USFS Sustainability / Place Based Example-Statewide Scale

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USFS Sustainability / Place Based Example- Statewide Scale

Wisconsin Division of Forestrys Strategic Direction Built on the Forest Sustainability Framework
Place Based Example
Wisconsins Forest Sustainability Framework is the basis for the Division of Forestrys assessments and strategic planning. Description: The Wisconsin Governors Council of Forestry approved Wisconsins Forest Sustainability Framework in December 2007 as a comprehensive, systematic approach for tracking data about and measuring the sustainability of Wisconsins forests. In 2009, this framework, which includes 19 indicators of forest sustainability across the 7 Montreal Process (MP) Criteria, became the basis for the Statewide Forest Assessment and Strategy. Together these initiatives assessed the actions and strategies that most effectively address the major trends, issues and threats facing Wisconsins forests. After soliciting input from technical specialists, tribal communities, and the general public, the Division of Forestry developed a Strategic Direction that defines our role within the broader forestry community in addressing the Statewide Strategy and the actions we are best positioned to accomplish. In 2011, the Strategic Direction will be further adapted as a five-year action plan. Context: Indicators were chosen for their applicability at a statewide scale and for their ability to be compared to other initiatives occurring regionally and nationally. Regionally this includes work of the Great Lakes Forest Alliance and the USDA Forest Services Northeastern Area in partnership with the 20 state forestry organizations in the Northeast and Midwest. Nationally the Framework links to domestic forest sustainability reporting efforts organized and informed by the MP Criteria & Indicators. Value Added: The Framework does not include data, rather it creates a common language and unbiased set of measuring sticks to understand forest conditions and trends. The Council also views the task of selecting measurable indicators as a process for choosing how to define the sustainability of Wisconsins forestspublic and privateat a statewide level. The Framework has been incorporated into Wisconsins statewide forest planning processused as a guide for what to analyze in the Statewide Forest Assessment and how to focus actions in the Statewide Forest Strategy.


Key Resources and Web Links Contacts

Wisconsins Forest Sustainability Framework; Statewide Forest Strategy DNR Section Chief, Rebecca Gass, DNR State Forester, Paul DeLong,

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