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Reflection on TQM

Being a school administrator, I am not only focusing on the physical

facilities, budget allocation, human resources, research, curriculum, and
instruction of the school I am handling, but instead, I must also look into the
total quality of the services that we offer to our primary, secondary and tertiary
customers. I believe that our school's success greatly lies in my capability to
lead, innovate, plan, and produce quality teachers, learners, and education in
general. This is why I am very fortunate to learn the concept of Total Quality
Management, which I think is very timely and applicable to me as a school head.
In this manner, TQM dramatically helps me to understand my profound
role as a top management leader. I learned that TQM prescribes a series of ways
for schools to accomplish successful continuous improvement centered on the
use of strategy, data, and effective communication that instill a discipline of
quality into the organization's culture and processes. Through TQM, I started
bringing opportunities to help solve specific problems in our school. I always got
involved with my teachers and stakeholders in our school endeavors like
planning and implementation. More so, building them with a genuine
relationship is also a secret to total quality management. We all work in a safe
and healthy working environment, ensuring that everyone is special and satisfied
with whatever services, programs, activities, and projects we have in school. This
sense reminds me of our school tagline, which I created and started using during
my administration: "In MES, we make everyone special." I firmly believe that in
achieving Quality Education, we are not just giving services as required, but we
must be doing the services required by making us feel that everyone is special.
I am also happy to learn the different TQM tools that I may use in
monitoring. I know that I have limited knowledge of the role I am playing, but I
always open my doors for learning and improvement. Luckily these TQM tools
also give me a more comprehensive understanding of my role. Rest assured that
these tools will not be wasted since I will be including this as one of my
leadership habits in managing and in doing my part in the monitoring process as
I believe that monitoring is essential for successful management.

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