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Practice 3

Activity 1: Hyperlinks Writing a Branching Story

Step 1: Download the file named as Hyperlinks and do the following

Step 2: We are going to create a Story book using Excel and Hyperlinks to do it; in your file you are going
to find 11 sheets, we need to add one more and place it at the beginning of the workbook. Change the tabs
name to your initials.
Step 3: We are going to create the cover of our book, go to insert tab and in text group select Word Art,
choose a style and type “Billy Bear” place it at the top of the sheet in B6 type BY: YOUR COMPLETE
NAME, in B9 type: START and in B11: More Interactive Books.
Step 4: Now we need to do three things to each sheet; remove the gridlines, change the size of column B
and format the font size to 16. These things can be done to all sheets at the same time. First, select all
twelve sheets. Click on the first Sheet hold down the Shift Key and click on the last sheet (all the tabs turn
to white color in 2010 version, and the text of all the tabs appear in bold in 2013 version). This selects all
sheets and we can change them all at once.
Step 5: Go to View Tab – Show Group and uncheck the box of Gridlines (Ficha Vista – Grupo Mostrar –
Desactivar la opción de Líneas de Cuadricula). Now change the size of Column B, select column B give a
right click over it and select column Width in the box type 70 (Ancho de columna). Now the font size and
type, go to Home tab select a type of font and apply size 16 to column B and in Alignment Group select the
option of Wrap Text (Ajustar Texto)
Sheet1 your initials
Step 6: In sheet1 (the one with your initials). Select B6 and insert a hyperlink to an e-mail address
(dirección de correo electrónico) in e-mail address type: yourname@cudec.edu.mx and press the OK
button. Select the cell B9 and insert a Hyperlink to Place in this document (Lugar de este document) and
select Alarm and press the OK button. Select the cell B11 and insert and Hyperlink to a file or existing web
page (Archivo o página web Existente) and copy the following address http://www.magickeys.com/books/
and press the OK button.
Sheet2 Alarm
Step 7: Select cell B7 and insert a hyperlink to the sheet back2sleep. Select cell B8 and insert a hyperlink
to Get up sheet.
Sheet3 Back2sleep
Step 8: Select cell B8 and insert a hyperlink to the sheet Apology. Select B9 and insert a hyperlink to the
sheet Grumble. Select B13 and insert a hyperlink to Alarm sheet.
Sheet4 Get up
Step 9: Select B7 and insert a hyperlink to the sheet Pancakes. Select B8 and insert a hyperlink to the
sheet Cold. Select B14 and insert a hyperlink to Alarm sheet.
Sheet5 Apology
Step 10: Select B9 and insert a hyperlink to the sheet Pancakes. Select B10 and insert a hyperlink to the
sheet Cold. Select B13 and insert a hyperlink to Alarm sheet.
Sheet6 Grumble
Step11: Select B8 and insert a hyperlink to the sheet Pancakes. Select B9 and insert a hyperlink to the
sheet Cold. Select B13 and insert a hyperlink to Alarm sheet.
Sheet7 Pancakes
Step12: Select B9 and insert a hyperlink to the sheet Yes. Select B10 and insert a hyperlink to the sheet
No. Select B13 and insert a hyperlink to Alarm sheet.
Sheet8 Cold
Step 13: Select B8 and insert a hyperlink to the sheet Remembered. Select B9 and insert a hyperlink to
the sheet Forgot. Select B12 and insert a hyperlink to Alarm sheet.
Sheet9 Remembered
Step 14: Select B9 and insert a hyperlink to Alarm sheet.
Sheet10 Forgot
Step 16: Select B9 and insert a hyperlink to Alarm sheet.
Sheet11 Yes
Step 17: Select B9 and insert a hyperlink to Alarm sheet.
Sheet12 No
Step 18: Select B10 and insert a hyperlink to Alarm sheet.
Step 19: Apply a different fill color to each sheet. (Select all the sheet give a click in the
interjection of the Columns and Rows Headers, then go to Home Tab and in Font group
select the Fill Color tool and select a color)

Step 20: Now you can read the tale giving clicks to the hyperlinks and giving different endings to the
Step21: Save your file and attach it as answer to the task.

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