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Modular Learning: Difficulties of

Grade 12 SMAW in Their Core Subjects

A Research

Presented to the Faculty of

Torres National High School

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements


Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)


John Paul Apolinar

Jaycom Barrozo

Noey Barrozo

Jobert Caspillian
Submitted to:

Chapter I


Background of the study

Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has brought a huge impact around the

world and has been staying for over a year now. It has affected daily life and is

slowing down the economy globally. The pandemic has executed millions of people

and still spreading as the scientists found new variants and strains of this invisible

disease. According to Hutchinson (2020), COVID-19 is like running a marathon with

no finish line.

This pandemic has affected many areas in the world that directly concern human

life, particularly health, tourism, and the economy. According to Telli, Yamamoto, and

Altun (2020), education is the sector most affected by COVID-19 after the health

sector. It is evident that the pandemic has affected the education life of a large learning

population in a very short time. As a matter of fact, the number of students whose

educational activities were restricted was around 300 million in March 2020 and the

number reached 1.6 billion in April 2020.

Education plays a vital role for the people. It is where the students being molded

to be professionals in different fields they want to take which has a large contribution

into the economy. But the pandemic caused many countries into lockdown and

affected the accustomed system of learning which is the traditional teaching or known

as face-to-face class.

The lockdown has compelled many educational institutions to cancel their

classes, examinations, internships, etc., and to choose the online modes. Initially, the

educators and the students were quite confused and didn’t understand how to cope up

with the situation of this sudden crisis that compelled the closure of the educational

activities (Jena,2020). As a result, many countries implemented distance learning as a

substitute way of learning.

Distance learning refers to a learning delivery modality where learning takes

place between the teacher and the learners who are geographically remote from each

other during instruction (Llego, 2020). This modality has three types: Modular

Distance Learning (MDL), Online Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based


In Lananpin National High School, the school offers Modular Distance Learning

(MDL). Parents of the students get the modules in the respective teacher adviser of

their children. At the same manner, teachers are initiating to have an online class to

teach and guide the students about their lesson and how are they going to accomplish

the given tasks in their modules. This also helps the students to still closely experience

the traditional education. However, this setup is not easy to execute properly here in

our country due to poor connection and many more factors.

According to Luis Teodoro, one of the contributers in Bulatlat Journalism for the

people, there is also the problem of connectivity. Despite the Department of

Information and Communication Technology’s (DICT) pledge to make Wi-Fi

available throughout the country, the connections are still either too weak or

nonexistent not only in those remote localities from where students have had to walk

for kilometers and cross rivers to the nearest school during pre-pandemic times, but

even in some urban areas. Whereas, many students are still eager to learn and study

hard especially during this situation and as a result, they are doing everything they can

likewise with the parents who were fully supportive with their children.

As what some of the parents said, the lesser the better. One of the concerns of the

students is that they do not have enough time to answer all the modules within a week.

Therefore, if DepEd cannot extend the duration of accomplishing the modules, they

must lessen the activities (Dangle & Sumaoang, 2020). The great number of activities

in each module is one of the main problems that emerged in the implementation of

Modular Distance Learning. The Department of Education should consider this

problem, reduce the activities, and take out the unnecessary topics so that mastery will

be attained as much as possible.

Thus, with the factors that can hinders the students from learning excellently this

school year, researchers aims to study about the difficulties of the Grade 12

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students of Lananpin National High

School with the modular way of learning.

The rationale of the study is to understand more the students of Grade 12 ABM of

LNHS in regard to their difficulties on their core subjects with this type of learning

system. This study also aims to identify specifically those difficulties so, this research

may help them formulate solutions on how to cope those things.

Statement of the Problem

Distance learning is the type of learning that students are practicing this school

year 2021-2022. Hence, some students find difficulties with these learning. Many

learners fall behind and nurture the idea of giving up, as difficulties in handling a

technological medium also seem insurmountable. Students need to find the motivation

to follow the new educational trends and also properly equip themselves for future

challenges in their education and careers (Kumar, 2015).

Researchers observed that some of the Grade 12 SMAW & WELNESS in Torres

National High School are having difficulties in their core subjects especially in this

type of learning method. So, researchers aims to seek answers for the following


1) What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the following:

a. Gender;

b. Age;

c. Civil Status; and

d. Address

2) Level of difficulties of the respondents in their core subjects:

a. Fundamental of

b. Principles of Marketing

3) Percentage of Grade 12 ABM students who pass

their modules in core

subjects on time;

4) Is there a significant relationship between the respondent’s profile and their

difficulties in core subjects?

Null Hypothesis

The hypothesis was tested in null form at the 0.05 level of significance: 1. There

is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the difficulties

of Grade 12 ABM students in their core subjects under modular distance


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focused on the "Difficulties of the Grade 12 ABM students of Lananpin

National High School in their core subjects with the modular learning system". The

researchers came up with an answer based from the results of the questionnaires

handed out to the respondents.

This study was delimited to the 15 students from Grade 12 Accountancy,

Business and Management (ABM) students of Lananpin National High School.

Significance of the Study

This research study entitled: “Modular Learning: Difficulties of Grade 12

ABM in Their Core Subjects” may widen the knowledge of readers about the
challenges faced by the students in the modular learning system.
This section will provide a short description that would be beneficial primarily to
the following:
Curriculum Makers. For them to know how modular distance learning effective
is, and to know its impacts or outcomes of implementing this method of learning, so
that they can fix or improve if something that is lack or problem.
School Administrators. This would be of great importance for them to know
how the students handle this way of learning and suggest some teaching methods that
are effective and more engaging for the students in the new normal.
Teachers. This can help them by knowing and understanding how their students
react with the newly implemented method of learning and how they can improve their
teaching strategies in order to deliver the main knowledge and wisdom to their
students thoroughly even in the midst of this pandemic.

Students. This study can help them to know and understand more about the
difficulties they are currently facing and how they will cope up and maintain a good
academic performance as well as their social life despite the health crisis.
Parents. This will be helpful for them to increase their awareness of their
children studying in the new normal, and know more about the new methods of
learning, particularly the modular distance learning in order for them to help their
children, both in their academic and social life, and make studying lighter and more
Future Researchers. This proposed study may help them by giving some
pointers, backgrounds, and steps in order to learn more about the challenges
encountered by the Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management students
through modular distance learning. So that they can improve or enhance their research
Definition of Terms

In order to understand the study better, the researcher has provided some terms

that were defined according to its denotation and on how they were used in the study:

Pandemic. Defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide

area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of

people”. The classical definition includes nothing about population immunity,

virology or disease severity.

Department of Education (DepEd). It is the executive department of the

Philippine government responsible for ensuring access to, promoting equity in, and

improving the quality of basic education.

Distance Learning. According to Britannica, it is also called distance education,

e-learning, and online learning, form of education in which the main elements include

physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and the use of various

technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-student communication.

Modular Distance Learning. According to Flip Science, it is a form of distance

learning that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based on the most essential learning

competencies (MELCS) provided by Department of Education (DepEd). The modules

include sections on motivation and assessment that serve as a complete guide of both

teachers' and students' desired competencies.

New Normal. According to, a current situation, social custom,

etc., that is different from what has been experienced or done before but is expected to

become usual or typical.

Challenges. According to Cambridge Dictionary, (the situation of being faced

with) something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done

successfully and therefore tests a person's ability.



This chapter of the study presents the relevant literature and studies which have

bearing on the research being studied. The review was undertaken to gain further

insight and lend support in the interpretation of findings in the study.

Foreign and Local Literature

Although the term ‘blended learning’ is widely used, this article argues against it.

Two arguments are advanced. The first is primarily philosophical, although it has

several pragmatic implications. It proposes that ‘blending’ either relies on the idea of

dichotomies which are suspect within the context of learning with technology or else

becomes ineffective as a discriminating concept and is thus without purpose. The

implication of this is that the term ‘blended’ should either be abandoned or, at the

least, radically reconceived. The second argument proposes that learning, from the

perspective of the learner, is rarely, if ever, the subject of blended learning. What is

actually being addressed are forms of instruction, teaching, or at best, pedagogies. The

implication of this is that the term ‘learning’ should be abandoned. The second half of

the article attempts to redeem the concept of blended learning by arguing that learning

gains attributed to blended learning may have their explanation in variation theory. It

offers a new way to conceptualise what is being ‘blended’ that is theoretically

coherent, philosophically defensible and pragmatically informative. The article

concludes by setting an agenda for further work in this area (Oliver, 2005).

Modular education refers to the division of conventional courses into smaller

components or modules. Each module enables students to obtain a partial certificate

that can be combined into a qualification. This article evaluates whether modular

education, which is widely used in secondary and tertiary education, has been effective

in reducing school dropout. For this purpose, the study exploits a policy change in the

Flemish Community of Belgium, which recently introduced modular education for

some programmes. Using a difference‐in‐differences framework with diverse adoption

dates per school, the results indicate that modular education may significantly reduce

school dropout by 2.5 percentage points, with the largest effects on foreign origin

students. Therefore, modular education is likely to be an effective policy to tackle

school dropout and reduce the ethnic attainment gap. Additionally, students enrolled in

modular education are more likely to be employed and to incur higher earnings on the

labour market (Masrekaj, 2019).

Foreign and Local Studies

Based on the findings of the study − Atika Qazi, Khulla Naseer, Javaria Qazi,

Hussain AlSalman, Usman Naseem, Shuiqing Yang, Glenn Hardaker, Abdu

Gumaei,Conventional to online education during COVID-19 pandemic: Do develop

and underdeveloped nations cope alike, Children and Youth Services Review (2020),

it showed that there is a relationship between students’ satisfaction and access & use of

online learning.

Outcomes of the survey suggest that Bruneian are more satisfied (50%) with the use

of online learning amid lockdown as compared to Pakistanis (35.9%). Thus, they conclude

that it is crucial for the government and other policymakers worldwide to address access

and use of online learning resources of their populace amid pandemic.

According to Martin, Jr. , N. A., Patacsil, D., Retuerne, R., & Gali, D. (2020),

ccounting subjects by the Grade 12 ABM learners were; ranked 1 was Journalizing

Entries as confirmed by 51% of the respondents, ranked 2 was Transaction Analysis as

confirmed by 22% of the respondents, ranked 3 was Difficult Subjects as confirmed

by 17% of the respondents, ranked 4 was Worksheet Preparation as confirmed by 7%

of the respondents, and 3% of the respondents confirmed that they did not encounter

any problems in taking the Accounting subjects. Among the recommendations of this

study were providing more practice drills and problem-solving to increase confidence

in Debit and Credit's rules. Accounting teachers should ensure that all learners fully

understand the core competencies in the

Accounting Cycle before advancing and may incorporate the proposed Strategic

Subject Plan (SSP) into the actual teaching process.

Despite the implementation of modularised approach of teaching in the

undergraduate agribusiness and value chain management (ABVM), formerly named

agribusiness management (ABM), programme in Haramaya University, how it

influenced students' entrepreneurship attitude remained unstudied. This study intended

to assess ABVM and ABM students' attitude towards entrepreneurship role. The study

was conducted in the second semester of the 2012/2013 academic year. A structured

questionnaire and availability sampling techniques were used to select a total of 128

students. The Guttmann's three-point scale was used to identify the attitude of

students. Results revealed that 93.7% of them perceived entrepreneurship role

positively. Students with entrepreneur(s) family have statistically significant access to

ICT. ABVM students found to have a positive and significant perception towards

employability and income generation role of entrepreneurship. Hence, the promises

not the practice of modularised teaching highly influenced the attitude of students.

Focus is needed on practical aspects of modularisation (Aman, 2015).

According to Balaria F. (2019), textbooks still served as the daily instructional

material followed by hand outs and modules. It further revealed that teaching

methodologies and strategies employed by the ABM teachers were varied as to the

extent of use. Results further revealed that much of the instructional time was devoted

to lecture method. The teacher-student and student to student interactions were not

evidently seen in the study. In terms of assessment, Paper and Pen test was used as

mode of assessment in order to measure and evaluate the learners’ learning outcomes.

On the contrary, in terms of output of instruction, learners still obtained outstanding

and very satisfactory grades. Given the qualifications and vertical specialization of

teachers and the limitations cited, student-learners managed to acquire quality


This study compared and evaluated the efficacy and impact of the usage of

blended learning approach in teaching statistics and probability in Senior high School

Learners in Madridejos National High School, during the School Year 2017-2018. A

proposed teaching strategy to be used and technology materials to be adopted based on

the findings of this study. This quasi-experimental study made use of the

Descriptive and the T-test for the main gains. The respondents were composed of two

Strands of Grade 11- STEM and Grade 11-ABM, purposively selected as the

traditional which is referred as the control group and the blended as the experimental

group in the study. Moreover, Grade 11-STEM was considered as the control group in

which the traditional teaching approach was being used and learning and teaching


On the other hand the Grade 11- ABM was the experimental group which the

proposed blended learning approach in learning-teaching process with a combinations

of face-to-face teaching method were being used and considered. The

researcher-made questionnaires were validated as data gathering instruments. The test

administered before conducting any instruction and the test given after the discussion

of all the lessons covered in the learning competencies in Correlation and Regression

Analysis conducted on both control and experimental groups showed a significant

difference in their performances. Based on both results of the performances, it

revealed that there was a significant difference. In conclusion, the approach of

Blended Learning in teaching Statistics and Probability in Senior High School

Learners is an effective approach in the said core subject in Senior High School

(Abadiano & Montecillo, 2020).

Theoretical Framework

Transactional Distance Theory (1970). According to Dr. Michael G. Moore, it

is the first pedagogical theory specifically derived from analysis of teaching and

learning conducted through technology as opposed to the many theories developed in

the classroom.

The theory consists of a set of principles and a model that defines the pedagogical

aspects of education (as contrasted with others such as management and policy) in

three sets of variables. The first set consists of elements describing the structure of

what is designed to be learned, the second in the interaction or dialog between teacher

and learners when that structured program is implemented, and the third is the

idiosyncrasies of each individual learner with priority given to the potential self-

management or autonomy of the students who interact with teachers within the

designed structure (Moore & Kearsley, 2012).

Theory and Practice of Distance Education (1989). Holmberg summarizes his

theoretical approach by stating that distance education is a concept that covers the

learning-teaching activities in the cognitive and/or psycho-motor and affective

domains of an individual learner and a supporting organization. It is characterized by

non-contiguous communication and can be carried out anywhere and at any time,

which makes it attractive to adults with professional and social commitments.

In essence, Holmberg believes that learners are inspired and encouraged to

engage directly in their studies by promoting empathy between learning and tutoring

parties through suitable one- and two-way interactions. Distance education offers

access for heterogeneous students, promotes students’ independence and an instrument

for life-long learning. It also normally assumes that "genuine learning is primarily an

individual activity and can only be achieved through a process of internalization". This

claim is one that can be explained by the principle of distance education. Therefore,

the objective of his theory is to support individualized learning.

All the theories mentioned will serve as guide of the researchers in conducting the

study about the challenges encountered by the Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and

Management Students through distance learning or distance education, especially the

modular approach which is the learning method of the students in the new normal.

Conceptual Framework

The figure on the next page shows the input of the study wherein it discusses the

difficulties of the Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management Students in their

core subjects through Modular Distance Learning.

The first box (Input) determines the (1) Profile of the respondents in terms of;

(a.) Gender, (b.) Age, (c.) Civil Status; and (d) Address, (2) Level of difficulties of

the respondents in their core subjects: (a.)Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business

Management, (b.) Principles of Marketing; and (3) if there is a

significant relationship between the respondent’s profile and their difficulties in

core subjects. The second box (Process) highlights the data gathering procedure

and how to analyze the data. The last box (Output) suggests measures to be done

in order to improve or sustain the academic performance of the respondents in the

new normal.

Input Process Output

Demographic -Interpret the
profile of the Profile of the
respondents respondents
a) Gender;
b) Age; -Identify the level
of difficulties of Suggested
c) Civil Status;
the Grade 12 ABM measures are to be
d) Address
Students in their done in
Level of core subjects order to
difficulties of through Modular cope up
the Distance Learning their
respondents in difficulties in their
their core
core subjects
subjects: -Analyze if there is
a) Fundamentals a relationship on
of Accountancy, the set of variables
learning and
Business established in the
to improve
Management study
and sustain
b) Principles of at the
Marketing same time
between the
profile and their
difficulties in core
Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study



This chapter deals with the methods in the study. A comprehensive discussion

on how the data will be obtained, validated and treated is presented herein.

Research Design

The study used the descriptive research method to collect data from the

respondents. Key (1997) defined descriptive research as a research design used to

obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe what

exist with respect to variables or condition in a situation. The method involved range

from the survey which describes the status quo, the correlation study which

investigates the relationship between variables, to developmental studies which sought

to determine changes over time.

Respondents of the Study and Sampling Scheme

The field of our study used a complete enumeration wherein we take the complete

population number of the Grade 12 Accountancy and Business Management

(ABM) students of Lananpin, National High School in Urdaneta City, Pangasinan.

The researchers asked a total of 15 respondents consisting of 2 males and 13 females

in related to the difficulties of Grade 12 ABM students in their major subjects through

the modular learning system.

Data Gathering Instrument

The primary data gathering instrument used in this study was an online survey-

questionnaire which was prepared by the researchers with consultation of their

research adviser to achieve the objectives of the study. The questionnaire has two

parts. The first part includes the respondents profile in terms of age, sex, civil status,

and address.

While the second part includes the respondents level of difficulties in their

modules in major subjects.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered was collected, tabulated and summarized. The data

regarding respondents’ profile was statistically treated using a frequency table with the

corresponding frequency (f) and percentage equivalent (P) using the formula below for

problem number one about the respondent’s profile in terms of age, sex, civil status,

and address.

P = 100%

P = Percentage equivalent f = number

of respondents per bracket n = total

number of respondents



This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done

and interpretation of findings. These are

presented in tables following the sequence of the specific research problem regarding

the difficulties of Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) in their

core subjects through Modular Distance Learning.

Profile of the Respondents

One of the research categories in every study is the characteristics of the

respondents having the most significant role in expressing and stating the responses

about the raised problems. These characteristics of the respondents include their

gender, age, civil status and address.

This section shows the profile of the respondents.

I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

The subjects of the study were asked to indicate their gender, age, civil status and

address. The data were taken mainly from the responses of fifteen (15) students and

were summarized and presented in the tables below.

Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Table 1

Sex Frequency Percentage

Female 13 86.67%

Male 2 13.33%

Total 15 100%

Table 1. shows the Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of their

gender. It also shows that female comprises majority of the population with a total

number of 13 with a total percentage of 86.67, while, male respondents have the least

number of 2 respondents with a percentage of 13.33 . On the other hand, in gender,

female got the highest frequency of 13 with a percentage of 86.67%.

Table 2 presenting the Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of their

age. The age of the respondents was an important factor for the study to see if with

increasing age of students may vary on their level of difficulties in their core subjects.

This table shows the age categories of subjects who took part in the completion of the


Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of their

Age Table 2 n=15
Age Frequency Percentage

17 11 73.33%
18 4 26.57%

Total 50 100%

Table 2. shows the Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of their

age. It also reveals that 17 years old comprises majority of the population with a total

number of 11 and a percentage of 73.33%. On the other hand, 18 years old have the

least number of 4 with a total percentage of 16.57%.

Table 3

In terms of Civil Status

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 11 73.33%
In a relationship 4 26.57%
Married 0 0%
Widowed 0 0%

Total 15 100%
Table 3. shows the Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of their

civil status. It also shows that majority of the respondents are single with a total

number of 11 with the percentage of 73.33%. While, 4 respondents are in a

relationship with the percentage of 26.57%. Thus, there were no married and widowed

in the participants.

Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of their Address

Table 4 n=15
Barangay Frequency Percentage

Labit (West,East,Proper) 1 6.67%

Nancamaliran (East, West) 10 66.67%
Pinmaludpod 4 26.67%

Total 15 100%

Table 4. shows the Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of their address.

It also reveals that barangay Nancamaliran comprises majority of the population with

a total number of 10 and a percentage of 66.67%. On the other hand, there were 4

respondents who live in barangay Pinmaludpod with the percentage of 26.67%. And

barangay Labit has the least number of 1 with a total percentage of


II. Level of Difficulties of Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management in

their core subjects through modular distance learning.

The percentage in this table shows that the allocation of questionnaires to

various groups was in no way influenced by bias. It is a true reflection of the

researcher’s impartiality in the distribution of questionnaires.

Fifteen respondents came up with the following results and computed data

based on their experiences and personal views and attitudes towards their core subjects

through modular distance learning.

Table 5

Level of Difficulties In Their Core Subjects: Fundamentals of Accountancy,

Business Management and Principles of Marketing


Questionnaire Easy Average Difficult Weighted Description

(1) (2) (3)

How do you find your 0 10 5 3.3 Average

modules in major
subjects while you're

answering it?

Rate your difficulty 0 5 10 3.3 Difficult

managing your time to

answer all your

modules in major


Rate your modules in 0 11 4 3.63 Average
marketing subject
considering the

Rate your modules in 1 7 7 2.31 Average/Difficult

Basic Fundamentals
of Accounting subject
considering the

Overall Weighted 3.135 Average


Table 5 shows the levels of difficulties of the Grade 12 Accountancy, Business

and Management in their core subjects. It also reveals that majority of the respondents

find their modules in major subjects as average. Rising in the total number of 10

respondents with the weighted mean of 3.3 . But, no one find their modules easy. On

the other hand, great number of 10 respondents with a weighted mean of 3.3 also find

difficulties in managing their time to answer all their modules in core subjects. No one

find easy on it yet. Although, 11 participants with 3.63 on its weighted mean take their

core subject−Principles in Marketing as average. Meanwhile, tie with 7 number of

respondents or 2.31 on weighted mean find their core subject − Fundamentals of

Accountancy, Business and Management as difficult and average.

III. Percentage of Grade 12 ABM students who pass their modules in core

subjects on time

The percentage of Grade12 ABM students who pass their modules in their core

subjects is also an important aspect for this study. The questionnaire were also

answered by the 15 students of Grade 12 ABM of Lananpin National HIgh School.

The given result was based on the results of the survey and was not bias.

Table 6

Percentage of Grade 12 ABM students who pass their modules in core

subjects on time

Question Yes No Percentages Description

Yes No

Do you always pass your modules in major 10 5 66.67% 33.33% Yes

subjects on time?

Table 6 shows the percentage of students who always pass their modules in

core subjects on time. As a result, 10 out of 15 do always pass their core subject

modules on time with the percentage of 66.67%. However, 5 of them do not pass it

on time with the percentage of 33.333%.



This chapter presents the summary of the research, conclusions, and

recommendations of the researchers regarding the topic ventured. The researchers

summarized the study in order for the readers to answer the problems regarding the

topic of this research while recommendations are for the de v e l o pm e n t of th e pr e

se n t st a t u s abo u t th e to p ic pr e s e n t e d by th e


Summary Findings:

The main purpose of this study aims to determine the difficulties of Grade 12

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) in their core subjects through

modular learning. Thus, the following are the significant findings of the study.

1. Profile of the respondents

A. Demographic Profile

In the problem number 1, the following answers the profile of the

students in terms of gender, age, civil status and zone in their place.

It reveals that females comprises majority of the

population with a total number of 13 and a percentage of

86.67%. On the other hand, males include 2 participants with

the percentage of 13.33%. In their age, the majority of the

respondents were 17 years old with a total number of 11 and

a percentage 73.33% of 15.

While in their civil status, singles has the most count

with a total of 11 (73.33%) respondents. And in their terms of

address, majority of the subjects live in barangay

Nancamaliran with a great number of 10 and a percentage of


2. In the level of difficulties of the Grade 12 ABM students in their core

subjects through modular distance learning, it reveals that majority of the

respondents find their modules in major subjects as average. Rising in the

total number of 10 respondents with the weighted mean of 3.3 . But, no one

find their modules easy. On the other hand, great number of 10 respondents

with a weighted mean of 3.3 also find difficulties in managing their time to

answer all their modules in core subjects. No one find easy on it yet.

Although, 11 participants with 3.63 on its weighted mean take their core

subject − Principles in Marketing as average. Meanwhile, tie with 7 number

of respondents or 2.31 on weighted mean find their core subject −

Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management as

difficult and average.

3. In terms of the percentage of students who always pass their modules in core

subjects on time, 10 out of 15 do always pass their core subject modules on

time with the percentage of 66.67%.

4. Female respondents are the majority population and said to find their core

subjects as average.


Based on the findings the researchers conclude that:

1. In the gender, the majority of the respondents were female with a total

number of 13 with a total percentage 86.67% of 15.

2. Majority of the respondents are aging 17 years old with a total
percentage of


3. The respondent’s are majority singles with a total number of 11 and a

percentage 73.33% of 15.

4. Based on the computed data, respondents take their core

subject−Principles in Marketing as average.

5. According to the results, tie with 7 number of respondents find their

core subject−Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management as

difficult and average.

6. With the presented data in the previous chapter, 66.67% of the

participants always pass their modules in core subjects on time.

7. In the data, female respondents are the majority population and said to

find their core subjects as average.


Based on the findings and conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are


1. Seek for teacher’s guidance to understand more the core subjects.

2. Be resourceful in gathering ideas about the lesson/s. For example,

searching more examples in the internet about the topic.

3. Avoid being attracted to social medias.

4. Maintain the focus in studying hours.

5. Improve time management.




by-students-in-elearning-ov ercome

%20and %20prolonged%20drought.



In terms of their Zone in Pinmaludpod

Table 4

Zone of their Places Frequency Percentage

1 10 14.28%
2 10 14.28%
3 10 14.28%
4 10 14.28%
5 10 14.28%
6 10 14.28%
7 10 14.28%
Total 70 100%

Table 4 shows the respondents profile in their terms of zone of their places, from

zone 1 to zone 7 there are 10 participants each.

IV. In terms of the level of implementation of health protocols

The resulted percentage in this table shows no influenced of bias and were all

based by the answers of the respondents in the given questionnaires. It is a true

reflection of the researcher’s impartiality in the distribution of questionnaires.

In terms of the level of implementation of health protocols in barangay

Pinmaludpod, Seventy respondents came up with the following results and computed

data based on their level of implementation of health protocols. There answers and


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