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aa of each gr grain o.d.** right eye TMP-SMX trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole
ac before meals gtt a drop o.s.** left eye tsp teaspoon
ad to, up to h hour OTC over-the-counter top topically
a.d. ** right ear HA headache oz; fl oz ounce; fluid once TUD take as directed
ad lib at pleasure, freely HCTZ** hydrochlorothiazide P pulse Tx treatment
AM morning HR heart rate pc after meals U** unit
amp ampule HRT hormone replacement therapy PCN penicillin UA uric acid, urinalysis
APAP acetaminophen hs** at bedtime PM evening UC ulcerative colitis
aq Water HTN hypertension po by mouth ud or ut dict as directed
a.s. ** left ear inj injection post-op after surgery ung ointment
ASA aspirin IV intravenous injection pr or rect rectally URTI upper respiratory tract infection
ATC around the clock IM intramascular injection prn when necessary UTI urinary tract infection
a.u. ** each ear ID intradermal injection pulv powder WA while awake
BCP birth control pill IU** international units pv or vag vaginally wk week
bid two times a day kg kilogram PVCs premature ventricular contractions y or yr year
BM bowel movement L liter PVD peripheral vascular disease yo years old
BP blood pressure Ib pound q every
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy mcg microgram qd** every day
BS blood sugar MDI metered dose inhaler qid** four times daily
BSA body surface area mEq milliequivalent qod** every other day
 with mg milligram qs a sufficient quantity
CAD coronary artery disease mL milliliter qs ad a sufficient quantity up to
CAP community acquired pneumonia mOsmol Milliosmose q_h every_hour
caps capsule MOM milk of magnesia RA rheumatoid arthritis
cc** cubic centimeter [milliliter] MS** morphine sulfate ss without
CHF congestive heart failure MTX** methotrexate ss one-half
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease MVI multivitamin SC, SQ, SubQ** subcutaneous injection
CP chest pain M mix Sig write on label
DAW dispense as written N&V nausea and vomiting SL sublingual
DC or D/C** discontinue NKDA no known drug allergies SOB shortness of breath
disp dispense NPO nothing by mouth sol or soln solution
div divide NMT no more than sq m, m2 square meter
DM Diabetes Mellitus non rep/NR do not repeat stat immediately
DOB date of birth NS normal saline susp suspension
d.t.d. give of such doses NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Sx symptom
Dx diagnosis NTE not to exceed syr syrup
elix elixir NTG nitroglycerin T temperature
EtOH ethanol OA osteoarthritis tab tablet
Ft make, let it be made OC oral contraceptive TCN tetracycline
g gram OCD obsessive compulsive disorder TIA transient ischemic attack
GERD gastroesophageal OJ** orange juice tid three times a day
GI gastrointestinal O2 oxygen tiw** three times a week
GU genitourinary o.u.** each eye tbsp tablespoon

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