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Kristine Ann G.

Genabe II ABEL B

Liham ni Pinay mula sa Brunei

Working abroad is a significant sacrifice. It is both physically and mentally

agonizing to be separated from family for an extended period of time without knowing
what lies ahead or what risks await you abroad. Working abroad requires a lot of courage;
the decision of an OFW to work abroad, miles away from their loved ones, demonstrates
how brave and courageous they are. It takes a lot of guts to travel alone in a foreign
country with foreign customs and traditions to which you do not belong. Filipinos,
particularly Filipino women, take all of these risks for the sake of their families who have
been left behind.
They are more than willing to forego their domestic responsibilities in order to
work abroad and provide a better future for their children, even if it means foregoing their
own happiness. Though it hurts a mother to be apart from the people she loves the most,
especially her children, on special occasions such as birthdays and graduations, if it
means providing for their needs, she would do so without hesitation. They swallow their
pride while caring for people who are not even related to them and are complete
strangers, while their children are far away, abandoned, and without a mother to lean on
in times of difficulty. This demonstrates how courageous mothers can be. They provide
not only for their families, but also for our country. That is why Filipino women are
portrayed as the best mothers, a woman who prioritizes her children above all else, even
societal norms and traditions. These are acts that younger generations must and should
emulate. We must remember the bravery and sacrifices of all Filipino mothers and use
them as inspiration to do the right thing for one's own development.
With careful analysis and comprehension of this poem using feminist theory, We
can conclude from this approach that the main purpose of this poem is to raise awareness
among the younger generation about the roles of man and woman in society. For me, it
gives millennials the courage to challenge society's long-held belief that women are only
for housework. This piece wishes to convey that woman are capable of doing things that
men can do. This writing also has a significant impact on the readers in terms of
respecting one's personal preference for career path choice. Finally, this piece defies the
rule of gender stereotyping. All opportunities available to men should also be available to
women to strengthen the women’s voices and eliminate discrimination in society.

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