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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington & The Party, Robin
Buckley & Steve Harrington
Character: Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson,
Lucas Sinclair, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Nancy Wheeler
Additional Tags: Boys Kissing, First Kiss, Implied Sexual Content
Stats: Published: 2022-06-18 Words: 789

by Toms_fanfics


Steve and Eddie finally get together


See the end of the work for notes

It was a hot summer day, and Steve had been showering when a loud crass echoed through his
house, he quickly wiped on some clothes and grabbed his bat

Only to be met by Henderson at the bottom of the stairs

“What the hell- why are you in my house!?” He put the bat down, and rubbed a hand down his

“We wanted to watch a movie” he shrugged, smiling.

“No-“ then Eddie showed up

“Hey Harrington told them you had the best tv, can we watch?” He smiled at Steve, that smile that
gave him butterflies

“Sure! I’ll uh go grab some drinks”

He walked into his kitchen, and grabbed some juice for the kids and a beer for all the adults

When he entered the living room Dustin ran over

“Took you long enough” he clasped the juices into his hands, and ran to go sit with his friends,
Steve looked around for anywhere to sit, and just to his luck the only seat left was next to Munson.

He sat down “what are we watching?”

Eddie looked at him, and then back at the tv, “Star Wars”

Really! Star Wars he could probably recite that whole film the amount of times he’d watched it.

He sat back, as the movie started up

The sounds from the film blared out, it was almost distracting, almost, but the loud noises couldn’t
pull Steve’s eyes away from the hand that laid on his thigh, the soft ringed hand that belonged to
Eddie Munson, he looked up his eyes meeting with Eddies, a deep blush crawled up his face, he
wanted to kiss him so fucking badly, but what would happen if he did?

Steve wasn’t usually a risky man, but today he was feeling rather frisky, so even though he was
unsure what would happen between the two of them, he cupped the man’s face in his hand and
pulled him close, close enough that he could feel his nose against his, then he made his move, he
kissed Eddie on the lips, the kiss lasting a while, neither of them wanting to be the first to pull

The kiss lasted a long amount of time, it was passionate, steve slowly pulled away, his breaths
coming out short and ragged

“Wow that was uh,,” Eddie panted, his face red, but a small grin started to appear “Steve
Harrington just kissed me, wow! Never expected that” he whispered chuckling

Steve yet again looked at him

“Do you think we could go upstairs for a bit?” He muttered, hoping that him and Eddie could
continue this in a more private atmosphere

“Sure” eddie stood up, talking his hand, and they went up to his bedroom, as soon as the door was
shut steve was pulled onto the bed and they shared a kiss

Eddie slowly started to kiss up Steve’s neck

“Eddie wait, the kids are literally downstairs” he whispered, although he enjoyed it he didn’t want
the kids to find out about the thing the two of them had just formed

“It’ll be fine, you can cover up or something” he huffed, steve laid his head into eddies chest

“So like what are we now, boyfriends or?” He asked, clinging to Eddie like a koala, the warmth
making him feel safe.

“If that’s what you want” he kissed the top of Steve’s head smiling, hoping this could last forever,
until they were rudely interrupted

from the bottom of the stairs, the two boys instantly lept up out of the bed and rushed down the
stairs to be met with the whole group

“Steve is that a hickey?!” Robin yelped laughing, this caused Steve to go beet red

“huh?! Why would you think that rob?!” He yelled, clearly embarrassed

“Dude go look in a mirror” Dustin gawped, his eyes almost bulging out of his face
Steve walked over to the mirror, to see the worst and largest hickey he’d ever been given

launching himself at his laughing boyfriend

“You asshole!” He shoved Eddie lightly, playfully, ignoring the surprised expressions everyone,
but robin, wore on their faces

“You and Eddie..?” Nancy mumbled, Steve turned to face the group completely forgetting they
were in the room

“Yeah we almost had sex, but I reminded him we had company” Steve shrugged as if that was the
most casual thing to say

“Ew! We did not wanna know what you guys were getting up to!” Lucas and Dustin screamed,
their faced terrified.

Steve laughed, giving Eddie a small kiss, he know that this would last forever.

End Notes

This is a lil filler seeing as I can’t write the next chapter of my other fanfic just yet,
Also in the other book I completely forgot I gave Steve powers and it’s kinda just turned
into a Steddie book, so for it to make sense Steve’s powers are only gonna occur at certain

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