Depends, If It's A Casual Outing Then Baggy 90's Style Clothing, Light Wear, With Lots of Pockets

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PJ: OC/Self insert:

Full Name: Jaimie Scirocco

Name meaning: 
Jaimie means: “I love” or “he who supplants”
Scirocco means: “Warm Wind” or “South-East Mediterranean wind”
Nicknames: Jaybird (Pranjal, and councillors) 
1 of the many (referring to the many kids his fathers had)
Blonde menace
Usernames: Jaimie.Offical or Nocturn.Sicro

Age: 17
Age Within Stories: 15 in book 2 (when he first shows up at camp hb) 
Birthday: March 22, 1995
Gender: Male (he/they)

Ethnicity: Mostly french, hints of Italian, and Greek.

Nationally: French
Birthplace: Paris, France
Hometown: New Zealand, Queenstown
Previous Places: Limoges, France (very briefly it didn’t work out with the parent.)
Languages Spoken / Read: French, English, (read but not understand) Māori

Height: 5”9
Blood Type: B-
Sexual Orientation: Pan, Poly
Greek Zodiac: Aries
Ruling Planet(s): Mars
Chinese Zodiac: Pig
Compatibility: Good with Tiger, Goat, and rabbit. But not snake.
Zodiac Element: Fire

Hair Colour: platinum blonde

Eye Colour: Green with hints of hazel
Physical Description: 
Tattoos / Piercings / Scars: 
A drunk frog on his back just below his ribs to his right- drunk tattoo
A rune for good luck, on his left wrist- the only tattoo that his mother approved at least a little bit
555, on his chest just below his peck- he got it after go to camp half blood for the first time.

• Everyday Clothing: 
Depends, if it’s a casual outing then Baggy 90’s style clothing, light wear, with lots of pockets
trippy graphic hoodies and shirts
Less casual dark academia with the brown black and tea stained white button downs, and dress

• Camp Clothing: 
He wears his beads on his wrist, and tied it into an adjustable knot do that if asked to he could
just slip it on as a necklace. Freaked
a few people out when he first did it because he did really tell anyone about it

Good Traits: Jesus loves you, humorous, charming, clever (cunning almost), well skilled in the arts of
Flaws: can get a bit pushy and a bit buddy buddy, can’t really read peoples emotions properly (he never
really learned people skills, just
What he thought people would like to hear), remember how I said he was almost cunning? Nothing
works out if he goes over his own limits.
Good Habits: a hard worker,
Bad Habits: binge eater, people pleaser,
Strange Habits: doodles patterns into people’s arms as a form of endearment,
Fears: Fear of drowning, being trapped, and left to rot somewhere knowingly
Favourite Food: Stir fry, seasoned chicken (the stuff you can get at the supermarket)
Favourite Places to Eat: Burger King, and any street food style place
Least Favourite Food: pumpkin, and corn, and hot pockets
Favourite Drink: The light green monster
Least Favourite Drink: root beer, and Kool-aid
Favourite Colour: Jasmin, coffee brown, and any soft colours of blue, green, and red
Least Favourite Colour: red-ish brown,
Favourite Scent: Nivea mens Cologne, the smell of cigarets, and abandoned buildings
Favourite Sound: Any good song, (specifically rock)
Favourite Sight: the top of the hill a bit further away from the Queenstown gondola
Favourite Time of Year: May
Favourite Time of Day: 7pm
Favourite Animal: Fantail (They’re funny little creatures)
Favourite Song: Romance is Boring by Los Campesinos!
Favourite Movie / Film Franchise: The Danish Woman

Activities / Subjects:
Best Activity in Camp: Swordsmanship, and picking strawberries.
Worst Activity in Camp: Greek mythology, and riding the rapids (horrible balance)
Best School Subject(s): Math (above average), Chemistry (average, but enjoys it a lot)
Worst School Subject(s): Chemistry (equations are hard ok?), Māori (there wan’t a French option, and
those two languages are hard enough on
Their own.)

Family / Friends:
Mother: Fluoresce Scirocco
Occupation: CEO of a music agent company
Relationship: It’s very cold, is one way to put it, she’s very neglective and unaware of anything Jaimie
does, her own obsession of becoming a
priestess or a servant to Zeus in her after life, has basically put Jaimie at number 4 on the concerns
scale (1. Praying to Zeus, 2. Her Business,
3. Her own interests, 4. Jaimie.) It’s gotten had gotten the the point of spite, before realising that it
probably won’t change even if he’s at the verge
Of death, but came to accept it, and treats her as a person he simply lives with, and gets bossed around
by their schedules.

Father: Zeus (ik basic bitch 😍😣 🤪😣)

Relationship: Spiteful, is one way to put it. He dislikes him for many reasons, 1. He is Zeus, an
assumedly (correct) prick, 2 he chose someone who
Only had their own interests at best to have his child with her. And 3 because he never came to him in
dreams, unlike what he’s heard from others,
Zeus has never shown up in his dreams, which just made him believe more that both his parents have
very little want to be in his life as a loving
Parent. (Though even a hello would be nice.)

Closest Friends: (friends who they're close to in school and camp)

Demigod Friends: (only fill this with demigods that don't belong to you such as official characters)
Boyfriend / Girlfriend: (leave blank if not in a relationship)
Enemies: (no one is safe from enemies in the demigod world, Big Three kids will of course, have

Mist Version: (what does your character's weapon look like to mortals?)
Fatal Flaw: (Please for the love of Zeus, don't put Percy's or Annabeth's flaws. Have a original flaw,
not everyone will be
willing to give their life for a friend or loved one, plus, fatal flaws are suppose to be fatal, try avoid
ones Rick already used
in the series)
Abilities: (DO NOT OVERDO THIS, I know children of the Big Three are suppose to be the more
powerful demigods but
look at Percy, even he couldn't do everything)

(what are some of your character's quotes? can add more if needed)
(anything else about the character you want to add such as a theme song etc, add more if needed)

Background Story:
(a detailed overview about your character's history)

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