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Episode 1 - Lesson 1A

• Handmade props: Paper, Tape (preferably colorful or anything from the general store will do), Ipad (not handmade) or a book with
pictures (ask your relative who has children's books, they have a lot, or just draw some silly stuff).

Sit down, greeting Greet the children, Talk with them

about their days. Try to compliment their clothes and
stuff. Be nice.

Laptop, TV, HDMI cable Act 1 - DVD: Episode 1 Comment and sing along while
watching the video.

FWF dolls, Teddy bears. Act 2 - Say Hi: If you have the doll, use it. If you do not
Toys. have one, well, just say hi to them using a toy.
Toys. Act 3 – Teach Friend. have a doll or a teddy bear. Hug it
and say “this is my friend.”- Ask them: Who are your
We can play a game: This is you. talk about their clothes,
just simple words. Arrange the class into a big circle and
ask: Ok who is wearing a white shirt? They will point at
that person. Ask them, is he/she your friend?- They will
answer yes!!!- If they are good enough, let one of them
be the host.

Speaker Act 4- sing: Up and down (short version if you do not

have enough time). Review the lyrics with them super

Flash card
Act 5: Teach dog, cat, sheep, rat with flashcards. Play
some flash card games. if they are older, consider the
game Yes and No game. Make a yes and no sign and ask
the whole class. Is this a dog? If it is a dog, run to yes
and vice versa.

Wristband Act 6: (optional) make wristbands and put pictures of

Or the animal on it. If you are lazy, get some pieces of paper
Paper and let them draw the animal that they like. We can
and Hula hoop (or tape) review their vocabulary as well. But make sure that you
make it clear that if you draw that animal, you are that
animal. Play a game of sorting with them. Who are the
cat. Elicit: I am the cat. the cat goes over to the cat
corner (or hula hoop).

Flash card game.

Act 7: Play the flashcard game. Show a picture really
quick and ask them, what do you see? Elicit that: I see a
paper or empty toilet ACt 8: Teach can/can’t. (Make binoculars or just give
paper rolls. them paper to make a scope). Put the animal down, and
Toys missing one of them. Ask them like: can you see the dog.
Yes I can see the dog. Can you see the cat? (Not there, I
hid it somewhere). Elicit: no I cannot. Play around with
paper or empty toilet
paper rolls. Act 9: Go around the room and pick things for them to
Toys see. Toys, people, just go nuts.

Book of Rhythm
10. The book of rhythm, Or use an ipad or use some
story book, because not everyone will have a book.
Ipad Show them, What can you see in my wonderful book
or today?
Colorful books

ACt 11: Teach them here and there. Elicit: Everyone, let’s
come here. I don’t like it here, it is too hot (make some
reason). Let’s go over there. Play some games and let
them run back and forth (I am pretty beat so does
anyone know some good games to teach this).

Happy and Sad flashcard Act 12: Glad (Happy) and sad. Show them the face and
on a straw. ask them to make a happy face or sad face. Show them
pictures of happy and sad and elicit: I am glad, I am sad.

Tape Act 13: Come into. Play a game: Cat and mouse with a
Or Hula Hoop big hula hoop or some tape. you will be the cat, if they
hide in the circle, you cannot touch them.
Broken things
Act 14: Big something to teach them the word fix:
Unscrew cap bottle, Bend plastic, just some silly thing
for them to fix. And teach the word fix (anyone has a
better idea for this one, I'm kinda stuck here).

Flash card and markers. Act 15: 1. Something’s gone wrong. What’s wrong?
How can I fix it? Head. Look! The head is wrong! How
can I fix it? Help me fix it. You have the flashcard for this
one, just get a marker to let them put in eyes and nose
on the animal.

Speaker (optional). Act 16: teaching singing. Just sing a song or make some
microphone ( I do not know about this one).

Tub Act 17: Teach Tub. Show them a picture, bring a tub in
and play a game. What is in the tub?

Act 18: Bring a small tub. This is a tub.

Act 19: Ding a ling a long! Now we can sing a song. Sing
fun with flupe.

Act 20: 1. It’s time for goodbyes. My, how time flies.
Act 21: Good bye (Give them stickers, tell them about
homework, ask the teacher to sign you stuff, do the
rolls, yeah, just do your things).

Episode 1 - Lesson 1B

• Handmade props:

- Apparently, the
only Act with props Sit down, greeting Greet the children, Talk with them
about their days. Try to compliment their clothes and
that I have is act stuff. Be nice.

Act 1 - DVD: Episode 1 Comment and sing along while

watching the video.

Act 2 - Say Hi: If you have the doll, use it. If you do
not have one, well, just say hi to them using a toy.

Act 3 – sing: Up and down (short version if you do not

have enough time). Review the lyrics with them super
quick. (or not if they have already known it by heart).
Ask them.

Reuse the Flashcard Act 4 - Review dog, cat, sheep and rat (add in other
from 1.A animal), play some flashcard games.
Flash card and things Act 5 - Play a game with Flashcards and things around
around you you.


Act 6 - Review I see. I can see Gabi. use the props and do
it like 1.A

Act 8: Review: I can/ I can't see. Use the props and do it

like 1.A

Act 9: Review Here and there. Bring a ball. The book tells
us to play fetch and elicit: Where is the ball? - It is here.
Throw it and it bounce away: Where is the ball? - It is

Act 10. Review come into, Play the floor is lava or wolf
(be a wolf and capture children who is outside of the

Act 11: Review fix. Again bring silly stuffs for the children
to fix. (do you know the game 1000 ways to
die…yeah…use stuffs like that game).

Act 12: Review something’s gone wrong. Put stuff

somewhere and ask them to find (fix).

Act 13: Review sing: Say let’s sing

Act 14: Review tub.

Act 15: Make a tub.
Act 16: Play guessing word.
Act 17: Play Bingo or something.
- Act 18: Ding - A- ling a long. Now we can sing a song. -
Act 19: It’s time for goodbyes! My how time flies!

Act 20: Goodbye.

Episode 1 - Lesson 2A
• Downloaded: Act 5, 8
• Flashcard: Sea, pic of boat, ship, tub, happy, sad, flupe,
• Handmade props: Tub, toy car, mat or A3 pic-act12-1B, 5 big black paper circles, big hat, book, toy tree, crayons, steering wheel,
containers with lids,

Sit down, greeting Greet the children, Talk with them

about their days. Try to compliment their clothes and
stuff. Be nice.
Act 1 - Watch ep1
Act 2 - Say Hi: If you have the doll, use it. If you do
not have one, well, just say hi to them using a toy.
Act 3 – Sing Fun W Flupe
Act 4 - Teach sea with flashcards.
Act 5 - Show picture of a boat, a ship, and tub on the
sea, and teach sail. Say, the Tub is sailing
Act 6 - Teach the sea. we are the sea with movement
(put both hands tip together and make waves). Let’s sail.
Or ask kid stand up in circle, hand in hand, raise up and
down to create waves
Act 7:Teach holes. Show the tub with holes on it. Look,
What are these? Holes. Review tub, ask where are the
Act 8: Teach count to 5. Say, let’s count. Count with
gestures. Distribute cardboard holes to let kid count
Act 9. Teach stickers. Bring stickers then ask them count
Say, I have got five stickers. Then say, let’s fix the tub.
Act 10: Optional. Play with the tub. Say, let’s go into the
tub. Ask, where are you? I’m in the tub. Let’s sail out to
sea. Play music Rub-a-dub-dub. Look, holes, can we sail?
No we cant sail.
Act 11: Activity book 1, page 4. Let’s color/draw the
sheep, dog,tub…what is it? Tub, how many holes in the
tub. I can see five holes
Act 12: Review sing: Say let’s sing Up-and-down
Act 13: Teach hat with Flashcard. Bring a big hat and the
character dolls, a book, a tree, a cat and hide them all in
the hat. What is in the hat? ….
Act 14: Review happy (glad) and sad with flashcards and
facial expressions. Smile broadly and say. I’m happy.
Then make a sad face and Say: I’m sad. Make a happy
face and encourage them to make happy faces and say:
I’m happy. Do the same with sad. When they look sad,
say: Cheer up! Don’t get upset! Be happy! Take the Flupe
doll (or any other character) and pretend he is upset,
making the face for him. Encourage children to say to
him: Cheer up!
Act 15: Stand up. Teach car. Show a flashcard of the car.
Then show some toy cars to the child. What is it? Elicit:
It’s a car. Give Steering wheels to the children and take
one yourself, saying: i’m in the car. Broom, broom. Let
the children drive around the room a bit. Ask: Where are
you? In the car.

Act 16: Activity Book 1, page 7 ~ colouring. Say; Please

colour the car. Ask, while the children colouring: What
are you colouring? Elicit: The car. Then ask: Who is in the
car? Elicit Granny Fix, Paul and Flupe! Say: Please colour
Granny Fix/Paul/Flupe.
- Act 17: Teach near and far. Show gestures first - make a -
roof with your hand over your eyes and say: Near.
Then place an open palm of your hand in front of your
eyes and say: Near. Next bring toy cars one per child, Sit
children in a line on one side of the room with their cars
and have a race. each child pushes his vehicle. Point at
each vehicle and say whether it is far or near now,
together with the children: The car is far, etc. (The
children remain Sitting in one line, to make sure the
perspective is clear for everyone.)

Act 18: Teach solve the problem. Bring various

containers with lids and try matching one tid to its prope
container. Use a lid that does not match a container, and
say: I have a problem. Once you've the proper match,
say: I solved the problem! Then say: Help me solve the
problem, pointing to other containers. Children match
them with parents’ help (or your help if necessary).

Act 19: For children of 4-5: Do some simple maths up to

5. Show children some Simple addition like: 2+3=?, Say:
Help me solve the problem. How much is 2+3? Use
blocks and give them to count. They should take two and
then add another three and count them all. Elicit: It'S 5!

Act 20: Review friends, Show the picture of your friend

and say: This is my friend, Agata. The children should all
have their friends’ pictures for this lesson so ask: Who is
your friend? Elicit Tommy is my friend. Kasia is my friend,

Act 21: Stand up. Say; Ding-a-ling-a-long! Now we can

sing the song! Teach the children movements
Rub-a-Dub-Dub and sing together

Act 22: Say: Until our next song, goodbye and so long!
Everybody waves and says: Goodbye! So long! (to each
other and to the character dolls
Episode 1 - Lesson 2B

• Character dolls, Blue cardboard sea with waves, little toy boats and tubs, Socks with holes in them, Paper or other balls, enough for
each child to count to 5.
• Stickers (5 per child), little sheets of Paper to stick them on, Masking tape, headbands Or wristbands of animals, boards with a hat
with flaps, little pictures to stick under the flaps.
• Coloured pencils and crayons. Downloaded Page 6 with outlines of the hidden pictures highlighted using a coloured marker.
Laminated happy and sad face on sticks and pictures of the story, characters (happy and Sad) on sticks.
• Toy cars (one for each child).
• Boxes decorated as Cars (or one big box), steering wheels.A map of the world.Shape sorter.Beads and strings for each child.

Act 1 - Watch the DVD: the Fun with Flupe song and
Episode 1

Act 2 - Welcome each child with a Granny Fix doll. Say

(for Granny): Hello Simon, dear, I’m so glad you are
here! The child answers: Hello, Granny Fix. Do it with
all the children. Greet Paul and Flupe too.
Act 3 – sing: Stand up. Sing Fun with Flupe with

Blue cardboard sea with Act 4 - Review sea and sail. Let’s one by one come Make waves from a blue cardboard. a boat and a
waves, little toy boats and and play. Say, we are sailing on the sea tub
Socks with holes in them. Act 5 - Stand up. Review hole. Ask children to go to the
door and show them the keyhole. Also bring some socks
with holes in and ask: What are these? Elicit: Holes.
Act 6 - Review counting to five. Let’s say Five. Throw
many paper balls on the floor (5-7). Encourage children
to run around, picking up the balls. Each child should
bring you 5 and count aloud.
Act 7: Review stickers. Bring 5 stickers for each child
(Use stamps instead) Count them together. Ask: What
have you got? St: I have got 5 stickers
Act 8: Stand up. Make a big tub with masking tape on
the carpets. Stick the picture of cat,dog,rabbit,hen on
children's forehead/stick on their clothes using a peg.
Say, Let’s go into the tub. Say, Where are you?
Encourage children to say: In the tub. Chant together
with the children Rub a dub dub 4 friend in a tub….And
who do you think you see? A sheep and a cat, a dog
Pics of animal, characters,
or anything want to review Act 9. Review hat. Bring the big hat. do the same as 2A

Act 10: Act book 1, page 6, coloring. Can you see the
cat? Where is it? It’s here. Let’s color the cat
Do it with other items too.
Act 11: Sing short version of Up & Down.

Use characters of happy & Act 12: Review happy & sad. Say, Be happy. Ask the child
sad again to make a happy face too. Then say, Cheer up! Show pic
of sad Paul, ask, Is Paul happy? No, Paul is sad. Then
say, Cheer up Paul! Next, turn the stick and say, Now,
Paul is happy. Do with all characters
Act 13: Review car. Give each child a toy car or call them
up one by one and give them, ask: What have you got? I
have got a car
Act 14: Stand up. Bring the string/rope/and hulahoop.
Tire them up together and review the car. Make the
sound broom broom
Act 15: Review near & far. Arrange children in various
ways. Some stand near others-some far. Encourage them
to say , Ken is near, Mia is far

Act 16: Bring the map of the world and put it on the
floor. All continents should be visible on the map.Find
your country on the map and one of the neighbouring
countries. For "near", show a small distance between
the countries and say, for example, Poland is near
Slovakia. For "far", point at Africa or any other distant
place and say: Africa is far from Poland. Then point at
other places near and far and encourage children to say
where they are in relation to their country.
Elicit:Its near. It's far.
- Act 17: Review solve the problem. Bring a shape sorter -
and pretend you don't know where to put the shapes.
Say: Help me solve the problem . Let children help you
and say: You solved the problem, well done! - each time
the child finds the proper hole for the shape..

Act 18: For children of 4-5: Do some simple maths up to

5. Give five beads to each child and a piece of string.
Ask: How much is 2+2? Who can solve the problem?
Then tell them to put two beads on the string and then
add another two and count to say the sum.When the
child says:Four! say: You are right! You solved the
Act 19: Stand up.Say: Ding-a-ling-a-long! Now we can
sing the song! Sing Rub-a-Dub-Dub together with the

Act 20: Say: Until our next song, goodbye and so long!
Everybody waves and says: Goodbye! So long
Episode 1 - Lesson 3A

• Handmade:
• Reviewed words and phrases: counting to 5, I am , cat, dog, sheep, rat, I've got, I see, what is this? Head, on, want, a
book, a tree, a tub, big, small, happy, sad, far, near, goodbye, so long.
• New words and phrases: boy, girl, boys, girls (plurals), rabbit, donkey, carrot, soup, hungry, eat, what are you doing?
Who do I see? He is, plug, thanks, where is... ? Yummy, until.
• Flashcards: boy, girl, rabbit, donkey, cat, dog, sheep, rat, carrot, soup, hungry, eat.

Act 1 - Watch the DVD: the Fun with Flupe song and
Episode 1

Act 2 - Stand up. Sing Fun with Flupe with


Bring the telescopes Act 3 – Look through your telescope at Paul Other idea: Let’s child take turn 1 by 1 to play
(or funny toy glasses) and ask: 123, who do I see? I see Paul! Hi, with the telescopes while playing the song
and Paul, Granny and Paul! Do the same with one child. Then
Flupe dolls. encourage the children to chant together as a
group: 1 23, who do I see? and look at the
other children, one by one, through their
telescopes, saying I see David, I see Alice, etc.
Bring buttons or Act 4 - Review counting to 5. Play with your Don’t use idea in the book because it’s hard to do
pompons (5 pieces per counters / Or anything that could help the and boring
child to count/sort things at 5.
child) / Or any counter
that can count to 5
Flashcards: boy, girl, Act 5 - Teach boy and girl with flashcards. Say:
Paul, Granny. I'm ... (Teacher's name). I'm a girl/boy. Point at
Paul and say: He is Paul. He's a boy. Then ask
Paul: Are you a boy or a girl? Paul answers: I'm a
boy. (If the Teacher is male, then instead of Paul
he should use Granny). Ask children the same
question and help them answer.

Act 6 - Stand up. Sing the short version of the Up

and Down song (first stanza only) with
Puzzle with singular and Act 7 (*): Sit down. Teach plural forms. Bring
plural nouns (cat/cats, puzzle with one cat and two cats, one dog and
girl/girls, etc.). two dogs, one girl and two girls etc. Show two at
(Download) a time and say, pointing to the corresponding
picture: One girl. Two girls.

Telescopes, glasses or Act 8: Sit down. Sing 1 2 3 for the first time. Give
masks - one per child. telescopes (or glasses, masks, etc.) to the children, and
sing the song with them using the children's names. The
children should look at each other while singing.

Act 9. Teach rabbit and donkey with flashcards. Review
cat, dog, sheep and rat with flashcards — play Over &
cat, dog, sheep, Under flashcard games with all six.
Coloured pencils and Act 10: Activity Book I , page 8 — colouring the rabbit.
crayons. Ask: What is it? Elicit: It's a rabbit.
Say: Please colour the rabbit. While the children
are colouring, ask: What are you colouring? Elicit:
A rabbit.

Big dice, pictures of the Act 11: Review the animals already taught and add Or: use dice & number the pictures. Then also
animals taught stuck on donkey and rabbit to play with a dice. Stick all six review find. Tell children to find picture which
animals onto a big dice made out of the box and ask the reflect the number on the dice and say its
it with Velcro children to throw it in turn and name the animal they name
can see. Ask: What is it? Elicit: It's a donkey, etc.

Soft toys of animals + grab Act 12: Bring toys of the animals taught so far and put Use printed animals if you don’t have toy animals
bag them all into a grab bag. Take one out of the bag and
say: I've got a dog. Then encourage each child to pick
one toy and ask individual children: What have you got?
Encourage them to answer: I've got a

Soft toys of animals + grab Act 13: Use the same toys as above. Put one toy (e.g. a
bag rabbit) on your head and ask: Where is a rabbit?
Answer: On my head! Place toy animals on children's
heads and ask each time: Where is a…? encouraging all
the children to ask with you. The child (or children
together) with the toy on his head should answer: On
my head!
14. Clothes line, clothes
Act 14: Stand up. Hang the clothes line between two - If anyone has another idea pls add here
pegs, pictures of nouns chairs or ask parents to hold it. Bring cut out animals, a
tau ht so far, a few of few each, boys and girls, books, trees, etc. Ask Paul to
each: boys, girls, cats, take two books and hang them on the line with a clothes
donkeys, dogs, rabbits, peg. He should say: Two books. Then ask the children:
What do you see? The class answers: I see two books.
books, trees.
15. Some biscuits or corn Act 15: Sit down. Teach hungry with the action of - Ask TA first if you can give out biscuits.
chips. Or use toys/print rubbing your tummy and eat with the baby sign. Otherwise, play a pretend game with
Say: I'm hungry. I want to eat. Ask children: Are you props
hungry? Show them biscuits or corn chips and ask:
Do you want to eat? Encourage them to say: I'm
hungry. Give them biscuits and help them say:

- Or print out the paper carrot to cut and

Flashcards: carrot, soup. Act 16: Use flashcards to teach carrot and soup. make a craft with it. Still cheaper than real
Real carrots/Or paper Bring real carrots to the lesson and give one to each
child. Take one yourself and say: A carrot, yummy! carrots :)
Bite on your carrot and say. I'm eating a carrot.
Encourage children to taste their carrots. Ask: What
are you doing? Help them say: I'm eating a carrot.

Granny Fix wig, an apron

Act 17: Stand up. Put a wig on your head so that you
with a big pocket, small
look like Granny Fix and put on an apron with a big
items: a book, a tree, toy pocket in front. Take Flupe and say for him: Hungry!
animals, a tub, a hat, a Then say to Flupe: I have something for you, Flupe!
carrot, toy soup, Flupe Soup! Ask: Hmmm... Where is this soup? And start
doll taking things from your apron pocket. This is
vocabulary revision; you should have a few little
items in the pocket: a book, a tree, a cat, a rabbit, a
sheep, a donkey, a dog, a hat, a rat, a tub, a carrot
and finally soup, which you take out last. Each time
you take out one item, the children should name it.
Finally Flupe gets his soup and says: Soup! Ask:
What is Flupe eating? Children should say: Soup!
18. Coloured pencils and Act 18: Activity Book 1, page 10 - colouring and
crayons. sticker. Ask: Who is here? Elicit: It's Flupe! Ask:
Is Flupe sad? Elicit: No, he is happy! Say: Yes, he
is happy, he has his soup. Please stick the soup
in the square.

19. Adjective Memory Act 19: Review some adjectives with actions and facial
Game (either laminated expressions: big, small, happy, sad, hungry, far, near,
cards or big lids from baby right, wrong, here, there. Say the word and show it,
formula or coffee jars with children should follow with the action and the word.
pictures stuck on them- Make sure that when you decide on the action to show a
this way it can be given word, you will always use the same action later
multipurpose too.

Act 20: For children of 4-5: and prepare a Memory - Use game on wordwall. Show on ipad or
Game with the adjectives mentioned in Activity 20 Interactive TV
and play it with the children — the pair is two
identical adjectives. They should name the word
each time they uncover the card.

Act 21: Say: Ding-a-ling-a-long! Now we can sing

the song! Sing Rub-a-Dub-Dub with song
Act 22: It's time for goodbyes. Goodbye and so
long! The children should say Goodbye to you
and the character dolls.
Episode 1 - Lesson 3B

• Handmade:
• Reviewed words and phrases: counting to 5, I am , cat, dog, sheep, rat, I've got, I see, what is this? Head, on, want, a
book, a tree, a tub, big, small, happy, sad, far, near, goodbye, so long, boy, girl, rabbit, donkey, carrot, soup, hungry,
eat, what are you doing? Who do I see'? He is, plug, thanks, where is... ? Yummy, until.
• Flashcards: dog, sheep, cat, rat, tub, book, tree, hat, car, rabbit, donkey, boy, girl, carrot, soup, hungry.

Act 1 - Watch the DVD: the Fun with Flupe song and
Episode 1

Act 2 - Stand up. Sing Fun with Flupe with


Bring the telescopes Act 3 – Look through your telescope at Paul Other idea: this act is repeated by 3A. So let’s
(or funny toy glasses) and ask: 123, who do I see? I see Paul! Hi, think of another act instead to review “Who do
Paul! Do the same with one child. Then i see?”
and Paul, Granny and
Flupe dolls. encourage the children to chant together as a
group: 1 23, who do I see? and look at the
other children, one by one, through their
telescopes, saying I see David, I see Alice, etc.
Use Abacus at the TGB Act 4 - Review counting to 5. Bring a big Some TGBs have the abacus
abacus and pass it around for each child to
count to 5, moving the beads on it.
Hulahoop, boy & girl Act 5 - Review boy and girl with dolls. Put one
dolls hula hoop in the middle of the room and invite
one child to stand in it. Say: This is Sheila. Sheila
is a girl. Do the same with all the children,
encouraging the group to say the sentences.

Act 6 - Stand up. Sing the short version of the Up

and Down song (first stanza only) with
Flashcards (dog,
of Act 7 (*): 1. Review plurals. Take flashcards of
sheep, cat, rat, tub, all nouns, flash them first to revise the
book, tree, hat, car, vocabulary. Then show one flashcard, e.g. a tub,
rabbit, donkey) and say: One tub. Then, still holding the same
flashcard, show two fingers and look at Paul.

Paul says: Two tubs! Do the same with all other

flashcards, each time children should shout the
plural form of whatever they see. Exaggerate the
ending - say zzzzzzzz or ssssssss clearly at the
end of the plural form, for fun.
Pictures of one girl/two Act 8: Stand up. Place pictures with one girl/two girls,
girls, one boy/three boys one boy/three boys, etc., on the walls. Give telescopes
… , telescopes to the children, walk around the room and ask them:
Who do you see? They should answer: I see one girl. I
see three boys etc.
As above
Act 9. Sit down. Sing 1 2 3 with the telescopes from
Activity 8, looking at the same pictures on the walls

Act 10: Activity Book I , page 5 —8. stickers. Ask:

What can you see? and point at the first rectangle.
Elicit: I can see one girl. Say: Please take a sticker
with one dot and stick it next to one girl. Continue
in the same way with the remaining three pictures
and dot stickers.

Toy rabbit and donkey. Act 11: Review rabbit and donkey with toys

A blindfold Act 12: Optional: Stand up. Play Pin the Tail on the
Big picture of the donkey Donkey. Hang a big picture of the donkey on the
with no tail, the tail wall and ask children to attach the tail on it with
separately, Blu Tack. eyes closed or blindfolded. The tail should be
attached with Blue Tack. If they are small, let them
attach the tail With their eyes open.

Metal paper clips Act 13: Sit down. Play a fishing game. Attach metal
A fishing rod with a paper clips to little pictures of all the animals taught
magnet, pictures of the so far. Ask the Granny Fix doll to take a fishing rod
animals taught so far with a magnet and fish for one card. Ask: What have
you got? Answer for Granny: I've got a donkey! Let
all the children fish too and say what they have got.

14. Use the story Act 14:. Ask the children to close their eyes (parents - If anyone has another idea pls add here
character dolls can help) and place one doll on one child's head.
When children open their eyes ask: Where is Flupe?
They should answer, pointing at the child who has
Flupe on his or her head: On your head! Do the
same with other characters, letting the children
place the dolls on their friends' heads.
15. Hopscotch. Sheet Act 15: Stand up. Draw hopscotch on a big sheet of
with hopscotch drawn on paper and place pictures of nouns taught so far, in
plural and singular forms, in each hopscotch
it, puzzle with pictures of
plural and singular nouns drawing. Demonstrate the activity yourself, hopping
on pictures and naming what you hop on. Children
taught so far. Download should follow the routine, saying: One girl, three
the pictures from rabbits, etc., depending what they land on
Lesson 3A Activity 6,
plus rabbits and

16. Bring headbands or Act 16: Review hungry, carrot and soup with
wristbands with flashcards. Split the group into two; half Flupes and
flashcard of carrot and rabbits, half carrots and soups. Rabbits say: I'm
hungry! Flupes say: Hungry! And they chase soups
soup, rabbits and Flupes. and carrots around the room. If you have TA in the
room, they can be soups and carrots and the
children can chase them.

Make a maze with nouns Act 17: Sit down. Activity Book 1, page 9 - the
as indicated in TG, print maze. Ask: Who can you see? Elicit: I can see Flupe;
out to play I can see a donkey, etc. Say: They are hungry. They
want to eat. Let's see who can eat the carrot.
Please follow the path from the carrot to see who
can eat it (when a path is crossed by another path
this means that this path is blocked). With the
younger students, you can initially hold the picture
up and follow the paths with your finger. The rabbit
gets the carrot.

Act 18: Review adjectives: big, small, happy, sad,

18. Flashcard game hungry, far, near, right, wrong, here, there with a
guessing game. Show the adjective with gestures
and facial expressions and the children should shout
the word.

19. Memory Game from Act 19: For children of 4-5: Play the Opposites
Game, using happy/sad, near/far, big/small,
Lesson 3A. Download.
here/there, right/wrong. Play with the same cards
you made for the Memory Game in Lesson 3A, but
this time the pair is the opposites

Act 20: Say: Ding-a-ling-a-long! Now we can sing

the song! Sing Rub-a-Dub-Dub with song
Act 21: It's time for goodbyes. Goodbye and so
long! The children should say Goodbye to you
and the character dolls.

Episode 1 lesson plan 4a

Reviewed words and phrases:I'm, hi, my dear, I'm so glad you are here, counting to 5, who do I see? Sing, sail, count, sit, eat, let's,
big, small, cat, dog, sheep, rat, donkey, rabbit, hat, tub, I've got, friends, in, car, where are you? Look, hole, fix, what's wrong? In, out,
on, under, song.
New words and phrases: That's clever, I think ..., that isn't working, plug, ready to .., the way to ..., answer the call.
Flashcards; girls, boys, all animals taught so far, book, tree, tub, hat.

Act 1 - Watch the DVD: the Fun with Flupe song and
Episode 1

Activity 2: A ball. 2. Take a ball and roll it to the child saying your name;
I'm .... The child should roll it back saying his/her
name: I'm Rosy. Say: Hi Rosy, my dear, I'm so glad you
are here! Do it with every child.

Activity 3: Character 3. Say Hello to Granny Fix, Paul and Flupe dolls. The
dolls. children should greet them.

Activity 4 4. Stand up. Sing Fun with Flupe with song


Activity 5 Character 5. Sit down. Teach think. Take Paul and hide it under
dolls, a scarf. a scarf in such a way that only a little bit of the doll is
showing. Ask: Who do you think it is? Take Granny
Fix and answer for her: I think it is Paul! Do The
same with all the dolls, each time the children should
say: I think it's...

Activity 6 Containers Review counting to 5. Bring various containers to the

for each child, lesson with 5 identical items in each. Give one container
containing 5 to each child. Demonstrate the activity yourself first -
identical items in take out the items counting them out loud and put them
each. back, also counting. Encourage children to do the same
with their containers.
Activity 7 Telescopes 7. Stand Up. Put pictures on the floor of one girl, two
or binoculars, girls, one boy, three boys, dog, cat, sheep, rat.
character dolls. Hand out telescopes and sing the 1 2 3 song, each
time looking at the appropriate picture.

Activity 8 8. Review some actions. Instruct the children to sing,

sail, count, sit, eat, look etc.
Say: Let's sing! - and do the action together with the

Activity 9 9. For children of 4-5: Play the Please Game with the
actions taught, for instance: sing, count sit, eat, etc.
Children should give instructions to the group - the child
becomes the teacher and says: Sing, please! Sit,
please! The children follow. If the child who is the
teacher says the instruction without the please
word, the children shouldn't do the action.

Activity 10: Granny Fix 10. Sit down. Review big, small and some nouns. Put Make puzzles: print a pair of big and small items
doll, one puzzle per all the puzzle pieces on the carpet and encourage on an A5 sheet of paper, e.g. a small dog
child as follows, to children to find pairs (specific patterns should help them and a big dog, laminate the sheet and cut it in two
practice animals to match). Once they make the puzzle, they should say halves, each time making a different
and big/small.
a big dog, a small dog. Each time the child matches pattern with your scissors. You need as many
correctly, praise and say, holding Granny Fix: That's sheets as there are children in the group and
clever, my dear!
such dogs, cats, rabbits, sheep, rats,
donkeys, hats and tubs.

Activity 11: 2 skipping 11. Make a car out of the skipping ropes tied together
ropes, paper with paper wheels attached to them on the sides.
wheels, a steering Say: Let's go in the car! The children hold onto the
wheel, flashcards: skipping ropes standing inside them; you are the
girls, boys, animals,
driver. Ask: Where are you? Elicit: In the car! Put
book, tree,
flashcards of whatever you want to revise on the
walls: girls, boys, Granny, Paul, Flupe, animals,
books, and trees. Then drive along and stop in front of
each flashcard and ask: Who do you see? Elicit: I see
girls! Or: What do you see? Elicit: I see a dog! Etc.
Activity 12: A bowl with 12. Sit down. Do an experiment with the children. Bring
water, tubs made a bowl with water and cut the bottom parts of two plastic
from plastic bottles, bottles to make them look like tubs. Make a hole in one
stickers. of them. Place the one with no hole on the surface of the
water and say: Look, the tub is sailing on the water.
Then place the one with the hole in the bottom and see
what happens (the plastic bottle part will start sinking).
Ask:What's wrong? Look, a hole! We must fix it.
Encourage children to say with you: We must fix it!
Stick a sticker onto the hole and try placing the tub on
the water again - it should be sinking again.
Say: Look, that isn't working.…

Activity 13: Same as Teach plug. Say: Let's plug the tub. Take one carrot
Activity 12, plus a (real or plastic) and put it in the hole of the tub
real or plastic carrot from Activity 13, plugging it. Then put the tub on the
water again. Say: The tub is ready to sail now.
to match the hole in The carrot is the way to plug the tub!
the tub.
Activity 14 14. Activity Book 1, page 12 - stickers. Say: Look, here
is the tub. Who is in the tub? Elicit the animal names.
Ask: How many holes are in the tub? Elicit: Five holes.
Ask: How does Paul plug the holes in the tub? Do you
remember? Elicit: With carrots! - indicating the carrot
stickers. Ask: And how many carrots do we need? Elicit:
Five carrots. Say: Please stick the carrot stickers onto
the holes.

Activity 15: Granny and 15. Teach answer the call. Take Granny Fix and Flupe
Flupe character dolls. Hide Flupe. Then start calling him out (as if
dolls. Granny was calling): Flupe! Flupe! Answer my call!
After a while Flupe should pop out of his hiding place.
Grandma then says: Flupe, you are here. You
answered my call! Great!

Activity 16: A toy 16. Teach another meaning of answer the call. Bring a
phone or your toy phone that can ring, or use your mobile phone -
mobile, Granny and make it ring and say to the Paul doll: Paul, can you
Flupe dolls. answer the call? Paul takes the phone and says:
Hello? And then: It's Granny Fix! Make the phone ring
a few more times and let children answer it, saying

Activity 17: The 17. Stand up. Review in, out, on, under. Use the
children's cushions.
cushions the children are sitting on. Say: Sit on the
cushion! Children should follow. Then: Cushion on your
head! Stand under the cushion! Make a circle with
cushions lying close and say. In the circle! Out of
the circle! Children follow instructions. Encourage them
to say: in, out, under or on, depending on where they

Activity 18 18. Say: Ding-a-ling-a-long! Now we can sing a song!

Sing Rub-a-Dub-Dub with movements.

Activity 19: Character 19. Say: It's time for goodbyes. My, how time flies! Say
dolls. bye-bye to the children. The children should also say
goodbye to the dolls.

Episode 1 lesson plan 4B

Reviewed words and phrases: I'm, hi, my dear, I'm so glad you are here,counting to 5, who do I see? Sing, sail, count, sit, eat,
read, let's, cat, dog, sheep,rat, donkey, rabbit, a book, a tree, a hat, a boy, a girl, the sea, big, small, I've got,friends, in, car, where are
you?, look, hole, fix, what's wrong? in, out, on, under,song, that's clever, I think, that isn't working, plug, can, can't, ready to ...,
answer the call, the way to ..., yes it is.

1. Watch the DVD: the Fun with Flupe

song and Episode 1. You can watch the
DVD towards the end of the lesson if you
Activity 2: 2. Say Hello to Granny Fix, Paul and
Character Flupe dolls - the children should greet
dolls. them.

Activity 3: A ball. 3.
Take a ball and roll it to the child saying
your name: I'm .…. The child should roll it
back saying his/her
name: I'm Sandra Say: Hi Sandra, my
dear, I'm so glad you are here! Do it
with every child.

Activity 4 4. Stand up. Sing Fun with Flupe with

song movements.

Activity 5A5 5. Review counting to 5. Bring A5 sheets

sheets of of card with 5 big dots stuck on them - one
card - one per child (see picture). Preferably the dots
per child, should be made of different textures - the
children are still the age when they enjoy
touchy-feely things. Let each child count
dots, 5 on
each card. their dots aloud. Then they can swap the
sheets and count 5 other dots. Optional: this
activity can also be a craft - the children will
stick on the dots themselves.
Activity 6: 6. Stand Up. Put pictures on the floor of one
Telescopes girl, two girls, one boy, three boys, dog,
cat, sheep, rat.Hand out telescopes and
sing the 1 2 3 song, each time looking at
dolls. the appropriate picture.
Activity 7 7. Stand up. Review some actions.
Instruct the children to sing, sail, count,
sit, eat, read, look, etc.
Say: Let's sing, and do the action
together with the children.

Activity 8: Toy 8.
animals that Sit down. Review I think ... Bring toy
make noises animals that make noises when you press
or audio tiles them, or bring recorded noises of animals.
with animal
Press the toy dog (hidden) or play the file
with the noise of the dog and ask: What do
you think it is? Paul answers first: I think
it's a dog! Do the same with all other
animal noises; the children should answer.
Activity 9: 9. For children of 4-5: Play Dominoes with
Dominoes, to the vocabulary you taught so far (nouns
revise all only): a book, a tree, a dog, a cat, a
vocabulary. sheep, a donkey, a rabbit, a rat, a hat, a
tub, a sea, a car, a boy, a girl. Download,
print and laminate Domino cards and
distribute them among the children. Keep a
few for yourself too and start the game by
putting one of your cards down on the floor.
Ask, pointing at one of the pictures on your
Domino card: Who's got a book? The child
that has
a book answers: I've got a book, and
places his Domino card next to yours,
to have two books next to each other. Then
he asks the next child about the
picture on his card. The game continues till
all the children have used up all
the cards.

Activity 10: A 10. Review big, small and some nouns.

grab bag Bring a grab bag with big and small
with big and books,
small items tubs, trees, dogs, cats, rabbits, donkeys,
in it (the
rats, sheep, etc. Demonstrate the activity
ones you
by taking out one item and saying a phrase,
taught so
far). e.g.: A big donkey. Children should do the

Activity 11: Hula 11. Review car. Put as many hula hoops
hoops (as on the floor as there are children in the
many as group. Put a steering
there are Wheel in each hoop. Play the music and let
children) and
children run/dance around the room, but not
inside the
wheels, one
for each hoops. Then stop the music and shout.
hoop. Let's go in the carl All the children
should get into a hoop.
Then ask: Where are you? Elicit: In the

Activity 12: CD 12. Sit down. Review plug. Take your CD

player player (unplugged) and try to switch it on to
listen to a song.
Say: We can't hear a song. It isn't
working. I must plug it in. Then plug it in
and play Rub-a-Dub-
Dub. Say: We can sing the song now!
Sing the song together with the children.

Activity 13: 13. Review I can see.... Stick little pictures

Plastic cups inside the plastic cups (of giris, boys,
with pictures dogs, etc.). Put the plastic cups on the
inside. carpet, upside down. Ask Paul to take one
cup and look inside. Ask him: What
can you see? Paul answers: I can see
cats! Encourage children to do the same
with other cups and say what they see
Activity 14: 14. Activity Book 1, page 11 - Which are the
Pencils or same? Ask, pointing at the rabbit on the left:
colored What is this?
pencils. Elicit: It's a rabbit. Say: Yes, it is. Now look
here (point at the other three animals).
Which animal is the same? Which one is
the rabbit? Encourage the children to point
at the identical animal.
Say: Yes, that's right, this is a rabbit. Say:
Circle the rabbit, drawing an imaginary
circle around the second rabbit with
your finger. The children can circle the
rabbit at this point. Continue with the
remaining pictures in the same manner.

Activity 15: Hula 15. Stand up. Review in, out, on, under.
hoops and a
Put some hula hoops on the floor for in/out
blanket (or
practice, and a big blanket (or scarves) for
on/under. Give instructions: Go in the
hoop! Go out of the hoop! Go under
the blanket! Go on the blanket! Children
should follow. Each time ask: Where are
you? Elicit: In!
On! Under! Out!

Activity 16 16. Sit down. Review answer the call. Sit

children in one line on the floor, with their
backs to you. Call out one name: Anna!
Anna turns to you and then you say: Anna
answered my call! Take children one by
one to sit next to you and call out their
friends' names. Each time say who
answered the call.
Activity 17 17. Stand up. Say: Ding-a-ling-a-long!
Now we can sing a song! Sing
Rub-a-dub-dub with movements.
Activity 18: 18. Say: Until our next song, goodbye
Character and so long! All children say goodbye to
dolls. you and dolls.

Episode 2 - Lesson 1A
• Flashcard: 6, 19
• Handmade props: pics of mice to stick on headband/wristband, mice ears.(ACT 10). Egg box, whiskers, glue (ACT 11), a clock (ACT

Props Sit down, greeting - Children greeting each other’s

Act 1 - Watch DVD Ep 2 - Children watch video
- Granny, Paul, Flupe
Act 2 - Say Hello to Granny Fix, Paul and Flupe dolls
“Flupe, my dear, I’m so glad you are here.”

Act 3 – Stand up. Sing Fun with Flupe with movements

Act 4 - Sit down. Review: I am…, Teach: You are…Pass - Children answer I am….
- A ball
the ball and ask students name

-Flashcards: house, door, Act 5 - Teach: house, door, chair, bed, ladder - Students follow instructions
chair, bed, ladder -> Flashcard game (Flashcard games and activities
-Book of Rhymes - Em nghĩ nên flexible với hoạt động này vì Book
Act 6 – Book of Rhymes.
of Rhymes thường xuyên được sử dụng bởi
“What have we got in our wonderful book today?” các giáo viên khác và việc làm một cái mới
Ask Students (SS) to stick pics in the book. They should cũng rất khó khăn vì mình không thể in
say “I have…” flashcard!

Act 7 – Activity book 1, p.13. - Coloring - No need for TGB

“What can you see here?” -> ”I can see…”
Act 8 – Stand up - Ss follow the instruction
Teach: jump, run, turn around. Do actions with the Ss
“Ready, steady,...!”
-Flashcard: Mouse, Clock Act 9 – Teach: mouse and clock
-MARKERS (or anything Act 10 - Stand up. Draw whiskers on Ss’ faces, give them - HANDMADE PROP
can be erased, to draw on mice ears (headband/wristband) with a mouse on
Ss’ face) “What are you?” “I’m a mouse” -> Run around say
- Act 11 - Sit down. Art and Craft. - HANDMADE PROP
Make a mouse out of an egg box. Ask Ss to stick
whiskers, eyes.
“What are you making?” -> “I’m making a mouse.”
Act 12 - Teach: Afraid. -
Bring a toy mouse (preferably one that moves) and Flupe
doll. Pretend that the mouse is afraid of Flupe and Flupe
is afraid of the mouse. Do it in a funny way.
“Don’t be afraid! You’re friend! We’re friend!”
FC: a ladder Act 13 - Review: Ladder.
Teach: up, down, climb, come down.

“This is a ladder! I’m climbing up/down”.

They should say: “I’m up/down”
Act 14 - Sing “Up and Down”

Act 15 - Teach: stuck, review: come down -

Use the ladder from act 13, pretend you’re stuck. “I’m
stuck. I’m afraid to come down”
Act 16 - Teach: on the top. - HANDMADE PROP
Use a paper clock. “What’s is it” -> “It’s a clock”
Put a mouse on the clock,”Where is the mouse?” “The
mouse is on the top of the clock”.
- No need for TGB
Act 17 - Activity book 2, p.14

- FC: door, house, Act 18 - Optional. Stand up -

bed, chair, clock, Put flashcards of the door, house, bed, chair, clock,
ladder ladder on the wall. Ask Ss to jump and run to specific
- FC: a house, a chair,
a door, a ladder, a Act 19 - For children 4-5 years old.
clock, a mouse, a Memory game with: a house, a chair, a door, a ladder, a
bed, a hat, a tub, a clock, a mouse, a bed, a hat, a tub, a cat, a sheep, a dog.
cat, a sheep, a dog.

Act 20 - Ding-a-ling-a-long! Now we can sing a song!

Sing Rub-a-dub-dub
- SS say: Goodbye
Act 21- “Until our next song! Goodbye and so long!
Episode 2 - Lesson 1B

• 7, 9, 12, 14, 16
• Handmade props: A LADDER (ACT 13)

Props Sit down, greeting - Children greeting each other’s

Act 1 - Watch DVD Ep 2 - Children watch video
- Granny, Paul, Flupe
Act 2 - Say Hello to Granny Fix, Paul and Flupe dolls
“Flupe, my dear, I’m so glad you are here.”

Act 3 – Stand up. Sing Fun with Flupe with movements

Act 4 - Sit down. Review: I am…, Teach: You are…Pass - Children answer I am….
- A ball
the ball and ask students name

-Flashcards: house, door, Act 5 - Review: house, door, chair, bed, ladder - Students follow instructions
chair, bed, ladder -> Flashcard game (Flashcard games and activities
sections) (What’s missing?)
- Nếu có real object thì tốt ạ, còn nếu không thì
dùng Flashcard chứ ai quỡn mà làm real hết
Act 6 – Guessing Game with real objects huhu!
Act 7 – Review: house, door, chair, bed, ladder (and - Ask and answer
tub, book, tree if necessary)
“What can you see?” -> “I can see…”
Act 8 – Stand up - Ss follow the instruction
Review: jum, run, turn around. Do actions with the Ss
“Ready, steady,...!”
-> Run to the…./ Jump on the…/sit on the…./ count
Act 9 – For children of 4-5 yo
Memory game with: sing, fix, sail, sit, eat, count, look,
jump, run, turn around, climb, come into.
- FC: mouse, clock Act 10 - Review: mouse, clock, up, down, on the top -
Run to the mouse up the clock and say “The mouse is
running up the clock” “Where is the mouse?” -> “On
the top, down, up, on the top”
- -
Act 11 - Sing Up and Down

Act 12 - Skip

FC: a ladder Act 13 - Review: Ladder. HANDMADE PROP

Distribute the A5 sheets of paper with ladders with the
rungs missing. Give each child 5 rungs cut out of brown
paper and glue sticks and ask them to make a ladder by
sticking the rungs.
Act 14 - Review: Afraid -
Play cat and mouse game (Can use pics to stick on head
band/wristband) Pretend to run around and hide
Act 15 - Review: Stuck -
Take a soft toy (or flashcard) and put one animal into the
hole in such a way that it cannot easily get through.
“Look! The cat is stuck!”
Act 16 - “What do you want?” -
They should say: “I want a …on the ladder”

Act 17 - Ding-a-ling-a-long! Now we can sing a song! -

Sing Rub-a-dub-dub
- - SS say: Goodbye
Act 18- “Until our next song! Goodbye and so long!
Episode 2 - Lesson 2A

• Flashcards: 6, 9, 11, 19

• Props: character dolls, ball, scarf or blanket, box or magic carpet, bowl, cars, steering wheels, hat or glove

Props Sit down, greeting - Children greeting each other’s

Act 1 - Watch DVD Ep 2 - Children watch video
- Granny, Paul, Flupe
Act 2 - Say Hello to Granny Fix, Paul and Flupe dolls
“Flupe, my dear, I’m so glad you are here.”

Act 3 – Sit down. Review “I am…”, “You are…”

Take a ball and roll it to the child saying: I'm (Teacher's
name). You are Ala. The child should roll it back saying: - Children answer I am….
- A ball I'm Ala. You are ..(Teacher's name).
Do it with every child Instead of your name, you can use
Paul's, Granny 's or Flupe's names.

Act 4 - Stand up. Sing 1 2 3 with telescopes and using

the children's names.
Act 5 - Teach hide. - Students follow instructions
- Props: scarf or blanket Put a big scarf or a blanket on the table and go behind it,
so that the children cannot see you.
Say: I'm hiding. Encourage children to do the same and - Ss guess the
say the sentence.
- Props: box, magic carpet Act 6 – Sit down. Hide flashcards/pictures of whatever
or anything to put the fc in you want to review here (e.g.animals, furniture) under
- Flashcards: house, door, the flaps or in the pockets of the peekaboo board.
clock, tub, chair, bed, Take Paul and ask: Paul, who/ what is hiding here?
ladder, sheep, dog, mouse, Paul opens a flap and says: It's a donkey!
rat, cat, donkey, rabbit Let children open the flaps or look into the pockets and
each time say who/what is hiding there.
Before the next child opens the flap, the whole class
should chant the question: Who is hiding here? Or,
what is hiding here?
Act 7 – Sit down. Teach salad, sweet and biscuit with - Ss follow the instruction
- Flashcard: donut, salad, flashcards. Do some flashcard activities with them.
biscuit (reuse fc from act Choose from the Flashcard Games and Activities. (NO

- Props: bowl (real or felt) Act 8 – Sit down. Make a simple salad (with an apple a
- Flashcard: donut, salad, carrot and some honey, or any other salad your children
may like to make).
biscuit, carrot, boy, mouse,
Make them help to add fruits or vegetables and that
afterwards ask to eat it: Can I have some salad please?
Help them to make a full sentence.
- Flashcard: sweet, salad, Act 9 – Sit down.Review plural forms.
biscuit, carrot, soup, flupe, Play with puzzles: one/two carrots, one bowl of
mice, granny fix, rabbit soup/three bowls of soup, one biscuit/four biscuits one
sweet/five sweets, one bowl of salad/two bowls of
salad, one mouse/three mice, one girl/four girls, one
boy/five boys
Ask the children to match puzzle pieces and say what
they see on them. You can review counting here too.
Elicit: I see one biscuit. I see four biscuits, or just: one
biscuit - four biscuits.
Act 11 - Stand up. Review eat, animals, boys, girls and
Make a maze on the floor. On one side of the opposite
side of the room put pictures of foods: biscuits, sweets
(twice - for boys and girls), mice, soup, salad.
Cut long pieces of coloured string, each piece a different
colour and connect the animals with the food they eat,
e.g. a red piece of string will go from mice to biscuits.
Mingle the strings so that they create a maze.
Each child starts at the animal picture and has to walk
along the string to find what these animals eat.
Demonstrate yourself and say: Mice eat biscuits. Each
child should do the same and say what his/her animals
Praise them each time saying any of these: marvellous,
splendid, well done, that's clever, my dear
Act 12. Sit down. Teach Yes, No, it isn't and yummy.
Act out the scene with Granny Fix 's pocket. Put the
apron on and start taking things out of it, as Granny
Say the fixed rhyme: Mice eat biscuits. That's clever my
dear, I'm sure I've got biscuits somewhere in here
(show the pocket).
Start taking things out of the pocket: a football, glasses,
and anything else you want to review (e.g. a book, a
tree, a sticker, etc.).
Each time you take something out ask: Is this a biscuit?
Encourage children to shout: No, it isn't!
Finally take out some real biscuits and ask: Is this a
biscuit? Say with the children: Yes, it is
Act 13. Take your box clock and a toy mouse. Put the
mouse on top of the clock. Give biscuits to the children,
keep one to yourself. Offer a biscuit to the scared mouse
and ask the children to do the same, saying: Mouse,
come down! Eat a yummy biscuit!
The mouse clearly ref uses to come down. Take Paul and
say: Well, it isn't working. Then Granny Fix doll appears
and says her fixed rhyme.
Try to chant it with the children with gestures: Don't get
upset now (wave your finger and make a sad face). My
dear Flupe and Paul (point to Paul and Flupe), we can
solve any problem (touch your forehead with your
finger as if showing clever), however big or small (show
gestures for big and small with your arms)."
- Props: cars, steering Act 14. Stand up. Say: Let's go in the car, the answer isn't
wheels far! Give steering wheels to the children
Sing Up and Down, this time driving the cars (up, down
to the floor and around, with movements).

Act 15. Sit down. Activity Book

Act 16. Stand up. Teach stop, clap, sleep with actions.
Review jump, run, turn around
While the children are doing the actions, ask: What are
you doing? Help them answer: We are clapping. We are
jumping, …

Act 17. Stand up. Teach fast and as fast as you can.
Do the actions from Act 16, but this time say: Clap!
(children are clapping) Then: Clap fast! (clap faster with
the children) and finally Clap as fast as you can!
(children should clap very fast).
Do the same with all the action words.
- Props: hat / gloves (any Act 18. Sit down. Teach too. Bring a baby shoe and your
kind of clothing) own shoe. Try putting the baby shoe on.
Say: It's too small! Encourage children to try on the
same shoe and say the same sentence.
Do it with your own shoe - this time the children should
say: It's too big!

- Flashcard: sit, dance, Act 19. Sit down. Play the Action Bingo.
hide, clap, eat, climb up, Play it in the way that you show the action and the
children shout out the word and cover the picture with
stop, jump, see, run, come the token. Once they have covered three pictures
in, sail, fix, sing, sleep, vertically, diagonally or horizontally they should shout:
touch Bingo!

Act 20. Stand up. Say: Ding-a-ling-a-long! Now we can

sing a song!! Sing Rub-a-Dub-Dub with gest

Act 21. Say Bye-bye to the children. Encourage the

children to say: It's time to say goodbye! Wave bye to
the dolls too.
Episode 2 - Lesson 2B

• Flashcards: 8, 9, 10, 17

• Props: character dolls, ball,

Props Sit down, greeting - Children greeting each other’s

Act 1 - Watch DVD Ep 2 - Children watch video
- Granny, Paul, Flupe
Act 2 - Say Hello to Granny Fix, Paul and Flupe dolls
“Flupe, my dear, I’m so glad you are here.”

Act 3 – Sit down. Review “I am…”, “You are…”

Take a ball and roll it to the child saying: I'm (Teacher's
name). You are Ala. The child should roll it back saying: - Children answer I am….
I'm Ala. You are ..(Teacher's name).
Do it with every child Instead of your name, you can use
Paul's, Granny 's or Flupe's names.

Act 4 - Stand up. Sing Fun with Flupe with gestures.

Act 5 - Review hide. - Students follow instructions
- Flashcards: Play Hide and Seek Games. Give toy animals to the
children and tell them: Hide your animals! Let them
hide them somewhere in the room. - Ss guess the
Then ask together with the children: Sheep, sheep,
where are you hiding? The children run to find the
sheep. Whoever finds it should say: Here is the sheep!
Then find the dog, and so on.
- Props: paper, stick Act 6 – Sit down. Review salad, sweet, biscuit and eat,
with real items to eat.
Say: Eat a yummy biscuit/ sweet etc. Ask: What are you
- Flashcard: eating? Elicit: I'm eating a biscuit sweets fruit salad. lt’s

Act 7 – Sit down. Make a sweet. Show a picture of a

sweet and say: This is a sweet. Let's make sweets.
Bring a roll of crepe paper and let the children stuff
some old newspapers torn into pieces or with any
recycled paper to make a sweet.
Then roll the crepe paper on both sides to make it look
like a big candy. Ask while doing it: What are we
making? Elicit: A sweet
- Flashcard: carrot, mouse, - Ss follow the instruction
biscuit, bowl, salad, boy,
Act 8 – Sit down. Review plural forms.
Show the corkboard with singular and plural nouns. Give
the children elastic bands or pieces of string and let
them find matching pairs of singular and plural forms,
connect them with the band or string, and say, e.g. one
carrot - four carrots. This way you review counting too.
- Flashcard: numbers,
mouse, rat, dog, donkey, Act 9 - Sit down. Play with cut out numbers and animal
sheep, cat, rabbit pictures. Let children count the animals pictures and
decide which number will match the picture.
Act 10 - Stand up. Review like, animals and foods.
Dress children as animals or story characters (use
- Flashcard: rat, mouse, wristbands/headbands, pictures on strings). Give each
granny fix, rabbit, sheep, child a paper heart. Put pictures of the foods on walls.
boy, flupe, cat Say: I am a girl. / like salads. Run to the wall and stick
your heart on the salad flashcard with Siu Tack.
Encourage the children to do the same and stick their
hearts on the flashcards that their animal or story
character likes.

Act 11 - Sit down. Review come down and animals and

Take your big clock and a few toy animals. Put the
animals on top of the clock. Ask: Where is the rabbit?
Elicit: It's on the top of the clock.
Then call one by one, chanting together with the
children: Rabbit, come down, eat a yummy carrot! Use
the food flashcards to attract the toy animals.
Act 12 - Stand up. Review Let's go, car, fast, as fast as
you can, stop.
Say: Let's go in the car.The answer isn't far. Give out
steering wheels and drive around the room.
Say: Let's go fast! And faster.
Then say: Let's drive as fast as you can! Let the children
drive really fast around the room. Then say: Stop!
Act 13. Sit down. Review too big and too small, hat and
Bring a selection of different hats (various sizes) and a
mirror and have a fashion show. Put one hat on yourself
and say: No, this hat is too small!
Let the children try on many hats, look at themselves in
the mirror and say: This hat is too small. When they take
the one they like and it fits - they say, with your help:
This is just right.

Act 14 - Stand up. Sing Up and Down, holding hands

with all the children.
Act 15 - Sit down. Review No it isn't, yes it is, what is it?
and it's a …
Take flashcards of all the animal and foods you taught so
far. Show a mouse and ask: Is it a rabbit? The children
should all shout: No, it isn't! It's a mouse."

Act 16. Stand up. Review stop, clap, sleep, jump, run,
turn around, count, sing
Give instructions holding the toy microphone. Then let
volunteers from among the children st your place with a
microphone and give instructions too.

- Flashcard: sing, fix, eat, Act 17 - Sit down. Play Lotto with the verbs learnt
count, look, jump, run, Give per child a A4 fc. Call out each verb, drawing the
turn around, climb, hide, picture from the grab bag or hat. Ask: Who's got …?
stop, clap, sleep, come The child that answers first gets the card. The game
into finishes when all the children have covered their fc.

- Props: hat / gloves (any

kind of clothing) Act 18. Stand up. Say: Ding-a-ling-a-long! Now we can
sing a song!! Sing Rub-a-Dub-Dub with gest

Act 19. Say Bye-bye to the children. Encourage the

children to say: It's time to say goodbye! Wave bye to
the dolls too.

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