Differences Between Chile and South Korea: English 2

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English 2

Differences between Chile and South Korea


Later, in this report we will make known the main differences that exist amid the practices

and civilizations of the next territories, Chile, and Korea, that is why we consider it essential

to know these practices to expand cultural reasoning, whether for reasoning or if we would

like to know these territories in the future and not insult their traditions.

The report will present the most important traditions of the two territories, finally

comparing them from the archive.

Chilean Custom.
Chile is a country that is divided into 3 zones, the northern zone, the central zone and the

southern zone, their customs show a great variety in clothing, food and traditions, when

traveling through the north of Chile it is common to see inhabitants of indigenous origin

with their youngest children on their backs and wearing dresses of various designs. On

special dates such as July 16th in the Tarapacá region, the festival of Tirana is celebrated in

homage to the Virgen del Carmen, as well as the feast of Ayquina on September 8th.

The food can vary depending on the geographical area in which they are located, on the

coast it is common to see seafood in the main dishes, and in the central and southern

areas the meat dominates. In the central area of the country, the traditions are not

appreciated much, but the truth is that in the streets of the capital the culture is reflected

through foods such as empanadas, sopaipillas and mote con huesillo, for the days 18th and

19th of September Chile suffers an attack of patriotism celebrating independence with

traditional dances such as the Cueca and with the classic drink Terremoto.

In the south of Chile, the clothing of the inhabitants is very different from those of the

north and center, since due to the climate of this area, which is mostly low, with constant

rains, you will always appreciate the wool in their clothes, because its geography is

dominated by forests and large lakes. The foods with more presence are broths, and in

winter their ways of heating their homes are based on firewood. His most traditional

dances are the Costillar and the pericona.

South Korea
Korea is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and is characterized as a conservative

country in its customs and traditions. Its capital Seoul is one of the most populous in the

world along with its metropolitan area.

Within its traditions we find 10 typical festivals celebrated each year, but the most

important are: Seollal: Lunar New Year's Day celebrated in February, is even more important

to them than the new year on January 1st. And Chuseok: Thanksgiving Day celebrated in

September, where they thank the earth for the autumn harvest.

Regarding civic culture, people are very polite when it comes to person-to-person

interaction, however, when it comes to general and group spaces such as the subway or

the street, jostling is customary and normal for them.

There are many mini-markets to buy food and other typical things, however it is difficult to

find a supermarket. And of course, there are stores that sell many trinkets at very

affordable prices.

The people are commonly inflexible in their beliefs and ideologies. They do not easily

compromise nor question the long practiced customs and traditions. In South Corea the

elders are considerated as the leaders of the home and children often refer their choices to

them and obey what they say. In Korea, what others can say about you is very important;

therefore, there is a strict line of behavior.

Unfortunately, South Korea is a country considered by its inhabitants (especially young

people) as very strict and demanding, with one of the highest suicide rates in the world.


One of the first differences that we can see between Chile and South Korea are their typical

festivals, since in Chile it is common to celebrate mostly Catholic festivals, while in South

Korea the natural cycles are important and adored by them.

In Chile, the celebration of independence day is very important and reflects the roots of the

people who inhabited the country from the beginning, for South Korea its roots are

reflected in its conservative way of seeing life and living it, especially in the family hierarchy

which is very important to them. But analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that the

most significant difference is found in the diversity of cultures that each country contains,

Chile is very diverse due to the colonization that is experienced and that is marked in its

customs and ways of life that are very different depending on the area; On the other hand,

in South Korea, nationalism is something that has always been instilled and it is

complicated for other external customs to be naturally accepted by its inhabitants, its

culture has been created apart from the customs of other countries.

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