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Elladon City – Republic Capital

Sector House: Sector Ranger Quim Alcazar – Human male, diligent but out of his depth
Town Jail: Marshal Plee Quom – Sullustan male, drunk, war hero, technically manages 4
The Bantha’s Tusk (bar and hotel): Mayor Sudukun – Devaronian female, cowardly, under
Horsa’s thumb
Pom’s Place (quiet bar): Pom Bibb – Bith male, surly, quick with a blaster
The Twisted Z (swoop circuit): Tal Horsa – Human male, crime boss of Elladon, ex-racer,
basically rules the town, running protection rackets, selling drugs (Zip), and running the book
on swoop races. He has his own fortified annexe at the Twisted Z, and has 10 goons within
easy call most of the time. Has many other employees. Knows about Qan Gindoch’s swamp
moon base. Horsa is willing to switch sides to the Empire, but will help the Republic if it
seems the better offer. Gamorrean arms dealer who likes poetry works for Horsa.
The Bottoms: slum area under Horsa’s thumb – all property is now owned by him at
swingeing rents.

Sillutama – Republic Settlement

Franzek Farm: Anders and Marta Franzek, humans, with three children. Their eldest son,
Tooma (aged 14), is angry at the Sith raids by Gordrukk’s guards and now Borries’ scouts.
The Forge: Raptatha, Wookie male.
The Great Garden: Nato Sumon, Ithorian male.

Sith Advance Recon Company Base – Sith Base

Commander: Storm-Leader Borries
Garrison: 80 total, 40 in situ at any one time
Vehicle Store: 2 skiffs, 4 speeder bikes, FA-1 Command Walker
4 watchtowers on perimeter wire
Minefields outside
Perimeter patrol

Mining Settlement #189 “Revan’s Last Turd” – Sith Settlement

Foreman: Gordrukk – Weequay male, violent and unimaginative. Commands 8 guards.
Provisioner: Mitry Fostal – Human female, looking to hire hunters to protect livestock from a
feral Duneclaw. Will surreptitiously help anyone who helps her.

Colony Hub #B17 – Sith Capital

Governor’s Mansion: Under-Moff Sutek Moros – Human male, arrogant, has been buying
arms from Qan Gindoch.
Gubernatorial Guard Barracks: Under-Leader Tarrosh – Human male, brave, woefully
inexperienced. Commands 12 militiamen and has an armoured speeder available for use.

District Attending Jedi Master: Serradi Mendala (female Cathari Jedi Master)
Circuit Attending Jedi Knight: Cel Savalas (male Mon Calamari Jedi Knight)
Circuit Resident Jedi Knight: Zev Navarr (male Mirialan Jedi Knight)
Padawan: Valsi Vikorr (male Hapan pilot)
Deputies: Eden’Vinul (female Twi’Lek gunslinger), 2V-SHD-N4 (factotum droid), Kai
Ardaan (female Miralukan bounty hunter)


(1) Protect Republic Settlers
(2) Attract Neutral Worlds
(3) Retrieve Artefacts

Story Arcs
*Ministral System; Blue Jatt is a petty warlord who has gained political authority on Little
Ministral and is subverting the government on Great Ministral. There are suspicions that his
personal troops have begun to infiltrate the security forces on Great Ministral.
*Elladon: An Imperial Special Reconnaisance Company has built a base on the planet,
presaging further direct military involvement. Republic Colonial Security are no match for
*Maida: No Jedi has visited the ruins of Maida for a thousand years, and even then the
surveys were cursory. Archaeological surveys are in order, with Jedi accompaniment.


*Mexnaen – Female Berrite Conwoman; Reward 1500; LS Miradon
*Qan Gindoch – Male Human Smuggler; Reward 3500; LS Smuggling Arms Elladon
*Trell’yar – Male Bothan Double Agent; Reward 6000; LS Tulchis
*Pendor Gyrr – Female Givin Counterfeiter; Reward 15000; LS Corellia & Cragnar’s Buckle
*Beyla Rus – Male Human Pirate; Reward 15000; LS Core-Miradon Hyperlane

Classic Adventures III: Death in the Undercity (?), Tatooine Manhunt

Classic Adventures IV: Relic, Cure
Classic Adventures V: Game Chambers of Questal (?)

Story Seeds/Plot Ideas

*Gravity well covering alien planet disappears, allowing first contact
*Bandit king takes over planet and threatens other planet in system
*Sith advance company has forced rule on neutral planet
*“retired” Jedi on dangerous jungle planet knows where Sith holocron is
*Planet with Sith holocron in temple complex
*neutral planet with powerful planetary defences willing to join whoever has the better food
*dead planet with ruins of ancient civilization
*Sith infiltrators on Republic base world

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