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Gaceta Médica de México BRIEF COMMUNICATION

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Informed consent: recommendations for its documentation
Miguel Ángel Celis, José Halabe, Oscar Arrieta, Rubén Burgos, Carlos Campillo, Manuel De la Llata,
Judith Domínguez, Sergio Islas, Luis Jasso-Gutiérrez, Alberto Lifshitz, Mucio Moreno,
Ricardo Plancarte‑Sánchez, Alejandro Reyes-Fuentes, Guillermo Ruiz-Argüelles, Antonio Soda,
Emma Verástegui and Julio Sotelo
Comité de Ética y Transparencia en la Relación Médico-Industria (CETREMI), Academia Nacional de Medicina de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico


Informed consent is an indispensable element to obtain adequate patient participation either in research protocols or in ther-

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apeutic design. The Committee of Ethics and Transparency in the Physician-Industry Relationship (CETREMI) of the National
Academy of Medicine developed several recommendations for informed consent to be documented.

KEY WORDS: Human rights in Medicine. Medical ethics. Treatment acceptance. Participation authorization. Patient ­information.
Defensive medicine.

The document known as informed consent is essen- 3. Revalue the informed consent act, which in
tial in modern medicine as a manifestation of respect daily routine has been devalued or distorted in
for patient dignity and equality regarding the practice many cases by using it primarily as a legal de-
of professionals of medicine and research. fense instrument against possible claims or
Considering the enormous relevance the informed lawsuits.
consent has, the Committee of Ethics and Transpar- 4. Reinforce the ethical scope the medical act
ency in the Physician-Industry Relationship should aspire to in terms of equality, dignity,
­(CETREMI  – Comité de Ética y Transparencia en la autonomy and respect for the person.
Relación Médico-Industria) of the National Academy 5. Represent the best diagnostic or therapeutic
of Medicine believes that this document should: procedure proposal, according to scientific ev-
1. Recognize human equality in its principles and idence-based medicine, algorithms and clinical
values. The informed consent is fundamentally management guidelines.
a human act of equality (the patient) before 6. Admit that the patient goes first and that it is
another human being (the doctor), leaving be- an obligation not to make him/her suffer need-
hind the anachronistic attitude of medical pa- lessly, not to violate his/her dignity, avoid addi-
ternalism, which attempts to place the doctor tional risks and therapeutic obstinacy or
above the patient. ­additional financial benefits, arguing education-
2. Accept that the informed consent is a medical act al, research or innovation interests.
that goes beyond the declaration of risks-bene- 7. Promote transparency and accountability
fits. In daily practice, it constitutes a notification among physicians and health institutions. It is
document of diagnostic procedures or invasive necessary for conflicts resulting from particular
treatments that are necessary or beneficial, but interests to be identified or prevented, by initia-
which represent a potential risk or harm to the tive of the pharmaceutical industry or suppliers
patient. of biomedical materials or equipment at the

Correspondence: Date of reception: 16-04-2018 Gac Med Mex. 2018;154:615-616

Julio Sotelo Date of acceptance: 23-04-2018 Contents available at PubMed
E-mail: DOI: 10.24875/GMM.M19000215

Gaceta Médica de México. 2018;154

moment of creating the informed consent. In their diagnosis, if it was not as good as
procedures to be authorized, only that which is expected.
necessary should be used and that which is b) That the patient feels insecure and changes

 f the publisher.   © Permanyer 2019

superfluous be avoided. his/her doctor for another that lays out a more
8. Document if decisions were the result of a optimistic, not necessarily more realistic pan-
medical collegiate or consensus meeting. If in- orama, with less ethics and possibly less
ternational models or guidelines are followed, competent.
the patient must be informed that the practical c) That, in public or private institutions, doctors
implementation is also valid or comparable for with little experience obtain the informed con-
his/her own experience or that of the institution. sent. Routine, inertial or historical practices
Promote collegiate clinical discussion and doc- should be avoided.
ument the decisions or management proposals d) Unduly informing the patient or family in order
that support the consent. to induce them to accept a procedure that is
9. Promote training courses on how to obtain the not necessary or that involves excessive risk
informed consent among doctors and institu- for the condition it is intended to address, in

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tions, emphasizing on the dignified treatment order to acquire experience for “integrating a
and acceptance of the person’s (patient) iden- case”, with academic presentation or publica-
tity, which implies granting the patient a treat- tion purposes, to be protected against possible
ment as equals, neither as superiors nor as complaints or lawsuits (defensive medicine), for
inferiors; and accepting differences in terms of commercial purposes or for economic benefit.
religion, ethnicity, gender, social class, educa- e) Maliciously informing the patient or family with
tional level, sexual orientation, age or disability the purpose to generate fear, seeking their dis-
without any prejudice. sent, in order to avoid the practice of a medical
10. Ensure the balance between quantity and qual- or surgical, diagnostic or therapeutic proce-
ity of the information to be defined in the con- dure, especially in public hospitals.
sent document: a) according to the urgency of f) Giving alarming information aimed at being
the case (the greater the urgency, the less- “covered” (defensive medicine) against possi-
er the accuracy claimable in the information), ble complaints, lawsuits, risks, non-preventable
b) the need for treatment (if the intervention is adverse eventualities, risks of complication,
less necessary, more rigor to sustain it, which lack of skill, incompetence or malpractice in the
must be extreme in case of cosmetic surgery), face of possible adverse results, when health
c) the danger or increased risk of complica- professionals want to get rid of the patient with
tions, d) the novelty of the procedure, e) the the purpose for him/her not to become a com-
severity of the disease (sensible balance be- plainant or to look for another doctor.
tween risk and benefit). g) In private medicine institutions, the informed
11. Should the patient refuse to accept necessary consent document should not be omitted or to
procedures due to economic shortcomings, be inexplicit. The formal document should be a
the doctor should guide him/her to look for regular procedure in private medicine
other medical-surgical options in public
­ practice.
establishments. h) CETREMI emphasizes that the “informed con-
In CETREMI’s opinion, the following should be sent” has not the purpose to protect the doctor
avoided: against eventual lawsuits and claims, but to
a) Being too explicit and causing depression, protect patients from eventual abuses or omis-
anxiety or fear in patients when they know sions by health personnel.Abstract


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