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Methods of Research

Research Defined
 The process of arriving at
dependable solutions/
conclusions through planned,
systematic collection, analysis
and interpretation of data.
 Scientific, systematic
search or rigorous
investigation or inquiry into
information, situation or
problem in order to generate
new knowledge or validate
existing knowledge. It
includes collection,
presentation, analysis and
interpretation of facts that lines
an individual’s speculation with
 It is the carrying out a
diligent inquiry or a critical
examination of a given
phenomenon. It implies
exhaustive study, investigation
or experimentation
following some logical
 Research is formal work
which is undertaken
systematically to increase the
of knowledge, including
knowledge of humanity, culture
and society, and the use
of this stock of knowledge to
devise new applications
(OECD, 2002). Research
often is used to establish or
confirm facts, reaffirm the
results of previous work,
solve new or existing problems,
support theorems, or develop
new theories.
Research Defined
 The process of arriving at
dependable solutions/
conclusions through planned,
systematic collection, analysis
and interpretation of data.
 Scientific, systematic
search or rigorous
investigation or inquiry into
information, situation or
problem in order to generate
new knowledge or validate
existing knowledge. It
includes collection,
presentation, analysis and
interpretation of facts that lines
an individual’s speculation with
 It is the carrying out a
diligent inquiry or a critical
examination of a given
phenomenon. It implies
exhaustive study, investigation
or experimentation
following some logical
 Research is formal work
which is undertaken
systematically to increase the
of knowledge, including
knowledge of humanity, culture
and society, and the use
of this stock of knowledge to
devise new applications
(OECD, 2002). Research
often is used to establish or
confirm facts, reaffirm the
results of previous work,
solve new or existing problems,
support theorems, or develop
new theories.
Research Defined
 The process of arriving at
dependable solutions/
conclusions through planned,
systematic collection, analysis
and interpretation of data.
 Scientific, systematic
search or rigorous
investigation or inquiry into
information, situation or
problem in order to generate
new knowledge or validate
existing knowledge. It
includes collection,
presentation, analysis and
interpretation of facts that lines
an individual’s speculation with
 It is the carrying out a
diligent inquiry or a critical
examination of a given
phenomenon. It implies
exhaustive study, investigation
or experimentation
following some logical
 Research is formal work
which is undertaken
systematically to increase the
of knowledge, including
knowledge of humanity, culture
and society, and the use
of this stock of knowledge to
devise new applications
(OECD, 2002). Research
often is used to establish or
confirm facts, reaffirm the
results of previous work,
solve new or existing problems,
support theorems, or develop
new theories.
Research Defined

 The process of developing solutions/ conclusions through planned, systematic collection,

analysis and interpretation of data.
 Scientific, systematic search of investigation or inquiry into information, situation or problem in
order to generate new knowledge or validate existing knowledge. It includes collection,
presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that lines an individual’s speculation with
 It is the carrying out a diligent inquiry or a critical examination of a given phenomenon. It
implies study, investigation or experimentation following some logical sequence.
 Research often is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve
new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories.
 According to Kothari (2004), Research refers to a search for knowledge. He asserts that it
is the scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact,
research is an art of scientific investigation.

Research therefore involves the following:

 Defining and redefining problems
 Formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions
 Collecting, organizing and evaluating data
 Making deductions and reaching conclusions
 Testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulated hypothesis

Purposes of Research/Objectives of Research

The tangible outcomes to be achieved

1. To discover new knowledge: this involves the discovery of new facts, their correct interpretation and
practical application
2. To describe a phenomenon: it aids in gaining accurate identification of any events through
3. To enable predictions. It gives the ability to be able to estimate phenomenon
A. given phenomenon
B. ability to predict performance given certain factors in a classroom
4. To enable control. In scientific research, control revolves around being able to regulate the
phenomenon under study. For instance, scientific experiments. With the ever increasing complexity of
modern organizations, and the uncertainty of the environment they face, research has become
one of the constant areas of trouble shooting in the work place. It therefore enables managers to see
or sense problems before they get out of control.
5. To enable explanation of phenomena. Explanation involves correct observation and measurement
of a phenomena
6. To enable theory development: this involves formulating concepts, laws and generalizations
about a given phenomena
In summary the purpose of research is to describe, predict, control and explain

Scientific method on the other hand is an organized system, data-based, critical, objective scientific
inquiry that focuses on solving problems using a step by step logical, organized, and rigorous method
to identify the problems, gather data, analyze them and draw valid conclusions therefrom.
Deduction and Induction research

Deduction is the process by which we arrive at a reasoned conclusion by logical generalization of

a known fact. It involves moving from general to making specific conclusion. For example it is
known that all high performers are highly proficient in their jobs. If peter is a high performer, we can
conclude he is highly proficient in his job

Induction is a process where we observe certain characteristics of phenomenon and on the basis of
these characteristics, we arrive at conclusions. In induction we logically establish a general
proposition based on observed facts and characteristics.

Research Classification According to the Nature of Data

•Quantitative Research is variables based. Quantitative research is based on measurement

quantification of the phenomenon under study. In other words, it is data based and hence more
objective and more popular.
Quantitative Research
 “Quantitative research refers to the systematic empirical investigation of quantitative properties of
phenomena and their relationships”.
 The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories or
hypothesis pertaining to phenomena.
 Statistics is the most widely used branch of mathematics in quantitative research. Statistical methods
are used extensively with in fields such as economics and commerce.
 Quantitative research involving the use of structured questions, large number of respondents is

•Qualitative Research is based on the Subjective Assessment of Attributes, motives, opinions, desires,
preferences, behaviour etc. Research in such a situation is a function of researcher’s insights and
 Qualitative research involves collecting, analyzing and interpreting data by observing what
people do and say.
 Qualitative research refers to the meanings, definitions, characteristics, symbols, metaphors,
and description of things.
 Qualitative research is much more subjective and uses very different methods of collecting
information, mainly individual, in depth interviews and focus groups.

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