et al., 1966) and planar deformation
silicate crust. Peak pressures in the shock wave The melt sheet formed by in situ flash melting features in quartz grains (French, 1967, 1968)
at the point of contact were >500 GPa (5 Mbar), of a large, highly fragmented cross section of can be found in the basement rocks around the
equivalent to the pressure at the center of Earth. the local continental crust. Final solidification Sudbury Structure. Two distinctive types of
Outward from the impact point, temperature of the melt sheet, as is considered later, required brecciation are also recognized in the country
and pressure decreased strongly with distance. some 100 k.y. In the intervening time, many rocks. The first, known as Sudbury Breccia, is a
Surrounding the vaporization core, a thick melt- significant readjustments occurred. But in gen- pseudotachylite containing locally derived rock
ing front existed, and beyond that a brecciation eral, the entire structure consists of two highly fragments (e.g., Dressler, 1984b; Thompson and
or fragmentation front. The divisions between contrasting components: heterogeneous solid Spray, 1994, 1996) and occurs in dikes, pods,
each front (vapor, melt, and solid) were indis- breccia and a relatively homogeneous impact and lenses. The second, referred to as Footwall
tinct. The expanding shock front created an melt sheet. Breccia, generally forms thicker bodies and lies
intense radial flow of fragments and melt, which along the lower contact of the Sudbury Igneous
preserved a basic stratigraphic order during the GEOLOGY Complex. It contains locally derived igneous
cratering process. That is, fragments created at and metamorphic clasts in a matrix that grades
the brecciation front, which formed the leading Regional Setting and Target Rocks of the from igneous (partially melted) to metamorphic
edge of the developing crater, moved outward Sudbury Igneous Complex (recrystallized) with increasing distance from
and upward along the bowl walls of the transient the contact with the complex (Lakomy, 1990).
crater. The melting zone, bounded by breccia The Sudbury Structure lies at the intersection
and silicate vapor, followed the fragmentation of two tectonic provinces, the Archean Superior Sudbury Igneous Complex (Impact Melt)
front. The stratigraphic order in the burrowing province to the north and the Proterozoic South- As has been mentioned, the Sudbury Igne-
process existed not only vertically in the phases ern province to the south. The rocks of the Supe- ous Complex is divided into two primary units,
of vapor, melt, and breccia (i.e., solid), but also rior province are primarily granites and granitic norite and granophyre. A relatively thin but con-
roughly laterally in each front. The deepest part gneisses together with greenstone sequences tinuous layer of quartz gabbro separates these
of the melt envelope came from deepest in the of the Abitibi Group and Matachewan diabase two units. Quartz diorite is commonly found in
crust, and the melt highest on the transient crater dikes. Along the northwest contact of the Sud- radial or concentric offset dikes (Grant and Bite,
wall came, on average, from higher in the crust. bury Igneous Complex is the Levack Gneiss, 1984; Tuscherer and Spray, 2002; Murphy and
Volumetrically, the greatest breccia and melt which is interpreted by Dressler (1984a) as a Spray, 2002; Lightfoot and Farrow, 2002), and a
production thus occurred in the upper part of highly metamorphosed supracrustal sequence of discontinuous basal unit known as the Sublayer
the crust (Fig. 2). The average temperature of mafic to felsic volcanics. The rocks in the South- contains an assortment of local and exotic mafic
the melt zone, and for the initial temperature ern province are dominantly metasediments to ultramafic xenoliths (Pattison, 1979; Light-
of the resulting melt sheet, was at least 2000 and metavolcanics belonging to the Huronian foot et al., 1997a, 1997b, 2001). The chemical
°C (Grieve et al., 1977), which is sufficient to Supergroup (Bennett et al., 1991). This group composition of these units is summarized in
completely melt all rock types, and undoubt- overlies the Archean bedrock nonconformably, Table 1. The petrography and mineralogy of
edly some parts of the silicate melt would have thickening to the southeast (Fralick and Miall, these units are described in detail by, among
undergone boiling. The intensity of the impact, 1989). The Huronian sequence is cut by dikes others, Naldrett and Kullerud (1967), Lightfoot
the volume of melt, the melt sheet temperature, and sills of the Nipissing diabase (Lightfoot et al. (2001), and Therriault et al. (2002).
and all other measures of the impact scale and Naldrett, 1996) and by the Creighton and
strongly upward with the size of the impactor, Murray granitic plutons. Along the boundary Onaping Formation
and the Sudbury event would have produced a between the Superior and Southern provinces This thick (~1.5 km) formation contains
significantly greater volume of melt than other are a series of layered mafic intrusions of the abundant fragmental debris that was depos-
recognized impact structures. Bull Lake series (Vogel et al., 1998; James et al., ited on top of the melt sheet after having been
Melt production occurred during excavation 2002). Dressler (1984a) gives a more detailed ejected into the atmosphere during the cratering
of the transient crater, which then rebounded to discussion of the regional geological setting of process. The Onaping contains abundant large
form the final shallow crater in a time similar the Sudbury Structure. fragments of quartz arenite and other sedimen-
to the excavation event (i.e., minutes). The tary lithologies from the Huronian Supergroup,
rebounding crust was torn by a series of radial Sudbury Structure and also fragments from the other country rocks
and concentric faults about the crater, reflect- surrounding the Sudbury Igneous Complex
ing the pattern of strength and structure of the The geology of the Sudbury Structure is sum- (Peredery, 1972; Muir and Peredery, 1984;
local crust. This disruption event suctioned melt marized in Figure 1. It consists of (1) shocked Ames et al., 2002). At its base, the Onaping
and breccia into the open fractures to form an and brecciated country rocks, (2) the Sudbury is very coarse and clast supported, and has an

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TABLE 1. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE SUDBURY IGNEOUS COMPLEX from terranes outside the Sudbury Structure
Oxide Felsic norite Transition zone Granophyre Quartz diorite †
Vitric Onaping ‡
Bulk SIC § (Cantin and Walker, 1972; Rousell, 1972).
SiO2 57.48 (1.16) 56.20 (2.92) 69.03 (2.24) 60.0 61.56 (0.78) 64.57
TiO2 0.51 (0.11) 1.58 (0.84) 0.81 (0.16) 0.89 0.61 (0.03) 0.81
Al2O3 16.61 (0.72) 14.55 (1.32) 12.69 (0.41) 15.5 13.59 (0.48) 13.79 OF THE SUDBURY IGNEOUS
Fe2O3 7.13 (0.57) 11.03 (2.54) 6.19 (1.06) 11.6 8.40 (0.80) 7.27 COMPLEX
MnO 0.12 (0.01) 0.14 (0.02) 0.09 (0.02) 0.13 0.17 (0.07) 0.08
MgO 4.98 (0.80) 3.46 (0.91) 0.82 (0.48) 4.3 4.28 (0.43) 2.85 In the field, the norite and granophyre are
CaO 7.02 (0.77) 6.84 (1.83) 1.79 (0.54) 6.1 2.63 (0.83) 4.03
marked by a monotonous spatial uniformity in
Na2O 3.02 (0.23) 3.29 (0.70) 3.79 (0.61) 2.7 4.19 (0.79) 3.20
K2O 1.48 (0.34) 1.74 (0.51) 3.52 (0.86) 1.9 2.66 (1.16) 2.91
texture and color, an impression largely verified
P2O5 0.11 (0.03) 0.48 (0.48) 0.15 (0.05) 0.14 0.15 (0.01) 0.16 in compositional and density profiles.

A section through the norite, the Transition
Average composition, Worthington Offset, marginal zone; Lightfoot et al. (2001).

Average composition, least altered vitric; Ames et al. (2002). Zone, and lowermost granophyre was obtained
Calculated bulk SIC (Sudbury Igneous Complex); Therriault et al. (2002). from drill core samples supplied by Falcon-
bridge Exploration. This profile was extended
to include the entire thickness of the granophyre
by collecting samples along a surface profile
igneous matrix. It grades up through suevitic, or most mafic toward the top. Large kilometer-size, that follows Highway 144 from near the drill
melt-bearing, breccias to reworked breccias that nearly monomict clast domains are found within site to the Onaping Formation. The locations of
contain a few large clasts. Ames et al. (2002) the lower Onaping (Ames et al., 2002). the surface samples, together with the site of the
recognized throughout the Onaping the pres- drill hole, are shown in Figure 3. These two pro-
ence of vitric bombs, blocks, and intraforma- Onwatin and Chelmsford Formations files were combined to produce a single section
tional dikes of remarkably uniform composition The uppermost Onaping Formation grades normal to the dip of the entire complex (~30°
(~62 wt% SiO2). There also may be a rough, into a series of mudstones and graywackes, the to the south in this area; Milkereit et al., 1992).
inverted crustal compositional stratigraphy, with Onwatin and Chelmsford Formations, respec- This is the same method employed by Light-
the most silicic material on the bottom and the tively. These sediments were apparently derived foot et al. (1997b) for a drill hole and surface
profile in the East Range (see Fig. 4 caption).
The granophyre and the quartz gabbro appear to
have undergone significant hydrothermal altera-
tion, which is reflected in the scatter of some
elements, e.g., K2O, Na2O, and Rb.
The geochemical structure of the Sudbury
Igneous Complex, shown in Figure 4, is dis-
tinct from other large igneous bodies. It lacks
the rhythmic layering seen in intrusions such
as Skaergaard, Bushveld, and Stillwater. The
compositions within both the granophyre and
norite remain essentially uniform over strati-
graphic distances of several hundred meters
(see also Lightfoot et al., 2001). Also, the
quartz gabbro is anomalous in its mafic nature
in the center of the body.
Although MgO in the norite decreases
upward with approach to the Transition Zone,
other components (e.g., SiO2, TiO2, Na2O, P2O5,
Zr) that might be considered incompatible
show little variation. In the granophyre, MgO
increases near the top along with a decrease in
silica and Zr. This marks the location of the so-
called plagioclase-rich granophyre (Peredery,
1972), which is a distinctly more mafic phase
of the granophyre unit just beneath the Onaping
Formation. It is notable that values of Ce/Yb
and Th/Nb, however, do not change signifi-
cantly through the entire sequence (Lightfoot et
al., 2001).
Figure 3. North Range location map. Large diamond indicates approximate location of drill Most major oxides and trace elements,
core samples, and small circles show locations of surface samples taken from road cuts along including rare earth elements, vary smoothly
Highway 144 and the nearby road leading to Windy Lake. Surface sample identifications through the Transition Zone; CaO and Eu are
are all of the series DOW-xx. more irregular. However, TiO2, Fe2O3, and P2O5

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all have distinct maximum concentrations in the A

Transition Zone, whereas SiO2 has a minimum
concentration there.
Like their chemical composition, the density
of the rocks in the Sudbury Igneous Complex is
also remarkably uniform through both the norite
and granophyre (Fig. 5). Except for an increase
toward the base of the norite (corresponding
to mafic norite and sublayer norite, Hewins,
1971), and a smaller zone of increased density
at the top of the granophyre (corresponding to
the plagioclase-rich granophyre), there is rela-
tively little variation in the density of either the
granophyre or the norite over several hundred
meters of section. However, as with the abun-
dances of Fe2O3, P2O5, and TiO2, the density has
a pronounced maximum in the Transition Zone.
The chemical and density peaks are slightly
offset, with the density maximum occurring at
441 m, the Fe2O3 maximum at 430 m, the P2O5
maximum at 396 m, and the TiO2 maximum
at 370 m. The significance of these offsets is
unclear. Moreover, there is a remarkable simi-
larity in the detailed density variations within
the Transition Zone across the basin. Profiles
from six drill holes in two areas on the north-
east and northwest are closely similar when,
to cancel the effect of uncertainty in absolute
stratigraphic height, normalized to one another
by the maximum density in each profile. These
strong matching gradients suggest that this
stratification is not accidental and came about
when the magma was highly fluid and easily
able to achieve hydrostatic equilibrium laterally
for long distances, probably across the entire
melt sheet. This condition was also facilitated
by the Transition Zone’s location at the exact
thermal center of the melt sheet. That is, this
is where the solidification fronts, propagating
inward from above and below, met. Thus, this
was the last part of the body to solidify (more
details on this later).

GRANITIC INCLUSIONS: TRACERS OF Figure 4. Chemostratigraphy of Sudbury Igneous Complex. Profiles of (A) major oxide
DYNAMICS (wt%), and (B) trace element abundances (ppm) as a function of approximate stratigraphic
position within the Sudbury Igneous Complex. Negative values indicate drill core depth;
Rock debris within the Sudbury Igneous positive values are horizontal distances from quartz gabbro–granophyre contact, normal to
Complex is valuable as a tracer of magmatic strike. All distances are projected to stratigraphic position by assuming that the Sudbury
processes that operated in the early history of Igneous Complex is locally dipping at 30° toward the center of the Sudbury Basin. The top
the melt sheet. Although granitic inclusions have of the drill core is defined as the zero position. (Continued on following page.)
been reported in both the South Range (Steven-
son and Colgrove, 1968) and the North Range
(Muir, 1983), unusually large blocks are more
common in the South Range (Fig. 6), particu- norite and lowermost granophyre. Individual In addition to a strong physical resemblance,
larly in the vicinity of the Murray pluton (Fig. 6, inclusions range in size from a few centimeters the granite inclusions share a close chemical
area A). These large blocks have been interpreted to ~100 m, but most are on the order of 1 m. affinity with the South Range granites. This is
as xenoliths from the Murray and Creighton plu- Generally, larger blocks are higher in the sec- most apparent in the rare earth element com-
tons (Dressler, 1984a; Stevenson, 1984). tion, but inclusions up to a few meters in size are positions of these rocks (Fig. 7). The rare earth
This material is primarily concentrated in also found at the base of the norite. These rocks element abundances in the granite blocks from
the Transition Zone, but it is also found in the are uniformly fine grained and pink to tan. the South Range are strikingly similar to those

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B in the nearby Murray and Creighton granites.

The blocks are compositionally distinct from
the North Range granites, which are exemplified
in Figure 7 by the Cartier granite. This indicates
that the granitic blocks in the Sudbury Igneous
Complex are derived from the local footwall
environment and have not been transported long
horizontal distances from their source as a part
of the cratering process.
Physically, the granite blocks seem to have
been solid at the time they were incorporated
into the norite. Many individual pieces of
granite are fractured, preserving angular edges,
whereas others are bent or folded; few seem to
be spherical, as would be expected if they had
been completely molten. Nevertheless, the fine
to medium texture is finer grained than that of
the apparent source plutons, which may suggest
than these blocks were totally recrystallized at
high temperature, perhaps even in the melting
range. Although intrusion of some of the gra-
nitic bodies into the norite and gabbro as dikes
cannot be ruled out, it seems far more likely that
most of them rose into their current position as
discrete bodies. Thus, they should more prop-
erly be considered xenoliths. It is notable that
these specific blocks may have been slightly
denser than the fully molten norite, but slightly
less dense than norite with ~25% crystals, which
Figure 4 (continued). would not have greatly hindered rising. In a het-
erogeneous population of breccia on the floor,
therefore, different compositions (i.e., densities)
may have risen at different times; some blocks
may have followed the solidification front (also
a densification front) upward. And some blocks
were also produced in response to large thermal
stresses during cool-down and solidification
(see later remarks).


In addition to granitic blocks, the Transi-

tion Zone in the central South Range contains
another exotic lithology, which may be a ves-
tige of another important magmatic process.
This rock type, informally referred to here as
the Transition Zone breccia, resembles a par-
tially molten breccia and contains rounded to
subangular “clasts” in an igneous matrix. The
2.6 2.8 3.0 abundance and appearance of the clasts vary
from site to site within the outcrop area, but
the matrix rock remains consistent and is eas-
ily distinguished from the surrounding quartz
Figure 5. Density profiles. Left panel: density of Sudbury Igneous Complex rocks as a func- gabbro. In areas where the clast structure is not
tion of approximate stratigraphic position. Positions are the same as in Figure 3. Right apparent, e.g., a commonly pervasive scatter of
panel: detailed density variations from six drill holes through the Transition Zone, shown large, ragged plagioclase crystals may represent
on an expanded vertical (distance) scale. These drill holes are from the full extent of the restitic debris from the melting of granitic clasts.
Sudbury Basin in the North Range. To avoid the problem of stratigraphic uncertainties, This breccia unit is in sharp contact with the
each profile has been normalized by placing the maximum density of each drill hole at the surrounding quartz gabbro. Because there is no
same stratigraphic position. chilling on either side, this juxtaposition must

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have occurred while both were in the molten

state but were cool enough for diffusive equili-
bration to have been slow.
The Transition Zone breccia occupies a large
outcrop area within the Transition Zone (Fig. 6,
area B), but its full extent is uncertain. The
southern part of this body has been mapped in
detail; only reconnaissance mapping has been
attempted to the north. The overall form of the
Transition Zone breccia from this mapping is of a
downward sinking plume of breccia-laden mate-
rial spreading out in the Transition Zone. That is,
the Transition Zone breccia narrows upward from
a wide, flatter body into a thinner neck or stalk.
More extensive field mapping is necessary to
ascertain the total areal and vertical extent of this
unit and to search for possible additional similar
occurrences in the Transition Zone.
One of the intriguing questions about the
Transition Zone breccia is whether or not it is
related to the “rafts” of Onaping breccia found
in the upper parts of the granophyre (e.g., Fig. 6,
area C). This unusual rock type, clearly, may
be a large volume of foundered fallback brec-
cia that sank deep into the granophyre and was
Figure 6. Detailed map of Azilda area, showing unusually thick Transition Zone, included
partially melted by the heat of the surrounding
granitic blocks, Transition Zone breccia, and apparently foundered raft of Basal Onaping
magma. This is similar to the granitic blocks,
with the important difference being that these
assemblages consist of blocks of assorted size
and composition, which makes partial melting
more efficient. Although the full stratigraphic
extent of the Transition Zone breccia is not
known, it definitely is floored in the Transi-
tion Zone and does not extend downward into
the norite. Instead, it lies primarily within the
Transition Zone and the overlying granophyre.
Despite the lack of an observed connection
between the Transition Zone breccia and the
Onaping breccias, the similar physical appear-
ances of these two units strongly suggest that
they are related.
In addition to the physical similarities, strong
chemical similarities are evident between the
Transition Zone breccia and the basal unit of
the Onaping Formation. In Figure 8, the chemi-
cal compositions of these two units are directly
compared on an AFM diagram, together with
other parts of the Onaping Formation and the
Sudbury Igneous Complex norite, gabbro, and
granophyre. The Transition Zone breccia has a
chemical composition that strongly resembles
the basal member of the Onaping Formation
and is distinct from the surrounding Sudbury
complex. This supports the hypothesis that
the Transition Zone breccia represents basal
Onaping breccia that foundered, sank through
the granophyre, and came to rest within the Figure 7. Chondrite-normalized rare earth element abundances in granitic blocks com-
denser Transition Zone and above the denser pared to footwall granites from the South Range (Creighton and Murray) and the North
norite. The granitic blocks or inclusions, on Range (Cartier). The granite blocks (gray-shaded region) are similar to the nearby South
the other hand, came from the crater floor and Range plutons and are distinct from the distant North Range pluton.

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uphill along the roof to collect at a high point

(Grossenbacher, 1994). The great buoyancy of
these masses commonly deforms the roof rock
further. The ubiquitous, thin margin of host
diabase along the upper contact gives a measure
of the time after emplacement for positioning of
the granophyre, and calculations of compaction
rate and along-roof flow rate show the overall
process to be remarkably rapid (Grossenbacher,
1994). At and just below the lower contacts of
these granophyric masses, they also exhibit
characteristic high concentrations and unusual
stratigraphic variations in TiO2, FeOT, and P2O5.
The connection to the Sudbury Igneous Com-
plex of these granophyric masses in diabase
sills may be closer than expected. The process
Figure 8. Ternary diagram showing the compositions of the Transition Zone breccia, differ- of amassing the granophyres, as previously
ent members of the Onaping Formation, and the Sudbury Igneous Complex. The Transition described, is very much an emulsion separation
Zone breccia is similar to the Basal Member of the Onaping and distinct from the Sudbury process (see details later) in which, in contrast
Igneous Complex. to the Sudbury complex, the continuous or volu-
metrically dominant phase is basaltic magma,
and the dispersed phase is felsic magma. The
mechanics of the process are the same. The
rose through the norite into the Transition Zone in TiO2, FeO, and P2O5. The trends in the other important recognition is that the high concen-
but were stopped by the less dense overlying major oxides (see Smith and Silver, 1975, their trations of TiO2, FeO, and P2O5 arise from the
granophyre. The Transition Zone, in addition to Fig. 10) are similar to those seen in the Sudbury mechanical or physical juxtaposition of two
being a chemical-mechanical boundary, is thus Igneous Complex (Fig. 4A). magmas with contrasting compositions, which
interpreted to be a collection zone for xenolithic In fact, a surprising number of basaltic sills have evidently attempted to reach chemical
material from above and below. contain large, isolated bulbous masses of grano- equilibrium through subsequent diffusional
Further insight into the nature of the Transi- phyre near the upper contact. The Culpeper processes. Diffusional processes similar to this
tion Zone can be gained from broadly similar, Basin granophyres (Froelich and Gottfried, have been observed experimentally in more
though much smaller, units of this general 1988), the granophyres of the Gettysburg region refined silicate melts (Liang et al., 1996; Kress
nature occurring in diabase sills. of Pennsylvania (Grossenbacher, 1994), the and Ghiorso, 1993; Richter et al., 2003).
Tasmanian granophyres of the Red Hill dolerite
Comparison of the Sudbury Igneous (McDougall, 1962), and the Great Lake doler- EMULSION DIFFERENTIATION
Complex to Composite Diabase- ite sheet (McDougall, 1964) are all similar in
Granophyre Sills form and petrology. These granophyres occupy Overview
high points in the roof of the host sills, always
Although the Sudbury Igneous Complex dif- separated from the roof rock by a thin (~10 m) It is essential to have a fairly detailed overall
fers from similar sized layered mafic intrusions, band of dolerite. In the cases studied so far, the understanding of our general model of how the
it shares many geochemical features with much granophyres are in isotopic equilibrium with the Sudbury Igneous Complex evolved so that the
smaller composite diabase-granophyre sills. basaltic sill or host rock, and the host rock is later detailed arguments concerning magma
The association is commonly of a thin layer essentially free of other systematic granophyric dynamics can be appreciated in relation to the
of quartz gabbro or quartz diabase with high segregations. cratering mechanics and subsequent field rela-
concentrations of TiO2, FeOT, and P2O5 at or A scenario for the formation of these masses tions. Quantitative treatments follow.
near the interface, separating layers of overlying was given by Marsh (1996; see also Grossen- During the impact event, intense fragmenta-
felsic rock from underlying basaltic rock. In the bacher, 1994). Discrete blobs of granophyric tion of the target rocks produced breccias with
Sierra Ancha sill, for example, a thin interfacial material are commonly produced in mafic sills fragments ranging from microns to hundreds
layer of quartz diabase is found between grano- (e.g., Marsh, 2002) and are commonly found of meters in size (Peredery, 1972; Muir and
phyre and olivine diabase and is interpreted as in basaltic dikes (e.g., Vogel and Wilband, Peredery, 1984; Ames et al., 2002). These brec-
contamination of the diabase (Smith and Silver, 1978). If this material is initially present (e.g., cias are characteristic of all aspects of Sudbury
1975). The granophyre is in direct contact with Marsh, 2002) in the intruding basaltic magma, geology. Low-temperature brecciated material
overlying sedimentary roof rocks without an it will rise to the head of an ascending column is primarily found as massive ejecta deposits,
intervening septum of diabase as is commonly of magma, owing to a low relative density, and such as the Onaping Formation (e.g., Avermann,
found in similar situations (see later comments), upon emplacement, collect as an ensemble 1994) or as dike-like bodies of pseudotachylyte
and is interpreted as the product of melting in of blobs against the roof near the entry point. (Sudbury Breccia), that pervade the country
the contact zone and thus as not a product of Roofward compaction is extremely efficient rocks (e.g., Thompson and Spray, 1996). The
differentiation processes within the sill. Relative and evicts or drains the intervening basaltic high-temperature equivalent of solid breccia,
to the rest of the sill, the Sierra Ancha diabase host melt in a matter of days to weeks to form we propose, is molten “breccia,” which formed
directly adjacent to the granophyre is enriched a single layer of granophyric melt that can flow a heterogeneous mechanical mixture of igneous

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droplets and blobs corresponding to the differ- the rocks at the upper and lower contacts, these were dispersed within a continuous granitic
ent lithologies present in the target zone. We solidification fronts were unusually thick, hav- melt. And because of the gross similarity in
call this assemblage a magmatic emulsion. The ing maximum thicknesses nearly half that of the composition of the silicate fluids involved, and
emulsion existed because of the viscosity con- melt sheet as a whole. the relatively large characteristic size of the
trast, however small, between a wide spectrum The Transition Zone between the norite and individual parcels of the dispersed (i.e., noritic
of felsic and mafic liquids and behaved simi- granophyre layers consists of quartz gabbro and melt) phase (e.g., microseconds to millisec-
larly to an emulsion composed of chemically contains abundant inclusions of local rock types. onds), there was no major effect from surface
immiscible liquids (oil and water, for example). This zone is a chemical and physical boundary tension (except possibly for the smallest mafic
For reference, at 1700 °C, granophyre melt is layer between the upper and lower layers and blebs). The interfacial boundaries instead are
10–15 times more viscous than norite melt, as is, perhaps by chance, at the meeting interface maintained by contrasts, however slight, in
calculated by the thermodynamic modeling between the upper and lower solidification viscosity and density, which themselves are also
software package MELTS (Ghiorso and Sack, fronts. Because it contains the densest rock in interrelated. As in composite dikes (e.g., Yoder,
1995). It was this emulsified magma body that the body, the Transition Zone is gravitationally 1973; Vogel and Wilband, 1978; Snyder et al.,
formed the initial melt sheet, and the character- unstable and must have formed late, after the 1997), the viscosity contrasts between the felsic
istics of this magmatic emulsion played a key leading part of the lower solidification front and mafic magma prevented rapid homogeniza-
role in determining the chemical and physical had reached this horizon. Only then was enough tion of the melt sheet through shearing motions.
destiny of the Sudbury Igneous Complex. We physical support available to maintain the quartz That is, although the Sudbury magmas were
emphasize that this emulsion magma is simply gabbro in position above the norite. The trains of chemically miscible, they mainly remained as
the high-temperature equivalent of solid breccia breccia material from above and granitic blocks discrete phases. Chemical diffusion eventually
and is an unavoidable natural consequence of a from below the Transition Zone record this pro- would have homogenized the emulsion into a
massive impact. Moreover, that the melt sheet cess of debris collection from above and below uniform sheet of magma, but before diffusion
could have been this heterogeneous in the earli- that almost certainly persisted throughout the could be effective over large (more than cen-
est stages of its existence is a direct consequence magmatic stage. The evolution of the rocks in timeter-length) scales, the emulsion separated
of the incredibly short time (i.e., ~3 min) it took the Transition Zone was also influenced by vola- in response to the density contrasts into a dense
to form the melt by impact. tiles, as evidenced by significant deuteric altera- basal mafic layer and a light felsic layer.
Because of density contrasts between the tion and miarolitic cavities in the quartz gabbro. In the schematic view of a magmatic emul-
component liquids (i.e., basaltic and granitic These volatiles were most likely derived from sion, shown as Figure 9, dense mafic blobs
magmas), the initial viscous emulsion rapidly dehydration of entrained granitic debris from (gray) are dispersed throughout the melt sheet,
separated into two distinct layers over a period below and were a relatively late stage magmatic remaining distinct from the surrounding felsic
of months. The volumes of the two layers and rehydration event; this may also have helped to magma because of size and viscosity contrast.
the bulk composition of the melt sheet thus were stabilize the dense Transition Zone magma. Before the emulsion could homogenize by dif-
controlled by the composition of the continen- The basic structure of the Sudbury Igneous fusion, the greater density of the mafic blobs
tal crust in the Sudbury region at the time of Complex thus was established by a massive caused them to settle, compact, and coalesce
impact. The crust was roughly bimodal, and a extraterrestrial impact onto heterogeneous into a basal noritic layer, expelling and driving
total melt of the crust produced a melt sheet that continental crust; the detailed structure resulted upward interstitial felsic magma.
was also bimodal. from the rapid separation of a silicate emulsion, Before considering the dynamics of emul-
Unlike terrestrially generated magmas, the an ensuing vigorous convection of superheated sions in more detail, it is useful to appreciate
entire melt sheet was initially highly super- melt, and the interaction of solidification fronts some of the time scales involved in separating
heated, with an estimated temperature of with debris from the roof and floor. In order for an emulsion as thick as the Sudbury melt sheet
at least 1700 °C (Grieve, 1994; Ivanov and this explanation to be plausible, the relevant into two layers. Perhaps the most basic time
Deutsch, 1999; and see later comments), at time and length scales that characterize the scale is that for a random mafic blob to settle
which all crystals and nuclei present in the melt various physical and chemical processes must under optimum conditions through half the melt
would have been destroyed. Once the emulsion be shown to be reasonable with respect to the sheet. The settling time for a spherical parcel
separated into two layers, the melt sheet initially field relations. of mafic melt settling 1500 m in granitic melt
cooled by means of vigorous turbulent thermal (granophyre at 1700 °C) of viscosity 300 poise
convection, which persisted for tens to hundreds Emulsion Stage (30 Pa s, as calculated using MELTS) under
of years. This convection thoroughly mixed and a density contrast of 0.14 g/cm3 is shown by
homogenized each layer, expelled all remaining At the end of the cratering process, the Sud- Figure 10A. As can be seen from Stokes’ law,
volatiles, and rapidly cooled the entire melt bury melt sheet was, in effect, molten breccia the time is inversely proportional to the square
sheet to its liquidus, whereupon convection or an emulsion of mafic and felsic liquids. of the parcel radius. (The exact viscosity and
ceased and crystallization set in. Emulsions are characterized by discrete blobs density contrasts between the mafic parcel and
Further cooling of the melt sheet occurred and blebs of one fluid dispersed (i.e., dispersed the granitic melt are essentially immaterial
by conduction of heat through the boundaries phase) within a more voluminous continuous [Marsh, 1982].) Under these conditions, all but
of the complex. Solidification fronts (regions fluid (i.e., continuous phase). The boundaries the smallest (i.e., <10 cm) mafic blobs will have
of space bounded by the liquidus and solidus between the two fluids or phases are usually settled out of the emulsion within 104 s (~3 h).
isotherms; see Marsh, 1996) formed at the maintained by surface tension (e.g., large Weber This is an absolute minimum time, as granitic
upper and lower margins. These propagated number), as in mixtures of oil and water. From material streaming upward and crowding from
progressively inward and met approximately at consideration of the large volume of granitic other sinking blobs will reduce sinking rates.
the interface between the granophyre and norite. melt relative to noritic melt, parcels of mafic The actual settling time, when hindered settling
Because of the unusually high temperatures of melt of a wide range of sizes and compositions is included (see later remarks), could be up to

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Figure 9. Schematic representation of magmatic emulsion. (A) Initial state. Dark-gray blobs
are parcels of mafic magma (norite); light-gray background is continuous felsic magma
phase (granophyre). (B) Intermediate state. Most of the denser mafic blobs have settled to
the base of the complex, forming a compacted, coalescing mafic layer. This layer contains
trapped septa of the continuous felsic phase, thus giving it the geochemical signature of a
highly contaminated mafic magma. Only very small mafic blobs are trapped in the grano-
phyre and assimilated before they can settle to the bottom of the complex, which means that
the granophyre is far less contaminated than the norite.

100 times greater, but this is still not a long time It is important to point out that there will also
(~2 weeks). be myriads of parcels of granitic melt moving
While the droplets are settling, they also up and down in the continuous melt phase, and
interact chemically with the surrounding altogether this allows a large amount of intimate
magma, which presents a separate time scale. chemical exchange such that each phase (mafic Δρ
Assuming that the interaction is strictly dif- and silicic) could easily achieve common isoto-
fusional, and taking a characteristic diffusiv- pic and trace element characteristics in spite of
ity (D) of 10−7cm2/s (e.g., Richter et al., 2003; their original crustal provenance. Also, the spec-
Liang and Davis, 2002; Liang et al., 1996; trum of particle sizes produced in the cratering
Kress and Ghiorso, 1993), the length of time (t) process is exceedingly large, and a significant
required for a droplet to be fully contaminated amount of the mass of the system resides at
by the surrounding felsic liquid is directly pro- relatively small parcel sizes, although there is
portional to the radius (r) squared; i.e., t ~ r2/D a strong cutoff in size at ~0.01 cm (Melosh,
(see Fig. 10B). 1989, p. 90).
The fate of droplets in the emulsion can be
gauged by comparing settling time to con- Dynamics of Viscous Emulsions Figure 10. Competing processes during
tamination time as a function of droplet radius emulsion separation. (A) Characteristic
(Fig. 10C). Any mafic droplets of a radius Large volume emulsions are vital to a great time scale of settling (ts) as a function of blob
>~1 cm would have settled to the base of the many industrial processes, and there is a large radius (r) for a granitic layer of thickness H
melt sheet without experiencing significant body of literature on these systems. To hasten (1500 m). (B) Characteristic time scale of
chemical contamination. Droplets <~6 mm in transfer over long distances, e.g., an emulsion chemical diffusion (td) as a function of blob
radius would experience significant chemical of petroleum dispersed as droplets in water radius. (C) Ratio of the two time scales. If
interaction with the surrounding felsic magma is made, pumped, and then reseparated at the the diffusional time scale is much longer
before coalescing into the mafic layer. These destination. The basic mechanics of the pro- than the settling time scale, a blob of that
basic results imply that density separation of a cess of emulsification and separation are well radius should escape from the emulsion
magmatic emulsion would be an extremely effi- known (e.g., Hartland and Jeelani, 1994), and with very little chemical interaction. If the
cient and rapid process in creating a stratified what follows is based mainly on this work. diffusional time scale is much shorter than
igneous complex, especially if most of the initial The process by which a dispersed phase in an the settling time scale, a blob of that radius
magma parcels are larger than a few centimeters emulsion separates is similar to the process of should be completely assimilated into the
in diameter and if the dynamics of emulsion sedimentation of particles from a fluid. The fun- surrounding magma before it can escape
separation is indeed rapid. damental differences are that emulsion particles from the emulsion.

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are deformable and can undergo binary and that of the settling time of the single largest par- to one another, and coalesce to form the contin-
interfacial coalescence. Binary coalescence is ticle traversing the full system depth (Greenspan uous mafic basal layer. For the same reasons that
the process of two particles or blebs combining and Ungarish, 1982; Marsh, 1988). tbc is small, tic will also be small, and this, too,
during settling to form a larger body, and inter- In an emulsion a similar upper interface sepa- would have been a rapid process in the initial
facial coalescence is the process of individual rates the clear fluid from the dispersed phase Sudbury Igneous Complex melt sheet.
accumulating parcels combining to form the fluid. The rate of descent of this interface sets The quantitative prediction of the emulsion
continuous basal layer. The time scales (tbc and the time scale of separation of the emulsion with separation time depends, as in solid particle set-
tic, respectively) of these two coalescence pro- the final separation time given when it meets the tling, on knowing the magnitude of the particle
cesses are critical to the dynamics of separation. upward moving basal layer interface. But here Reynolds number (Rep = Vs a ρ/μ), where Vs
Before discussing these effects, it is useful to the coalescence time scales (tbc and tic) become is the settling velocity of a typical particle of
consider separation without coalescence. important. If both tbc and tic are short relative to radius a in a fluid of density ρ and viscosity μ.
Without coalescence, which is effected in the Stokes’ law (suitably corrected for a fluid Rigorous results tested against experiments are
modeling by making the time scales for coales- sphere) settling time, as found earlier, then the available for both large and small Rep. Because
cence very large (i.e., tbc = tic → ∞), separation separation time can be significantly shortened of the expected enormous range of size in the
of an emulsion is a sedimentation process with over that of solid particle sedimentation. That dispersed phase of the Sudbury melt sheet, the
deformable particles. Beginning with a well- is, for small tbc, the fluid particles coalesce dur- early separation was likely to have been chaotic
mixed column of fluid particles (see Fig. 11) ing settling (binary coalescence), thus forming and turbulent (i.e., Rep >> 1), and the late stages
of various sizes, a dense layer of closely packed larger masses, which suddenly settle faster until were apt to have been dominated by the very
particles begins forming immediately on the reaching a zone of higher concentration, where small mafic blobs (<~1 mm), for which Rep <
floor, and a light layer of clear, particle-free further rapid settling is hindered. If the rate of ~1. Although, strictly speaking, the final time
fluid begins forming at the top. The upper layer binary coalescence is sluggish, which can hap- for settling may indeed have been governed
in particular will always have a markedly sharp pen for small drops with certain surfactants by small Rep results, at this stage thermal
lower boundary, separating clear from particle- or for a dilute dispersed phase, the process is convection may have become strong (see later
laden fluid. For a heterogeneous assortment of more akin to solid particle sedimentation. For discussion) and the period of emulsion separa-
particles, the size and concentration of particles the Sudbury Igneous Complex melt sheet, the tion truncated. Therefore, to place an upper
increase downward to the basal layer, and the large size and gross compositional similarity bound on the time for separation, we can use
degree of sorting increases upward in the layer of the dispersed mafic phase essentially negate the viscous regime results for small Rep settling
of deposited particles. The total time required surface tension and greatly facilitate binary as summarized by Hartland and Jeelani (1994).
for all the particles to settle out is given by the coalescence, which hastens separation. Interfa- Also, to show the basic similarity to solid par-
sedimentation time of the smallest size class that cial coalescence at the base of the sedimentation ticle settling, we assume further that the mafic
forms the uppermost particle layer just beneath column regulates formation and growth of the parcels do not coalesce during settling but that
the light, clear fluid at the top. The final separa- basal mafic layer. The collecting mafic masses interfacial coalescence is rapid (i.e., tbc → ∞;
tion time for any emulsion is found to be 7 times deform, squeezing out all granitic melt, conform tic = 0) . The thickness (X) of the emulsion
above the basal layer (i.e., coalesced noritic
melt) is given as a function of time by Hartland
and Jeelani (1994, equation 13.55):

0.8 Experimental Results Δρgdo2 ⎡ (1 − φ s )2 ⎤

X = Xo − ⎢ 1 + 4.56 φ ⎥ t , (1)
18 μ c ⎣ s ⎦
Binary Coalescence 0.6 A
ce Xo is the initial emulsion thickness, Δρ is den-
0.4 terfa
g In
ntin sity contrast, g is gravity, do is initial mafic blob
A 0.2 diameter, μc is the viscosity of the continuous
Interfacial Coalescence phase (granitic melt), φs is the typical volume
0 fraction of the mafic blobs in the sedimentation
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
e (or holdup) zone, and t is time. This equation
B 0.2 Inte can be put in a more familiar and dimensionless
Co d istu
al U
n form by dividing through by Xo, changing from
0.4scin Fin
g In diameter to radius, and rearranging:
Hold-up fraction
Y fac
e B

C X Δρgao2 ⎡ 1 ⎤ ⎡ (1 − φ s )2 ⎤
= 1− t. (2)
9 μ c ⎢⎣ Xo ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ 1 + 4.56 φ s ⎥⎦
Coalescing Interface after Hartland and Jeelani (1994)
t0 tf
The first group on the right is now recognizable
as Stokes’ law for the settling velocity (Vos) of a
Figure 11. Separation and compaction of an emulsion. Schematic figures to the left show the solid particle of radius ao, and then the quantity
development of the interfaces leading to the formation of two layers. The figure to the right Vos/Xo is the settling time (tos) of a mafic blob of
shows experimental results from Hartland and Jeelani (1994) for the evolution of an emulsion. radius ao through a distance Xo. The final settling

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or separation time (tf) of the emulsion is found by isotopic diffusional exchange between the felsic Superheat
setting X/Xo = 0 and solving for t = tf. Namely, and mafic phases. Endogenetic (i.e., terrestrially generated)
magmas have long been observed to erupt at
THERMAL EVOLUTION OF THE or below the liquidus temperatures. However,
⎡ 1 + 4.56 φ s ⎤
t f = t os ⎢ 2 ⎥
. (3) SUDBURY MELT SHEET because the magma adiabat and its liquidus
⎣ (1 − φ s ) ⎦ generally have greatly different slopes, ascend-
Convective Cooling of the Superheated ing magma always has a tendency to become
The time of final separation is thus a multiple Melt Sheet superheated. The pervasive lack of superheat
of the Stokes settling time (tos) for the character- in endogenetic magma bodies may reflect
istic particle size. And for φs = 0.4, for example, tf The density-driven vertical streaming of the efficiency of convection in eliminating
= 7.84 tos, which is very nearly the same result as fluid parcels associated with the separation of superheat as it occurs during ascent (Marsh,
found by Greenspan and Ungarish (1982), except the initial magmatic emulsion into two layers 1989a). Magmas formed by impacts, however,
that here the characteristic particle size is not initially suppressed (see following comments) can become instantly superheated in situ. This
the maximum but the initial characteristic size. thermal convection in the Sudbury melt sheet. results in vigorous magmatic convection that
Actual times for separation are given by Figure But as emulsion streaming waned and the lasts until all the magma has cooled to its liqui-
10A, where the times are multiplied by a numeri- emulsion separated into its two primary lay- dus temperature.
cal factor on the order of 10. There is clearly ers, vigorous thermal convection set in almost The initial temperature of the Sudbury melt
some uncertainty in the size of the typical magma immediately. The tendency for thermal convec- sheet was ~1700 °C, well above the dry liquidus
parcel that forms the emulsion. Judging from the tion to occur in a layer of fluid is measured by temperatures of both the norite and granophyre
breccias in the Onaping Formation, a median size the importance of thermal buoyancy relative (~1200 °C). This high temperature is predicted
could very likely be in the range of 1–10 cm. to viscous drag and heat transfer by conduc- by impact theory and is supported by geological
If the effect of binary coalescence is now tion. These effects are collectively measured evidence. It can be shown that the temperature at
also allowed, some knowledge of the increase by a dimensionless ratio, the Rayleigh num- the contact of a magmatic body, which persists
of mafic parcel size must be included; basal ber (Ra). During magmatic convection the for long times, is the average of the initial temper-
interfacial coalescence is still assumed to be overall rate of cooling and loss of potential atures of the country rock and the magma (e.g.,
rapid. For a parcel radius that increases linearly energy are energetically much more efficient, Marsh, 1989a). This holds true only if there is
with time during settling (Hartland and Jeelani, despite viscous dissipation, than when the no latent heat involved, which is true for magma
1994; equation 13.54), and after some manipu- magma cools by conduction alone. Convection heated beyond its liquidus. The contact tempera-
lation to put their results in a form similar to the greatly increases the thermal gradients near the ture of the basal Sudbury Igneous Complex, esti-
above, we find margins, strongly enhancing the conduction of mated by Lakomy (1990) and Zieg (2001) using
heat across the contacts and out of the magma. two-pyroxene geothermometry in the Footwall
⎡t ⎛ t
12 The physics of thermal convection in fluids Breccia, was ~1000 °C. This means that the sum
tf (1 + 4.56 φ s ) ⎞ ⎤
= 6 ⎢ bc ⎜ bc + ⎥ . (4) with various heat sources, geometries, and of the magma and country rock temperatures was
t os ⎣ t os ⎝ t os (1 − φ s )2 ⎟⎠ ⎦
boundary conditions is well known (e.g., Chan- ~2000 °C. If the initial temperature of the country
drasekhar, 1981; Turner, 1973; Schubert et al., rock is assumed to have been ~300 °C (e.g., Iva-
If the time scale for binary coalescence is 2001). But relatively little is known about ther- nov and Deutsch, 1999), this gives an estimated
short relative to Stokes’ law for settling (i.e., tbc mal convection in fluids undergoing crystalliza- initial melt temperature of 1700 °C. Such a tem-
<< tos), then this reduces to tion in marginal solidification fronts, especially perature is reasonable and consistent with other
in fluids as diverse as silicate magmas (Marsh, estimates for impact melt temperatures (e.g.,
tf ⎡ t ⎛ (1 + 4.56 φ s ) ⎞ ⎤
12 1989a). This uncertainty has spurred some Grieve et al., 1977; Onorato et al., 1978; Ivanov
= 6 ⎢ bc ⎜ ⎟⎥ . (5) debate over the strength and style of magmatic and Deutsch, 1999). Although the transient crater
⎣ t os ⎝ (1 − φ s ) ⎠ ⎦
t os
convection, and even the occurrence of thermal likely had a depth of ~30 km, this deep, highly
convection in common magmas (e.g., Huppert focused crater relaxed quickly (~2–3 min) to
If tbc = tos/10, for example, tf/tos = 5.3; and if tbc and Turner, 1991; Marsh, 1991). There are no form a shallow, wide crater in the upper crust.
= tos/100, tf/tos = 1.68. These times are broadly direct experimental observations of magmatic The melt sheet was held in this shallow crater. At
similar, albeit smaller, to the previous results, convection, but there are results for analog flu- the present levels of exposure, the typical country
where binary coalescence does not occur. ids. Detailed studies of thermal convection and rock is upper crustal rock. Thus an initial footwall
The clear conclusion from these results is crystallization in molten paraffin (Viskanta and temperature of 300 °C is reasonable. Slight dif-
that the Sudbury emulsion separated into basal Gau, 1982; Brandeis and Marsh, 1989, 1990) ferences in these temperatures have little effect
mafic and upper felsic layers in a short period and a solution of isopropanol and water (Hort on the convective cooling scenario presented
of time, from a few months to, at most, a few et al., 1999) show that convection sets in rapidly here. The effect of the ensuing convection in the
years. This emulsion separation is the main and persists until all the superheat has been dis- overlying noritic layer on this temperature esti-
process that generated the basic compositional sipated. The strength of convection decreases mate would be relatively small because the basal
structure of the Sudbury magmatic body. It is a with loss of superheat until the fluid temperature norite was strongly cooled (unlike in convecting
unique magmatic process tied to the dynamics reaches its liquidus, whereupon thermal convec- fluids heated from below) and, relative to the top,
of the impact event. Because it happened so rap- tion ceases. All further cooling is by conduction. would only sluggishly convect. This is not true,
idly, the melt sheet was unable to homogenize This may be the behavior of many crystallizing however, for the granophyre at the roof, which
into a compositionally uniform sheet. Yet the fluids; there is indirect evidence that this is also would be expected to melt back aggressively into
process also maximized the interfacial surface the case in magma as observed in, for example, the overlying Onaping breccia (see calculations
area, allowing for significant trace element and lava lakes (Hort et al., 1999; Marsh, 1996). in Marsh, 1989a, p. 513).

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Rayleigh Number (Ra) and the Convective owing to reorganization of the emulsion. The Convective Thermal History
Regime influence of the vertical streaming attending It is of central importance to estimate how
The magnitude of the governing Ra at the the emulsion dynamics can also be gauged by long it took for these convecting layers to dis-
onset of convection determines the time scales for determining the value of the Péclet number (Pe sipate the superheat and bring each layer to its
convection to become fully developed and also = VL/κ), which is a dimensionless velocity that liquidus temperature. This is the amount of
for the superheat to be removed from the system. can be associated with the vertical flows during time available for chemically homogenizing
Ra can be estimated directly from the definition: emulsion separation. Typical settling velocities each layer and for controlling the distribution of
(V) for even small (~10 cm) mafic blobs may the immiscible droplets of sulfide liquid, which
Ra = , (6) have been on the order of centimeters per sec- very likely initially appeared during the convec-

ond, which suggests that Pe ~ 107. In an analo- tive cooling stage (Lightfoot et al., 2001). (More
where g is gravity, ΔT is the initial amount of gous problem, Gershuni and Zhukhovitskii on the role of convection and sulfide deposition
superheat (~500 °C), α is the coefficient of ther- (1976) found that for fluids of large Prandtl will come later.)
mal expansion (~5 × 10−5 °C–1), L is the thick- number (Pr = ν/κ), like magma, the critical The two layers of magma cool by transfer-
ness of an individual layer (norite ~1 km, grano- value of Ra necessary for convection increases ring heat into the underlying footwall crust and
phyre ~1.5 km), ν is the kinematic viscosity of essentially without limit, once Pe becomes the overlying fallback breccia. In the footwall
the melt layers (norite ~10 cm2/s, granophyre >~102. This means that thermal convection is rocks, heat flow would have been dominated
~100 cm2/s), and κ is the thermal diffusivity greatly suppressed by the vertical streaming. by conduction; a hydrothermal system would
(~10−2 cm2/s). With these values, In the problem they solved, the vertical flow have had limited effectiveness in transferring
is generated external to the convecting layer heat if it was trapped beneath the melt sheet
Ra = 1015 − 1017 . (7) and cuts across the entire layer, entering at the (e.g., Bergantz, 1989; Marsh, 1989b). In the
bottom boundary and leaving at the top. This is overlying fallback breccia of the Onaping
For reference, the Ra governing convection slightly different than the problem at hand in Formation, however, a strong hydrothermal
in Earth’s mantle is ~105, and convection com- which the vertical flow is generated internally, system likely developed (e.g., Ames et al., 1998,
mences in a layer of fluid contained between two and there is the possibility that convection may 2002), even without assuming that the crater
solid boundaries heated from below and cooled have progressively set in as heavy and light formed in a shallow sea (e.g., Peredery and
from above when Ra = 1708. For one solid magma collected at the floor and roof in lay- Morrison, 1984). Even so, the fallback breccia
boundary and one fluid boundary Ra = 1100, ers as the emulsion progressively separated. nearest the melt was strongly heated and tightly
which is appropriate for the Sudbury Igneous But during much of the emulsion separation welded, perhaps even strongly melted, forming
Complex layers. This implies that convection process this analogy should be satisfactory. a relatively thin conductive blanket above the
in the Sudbury melt sheet was initially in the Thus, early thermal convection was stifled by sheet. Thus two extremes can be assumed for
regime of vigorous turbulence (e.g., Khurana, the dynamics of emulsion separation. the boundary conditions that controlled heat
1988). This means that the thermal regime Because the final product of the magmatic transfer in the rocks surrounding the melt sheet.
was chaotic, and the individual layers would emulsion was two superimposed layers rather We will first assume that the sheet was cooled
have been rapidly mixed and homogenized than a single superheated layer, it is also nec- rapidly owing to hydrothermal transfer in the
(Kadanoff, 2001). It is important to emphasize essary to consider the effect of this stacking roof and footwall, and second, we will assume
that, during convection, all the main dynamic on the tendency of each layer to convect. A that the sheet was deeply embedded in a purely
features of the system (e.g., convective velocity, similar problem involving two fluid layers of conductive medium.
rate of heat transfer, etc.) depend intimately on equal thickness, separated by a solid layer of Rapid convective cooling. The average
Ra. And it is also important to recognize that if arbitrary thickness and thermal conductivity, temperature (T) in a rapidly convecting layer,
this process had set in before emulsion separa- was also considered by Gershuni and Zhukho- strongly cooled from its margins, especially
tion, the resulting Sudbury complex very pos- vitskii (1976). As the thickness of the central from above, is given by (e.g., Jaupart and
sibly instead would have been a single homoge- layer is reduced to zero and is made infinitely Brandeis, 1986):
neous layer of roughly dacitic composition. conducting, the magnitude of Ra necessary to
The time (t) for convection in each layer to sustain convection becomes smaller than the −1 b
⎡ t⎤
start and become fully established, e.g., is given usual critical value of 1708. Depending on T = TL + ΔTo ⎢1 + ⎥ , (9)
by (e.g., Jhaveri and Homsy, 1982): the nature of the boundary conditions, both ⎣ τ⎦
thermal and dynamic, Ra is found to be in the
2 3 range of 720–1304. Thus the effect of having where TL is the liquidus temperature, ΔTo is the
L2 ⎡ B ⎤
t= , (8) two superposed layers is to enhance convection amount of superheat, t is time, and τ is a group
κ ⎢⎣ Ra ⎥⎦
and make the layers less stable. This is because of parameters that characterize the overall cool-
the upper layer is being heated from below by ing time. The value of τ is given by:
where B (~350) is a constant, and the other convection in the lower layer, and the lower
symbols are as above. Using Ra as found ear- layer has heat taken unusually efficiently from τ= Ra − b. (10)
2Cbκ ′
lier, thermal convection in the Sudbury melt its upper surface by convection in the upper
sheet would have fully developed within about layer. So, the upper surface of the lower layer is The symbols used here are as defined above,
an hour. This reflects the potential strength of cooled more strongly than if it were in contact except for C and b, which come from the
convection owing to the presence of such a with a solid, conductive medium, which gener- parametric relationship (Nu = C Rab) between
large degree of superheat. But more realisti- ates plumes along this interface and promotes the rate of heat transfer, as measured by the
cally, convection probably set in progressively convection, which in turn stimulates convec- dimensionless Nusselt number (Nu), and Ra.
as the influence of vertical motions waned, tion in the upper layer. (Nu measures the magnitude of heat transfer by

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convection relative to that by conduction.) For have different crystallization temperatures [see mately circular in cross section and hexagonal
high Ra convection, typical values of these con- the following], it is likely that the granophyre in plan form with a characteristic size on the
stants are b = 1⁄3 and C = 0.4 (e.g., Turner, 1973; convected after the norite had become stagnant.) order of ~1 km. Hot fluid rises as plumes in
Marsh, 1989a). The thermal diffusivity (κ′ = Once convection ceased, the magma continued the centers of each cell and cools and descends
Kc/ρCp) derived here contains mixed proper- to cool solely by conduction of heat from its around the margins of the hexagons. The flows
ties; the thermal conductivity (Kc) is of the wall upper and lower boundaries. are also mainly local, with no basin-scale lateral
rock, and the density (ρ) and specific heat (Cp) exchange of material. If the boundaries of the
are of the magma, but a representative value of Pattern of Convection fluid are perfectly smooth with uniform thermal
~10−2 cm2/s is still appropriate. Patterns of fluid flow occur in all types of properties, the flow pattern may roam or show
The drop in temperature, as calculated using convection, but the most distinctive and well- a time-dependent nature, especially at higher
equation 4, is shown in Figure 12A. The super- organized ones occur when the flow is laminar values of Ra. But if there are irregularities in
heat in the Sudbury melt sheet could have been (e.g., Kadanoff, 2001; Turner, 1973). Laminar the boundaries that influence the thermal field,
dissipated in ~10 yr. This reflects the great effi- flow occurred in the Sudbury Igneous Complex, the pattern of convection can become pinned
ciency of thermal convection in removing heat once cooling reduced the governing Ra to ~107. or fixed by these features. The numerous well-
from a layer when there is little resistance to In laminar thermal convection, the spatial scale known breccia-containing depressions known as
heat flow at the margins. of the cells is set by the thickness of the convect- embayments in the Sudbury Igneous Complex
Slower convective cooling in a conductive ing layer. The cells would have been approxi- (e.g., Pye et al., 1984; Lightfoot et al., 1997c,
medium. For this extreme, we consider a melt
sheet sandwiched between upper and lower rock
units that transfer heat only by conduction. To
assure that this is the slowest possible rate of
convective cooling and to simplify the problem,
we further assume that the upper and lower
layers of country rock are infinitely thick. The
temperature of the magma as a function of time
is given by Carslaw and Jaeger (1986; see also
Marsh, 1989a):

T − Tw ⎛ x ⎞
Tm − Tw
= exp ( hx + h 2 κt erfc ⎜
⎝ 4 κt
+ h κt ⎟ , (11)

where exp and erfc are, respectively, the expo-

nential and complementary error functions, Tm
is the initial magma temperature, Tw is the initial
wall rock temperature, x is the vertical spatial
coordinate, and h = ρCp/MCp′, where ρ is wall
rock density, Cp and Cp′ are the specific heats of,
respectively, the wall rock and magma, and M
is the mass of magma (of density ρ′) in contact
with a unit area of wall rock. For a melt sheet
of thickness L cooling from above and below
where Cp ~ Cp′, M = ρ′L/2, and ρ ~ ρ′, whence h
= 2/L, the temperature of the magma over time
is found by setting x = 0:

T − Tw
Tm − Tw
= exp ( 4 F ) erfc ( )
4F , (12)

where F = κt/L2. Because the magma is always Figure 12. Thermal history of the Sudbury melt sheet. (A) Convective cooling with rapid
well mixed and of uniform temperature, the con- heat transfer (hydrothermal circulation?) in overlying breccia. Entire melt sheet cools to the
tact temperature is also the overall magma tem- liquidus in ~10 yr. (B) Convective cooling with slow heat transfer by conduction in the sur-
perature. In this example, the magma reaches its rounding country rocks. Melt sheet cools to liquidus in ~10,000 yr. (C) Entire thermal his-
liquidus temperature in ~10,000 yr (Fig. 12B). tory of melt sheet, including rapid convection down to the liquidus, followed by conductive
From these two bounding examples, it is clear cooling. The history shown here is for a point at approximately the position of the Transition
that the phase of highly vigorous convection in Zone; for positions above or below, the conductive cooling would have been slightly faster.
the melt sheet lasts a relatively short period of This scenario includes hydrothermal circulation in the overlying Onaping to yield rapid
time, probably between a few tens of years and convective cooling in the melt sheet. Slower convective cooling, dominated by conductive
a few hundred years. (Because the two layers heat transport through the Onaping, would not yield significantly different results.

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2001) may have been instrumental in control- Perhaps the single most unique characteristic gravitationally stabilized this magma over the
ling the pattern of convection. These commonly of the Sudbury melt sheet is that the temperature underlying original dry and dense granophyre.
deep (50–200 m) embayments are prime sites at the lower contact was close to the solidus Rapidly developing hydrothermal systems in
for ore deposits. Because embayments also temperature of the overlying noritic magma, the fallback breccia and a closer proximity to the
contained magma, across any level or horizontal ~1000 °C. In ordinary magmatic bodies in the surface caused the granophyre to cool somewhat
surface above them the temperature was slightly upper crust, the contact temperature is far below faster than the norite. The upper solidification
hotter; cooling would have been slower than the solidus temperature. This unique thermal front therefore advanced faster than the lower
in neighboring areas. This uneven basal tem- condition for the Sudbury Igneous Complex is one, and they met roughly at the present-day
perature field induces an upward flow that pins another consequence of the initial superheated boundary between the two layers.
a convective upwelling over each embayment. thermal state of the magma. What makes this The meeting of the upper and lower solidifi-
With the convection cells thus pinned, the gen- condition even more significant is that the tem- cation fronts led to a specific set of conditions
eral field of convection may have been similarly perature at the contact of an intrusion does not that strongly influenced the physical and chemi-
fixed in place throughout the crater. This may decrease until the solidification front reaches the cal evolution of the melt sheet. First, it maxi-
have had a profound effect on the process of ore center of the body (e.g., Jaeger, 1968). Thus, the mized the opportunity for interstitial melt to be
deposition, which is considered later. contact temperature remained constant for tens redistributed within the solidification fronts.
of thousands of years until the leading edge of Second, it provided, through an interconnected
Convective Mixing across the Norite- the solidification front, which initiates the first network of plagioclase crystals in the norite, a
Granophyre Interface wave of nucleation and crystal growth, reached lattice or framework of physical rigidity. The
When one convecting fluid overlies another, the top of the norite. Only then did the contact slight compaction of this crystalline network
shear and deformation at the interface may temperature slowly begin to fall. For the entire (there is no evidence of strong compaction
entrain material from each layer and cause time that the temperature at the footwall bound- in the basal norite), and the attendant rise of
mixing across the interface. From results pre- ary remained fixed, the solidus isotherm was buoyant residual liquids from the crystallizing
sented by Bachmann and Bergantz (2004) for pinned at or near the footwall contact, while norite, provide additional explanation for the
the density contrast (~0.15 g/cm3; 150 kg/m3) the liquidus isotherm migrated upward into unusual chemical composition (e.g., high P2O5
and viscosity ratio >~10 of the immediately the melt sheet. The solidification front thus and TiO2) of the quartz gabbro in the Transition
post-emulsion sheet, the rate of entrainment at became increasingly thick until it spanned the Zone. Third, the crystalline mush eventually had
the interface would be ~10 cm/yr. With thermal entire thickness of the norite. At that point, sufficient physical strength to provide support
convection lasting for, at most, a few hundred the basal norite was at its solidus temperature, for the unusual weight of the Transition Zone,
years, a mixed interface (or alternatively an and the uppermost norite was at its liquidus which is the densest unit in the entire Sudbury
eroded interface) of a thickness of ~10 m temperature, forming an extensive crystalline Igneous Complex. Although the leading zone
might be expected. Although this effect may network or trellis. This allowed ample time for of the solidification front (0%–25% crystals) is
have contributed to the structure of the Transi- residual silicate melts to move upward, perhaps a dispersed suspension of nuclei and tiny crys-
tion Zone because of the relatively short period partly by compaction, to feed the Transition tals, a “chicken wire” network of plagioclase of
of convection, entrainment probably had little Zone area. Immiscible sulfide melts migrat- some strength develops once the crystallinity is
effect on the overall chemical nature of the two ing downward through the crystalline network greater than ~30 vol% (Philpotts et al., 1998;
superposed layers of magma. If convection had coalesced, also in the fashion of an emulsion, Marsh, 2002). This is particularly relevant to the
persisted for a significant part (say, 10,000 yr) to form large, heavy melts that moved, perhaps norite, which is modally dominated by plagio-
of the full period of solidification, however, it even by deforming the silicate network, to the clase. The densest part of the Transition Zone
is likely that much of the two-layered structure base; small sulfide melt droplets were trapped therefore must have formed after these fronts
of the Sudbury Igneous Complex would have locally, perhaps partly explaining some of the had reached the boundary between the two lay-
been destroyed. observations of Mungall (2002). ers of magma and had undergone a further 30%
Something similar was happening in the of crystallization.
Conductive Cooling of the Melt Sheet upper half of the melt sheet. Dry felsic magma The interpretation that the leading edge of
was in contact with a thick pile of fallback brec- the norite solidification front arrived well before
In contrast to convective cooling, which cia. This breccia was hot owing to its initial that of the granophyre is reinforced by the dif-
lowers the magma temperature rapidly and temperature, the excavation process of crater- ference in liquidus temperatures for these two
uniformly, conductive cooling involves the slow ing, and possibly also from having been sur- magmas. Our modeling of the phase equilibria
migration of lower temperatures inward from rounded by hot silicate plasma (i.e., vaporized of these compositions using MELTS (Ghiorso
the margins. Once convection brought the entire rock) in the atmosphere. Although it is difficult and Sack, 1995) gives a liquidus temperature for
melt sheet down to its liquidus temperature, to be certain, the initial temperature at the upper the felsic norite of 1200 °C and for the grano-
crystallization began at the margins, forming contact of the melt sheet was probably also near phyre of 1075 °C (both dry at 0.1 GPa). The
solidification fronts (e.g., Marsh, 1996, 2000). 1000 °C, at or slightly above the solidus tem- advance of the norite solidification front thus
These fronts progressively advanced inward perature of dry felsic magma. There is a strong stalled here, and crystallinity increased to ~30%
from the top and bottom until they met in the possibility, as mentioned earlier, that the over- before the granophyre front arrived.
thermal center, which was the eventual location lying Onaping breccia was extensively melted The duration of solidification can be mod-
of the Transition Zone. This major change in back by the earlier vigorous convection. This eled numerically. If convection is assumed to
cooling style set the stage for the ultimate pet- may have been the origin of the plagioclase-rich have rapidly and uniformly lowered the magma
rologic structure of the entire melt sheet. The granophyre, which has chemical affinities to the temperature to its liquidus, then complete solidi-
conduction phase, wherein the entire melt sheet Onaping (Ames et al., 2002). Small amounts fication requires ~75,000 yr (Zieg, 2001). If no
solidified, lasted ~75,000 yr (Zieg, 2001). of water in the melted breccia may have convection is assumed, and all cooling from

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the initial superheated state is accomplished and ultramafic debris too dense to rise through vigorous thermal convection phase, the melted
solely by conduction, solidification requires the noritic magma stayed on the crater floor, blocks may have been fully assimilated and
~500,000 yr (Ivanov and Deutsch, 1999). The where it is preserved as melanocratic inclusions homogenized into the granophyre. The plagio-
effect of convection in rapidly bringing the in the norite (e.g., Lightfoot et al., 1997c), but clase-rich granophyre, which appears in places
entire melt sheet down to its liquidus is read- granitic material as fragments or molten blobs as a slightly later intrusion (Peredery and Nal-
ily apparent in these numbers. The progressive easily could have traversed the norite and been drett, 1975; Peredery and Morrison, 1984), may
thermal evolution of the melt sheet is shown assimilated into the granophyre (e.g., Golightly, reflect this process. As convection waned with
by Figure 12C, which includes the effects of 1994). This process could have operated effi- approach to the liquidus temperature, more and
convection and also takes into account the latent ciently from the earliest stages of formation more blocks may have survived transit through
heat of crystallization (Zieg, 2001). of the melt sheet, and certainly contributed to the granophyre, and eventually plumes of debris
The textural and modal uniformity of the cooling the superheated melt sheet (Golightly, reached neutral buoyancy in the Transition
norite is a direct reflection of this protracted 1994). The debris remaining on the floor either Zone. The Transition Zone breccia appears to
phase of cooling and crystallization. Under was too dense to rise upward or became trapped have been at least partially molten when it was
casual observation, there is little noticeable in areas such as footwall embayments. Because incorporated into the Transition Zone and there-
change in grain size upward through the norite. of the slightly higher surface area to volume fore is evidence for viscous immiscibility and
But a quantitative measure of plagioclase grain ratio, embayments initially experienced slightly also for an absence of convective stirring in the
size and abundance, using the method of crystal faster cooling, which “tacked” the breccia pile felsic host magma. Although the Transition Zone
size distributions (CSDs), shows a clear, pro- together, freezing it in place. Granitic dikes breccia and the surrounding gabbro were almost
gressive upward increase in crystal size (Zieg emanating upward from embayment breccia certainly molten at the same time, as evidenced
and Marsh, 2002). And when the conductive piles suggest, however, that the upper parts of by a lack of chilling and by the shape of the Tran-
cooling model is coupled with a law governing these breccia piles became hot enough to melt sition Zone breccia outcrop in the field (Fig. 6),
plagioclase growth rate, the predicted spatial and re-intrude the norite in the later stages of the sharp contact between the two units indicates
variation in crystal size closely matches that solidification (J. Fedorowich, 2000, personal a lack of significant physical interaction.
observed. This variation in texture is as expected commun.; P. Binney, 2002, personal commun.). In the norite, granitic blocks moved upward
with protracted basal cooling of a stagnant sheet The sheet-like geometry of some granitic through denser, partially crystalline mafic
of noritic magma. blocks found in the South Range norite, espe- magma. The latest rising blocks, which became
cially above the Murray pluton, suggests that trapped in the lower solidification front, provide
POST-EMULSION BRECCIAS they may have formed by thermal shattering evidence for this process. The trapped blocks
of the footwall. Enormous thermal stresses are generally large, which would have given
During the protracted solidification of the were readily generated in the already frac- them the buoyancy required to overcome the
Sudbury Igneous Complex, breccia on the crater tured country rocks by sudden heating by final strength of the crystalline network in the solidi-
floor and in the overlying Onaping Formation emplacement of the superheated melt sheet dur- fication front. Their upward motion is reflected
formed plumes of debris that entered the melt ing collapse of the transient impact crater. The in the trail of smaller blocks that were shed as
sheet. This is yet another consequence of the magnitude of these stresses (σ) depends on the they sluggishly moved upward. In area B of
unusually hot thermal conditions at the lower parameter group (e.g., Marsh, 1982): Figure 6, for example, a large (~50 m) granitic
and upper margins of the melt sheet. In normal block exposed in the railroad cut has a trail of
endogenetic magmas, strongly chilled margins small blocks around its lower sides and bottom
form at both contacts, freezing in place any σ≈ , (13) but none around the top.
(1 − v )
debris initially present. But at Sudbury, because All the granitic blocks that we have seen are
the lower contact was held at or very near the notable for their fine (~1 mm), uniform grain
solidus and the granophyre melted back the roof, where E is Young’s modulus, α is the coefficient size. Although the Murray granite does not
no chilled margins were formed. Once the norite of thermal expansion, ΔT is the thermal contrast, have an especially coarse texture, many coarse-
became sufficiently dense from crystallization, and ν is Poisson’s ratio. With several hundreds of grained (5–10 mm grain size) granitic rocks are
this allowed low-density breccia to ascend into degrees of heating, stresses of 0.1–0.3 GPa can exposed in the footwall; the nearby Creighton
the norite magma and melt. Similarly, rafts of be generated. This is well beyond the compres- granite is one example. In light of the large vari-
dense fallback breccia were able to fall from the sive strength of granitic rocks (e.g., Jaeger and ety of footwall lithologies, it seems clear that
roof into the underlying felsic magma. Cook, 1979). If the rock contains any hydrous in response to the intense heating accompany-
The granite blocks and the Transition Zone phases (e.g., micas or amphiboles), even greater ing impact and melt sheet emplacement, all of
breccia are evidence for processes that operated stresses can be generated. Because heating these blocks have been recrystallized. However,
extensively throughout the cooling and solidi- expands rocks at the contact, the stress is com- reheating of materials at near solidus tempera-
fication process. Discontinuous deposits of pressive parallel to the interface, buckling sheets tures usually brings about annealing and coars-
the Footwall Breccia up to 150 m thick, found of rock from footwall units. This process has ening of textures. The strong and characteristic
on the floor of the Sudbury Igneous Complex, been employed in India, where slabs of granite reduction in grain size shown by these blocks
may be remnants of breccia debris that initially were routinely quarried by moving an expanding may be the result of shock metamorphism.
blanketed the entire crater floor. That many fire line across a quarry floor (Marsh, 1982). The net result of the vertical transport of
areas of the footwall today are devoid of brec- At the upper contact of the melt sheet, early breccia and granite fragments is the progres-
cia (Coats and Snajdr, 1984; Lakomy, 1990) incipient melting of the Onaping breccia led to sive collection of lithic debris at the interface
further suggests that some of the original debris piecemeal foundering and invasion by the felsic between the mafic and felsic magmas, as was
floated up into the norite and was melted and magma. The net result was probably extensive also described by Smith and Silver (1975) for
assimilated into the overlying melt sheet. Mafic melting of the Onaping. Especially in the early a composite diabase-granophyre sill. Some of

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the granitic blocks from the footwall contained also allowed a rapid, intimate, diffusion-driven breccia debris sloshed to rest in the final shallow
volatiles that would have been released at this chemical exchange between the molten parcels, crater (e.g., Lightfoot et al., 2001). The duration
interface. (Whether they formed bubbles or which is a condition necessary to achieve the of these events, however, certainly overlapped.
remained in solution is unclear.) That volatiles final chemical state. Both models, however, rely The field relations between these units from
concentrated at this level, presumably hindered on the central tenet of a primary compositional one area to another are, and should be, complex
in ascent by the more viscous overlying magma, stratification in the melt sheet before crystalliza- and even contradictory. The breccias and sub-
is evident from the presence of miarolitic cavi- tion commenced. layer along the crater floor record, in essence,
ties in the Transition Zone in the Azilda area. The great value of the emulsion model, and the “high water mark” of the superheated melt
Because it was the interface between the subsequent related processes, is that it explains sheet. Mafic and ultramafic lithics at or near the
high-density norite and the low-density grano- the unusual physical and chemical structure of floor at the close of the excavation event were
phyre, the Transition Zone most likely formed the complex and places it squarely in the context able to escape fusion and moved into place with
simply as a locus for the collection of “exotic” of the meteorite impact process. It is simply a the melt, whereas the mainly granitic, metamor-
lithologies falling from above and rising from natural consequence of a major impact. Under- phic breccias were locally derived vestiges of
below. The fact, which we consider accidental, lying the whole model thus is the recognition the initial brecciation front. The sublayer norite
that the Transition Zone is also the thermal that a primary feature of meteorite impacts is is literally riddled with inclusions of many
center of the melt sheet allowed it to continue the production of breccias of all types, solid scales and contains melt pods in the Whistle
developing until the last stages of solidification; and liquid. The specific characteristics of these embayment of “immiscible patches of melano-
it is the petrologic sandwich zone of the entire breccias depend on their place of origin within cratic material in a matrix of more leucocratic
melt sheet. Moreover, because the debris that the impact structure, but the primary process material” on the scale of centimeters to meters
collected here came from many source rocks, in an explosive event of this magnitude is the (Lightfoot et al., 1997b). “Some quartz diorite
the net oxidation state would also have been mechanical mixing of disparate lithologies. pods [of the offset dikes] contain 2 or perhaps
unusual. From the high abundance of Fe-Ti We thus view the melt sheet of this impact as more delicately inter-fingered types of textur-
oxides in this unit, the fugacity of oxygen dur- another breccia phase in which most or all of ally distinct quartz diorite” (Grant and Bite,
ing solidification must have been high (prob- the components are molten. After the Sudbury 1984). The quartz diorites of the offset dikes
ably significantly above the nickel-nickel oxide impact, the molten breccia rapidly rearranged also have a strong chemical affinity to the main
[NNO] buffer), favoring early precipitation of itself according to density contrasts into the two Sudbury Igneous Complex (Lightfoot et al.,
ilmenite and magnetite. Vestiges of volatile and primary layers of the Sudbury Igneous Com- 1997a). They are, on average, slightly more
lithic gathering may have tailed out downward plex, whereas the solid breccias are preserved in compositionally evolved than the norite (SiO2
into the uppermost norite such that the latest the Onaping Formation, Footwall Breccia, and ~59 wt%), have identical La/Sm, and partially
stage crystallization could produce a primary Sudbury Breccia. fill the compositional gap between norite and
hydrous phase like hornblende (Therriault et The isotopic compositions of Sudbury granophyre. The compositional range of the
al., 2002), but this is not to be construed that the Igneous Complex rocks, as mentioned earlier, family of the quartz diorites from the various
entire body was extensively hydrated. clearly indicate a crustal origin for the entire embayments is, however, significantly broader
complex (e.g., Faggart et al., 1985; Walker et (e.g., SiO2 ~55–63 wt%) than that of the norite
DISCUSSION al., 1991; Deutsch, 1994; Dickin et al., 1996, of the main mass (Lightfoot et al., 1997a). This
1999). The possibility of mantle contributions could well represent the initial compositional
The nearly instantaneous production of to the norite cannot be conclusively ruled out, heterogeneity of the basal part of the melt sheet
a magmatic viscous emulsion by meteorite using geochemical data, but this is not neces- prior to thorough convective mixing, which fol-
impact and its subsequent rapid density-driven sary (Lightfoot et al., 1997a, 2001). This, lowed offset dike emplacement. The most mafic
separation into felsic and mafic layers is combined with the strong similarity between offset dikes seem to be from deepest in the origi-
proposed here as the principal process in the the bulk compositions of the complex and the nal crater, and the more silicic ones from higher
formation of the Sudbury Igneous Complex. crustal rocks in the Sudbury region (Grieve et on the crater wall (Ames et al., 2002). The vitric
This is broadly similar to a model proposed by al., 1991), indicates that the melt sheet was pro- bodies throughout the overlying Onaping For-
Golightly (1994), who was the first to explicitly duced through direct melting of the underlying mation, which are thought to represent, in part,
recognize the importance of density contrasts continental crust. Yet, within the melt sheet, val- ejected dollops of the developing melt sheet,
within the melt sheet as a primary reason for ues of initial 87Sr/86Sr are uniform (Dickin et al., are remarkably uniform in composition (SiO2
the granophyre-norite association. Unlike his 1999), reflecting the intimate association of the ~62 wt%), with strong, albeit more siliceous,
model, however, the viscous emulsion model granophyre and norite magmas during density affinities to the norite, even though the attendant
is based on the premise that the primary impact separation of the emulsion, mutual assimilation lithic fragment population is compositionally
melt sheet, while totally molten, initially had of small melt parcels, and subsequent thorough heterogeneous (Ames et al., 2002). The earliest
essentially the same heterogeneous character convective mixing of each layer. compositional record of the Sudbury complex
as the surrounding impact breccia units. Rather Perhaps the earliest record of the nature of thus seems to support the presence of an emul-
than a single homogeneous superheated melt the local melt sheet is the material found at the sion-like magmatic body.
phase, which assimilated and was cooled base of the crater in the offset dikes and sublayer The compositional structure of the complex,
by a density-stratified solid clast population norites. The quartz diorites of the offset dikes particularly the relative abundances of grano-
(Golightly, 1994), the viscous emulsion model were probably emplaced as rapid withdrawals phyre and norite, argues against major in situ
contends that the impact event produced a melt from the earliest melt sheet during collapse differentiation of an initially uniform parental
sheet consisting of a heterogeneous distribu- of the transient crater (e.g., Scott and Keith, magma into the roughly bimodal assemblage
tion of liquids corresponding to the spectrum 2002). The sublayer perhaps was emplaced seen today (e.g., Ariskin et al., 1999). This is
of target lithologies. The viscous emulsion only slightly (tens of seconds) later as melt and particularly evident when the Sudbury complex

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is compared to a noritic system like the Ferrar (Fig. 13). Detailed chemostratigraphic studies separation process allowed intimate physical
dolerites of Antarctica that show strong crys- also suggest that, once established, the melt and chemical interaction before subsequent
tal fractionation (Marsh, 2004; Fig. 13). In sheet crystallized from the base up and the top vigorous but short-lived thermal convection
thoroughly accessible systems, differentiation down (Lightfoot et al., 2001). For example, the “homogenized” each unit. Thus, the Sudbury
through crystal fractionation clearly produces norite becomes depleted upward in Ni and Cu, complex can be considered to be an invaluable
a continuous range of compositions, similar to perhaps from to slight late-stage compaction, sample of the bulk chemical composition of
that exhibited by the Ferrar dolerites in an AFM and the granophyre exhibits increasing incom- the continental crust in this region during the
diagram (Fig. 13). The SIC, instead, shows up patible elements downward with decreasing Middle Proterozoic and also an example of a
as two distinct groups of compositions (Hess, magnesia. Also, detailed CSD textural analysis unique magma chamber.
1960; Grant and Bite, 1984). An even more shows that the norite clearly crystallized from
revealing lack of control of protracted phase the bottom up (Zieg and Marsh, 2002). How The Ultimate Magma Chamber
equilibria for producing the gross Sudbury this solidification occurs without allowing sig- Experiment—The Sudbury Igneous
Igneous Complex structure is apparent if the nificant crystal fraction is considered later. Complex and the Null Hypothesis
same data are plotted on the basalt norma- The solution to the Sudbury Igneous Com-
tive phase diagram (e.g., Walker et al., 1979; plex petrologic enigma is that the impact melt Petrologists have often assumed that most
Stolper, 1980). In comparison to the Ferrar sheet, which consisted exclusively of crustal major magmatic bodies are formed by means
dolerites (and a great many other bodies), the material, rapidly became compositionally of a single, virtually instantaneous emplace-
Sudbury Igneous Complex compositions show stratified shortly after emplacement because ment of crystal-free melt (e.g., Wager and
little adherence to the known phase boundaries of the bimodal nature of the target rocks. The Deer, 1939; Hess, 1960). Convective stirring
during subsequent cooling is believed to sort
and deposit crystals growing in the interior of
the chamber into distinct layers on the floor
and margins of the intrusion. A primary basal-
tic magma thereby produces a spectrum of
increasingly fractionated residual melts, which
are partitioned into a continuously diminishing
volume. This general process is thought to be
responsible for the diversity of igneous rocks
and ultimately to give rise to the differentiated
structure of Earth itself. Differentiation by
this style of fractional crystallization in large
bodies remains an implicit, fundamental, and
largely untested tenet of igneous petrology.
In contrast to the convection-fractional crystal-
lization model, the null hypothesis (Marsh, 1996)
states that any body of magma emplaced free of
crystals will crystallize into a compositionally
and mineralogically uniform layer of rock. The
highly fractionated melt is trapped deep within
inwardly propagating solidification fronts and
is inaccessible to collection by ordinary means
(Marsh, 1996, 2002). The ultimate experiment
in igneous petrology would determine which of
these models is correct. This would involve phys-
ically and chemically monitoring the evolution of
a thick sheet of homogeneous basaltic magma,
which has been instantaneously emplaced at a
uniform, superliquidus temperature (and thus is
initially free of crystals and nuclei). Although
similar conditions have long been assumed for
the emplacement of most large intrusions (e.g.,
Wager and Deer, 1939), in point of fact the
Figure 13. Contrast in the chemical compositions of the Sudbury rocks relative to the Ferrar actual conditions of emplacement (e.g., dura-
dolerites of Antarctica (Marsh, 2004). The upper AFM (alkali-iron-magnesium) plots show tion, amounts, temperatures, crystal contents, and
the compositional gap between the norite and granophyre units at Sudbury, and also the loose styles of injections) for almost all igneous bodies
overall coherence of the compositions relative to the Ferrar rocks. This is even more clearly are unknown. According to the null hypothesis,
seen in the lower diagrams, which show these same compositions relative to the phase equilib- the initial state of any magmatic body completely
rium boundaries in the basalt system (projection from Walker et al., 1979; see text). The lack controls its entire subsequent evolution.
of adherence of the Sudbury compositions to the phase boundaries strongly suggests that these One of the most important implications of this
compositions are not the result of crystallization controlled by common phase equilibria. work, beyond the origin of the Sudbury Igneous

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Complex itself, is that it provides the only known of instantly generating and emplacing enormous and chemical compositions, a single moderately
example of a large magmatic system whose volumes of crystal-free magma. large meteorite impact has collected together,
initial conditions are, relatively speaking, well sorted by density, and reprocessed a major slice
known. The initial conditions of the Sudbury Granitic Textures of Archean and Early Proterozoic crust. By way
complex were similar to those long assumed of viscous emulsion differentiation, the impact
for many classical large igneous bodies. First, it The coarse texture of granitic rocks has long process collected all the granitic material at the
was formed in a single instantaneous “injection” been understood to reflect slow cooling with a top of the melt sheet and all the mafic material
of superheated magma, instantaneous within dominance of crystal growth over nucleation at the bottom. It is easy to see that this process
a period of minutes. Second, because of its (e.g., Swanson, 1977). But the Sudbury Igneous could be effective in forming continental crust.
superheated nature, it contained no phenocrysts Complex granophyre suggests that these two Small lenses (sheets 1–2 m thick and 40–50 m
or crystal nuclei. (Although there was entrained factors alone do not explain the entire process of long) of silicic segregations (e.g., plagiogranites
impact debris, this material was volumetrically granite texture development. The granophyre is in oceanic crust) are unavoidable products of the
insignificant.) And finally, the geometry of the massive, >1.5 km thick, and it cooled relatively crystallization of basaltic sheets (Marsh, 2002).
system was extremely simple: a flat horizontal slowly beneath several kilometers of fallback But because they are isolated within larger
sheet of high aspect ratio. This melt sheet crystal- breccia. Although these conditions seem ideal gabbroic bodies, they can only be collected
lized to produce a thick, relatively homogeneous for generating a granitic texture, this is not what into significant granitic bodies by wholesale
rock sequence. Unlike other large mafic bodies, is found in the granophyre. All of the granitic reprocessing of the host rock. Although this can
there is no distinctive cyclical layering, either and gneissic target rocks from which this unit be done on a limited scale through partial melt-
modal or cryptic. Despite strong thermal convec- was derived are coarse grained, so it is not the ing driven by magma underplating in the lower
tion in each unit, there is no compositional sort- specific chemical composition of this magma crust, wholesale reprocessing of vast basaltic
ing within any of them. Nor are there large pro- that controls the texture. One likely explana- terranes, such as Iceland, through meteorite
gressive chemical variations through the norite tion is that the granophyre was superheated impact and viscous emulsion differentiation is
or the granophyre; the primary geochemical before it crystallized. Superheating destroyed clearly the quickest and most efficient means.
changes are abrupt discontinuities in the narrow all crystals and nuclei, and homogeneous During Earth’s heavy bombardment period,
Transition Zone. The system largely resembles nucleation is a very difficult process (Lofgren, the upper crust was reprocessed many times
two adjacent but petrogenetically isolated sheets. 1983). That is, when the Sudbury melt sheet over, and sheets of basaltic magma were com-
This bimodality is an accident: if the impact had was superheated, it lost its original textural monplace. There was thus an opportunity to
occurred in a completely granitic terrane, we template, and the granophyre was unable to produce and collect isolated silicic segregations
would expect a uniform felsic melt sheet; if it regenerate a coarse-grained texture. Moreover, through impact differentiation. This does not, in
had occurred in a completely basaltic terrane, we the complete or near complete loss of volatiles and of itself, produce true continental crust but
would expect a uniform mafic melt sheet regard- further hindered nucleation and eutectic-like furnishes the basic structure and critical materi-
less of its thickness. phase equilibrium. (Wholesale flash melting als for equally important cycles of erosion, sedi-
The Sudbury Igneous Complex thus is dramatic of crustal rock produces a low volatile magma mentation, metamorphism, and partial melting.
confirmation of the null hypothesis, namely, that that is further dehydrated by superheating and Sudbury is only a modest impact structure; other
magma emplaced instantly and free of crystals vigorous convection.) This may imply that the impacts were much larger and reprocessed ear-
crystallizes into a nearly homogeneous sheet. coarse textures of continental granitic rocks lier melt sheets. Perhaps the Sudbury Igneous
This is seen not only in the Sudbury complex but result, not from a single protracted growth epi- Complex provides the important links between
in any magmatic sheet formed under these condi- sode, but perhaps from cycles of crystallization planetary differentiation, small-scale igneous
tions. The thick (350 m) Peneplain Sill of doleritic and recrystallization of mushy damp magmas. processes, and impact dynamics.
composition in the McMurdo Dry Valleys region In essence, the coarse granitic texture may be
of Antarctica also shows these characteristics of a “learned” texture from cycles of partial melt- Sulfide Deposition
uniformity in texture and composition (Marsh, ing and metamorphism that have, in essence,
1996). Contrary to long-held assumptions, these annealed the continental crust. Aside from the impact itself, the enormous
initial conditions do not lead to the production of Evidence for such a process may be seen content and distribution of sulfides make Sud-
layered mafic intrusions. What, then, are the con- in the silicic rocks of oceanic islands, includ- bury singularly distinctive, and one measure of
ditions that give rise to large, exotically layered, ing Iceland. In Iceland there are many large the strength and usefulness of any quantitative
sheet-like intrusions such as Bushveld (Wager (1–2 km) intrusions with granitic compositions dynamic model resides in its interpretive and
and Brown, 1968; Eales and Cawthorn, 1996), but none with truly granite textures, only felsitic predictive capabilities. In this respect, to us, three
Stillwater (McCallum, 1996), or Dufek (Ford and or granophyric textures (e.g., Walker, 1966, aspects of the sulfides touch on the fundamental
Himmelberg, 1991)? The most obvious answer is 1974; Gunnarsson et al., 1998). Deep crustal processes of sulfide origin and deposition. First,
that these bodies form from exactly the opposite metamorphism is one process that always coars- many of the principal target rocks, including
initial conditions: i.e., magma amassed through a ens rock. Perhaps Iceland is too young and its pelites and rhyolites, have elevated Ni contents
long series of injections of compositionally simi- crust too thin to have yet experienced the deep (Golightly, 1994). Second, the massive deposits
lar magmas carrying highly variable amounts of metamorphism necessary to transform these associated with the offset dikes strongly suggest
crystals of significant average size. The larger granophyres texturally into granites. that, at the earliest times (i.e., by the close of the
the volume of the ultimate magma chamber, excavation event), the basal melt sheet contained
the more protracted and varied the sequence and Crustal Differentiation large amounts of massive and disseminated sul-
nature of the individual injections required to fill fides. We also take this as evidence of an emul-
it. There is simply no terrestrial process capable From a crustal-scale heterogeneous collection sion-like structure in the earliest melt sheet. The
of rock units with many different sizes, shapes, availability of abundant massive sulfides within

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a few minutes of impact strongly implies that given by Marsh and Maxey [1985] and Marsh of complementary hydrothermal flows within
this material must have come, to a large extent, [1988].) As huge amounts of magma flowed past the footwall rocks near the embayments that
from original massive sulfide deposits already in the suspended droplets, they scavenged Ni and may have remobilized and redeposited material
the crust. Subsequent emulsion separation, diffu- Cu from the melt (the partition coefficients are deposited earlier during the emplacement of the
sional exchange among small melt parcels, and enormous) and grew until they could no longer offset dikes.
vigorous thermal convection produced a noritic be suspended by the flow, producing a steady rain
magma, supersaturated in sulfide, that formed a of sulfides into the embayments. This process, CONCLUSION
disseminated immiscible phase while the magma which is similar to a water purification system,
was still superheated (e.g., Lightfoot et al., 2001, literally cleansed the norite of base metals. In the We see at Sudbury the formation of a viscous
and references therein). Third, the topography of end, as convection waned and the norite solidi- magmatic emulsion and its subsequent evolution
the crater floor, as discussed earlier, pinned the fication front advanced upward, the remaining as a string of unavoidable physical and chemical
upwelling limbs of the convection cells over the sulfides were disseminated through the lower processes triggered by a massive meteorite
embayments. As convection became laminar, the parts of the norite. It is also possible that part of impact into continental crust. The envisioned
settling immiscible sulfide droplets were swept this process also could have persisted as a porous sequence of distinctive physicochemical events
up, concentrated, and suspended by the flow in flow, driven by concentration gradients, within is depicted by Figure 14. Everything associated
these same upwelling sites above the embay- the evolving solidification front. A secondary with the impact is a breccia. In small impacts,
ments. (The fluid mechanics of this process is feature of this thermal regime is the occurrence little or no melt is produced, but with increasing


1 hour years years

Onaping Fm.


Density (g/cm )
Transition Zone


N-27 Norite


Transition 2.6 2.8 3.0



Footwall ρ, Density

years years
Figure 14. Schematic illustrations of the critical stages in the dynamics of evolution leading to the final petrologic structure of the Sudbury
Igneous Complex. The labels at the tops of the panels indicate the depicted processes, and the arrows and times at the bases give the approxi-
mate time scales for these processes.

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Bergantz, G.W., 1989, Underplating and partial melting:

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ated by the great depth of penetration of large we can gain important insights into the igneous Brandeis, G., and Marsh, B.D., 1989, The convective liqui-
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tion?, in Guy-Bray, J.V., ed., New developments in
Given the exceedingly short time of generation ated melt sheet is, in essence, a grand, invalu- Sudbury geology: Geological Society of Canada Spe-
and emplacement (<5 min), there was no time able laboratory experiment with which to evalu- cial Paper 10, p. 93–101.
for thorough mixing before the melt sheet emul- ate fundamental magmatic processes. Carslaw, H.S., and Jaeger, J.C., 1986, Conduction of heat in
solids (2nd edition): Oxford, UK, Oxford University
sion subdivided under the action of gravity into Press, 510 p.
two distinct compositional units, reflecting the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Chai, G., and Eckstrand, R., 1993, Origin of the Sudbury
essential nature of the target materials. At this Igneous Complex, Ontario—Differentiate of two sepa-
This project was ignited and inspired by conversa- rate magmas: Current Research, Part E, Geological
point, sufficient evidence in the field relations tions with Bevan French. John Fedorowich introduced Survey of Canada Special Paper 93-1E, p. 219–230.
lends credence to almost all aspects of the pro- us to the field relations and continually saw the poten- Chai, G., and Eckstrand, R., 1994, Rare-earth element
characteristics and origin of the Sudbury Igneous
posed model. tial of this work. We have benefited from discussions
Complex, Ontario, Canada: Chemical Geology, v. 113,
A prime objective of this work is to present with Paul Binney, Mike Sweeney, Peter Lightfoot, p. 221–244, doi: 10.1016/0009-2541(94)90068-X.
a detailed integrated magmatic history of the Paul Golightly, Walter Peredery, and the participants Chandrasekhar, S., 1981, Hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic
in our 1999 Geological Association of Canada–Min- stability: New York, Dover Publishing, 654 p.
melt sheet from start to finish. Above all, the eralogical Association of Canada (GAC-MAC) field Coats, C.J.A., and Snajdr, P., 1984, Ore deposits of the North
processes outlined are clearly testable against trip, “Solidification Fronts of the Sudbury Melt Sheet.” Range, Onaping-Levack area, Sudbury, in Pye, E.G., et
further quantitative modeling and, especially, Falconbridge generously provided access to their drill- al., eds., The geology and ore deposits of the Sudbury
core holdings, and John Fedorowich guided us in their Structure: Ontario Geological Survey Special Vol-
against ongoing field observations. There are a ume 1, p. 327–346.
use. The manuscript benefited greatly by insightful
number of avenues for further research. First, and deeply constructive reviews by Peter Lightfoot,
Deutsch, A., 1994, Isotope systematics support the impact
origin of the Sudbury Structure (Ontario, Canada), in
the detailed compositional and textural rela- George Bergantz, and Calvin Miller. We were not Dressler, B.O., et al., eds., Large meteorite impacts and
tions, including the sulfides, in the offset dikes aware of the important paper by Paul Golightly when planetary evolution: Geological Society of America
are critical to ascertain. These dikes likely sam- we originally formulated the emulsion model. This Special Paper 293, p. 289–302.
research was funded by grants from Falconbridge and Dickin, A.P., Artan, M.A., and Crocket, J.H., 1996, Isoto-
pled the incipient melt sheet during collapse of pic evidence for distinct crustal sources of North and
the U.S. National Science Foundation (EAR 9725158;
the transient crater some 2–4 min after impact. OPP 9814332), and by field grants from the Stuart South Range ores, Sudbury Igneous Complex: Geochi-
Second, a detailed CSD study of the granophyre mica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 60, p. 1605–1613, doi:
Mossom, David Elliott, and Robert Balk Field Funds
may ascertain its spatial pattern of crystalliza- at Johns Hopkins University. This work stemmed Dickin, A.P., Nguyen, T., and Crocket, J.H., 1999, Isotopic
tion. Third, identification of discrete compo- from related work on the magmatic sheets of Ferrar evidence for a single impact melting origin of the Sud-
sills in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. bury Igneous Complex, in Dressler, B.O., and Sharp-
sitional domains within the granophyre, cor- ton, V.L., eds., Large meteorite impacts and planetary
responding to individual blobs of felsic impact REFERENCES CITED evolution II: Geological Society of America Special
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that survived convective homogenization, will Ames, D.E., Watkinson, D.H., and Parrish, R.R., 1998, nal of Geology, v. 72, p. 412–434.
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the 1850 Ma Sudbury impact event: Geology, v. 26, at Sudbury, Canada: Nature, v. 204, p. 280–281.
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Geological Society of America Bulletin

The Sudbury Igneous Complex: Viscous emulsion differentiation of a

superheated impact melt sheet
Michael J. Zieg and Bruce D. Marsh

Geological Society of America Bulletin 2005;117, no. 11-12;1427-1450

doi: 10.1130/B25579.1

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