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Public Transportation

1. What’ s the most popular means of

On a daily basis: hằng ngày

1.5 transportation in your hometown? Ví dụ: On a daily basis, I operated au naturel.

It’s the bus, I would say. I see many students in my Affordable price /əˈfɔː.də.bəl praɪs/: mức giá phải

university going to school by bus on a daily basis(1), chăng, có thể chi trả được
simply because it’s cheap. You know, a bus ticket Ví dụ: They are meeting consumer demand for
fashionable products at affordable prices.
costs only around five thousand VND, such an
affordable price(2) for anyone who is living on a tight A tight budget: ngân sách hạn hẹp

Tight /taɪt/: eo hẹp

budget(3) and doesn’t have enough money to buy their Budget /ˈbʌdʒ.ɪt/: ngân sách
own vehicle. Ví dụ: I am on a tight budget.

2. How often do you take buses? To be overcrowded /ˌəʊ.vəˈkraʊ.dɪd/: đông nghịt,


I use the bus almost everyday because like I chật ních

said, it’s the cheapest way to get around eventhough Ví dụ: The prisons are overcrowded
it’s always overcrowded(4) and not verypunctual(5). To be punctual /ˈpʌŋk.tʃu.əl/: đúng giờ

Ví dụ: He’s fairly punctual

3. Do you prefer public transportation or private To get carsick /ɡet ˈkɑː.sɪk/: bị say xe

transportation? Ví dụ: If you know you are likely to get carsick, there are
I think a private vehicle is a better choice for me. several ways you can prevent it.
To be honest with you, I can get car-sick(6) easily. If I To travel a far distance: di chuyển khoảng cách xa

travel a far distance(7) by bus or coach,I will get a Travel /ˈtræv.əl/: di chuyển
Far /fɑːr/: xa
terrible headache and even vomit(8). Distance /ˈdɪs.təns/: khoảng cách
Ví dụ: Notably, men who travelled far distances for a job
obligation mainly stated travel for work.
To vomit /ˈvɒm.ɪt/: Nôn, buồn nôn

Ví dụ: He came home drunk and vomited all over the

kitchen floor.

4. Do you think people will drive more in the To deteriorate /dɪˈtɪə.ri.ə.reɪt/: Trở nên xấu hơn, tồi tệ

future? hơn
It’s hard to say about the future but I hope people Ví dụ: The political situation in the region has deterio-rated
will use more public transport instead ofcars and
motorbikes. Driving more just makes
the air quality deteriorate (1), which negatively affects
people’s health.

Mở rộng
Chủ đề tương tự: Travelling, holidays, driving
Nhóm chủ đề này thông thường có đề cập đến những câu hỏi về phương thức đi lại và dođó có thể
dùng chung ý tưởng về phương tiện giao thông.
Time allowance: 50 minutes
I. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.
an envelope a fork a journalist conversation scissors
a secret pilots parents a moustache a spoon

Example: These people are both your father and your mother. …….parents……….
1. A man can have this on his face above his upper lip. ……………………..
2. We use these to cut things. They are often made of metal and plastic. ……………………..
3. These people fly planes and travel round the world a lot. ……………………..
4. This is made of metal and we often use it with a knife. It isn't round. ……………………..
5. This is when two or more people talk to each other. ……………………..
6. This is something that you can’t tell anyone about. ……………………..
II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
7. Sam……………the newspaper and then he……………the plane to Chicago.
A. bought - was taking B. was buying - took
C. bought - took D. was buying - was taking
8. Which of the following month has 31 days?
A. October B. February C. June D. April
9. Neither the teacher nor the students……………about his absence.
A. knows B. know C. is knowing D. are knowing
10. Where are……………Mississippi River and Thames?
A. Ø - Ø B. Ø - the C. a - Ø D. the - the
11. Could you turn……………the music? The baby is sleeping.
A. away B. up C. down D. over
12. How many zeros are there in one hundred thousand?
A. four B. five C. six D. seven
13. Mike: "……………did you reach your destination?"
Jack: "Really late, at about midnight."
A. How often B. Where C. How long D. When
14. The faster Brian walks,……………
A. the more tired is he B. the more tired he gets
C. more tired he is D. he gets more tired
15.I……………make new friends since I moved here.
A. can’t B. am not able to C. couldn’t D. haven’t been able to
16. Which continent is the Sahara Desert located on?
A. Asia B. Europe C. Africa D. America
III. Complete this conversation between Linda and her cousin, Vince They are talking about cooking.
What does Vince say? Match sentences A-H with gaps 17-22. There are TWO extra sentences.
A. So do I! But I like it with chicken, eggs and cream E. I can cook pasta, that’s all.
too. F. Saturday’s better, Linda. Mum has to work on
B. Not long - you boil it in water for about ten Friday nights.
minutes. G. No, there'll only be your parents, my parents and
C. Is it? What do you need? Sue.
D. Yes, it will. I’ll check with Mum, but it’ll be OK, H. That’s a great idea. Shall we do that at our house
I’m sure. or at your house?

Linda: I’m learning to make cakes. Can you cook, Vince?

Vince: (17)……………
Linda: I can’t. How long does that take to cook?
Vince: (18)……………
Linda: That's quick! And do you have that with tomatoes and cheese? I love that!
Vince: (19) ……………
Linda: That sounds great! Why don’t we make a meal for everyone?
Vince: (20)……………
Linda: Let’s do it at your house. How about next Friday?
Vince: (21)……………
Linda: OK. You do the main course and I’ll make a chocolate cake. It’ll be fun!
Vince: (22)……………
Linda: I hope so!

IV. Read the following passage and choose the word in the box that best fits each of the blanks.

subject takes gives timetable language

necklace uniform sit tie write

I like going to school because I see my best friends there. All the students wear a (23)……………at my
school. It’s blue and it looks OK, but I don’t like wearing a (24)……………. It's so uncomfortable round my
We don't sit in the same classroom all day. We move for each lesson. I never remember what lesson I have
so I'm always looking at my (25)……………!
My favourite (26)……………is French. Our French teacher is really cool. We never sit at our desks all
lesson. We often get up and (27)……………on the board. We had a French exam last week. I was really happy
with my mark because I got 19/20.
I don’t like Histoiy very much. Our History teacher always (28)……………us lots of homework!
(Gold Experience A2 Workbook)
V. Read the following passage and decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F).
Whatever food you’re looking for - an-all-you-can-eat breakfast, a quick lunch, a romantic dinner - you'll
find it in San Francisco. The city is home to over 4,500 restaurants and eating places. And they’re not only for
tourists. On average, San Franciscans eat out 267 times a year.
You can eat food from anywhere in the world, from Afghan to Argentinian, and from Vietnamese to
vegetarian. With Mexican fast food, Italian bakenes, hundreds of Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean
restaurants, and in-and-out Japanese noodle shops, it’s possible to eat your way round the world during a single
San Francisco weekend.
And you don't find good food only in expensive restaurants. You can try great cooking in any number of
small eating places, where prices are low and reservations aren’t needed. Portions are often large, but you can
ask the restaurant to pack up anything you don’t eat so you can take it home. But wherever you eat, if you have
waiter service, don't forget to tip.
The exact amount you leave is up to you, but 15-20 percent of the bill is normal. An easy way to calculate
your tip is to double the sales tax (currently 8.5 per cent).
(New English File Pre-intermediate Workbooky)
29. San Francisco has the best restaurants in the US. ………………..
30. You can probably find food from your country in San Francisco. ………………..
31. There are a lot of Asian restaurants. ………………..
32. You don't need to make a reservation to eat in an expensive restaurant. ………………..
33. Portions of food in eating places are often large. ………………..
34. If your meal costs $100, you should leave a tip of $8.50. ………………..
VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
35. My father owns this car.
→ This is ………………………………………………………………………………
36.I have a lot of work, so I can't go out this evening.
→ If…………………………………………………………………………………….
37. What is the price of that camera?
→ How much………………………………………………………………………….
38. We have no time to prepare for trip.
→ We don't have ………………………………………………………………………
39. The bookstore is to the left of the bank.
→ The bank…………………………………………………………………………….
40.I have a plan to visit my grandparents next weekend.
→ I am …………………………………………………………………………………
VII. Write a paragraph (at least 50 words) to describe your favourite season. You may use the following
- What season is it?
- When does it begin and end?
- What is the weather like in this season?
- What do people usually do in this season

Time allowance: 50 minutes
I. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.

hobby enthusiasm passion likes interest

habit lifestyle obsession challenge police station

Example: You can go here for help if someone steals your money. …….police station…..
1. A person or thing that somebody thinks about too much. ……………………….
2. A thing that you do often and almost without thinking. ……………………….
3. The way in which a person lives and works. ……………………….
4. A strong feeling of excitement and interest in something and a desire to become involved in it.
5. A very strong feeling of liking something or an activity that you like very much.
6. An activity that you do for pleasure when you are not studying. ……………………….
II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
7. I didn't have much cash so I decided to pay…………cheque.
A. in B. on C. with D. by
8. There was a really…………queue outside the cinema.
A. large B. long C. wide D. broad
9. I got a big discount…………this table because it had a scratch on it.
A. with B. for C. to D. on
10. This DVD player doesn’t work. We'll have to…………it back to the shop.
A. return B. bring C. have D. take
11. What are you interested in if you study calligraphy?
A. Photography B. Drawing C. Hand writing D. Kite flying
12. Damir comes from Russia and Russian language is his mother………….
A. tongue B. mouth C. lip D. heart
13. The black swan is native to which country?
A. Italy B. New Zealand C. India D. Australia
14. Nguyen Thi Anh Vien is one of the most outstanding athletes in…………
A. swimming B. wrestling C. karate D. judo
15. Every week our family members have………….in the family reunion.
A. the good time B. a good time C. good time D. good times
16. What colour is a sapphire?
A. Blue B. Red C. Green D. Pink
III. Complete this conversation between Paula and Jim by matching sentences A-H with gaps 17-22.
There are TWO extra sentences.
A. It isn’t too bad at the moment but it will get E. What a shock!
worse F. Maybe you should consult one more doctor.
B. I suppose it’s quite easy to treat. G. How are things with you?
C. What a crazy thing to me! H. What did the doctor say?
D. I need to improve my diet a bit.
Paula: Hi, Jim. How are you feeling?
Jim: Well, not bad. I went to the doctor yesterday - I got an appointment straightaway.
Paula: Really? That’s good. (17)…………
Jim: I'm anaemic - that’s why I've been feeling too tired.
Paula: Oh, that s terrible! Discovering you're anaemic, (18) …………
Jim: To be honest, it doesn't bother me, I was worried it might hi: something more serious.
Paula: Mmm, (19)…………
Jim: Well, I have to take some tables for a while, and 1 need to eat more food with iron in it, so obviously,
Paula: Mmm. Personally, I think diet is so important.
Jim: We’re right, and I haven't paid enough attention to mine.
Anyway, enough about me. (21)………….
Paula: Mmm, we're all fine, but my grandmother's getting worse. She's got dementia.
Jim: Oh, how awful! I'm so sorry.
Paula: Thanks. (22) …………. By the way, did you see that TV programme the other day about caring for the
IV. Read the following sentences and choose the word in the box that best fits each of the blanks.

washedfurious cultural lovely

wealthy cowardly funny creative

23. He comes from quite a …………. family so he doesn't have to worry about money.
24. I thought it was really …………. of him to blame the others for what had happened. He was afraid of
being punished!
25. Puppies are very …………. but they are also a lot of work to look after.
26. People say museums are a good way of preserving our………….heritage.
27. His boss was absolutely …………. when he got to work late and missed an important meeting.
28. Sonia is so ………….. She paints, designs her own clothes and makes beautiful jewellery.
V. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
One of the rarest flowering plants in the world, the Snowdonia hawkweed, grows wild only in Snowdonia
National Park in northern Wales. The region is rocky and mountainous, and the air is cool and damp. The
Snowdonia hawkweed prefers this habitat. In fact, it grows nowhere else in the world. It is even picky about
where it grows in the park.
Snowdonia hawkweed is about 11 inches tall. Its bright yellow blossoms have thin petals with ragged edges.
The Snowdonia hawkweed may not be the most beautiful plant in the world, but it is a favorite snack of sheep.
In 1953, the Snowdonia hawkweed disappeared. People feared that the plant was gone forever. They
believed that sheep grazing on the land had eaten the last few plants. So, the people who ran the park removed
the sheep from the area, hoping that the hawkweed might return. Forty-nine years later, a group of plant
scientists found the yellow flowers blooming in one spot in the park. The hawkweed had returned!
Scientists collected seeds from the plant in case it disappeared again. But since 2002, the rare plant has
continued to bloom in the park.
(adapted from Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 5)
29. Which phrase best describes the climate of Snowdonia National Park?
A. cold and snowy B. hot and dry C. cool and damp D. warm and
30. Which group of people would probably care most hawkweed disappeared?
A. scientists who study plants
B. farmers who graze their sheep In the mountains
C. scientists who study rare birds and insects
D. visitors who enjoy hiking in the mountains
31. From the passage, you can conclude that Snowdonia hawkweed……………..
A. is the most beautiful plant in the world
B. grows like a weed in northern Wales
C. was always rare
D. will never be seen again in the wild
32. Which adjective best describes how people felt when Snowdonia hawkweed was found in 2002?
A. curious B. disappointed C. concerned D. thrilled
33. The underlined word "grazing” can be defined as ……………..
A. eating grass in fields B. bathing in a river
C. roaming around the village D. walking over the hills
34. The underlined word “it” refers to……………..
A. the hawkweed B. the seed C. the park D. the land
VI. Rewrite the second sentence using the given word(s) so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Write between THREE and FIVE words including the given words.
35. The idea of flying can be frightening for some people. (BY)
→ Some people………………………………………………………the idea of flying
36. I got the information about the scholarship from a friend of mine. (HEARD)
→I ………………………………………………………the scholarship from a friend of mine.
37. I thought his behavior was very smart. (BEHAVED)
→ I thought he………………………………………………………way.
38. He used a penknife to open the box. (OPENED)
→He………………………………………………………a penknife.
39. I like Jim because he's so kind. (WHY)
→ Jim's kindness ………………………………………………………I like him.
40. I don't think I’ll ever find it easy to eat with chopsticks. (USED)
→ I don't think I’ll ever………………………………………………………chopsticks.
VII. Write a paragraph (at least 80 words) to explain how you help your family at home. You may use
the following suggestions.
- When do you help your family?
- What do you do to help your family?
- How do you feel when you help your family?

Time allowance: 50 minutes
I. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.

a key money universities a belt a swan

magazines a shelf a storm ice a swing

Example: You need this to buy things in shops ………money………..

1. This is something you usually find on a wall. We can put books on it. ……………………….
2. This is a large white bird with a long neck. You often see it on rivers or lakes. ……………………….
3. This is very bad weather when there is a lot of wind, rain or snow. ……………………….
4. People often read these to find out about their favourite singers or actors. ……………………….
5. You wear this so that your trousers don't fall down. ……………………….
6. These are places where people can study after they finish high school. ……………………….

II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

7. Which of the following is the biggest sea animal?
A. Blue whale B. Dolphin C. Shark D. Penguin
8. His brother gave him a new pair of…………….on his last birthday.
A. leather black: Italian walking shoes
B. Italian black leather shoes walking
C. leather Italian black shoes walking
D. black Italian leather walking shoes

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