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Getting Started......................................................................................................... 3 Where do I find and use TweetDeck's basic functions? ......................................

3 How can I follow or unfollow people from TweetDeck? ..................................... 3 Common Questions.............................................................................................. 4 What is the Twitter API? .................................................................................. 4 What does the Twitter Status in the bottom right mean?.............................. 4 How can I sync TweetDeck between different computers?..............................5 How can I see whats trending or popular on Twitter in TweetDeck? .............7 What is "local trends"? ......................................................................................7 How do I interact with the TweetDeck notification popups?.......................... 8 How do I use the column navigator at the bottom of the screen?..................10 Why does TweetDeck take up so much memory? .......................................... 11 Why do I need to set my system timezone correctly?..................................... 11 How can I unsubscribe from TweetDeck mailings? .......................................12 What are the advantages of registering with TweetDeck? .............................12 Sending and reading updates/tweets .................................................................12 How to Schedule an Update? ..........................................................................12 How do I send updates longer that 140 characters?.......................................14 How do I retweet in TweetDeck? .................................................................... 15 How can I include hashtags in my tweets from TweetDeck? .........................16 How does TweetDeck decide which account to use when I reply to a tweet? 16 How do I see which account my update will be sent from?............................ 17 How can I Tweet directly from TweetDeck? ................................................... 17 How can I share or upload photos from TweetDeck?..................................... 17 How do I see @replies from my friends to people I don't follow? .................18 How can I see "new-style" retweets of my tweets? .........................................19 How can I access the ability to RE (in reference to) tweet? ...........................19 How do I show TwitterKeys/Unicode characters in TweetDeck? ..................19 Configuring TweetDeck ..................................................................................... 20 How can I add another account to TweetDeck? ............................................ 20 How can I move columns in TweetDeck? .......................................................21 How can I add or remove a column in TweetDeck? .......................................21 TweetDeck takes up too much space. Can I resize the columns?.................. 23 Can I minimize TweetDeck to the tray/dock? ............................................... 23 How do I configure the notification window in TweetDeck? ........................ 24 Search, Filtering and Spam................................................................................ 25 How can I manage Twitter spam in TweetDeck? .......................................... 25 How do I filter my Tweets? ............................................................................ 25 How does search work in TweetDeck?............................................................27 How do I edit the search terms for my search columns? .............................. 28 How do I use search terms with the Twitter Realtime API? ......................... 29 Throttling of search results & mentions when using Twitter realtime streams ........................................................................................................................ 29 Advanced Tips.........................................................................................................31 Managing Twitter Lists .......................................................................................31 How do I follow a Twitter List?.......................................................................31 How do I quickly add people to a List? ...........................................................31

How do I create a new Twitter List in TweetDeck? ........................................31 How do I unfollow a Twitter list?................................................................... 33 How do I manage my Twitter API usage? ......................................................... 33 Dealing with new updates stealing focus........................................................... 35 Managing real-time Twitter feeds ..................................................................... 35 How do I navigate in TweetDeck using the keyboard? ..................................... 36 How do I view location information for geo-coded tweets?.............................. 38 Customizing........................................................................................................ 39 How can I link TweetDeck to my own account?................................... 39 How can I change the URL shortening service used by TweetDeck?............ 39 Add a Custom URL Shortener........................................................................ 40 Can I use other Twitter-compatible APIs in TweetDeck? ..............................41 Expert topics ...................................................................................................... 42 How do I install TweetDeck in Linux?........................................................... 42 Where do I find the log file & How do I enable debug logging in TweetDeck? ........................................................................................................................ 43 Troubleshooting..................................................................................................... 45 I cannot download TweetDeck from the website. What should I do? .............. 45 What does Rate Limit Exceeded mean? ............................................................ 46 Why can't I log in to TweetDeck? ...................................................................... 46 TweetDeck is not updating. What could be wrong? .......................................... 48 Why don't links not open in the correct browser? ............................................ 49 What Does Error 0 and Damaged AIR File Mean? ........................................... 50 How do I Completely reinstall TweetDeck? ....................................................... 51 Reinstalling Adobe AIR...................................................................................... 52 Why are my columns blank and my Twitter status "Not Authorized" after changing my Twitter password? ........................................................................ 53 How do I delete my TweetDeck Encrypted Local Store? .................................. 53 Facebook and Foursquare ......................................................................................55 Facebook .............................................................................................................55 How do I easily write on a friend's Facebook wall?........................................55 How can I update my Facebook "Page" from TweetDeck ............................. 56 How do I renew my Facebook account authorisation? ................................. 56 Foursquare ..........................................................................................................57 How to Check-In to a venue on Foursquare? .................................................57 How can I view Foursquare updates on a map? ............................................ 59 How to see Foursquare Venues? .................................................................... 60


Getting Started
Where do I find and use TweetDeck's basic functions?
Many of the Twitter functions can be found in the Tweet view:

Reply - when clicking on this button (top left) it will automatically insert the Twitter username into the compose window DM - this will follow the same behaviour, but start the compose window with a Direct Message RT - (Bottom Left) - This will give you the option of a native / old style RT Other Actions (Cog) o Tweet Reply All Reference to Favorite Email Tweet Translate Untranslate Mark as read Delete o User Add to list Follow Unfollow View profile Search Block Block & report spam

How can I follow or unfollow people from TweetDeck?

You can follow people from TweetDeck by clicking on their name in a tweet and selecting the 'Follow' button at the end of the pop-up profile box. Remember that you already follow all of the people whose tweets appear in TweetDeck, except

those shown in search columns and people whom your friends are retweeting or @replying to. You can stop following people from TweetDeck by clicking on their name in a tweet and selecting the 'Unfollow' button at the end of the pop-up profile box.

Common Questions
What is the Twitter API?
The Twitter API is a service provided by Twitter to allow 3rd-party applications like TweetDeck to access the Twitter data and functions. There are two types:

Realtime/Streaming REST API

The REST API: Every Twitter account can only make a certain number of calls to the API per hour. Currently this limit, set by Twitter, is 350, but ONLY if you are using a client that uses OAuth like TweetDeck v0.33.

Fetching new tweets in the All Friends, Replies or Direct Messages columns takes 1 call per column. Fetching new tweets for a List column takes 1 call per column Fetching new entries for a New Followers column takes 1 call per column Viewing a user profile in TweetDeck takes 3 calls. Search columns use a different API and are not subject to a limit Group columns are populated from the tweets in your All Friends column, so they do not affect your API limit. Sending a tweet does NOT affect your API limit

It is important to note that your API allowance is tied to your Twitter account, so it doesn't matter which Twitter client you use, you will still be consuming the same limited number of calls. Eg: You have used a Twitter client on your phone for half an hour, then turn that off and fire up TweetDeck. TweetDeck will only have half the API calls available for the next 30 minutes until it resets back to the full amount again

What does the Twitter Status in the bottom right mean?

There are a number of Twitter statuses which may be displayed in TweetDeck to give you an idea of how Twitter is behaving and any problems that TweetDeck has run into.

"All Good" or Pretty much OK" Everything is working perfectly. "No new data was found" Twitter provided no new data to TweetDeck. "Twitter API rate limit exceeded" TweetDeck has encountered a problem with your Twitter API usage. In plain English, Twitter have set a limit on the number of times you can request information from them and its currently set to 350 times per hour. That sounds like a lot but unfortunately sometimes it's just not enough and then you may see this message. Youll have to wait a while for the API limit to re-set. For more information on using TweetDeck without hitting the API click here. "Problem with @replies" or "Problem with All Friends" TweetDeck has encountered a problem with retrieving your All Friend or Replies feed from Twitter. "There is a problem - don't panic" TweetDeck has encountered a problem in communicating with Twitter. When further information becomes available the status will update to explain what the issue is. "Twitter API could not authenticate you" Your username or password are incorrect, please see here for more help details. "Request forbidden by Twitter API" Your account has been deleted or suspended by Twitter. Please contact Twitter for help. "Item requested was not found" or "Error in Twitter API, please try later" or "Bad Gateway: Twitter is down" or "Twitter API overloaded, please try later" Twitter may be down.

If you encounter problems please check to see if any Twitter issues have been reported.

How can I sync TweetDeck between different computers?

Synchronising to a TweetDeck account is a great way to backup your groups and searches, and also means that these items will be available to you on the TweetDeck iPhone app and other TweetDeck desktop installations. Your TweetDeck account is also used to allow you to log in to the TweetDeck Support site, to enable you to comment in our forums and raise support tickets. Please note that Twitter Lists are not synchronised to your TweetDeck Account, as these are stored in the Twitter database and not on our servers. All you need to sync your TweetDeck groups and searches is a TweetDeck Account. Sign in or Register for an account by clicking Settings icon Sync tab. and going to the

To sign in to your TweetDeck account Enter your TweetDeck account email and password, then click Verify Account If everything worked OK, you will see a message saying "Account verified successfully!". Click Save Settings and TweetDeck will automatically start to synchronise your Groups and Searches. To create a new TweetDeck account Click on the Don't have a TweetDeck Account link to show the account registration form

Enter an email address and password, then click Create Account. If everything worked OK you will see a message saying "Account created successfully!". TweetDeck will now automatically start to synchronise your Groups and Searches. Click Save Settings and TweetDeck will automatically start to synchronise your Groups and Searches.

How can I see whats trending or popular on Twitter in TweetDeck?

You can keep up with trending or popular topics on Twitter with a Trending Topics column in TweetDeck. To add a Trending Topics column:

Click Add Column Click Core Click the Trending Topics button in the right-hand panel

What is "local trends"?

The "Show what is popular in this column" function, otherwise known as "Local trends", is a tag cloud which shows you what the most popular hashtag, username or URLs are in any column.

It is accessed by clicking the

at the bottom of virtually every column.

The URLs, hashtags and usernames displayed in local trends are bigger if they have been mentioned more often and smaller if they are less popular. By clicking on an item in the tag cloud the column will automatically filter all tweets contained in the column to show you only those tweets which include the hashtag, username or URL you clicked on. Click on the icon again to close the panel.

How do I interact with the TweetDeck notification popups?

The new TweetDeck notification popups are fully interactive, allowing you to respond to important updates without having to disrupt what you are doing by opening the full TweetDeck window. Summary Notifications Summary notifications are those that give just the total number of new updates in each column.

If there are updates in multiple columns, the summary notifications will be stacked as in the above image. Left-click a summary notification for a column to open the main TweetDeck window, positioned at that column.

Right-click a summary notification to close the notification window instantly.

Detail Notifications Detail notifications actually give the full text of any updates that have arrived in the column.

If there are multiple updates, scroll through each one using the scroll buttons on the left and right of the window. To close the notification window, hover over the TweetDeck icon in the top left corner, then click the X that appears there. You can access the full range of usual functions by hovering over the profile picture on the update. From there you can access all the same functions as are available when viewing an update within the main TweetDeck window. If you click Reply, Retweet or Direct Message, you will be able to respond within a mini update window that pops out from the original notification.

You can change the account that you wish to use to respond from by clicking the "respond using" drop-down. Your response can be composed as normal, with any links entered being autoshortened using your default URL shortening service. If you wish to respond within the main TweetDeck window instead, simply click "or respond within TweetDeck"

How do I use the column navigator at the bottom of the screen?

The column navigator serves several purposes.

Accessing your columns Each bar in the navigator represents a column in your main TweetDeck window. Click the bar in your navigator to go directly to that column without having to scroll. Very useful if you have more columns than will fit on your screen. Viewing column information Hover over one of the columns in the navigation bar and you will see some information about the column.


Here you will see:

The column name The icon of service it is related to (Twitter, Facebook etc) The account attached to this column (where appropriate) How long until the next update to this column (where appropriate) Current API usage for this account (where appropriate)

Why does TweetDeck take up so much memory?

TweetDeck itself has been optimised to make the most of your resources. Unfortunately Adobe AIR itself can be very resource-intensive and it is this that uses most of the memory when you run TweetDeck. For a "lighter" option, try Chrome TweetDeck.

Why do I need to set my system timezone correctly?

The new method of authenticating your Twitter account, "xAuth" can be affected if your computer has an incorrect date and time set. In order to avoid problems when logging in, please make sure your system date and time are correct for your current timezone. Here are some links that may help you if you are unsure how to set your system data and time. Windows: /enus/windows_date_change_time.mspx?mfr=true en-US/windows-vista/Set-the-clock Mac OSX: Linux (Ubuntu): 11

How can I unsubscribe from TweetDeck mailings?

To unsubscribe from TweetDeck mailings simply send us an email to Well miss you.

What are the advantages of registering with TweetDeck?

Registering for a TweetDeck account will help you to fully experience everything that TweetDeck has to offer, such as:

Save your Twitter searches so they are available to you on any TweetDeck Save Facebook groups created via TweetDeck so they too are available on any TweetDeck Access enhanced functionality such as Scheduling updates, which are only available to TweetDeck account holders Gain full access to log support tickets and post to forums in the TweetDeck support site Multiple social media accounts can be associated with a single TweetDeck account, allowing for an easier multi-account experience when working in TweetDeck Make full use of current and upcoming functionality around TweetDeck profiles and the Directory (eg Plus lots more new functionality that will be coming very soon across all platforms

Registering for an account is very quick and easy and doing so will ensure that you always get the most from the TweetDeck products. To register, simply go to and enter your details in box 3. Follow the instructions to link a Twitter account to your TweetDeck account and you're all done!

Sending and reading updates/tweets

How to Schedule an Update?
From version 0.34 onwards, TweetDeck now allows you to schedule updates. As long as you have a TweetDeck account, you can schedule anything ranging from:

Tweets Direct Messages Facebook Wall posts LinkedIn updates 12

Myspace updates Foursquare check-ins

The list goes on... And of course, you do not need to leave your Desktop TweetDeck open for your update to be sent. Scheduled updates are stored on our servers and sent direct from there, so feel free to close your TweetDeck app when you are done. To Schedule an update, simply select the account you want to schedule the update to (Figure1) and then type your update/message. Figure 1

Then, select the schedule button (far right of the compose update window) Figure 2

You will the be presented with a overlay window in the compose update area where you can select the time and date for the scheduled update. Set the time and date and then click 'Set Time'. After this you will be returned to the compose update window where you can view your Tweet and scheduled send time (Figure 4). Figure 3

Figure 4


Once you have sent the update, It will be added into your Scheduled updates column [Figure 5]. This can be added manually through the core services under the add column button at the top. As seen in the picture below, you can also edit the time/date and the update itself by clicking on the 'spanner' icon. You can also delete the update by clicking the 'rubbish bin' button. Figure 5

How do I send updates longer that 140 characters?


It is now possible to send updates to Twitter that are longer than 140 characters, thanks to our new service. Once your message passed the 140 character mark, the character counter will turn yellow and you will see an alert that has been activated. When you hit Send, your message will be posted to a special web page and given an individual URL. This URL, along with the first 120 characters or so of your message, will be posted to Twitter. Anyone reading your tweets from Desktop, Chrome or Android TweetDeck will be able to see your full message directly in the app. Those using any other apps will just see the truncated message an the link. Clicking that link will take them to the update-specific web page, where they can read the full message. If you have a protected Twitter account and would like to post using, BEWARE. posts are all publicly visible on the TweetDeck web site (though obviously they remain private on just as normal).

How do I retweet in TweetDeck?

You can initiate the retweet process my hovering over the display picture of the tweet that you wish to retweet and then by clicking the arrow pointing to the right as seen in image below:

The first time you retweet a tweet in TweetDeck you will be given the option of retweeting as-is, or editing the tweet first, then retweeting. You can set whichever option you choose at this point to be the default for all future retweets by checking the Set as default checkbox. If you want to change your retweet method in the future, just visit Settings > General and change the Retweet method setting. Retweet now This method of retweeting uses the new Twitter ReTweet functionality. Retweets using this functionality are identified with the retweet icon and the overlaying of the retweeter's profile picture on top of that of the original tweeter.


There are some important things to understand about retweets sent using this method.

You cannot edit the text of the tweet. You will be retweeting the exact same text, without being able to add any comment The tweet that you are retweeting will appear in your friends' timelines as coming from the original tweeter, NOT from you. This means that your friends will see the profile picture of someone they do not necessarily follow in their timeline. Any replies to your retweet will, by default go to the original tweeter, not you. If the original tweet has been retweeted by someone else before, your retweet of it will not appear as a new entry in your friends' timelines It is not possible to retweet a tweet from a user who has protected their updates

Edit then retweet This method of retweeting works in the way that retweeting has always worked in TweetDeck. TweetDeck will add "RT" followed by the username of the person you are retweeting, eg "RT @richardbarley" followed by the message. In this way you can edit the tweet for length and include whatever annotations or comments you wish, just like a normal tweet. There are no restrictions or limits on this kind of retweet.

How can I include hashtags in my tweets from TweetDeck?

You can include hashtags in tweets sent from TweetDeck by typing them in. To see the hashtags you have used most recently click on the hash button in the tweet window. You will be presented with a drop down list of the most recent hashtags you used and can you choose which hashtag to use by clicking on one from the list. TweetDeck will also automatically include hashtags contained in a tweet if you reply or re-tweet that tweet.

How does TweetDeck decide which account to use when I reply to a tweet?


When you have more than one Twitter account enabled in TweetDeck, it is important that TweetDeck uses the correct logic when you want to reply to a tweet. The logic used is as follows:

TweetDeck will always ENABLE the account associated with the column containing the tweet you are replying to. It will also DISABLE any other account that you had selected before you clicked Reply, including your Facebook and MySpace accounts After you have sent a tweet, TweetDeck WILL NOT change the state of any account button automatically. therefore, if you have replied from a secondary account and wish to switch back to your default account, you must manually deselect the secondary account and reselect the primary account before sending your update. If you close and re-open the Update Window, TweetDeck will reset all buttons to having ONLY the default account selected.

If you have any ideas for how this logic may be improved, or how we can make multi-account posting work better for you, please tweet at us @DesktopDeck. We are always looking for ways to improve the user experience of TweetDeck, so your feedback will be greatly appreciated.

How do I see which account my update will be sent from?

In the Update Window, where you compose your tweets, you'll notice a "From" line, where you can specify which accounts this update will be sent from.

You can choose to send the update from just one account or from multiple accounts, making it easy to cross-post updates. The account(s) your update will be sent from are highlighted, simply click on an account name to add or remove it.

How can I Tweet directly from TweetDeck?

To write a tweet from TweetDeck click the tweet icon in the top left corner. A tweet window will appear. Type your tweet into the tweet window and press enter or click the tweet icon on the right side of the tweet window to send.

How can I share or upload photos from TweetDeck?


You can share up to 5 images at a time from TweetDeck. Each image will be uploaded to your selected picture-sharing service. Images are attached to your update and either uploaded when you send your update, or uploaded first so that you can rearrange the links and type text around them. To attach an image to your update, either:

Drag and drop an image file into the update window OR

Click the

button and select the file or files you want to upload

Once you have attached your images to the update, you can decide if you want to upload to your chosen picture-sharing service straight away, or as you send the update.

To upload straight away, click the . This will upload all the attachments to your chosen sharing service and place the URLs to each image in the update window. You can then rearrange the URLS and type text around them as desired. To upload as you send the update, type an update in the update window, noticing that your "remaining characters" count will be less than 140 to account for the URLs that will be placed in the update. Once you have typed your update, click send, or press Enter. The images will be uploaded and the update will be sent. The URLs to the images will be placed together at the end of the update. To remove attachments from your update, just click the in the corner of the image. That image will be removed from the update and will not be uploaded. When your image is uploaded to the service of your choice, the image caption will also be uploaded (this does not apply to Direct Messages).

How do I see @replies from my friends to people I don't follow?


If you want to be able to once again see ALL @replies, even those from your friends to people that you don't follow, this is now possible, so long as you are using Twitter realtime streams. Go to Settings > Twitter and enable "Include @replies from your friends to others"

How can I see "new-style" retweets of my tweets?

TweetDeck will show "new-style" retweets of your tweets in your mentions column. Due to the nature of the Twitter API, there are some limits to this feature. All references to retweets in this explanation are referring to "new-style" or "web" retweets:

TweetDeck will only show retweets of your 10 most recent retweeted tweets Any retweeted tweet older than 7 days will not be tracked Only the 20 most recent retweets of these tweets will be retrieved

As retrieving this data can potentially use up a lot of your API allowance, retweets will by default not refresh very quickly. It is possible to change the refresh rate under Settings > Twitter Updates, but be aware of the dangers of adjusting your API settings.

How can I access the ability to RE (in reference to) tweet?

Hover over the avatar of the tweet, then click on the other actions button. Next choose the tweet menu and then select Reference To.

How do I show TwitterKeys/Unicode characters in TweetDeck?

It is possible to use TwitterKeys characters and Unicode characters in TweetDeck with some restrictions. By default TwitterKeys, special characters, such as and , do not display in tweets from TweetDeck. In order to use these symbols, you must enable the International Font under settings. Click the settings icon Settings_button.png in the top right of TweetDeck, next select the Colors/Fonts tab and check the box beside International Font / TwitterKeys and save your settings.


This will now enable characters for languages such as Russian, Chinese and hebrew to display correctly in TweetDeck. It will also enable the special "TwitterKeys" characters. Note that not all the characters will show up, the following is a list of the characters that currently work. $ %? *&

Configuring TweetDeck
How can I add another account to TweetDeck?
You can add multiple Twitter accounts, as well as a single Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn account to TweetDeck. To add any of these accounts, just go to Settings > Accounts and click Add New Account

You will then have the option of adding a Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare and a Buzz account 20

Click the appropriate button and follow the instructions to log in to your account. You can also access this screen from the Update Window and the Add Column screen by clicking the [+] icon . Once you have added your new account, you need to add columns to be able to see the updates for that account.

How can I move columns in TweetDeck?

You can move the column using the arrows at the bottom of the columns:

Note that each time you click the arrow the column will move and you should scroll across to move the column further.

How can I add or remove a column in TweetDeck?

To add a column to TweetDeck click the Add Column button

From the Add Column screen that appears, you must first select the service (Twitter, Facebook, Myspace or LinkedIn)

If the case of Twitter columns, you must also select the specific Twitter account to use from the dropdown on the right-hand side


Having selected the service and account, you can now select the type of column you wish to add.

Depending on the service selected, there are various different column types available to add. Select a type of column on the left hand side, then either click the button or follow the instructions to add the column you require from this list of available options: Twitter

Search Groups/Lists Core o All Friends o Mentions o Direct Messages o New Followers o Favourites o TweetDeck Recommends o Twitscoop o Trending Topics o StockTwits o Location o Scheduled Updates


Full News Feed Status Updates Wall posts Photos Videos Other




o o o

Friends Activity Stream My Comments Friends Status and Mood


Can include: Status, Q&A, Application, Connections, Profiles & Recommendations


Friends Activity Stream


Location column

To remove a column, simply hover over the top-right corner of the column header and click the X that appears there.

TweetDeck takes up too much space. Can I resize the columns?

You cannot size the columns freely, but there is the option to choose Narrow columns under settings.

Can I minimize TweetDeck to the tray/dock?

Yes you can. Tweetdeck will leave an icon in the system tray (Windows) or the dock (mac) at all times.

You can control what happens when you minimise or close the TweetDeck window by using the options under Settings > General

Minimising the widow can either "Hide to tray" or 'Minimise to taskbar" Closing the window can either "Hide to tray" or "Close the application"


If you choose to hide TweetDeck to the tray, or minimise to the taskbar, it will continue to run and will keep receiving updates and notifying you. If you have opted for closing the window to hide TweetDeck to the tray, in order to close down TweetDeck completely, you must right-click on the icon in the tray/dock and select Exit.

How do I configure the notification window in TweetDeck?

You can configure the notifications that you receive from TweetDeck under Settings > Notifications.

Under Notification windows you can define the kind of information that TweetDeck will display when new updates arrive in a column

Detail will show the actual update in its entirety within a popup window Summary will display the total number of new updates for each column

Toggle each type of window on and off by clicking the image for each type. Under Notification window position you can define where on the screen the notification popup will be displayed. Just click on of the four squares which relate to the top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right corners of the screen. Under Notification sound you can use the slider to adjust the volume of the notification sound that is played when an update is received. To turn off the notification sound, set the slider to 0%. Advanced Options If you wish, it is possible to set different notification options for each column in your TweetDeck. To enable this feature, click the Advanced Options for columns link. 24

This will reveal a list of all your columns, with check boxes for Detail, Summary & Alert Sound - You can also assign different settings to different accounts added within TweetDeck

For each of your columns, check the boxes indicating which kind of notification you wish receive. To select/deselect all checkboxes in a column, click the column header.

Search, Filtering and Spam

How can I manage Twitter spam in TweetDeck?
You can report Twitter spam with TweetDecks Block & Report Spam button.

Hover over the avatar of the tweet, then click on the Other actions button. Next choose the User menu and then select Block & Report Spam. This will delete the message from view, block the user and report them to Twitter.

You can also use TweetDeck to filter out spam using the filter functions available in each column, and the global filter. See "Using Search and Filtering."

How do I filter my Tweets?

Per Column Filter: If you wish to filter just one column, simply click the filter button at the bottom of any column. You can then filter by:



Name Source Time

Global Filter (All Columns):

The global filter will hide updates from your columns that match the criteria you have entered. The global filter is permanent (until physically removed). The filter is applied to all columns within TweetDeck.

Are the filtered updates gone forever?

Certainly not! As soon as you remove items from the filter, the updates that you were hiding will re-appear in your timelines.

What type of filters can I have?

From People - This allows you to filter out updates from certain people Certain Words - This allows you to filter out updates that contain a word, e.g. cheese From Sources - This allows you to filter out updates from sources such as: Facebook, API

How? Navigate to Settings -> Global Filter You are then presented with a screen that can be seen below this text. You can then continue to add specific words, people or sources into the fields, separated by a comma, and save your preferences by clicking 'Save Settings' If you wish to clear the filter preferences, you can either delete the text or click the 'Clear Button'


How does search work in TweetDeck?

TweetDeck allows you to set up search columns so you can stay up to date with topics or brands youre interested in. Search columns auto-update every minute using data from the Twitter Search API. To create a search column:

Click the Add Column button

or press the / key


Ensure you have clicked the Twitter icon and selected your Twitter account from the dropdown You will then be prompted to enter a keyword you want to search for.

Your search column will start by displaying the most recent 100 tweets (a Twitter API limit) containing your keyword. It will refresh every minute, adding any new tweets found and displaying a notification. Stopping a search To stop a search you need to delete the column in TweetDeck. Columns can be deleted by clicking the X in the top-right corner of the search column. If you also want to remove the search from your TweetDeck account and delete it from the server, check "Permanently delete search from server" before clicking Submit. Advanced Searching If you wish to search on more than one keyword you can use the following parameters:

AND will search for both search terms (or more if used). OR will for either one or the other search term (or terms). Use quotes to search for a specific search phrase.

Note: When using AND or OR they must be used in CAPS. A full list of advanced search operators is available at . All the search operators shown there should work in TweetDeck, apart from the near and within operators, which will not work in a TweetDeck search.

How do I edit the search terms for my search columns?

When you create a search column in TweetDeck you provide the search terms and TweetDeck keeps the column updated with all the tweets that match those terms. You can edit the terms for a particular column by clicking the Edit button that appears when you hover over the column header:


This will reveal a text field where you can edit the current search terms.

Click the Save button to save your changes and your column will refresh using the new search terms. NB: If the search column you edited was based on a Twitter Saved Search, TweetDeck will also update that Saved Search on the website.

How do I use search terms with the Twitter Realtime API?

With Twitter realtime streaming enabled in TweetDeck, only certain search parameters are supported. You can use keywords separated with OR eg apple OR microsoft You can use phrases in quotes eg apple OR "iphone 4" You can use the - operator to exclude keywords eg apple -iphone If your search makes use of any other search operators or parameters, it will be powered by the old Twitter Search API and NOT the real-time User Streams API.

Throttling of search results & mentions when using Twitter realtime streams


The Twitter User Streams API has, by necessity, certain limits, particularly with respect to searches. If you add a search column to TweetDeck while you have Twitter realtime streams enabled, and the search expression is so broad that it returns more than "a few updates per second", then you may find that you experience extremely brief moments (eg 1 second or less) when no search updates are received. These moments of throttling will continue to occur until you narrow your search criteria. A message will be displayed at the top of the TweetDeck screen to inform you when you are experiencing this throttling and you should ensure that you narrow your searches as soon as possible in order to reduce the risk of missing any tweets. Once throttling has been removed, the message will disappear within 1 minute. Narrowed your searches but still getting throttled? 1. To force a particular search to stop using the stream, append " since:2010-0101" to the query. eg a search for "twitpic" would become "twitpic since:2010-01-01". (The 'since:' operator is not supported by the User Streams API so TweetDeck will automatically fall back to refreshing the column once a minute) 2. Use the '-' operator sparingly. This type of search needs to stream more tweets than are displayed in the column. Done everything you can and still getting throttled? 3. To force a particular search to stop using the stream, append " since:2010-0101" to the query. E.g a search for "twitpic" would become "twitpic since:2010-0101". (The 'since:' operator is not supported by the streaming API so TweetDeck will automatically fall back to refreshing the column once a minute) Tips for avoiding throttling: 1. Avoid having too many search columns at the same time, especially those for fast moving subjects such as trending topics. 2. Use the '-' operator sparingly. This type of search needs to stream more tweets than are displayed in the column. N.b. The User Streams API treats Mentions as a search for @username, these moments of throttling may also briefly affect your mentions column. Don't worry 30

though! In this case, TweetDeck will make sure to fill in any mentions missed by the live stream.

Advanced Tips
Managing Twitter Lists
How do I follow a Twitter List?
In TweetDeck you can start following a Twitter List in several different ways From a mention in a tweet

If you see a tweet containing the name of a List (eg @tweetdeck/team) or the URL of a List (eg, just click the name or URL as you would for any other link. The List profile panel will be displayed To just follow the list, without adding a column, click Follow List To follow the List and add a column in TweetDeck for it, click Follow and Add Column

From elsewhere

Locate the name of the list you wish to start following, either in the format or @tweetdeck/team Click the Add Column button Click Groups/Lists Enter the name of the list in the Enter Twitter List URL box and click Add

How do I quickly add people to a List?

To add a person to one of your lists directly from a tweet in your timeline:

Either click the [+] or Other Actions > User > Add to Group/List Tick against any of the TweetDeck Groups or Twitter Lists that you wish to add the person to, then click Finish If you want to put the person into a new list, click Create a new list for username, then follow the instructions for creating a new list here. The person you selected will be pre-added to the list and you can add more using the standard screens described in that FAQ

How do I create a new Twitter List in TweetDeck?

To create a new Twitter List via TweetDeck:


Click the Add Column button Click the Twitter icon, then select the Twitter account under which you wish to create the List Click Groups/Lists Click New List Enter a Title for your List and an optional Description Select whether this list will be Private (only visible to the Twitter account selected above) or Public (visible to everyone) Click Add list members

Your list is now saved.

Add members to your List by dragging and dropping from "Find people to add" to "List Members", or click an entry and click the arrows to move them in and out of the "List members" box:

To add members from your list of Twitter friends, click the Friends tab


To add members from an existing list that you own or follow, click the Lists tab and select the list from the drop-down menu To add members from an existing TweetDeck group, click the Groups tab and select the group from the drop-down menu To add members by using Twitter People Search, click the Search tab, enter a username, first name or last name then click search

Once you have added your list members, click Save List. Your list members will then be added to the list. Note: The API parses list members one at a time, so if you have a large number of users to add, this may take some time. If you want to publicise the new list at this point, you can click Send Tweet to send a tweet out saying "I have just created a new list titled 'name of list' using TweetDeck". If the list is public, a link to view the list is also included. Sending this tweet will not interrupt the creation of your List.

How do I unfollow a Twitter list?

If you have added a column for the List:

Click the column header Click Unfollow and Close Column

If you do not have a column for the List:

Click Add Column Click Groups/Lists Click the trashcan next to the list you wish to stop following, then click the tick to confirm

How do I manage my Twitter API usage?


The options for managing your Twitter API are under Settings > Twitter Updates. TweetDeck offers you 2 options for managing your API usage. Option 1 - Automatic This option is the default for all new users and should not be changed unless you are an advanced TweetDeck user. By selecting the option to Allow TweetDeck To manage my Twitter API limit, you will allow TweetDeck to monitor your API usage and adjust the rate at which you are using it accordingly. This should mean that you are far less likely to run out of API calls as TweetDeck will adjust refresh rates dynamically. This will lead to a balanced use of your API and should make for a better experience using TweetDeck. Essentially, every time TweetDeck makes a call to the API it checks what your remaining limit is. Using this information, combined with the time remaining before the next reset, TweetDeck adjusts your refresh rates automatically to ensure you will not run out. Depending on your API usage so far in this current hour, TweetDeck will intelligently speed up or slow down your update rates to compensate, thus ensuring you never see the dreaded "Rate Limit Exceeded" message. Using this option is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Option 2 - Manual adjustment - ONLY RECOMENDED FOR ADVANCED USERS Deselecting the option to Allow TweetDeck To manage my Twitter API limit, allows you to adjust the amount of API calls that TweetDeck should make for each type of feed. The rate at which the different tweets arrive is governed by the 5 sliders.


These sliders represent the 5 types of feed that TweetDeck receives: All Friends (which also populate Groups), Mentions (Replies), Direct Messages, Lists and New Followers. Moving the slider changes the % of the API limit you wish to use in collecting each type of feed. As you adjust the %, you will notice the refresh time changing over on the right-hand side of the slider. This indicates how long it will be between each batch of new tweets in this category. If your tweets are not arriving quick enough try adjusting these settings. Best practise suggests keeping your total around 80%. If you set your API levels so the total is above 100% you will find you run out of calls before the hour is up, thus leading to the "Rate Limit Exceeded" message. You can keep track of your API usage by hovering over the column navigator at the bottom of the screen.

Dealing with new updates stealing focus

There is a fault in Adobe AIR that can cause the focus to be lost from the compose window when new updates arrive. In order to stop this behaviour, simply exit TweetDeck, then uninstall Adobe AIR and reinstall, then restart TweetDeck.

Managing real-time Twitter feeds


TweetDeck v.36 introduced real-time Twitter feeds to TweetDeck for everyone. Here are some tips on managing these feeds. Pause a column You can pause the updates in a column by scrolling down in the column so the top update is not visible. This will cause updates to queue up while you read your updates in the column. To allow the updates to continue again, just scroll back up to the top. Batch your notifications Under Settings > Notifications there is a setting which allows you to specify "Show notifications at most every x seconds". Increasing this number from 1 will batch the notifications you receive so you do not have constant popups and sounds. Disable realtime streams altogether If you really don't want to have your streams in real-time at all, simple uncheck "Enable realtime Twitter streams" under Settings > Twitter and click Save. This will revert you back to the old polling method. To reinstate real-time streams, just check the box and hit Save.

How do I navigate in TweetDeck using the keyboard?

You can easily navigate TweetDeck using just your keyboard. The following hot-keys are activated while the "compose an update" window is not open. Key or k or j or h or l c Action Navigate up the current column Navigate down the current column Navigate to the left Navigate to the right Open the update window

SPACE Activate the Heads-Up-Display (HUD) (see below)


Esc F1 . /

Close the current menu/popup Open the TweetDeck Support site Open the "profile picture" menu Create a new Twitter search column

With the update window open, the following hot-keys are available Key Esc F1 The Heads-Up Display (HUD) Pressing SPACE on any update in TweetDeck will activate the HUD - a simple menu that gives you access to the most common actions based for the type of update you currently have selected. Action Close the update window

You can access the functions displayed in the HUD in 3 ways:

Press the hotkey underneath the icon representing the function (e.g. in the above image, S would be Re-tweet) Navigate across the HUD using the arrow keys, then press ENTER to select the function Click the HUD icon using the mouse

The following functions are available from the HUD per column type


Column Type(s) Action All Friends, Groups, Mentions Reply Search, Favourites Re-Tweet DM Favourite Follow Block Follow Comment Like

Hot-Key A S D F A S A A

New Followers

TweetDeck Recommends Facebook

Write on Wall D

How do I view location information for geocoded tweets?

Tweets that have been geo-coded using the Twitter geo-coding API will show a yellow pin.

Click the pin to display a map showing where the tweet was sent from.


Click the pin again to hide the map. You can view a larger map by clicking the map itself, which will open in your web browser.

How can I link TweetDeck to my own account?
The URL shortening service provides a host of useful services and analytics for URLs it shortens. You can now ensure that any bit.ly_shortened URLs you create through TweetDeck appear as part of your personal account by adding your API key. To do this:

Go to Settings > Services Ensure you have selected as the URL shortening service Enter your username Enter your API key - you can find yours here Click Save

Now when you shorten any links in TweetDeck they will be visible in your account here

How can I change the URL shortening service used by TweetDeck?


To change the URL shortening service used open the settings panel, click Services and choose from the drop-down list available. By default is used to shorten URLs.

Add a Custom URL Shortener

As of v0.34, TweetDeck allows you to add a custom URL shortening service. You are able to enter a URL shortening endpoint by navigating to: Settings > Services. Then, click on the URL Shortening drop down box and select: 'Other'.

You will then be presented with new options which will allow you to enter the shortening endpoint as seen below. Enter the endpoint of your choice (some examples provided below) and then click 'Save Settings'. From now on, any URL you enter that needs shortening, will be shortened using your custom service.

Sample List of URL Shortener Endpoints Service API Endpoint[ME]&apiKey=[Your API Key]&longUrl=%@&format=txt

40 YOURLS[Your API Key][Your API Key]&target=%@ Please see (This is an unsupported wrapper around the Google API and does not use authentication, but it works!)

Can I use other Twitter-compatible APIs in TweetDeck?

Yes you can! Go to Settings > Add Account > Add a Twitter account Click Advanced Options Enter the custom API endpoint (see examples in the table below) in the Twitter Base URL field Enter your username and password for the service. Click Verify Your account for that service will now appear alongside your normal accounts throughout the application. NB: Using Twitter-compatible APIs in TweetDeck is not supported by us and you use this feature at your own risk. Examples Tumblr


API endpoint (Twitter base URL): Username: Your Tumblr subdomain (NOT your email address) Password: Your Tumblr password More info: Wordpress API endpoint (Twitter base URL): Username: Your username Password: Your password More info: API endpoint (Twitter base URL): Username: Your username Password: Your password More info:

Expert topics
How do I install TweetDeck in Linux?
32bit Ubuntu Based Distros:
Download AIR & TweetDeck - & Place both files on your desktop (for ease of use) Open-up Terminal and type:

cd Desktop chmod +x AdobeAIRInstaller.bin sudo ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin When entering the last command, it will ask you to enter your password. Once you have done that, an Adobe AIR installer wil appear - run through the guided install.
Once Adobe AIR is installed, right click the TweetDeck air file. Select open with and find the Adobe air application installer. If you cannot find it, log out of your session and then login again. The .air file should now be associated with the Adobe Installer.

Follow the guided install and you should now have TD installed on your 32bit unbuntu-based distro. 42

64bit Ubuntu Based Distros First, download TweetDeck ( and then download Adobe AIR: and place both files on your desktop. (Download the .bin file) Install getlibs-all.deb Link here
Open up terminal and type

sudo apt-get install lib32asound2 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 libc6 libc6-i386 lib32nss-mdns sudo apt-get install lib32asound2 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 libc6 libc6-i386 lib32nss-mdns sudo getlibs -l \ cd Desktop chmod +x [name of air installer].bin ./[name of air installer].bin

The AIR installer will now start (note the file name may have slight variances) After the install process, run the following command: sudo ldconfig

Log-out of your session and then log back in again. Double click the TweetDeck AIR file on your desktop (should be recognised as an AIR application). If not, open with Adobe AIR application installer.

Where do I find the log file & How do I enable debug logging in TweetDeck?


From time to time you may be asked to provide a log file when troubleshooting a problem with us here at TweetDeck. Your log file is named "tweetdeck-app.log" and can be found in the following folder:

Mac OS X: Places/(your username)/Library/Preferences/TweetDeckFast.FFF[random letter and numbers]/Local Store Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Application Data\TweetDeckFast.FFF[random letter and numbers]\Local Store Windows Vista: C:\users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\TweetDeckFast.FFF[random letter and numbers]\Local Store Linux: /home/(your username)/.appdata/TweetDeckFast.FFF[random letter and numbers]/Local Store

Please note that some of the folders may be hidden. Email it to the address you will have been given and we will be able to have a clearer picture of what is going on. Debug Logging If you are asked by TweetDeck Support to enable debug logging, here's what you need to do: 1. Find the file debug.xml in the following location: Mac OS X: Places > Home Directory (ie your username) > Library/Preferences/TweetDeckFast.FFF[random letter and numbers]/Local Store Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Application Data\TweetDeckFast.FFF[random letter and numbers]\Local Store Windows Vista & Windows 7: C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\TweetDeckFast.FFF[random letter and numbers]\Local Store Linux: ~/.appdata/TweetDeckFast.FFF[random letter and numbers]\Local Store Please note that some of the folders may be hidden. 2. Edit the file using a basic text editor (eg Notepad, NOT Microsoft Word or suchlike) 44

3. The file should look like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <debug> <enabled>false</enabled> </debug> 4. Change the word "false" to "true" so that it looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <debug> <enabled>true</enabled> </debug> 5. Save the file, overwriting the original. 6. Restart your TweetDeck. Now when you send your debug information to TweetDeck Support, we will have much more detail than normal. Please note, once you have been informed by TweetDeck Support that we no longer need any more logging, you should perform this operation again, but change the "true" back to "false". Detailed debug logging will slow down the operation of your TweetDeck so should not be left in place when not required.

I cannot download TweetDeck from the website. What should I do?
If you are unable to download TweetDeck from due to Adobe Air errors, or the "Download Now" button not being visible, you should try the following:

Ensure you have downloaded the latest version of Adobe AIR from Download the latest Tweetdeck AIR file from . IMPORTANT: Do NOT click "Open with...", click Save File and save the .air file to your hard drive Locate the TweetDeck_x_xx.x.air file (filename depends on the version) on your hard drive and run it. If you have Adobe AIR installed correctly, this should launch the installation routine 45

Follow he prompts as normal to install TweetDeck

If you have any errors or other problems (eg "Error #0", "Damaged AIR file") installing TweetDeck, please check out this FAQ. Also see this article from Adobe regarding troubleshooting Adobe AIR installation issues. If you are still unable to install, why not try Chrome TweetDeck? It doesn't require Adobe AIR, as it runs in the Google Chrome web browser, and is a very exciting new way to acces your favourite TweetDeck features. Read all about it at

What does Rate Limit Exceeded mean?

If you use up all your allowed API calls within an hour, you will see the message "Rate limit exceeded" in the bottom right-hand corner of TweetDeck and will be unable to make any more calls until your API allowance is reset for the next hour. When this happens, you can still continue to send tweets, but TweetDeck will not be able to update with new tweets received in All Friends, Replies or Direct Messages. Search columns will still continue to update though. You can switch to the Twitter website,, to continue checking replies until your API calls reset. If you are continually hitting the API rate limit we suggest the following:

Only ever run one Twitter application at a time as they use the same 350 API calls. Ensure that other applications are closed. Resist the urge to continually press the refresh button as each time you refresh it uses 3 API calls (All Friends, Replies & DMs). Try lowering the total % in the settings window, twitter API tab to around 60-70% - you'll get less frequent updates but you'll use less API. If you do get the rate limit exceeded message then make a note of your reset time shown in the top right corner of TweetDeck, TweetDeck will not get any updates until this time (so it might be a good opportunity to get a coffee). You can continue to tweet however you won't see any responses. Also if you do get the rate limit exceeded message, close down your twitter applications and then reopen then at the reset time.

Why can't I log in to TweetDeck?

If you are having difficulty logging in to TweetDeck, here are a few tips: Ensure your computer date and time is correct


As TweetDeck now uses OAuth to log in to your accounts, your computer date and time is very important. If your date and/or time is wrong, or is incorrect for the timezone that you have selected, this can stop login from working. Please ensure that your timezone, date and time are all totally correct before trying to login. Ensure internet Explorer is not set to "Work Offline" mode If you are using Windows, even if Internet Explorer is not your default browser, please open IE. If it displays a message stating that IE is "Working Offline", please ensure that you switch it back to work online again. With IE set to "Work offline" mode, Adobe AIR cannot contact the internet properly and thus you will have big problems logging into and using TweetDeck. Ensure you have selected the correct account If you're not the only person using TweetDeck on your computer, you will need to select your own account. If you have a TweetDeck Account you will see this in the list and this is the account you should use. if not, TweetDeck will let you log in with your default account (this will be listed as either a Twitter account, "Facebook" or "MySpace") Ensure you are logging in with the correct password There is an icon to the right of the password input box that indicates the password that you must enter. For example, if the TweetDeck logo is displayed, you must enter your TweetDeck account password to log in. If the Twitter logo is displayed, you must enter your Twitter password to log in. Don't forget to check if you have CAPS LOCK turned on when entering passwords. Ensure your account is not locked There are occasions when services like Twitter might lock your account, for example if your account has been compromised. If you are unable to log in using an account other than a TweetDeck account, first try logging in to the service directly on their home pages ( , or ) first, to ensure that your account is working ok.


If necessary, try changing your password on the service home page, before then trying again to log into TweetDeck using that account. Check your firewall It is possible that your firewall may be blocking access to the servers you need in order to log in. Please ensure that TweetDeck is granted HTTP and HTTPS access (using ports 80 and 433) to the following domains: (only if you plan to use TweetDeck to access Twitter) (only if you plan to use TweetDeck to access Facebook) (only if you plan to use TweetDeck to access MySpace) (only if you plan to use TweetDeck to access LinkedIn)

If you are not sure how to grant TweetDeck this access in your firewall, please ask your system administrator, or consult the instructions from your firewall provider.

Re-validate your Twitter account Go to settings -> Accounts Select your Twitter account and re-type your password and then revalidate it. Log off and then start up TD again.

Delete your ELS If all else fails, make sure you have the latest version of TweetDeck from then try deleting your ELS like this and restarting TweetDeck.

TweetDeck is not updating. What could be wrong?

If you are experiencing trouble with TweetDeck, check the following:

1. Can you access normal websites? If not, its likely a problem with your internet connection 2. Go to the Twitter Status blog: and check if there are any currently issues listed.


3. Try logging out of your TweetDeck using the triangle Log out button in the top-right. Then restart your TweetDeck. This can often help if the connection to the Twitter API has been lost somehow 4. Check your firewall is not blocking access to, or Access to these servers is needed for continued operation of your TweetDeck. 5. On Windows PCs, open Internet Explorer (even if it is not your default browser) and ensure it is not set to "Work Offline" mode, as this can stop TweetDeck from communicating

Why don't links not open in the correct browser?

You may find that hyperlinks in TweetDeck do not open in the browser you expect. This is down to the way Adobe AIR handles HTML link tags. For Windows Vista & Windows 7, see the support article from Adobe here, but essentially the solutions is as follows: 1. Select Start > Default Programs > Set Program Access And Computer Defaults. 2. Click Continue in the Security Alert dialog box, if it appears. 3. Select Custom, and then select your preferred browser under Choose A Default Web Browser; click OK. For Windows XP, the solution is pretty much the same, but here's a link that explains it all very nicely with screenshots. For Windows 2000 Professional, set your default web browser using the instructions here. Mac OS

Launch Safari Open preferences, and reset your current web browser as default (whether its Safari or others)


AIR uses an old environment variable to determine of Gnome is the active windows manager. AIR never asks what the default browser is. The solution to this is to set the deprecated variable manually, before you launch TweetDeck or any other AIR Application.


Fortunately, theres the ever-helpful Linux community to save the day. With lots of help from @SundeepM, there is a script to do this: export GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=Default /opt/TweetDeck/bin/TweetDeck

What Does Error 0 and Damaged AIR File Mean?

Unable to Install (Damaged AIR File) Windows Fix

Right click the downloaded TweetDeck installer file (.air file) and select 'Open With' Browse through: Program Files/Common Files/Adobe Air/Versions/1.0/ Select the 'Adobe AIR Application Installer'

TweetDeck should now install correctly. Mac OS Fix

There may be untrusted or self-signed certificates in the Keychain - This has been found by other users to cause problems with the install. It is advised to remove any self-signed certificates in order to not have this AIR file problem. Further Reading can be found here:

Error #0 problems: Windows Fix Try running the air installer file as Admin/Administrator (Vista/Windows 7) first and see if it installs. If not, follow the steps below:

TweetDeck may still be listed in the Control Panel - Add/Remove programs. However, it won't remove as it claims there is a missing .msi file. Uninstall Adobe AIR Download & Run the Microsoft Installer Cleanup utility ( ) Get rid of any TweetDeck or AIR files shown by the utility 50

Check that there is no AIR files within: \Program Files\Common Files\ Download & Install Adobe AIR - Download & Install TweetDeck -

This should now allow you to Install TweetDeck.

How do I Completely reinstall TweetDeck?

If something goes wrong, you may need to totally uninstall your TweetDeck, including all settings and configuration information. Here's how: Windows XP 1. First ensure TweetDeck is closed. 2. Then go to c: > Documents and Settings > your username > Application Data > Adobe > AIR > ELS and delete any folder there that starts with "TweetDeckFast" 3. Then go to c: > Documents and Settings > your username > Application Data and delete any folder there that starts with "TweetDeckFast" 4. Then go to Control Panel > Add & Remove programs, and remove TweetDeck 5. Then remove Adobe AIR 6. Then reboot your PC 7. When your PC has rebooted, install Adobe AIR from 8. Then download TweetDeck from Windows 7 & Vista 1. First ensure TweetDeck is closed. 2. Then go to c: > Users > your username > AppData > Roaming > Adobe > AIR > ELS and delete any folder there that starts with "TweetDeckFast" 3. Then go to c: > Users > your username > AppData > Roaming and delete any folder there that starts with "TweetDeckFast" 4. Then go to Control Panel > Add & Remove programs, and remove TweetDeck 5. Then remove Adobe AIR 6. Then reboot your PC 7. When your PC has rebooted, install Adobe AIR from 8. Then download TweetDeck from Mac OS X 1. Uninstall Adobe AIR by navigating to Applications > Utilities and running Adobe AIR


2. Uninstall TweetDeck by navigating to Applications and dragging to the Trash 3. Delete the following two directories: o Places > your username > Library > Application Support > Adobe > AIR > ELS > TweetDeckFast.ffxxxxx (Where xxx is a random string of characters) o Places > your username > Library > Preferences > TweetDeckFast.fffxxxxx (Where xxx is a random string of characters) 4. Then also look in Devices > My Mac HD > Library > Frameworks 5. If you have Adobe AIR.Framework in there, please delete that folder 6. Navigate to Applications and open 7. Type the following very carefully sudo rm /var/db/DetachedSignatures 8. Press ENTER to run the command. If prompted for a password, enter your usual Mac password and press ENTER. 9. Close the Terminal app 10. Install Adobe AIR from 11. Then download TweetDeck from

Reinstalling Adobe AIR

Quite often problems with TweetDeck may be caused by Adobe AIR. In which case you might be asked to uninstall and reinstall to the latest version to see if it fixes your problems. Here are the steps on how to do so; Uninstalling Adobe AIR To remove Adobe AIR on Windows, do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel. Open the Add or Remove Programs panel. Select Adobe AIR to remove the runtime. Click the Change/Remove button.

To remove Adobe AIR on Mac OS X, double-click the Adobe AIR Uninstaller (Adobe AIR in your Applications/Utilities folder. To remove Adobe AIR on Linux, do one of the following:

AIR 1.5: Click the Adobe AIR Uninstaller menu item under Applications > Accessories AIR 2.0: Use the system package manager to remove AIR 2.0 as the runtime is now installed as a native app


Installing Adobe AIR The runtime can be downloaded directly from Adobe here .

Why are my columns blank and my Twitter status "Not Authorized" after changing my Twitter password?
If you are seeing a message in the bottom right corner of your TweetDeck screen stating that you are "Not Authorised", it means that Twitter cannot authenticate you. Please ensure that you have the most recent version of TweetDeck from , and then run through all the tips on this FAQ. If you are still having problems send us your log file and we will investigate for you.

How do I delete my TweetDeck Encrypted Local Store?

On occasion, we may ask you to delete your TweetDeck encrypted local store (ELS), in order to solve a particular problem. If we ask this of you, here are the instructions you need to follow, depending on your operating system. Windows XP 1. Close TweetDeck 2. Click the Start button 3. Click Control Panel 4. Click Folder Options 5. Click the View tab 6. Click Show hidden files and folders 7. Unclick Hide protected operating system files 8. Click OK 9. Open your C: drive in Windows Explorer or My Computer. 10. Open the folder Documents and Settings 11. Under this folder, there should be a folder with the the same name as username that you log into XP with. Open this folder. 12. You should then have a folder called Application Data. Open it. 13. You should then have a folder called Adobe. Open it.


14. You should then have a folder called AIR. Open it. 15. You should then have a folder called ELS. Open it. 16. You should then have a folder called TweetDeckFast.FFFxxx (where xxx is a string of numbers and letters). Delete this folder. 17. Restart TweetDeck Windows Vista/Windows 7 1. Close TweetDeck 2. Click the Start button 3. Click Control Panel 4. Click Folder Options 5. Click the View tab 6. Click Show hidden files and folders 7. Unclick Hide protected operating system files 8. Click OK 9. Open your C: drive. 10. Open the folder Users 11. Under this folder, there should be a folder with the the same name as username that you log into Vista with. Open this folder. 12. You should then have a folder called AppData. Open it. 13. You should then have a folder called Roaming. Open it. 14. You should then have a folder called Adobe. Open it. 15. You should then have a folder called AIR. Open it. 16. You should then have a folder called ELS. Open it. 17. You should then have a folder called TweetDeckFast.FFFxxx (where xxx is a string of numbers and letters). Delete this folder. 18. Restart TweetDeck Mac OS 1. Open Finder 2. Under Places, click on your Home directory (the one labelled with your username) 3. Within your Home directory, Navigate to Library > Application Support > Adobe > AIR > ELS AND Library > Preferences 4. You should then have a folder called TweetDeckFast.FFFxxx (where xxx is a string of numbers and letters). Delete this folder. (If there are not any folders located here* 5. Restart TweetDeck * Sometimes the files can be located in both directories Linux 1. Navigate to ~/.appdata/Adobe/AIR/ELS/


2. You should then have a folder called TweetDeckFast.FFFxxx (where xxx is a string of numbers and letters). Delete this folder. 3. Restart TweetDeck

Facebook and Foursquare

How do I easily write on a friend's Facebook wall?
In the same way that there is an autocomplete function for @replies and Direct Messages, there is also autocomplete for Facebook wall posts. If you wish to post an update on a friend's wall: Ensure the Update Window is visible (if it's not, just click Start your update by typing a > This will pop up the list of all your Facebook friends. )

You can use the filter box at the top to search, or just scroll down the list and either click on a name, or press Enter. This will then put a special link into the update window.


Start typing your message after the : and press enter or click Send. Your message will be posted to your friend's wall.

How can I update my Facebook "Page" from TweetDeck

To update a Facebook Page, as opposed to your personal profile, from TweetDeck, just add your Facebook account as normal. Once added, on the Settings > Accounts page, you can select which of the Pages that you administer you would like to see a button for in TweetDeck.

To add any Pages that you administer but are NOT shown in the list, click Add Pages to authorise TweetDeck to use them. Any Pages that you select on the Settings screen will then be available as buttons above the update window.

If you enable a Facebook page button and send an update, that update will be added to the Wall on the relevant Page.

How do I renew my Facebook account authorisation?


If you are encountering difficulties difficulties with accessing Facebook through TweetDeck, you may want to try removing your Facebook authorisation for TweetDeck, then re-adding it again. To do this, follow these instructions: - Remove your Facebook account on the Settings > Accounts page - Log out of TweetDeck by clicking the triangle Log Out button in the top-right toolbar - Go here - Locate the entry for TweetDeck - Click the X to the right of the TweetDeck entry - Click Remove - Click OK on the confirmation box - Log out of Facebook using the Log Out link in the top menu - Restart TweetDeck - Wait for your columns to finish populating - Go to Settings > Accounts - Add your Facebook account - Click Allow on ALL the popups 'this is very important and the process will not work if you deny any of the popups) - Restart TweetDeck by clicking Exit on the system tray icon and starting again

How to Check-In to a venue on Foursquare?
In TweetDeck version 0.34 onwards, you are now able to check-in to Foursquare venues using your TweetDeck desktop client. To check-in at a venue simply follow these steps: 1. Make sure you have added your Foursquare account and that you have set TweetDeck to update your Foursqaure account

2. Click the location button in the far right of the compose update window: 3. You will then be asked to either choose a location that you have previously checked-in to, or select a new location


4. If your venue is already listed, just select it and then click 'Set Location'. A small box will now appear in the far right of TweetDeck with a map. The next update you provide will provide textual information as well as the check-in [See below]. IF your location is not listed, click on the button and go to step 5 (NB: You will be taken into your web browser to set the new location)

5. Once the web page has loaded, you will be able to see if TweetDeck has found your location. If it is slightly off, or not right - you can simply change the location by dragging the geographic pin or performing a search. Once you are decided that the pin is in the right location, TweetDeck will then look for Foursquare venues within that area as seen below.


6. One you have selected the foursquare menu, click the 'Set Your Location' button (you can also choose to send the coordinates to Twitter so they can map you too. The webpage will then close and your data will be added into TweetDeck ready for you to send an update.

How can I view Foursquare updates on a map?

1. Click the 'Show Map' button at the bottom of the location column: 2. A map will be shown below containing people who have checked in at certain locations, Figure 1 59

How to see Foursquare Venues?

In TweetDeck version 0.34 and onwards, you will be able to view foursquare information from within TweetDeck. In specific, you will be able to get information about a venue that you or others are currently at.

In the location column, click the name of a venue and a new 'profile view' column will appear, this will provide information about the venue: o The location (Geographically mapped) o The Address o The Venue category (pub, cinema, cave etc.) o Who's there right now o The amount of check-ins o Tips about the venue [Figure 2] o View the public profile of people who are currently at the venue.

An example of this can be seen in the pictures below. Other functions include:


Checking-in to this location Adding a tip Finding Directions Viewing the venue on Foursquare's website

Figure 1

Figure 2


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